08/23/1979 Regular MeetingKODIAK ISLAiill BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY M]CETI_ G-AUGUST 23, 1979 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by PIayor 'ietty J. ".'allin at 8:33 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II 'LOLL CALL Present Mr. Piul Anderson yr. Michael Emmick llr. Arnold Hansen !Ir. Dan Ogg Pir. James Peotter Mrs. Betty J. Wallin, llayor A quorum was established. III ITEM OF BUSIdESS Absent Mr. 'Award Jack -out of to -tin fishing Mrs. Sandra Kavanau;h-out of town business A. Management Issues. Mayor Wallin stated the Borough is with- out a manager at present; Mrs. ?filler, Clerk/Treasurer, now act- ing manager will be out of town until early September. 74r. Anderson moved to approve Resolution 79-43-R, a resolution design- ating a borough administrative officer as acting manager during the duly designated manager's absence or d2,%bility, with the appro- priate compensation for the job while in that position. Seconded by Nr. Ilansen. Mr. Oag moved to amend by deleting the reference to nay. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Amendment carried 4-1; Dr. Emmick, 'Ir. Hansen, Ar. Oag and !fr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson casting one NO vote. Mr. Anderson pointed out that the acting; manager has the responsibility to coordinate the Larsen Bay and Ouzinkie schools. Mr. Peotter moved to amend to designate Gary L. IIovanec as interim manager pending the appointment of a full time manager. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Discussion as to whether the interim manager would automatically receive com- pensation for the position if he served for less than thirty Mays. Amendment failed 2-3; Dr, E,rimick and !fr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen and Hr. Ogg casting10 votes. Main motion carried 4-1; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Eiwiiick, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Mr. Peotter casting one 40 vote. Hr. Anderson moved that Mr. IIovanec be paid at the higher rate of pay from the day he starts as acting borough manager. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. (Higher rate of pay being the rate of pay received by the manager at the time he left the borough). Mr. Peotter moved to amend that because of the vagueness in the personnel matters, rather than make -the amount -the budgeted amount that is in our budget, I would give fir. IIovanec while lie is acting as interim manager one step on the pay scale. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Discussion as to whether the rate of pay should be based on the base figure used three years ago, $39,500, or the current wage at the time of the manager's departure, 01 8,500. Dr. Emmick moved for executive session to discuss the salary of the interim employee. Seconded by 4r. Anderson, Motion failed 3-2; llr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick and Mr. Peotter voted YES with lir. Ilansen and Mr. Org casting NO votes. A five-minute recess was called. Meeting reconvened. Amendment failed 1-4; 14r. Peotter voted YES with :Ir. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mr. i.ansen and lir. O-g casting 140 votes. Hr. Anderson moved to substitute for the main motion "that the acting borough manager will be paid at the rate of pay $48,500 from the first day of employment in this position and salary based on a yearly salary. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Mr. Peotter moved to amend to read "until such time as a regular, permanent full time manager has been hired. Seconded by i;r. Anderson. Amendment carried •r Q 01 2 0 0 7 3 1 - S. 1:I3 SP=CL•SL .iSSE'S3LY I°iEETI'i'-1UGUST 23, 1Sf5 2 4-1; ilr. Anderson, Dr. Erunick,'`ir. ''ansen and :ir. O-g voted YES with Pr. Peotter casting one '0 vote. :Main notion carried 4-1 . r. '-nderson, Dr. rmniek, Mr.-`Iansen and Hr. 0--7 voted YES with iir. Peotter casting one CIO vote. ;ir. i_ovanec accepted the position at the specified salary and requested a brief wort: session in the borough conference room immediately following adjournment. DIV `.JJOUR. E.T The meeting was adjourned by J.ayor allin at 7:15 -TTES T : I