06/04/1980 Special MeetingKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 7, 1980 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Deputy Mayor Dave Herrnsteen at 2:00 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present ^, Mr. Anderson Mr. Herrnsteen Mr. Jack Mr. Ogg Mr. Peotter A quorum was established. III ITEM OF BUSINESS A. Ordinance No. 80-21-0 KIB Budget 19BO-1981 Fiscal Year Mr. Ogg moved to recess until 5:00 P.M.. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Unanimous voice vote. The meeting reconvened at 5:00 P.M.. Mr. Peotter moved to recess until 6:30 P.M.. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Unanimous voice vote. The meeting reconvened at 6:30 P.M.. Mr. Peotter moved to remove Ordinance No. 80-21-0 from the table. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Unanimous voice vote. Mr. Ogg moved to amend Ordinance No. 80-21-0 as follows: a. Appropriated for 1980-81 operations cut to $360,009, 131.01 General property increased to $1,921,157 and Total taxes increased to $2,236,157. 134.04 cut to $1,200 and Total revenue from use of money & property cut to $305,200. 135.04 Reimbursement from general fund school bond issue 1980 Series A increased to $41,505 and Total General Fund Revenues increased to $3,738,571. 2. Expenditures Legislative: 140.01 Mayor travel & per diem increased to $3,000, 140.02 Mayor compensation in- creased to $1,440, 140,03 Assembly travel & per diem increased to $10,000, 140.04 Assembly compensation in- creased to $10,080 and Total legislative increased to $78,034. Total legal department cut to $107,000. 142.03 Hospital paving & landscaping added at $50,000, 142.04 Property improvements added at $150,000 and Total capital and CIP expenses increased to $208,000. 143.01 Borough manager increased to $45,000, 143.24 General government expense increased to $1,500 and Total manager's department increased to $112,239. 144.03 Secretary III increased to $18,026, 144.26 Finance Officer added at $33,962, 144.27 Fringe benefits added at $8,500 and Total clerk -treasurer's dept. increased to $232,347. 145.01 ^- Contingencies - Emergency reserve increased to $40,000 and COLA reserve cut to $10,000. 146.23 Termination reserve increased to $5,400 and 146.26 Equipment rental cut to $3,000. 147.01 Planning director cut to -0-, 147.02 Planner V added, 147.03 Planner IV added at $32,,352. 147.04 Secretary III increased to $18,026, 147.09 Retirement cut to $6,000, 147.10 Professional development cut to $2,500, 147.12 Office supplies cut to $3,500. 147.13 Telephone & telegraph increased to $2,500, 147.15 Adver- tising/public hearings cut to $5,B00, 147.17 Auto allowance increased to $1,440, 147.21 Professional services increased to $4,000, 147.23 Termination reserve cut to $3,000, 147.24 Report & publication increased to $5,000, 147.26 Equipment rl r KIB SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 7, 1980 X, . PAGE 2 IV rental cut to -0-, 147.27 P & Z commission stipend increased to $8,400. 147.29 Relocation expense added at $1,500 and Total planning & community development dept. cut to $117,282. 148.01 Engineer increased to $39,335, 148.02 Building official increased to $33,962, 148.04 Secretary III increased to $18,026, 148.10 Professional development increased to $3,000, 148.11 Publication dues added at $400, 148.15 Advertising cut to -0-, 148.16 Travel & per diem increased to $3,500, 148.17 Auto allow- ance increased to $2,880, 148.21 Professional services cut to $1,500 and Total engineering dept. increased to $144,268. 149.01 Day Care (local) added at $10,000, 149.14 Council on alcoholism increased to $20,000 and Total health & sanitation increased to $237,700. Delete 151.16(A) and Total data services cut to $133,944. 151.10 Professional Development changed to Technical assistance OCS. D O.E.D.P added and 151.01 (D) O.E.D.P. committee expense added at $2,000. 150.02 Library cut to $30,000, 150.03 Community College cut to $40,000, 150.04 School insurance increased to $125,000, 150.05 Village libraries added at $12,000 and Total school support increased to $1,350,698. 150.07 Debt Service Funds - Schools increased to $193,338, 150.08 Capital Projects Fund - schools cut to $307,212 and Total contribution to other funds cut to $500,550. 740.01 delete Kodiak Council on Alcoholism and put Undesignated. 540.02 Contribution to general fund add for surveying & road access. Delete Service District I and put Mill Bay/Island Lake/Spruce Cape roads, sewer & water. Add 1130.01 General taxation at $27,000, 1130.02 State shared revenue - roads at $9,000, 1130.03 State of Alaska DEC at $120,800, 1130.04 Federal EPA at $50,000 and Total Revenue in- creased to $206,800. Under Expenditures add 1140.01 Contracted services - roads at $9,000, 1140.02 Water & sewer at $197,800 and Total expenditures at $206,800. 330.03 KIB general fund add $193,338 and put in Total revenues of $699,073. 340.02 Hospital bond interest add $14,650, 340.04 Bond agent fees was increased to $1,000 and Total expenditures increased to $699,073. 240.05 Re- imbursements to general fund increased to $41,505 and 240.08 Non - reimbursements was out to $11,955,843. 230.05 Contributions from general fund cut to $307,212, account no. 280.07 should be 230.07, add 230.08 State Grant at $180,000 and Total revenues were cut to $813,455. 240.09 Chiniak School was cut to $130,000, 240.10 Karluk School was increased to $500,000, 240.11 Ouzinkie/Larsen Bay generation was cut to $50,000, 240.12 was changed from Un- appropriated Funds to Capital Reserve and Total expenditures was cut to $613,455. Account no. 230.08 should be 230.09 Revenues, 230.09 should be 230.10 State grant and 230.10 should be 230.11 Revenues. Delete all of section 5. Service District #1 Water & Sewer. Add under Section 2. Tax Levy: A. 6.98 Mills, B. 1.95 Mills, C. 5.20 Mills and D. A tax for the amount specified for Road, Sewer and Water Services in Mill Bay, Island Lake and Spruce Cape Service Area, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, in the form of a Mill Levy amounting to 1.00 Mill on all taxable property within the Borough's Mill Bay, Island Lake and Spruce Cape _ Service Area, to defray expenses and liabilities of said Service Area _ , is hereby levied for the purposes of the Service Area against all taxable property in the Mill Bay, Island Lake and Spruce Cape Service Area for the Calendar Year 1980, to be used for the purposes as specified in the Budget for the Fiscal Year of the Kodiak Island Borough commencing on the lst day of July, 1980, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1981. Mr. Peotter seconded the amendment. Amendment carried 4-1 with Mr. Jack casting the NO vote. Motion as amended carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Ogg moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjgaXpee at 6:V7 P.M.. , ATTEST" _ Borough Clerk