04/24/2014 Work Session Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Work Session Thursday, April 24, 2014, 7:30 p.m., Borough Conference Room Work Sessions are informal meetings of the Assembly where Assembly members review the upcoming regular meeting agenda packet and seek or receive information from staff.Although additional items not listed on the work session agenda are discussed++then introduced by the Mayor,Assembly,or staff,no formal action is taken at work sessions and items that require formal Assembly action are placed on regular Assembly meeting agenda. Citizen's comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record.Citizen's comments intended for the"official record"should be made at a regular Assembly meeting. Page 1. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) 2. AGENDA ITEMS 2 - 12 a. SWAB Quarterly Update to the Assembly Regarding Collection toli Center Proposals. SWAB PowerPoint Presentation.pdf SWAB Handout.pdf b. Budget Review of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund. 3. PACKET REVIEW NEW BUSINESS CONTRACTS Contract No. FY2014-30 Kodiak Middle School Concrete Repairs Phase 2 Project. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION Ordinance No. FY2014-16 Adopting and Implementing a New Employee Classification and Compensation Plan, Revising Sections of the Personnel Manual, and Updating Position Descriptions. 4. MANAGER'S COMMENTS 5. CLERK'S COMMENTS 6. MAYOR'S COMMENTS 7. ASSEMBLY MEMBERS COMMENTS Page 1 of 12