12/06/1979 Regular Meetingl o o m 0 0 8 1 4 KODIAK ISLA14D BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING-DECEMBER 6, 1979 (A Verbatim Record is in Record in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Betty J. Wallin at 6:42 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Mr. h llip C. Anderson Mr. Arnold T. Hansen Mr. David Herrnsteen Mr. Dan Ogg fir. James Peotter Mrs. Betty J. Wallin, Mayor -Absent Mr. Patrick Cannon -excused (ill) fir. Edward Jack -excused (working) Mayor ordered the absent members excused. A quorum was established. III ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Mayor Wallin added the following: Item VI D OCS Report -Hank Pennington and Item VI E Letter from David Thompson. Mr. Iiovanec added Item X Q Award of Contract to Alagnak, Inc. for the road maintenance district Bells Flats/Russian Creek. Mr. Hansen moved to delete Item VI A. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried 4-1; Mr. Anderson, fir. Hansen, Mr. Herrnsteen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Mr. Peotter casting one 40 vote. Mr. Hansen moved for acceptance of the agenda as amended. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Mayor Wallin so ordered. IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS r A. Assembly -Special -October 27, 1979 B. Assembly -Regular -November 7, 1979 C. Assembly -Special -November 152 1979 Mr. Peotter moved for acceptance of the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mr. Herrnsteen pointed out that in the minutes of November 7, 1979 in Item VII A, last paragragh, line 4, page 2 and in Item IX 1., line 24, page 3 "Mr. Jack" should be "Mr. Herrnsteen". Mayor Wallin directed the corrections be made. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. V MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A. School Board -October 29 and November 26, 1979 B. Mental Health -October 17, 1979 C. P 6 Z Commission -October 17, 1979 D. Personnel Board -July 17 and November 8, 1979 (see Item X B) Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt of Items A, B, C and D. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. fir. Simpler, personnel board chairman, clarified the pregnancy insurance clause. Motion carried unani- mously by voice vote. VI COMMUNICATIONS E APPEARANCES Mr. Mason Wade, Corps of Engineers, asked to be heard. He I�f felt the assembly was remiss in not accepting the flood plain study (Item A, deleted). Mr. Milligan gave the history and background of the flood plain plan and explained that the assembly had requested this study over a year ago. Mr. Ogg moved that Mr. Wade be allowed to speak on the $20,000 study and the reservoir. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. fir. Wade stated the study had nothing to do with the flood insurance program. He made his presenta- tion explaining the study and showing what could happen if the-f,,• lake (Bettinger) should fail in the event of an earthquake. A large portion of the town would be in the flood plain. It was also pointed out that the City will keep the reservoir level substantially below the level Vecommended by the Corps of hbgingeers which would preclude a flood threat, Mr, Ogg moved 10102, 008 1 5 KIB ASSEMBLY MINUTES-DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE 2 to accept the Special Flood Plain Plan as presented. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Joint Request from KIB Education Association and School District -Tom Simpler. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mr. Ogg moved to submit the name of Arnold Hansen to act as a possible arbitrator in a personnel grievance. Seconded by Mr. derrnsteen. Notion carried 4-1 by voice vote with Mr. Peotter voting NO. C. P & Z Appointments. Mayor Vallin read the correspondence. Mayor Wallin recommended the reappointment of John Pugh and appointment of Tim Mill from the City. Mr. Ogg so moved. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Wallin recommended reappointment of Ron Sall from outside the city. Mr. Ogg so moved. Seconded by 'fr. Hansen. Hearing no objection the mayor so moved. D. OCS Report -Hank Pennington. Mr. Pennington made his presenta- tion; he requested a work session of OCS Council, Borough Assembly, and O.E.D.P. on January 19th. There will be public hearings in Anchorage on January 29th and 31st. 'requests funds be set aside for at least one person from the OCS Council to go to Anchorage to present testimony from this area. He made two formal requests: 1) that the OCS Council by-laws be amended so that an executive committee could be established and could constitute a quorum in the absence of a quorum of the council, and 2) that when funds are available that a staff member be added to the planning department to review and comment on the many studies that must be taken care of. This person should have an ecomonic back- ground. Hr. Milligan stated that the preapplication for the coastal policy grant has been submitted. Mr. Hansen moved that an executive committee be established consisting of the chairman, vice-chairman and three members elected by the OCS Council. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Mr. Peotter moved to amend by add- ing two alternates to be elected by the OCS Council. +mendment carried by unanimous voice vote. Main motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Ogg suggested taking care of the funding for representation at the Anchorage public hearings at the January meeting. Mr. Pennington stated that any new staff member in the planning department should be both an economist and engineer. Mr. Hansen moved the borough manager be advised to pursue help for the OCS Council. Seconded by .Mr. iferrnsteen. :lotion carried by unanimous voice vote. E. Letter from David Thompson. Mayor Wallin read the corres- pondence re. 1) Resolution #79-61-R legal counsel fees - feels these are excessive; 2) Borough manager's contract - urges expeditious settlement and cooperation with the manager; and 3) Alaska Coastal Policy Council and Kodiak's plan - urges public information and community input at an early date. ,To action necessary. Recess called at 8:10 P.M.; meeting reconvened at 8:27 P.M. VII PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ordinance 179-39-0 Rezoning Tract J, USS 3218, Lot 2A, Block 1, Holland Acres, 1st Addition., and Unsubdivided Portion of USS 3218 from Unclassified to Business (Parson/Zimmer/ 1 Rasmussen). Mayor Wallin read the correspondence and ordinance. Mr. Ogg moved to adopt Ordinance #79-39-0. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Closed regular session; opened public hearing. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Closed public hearing; resumed regular session. ,) n 9 f)2 n n a 1 6 KIB ASSEMBLY MEETING-DECEMBER 62 1979 PAGE 3 explained the zoning of the surrounding properties. Mr. F+nderson stated he was under the impression that Tract J had been subdivided into two parts. Mr. Pugh stated that at the P 8 Z public hearing an overwhelming majority from this area opposed business zoning along this road. Mr. Ogg moved to amend Ordinance '!79-39-0 that in the unsubdivided portion of USS 3218 that the 60 feet width connecting Melnitsa Lane South to Melnitsa Lane Aorth (a sixty foot width across the Northwest half of this property) be dedicated as a public access ease- C ment, this being Section 2 of the ordinance. Seconded by 11r. Hansen. Mr. Peotter felt Mr. Rasmussen should have some input into this action. Mr. Anderson moved to table Ordinance #79-39-0 to the next meeting; staff to find out if Tract J is owned by two people and see if Mr. Rasmussen would give right-of-way through Lot 5, Crestview subdivision. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. B. Ordinance #79-39-OA Rezoning Tract J, USS 3218 from Unclassified to Business (Parsons). Mayor Wallin read the correspondence and ordinance. Mr. Ogg moved for adoption of Ordinance 079-39-OA. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Regular session closed; public hearing opened. Io comments for or against the ordinance. Public hearing closed; regular session reconvened. Motion failed 1-4; Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Herrnsteen and Mr. Ogg casting NO votes. C. Ordinance #79-37-0 Rezoning Lots 1 through 31 Port Lions Subdivision from Watershed to R-1 Single Family Residential (KANA Housing Authority). Mayor PIallin read the correspondence and ordinance. Mr. Hansen moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-37-0. Closed regular session; opened public hearing. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Public hearing closed; regular session reconvened. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VIII OLD BUSINESS A. Re. KANA Housing Authority Request -Appraisal of Kadiak AK Subdivision, Tracts B, E and Portion of F (Mr. Haney) and Resolution #79-67-R Sale of Land to KANA Tracts B and E, Kadiak Ak Subdivision. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence and Resolution #79-67-R. Mr. Anderson moved to accept Resolution #79-67-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Mr. Klinkner, attorney, recommended changes in Sections 2 and 3. Mr. Simmons, KANA Housing Authority, suggested deleting Section 3 in its entirety. Mr. Ogg moved to amend to place a period after KIB in Section 2, Page 1 and delete the remainder of the sentence. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Iiotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved to amend Section 3 to read "that the total pur- chase cash price shall be $178,785.00." Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Amendment carried by unanimous roll call vote. Main motion as amended failed 2-3; Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hansen voted YES with Mr. Herrnsteen, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter casting A0 votes. A five-minute recess was called at 9:110 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 9:45 P.M. IX MAAAGER'S REPORT No report. Christmas greetings from tie manager. X NEW BUSINESS '1 0 0 g 2 0 0 8 1 7 KIB ASSEMBLY MEETING-DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE It Mr. Ogg moved that Item F be taken up before Item A. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Hearing no objection the chair so ordered. F. Resolution #79-62-R Juvenile Justice Reform. Judge Roy Madsen gave a presentation. Recommended study of the resolution stating that he is open to constructive criticism for change. There should be community input into this problem. Pointed out that rehabilitation instead of punishment is the goal of juvenile justice. Stated it Is very difficult to get people to supervise rehabilitation programs; the harbormaster is one of the few that has worked with the courts in this program. It was the concensus that the resolution was rather strongly worded. Mr. Ogg moved to adopt Resolution #79-62-R. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. sir. Peotter felt that even with the strong wording the resolution was recommending reform and was not directed specifically to Kodiak. Motion failed 1-4; Mr. Peotter voted YES with fir. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Herrnsteen and Mr. Ogg casting NO votes. Mr. Ogg moved that the manager contact the court system in order to help out by giving some of our juveniles jobs. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. A. Ratification of Election Judges. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mr. Hansen moved for ratification of the election judges as listed. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. IIansen moved for setting a special meeting for the ratifiaction of special election on December 17, 1979 at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. B. 1st Reading Ordinance #79-40-0 Amending Class Title & Pay Range Table of the KIB Personnel Rules 6 Regulations. Ordinance was read by title only. fir. Hansen moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-40-0 at first reading. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. J C. 1st Reading Ordinance #79-41-0 Amending Sick Leave Pro- visions of the KIB Personnel Rules 6 Regulations. Ordinance was read by title only. Mr. Ogg moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-41-0 at first reading. Seconded by fir. Peotter. notion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. 1st Reading Ordinance #79-42-0 Electing the Annual Motor Vehicle Registration Tax in Lieu of Ad Valorem Property Tax. Mr. Ogg moved for adoption of Ordinance 979-42-0 at first reading. Mr. Ogg pointed out that the borough and city should be in agreement on this matter. Mr. Ilovanec explained what the supplemental tax roll is. Motion carried 4-1; 'Ir. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Iir. Herrnsteen casting one NO vote. Mr. Ogg moved that the second reading, public hearing, be at the special meeting December 17, 1979. Seconded by Mr. IIansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The clerk was directed to contact the newspapers changing the special meeting of December 15th to December 17th. Mr. Ogg movers, that Ordinances #79-40-0, #79-41-0 and „79-42-0 public hearin.s be held at the December 17th special meeting at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by fir. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. E. Resolution #79-61-R Relating to Retainer of Borough General j Counsel. Mr. IIansen moved for adoption of Resolution #79-61-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Mayor Wallin read the resolutions. Hotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. G. Resolution #79-63-R Requesting Approval of the KIB Urbaa. Area house Numbering. Mr. Milligan explained this was requested last spring and will be invaluable to all the emergency services. Mr. Hansen moved for adoption of Resolution #79-63-R. Seconded by fir. Ogg. Motion carried by vcice vote with Mr. 099 voting NO. 1 n 1'1 2 A 0 8 1 0, KIB ASSEMBLY MEETIMO-DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE 5 H. Resolution #79-64-R Requesting a Powerline Easement from Swampy Acres to Bells Flats AK Subdivision (KEA). Mr. Ogg moved for adoption of Resolution 09-64-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. This land was seledted by KIB from TA'd lands. Mr. Ogg felt the 100 foot right-of-way should be delineated in the resolution to include metes and bounds. Mr. Ogg moved to amend to include the metes and bounds description as in- cluded in the KEA letter of October 12, 1979. Seconded by I4r. Peotter. Amendment carried by unanimous voice vote. Main motion carried by unanimous voice vote. I. Resolution #79-65-R Subdivision of Lot 17, Russian Creek AK Subdivision into Two (2) Lots (Harry Lund). Mr. Ogg moved for adoption of Resolution #79-65-R. Seconded by Mr. Iierrnsteen. Mr. Milligan stated Mr. Lund had agreed to the easements. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. J. Resolution #79-66-R Subdivision of Lot 21, Block 1, Monashka Bay Subdivision into Two (2) Lots (Bill 8 Gus Yovino). Mr. Hansen moved for adoption of Resolution #79-66-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. It was stated that there is no legal access but he purchas4d the adjoining property for access. I•Ir. Ogg moved to table until the buildings are placed on the plat. Seconded by Mr. Ilansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. K. Resolution #79-68-R COLA Increase. Mayor Wallin read the resolution. Mr. Ilansen moved for adoption of #79-68-R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Mr. Ogg moved to amend to change 13.5 percent to 9.5 percent. Motion died for lack of a second. 14r. Peotter moved to table. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Simpler, personnel board, explained the method used in reaching this figure. Mr. Hovanec stated the borough has funds for the COLA increase to the end of the year. I4r. Ogg moved to amend 13.5 percent to 12.0 percent. Net4en died for lack of a second. 947�. At 11:00 P.H. the assembly agreed to finish the agenda tonight. Motion carried 4-1; PIr. Anderson, Mr. Ilansen, Mr. Iierrnsteen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Mr. Peotter casting one NO vote. L. 1st Reading Ordinance #79-38-0 Request for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan on the Proposed Tract J, USS 1396, from Residential to Business (Tom Saling). Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mr. Hansen moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-38-0 at first reading. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Mr. Milligan explained the location of the property and recommendation of the P & Z re. Ordinances #79-38-0 and #79-43-0. Motion failed 2-3; Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Iierrnsteen and 11r. Peotter casting NO votes. M. 1st Reading Ordinance 479-43-0 Rezone Tract J, USS 1396, from Unclassified to Business (Tom Saling). Mr. Peotter moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-43-0 at first reading. Seconded by Mr. Herrnsteen. Motion failed by unanimous roll call vote. n 14. Rasmussen Library Request. Mayor Wallin read the corres- pondence. Mayor Wallin directed the clerk to write to the J University of Alaska informing them where they can get the requested materials. 0. School District Report of Revenues & Expenditure -October 1979. Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt. Second d by 11r. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. P. Monthly Activities Report -October :_9"9. Mr. Hansen ..,oved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. KIB ASSEMBLY MEETING-DECEMBER u, 1979 PAGE 6 Q. Award of Bells Flats/Russian Creek Creed Road Service Contract to Alagnak, Inc. 1979-80. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mr. Ogg moved to award the Bells Flats/Russian Creek Road Service District contract to Alagnak, Inc. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. XI MAYOR'S COMMENTS 1. Requested the three members on the personnel board whose a terms expire this month be kept in until such time as they are either replaced or reappointed. Requested advertisement for the January meeting. Mr. Hansen moved the three encumbents be retained until advertisements have been made and new names submitted. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 2. Requested a meeting with P 6 Z to discuss the old and new comprehensive plans, a date to be set in January. Members are to bring their copies of the plan. 3. Requested two members of the assembly comprise a committee for Chiniak School problems to monitor and report back to the assembly on a monthly basis. Mr. Ogg and Mr. Herrnsteen volunteered. 4. Read memo from Dr. John Anttonen requesting a work session in mid -February to discuss the impact of facilities development for the FY 80 budget. Mayor stated Karluk does not want another modular unit. The meeting will be set up at the earliest possible date. 5. Reported on meeting of Alaska Coastal Policy Council. Brought back copies of the plans submitted by four cities for study. Mr. Hovanec requested an executive session at the end of the meeting. I ; XII ASSEMBLY COMMENTS Mr. Anderson: None Mr. Ogg: 1. Feels the Kodiak Regional Authority as suggested by the borough manager is a good idea and should be studied and considered. 2. Stated he had received from Mr. Hovanec the total figure, $14,384.48 on the Royal Large case. Mr. Hansen: None Mr. Peotter: Requested the borough calendar be mailed out. It was explained that the calendars had been mailed to all assembly members even though Mr. Peotter had not received his. Mr. Herrnsteen: 1. Prefers having hand out correspondence as early as possible. Was informed this is the purpose of the manager's report. Mr. Hovanec suggested he may start a handout packet for each month. 2. Requested discussing the manager's contract in executive session. Mayor Wallin: Re. minority member on personnel board. Mr. Hovanec was directed to contact Mr. Simpler to find out if Mr. Halvorsen has responded and whether advertising can be done Lat this time. XIII AUDIENCE COMMENTS Royal Large: Stated he felt he should have been notified of the KEA easement in Bells Flats/Russian Creek. Mr. Hovanec: Stated the report on national Flood Insurance is available. 1 Q n KIB ASSEMBLY MEETING-DECEI4BER 6, 1979 PAGE 7 Mr. Ogg moved to go into executive session concerning the Royal Large case, International Seafoods and Neal & Company case and report out at the next special meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. XIV ADJOUR14MENT Mayor !dallin adjourned the regular meeting to executive session at 11:50 P.M. ATTEST: Bor6uglyClerX, Acting