01/16/2016 Special Work Session Kodiak Island Borough ASSEMBLY SPECIAL WORK SESSION Strategic Planning Meeting Saturday, January 16, 2016, 8:30 a.m. Borough Assembly Chambers Work Sessions are informal meetings of the Assembly where Assembly members review the upcoming regular meeting agenda packet and seek or receive information from staff.Although additional items not listed on the work session agenda are discussed when introduced by the Mayor,Assembly,or staff,no formal action is taken at work sessions and items that require formal Assembly action are placed on regular Assembly meeting agenda.Citizen's comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record.Citizen's comments intended for the"official record"should be made at a regular Assembly meeting. Page 1. AGENDA ITEMS a. 8:30 a.m., Mayor Jerrol Friend -Welcome Comments b. 8: 32 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., Citizens Comments C. 8:45 a.m., Introductions of Attendees d. 8:50 a.m., "Rules of the Game" e. 8: 55 a.m., Phase I: Vetting the 2015-2020 Strategic Goals • In small groups, answer the following questions: o Are these goals still relevant? o Are they complete? Are there other directions we should consider? o Who owns each strategic goal? The Assembly or the Borough Manager? o Do we have the necessary resources to support these strategic goals? • Debrief with full group, revise strategic goals based on discussion. Finalize strategic goals and carry forward to Phase Il,. f. 10:15 a.m. Phase II: Fleshing out the Objectives for each Strategic Direction • Taking one strategic objective at a time, in small groups answer the following questions: Will the stated objectives fully support their strategic direction? If not, what else is required? website at . , @KodiakBoroughvnvkoipaii , , , , ,.., ,, Page 1 of 10 o Discuss what these objectives include, what do they look like? Debrief with full group, revised objectives based on discussion. g• 12:15 p.m., Discuss Next Steps and Closing Comments • Assembly to review and accept today's work product • Borough Manager and staff to develop action plans Full strategic planning with action planning to be brought back to the full Assembly by......,,....:...:.:..... ...:...... h. 12:20 p.m., Closing Comments from Assembly i. 12:30 p.m., Work Session Closes 2; INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS 3 - 10 a, Resolution No. FY2015-21tr i Plan 2015-12-01 t iAcHon Plan Visit our website at91 ,Y��, ,fair,,ehb acral .c.cnmti)ll oldd allkdsi ni:i c o r, i� 0KodiakBorou h ............................................................._-__-_........r. Page 2 of 10