02/15/2008 Regular Meeting Kodiak Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting February 15, 2008 Room 129, Kodiak College 9:13 AM to 11:38 PM Committee Members Present: Jim Hamilton - Charter/Lodge Oliver Holm - ADFG Advisory Committee Hunter Berns - Salmon/Herring Net Vessels Jack Maker - City of Kodiak Position (Non Voting) Alexus Kwachka - Small Longline Vessels Duncan Fields - NPFMC Member (Non Voting) Jeff Stephan - Large Pot Vessels Norm Mullan - Small Pot Vessels Steve Branson - Crewmembers Chris Holland - Large Longline Vessels Matt Moir - NPFMC Advisory Board (Non Voting) Alan Austerman - Citizen at Large Dave Woodruff - Small Processors Mike Martin - NPFMC Advisory Board (Non Voting) Agenda Items: e~ !":~/< " i . " ;.../: . , ,'I / j''; / (, '. "',,- ........,....... .',,- ;:/"8 -?? -?008 , ' it' " . I -,~ February NPFMC Meeting · Sector Splits The effect of removing LLP's licenses from the Gulf of Alaska fisheries on Kodiak community was discussed. It was mentioned that everyone needs to familiarize themselves with the Gulf sector split and LLP document to be able to have a solid discussion. · BSAI Crab rationalization Linda Freed gave a brief report on the council meeting. Freed mentioned that the council is looking at Crab with three parallel processes. There is the three-year review program that will look at what the Crab Fishery looked like before the program was put into place and what it looks like after three years after. The third piece is analyzes of the 90/10 share split. Crab committee's next meeting is March 2nd. Freed also made a draft resolution for the council's consideration. · Rockfish pilot program Julie Bonney was not present to give a report. Kate McGauley reported that Julie Bonney did give a presentation in front of the SSC. 10am Presentation by Dr. Bob Foy, NOAA Fisheries Dr. Bob Foy gave a Power Point Presentation on Ocean Acidification. 1 June NPFMC Meeting in Kodiak (events planned?) Julie was not present to give an update on the process of the event planning. Alexus Kwachaka volunteered to follow up on the event planning. The Kodiak Wild Refuge Center was suggested as a location to host the event. Letter re mgt of Jig fishery under proposed sector split options The letter explains the options available to the Jig fishery regarding the sector split. Committee Comments Jim Hamilton - Believes that it is very important for people to put a face and a name to LLP's to be able to tell who is being talked about in discussions. Alan Austerman - Expressed how important it is to be informed about LLP. He also added that hopefully everyone would be up to speed on LLP so that it'll be a focus of discussion next meeting. Hunter Berns - Thanked everyone for being present at the meeting and watching Dr. Bob's presentation. Alexus Kwachaka - Expressed his concerns on the removable of LLP issue. Alexus feels that SB1: 13 will have a huge impact on this community and is an issue that also needs to be discussed. Dave Woodruff - Apologized for missing the January meeting. He also announced that his son Michael would be taking his place. Jack Maker - Commended Linda on her efforts on the Crab committee. He would like to have more input on NPFMC's proposals. Duncan Fields - Realizes that the Crab Issue needs to be prioritized. The April and June NPFMC meetings will be heavily focused on the BSAI Crab Issues. Next Meeting: March 14th 9:00 - Noon 2