08/02/1979 Regular Meeting) 0 0 Q 2 A 0 7 6 9 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING -AUGUST 2, 1979 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) 2 CALL TO ORDER Tile meeting was called to order by Mayor Betty J. ,Iallin at 6:32 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Betty J. Wallin, Mayor Mr. Phil Anderson (arr. Dr. Aichael Emmick ikir. Arnold Hansen Mrs. Sandra Kavanaugh tir. Dan Ogg Mr. James Peotter l',bsent M 6:42) r. Edward Jack - excused (fishing) Hansen moved to allow lip. Anderson two hours to appear. Seconded by I1r. Ogg. Motion carried 4-1 with Dr. Emmick casting one AO vote. Mr. Hansen moved that Mr. Jack be excused. Seconded by I1r. Peotter. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Os*g casting one AO vote. A quorum was established. III ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Added to Agenda: VI B Tax Study Report VI C Anderson Ltr. of liesignation. from P 6 Z X K KIB 79-41-R Tax Foreclosed Properties Mr. Ogg, moved to add these items to the agenda. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. IIrs. Kavanaugh moved to amend to add the O.E.D.P. Report under .vew Business X L. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. amendment carried by unanimous roll call vote. Main motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. IIrs. Kavanaugh moved that Item G be moved to VI A(2). Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Notion carried 4-1,- Dr. Emmick, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Ogg casting one 40 vote. IIrs. Kavanaugh moved for acceptance of the agenda as amended. Seconded by fir. ilansen. notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. A. Assembly -Regular -July 5, 1979 (Recessed to July 6, 9, & 10) D. Assembly -Special -July 21, 1979 Mr. Peotter moved for acceptance of Items A 6 B. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. V HINUTES OF OTHER MEETI'IGS A. P & Z Commission -June 20, 1979 (Continued to June 21) Mr. Peotter moved for acceptance of Item A. Seconded by firs. Kavanaugh. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VI „M 6 (2). Letter from Gary Stevens Re: City Lease Agreement anq KMXT Rent (was VIII G). Mayor Wallin read correspondence. Mr. Anderson arrived at 6:42 P.M. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to remove from the table the question of KMXT rent. Seconded by 1Ir. Hansen. (Motion to appropriate from federal revenue sharing funds *16,800 to K;!XT for the purpose of paying rent). Motion carried by unanimous roll call vats!. Mr. Ogg moved to delete "for the purpose of paying rent". S1-conde,_t by iir. Iiansen. The reasoning, for setting up the new renc scale was to do away with discrimination in rental rates and to set up a fund for building maintenance. It was generally felt that A.20 per square foot was too iiioh. The assembly voted 4-1 (Mrs. Kavanaugh voted :;0) to non -objection to hearing input from representatives of KIXT, KIB School Board and the teleconferencing service. Bill Glynn, KPBC; Dave Thompson, General Manager of 1CIfX1'; i[ary Jo. Simmons, teleconferencing service, anu Louise Collins, chairman of KIB School Board spoke against the raise in office space rental. ,Ir. Ogg moves to table to a work session. Seconded by 3r. hansen. i'iUtlon failau 2-4; Mr. Hansen anJ 'ir. ORP vote.l ��}.c Taii-A ;-,." KIB ASSEMBLY MEETIAG-AUGUST 2, 1979 PAGE 2 lnderson, Dr. Emmick, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Hr. Peotter casting .:IO votes. 14rs. ;:avanaugh moved by substitution that the rents be reduced from 41.20 per square foot to 60 cents per square foot for FY 80. Seconded by Hr. Peotter. Motion carried 4-2, Hr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mrs. Kavanaugh and 11r. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen and Hr. Ogg casting ;?0 votes. rlr. Ogg moved to reconsider and spread on the minutes. Died for lack of a second. Meeting recessed at 7:55 P.II. and reconvened at 8:10 P.M. 3. Tax Study Report. Lou Schneider presented recommendations: A.(1) Borough -Drop personal property tax on commercial fishing, boats to 5.00 or $15.00 per boat, based on net tonnage. (2) Retain personal property tax on fishing gear not attached to and forming a part of boat (i.e. pots, seines, outboards, skiffs, etc.). (3) City -Remove exemption on personal property. (4) State to collect personal property tax on vehicles. (5) Borough -implement a 1". area wide sales tax to be based on essentially the same statute as city presently using. (6) Borough -Reduce mill rate on real ✓; personal property to reflect net gain from sales tax. (7) City -Reduce mill rate to reflect elimination of personal property tax payments to borough. Tax loss resulting -from (1) E (2) (350,000) Tax gain from (5) 550.000 in city 750,000 200,000 outside Net Gain 400,000 Recommendation: (1) Borough request legal opinion as to whether they have power to tax intangible personal property and check taxable status of leasehold improvements, and (2) Borough pursue annexation of areas on former military reserva- tion, presently owned by the State, now being utilized by �j private commercial interests. LI 'fr. Peotter stated this would be a stop gap until unification. It f was pointed out there could be consolidation of many city, borough and school district departments. Dr. Emmick moved to acknowledge receipt and express appreciation for this study and forward to the City and see how this fits into their plans and await their comments. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. -fr. Ogg moved to amend that for the next general election Item A 5 be placed on the ballot. Seconded by Mr. Iiansen. Dr. Emmick stated the city, as a home rule city, is not ruled by the :;laska Statutes; the borough could go 1", sales tax areawide and the city could go to 6 Amendment failed 3-3; Mr. Anderson, rlr. Hansen and ?Ir. Ogg voted YES with Dr. Emmick, Mrs. Kavanaugh and iIr. Peotter casting :40 votes. !fr. Ogg moved to amend that Item B 1 be placed on the ballot in proper form. Seconded by Hl,. Iiansen. 'irs. Kavanaug i stated that the largest part of the XIB budget is the School District budget and feels this cannot be limited. Amendment failed 2-4; Mr. Hansen and Mr. O,;g voted YES with -Jr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter casting "0 votes. Hr. Ogg moved to amend that the State of Alaska collect personal property tax on vehicles (Item 1.. 4). Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Fain motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. C. Phil Anderson Resignation from P h Z Commission. Mayor `7allin read the correspondence. _?o action needed. Mayor Wallin directed that a letter be sent to the City to request a list of names be submitted to fill this position. I PUBLIC HEARIAGS -.. Ordinance 79-20-0 Amending Comprehensive Land Use Plan Rezoning Lot 2A, USS 3218 from Medium Density Residential to Business (Assembly -Zimmer). Mayor Wallin read Resolution 79-20-0. _Irs. Kavanaugh moved for adoption of Ordinance 79-20-0. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Closed regular meeting; opened public hearing. ) 0() 9 2 0 0 7 7 1 bIB ASSEMBLY BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETLIG-AUGUST 2, 1979 PAGE 3 ;,orna Arndt: Is in favor of the rezoning. Pointed out that :Ir. Z�imner had been attempting to have this property rezoned for about five years; other properties had been rezoned but his excluded. iir. fnderson: Stated that Tract S-1 had not been rezoned to industrial but adjoining properties had been and that Ar. Zimmer had been opposed to this. The chair asked for a vote as to idr. .Miderson's being included in the discussion and being allowed to vote on the issue as he was a P & Z member; in tiie P & 7 action it was stated that action was -taken on the matter ano he si; ;ne.'i the Sul P & Z resolution. Hotion failed 3-2; Dr. Enrniek, ilrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES; Mr. Hansen and iar. Ogg voted 10 with "Ir. Anderson abstaining. Closed public hearing; regular session reconvened. It was stateu rezoning of the property would be'compatible with sur- rounding area. Motion carried 5-0; Dr. Emmick, Mr. Iiansen, i'rs. Kavanaugh, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson abstaining by his own choice. B. Ordinance 79-26-0 Rezoning Tract G--1, USS 3218 from Unclass- ified to Business (Hatfield). Mayor 11allin read the ordinance. °Ir. Ogg moved for adoption of Ordinance 79-26-0. Seconded by i1r. Hansen. Closed regular meeting:, opened public hearing. Jo comments for or against. Closed public hearing; regular session reconvened. 'lotion carried 5-0; Dr. Emmick, Bir. Hansen, '_irs. Kavanaugh, Mr. Ogg and r1r. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson abstaining by his own choice. C. Ordinance 79-28-0 For a Municipal '.fond Proposal for School Facilities. Mayor read the ordinance. Mr. Hansen moved for adoption of Ordinance 79-28-0. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Regular C meeting closed; public hearing opened. Louise Collins, president of School Board: Gave report of the school board special meeting restating their recommendation for a $29,000,000 bond issue. Dr. E:iunick suggested using main elem- entary school for a maintenance shop and storage. The renovation of the building for this purpose will be taken into consideration. Jim Olson, School Board: Stated there would be no disruption of classes.. A new building would be in the same site area as the present school. The state will fund 76 percent of the bond issue and the borough 24 percent. At present it has not been decided whether to construct a new building or remodel the present one. Craig, Bishop: Feels the main school building should not be destroyed. Beverly eSims: Is in favor of new construction as remodeling would ncessitate split shifts for the school children and feels the programs would suffer, would lose the use of the gym during the remodeling, and that having junior high and elementary under one roof is not conducive to education. Is is favor of the school bond. Noreen Thompson, pupil personnel and instructional' services... director: Stated there would be no more teachers but a longer day with remodeling. The cost would be the.same except for the -- inconvenience to the children. Lou Santoro, principal of East Elementary: Is against remodeling. Supports the performing arts center. Lorna Arndt: Feels the people should have the opportunity to vote on the bond issue. Louise Collins: Pointed out that the passage of the bond issue does not preclude using the shell of the present (old) school building for maintenance or storage. 1 0 0 0 2 O A 7 7 ?. I:I: ASSEiFBLY -1I;;'TI.1G-AUGUST 2, 1979 pAG • 4 Closed public hearing; regular session reconvened. Dr. Emmick moved to amend that of the $29,000,000 at least $6,000,000 be designated for rural school develourient. Seconded by Ar. Peotter. Amendment failed 2-4; Dr. Emnuck and Mrs. Kavanaugh voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Ogf; and n'. Peotter casti,i,,r ii0 votes. Mr. Hansen moved to amend that the question be placed on -the ballot whether the school district (1) renovate the main -junior high building, or (2) build new schools. Seconded by '!r. Ogg. r. Ogg moved to amend by substitution to place Proposition 2 on the ballot to react: Shall Kodiak Island Borough (_/ Remodel Hain Llementary and Junior high or C7 Construct new buildings VOTE FOR 014E Seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh. Substitute motion failed 3-3; Hr. Hansen, :Irs. Iavanaugh and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick and `Ir. Peotter casting .0 votes. _Irs. Kavanaugh moved the proposition be changed to read: Section 5. Shall Kodiak Island Borough incur an indebtedness and— sure general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed :29,000,000 for the purpose of: (1) Construction of a new elementary school, (2) Construction of a new junior high school, (3) Demolition of the old main and junior high, (4) Construction of performing and visual arts center, (5) Construction of maintenance shop and storage space, (6) Construction of P.E. space at Past Elementary, (7) Construc- tion of new school at Akhiok, (:;) Construction of village outside P.E. and playground facilities, and (9) Major maintenance repair projects, and delete `acquiring property for, planning, designing, equipping, improving and construction school and related capital improvements" and add the remainder of Proposition as stated in Ordinance 79-28-0. Seconded by '4r. Peotter. Motion failed 3-3• Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Oqg voted YES with Dr. Emmick lir. Hansen and Mr. Peotter casting id0 votes. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to change the amount from *29,000,000 to *162000,000. Died for lack of a second. Main motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VIII OLD BUSINESS A. Ordinance 79-9-0 Adopting a Comprehensive Park & Recreation Program & Facilities Plan. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried 5-1; Hr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Kavanaugh, Pair. Ogg and 'Ir. Peotter voted YES with Dr. Emmick casting one I0 vote ('motion is "for adoptsi.on• of Ordinance 79-9-0): Dr. Lmunick moved to amend to. change•,the title of th§ document --to Kodiak Metropolitan Area Comprdhensive:Parks and- Recreation Plan". Seconded by Mr. Tiansen. Amendment failed 3-3; Dr. Emmick.,.Mv..Hansen and`Mr. Ogg voted'YES with Wb.:"Afiderson, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr.. • Peotter casting NO votes: Mr. Ogg moved to imend':'by deleting'paragraph 3'5'page'3 and also to delete^on:page 34'; (paragraph 'cto..insure the provision of ade- quate recreation facilities in association with new development. This can be done through the zoning code and subdivision regula- tions by requiring dedications of receation land in conjunction with townhouse and planned unit developments and with new sub- divisions by precluding certain constructions in hazardous zones". Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mr. Anderson stated this is not meant for an individual but for a large development or multiple units without recreation facilities. P & Z has not rec•!i'ved'reouest,_=d input from the villages. ilr. 099 a,:�eltCe,i the amend:',. --it to send back to P & Z and not return to tiie assorcbly until the six villages are included in this plan. Seconded Ly r. AZdarson. i'Uuenctuent to the amendment carried by unanimous roll call votc,. Fsnend icnt to delete failed 2-4; Pir. Hansen and 'r. Og', voted YrS with '`.r. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, ;Irs. Kavanaugh and fir. Peotter casting, !0 votes. Mr. Ogg moved to table. Seconcleu by !fr. Anderson. -otion failed 2-4; iir. Anderson anJ Dr. 'jmmick voted YES with ilr. t!ansen, Irs. Kavanaugh, ;Ir. O-I= an i Hr. Peotter castin,T, , 0 votes: r. Peotter moved to substitntc this be .ref,-rred back to P & Z until all portions of the recreation plan pertaining to villages have been incorporated within the plan. Seconded by _Irs. Kavanaugh. 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 7 3 Y.IB ASSEMBLY MEETING -AUGUST 2, 1979 PAGE 5 Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved to recess until 9:30 A.M., Friday, August 3rd. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Mr. Peotter moved to amend -the time from 9:30 A.H. to 6:30 P.M., Friday, August 3rd. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Amended motion carried 5-1; Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. (Cavanaugh, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Dr. Emmick casting one NO vote. Meeting recessed at 11:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 6:36 P.M., Friday 3, 1979 Roll Call: Mr. Anderson arrived at 6:38 P.H.-, all members present. VIII OLD BUSINESS B. Ordinance 79-11-0 Adopting Amended Title 2 of XIB Code of Ordinances. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to call from the table Ordinance 79-11-0, (motion to adopt Ordinance 79-11-0). Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to amend that Chapters 2.36 through 2.38 be removed from Title 2. Seconded by Dr. Emmick. Amendment carried 5-2; Dr. Emmick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh, -Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hansen casting 40 votes. tir. Ogg moved to amend that Chapters 2.36 and 2.38 be moved to Title 12, of the KIB Code of Ordinances (Streets and Sidewalks). Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mr. Denslow stated they could be moved to Title 12, 13 (Utilities) or 14 and be codified. Amendment failed 3-4; Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Dr. Emmick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter casting id0 votes. Main motion as amended carrie(l by un- animous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved Chapters 2.36 and 2.33 be moved and codified. Seconded by Pirs. Kavanaugh. Notion carried 6-1; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, fir. Ilansen, Mr. Jack, firs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES with sir. Ogg casting one '10 vote. ;Ir. Hansen moved to reconsider and spread on the minutes. Iirs. Kavanaugh stated reconsideration was out of order. Mayor Wallin directed the manager to get a rulin from the attorney. C. Ordinance 79-17-0 Budge FY 79-,;0 Veto Items: (1) Secretary I Assessing Department and (2) Engineering Department. L)r. Emmick moved that the budget as amended as passed in June by this assembly be reconfirmed and veto denied. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion failed 2-5; Dr. Emmick and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Jack, 'ors. _:avanaugh and Mr., Ogg casting JO votes.` (1) Account Ao. 146 - ir. Peotter movei tocall up Item (1). Seconded by •irs. Kavanaugh. :aotion faile. 3-4; Mr. An :erson, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg vote-1 YES with ir. Emmick, Mr. Jack, ifrs. Kavanau•an •:int; >Ir. Peotter casting '0 votes. (The motion was to allow for Secretary I position to be increased to ;; nge 8, Step 5(b) and to take on the duties of the Assessing Clerk for the one -quarter time with title to be Assessing Clerk Secretary II.) (2) .lccount io. lit'i - Mr. Peotter moved to call up Item (2). C'ayor vetoed Account 1Jo. 148 leaving $50,000 for contract services. Mr. Peotter moved to override the veto. Ifotion failed.) notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. (Engineering department back at $93,333) Mayor said !fr. Garnett stated the budget could be adjusted to reflect the rent decrease. Mr. Hansen moved to have Assembly Comments now. Seconded by Hr. OF notion failed 2-5; Mr. Hansen and Mr. OFg voted YES with Mr. Anderson, Or. Emmick, Mr. Jack, ilrs. Kavanaugh and ir. Peotter casting 10 votes. Mr. Hansen moved to set a special meeting for August 18th for the purpose setting the mill rate. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Motion failed 3-4; "r. Anderson Mr. H. � . , nsen and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Dr. Emmick, llr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter casting a0 votes. Dr. Emmick moved the f-till rate be established and entered on the record on the basis of the budget as amended and passed, the mill rate to reflect that budget. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 1 0 0 0 2 a`' p 7 7 4 KIB ASSE:IsLY dEETI,IG-,`.UGUST 2, 1979 (Recessed to=.ugust 3) PAGE B b. resolution 79-37-R Providing Space for Legislative Informa- tion Office and Teleconferencing Site. Payor .1allin read the resolution. Ers. Kavanaugh moved to call up from the table. Seconded by 11r. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. lirs. Kavanaugh moved 'to substitute the resolution before us tonight for the one of the June 5th meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jack. I.lotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Anderson moved to amend to pay rent in the amount of 30 cents per square foot for FY 80 to be paid monthly and in paragraph 4, line 4 a delete everything after "fiscal year 1980". Seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh. Amendment carried 6-1; Mr. Paiderson, Dr. Enimick, 'Ir. Jack, 'rlrs. Kavanaugh, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen casting one NO vote. Clain motion (moved for adoption of Resolution 79-39-R) as amended carried by unanimous roll call vote. E. Royal Large Case. Mayor `Iallin read the correspondence. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved that Michael Sharon, attorney, be instructed to file the appellant brief. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. )r. Enunick moved the previous question be called (to close debate). Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion failed-IL:-2,'. with one abstention, requires two-thirds vote; Dr.,Ei;nick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES, Iir. Hansen and 1Ir. Ogg cast i10 votes and Mr. Anderson abstained. Mayor Wallin read a recent opinion on limitation of debate. A recess was called .at 7:55 P.M., meeting reconvened at 8:05 P.M. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to limit debate to one (1) minute per person. Motion carried 5-2; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Enunick, Mr. Jack, .irs. Kavanaugh and Mr. tt voted YE with !fr. Hansen and 'Ir. Opg casting if0 votes. at 74r. AndeEg9n may ,abs ain from vote for the next month if he choos s.,� eon cde y r. Hansen. Mr. Anderson stated he had no background on this case. Motion failed 3-4; I1r. Anderson, Mr. Jack and firs. Kavanaugh voted YES with Dr. Emmick, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Ong and i•Ir. Peotter casting 40 votes. Main motion carried 4-3; Dr. Emmick, lr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Anderson, ilr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg casting AO votes. F. Expiration Felton Lease on B•-1, Bells Flats Subdivision. Playor Wallin read the correspondence. Dr. Emmick moved to affirm the policy as outlined in the last paragraph of the manager's memo and continue the lease until other arrangements are made. Seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh. Motion carried 5-2; Hr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and ilr. Peotter voted YES with 11r. Hansen and Mr. O-g casting :10 votes. H. Developmental City of Afognak Outlining State Requirements. ilayor Wallin read the correspondence. Hr. Hansen moved that the petition be acknowledged and have i•Is. l:atz and/or :Ir. Garnett, attorneys, review the document and made a review of the Detition before action is taken. Seconded by Iir. Jack. iir. Denslow stated that Afognak City could not at a later date opt not to turn over their planning powers to the borough without the consent of the assembly. Ms. Katz will receive a copy of these minutes. Mr. Ogg requests I1s. Katz address what will happen after the five-year period and their request that a member of KIB and the planning and zoning staff consult with their planning commission. inayor Wallin suggested that any assembly member having input into this document is free to write to the attorney, as on any issue. Ilotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. IX M&IAGER'S REPORT 1. Start up meeting for the engineering and planning effort in Service District No. 1 to prepare the Stage 1 Facilities Plan was held July 2, 1979. The schedule for the events, KIB Service District ao. 1 Facilities Plan Project Schedule are as follows: KIB ASSEMBLY MEETIIIG-AUGUST 2, 1979 (Recessed to August 3) PAGE 7 Start Facility Plan 7-1-79 Public Ilearing on Assessment of .:Alternatives 9-15-79 Draft Facility Plan 10-15-79 Receive Regulatory Comments 11-15-79 Public Ilearing on Selected Plan and EAS 12-15-79 Submit Final Plan for Approval 1-15-30 Submit Step 2 + 3 Grant Application 1-15--80 Receive Ragulatcry Approval of rl:,n 3--15-30 Receive Approval of Step 2 + 3 Grants 3-1-30 Receive Notice to Proceed with Contract a Documents 7 3-15-30 Submit Contract Documents to Ce gulatory Agencies for Approval G-15-:10 Receive regulatory Approval of Contract Docur.:_,nt s 7 •-1-. 0 First Bid .lwertisement 7-15- 0 Open Bids 9-15--50 Award Ccntr-ct 10-15-;0 notice to Pvoc3eC_ 11-1-80 lips. Kavanaugh moved to ac?cnowled,;e receipt of project schr uule. Seconded by Mr. Peottcr. notion ca-ried 5-2; i1r. Anderon, �s Emmic,., .:r. .T- r Mrs. Kavanaugh and Ar. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen and I::_,. OFr cast_nf, 70 votes. 2. EPA -DEC -ranP Y•ent schedule discussed at e.esc.-: - a. 1. Stale grants or EPA -step 1 projects - 100a payment un01 Depar entel z_pyraoval of facility plan. 2. .ate grants for EPA step 2 project - 10G;; payment upon Departmental approval of detailed III—Ino and specifications. 3. C n t action grants - EPA step 3 and State constructi�, -_ ant a. Approval of construction plans and specifications, eceep',: nce of State ;rant cFfer., award of cons-tructic ccntract and issuance of notice to proceed - 30% b. Ccr.scruction certified 25% complete - 55% payment. L. Construction certified 50':. complete - 80IJ payment. d. Constvitet:ion certified complete, sc,.rar use ordin- ance ado-te_1, and fincil cost sum lry submitted -- 90' payr.ent. e. "Udit report completed and accepted - lOCa payment. All eonstructica grants under '220,000 will be eligible for payments d and e ahova only. Mrs. -rc•.nay. h n-ved to ac:cnowled-a receipt of letter from James L. Dorn, llap.-.rtr•..c of Environmental Conservation, dated July 11, 1979 t•-_th grant payment schedule attached. Seconded by Dr. li;rmiick. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 3. Letter fro:, IIr. James D=a, announcing a;.: c 7i1 of the award from the State in the amount of $1,675,432 for the water portion of Service District I utility. Mr. Of;,a, moved to acl:a :p- ledge receipt of a letter from the Department of Environriental Conservation frog: Jc_mec L. Dorn dated July 7, 1970. Seconded by Dr. Errnick. Notioa carried by unanimous roll call vote. It. Confidential ammo from general counsel. Requested asGe,nbly members to note last pararaph and specically the nest to last sentence of last paragraph. air. Ilansen moved to acknowledge receipt of _.utter from Thomas F. Klinkner. Seconded by Ar. 0g-. notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. a 5. Memo received from the City Engineer regarding the file on Russell Estates, 1st Addition. The Borough has held a retainer Of $5,000 to Insure completion cf the ufi12.lity and acceptance of the utility system in Russell Er:tates, lrt Addition. There is need for the construction of a manhole at the ex:d of the sewer line. Recommends this be done, not to exceed $3,000 utilizing, if possible, the work team of t-ie Church of th^ razarene. Mr. Hansen moved that $3,CG0 of the $5,000 retainer be granted to the City of Kodiak to f:i.nic_- that- p:•oject. Seconded by Hr. Ogg. Seconded by I7r. 0„T. ^Sc _ion ,a_, pied by ur_animcus roll call vote. G. Letter fron _-L_ - John G. Di ffy, Department of I-Iousin ; and Urban Develop -ant to Mayor Wa-tlin advising the $50,000 -rant } Q 0 n? Q n 7 7 6 1UB ASSEMBLY MEETI1G--AUGUST 2, 1979 (REcessed to August 3) PAGE C offer has been rescinded in its entirety. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to acknowledge receipt of letter from Mr. John G. Duffy, dated July 30, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 7. Pointed out that the tax bill are normally due, lst payment August 15th. Due to the fact the budget has yet to be adjusted and the mill rate set, recommends the first payment due date be changed to September 1st and the second payment to ,dovember 15th per Resolution 79-42-R to be prepared by the Clerk. 11r. Hansen moved for adoption of Resolution 79-42-R. Seconded by Hr. Ogg. a Motion carried by unanimous 'roll call vote. X .4EW BUSIAESS A. Resolution 79-38-R Setting; Supplemental Due Dates & Delinquent Dates for Supplemental Real & Personal Property Taxes for 1979. Mayor Wallin read the resolution. iirs. Kavanaugh moved for adopt- ion of Resolution 79-3Is-R. Seconded by Hr. Hansen. 'lotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved that Item X L be moves to after Item X A. Seconded by Mr. Ogg. Bearing no objection, the chair so ordered. L. O.E.D.P. Report. Ann Moen made the presentation stating the committee this year reworked the entire program carrying over twenty-three projects from last year. iayor Wallin read Resol- tion 79-31-R. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved, for adoption of Resolution 79-31-R. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mrs. Moen stated that input can be submitted for consideration after this document is adopted. Mr. Denslow stated it is necessary this document be certified by EDA but that the document submitted next year will be the critical one as next year is the presidential election year and funding should be fortheopii,ig. *.irs. Kavanaugh stated the committee has recommended that -tire committee be reduced to nine members; this would facilitate getting* a quorum and is a within the frame of the committee. Mayor Wallin stated she would study this with the committee and make recommendations for a nine member con*nittee at the September meeting. B. P.ecormiiendation on Ordinance 79--16 •0 - Personnel Board. Mr. Ogg stated the motion to send back -to the Mental Eealth Board failed at the June meeting. Mayor T7allin read the communique. I°[rs. Kavanaugh moved for adoption of Ordinance 79-16-0 at first reading. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Hr. Peotter moved to amend paragraph 3 by dropping the last perioCt and ad -ding the words 'and the Kodiak Island Health Center employees.' Seconded by i1rs. Kavanaugh. Ajmjndr:ent carrie,. U -1 . Ur. r•nlerson, -r. ::nmick, ilr. Hansen, Hr. Jack, IIrs. Kavanaugh and Ar. Peotter voted YES with i1r. Ogg casting one 1,10 vote. Main motion carried 5-2; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Hansen and Mr. Ogg casting '40 votes. C. Recommendation on Ordinance 79-18-0 - Personnel Board. Mayor gallin read the correspondence and ordinance. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved for adoption of Ordinance 79-18-0. Seconded by Mr. Bansen. !fr. Ogg moved to amend to delete under Section 2, U, V, !•I and X Seconded by Iir. Hansen. Amendment carried 4-3; Mr. lnderson, iir. Hansen, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Ogg voted YES with Dr. Emmick, Mr. Jack and Mr. Peotter casting ti0 votes. Main motion failed 3-4; Mr. Anderson, Mr. Jack and Mr. O ;g voted YES with Dr. Emmick Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Peotter casting P10 votes. D. Recommendation on Deferred Compensation - Personnel Board. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved that the Borough set up a deferred compensation plan for the employees. Seconded by Iir. Hansen. Mrs. Kavanaugh stated this would be a payroll deduction. Motion carried 6-1; Mr. Anderson, Ar. Emmick, Mr. Bansen, Mr. Jack, Mr. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mrs. Kavanaugh casting one id0 vote. Mrs. Arndt stated this will be administered from.Juneau. 1 0 0 n? n n 7 7 7 KIB ASSEMBLY IB:ETI4G-AUGUST 2, 1979 (,recessed to August 3rd) P:GL 9 E. Recommendation on Amendment to Tiealth Insurance Coverage -- Personnel Board. Llayor 'lallin read the correspondence. birs. Iavanaugh moved that KIB Medical Insurance Coverage be amended to include the requisite maturnity coverage on the same formula basis applicable to all other premium costs and that the effect of "the Assembly decision be made retroactively to October 31, 1978 on the effective date of Public Law 95-555. Seconded by Ar. Peotter. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to amend to change October 31, 1978 to August 1, 1979. Seconded by 11r. Peotter. ilrs. Kavanaugh moved to amend the motion that the communique from Equi-Group be sent to Rick Garnett to be perused and if they are in order, specifically re: paragraph 1, interstate commerce and paragraph 4, abortions, the insurance will become effective August 1, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Seconded amendment carried 5-2; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Hr. Hansen, Ors. Kavanaugh and 11r. Ogg voted YES with "r. Jack and 1Ir. Peotter casting ,?0 votes. First amendment carried 6-1; Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Mr. Hansen, _Irs. Kavanaugh, rir. Ogg and Mr. Peotter voted YES with Mr. Jack casting one O vote. Main motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. F. Recommendation on Award of Bids Larsen Bay high School. Mayor Wallin read the correspondence. Mr. Iiansen moved the award of bid go to L. B. Anderson/Cooper Construction Company in the amount of $1,247,000.00, Project Flo. L 03004, contingent upon review and approval of the bid by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities in accordance with the terms of the grant agreement. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. G. State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Pre: Illegal Dump Sites in Borough. Nayor 'lallin read the correspond- ence. Mr. Peotter moved this be referred to engineering depart- ment for a recommendation of review of possible dump sites and identification and all pertinent information thereto. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mr. Denslow stated the Borough does have this power. -Kodiak has not been designated a solid waste management region although designation is inevitable. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 11. Financial Statement June, 1979. firs. Kavanaughmoved to acknowledge receipt of Financial Statement June, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. I. Monthly Activities $,_port, June 1979. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by ,'ir. Iiansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. J. Attorney's Report. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by Mr. Jack. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. K. Resolution 79-41-R Conveying Tax Foreclosed Properties Within the City of Kodiak to the City of Kodiak as Provided in A.S. 29-53.360. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved for adoption of Resolution 79-41-R. Seconded by Mr. Iiansen. Mr. Tubbs has stated these properties cannot be used for schools. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. XI MAYOR'S COMMEOTS 1. Mrs. Moen thanked everyone for their consideration of the O.E.D.P. report. 2. K14XT would like a copy of the rent lease. 3. Read letter from Dale Tubbs regarding land bank and requested this be placed on the work session agenda for August 18th. 4. Requested the letter from Brechan Enterprises received by the KIB on June 26th re: option to lease to buy Tract P-1, Bells Flats AK be placed on the August 18th work session. It will be on the P & Z agenda August 15th. S. Refused to sign a check for travel expenses for Dr. Emmick on July 5th; did not question the remaining $150 expense. 6. Mr. Ogg moved to acknowledge receipt of the second letter from iir. Denslow dated July 20, 1979 declining renewal of 0 0 7 7 8 KIB ASSEMBLY MEETI-IG-AUGUST 2, 1979 (Recessed to August 3) PAGE 1.9 employment agreement. Seconded by ilr. Hansen. 'lotion carried 6-1, Mr. Anderson, Dr. Emmick, Hr. Ilansen, `ir. Jack, A?r. ORg and ;Ir. Peotter voted YES with Mrs. Kavanaugh casting one '10 vote. 7. Letter from Chief Magnusen re: fire protection for the borough road system. The borough has a site available for a fire building. Requested a check be made with state and other agencies re: financiang of services. 8. Department of Labor Suit. Afo new report. 9. Senior Citizens exemptions. Pointed out this is on real property not personal property (vehicles). 10. Dust problem on gravelled roads. Staff is taking pictures of this condition. 11. Mayor appointed Mr. Ogg and 11r. Peotter to sit with her on a committee composed of three representatives from both the borough and the city to discuss mutual interest issued. (Ilayor Stevens and two council members will represent the city). Hrs. Kavanaugh moved for ratification. Seconded by 11Ir. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 12. Read letter from L. G. Schneider re: awarding of contracts over $2,500 for school district work and does not fall under emergency repairs. Requests these jobs be advertised and wants the opportunity to bid. Mr. Denslow stated the school district has its own legal base under Title 14 '•.laska Statutes. XII ASSEMBLY COMMENTS Mr. Hansen: i4o comments. Airs. Kavanaugh: Moved the borough clerk be instructed to adver- tise for applicants for the manager position for KIB immediately. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 2. Stated the budget calls for $25,000 in legal fees; suggests using restraint in referring matters to counsel. ( j Mr. Anderson: No comments Il JI Itr. Ogg: 1. Read letter -to City dated August 1 re: Lot 2A, USS 3098 annexation. Mr. Ogg moved to direct administration to not keep this property within the service district. Seconded by 114r. Hansen. Motion failed 2-5; Hr. Iansen and Mr. Ogg votes YES with Mr. Anderson, Dr. Erunick, Mr. Jack, Mrs. Kavanaugh and i.r. Peotter casting go votes. Air. Denslow explained a property can be annexed to the city but this does not change the :)oundaries of the Service district. 2. Requested status of hospital roof repairs. Mr. Denslow stated there will be a report forthcoming from the attorney. 3. Asked if the borough had an agreement for road maintenance of state roads. Air. Denslow stated they do not. 4. Stated he resents the manner in which Mr. Anderson was appointed to the assembly as he and Air. Hansen had not been in- formed about a decision to appoint prior to the meeting. 5. Requested status of the high school parking, lot contract. Mr. Denslow stated the contract is two weeks into construction with three weeks to completion. Mr. Hansen: Stated the "muck" condition in the parking lot pro— ec'— t was placed on the record during the building of the main n school. Dr. Lmmick: Made statement re: his return trip to Kodia for the July 5th meeting. Felt there would not be a quorum and being discouraged, returned to airport and returned to Idaho. Itr. Jack: Stated he had initiated the poll as to the necessit of bringing Hr. Fearn and Dr. Emmick back for the July 5th y meeting. Realized this was only an opinion, not a vote action. Mr. Jack left meeting room at 10:55 P.kI. 1 0 0 0? `1 0 7 7 R YIB ASSEN3LY MEETI,G --AUGUST 2, 1979 (Recessed to August 3) PN•; 11 IIr. Peotter: 1. Requested the manager look into a purpo-rteci zoning violation on a Spruce Cape property. Mrs. Kavanaugh left meeting room at 10.57 P.I'.. Mr. Peotter (continued) 2. Iioved that a special election be held in January to consider unification. Seconded by Dr. E:raaick. Notion carried 4-1; ;ir. Anderson, Dr. 3nunick, Mr. Hansen, and ;Ir. Peotter voted YES with IIr. O-.- casting one "0 vote. XIII AUDIENCE COMi'iENTS Lorna Lee Arndt: Agrees with Ir. Peotter that unification studies should be begun now as it is a possible ten-year process. Feels there are people with experience in this field that would be able to give assistance. Charlie Davidson: 1. F.:rnressed concern over the dumping of semi -raw sewage in the City dump area. Feels this is a health hazard. Mr. Denslow, stated this a City problem as it is the City dump. 2. Hr. Denslow, stated that algae blooms appear in the surface waters in the area also. 11r. Davidson requested DEC and EPA inspect the site and made a determination as to whether there is a health hazard, and if so, what can be done about it. Hr. Ogg so moved. Secondeu by Mr. Hansen. I3otion carried by un- animous roll call vote. XIV ADJOURAMEAT The meeting was adjourned by Mayor 'Jallin at 11:20 P.r1. ATTEST: Borough lerk, Actin 11