1979-62 Summons To Action For Reform Of The Juvenile Justice System.'l 1 1 ! 1 J 1 i I A RESOLUTION FOR SUMMONS TO ACTION FOR REFORM OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. WE, the Borough Assembly of the Kodiak Island Bor along with the citizens of our community, are frustrated and resentfyd of the growing failure of our juvenile justice I system to deter crime and to punish criminals. We believe that this failure, particularly in the area of juvenile justice, has resulted in a serious loss of faith in the ability . of our institutions to insure the simple order that is the necessary prerequisite for preservation of indiv- idual rights and freedoms. We fear that many of our people will abandon their traditional reliance on the rules of law and either retreat behind locked doors l and personal weapons or resort to vigilante solutions to neighborhood crime. We assert that nothing less than fundamental reform of the Alaska Juvenile Justice System will restore e people's confidence in the rule of law - ,and the ability of our traditional fo ns of government to provide security for the law- abiding citizen. �. We urgently solicit the attention of those with power to affect change. While we are not lawyers,: criminologists, sociologists or otherwise expert in crime and punishment, ( a as elected local government officials are closer to the people and feel tTiat we hear their message sooner and clearer. This is what we hear: KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 79 -62 -R Dissatisfaction Li4 th the status quo is so advanced that changes should be attem ed even if proposed solutions or new ideas are not perfectly colic ed and certain of success. In other words, DO SOMETHING. People wil s port the tax effort necessary to fund true reform of the syst m t deeply resent the continued tax support of a system that jus t of working. Specifically, more emphasis should be placed on ention and restitution and particularly more facilities, for juveni ffenders and less on probation. Reform sh d phasize the positive power of work as a practical solution o the related problems of idleness and crime. There is nothing c el or unusual with good hard work. While work programs are still available, the courts tend to refrain from utilizing this means of rehabilitation. People ant support for the victims of crime, witnesses, jurists and! other 'tizens to bolster the effort to control crime without the compen.ation received by the professionals. The ai ministration of justice should be flexible and responsive to proper local concerns. Local crime should be locally adjudicated by j dges who are elected locally rather than regionally. Si pier and swifter procedures commensurate with the seriousness of 1 e violation are badly needed. TALENTED, CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS CAPABLE OF I VISING A SYSTEM THAT WORKS. ENERGY , BE DIRECTED TO THAT TASK RATHER THAN ATTEMPTED TO PLACE BLAME FOR THE CURRENT SHORTCOMINGS. BY IN LARGE, TH ' INCUMBENCE OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM, JUDGES, PROSECUTORS, PRISON OFFICI& AND PROBATION OFFICERS ENDEAVOR TO DO DIFFICULT WORK WITH DEDICATION AND /NTEGRITY. PUBLIC ANGER SHOULD ONLY BE DI- RECTED AT THOSE WHO RESIST NECESSARY CHANGE OUT OF HABIT OR SPECIAL INTEREST. We pledge our eff //ort and support of reform. We urgently solicit the aid of our fellow borougg , our legislators and all others with a power to 'make a difference in this 'Wort to restore a sense of safety and security to V The Borough Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of this document I !to the Govenor of the S• e of Alaska, borough's throughout the State of Alaska, 'the Alaska Municipal L - •u e, federal and state legislators, and all other in- dividuals and organiza ons able to assist in this effort. ;;our communities. By: By: Kodiak Island Borough Resolution No. 79 -62 -R Page 2 1 i s Major and heinous crimes committed by juveniles should be more readily tried as adult crimes, with punishments extending beyond the nineteenth year of age. It is intolerable for a convicted murderer to walk the streets after two years or less in prison be- cause he happened to have been a juvenile when he committed the crime. .alcoholism among juveniles and adults in pu is places should be considered as a violation of common decen and made subject to police enforcement if not only for the b nefit of the general public's health and welfare, but for t e welfare of the individual involved. WE CONCLUDE WITH AN OPTIMISTIC BEEF THAT WE HAVE IN OUR MIDST ATTEST: PASS KODIAK ISLAND BOROj H Borough Clerk APPROVED this day of , 1979. By: Bor. gh Mayor Assemblyman semblyman Assemblyman Assemblyman Assemblyman Assemblyman Assemblyman