09/12/2006 Regular Meeting KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PARKS & RECREATION COMMIT REGULAR MEETING-SEPTEMBER 1 MINUTES rt))fL~;~~ ~~ ~ NO\ I 0 c~v3 1[11) E<--~ "H Cll'";''' nFFICE J "im:JU- CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by CHAIR SIROFCHUCK on September 12, 2006 in the Borough Conference Room. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE Present Absent Excused Others Present MEMBERs Hans Tschersich X Duane Dvorak Jeff Huntley LATE Community Development Kevin Foster X Zoe Pierson Mike Sirofchuck-Chair X Community Development Pam Foreman X Patrick Saltonstall X Andy Schroeder LATE Vacant Vacant Ex-Officio Members Wayne Biessel X Ian Fulp X Barbara Williams X Roy Brown X Scott Arndt X A quorum was established. APPROVAL OF AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN MOVED TO APPROVE the agenda as presented. The motion was SECONDED by COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL, and it CARRIED 5-0. [COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHROEDER arrived.] MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN noted that a typographical error occurred on Page 6, approximately half-way down the page, and that text was typed as "COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN in discussion ofthe motion his truly. . ." but 'his' should instead have been typed as 'this'. COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL pointed out that on Page 5, he is identified as "Commissioner" whereas he is actually a COMMITTEE September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 1 of9 MEMBER. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN thereafter moved to approve the Minutes of Meeting of August 22,2006, along with the changes noted, and the motion was seconded by COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL., and it CARRIED 7-0. AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to speak, and having no response to his query, he noted the presence of the Borough's Engineering and.Facilities Director, Bud Cassidy, and asked ifhe would like to speak. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK explained that given that parks are facilities, Director Cassidy was attending the meeting at his invitation to act "as a resource" regarding Case No. 07-007 (see "Old Business", below) since his department oversees the Borough's parks. OLD BUSINESS A) Kodiak Island Borough Capital Improvements Project ("CIP") List. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK to explain to the Committee the action expected of them at this stage with regard to this matter. The ACTING DIRECTOR stated that the Committee has not yet made a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission with regard to the CIP list, noting that the Commission would review the CIP list and any recommendations received and then forward its recommendation to the Assembly, that the Commission would be reviewing this matter at their work session scheduled for the following night (September 13, 2006) and that this was the Committee's last opportunity to provide any input to the list. After general discussion of the list's mechanics and the Borough's procedure, the ACTING DIRECTOR drew the Committee's attention to the Women's Bay Boat Ramp and Parking project, and the Committee turned its attention to three projects: Women's Bay, Monashka Bay and Pasagshak Boat Ramp and Parking projects. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN reminded the Committee that a motion had been made and carried at the last meeting to advise the Planning & Zoning Commission to increase the Economic Benefits, Health and Quality of Life scores of the Monashka Bay and Pasagshak boat ramp projects. The ACTING DIRECTOR advised the Committee that the clearest form of communication of this recommendation would be to forward amended scores to the Planning & Zoning Commission. After a lengthy discussion ofthe scoring system and the scores already in place for the three boat ramp projects, COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN moved that the scores for the Monashka Bay, Pasagshak and Woman's Bay Boat Ramp and Parking projects be raised to '3' for "Economic Benefits" and '3' for "Health and Quality of Life". COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL seconded the motion. CHAIR SIROFCHUK authorized a roll call vote. The roll was read, and the motion was carried unanimously, 7-0. Pursuant to a COMMITTEE MEMBER's question during the discussion of Economic Benefits, Health and Quality of Life, CHAIR SIROFCHUK directed the Committee's attention to the "Public Support and Safety" for the three projects' scores. CHAIR SIROFCHUK moved that the scores under September 12,2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 2 of9 l "" I "Public Support" and "Safety" for the Pasagshak Boat Ramp and Parking project be increased to '3'. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN seconded the Motion. Upon COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN's question regarding the length oftime during which the Pasagshak Boat Ramp and Parking project had been on the CIP list, ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK asked DIRECTOR CASSIDY to speak to this question and review the Borough's procedures with regard to the CIP list. DIRECTOR CASSIDY explained funding sources among other things and advised the Committee to "give it their best shot". General discussion of the safety of landings and sailing experience's influence on recreational users followed Director Cassidy's presentation. CHAIR SIROFCHUK authorized a roll call vote on the motion made and seconded, and it carried unanimously, 7-0. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there were any further issues to be discussed with regard to the CIP list, and COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN pointed out that the baseball and softball field projects lacked pricing. There was a general discussion, including participation by DIRECTOR CASSIDY, of pricing in general and in particular with regard to funding several projects. CHAIR SIROFCHUK directed all those present who maintain contact with the backers ofthe baseball/softball field projects to urge them to step forward with specific information. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there were any further issues to be discussed with regard to the CIP list, and COMMITTEE MEMBER TSCHERSICH drew the Committee's attention to the "Safety" score for the bike path extensions project. After discussion which concluded that the project is a study which does not yet affect "Safety", CHAIR SIROFCHUCK asked if the Committee had anything else to add to the discussion. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN drew the Committee's attention to the BaranofPark Track and Field Replacement project. A general discussion regarding those projects which fall within the City's or both the City's and Borough's purview ensued. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there were any further comments with regard to the CIP list, specifically addressing Director Cassidy, who stated that he was leaving the meeting as he had offered the information he had. The Committee thanked him as he left. CHAIR SIROFCHUK concluded the discussion by reminding those present that the Planning and Zoning Commission would be reviewing the CIP list on September 13, 2006, and that he encouraged COMMITTEE MEMBERs with information to provide to the Commission to attend this meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Case No. S06-011. CHAIR SIROFCHUK directed the Committee's attention to Case No. S06-011. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK introduced the matter, stating that he was not sure that it falls under the purview of the Parks and Recreation Committee. While presenting a full-size map of the preliminary plat to the Committee, he explained the preliminary approval had already been granted, that Mr. Stratman, the agent, had proposed a 60-foot wide access and utility easement which ties in with the Chiniak Highway-Pasagshak Road intersection September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 3 of9 l ... ! which creates a four-way intersection and which goes to the back of the subdivision. He noted that the proposal contains a flag stem ostensibly for Lot No. 2 but which potentially could be used by Lots 1,2 and 3 since there is no specific statement regarding its use and that staff had recommended as a condition for approval that the owner be required, in the case of further subdivision of the adjoining property, owned by Lesnois, at Borough request, to convert it to a dedication, thereby facilitating the creation of a Service District, since the Borough is unable to create a Service District without a public right-of way. Thus, the staff was attempting to ensure that should further subdivision of the area occur, public right-of-way could be established, providing a mechanism for collective road maintenance. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK, noting that the Committee may be aware of the following, stated that Mr. Stratman has an adversarial relationship with Lesnois and strenuously objected to this condition for approval. However, he did not make his objection known until after the appeal period following the original placement ofthe condition on the plat had elapsed. He has since applied for an amendment of the plat which would remove this condition. Currently, access can be used by another subdivider regardless of the public right-of-way issue; staffs perspective merely had been that this particular easement, given its direct link to the existing intersection, would be the most suitable location for a public right-of-way. IfMr. Stratman cuts off this access altogether, any other subdivision in the area would have to create access running by the Kalsin Bay Pond site or Lot 7, which is substantially lower and is on the mountainside. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK explained that Mr. Stratman was threatening to combine Lots 1 and 2 together, losing a lot, rather than provide access to land beyond his. He noted that although the matter is mostly outside of the Committee's purview, this is a community issue which staff felt it prudent to address and that the Planning and Zoning Commission will decide the matter which is not a matter which should not inspire extreme action but that it was merely an attempt to engage in good planning. COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL stated his opinion that the plat note should be retained. CHAIR SIROFCHUK voiced his approval of the plat note, noting that it made sense. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN noted that she did not see any sense in allowing an action which would force future developers of the area to work around the lack of access to the flag stem, an opinion to which COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL added the comment that at that time the matter would impinge on recreational issues since there is a recreational area beyond the subject property and that the provision of access to it would reduce its size. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY pointed out that the access under discussion is only to the property which may be developed in the future, not the area which is currently a recreational area. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN noted that if Mr. Stratman's request for elimination of the plat note was granted, it would force Lesnois, if they chose to engage in development of the area, to create access "over here" which would then create a "recreational" issue because it would impinge on the lake zone. CHAIR SIROFCHUK questioned whether or not the Committee should express an opinion on a matter which may not be within their purview, to which COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL responded September 12,2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 4 of9 l I that it is in the Committee's purview. CHAIR SIROFCHUK acknowledged that it could become a recreational issue in the future, a point confirmed by COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN who likewise acknowledged that it is not in the Committee's purview at this time. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if the Committee should communicate its opinion of the matter to the Planning and Zoning Commission via a motion, a query to which ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK responded that it would be both preferable and appropriate for the Committee to make a motion which states its opinion and the reasons therefor. COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL expressed his distaste for addressing this particular matter in this manner but implied that it is necessary to include phrasing in any motion which indicates that this matter potentially affects recreational issues in the future if Lesnois is forced to create a separate access point to their property. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY moved that the Committee tell the Planning and Zoning Commission to maintain the plat note. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER seconded the motion, and CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if discussion was in order, a query to which he received no response. Upon roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously, 7-0. B. Case No. S07-002. CHAIR SIROFCHUK drew the Committee's attention to the City's application with regard to Alder and Natalia Lanes. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK presented the Committee with a full-size map and introduced the matter, saying that the City was requesting a replat as follow-up on its road and utility project which is already completed. The City is proposing an access easement. CHAIR SIROFCHUK noted that the project does not appear to impinge on any recreational activities or areas, an assessment with which COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY agreed. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN commented that the project appeared "messy". COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL said that the only recreational function which might be in play in this matter is a bike path or soapbox car area, and COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN added that a toboggan run was possible in the area. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER noted that the map that they were reviewing is only preliminary, an assessment to which COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN agreed. COMMITTEE MEMBER TSCHERSICH noted that there is a canyon and waterfall in the vicinity which lends itself to being a scenic trail although it is rather rugged. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN noted that the canyon is above the subject area. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN asked if the nearest lots were privately owned, a query to which COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL responded affirmatively, after which COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN opined that there is "nothing [the Committee] can really do". CHAIR SIROFCHUK suggested that the Committee "pass on this". C. Request for sign age banning ATVs on backside of Pillar Mountain. CHAIR SIROFCHUK drew the Committee's attention to the issue regarding the backside of Pillar Mountain which is in a watershed area, and he asked ifthis was in reference to Bill Donaldson's communication, q query to which COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN and ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK responded in the affirmative. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK explained that he had received an e-mail which served as the basis for placing the matter on the Agenda. The September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 5 of9 I I I b I ACTING DIRECTOR had tried to respond to the complainant's concerns (he referred to the e-mail handed out), and he had "cc'd" others who conceivably could be helpful in the discussion. He pointed out for the sake of clarification that this is not a "Case" (hence, the lack of a case number) but that the Agenda uses a tabular format which usually outlines Cases, and the matter was placed on the Agenda for review, especially since he had received prior e-mails regarding signage in general and for the Pillar Creek area in particular. He invited the Committee to review the e-mail and to make any comments they felt were warranted. Discussion ensued of the exact location encompassing the watershed area and the signs emplaced on State land by City employees after COMMITTEE MEMBER TSCHERSICH's e-mail of concern regarding the area had been received and reviewed by the City. The ACTING DIRECTOR noted that there is not supposed to be any recreational use of any kind (i.e., no motorized vehicles, no pedestrians, etc.) in the watershed area, and he elucidated EP A regulations and the City's policy regarding this fact. A general discussion of the area, water supply issues, trails in the area and the current use thereof ensued. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY redirected the discussion back to the issue of signage. CHAIR SIROFCHUK said that signage was with reference to a different location from the one which had been the subject of discussion at this point. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY responded that the same restrictions and laws should apply and that the City's signage should be quite specific in this regard (e.g., they should convey the message that no one is allowed up there). COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL pointed out that the City's current signage says precisely that, a statement confirmed by CHAIR SIROFCHUK's observation of the signs. More general discussion of the area's features and use, signage and regulatory issues ensued. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER stated that the discussion had opened a "can of worms". He went on to point out that if the Committee issues a recommendation with regard to any trespass issue, it should do it properly for all trails in the area. COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL supported this idea. However, he suggested that the Committee encourage maintenance of the status quo. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER pointed out issues of individual responsibility versus the ability of the community to enforce adherence to rules and regulations. CHAIR SIROFCHUK redirected the Committee's attention to the Agenda, noting that the Agenda item was merely to discuss Mr. Donaldson's e-mail request for signage at the two locations on the Creek and that he did not believe that this was an issue in which the Committee should involve itself and that as for the other issues raised during the discussion (i.e., ATVs, hikers, watersheds, signs and access), these issues should be included on a future agenda with more specificity, noting that he believed it was time to "move on". A discussion clarifying the format and intent of the Agenda ensued. CHl~~IR SIROFCHlJK then directed the Committee to consider the issue of signage itself and to contact ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK with regard to placing other issues raised in Mr. Donaldson's e-mail on a future agenda. Further discussion of the Agenda and the e-mail included in this meeting's packet ensued. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there was any discussion ofthe Agenda item. COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL reiterated his support of September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 6 of9 COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER's contention that signage would have to ban all use, and he therefore recommended that the Committee take no action whatsoever on the issue of signage. COMMITTEE MEMBER TSCHERSICH noted that in his opinion, the area of Pillar Mountain under discussion is clearly outside of the watershed area and that he did not see any need for signage as the zoning currently stands. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER returned to the issue of the Agenda's format and material provided in the packet, eliciting further clarification from ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK. CHAIR SIROFCHUK interjected, noting that the issues which had been brought up during the discussion (e.g., other signs, whether or not ATVs or buffalo do more damage, etc.) were not referenced in the e-mail. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN, seeking to clarify the matter, interjected by quoting from her e-mail responding to Mr. Donaldson which had been sent to all Committee Members. She continued by saying that it was she who had requested that "questions regarding ownership" be placed on the Agenda, quoting again the passage pertinent thereto. Further, she reiterated that she had "cc'd" the entire Committee, and additionally, she stated that her intent was not to answer for the Committee but simply to provide Mr. Donaldson with "general information" regarding the actions of the Committee. CHAIR SIROFCHUK, confirming that the Agenda item was to have been signage, directed the Committee's attention to the issues of signage and, as pointed out by COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN, ownership, asking if further discussion of these issues was warranted. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN, who pointed out that the land belongs to the City, simplified the matter by stating that the question before the Committee appeared to be: "Do we want to recommend any signage for that location?" COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL responded negatively, whereupon CHAIR SIROFCHUK reiterated that it was not an issue he felt the Committee should be involved in, and COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN stated that it appeared that they all are in agreement. D. Increased Recreational Use and Related Issues - Pasagshak River. CHAIR SIROFCHUK noted that it was at his request that increased use at Pasagshak River had been placed on the Agenda. He noted that with the completion ofthe newly paved road, there had been a dramatic increase in use of the Pasagshak River, especially at its mouth (e.g., camping - he noted 10 RVs parked there recently). Further, he noted, there is no dumpster there, and the area is a park maintained by the State. At this point, he explained that the resident host picks up trash manually. A general discussion of trash collection in the area ensued with COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL commenting that State Parks had discussed this same issue the previous evening. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER asked if the Chair had any more to report on this issue, a query to which the CHAiR responded by saying that his concern was merely to highlight the increased use of the area. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY expressed his opinion that this was a matter which must be resolved by State Parks. CHAIR SIROFCHUK stated that this is a community issue. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN suggested that the Committee invite Wayne Biessel, an ex-officio Committee Member, and Don Tracy or Len Schwarz from "Sportsfish" to a September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 70f9 l I meeting to discuss possible solutions. She commented that she found the lack of a dumpster "bothersome for everybody". More discussion regarding increased usage, increased trash, options for the collection thereof and for raising revenues to pay for same ensued. CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL ifhe could invite Wayne Biessel, Don Tracy and/or Len Schwarz to a meeting, a query to which COMMITTEE MEMBER SAL TONST ALL responded by saying that he would e-mail these parties to inform them of the Committee's discussion and that he would "cc" said e-mail to Committee Members. E. Drafts of Chapters 7 and 9 (Last-Minute Addition to the Agenda). CHAIR SIROFCHUK noted that ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK had provided the Committee with drafts of Chapters 7 and 9 of the Borough's Comprehensive Plan. His suggestion was that Committee Members review the drafts at home, keeping in mind the issues involving Pasagshak and Narrow Cape, and discuss them in detail at the next meeting. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK wanted to reiterate that he had asked Matt Hastie to track the changes but that Mr. Hastie has explained that his responsibility is to compile the final draft but that he is willing to try to put the working documents on the Web site. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK expressed his uncertainty regarding the efficacy of this method. He pointed out that the drafts he had provided had just been published the day of this meeting which is why they had not been listed on the Agenda as an item. COMMITTEE MEMBER HUNTLEY asked ifthe changes suggested previously were included, a query to which ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK responded in the affirmative, adding that additional information - i.e., implementation strategies - was also included. CHAIR SIROFCHUK stated that at the next Committee meeting, the Committee's task would be to "work through" the chapters, noting any changes on a single copy. ACTING DIRECTOR DVORAK said that he had tried to e-mail the chapters to COMMITTEE MEMBERs but that he had done this "one at a time", sending the "Parks and Rec" chapter first as it is the "most applicable", and that he would send the "Transportation" chapter if there were no technical issues in conveying the first chapter. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN acknowledged her receipt of his e-mail. COMMITTEE MEMBER SALTONSTALL noted that much bicycle and pedestrian information had been removed and that the trail information was correctly placed in the chapter. COMMITTEE MEMBER FOSTER asked if the subject of discussion was Agenda Item D, a query to which CHAIR SIROFCHUK responded by saying that the topic of discussion was new Agenda Item E. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications. REPORTS A. Meeting Schedule: September 26,2006 P&R meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the KIB conference room. September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 8 of9 October 10, 2006 P&R meeting at to be rescheduled at next meeting. COMMITTEE MEMBERS' COMMENTS CHAIR SIROFCHUK asked if there were any "Board" comments, and COMMITTEE MEMBER FOREMAN stated that she wanted to proffer an apology to the Committee if her e-mail response to Mr. Donaldson had distorted the issue to be presented to them. CHAIR SIROFCHUK offered congratulations to COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHROEDER for his participation in the "Eco Challenge", and he thanked members for their attendance. ADJOURNMENT CHAIR SIROFCHUCK adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE ATTEST ~d By:Oh.e&o..~t1t::3 tf' gee P<.llA.6~ , Zoe Pierson, Temp. Secretary . Community Development Department DATE APPROVED: November 14, 2006 September 12, 2006 Parks & Recreation Minutes Page 9 of9 i I I b I