02/03/1981 Regular MeetingKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING - FEBRUARY 3, 1981 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ogg at 6:30 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Absent Mr. Arndt Mr. Anderson (out of town)(excused) Mr. Herrnsteen Mr. Wakefield (weather)(excused) Mr. Murray Mr. Peotter Mayor Ogg Mr. Herrnsteen moved to excuse Mr. Anderson and Mr. Wakefield. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried unanimously. A quorum was established. III ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Mayor Ogg requested the addition of L. Letter from Pam Delys-Baglien and M. Letter from Bruce Baker - Office of the Governor under Item VI �VVIVwiu,.ni ivivJ a nrrLMRM11U[0. Also under Item X NEW BUSINESS he added 1. Resolution No. 81-7-R. Mayor Ogg deleted D. Ordinance No. 81-11-0 Amending Title 4 Of The Kodiak Island Borough, I. Ordinance No. 81-8-0 Amendinq The Comore - aq) & J. Urdinance M a] (Komag) un on (Assemblymen requested that I. & J. be sent through P & Z) Mr. Herrnsteen moved to accept the agenda as amended. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried unanimously. IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS A. Assembly - Reg. - Jan. 9, 1981 B. Assembly - Spec. - Jan. 17, 1981 The minutes were accepted as presented with no objection. V MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A. Personnel Advisory Board - Oct. 6, 1980 B. KIBSD - Reg. Jan. 12, 19&1 C. O.C.S. - Reg. -Nov. 12, 1930 (corrected) D. O.C.S. - Reg. -Nov. 19, 1980 E. Health Resources Adv. Council - Reg. - Dec. 3, 1980 F. Bells Flats Service Dist. Adv. Board - Jan. 4 & Jan. 14, 1931 Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt of A through F. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Motion carried with no objection. VI COMMUNICATIONS & APPEARANCES A. Assembly Vacancy Appointment Mr. Arndt moved to postpone the appointment until the March meeting. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Unanimous roll call vote. B. Architectural Review Board Appointment Mayor Ogg re -appointed Mr. Ron Chase and Mr. Larry Chickering. Mr. Arndt moved to ratify. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Unanimous voice vote. C. B.O.E. Appointment KIB ASSEMBLY MEETING - Feb. 3, 1981 n r) a Mayor Ogg re -appointed Mr. Larry Shorb. Mr.,!-!errnsteen moved to ratify. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried with no objection. D. Personnel Appointment Mayor Ogg appointed Mrs. Veronica Vracin-Kees. Mr. Peotter moved to ratify. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried with no objection. E. O.C.S. Appointment Mayor Ogg appointed Mr. Ken Damm. Mr. Murray moved to ratify. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried with no objection. Mayor Ogg appointed Marla Krueger to be effective March 1. Mr. Peotter moved to ratify. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Unanimous voice vote. F. P & Z Representative Page 2 !ors. Walser was the representative in attendance and was introduced. G. Memo re: Bottomfish Development No action. It will be discussed at the Work Session, Feb. 21. H. Memo re: Status of Community Profiles Mr. Peotter moved to authorize the Manager to send the Planner on the interview if he feels him competent to perform that task. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried with no objection. I. Memo re: Oil & Gas Industry Tours Information. An update was requested for next month by Mr. Murray. J. Requests for Proposals Information only. K. Memo re: Report on RTWG Meeting Dec. 6, 1980 - Stephen Rennell Information only. L. Letter from Pam Delys-Baglien Written in behalf of the Health Resources Advisory Council to lend support to Resolution 81-2-R which was offered by Assemblyman Dennis Murray. M. Letter from Bruce Baker - Office of the Governor Re: Permit Reform Program Uniform Procedures The Staff is to review it and report to the Assembly at the Feb. 21 !fork Session. VII PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ord. No. 81-1-0 Amending Ord. No. 80-21-0, Adjusting Revenues And Expenditures Of The Borough For the Fiscal Year Commencing On The First Day of July, 1980 And Ending On The Thirtieth Day Of June, 1981. Mr. Murray moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81-1-0. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Mr. Peotter moved to table Ordinance No. 81-1-0. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion failed 3-1 with Mr. Murray casting the NO vote. Mr. Murray moved to table Ordinance No. 81-1-0. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Unanimous roll call vote. B. Ord. No. 81-5-0 Relatino To Election Procedures Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81-5-0. Seconded by Mr. Murray. �IBgASSFMBtY MEETINGn FAb.cy, 3931, Page 3 Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: No Comments. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VIII OLD BUSINESS A. Goals & Policy (Tabled) Mr. Peotter moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Motion carried with no objection. Mr. Peotter moved to table. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried. This is to be taken up at the Work Session on Feb. 21. B. Kodiak Auto Wrecking & Salvage Lease Renewal Mr. Arndt moved in that the Borough has no objection to Mr. Stover utilizing the present property he is on until such time as the Borouqh Assembly can come to a resolution on this matter. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Discuss the paperwork at the Work Session. IX MANAGERS REPORT 1. Memo from Facility Coordinator re: Energy Planning Grant Mr. Herrnsteen moved to approve the $170,000 grant as recommended. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Mr. Peotter moved to amend that if there is a necessity to transfer funds from one category to another that it come to the Assembly for approval. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Amendment carried by unanimous roll call vote. Alain motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. 2. Small Cities Single Purpose Community Development Grant Full Application (Resolution No. 81-5-R) Mr. Herrnsteen moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-5-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Unanimous voice vote. 3. Ord. No. 81-10-0 Providing for Negotiated Leases of Borough Owned Real Property (1st Rdg.) Mr. Herrnsteen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81-10-0. Seconded by Mr. Murray. Mr. Herrnsteen moved to table to the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried with no objection. 4. Recommendation for Award of Bid for Heat Exchanger Replacement Mr. Herrnsteen moved to award the bid for heat exchanger replacement to T.A.C. Plumbing for the sum of $5,434.90. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. 5. Recommendation for Award of Bid for International Backhoe Loader Mr. Peotter moved to award bid of $6,380.00 for International Backhoe to Byron Lee Cain. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. G. KIBSD Reports of Revenues & Expenditures - December 1930 Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried with no objection. J<Ig1ASSFMBLY MEETING`f Fgb.;.)3, .1987" Page 4 7. Daniel G. Van Wieringen -Administrator (Kodiak Island Hospital) Re: Installation of Data Processing Capability Mr. Herrnsteen moved to authorize the management of the hospital to obtain and install, at the best available price, the Data Processing System based on the IBM System 32 and software for hospitals available from Lutheran Hospitals and Homes Society. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. X NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 81-7-R Capital Improvement Projects Mr. Peotter requested that any individual in the audience wishing to speak to the CIP Priority list be given the opportunity to come forth and also request that this item be placed as XIII A. There were no objections from the Assembly to Mr. Peotters requests. Tom Peterson- Economic Develo anent Planner for KANA: requested the following be added to the CI Priority List: 33. Karluk Clinic $ i50,000 34. Ouzinkie Airstrip $ 800,000 A. Res. No. 81-3-R Designating Individuals Authorized To Execute Negotiable Instruments For The Kodiak Island Borouoh. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-3-R. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Mr. Arndt moved to amend by adding Mr. Anderson, Mr. Peotter, Bryce Weeks and Mickie'.Miller. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Amendment carried with no objection. Mr. Peotter moved to amend by adding, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, checks shall require the signature of a staff member of the Kodiak Island Borough and a member of the Assembly or Mayor or DeputyMayor. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Amendment carried with no ob.iection. Motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Ord. No. 81-6-0 Amending Sections 2.08.010 and 2.10.010 Of Title 2 Of The Kodiak Island Borough Code Of Ordinances, Appointment Of Officers.(lst Ri Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81-6-0. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Unanimous voice vote. C. Ord. No. 81-7-0 Amending The Class Title & Pay Range Table Of The Kodiak Island Borough. (1st Rdg.) Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81-7-0. Seconded by Mr. Ierrnsteen. Unanimous voice vote. D. Ord. No. 81-11-0 Amending Title 4 Of The Kodiak Island Borough (1st Rdg.) DELETED. E. Timberline Sawmill Lease Mr. Peotter moved to support the cease and desist order delivered by the Manager and continue at the Work Session (Feb. 21). Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous voice vote. Tom Knoke: closest neighbor to the sawmill; would like to see the Borough protect the Borough people and the Borough. Mike Evans: neighbor of Knoke; across the meadow and hears the noise. I would like to see the Green Belt contained. Mr. Oswalt's attorneys are present and informed the Mayor that Mr. Oswalt did comply with the cease and desist order and that they will be present at the Work Session. K36 ASSEMBLY' MrETING Fein. 3) 1181 r Page 5 F. Sweeney Insurance - Umbrella Insurance Estimate Mr. Arndt moved to accept the $10,000,000 umbrella policy for a premium of $4,916.00 per year. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. G. Res. No. 81-4-R Declaring Certain Real Property Surplus To The Borough's Needs And Authorizing The Sale Of Same. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-4-R. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. H. Res. No. 81-6-R Requesting The State Legislature To Authorize 100% Funding Of School Operations & Maintenance Costs Mr. Murray moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-6-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Mr. Murray moved to table this Resolution pending the School Board's approval. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Unanimous roll call vote. I. Ord. No. 81-8-0 Amendino The Comorehensive Land Use Plan (Koniaa)(Ist Rdg) J. Ord. No. 81-9-0 Rezoning Approximately 46 Acres + Within USS 2539 From Conservation To Industrial (Koniag)(Ist Rdgj Both were DELETED. XI MAYORS COMMENTS 1. Received some complaints of trees being cut on Borough land, Park lands and Borough right-of-ways. I think it would be proper for the Manager to put an advertisement in the papers that it is not permissable to cut trees on any Borough property. 2. Letter from Kramer, Chin & Mayo re: Service District Changes things drastically, I think we should go over this at a work session. 3. Letter from Gov. Hammond re: Governor's Conference on Resource Education (Feb. 20-22 in Juneau) 4. Letter from Municipal League (Action Required) Mayor Ogg asked the Clerk to send letters to the Senators and Representatives supporting the continuance of the PILT Fund. 5. Letter from Chamber of Commerce re: Planning Session for Community Leaders trip to Juneau (Planning Session, Feb. 5 at 7:30 P+1 in the N.IB Assembly Cham.) Dave Herrnsteen to attend in Mayor Dogs' absence. XII ASSEMBLY COMMENTS Mr. Murray: would like a copy of the Governor's proposed capital budget. Would like a work session Wed. at 7:00 PM on CIP & Clerk analysis. Mr. Peotter: No comments. Mr. Herrnsteen: No comments. Mr. Arndt: No comments. XIII AUDIENCE COMMENTS Lorna Arndt: What do you consider the recount really cost? We were wondering why in-house personnel was used for the recount instead of some of the ones that work the elections? This would cut down on costs if it ever comes to another recount. XIII A. Resolution No. 81-7-R Capital Improvement Projects Mr. Peotter moved to recess until Thursday at 12:00 noon at which time we will consider the CIP prioritization. Mayor Ogg moved to recess the meeting until Thursday at 12:00 noon to take up Res. No. 81-7-R.