12/17/1979 Regular Meeting1 0 0 `1 ? 0 0 a R I KODIAK ISLAi+ID BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY i4EETIOG-DECEMBER 17, 1919 (A Verbatim Record is on file in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Arnold Ti Hansen at 6:35 P.M. II ROLL CALL Present Absent flr. Phillip Anderson ?irs. Betty Mr. Patrick Cannon (Arr. 6:40) Mr. Arnold T. Hansen d Mr. David Herrnsteen Mr. Edward Jack 1r. Dan Ogg Mr. James Peotter J. Wallin, Mayor (excused) Hearing no objection, Acting Mayor Hansen, ordered Mayor Wallin excused. A quorum was established. III ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Report on Executive Session. I4r. ilovanec reported on the executive session of the meeting of December 6th: 1) re. litigation with International Seafoods parking requirements, the borough attorney was directed to negotiate with their attorney; 2) discussed progress on the manager's contract; 3) re. settlement with Royal Large., anticipated some suggestion from Mr. Large of what he feels would be an equitable solution to his problem; and 4) re. Heal & Co. case - hospital contract nas been dismissed in the courts and the case is no longer. valid. 2. Ratification of Special Election of December 11, 1979. Mr. Hansen read the memo from the borough clerk. Mr. Peotter moved that we not accept the questioned ballot of Ilorma Sue King, not registered and Paul Berg, not registered; not accept the lJ challenged ballot of Charles P. Tennessen, not registered; Karen A. Tennessen, not registered; Edward Philips, not registered; and Karen E. Ya.shin, not registered. Seconded by Mr. Jack. ''lotion carried by unanimous voice vote. The absentee, challenged and questioned ballots were opened and counted by the Assembly. Mr. IIansen read Resolution #79-70-R. Mr. Peotter moved for adoption of Resolution 979-70-1. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Tom Logan spoke in objection to the school general obligation bond proposition. He felt this was an illegal election and hopes to take this to court to have the election declared illegal. 3. Ordinance #79-40-0 Amending Class Title & Pay Range Table of the KIB Personnel Rules & Regulations - Public Hearing. Mr. IIansen read the ordinance. Mr. Peotter moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-40-0. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Mr. Hansen closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Mr. IIansen closed the public hearing anc: reconvened the regular session. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 4. Ordinance 979-111-0 Amending :`lick Leave Provisions of the KIB Personnel Rules & Regulatioia - Publ�c Hearing. Mr. Hansen read the ordinance. Mr. Peotter moved fir adoption of Ordinance #79-41-0. Seconded by Mr. A.nderdon. Mr Hansen closed the regular meeting and opened the public he,a ing. No one spoke for or against the Drdinsnce. 1 0.0 0 2 0 0 8 2 KIB ASSEHBLY SPECIAL MLETT-7G-DECEMO.:.' 17, 1979 PAGE 2 Mr. Iiansen closed the gub:•_ic hearing and reconvened the regular session.. Carol S-mothers, Dursonnel board, explained the reasoning for the ordinance. M-,. Peotter stated this . a policy 'throu.-hout the s---ate as wel I as in other organizations. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Ca.r_non spoke age-i_ast the ordinance. The clerk -as 9 `o fur,ish copies of the Pnrsonnel Rules 8 Regulations and Y.Ib Couc tc the new assembly members. Motion failed 3-P+; Mr. Han.se+n, Mr. Herrnsteen and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Andcrsw-, M--•. Cannon, Mr. Jack and Mr. Ogg casting NO •.ones. 5. Ordinance 179•-42-0 Electing the `.nnual Rotor Vehicle Registration Ta.: _,- Lieu o' Ad Valorem Property - Public Hearing. Mr. Hanseii re_cj th ordinance. Mr. Camino. moved for adoption of Ordinanca 179-42-0. Seconded by Mr-. Peotter. Mr. Hansen closed the regular rceting ar--l. opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Mr. Hansen closed 1.1111,-c ne+ir7-ng and reconv?ned the regular session. - W--3 po=il'.:?C: cut --at t1ic C'-ty opposes this orinance. 'i u1� ta:. ??U:;.'_!S .fie 1^-viec'. acordinir �`-c ate and weight d•� of vehicles. The. Sir.-•ourh :.- ;ld not i::acei-ve. mci;ies until 1981 bu": -`. was -41 :t the a mount wcu.id recaived frcm the state would double' '..- a:ac;"nt, new col-ectarx. Notion carried 8-1; I4r. Anderson, Mr. C4..--,on, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Herrnsteen, Mr. Ogg and Mr, Peotter, voted YES with Mr. Jack ca_ting one .40 vc'ce. Iv r,1-.-0u - M-NI. - The ATTEST: Borough Cl.e c Hansen at 7:30 P.M. Accing/"gh