1977-36 Approving The Borough Assessor's Tabulation Of Taxes Assessed On Property Belonging To Persons Who Qualify For The State Of Alaska Senior Citizen Property Tax Program, AS 29.53.020 (e).A RESOLUTION OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY APPROVING THE BOROUGH ASSESSOR'S TABULATION OF TAXES ASSESSED ON PROPERTY BELONGING TO PERSONS WHO QUALIFY FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA SENIOR CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX PROGRAM, AS 29.53.020 (e). WHEREAS, the Kodiak Island Borough Assessor has completed a Certified Summary Tabulation of data required by the State of Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Local Government Assistance, of taxes assessed on property belonging to, and being used as resi- dences of, persons, who qualify for the State of Alaska Senior Citizen Property Tax Program, AS 29.53.020 (e), and WHEREAS, the total Kodiak Island Borough taxes listed, including the City of Kodiak tax levy and Service District levys, are in the amount of Twenty -six Thousand, Five Hundred Fifty and 91/100 Dollars ($26,550.91), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly that it approved the Certified Summary Tabulation. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August , 1977. ATTEST: r Borough C'drk- Treasurer KODIAK ISLAND RESOLUTION NO. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH By Presiding Officer BOROUGH 77 -36 -R Bp'o gh Mayor Pro - Tempos e 1, Ed. Haney Sr., Borough Assessor, do hereby certify that the Assessing Clerk has submitted a tabulation of Property tax revenue that has not been collected from the individuals due to their participation in the 1977 State of Alaska Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption Program, As 29,53.020 (e) and that the total tax revenue thereof is in the sum of Twenty Six Thousand Five Hundred fifty and 91/100 Dollars (26,550.91). The tabulation aforesaid is attached hereto and made a part of this certification. ATTEST: / 'hi.rley Miller, Borough Clerk Ed Haney Sr., Ass'ssor