02/23/2010 Regular Meeting PARKS RECREATION COMMITTE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2 MAR 1 1 2010 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER BOROUGH CLERK'S OFFICE VICE CHAIR FOREMAN called to order the February 23, 2010 Parks Recreation meeting at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Committee members present were Pam Foreman, Jeff Huntley, Patrick Saltonstall, Andy Schroeder, Sandra West, and Willy Bethea. Excused were Mike Sirofchuck, Rick Lindholm, and Hans Tschersich. Community Development Department staff present was Bud Cassidy and Sheila Smith. A quorum was established. COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL MOVED to excuse Mike Sirofchuck, Rick Lindholm and Hans Tschersich. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROVAL OF AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBER BETHEA MOVED to approve the agenda. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COMMITTEE MEMBER WEST MOVED to postpone adopting the February 9th minutes until the next meeting. j VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY j+ VICE CHAIR FOREMAN said once these are approved they should be posted on the trails plan website. AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS Skip Bolton stated he teamed up with West in a longstanding effort to get a bike path. He thought it would be a good idea to have a bike path tying in the whole Bells Flats area into the base and town. There are so many concerns about safety about hikers, bikers, and walkers to have a place to move about. It would be a tremendous tourism draw; a terrific place for people getting off the cruise ship to walk. About 5 years ago he took Don Young sport fishing when Young asked him what he could do for Kodiak so Bolton suggested a bike path. Young was head of the DOT and he said he just appropriated $10 million for bike paths around Coast Guard bases. By the time that was checked out the money was gone. Everything starts with an idea and a plan and there may not be any money at the moment but once you have a plan and an idea of what the cost is you can continue to move forward. OLD BUSINESS A) Trails Plan Cassidy stated hats off to Smith for the minutes. We all want to synthesize what was talked about at that meeting both the consultant as well as you folks. It was a great turnout with over Page 1 of 5 Cassidy said the bike path projects haven't been on the Assembly's list but it is on the P &Z CIP list. It hasn't risen to the Assembly level. Staff was directed to connect with Rob Greene to see if he has a recommendation on who we need to talk to and set them up to meet with us in March. C) Borough Strategic Plan Cassidy said we've provided the Strategic Plan to give you a comprehensive look at what the Assembly is looking at for this time period. It sets the workload for staff and we are building our budgets based on this vision. It tells you what the Assembly wants you to look at. Committee discussion. VICE CHAIR FOREMAN said we've never been able to successfully get enough money to have a Parks Rec employee. We need to figure out ways to partner with the city, state, or private entities to get a bike path built, to get some of these other opportunities done. COMMITTEE MEMBER BETHEA stated he reads our section of the strategic plan as we should be trying to work with the city to get some of these things going. These kids just don't have anything to do here and there's a lot of potential if we can throw some of this at our trails ideas. He suggested getting some of the trails identified and then have some races. He would love the opportunity to go across island on the trails and maybe turn that into our own Iditarod or a race of some type to get people doing things other than drugs. COMMUNICATIONS Cassidy said one of the P &Z cases is to look at an investigation of the Karluk Drainage and maybe come up with a zoning category that will allow for development of the drainage into recreational options. We're hoping that the refuge and Koniag will come to a work session to discuss the plans already out there. The goal is to educate the commission on what exists out there and at the same time Koniag has some plans so bringing the two parties together to talk about what it is that Koniag has in store. The goal is to educate folks about the Karluk Drainage, who has authority, and what the authorities are, and what planning processes are already in place. During discussion COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL expressed we just wanted to make sure there aren't any large hotels going up. COMMITTEE MEMBER JANZ said part of P &Z's concern is there's more on the horizon so we wanted to be informed and hopefully affect what happens. In response to VICE CHAIR FOREMAN'S inquiry of where the code revision is at, Cassidy replied March 15th is the RFP deadline. P &Z will review the proposals, then narrow them down, and then conduct interviews. In response to VICE CHAIR FOREMAN'S inquiry of whether Parks Rec is a stakeholder in this, Cassidy stated once we have someone on board and decide which way you want to go when it comes time for subdivision code revisions or permitted uses in the Public Use Lands zone or Natural Use zone. REPORTS The next Parks Recreation meetings are: March 9, 2010 and March 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the KIB School District Conference Room COMMITTEE MEMBER JANZ said she will not be in town on March 9th. Page 3 of 5 Cassidy will email the manager and cc you so you know that it's moving up. Part of the issue is if we had the trailheads and parking area signs and those kinds of things in places where there are trails then it would be obvious. Jeff Huntley expressed concern and said part of the problem is there are people who hear gunshots and immediately they think they're being shot at. People say they had bullets zinging all around them but bullets don't zing. He thinks there is some education on both sides of this. Pam Foreman stated we should invite Ian Fulp and his staff to sit down before summer starts to do some strategic planning with Fulp about things we may be able to partner on. She said we always seem to be doing the CIP at the last minute before it has to go to the Assembly so she just wants to start the process sooner this year. The committee directed Cassidy to invite Fulp to a meeting in March or April to talk about things that the city is working on that the borough may be able to partner on; ball fields, bike paths, BMX opportunities, and the like. XII. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY MOVED to adjourn. VICE CHAIR FOREMAN adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. KODIAK IS A D BOROUGH PARKS RECR COMMITTEE By: hike irof huck, Chair ATTEST By: On Cclnn Sheila Smith, Secretary Approved: March 9, 2010 Page 5 of 5