01/26/2010 Regular Meeting FEB 1 7 2010 PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 26, 2010 7:0 TROUGH CLERK'S OFFICE KIB SCHOOL DISTRICT CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL called to order the January 26, 2010 Parks & Recreation regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Committee members present were Hans Tschersich, Jeff Huntley, Patrick Saltonstall, Andy Schroeder, Rick Lindholm, Sandra West, and Willy Bethea. Ex Officio members present were Dave Kaplan, Peggy Rauwolf, and Brent Watkins. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY MOVED to excuse Mike Sirofchuck, Pam Foreman, Sandra West (arrived at 7:10 pm), and Casey Janz. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Peggy Rauwolf arrived. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY MOVED to approve the agenda. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COMMITTEE MEMBER BETHEA MOVED to approve the January 12, 2010 Parks & Recreation regular meeting minutes. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS Chris Kouremetis, Justin Horn, Jascha Zbitnoff, Sean Rauwolf, Corey Brandal, Joe Rauwolf, and Monte Nugent attended the meeting to gain more information on the Trails Plan. Jascha Zibitnoff said he wants to be more informed of what is going on with the trails. Peggy Rauwolf said she asked them all to come so they know and understand what is going on. The committee explained the Trails Plan process and stated they should come to the February 9th meeting. They emphasized that what we come up with will determine what we get back from you, the public and ourselves, and we need your input. Cassidy told them if they have a GPS we have the ability to transfer GPS information onto the map if you are interested in GPSing any trails. The consultants will be meeting with user groups all day on February 9th in the Assembly Chambers. Smith provided the public present with flyers for the February 9th meeting and the Trails Plan Project website address. - - - Pagel -_— - - - - -- - - - -- -- Y 1 The committee emphasized that the Trails Plan will try to work out any conflicts of trail users, and requested they help get the word out. COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL encouraged the public present to go onto the Trails Project website to sign up for email updates. OLD BUSINESS A) Trails Plan Discussion on trails, possible easements, getting the word out, preparing for the February 9th meeting, and any questions for the consultants. In response to HUNTLEY'S inquiry of whether the consultants have approached any land owners yet, Cassidy stated he thinks their goal is strictly putting together the map right now. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY stated so they haven't gone to land owners then. In response to COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL'S inquiry of is the mapping of trails done, COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHROEDER said they probably have forty miles done and they're still at it, and they'll need the summer. The committee explained what the consultants want as far as GPSing trails. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications. REPORTS The next Parks & Recreation Committee meetings will be on February 9, 2010 and February 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the KIB School District Conference Room AUDIENCE COMMENTS There were no audience comments. COMMITTEE MEMBER'S COMMENTS Brent Watkins thanked everyone for coming tonight. Andy Schroeder asked the group that came tonight if they are snowmachiners, ATV riders, skiers or what. They said they do it all, 4 wheel, snow machine, hike, hunt, fish, etc. Jeff Huntley was glad everyone showed up tonight. Sandra West thanked everyone for coming, get some more input. Peggy Rauwolf thanked everyone for coming. Dave Kaplan said he brought the signage issue for White Sands to the Assembly and the media was there. It is a concern and the public needs to hear about it. - Page 2 - -- - The group of young men stated that shooter's or hunter's ed in the high school would cut down a lot of that. Patrick Saltonstall said we were talking about doing it at the Coast Guard. Sandra West said the KISA range at Salonie Creek is open to the public but the gate is not open. You can use that anytime because it's borough land but you can't drive in without the key. Patrick Saltonstall said we don't know the answers to this but we did discuss we don't want to shut everything down to shooting either. We're mostly trying to do education. Jeff Huntley said when this came up and what we passed on was a suggestion that we try some signage and he didn't realize that the borough is going to make it an ordinance. Cassidy said we haven't yet but that's the discussion with the manager. I Jeff Huntley said so it's gone past our saying "let's try some signs." Cassidy said the signs are pretty basic, he thinks it's the penalties and such. Jeff Huntley said then it becomes a law. Patrick Saltonstall said every time he was almost shot the people was really bummed out and they didn't know any better so he thinks signs and education might work. Rick Lindholm thanked everyone and said you are the ones making the difference. Patrick Saltonstall said the plan will enable access for all users. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY MOVED to adjourn. COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PARKS & REC EATION COMMITTEE Ott �Zl�l ike S' ofchuck, it ATTEST By: ( 01eAQQ Sheila Smith, Secretary APPROVED: February 9, 2010 -- - -- - Page 3