04/26/2006 Taskforce Meeting April 26, 2006 Kodiak GOA Taskforce Meeting Task Force Members Present: Steve Branson Chris Holland John Whiddon Jay Stinson Alexus Kwatcha Oliver Holm Theresa Peterson Julie Kavanaugh Matt Moir Cecil Ranney Gabriel Saravia Duncan Fields Norm Wooten Debora King Topics for Discussion 1) Skipper/crew provisions within the Council motion 2) Council requested further public input regarding: Limited duration of harvester quota shares Subalternatives for formation and dissolution of processor linkages Community linkages for single-processor communities or regions Processor linkages that expire over a graduated basis over a number of years No processor linkages Need more public input in the taskforce process - suggestion made to have a meeting after normal business hours that would allow more people to attend. Suggestion made to schedule topics and invite public to respond. Need to recap what has been discussed and what topics will be discussed at future meetings. Prior to Council meeting in June, a public forum should be held - suggested date May 31st? Suggestion made to have a public survey conducted prior to the meeting to ensure responses/input from a good cross-section of the community. Discussion followed regarding the value/purpose of the public meeting/survey. Skipper/Crew Provisions - based on Skipper and Crew Discussion Paper - Gulf of Alaska Rationalization North Pacific Fishery Management Council April 2006 document. " 1) maintain current skipper and crew employment levels; 2) establish skipper and crew share holdings; 3) compensate skippers and crew that lose employment as a result of consolidation; 4) maintain current level of negotiating leverage for future skippers and crew; and 5) ensure current (or experienced) skippers and crew receive priority in future employment in the fisheries; and 6) ensure a portion of the quota pool is held by active skippers and crew." 1 f- Difficult to do because of the need to establish history - also need to incorporate economic structures, i.e. fuel prices, etc. Must be flexible in order for fleet to accommodate economics Must recognize that with consolidation crews are severely impacted Need to retain some historic crew share so as not to disadvantage the community - need stability Must recognize outside forces that affect the stability of the fisheries, i.e. local boats purchased by large entities Concern raised regarding other rationalization plans have freed up excess capital which affects local resources Need to define set of participants Jobs that remain must be at a level of some minimal compensation Must have community protection within any plan that is implemented Discussion of coops - potential purposes manage by catch allow boats not to fish work with processors - deliveries, prosecution of the fisheries allow the community the best use of the resource increase ex-vessel value of the fisheries improved information ex-change fewer skippers/crew due to consolidation Proposed Policy Statement for Discussion "A recommendation from the Kodiak Rationalization taskforce, as a goal for GOA rationalization, to limit the loss of skipper and crew jobs so that skipper an crew employment in the fishery does not decline by more than 10% in the first 5 years of the program and no more than 20% during the life of the program." Discussion how much tax required to implement the program? May result in a similar situation in a consolidation program herring program is different than what is being proposed in the GOA groundfish - herring: closed class of boats, individual fishing rights placing a hard number sets very tight parameters - needs to be balanced by the resources available (vessels, economics, biological resources) and management structure (regulations, etc.) Could allocate percentage of rights to the crew directly - Percentage of share would go to the skipper/crew and they would need to be actually fishing Allocate without ownership a percentage of the T AC Members of the coop must be working fishermen - coop would provide for entry level as members leave the coop Benchmark - average number of vessels actively fishing during a set of given years Discussion on rewarding only skipper/crews with fishing history while creating barriers for entry level skipper/crews 2 Terry Haines made a presentation/answered questions on the skipper/crew coop program in place on the East Coast. Points are awarded based on qualifying years. Coop is made up of working fishermen, local delivery, pay scale set, low by catch and open market. Next Meeting: 9:00 a.m. May 3,2006 Topics to be discussed: Public meeting Review council motion Consolidation - coops Public Comments Donna Jones - we should be looking at existing management tools AI Burch - supports 300,000 pound catch limits Coops can create tools for management of the fisheries. 3