05/03/2007 Regular Meeting Monashka B.ay R~ad Se~ice Arf~\) _ - _[c;~ . r,." r1'.1 BaYSIde FIre StatIOn II ~!< 1- 1. :.../ d I t, I' I ; ; I 1: May 3, 2007 I~l I:;" I!LJ' Ll l~i J L::J Meeting Started: 7:02 p.m. L_.... ---- R.I)ROU~;H Cl CRf<"S OFFICE Roll Call: All present- Randy Spivey, Dave Sundberg, Chaz GI and Drew De Vries Minutes: Randy Spivey makes motion to.accept minutes for March 7, 2007 minutes. Chaz seconds motion. Approved unanimously. Public Comments: Louise Stutes request all past minutes because she remembers the first time the pond was dredge without any approval of any property owners and Bud Cassidy clearly stated that nothing else would happen without approval of all pond owners. Furthermore she wrote a certified letter stating that she didn't want Borough Employees or Road Service Board members on her property without written consent. Now she's here because stuff been dump into our pond. Her and her husband, Stormy, are hoping that this is the last time. She is concern about Service District Rates that went up. She would like it on record that as soon as everyone's property is re-assessed, the rates would go down. Judy Dowell believes gravel was put into the pond on her side. She has spend time removing debris that she put there and since roped it off and plans to put a string across the water. She states that she will call the police if she sees anyone on her property. Jim McCulloup request that there are public comments again before the end of the meeting. He would like to see our tax dollars spent more wisely. He finds it senseless to dump material into our pond only to have to dredge/dig it out. Army Corp of Engineers has not declared that a "wet land", but he thinks it's pretty obvious to everyone that it is. You see it time and time again that people are filling in wet lands. You need to set a higher standard for yourself and your government and you can't go filling in "wet lands". For an individual it's not appropriate and for an agency it's not appropriate. Andy Dano would like to extend his congratulations to Brechan for their near prefect score of hitting close to all the culverts on Three Sister's. What are they going to do to repair this damage and is it going to cost us anything? Bruce McNeil as the third owner of the pond he feels that he probably has some fault into what went in there. Darlene called him up and told him about the miscommunication with the contractor. At that time he felt that the ice was on his property would become a bigger issue when it leached across the road. And he said to push it in the pond, thinking .......0.+ ;+ 'n.70C'l n.......lu ;",.... 0....,,.1 ..."........+ 6:] ..........0...:1..-1 .........;v 'ITho...... hA ont hn....,..."QI 0....,,..1 cu.:nIT;t hDl lr-n,:lil'IT h~ttQl'" UJ.aL Uo' VV~ VJ.U..) .1.\...\..1 Ul.lU. 1.1.'-'," U 5J.UV.....l .1.1.l.1^. '" .1.1'-'.1.1 1..1.\,.1 5Vl. 1..1'-'.1.1..1.\.... U.U.U. ~U.Vl' .1", .1..1.'-' .n...J..I.,-,,,. U"""""-'.1. and he knew that Brechan knew better. It happened and we can correct it. He doesn't want to get into a pissing match and throw a line down or fence. Nobody's trying to fill our pond in. It happened and it's correctable. Old Business: a. Pond Report Three Sisters Way - by Tom Lance: A few years ago Tom approached the Board, not only as a resident but also as a (past) employee of the USDA Natural Resources Conservations, to do a study on our pond and formulate possible solutions to issues concerning water quality and maintenance of the roads. (Report Attached) Sediments are the most significant pollutants. The pond acts as a settling basin and filtration system before runoff water can make its way to the ocean. Storage capacity of the pond diminishes with the accumulation of the sediment. This could lead to localized flooding, extensive road repairs and loss of emergency access if flood capacity is choked off. Board members are challenged with servicing and maintaining Service District Roads without impact to private land owner and resources. Such as water quality and wild land habitat. Maintaining an aesthetically pleasing and healthy watershed ensures the safety and well being of our families, and helps protect the financial values of our homes. Also, the pond functions as home for wild and domestic critters. The pond provides flood water storage and ground water recharge to the local net. Should this be a concern of the Road District? It's on private land. Safety concerns are minor but still a concern. Residential density is not sufficient to generate a tax base for pavement of all roads that could reduce sediment into the pond. Management solutions include working with the Army Corp, Kodiak Soil & Water Conservation and seeking out Grants from EP A, USDA, Fish and Wildlife Service and possibly state funds, and working with the land owners to build flood cells like Potato Patch Lake. Ultimately the goal is to reduce maintenance cost to service district without raising taxes and have a healthy pond. Randy makes motion to add this report to the meeting minutes. Dave seconds motion. Motion Approved Unanimously. A copy of this report will be placed on the web site along with the minutes of this meeting. b. Road Signs - Darlene is working on purchasing road signs for the service district. Two companies in Anchorage have been identified (Warning Lights and AK Signs). Five Speed Limit signs and five Children Playing sign are needed. Bruce will provide the State Codes on the signs and Darlene will act as soon as possible. New Business: A. Road Maintenance Contract - We only had one bidder (TCMK) for 2007-2008. Randy makes motion to accept bid because we only had one bid. Dave seconds motion. Discussion TCMK is a smaller operation by Kevin Arndt. Questions asked: Do they need the actual equipment to make a bid on this and are they doing it the right way? Can he handle the load? And Bayview is $10 to $15 cheaper for a half a mile drive. What are their priorities? Why did Brechan choose not to bid? We don't know TCMK's work and we have quite a few emergency response personal living in our area. How do we ensure that the response time will be acceptable? 2 Could we not vote on this and go out to bid again? Can we meet the contractor? Does this have to be decided tonight? Turner - It has to be voted on by the middle ofthe month... Could they (the Borough) open up a new RFP? Turner - The out come would not be any different. Could we convey our concerns to the Borough and the Contractor? Can Kevin meet with the Board to answer some questions on potential response issues? End of discussion. Roll Call Vote: Randy - accept motion, Chaz- no, Dave-no, more info needed, Drew-no, Darlene- accept motion. Motion fails. B. Assignment of Spring Task Last meetings minutes we agreed that we will walk around together and review the projects on Friday, May 11 at 5:30. We will be starting at the top of Three Sister's. All residents are invited. Contact Kevin Arndt and see if he would like to do the walk around with us and review our Engineer Report. C. Army Corp Letter Dated 4-25-07 (attached) A copy has been supplied to the Borough Attorney and Borough Manager, Bud Cassidy, and the Board. This is now open for discussion. What is the Army Corp's jurisdiction? What is the Army Corp's jurisdiction over the land owner's jurisdiction? Is it considered a "wet land"? (You have wild life so there is an assumption it is even though it is not designated so on the map.) Turner - We need to comply and remove the material by May 15 and put this one to rest. We concur with the Corp's notice and need the land owners to concur also. I am sorry to see that one of the three pond owner has left the meeting. Stutes, we would like to hear what the long term resolution to the pond issue. What would we like to see ultimately happen? We are outside the scope here. And we would like to hear this at a later date. Turner - The question is, are any of the pond owners going to have a problem with us removing the material? Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Stutes have agreed to let the material be removed. And Mrs. Dowell needs to be contacted and the MBRSD needs to responsive to her needs. Randy - motion to comply with the Army Corp of Engineers letter subject to approval of property owners. Chaz - second's motion. Motion passes unanimously. Darlene Turner - Now this is the time for us to talk about what happened with the pond. The MBRSD had two emergencies on Three Sisters Way, one in January and the second in February. Significant flooding cut the road in three different places. The second time the unseasonable cold weather drew ground water 3 feet above the road surface. Brechan 3 started removing the ice and then it started rain. Then it became a true emergency. Brechen was instructed to dump the ice at the comer of Three Sister's and Devil's Prong. Darlene discovered Brechan was dumping the ice on Bruce's property, at the road side of the pond. Brechan was told to stop while Bruce was contacted. Because it would take forever to melt, Bruce asked that the ice be pushed into the pond. Brechan was told to push it into the pond. It was believed the ice was on Bruce's property and no one else's. Bruce was told if there was any gravel we would remove it as soon as the ice melted. Had Darlene known that it would cause so many problems she would of never have given those instruction. Darlene expressed that the Board's interest in the pond is to see it alive and happy. It was never our intent to hurt it or make it go away. Up until this emergency, the board has been responsive to the pond owner's past requests. We can't turn back time we can only correct the problem we created. The Board is trying to solve the issue of dealing with so much silt from road and water run off. Hopefully Tom and others will take this project on. We were going to try to recycle this material, but based on the Corp's letter it would be better to get rid of it completely. The Board should form a committee specifically oriented towards pursuing the resolution of the runoff and the pond issue. Louise and Stormy Stutes, Tom Lance, Chyrel and Bruce McNeil, Darlene Turner are appointed to the committee and Judy Dowell will be asked to join the committee. Donna Jones is the contact person for the Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation. Louise is appointed as the Chair of the committee. D. Road Paving -Research suggest the paved roads are not as bad as people think. The silt issue would definitely be reduced. It would be possible to do a partial pave in the worst pot hole areas. Of course it would require more funds and a solid base. E. Quarterly Meeting Schedule- The letter we received from the Borough requires quarterly schedules. So far, we have met this year in February, March, and May. We also plan to meet July 19th and Sept 27th. And a work session (walk around) is scheduled for May 11 @ 5:30. Public Comment: Andy Dano explains that the pond is not thriving as well as it could be, because of the silt build up. But it is not dead. It still has a pulse and need a shot in the arm. Louise Stutes states that this is just an issue and not a personal thing. Just like everyone gets upset. There is a silver lining. And she and her husband come to the board with a wealth of information. Stormy Stutes says that one of his crew members ran a cat down Marmot and couldn't get the road through there. So they came down Three Sister's and the day they put that road in there is the day the pond started silting up. The other pond is more of a stagnate pond and might have something to do with the lily pads. The rock and shale naturally dam up the pond due to winter storms. And we are on the right track to do something. He 4 thanked Tom for the study that he did. Where would you put a flood cell (on Darlene's property)? Jim McCulloueh stated that the Kodiak Soil and Water Conservationist is an excellent resource. Alternative dump sites should be looked into, so we don't have to deal with the same material. This is going to happen again. Bruce McNeil stated he would like to help with this new committee and clarifies that no one was trying to go around anyone. He admits that he should have been more social and walked across the dike a few more times. Jascha Zbitnoff stated it was Mike Martin's call to down size the snow removal crew and equipment. It was a very costly winter season on equipment especially. He plans to get together with Darlene on fixing the squashed culverts and recommend markers up bank that show their beginnings and ends of the culvert. It was bad enough that Devil' s Prong flipped one of Brechan's graders. And the snow and ice build up was worse than we have seen it in a long time. Board Comments: Drew DeVries stated that it is great to have all of the public input. With all of the diversity in our district we can accomplish quite a bit together. The secretary's job is something that he has strives to do well. And when minutes go missing it's a thankless job. We have proven several times that we can't just let contractor loose on our roads. Someone (Board Members or volunteers) need to be there helping them. How else can we get exactly what we want? We messed up with the pond issue and need to move forward. Furthermore, the Board had all intentions of using the Army Corp's expertise in favor of getting things done right. At this point we all feel blind-sided by the complaint to the Corp. This new bidder needs to show up and show some interest. A firm hand shake goes a long way. Randv Spivey admits that he called the Army Corp of Engineer and asked one question. Is the pond was a "wet land"? He doesn't feel any remorse and would do it again. He is concerned about the vehicles that are park at the top of the road on the bad winter days. Dave Sunbere would like to thank everyone who showed up, especially the pond owners. And thanked Brechan and said that they did good job. Chaz Glaeolich thanked Louise for taking the chair position of the pond committee. He wants to stick to the 3 to 5 year plan. And he looks forward to the Spring Walk around. He encourages everyone to be part of the solution. Darlene Turner thanked everyone for their attendance. She especially thanked Jascha and Brechen for the hard work and reliability that they have shown us. Darlene said she was sorry for our mistakes and that the Board had the best interest of the home owners in mind when making decisions. She invited everyone living in this service district to her and the Eufemio's joint (4th) Seventh of July Party at her place. Adjournment: 8:49 p.m. ~j-d )hMvtd--/ D ene T1f9ler Date President tionashka Bay Road Service Area /~;Or Drew De ries Secretary/ Treasurer 5