02/02/2016 Special Work Session Kodiak Island Borough ASSEMBLY SPECIAL WORK SESSION Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Borough Conference Room Work Sessions are informal meetings of the Assembly where Assembly members review the upcoming regular meeting agenda packet and seek or receive Information from staff.Although additional items not listed on the work session agenda are discussed when introduced by the Mayor,Assembly,,or staff„no formal action is taken at work sessions and items that require formal Assembly action are placed on regular Assembly meeting agenda.Citizen's comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record.Citizen's comments intended for the"official record'should be made at a regular Assembly meeting. Page 1. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) 2. AGENDA ITEMS 2 -65 a. Manager Hiring - Review Follow-up Responses, Skype Interviews Scheduling, and Develop Skype Questions Note: applications and scoring process are public as they are of general/public interest. The discussion of the character or reputation of a candidate qualifies for executive session. The candidates need to be advised and they may request a public discussion. BM 2015 PALMER s Application BM 015 POWERS s Apclic tion BM 2015 DINLEY Qs 6pplicafion BM 2015 ERICERICKSON Qs Anplication BM 2015 LAKEY Qs lica i_ n BM 2015 LEWIS s App lication Skpe Interview chedule21 - - 2 Albert Meszaros WeavgjApp Withdraw Visit our website at gg'IIh @KodiakSoroughPage 1 of 65