1982-13 Establishing Chapter 2.23, Borough Manager, of the KIB Code of OrdinancesKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 82 -13_0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH, KODIAK, ALASKA ESTABLISHING HAPTER 2.23, BOROUGH MANAGER, OF TITLE 2 OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH CODE OF RDINANCES. The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly hereby ordains that Chapter 2.23, orough Manager, is hereby established and enacted to read as follows: Chapter 2.23 BOROUGH MANAGER ections: 2.23.010 Borough Manager 2.23.020 Duties 2.23.010 Borough Manager. The Borough Manager shall be appointed by the orough Assembly and serve at their pleasure. He may be hired under a contract hich details the relationship between the Manager and the Assembly. 2.23.020 Duties. The Borough Manager as the chief administrative officer, s responsible for the proper administration of all Borough affairs. The Manager f the Borough shall: A. Appoint Borough employees and administrative officers, except as other- wise provided by this Code; he may hire necessary administrative assistants as authorized by budget and appoint, suspend, or remove subordinates; B. Suspend or remove by written order Borough employees or administrative officers except as provided otherwise in this Code; C. Supervise enforcement of Borough laws; D. Prepare the annual budget and capital improvement programs for the Assembly; E. Execute the budget and capital improvement program as adopted; F. Make monthly reports to the Assembly on Borough finances and operations; G. Report to the Assembly at the end of each fiscal year on the finances and administrative activity of the Borough; H. Prepare and make available for public distribution an annual report on Borough affairs; I. Serve as Borough personnel officer unless the Assembly authorizes him , to appoint a personnel officer; ATTEST: By J. Direct and supervise the administration of: a. the function of all Borough officers and employees except as provided otherwise in this Title; b. the care and custody of all Borough buildings and of all real anu personal property of the Borough, except as provided otherwise by! AS 29.33.050; c. the construction, maintenance and operation of all Borough roads, bridges, drains, buildings, and other public works; K. Execute other powers and duties specified by Alaska Law or lawfully prescribed by the Assembly; L. The Borough Assembly shall designate by resolution a Borough administra- tive officer to act as Manager during the Manager's absence or disability. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and adoption. Borough Cle PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of March KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH , 1982. First Reading, Approval Date: February 4, 1982 Second Reading, Public Hearing, Approval Date: March 4, 1982 Effective Date: March 4, 1982 Recommended By: Borough Manager