10/09/1979 Regular MeetingKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING-OCTOBER 9, 1979 (a Verbartim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Betty J. Wallin at 6:30 P.M. in the Borough Meeting Room. II ROLL CALL Present ^1r. Phillip C. Anderson Dr. Michael Emmick Mr. Arnold T. Iiansen Mr. Dan Ogg Mr. James Peotter Pars. Betty J. 11allin, Mayor Absent Mr. Edward Jack (fishing) excused Mrs. Sandra Kavanaugh iir. Peotter moved that Mr. Jack be excused. Seconded by �,Ir. Hansen. notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Dr. mmick moved that Mrs. Kavanaugh be excused. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion failed 3-2; Mr. Anderson, Jr. i n nick and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg casting 11O votes. A quorum was established. III ITEMS OF BUSI14ESS 1. Ratification of October 2, 1979 election. The purpose of this item was for the canvass of election returns, to certify election results and swear in the members to the Borough Assembly. Mayor aallin read the memo from the Borough Clerk with her report and recommendations. Mr. Peotter moved that the eight (0) questioned ballots and one (1) absentee ballot as presented by the Clerk be rejected. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved that the five (5) valid challenged ballots, thirty-seven (37) questioned ballots and sixty-two (62) absentee ballots as well as the six (6) slightly unusual ballots as presented by the Clerk be ac- cepted. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. [lotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. The absentee, challenged and questioned ballots were opened and counted by the members of the Assembly. Mayor Wallin read Resolution 179-55-R ratify- ing and confirming the results of the October 2, 1979 general election. Dr. Emmick moved for adoption of Resolution 09-55-1.. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mayor '?allin relinquished the chair to Mr. Hansen. The Borough Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected officials present: Mrs. Betty J. Wallin, Mr. Phillip C. Anderson and Mr. R. David Herrnsteen. The fifth member, one-year seat, on the Service District :advisory Board will be appointed by the four elected members to serve until the next general election. There will be a special run-off election on October 23, 1979 for a three-year assembly seat as the second and third place candidates did not receive in excess of forty (40a) percent of the votes cast as required by Section 29.28.040 of the Alaska States, Municipal Code. The gavel was returned to Mayor Wallin. Dr. Emmick moved that Firs. Kavanaugh be continued in the open assembly seat until replacement is found. Seconded by Kr. Peotter. !lotion failed 3-2; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen and Idr. Ogg casting NO votes. 2. HUD Public hearing. Mr. Hovanec explained the preapplication for the HUD grant and the selection and priority listing of projects. Mayor Wallin closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing for the I.'UD Small Cities Grant for the KIB for $500,000. Mr..IIovenec read a letter giving the guidelines for selecting these projects. Dave Thompson, 1.T4XT Director; Recommended the following: 1. Low and moderate income housing; 2. Recreation facilities; 3. Improvement of road system (beginning with residential areas); 4. Purchase of a "mini -bus" and 5. Sewer system improvements. Dennis Murray, Senior Citizens Director: Recommends the Borough work with the City in obtaining a grant for the Senior Citizens sidewalk improvements. KIB ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING-OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 2 Dr. Emmick, private citizen: Recommends electrical facilities at Old flarbor and Ouzinkie, Headstart and the Port Lions sewer engineering study. Public hearing closed; regular session reconvened. The Assembly acknowledged receiving testimony on the above mentioned items. 3. Ordinance #79-28-0(A), providing for the submission to the qualified voters of the KIB, the question of the issuance of $29,000,000 of general obligation bonds of the KIB to pay the costs of school improvements in the borough at a special election to be held December 11, 1979, first reading. Mayor i1allin read the ordinance by title only. Dr. Emmick moved for adoption of Ordinance #79-23-0(A) in first reading. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. A w( session will be held on this on October 27th with the school board and bond counsel at 12 noon. Motion carried by uanimous roll call vote. IV ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Mayor '?allin at 8:30 P.M. E.Tgh/ia ATTEST: � / r Borough Clerk, Acting a