05/02/2013 Regular Meeting Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Regular Meeting Agenda Thursday, May 2, 2013, 7:30 p.m., Assembly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (3 ) are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Assembly and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Assembly member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — None. 6. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Longevity Awards — Bob Tucker B. Student of the Month for May 2013 7. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) A. Agenda Items Not Scheduled for Public Hearing and General Comments 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS 9. PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. FY2013-15 A Rezone According to KIBC 17.205.0 to Rezone Proposed Lots 5B and 5C, Block 1, Chiniak Alaska Subdivision From PL-Public Use Zoning District To RR2-Rural Residential Two Zoning District (P&Z Case 13-018, Chin iak). 10. BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT 11. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. Contracts 1. Contract No. FY2013-28 Letter of Engagement for Legal Services Associated With the Sale of Revenue Bonds for the Long Term Care Facility. 2. Authorizing the Manager to Execute Change Order No. 16 to Contract No. FY2007-22 Landfill Lateral Expansion Design and Construction Service for Services During Construction (SDC). • Meeting broadcast live over radio station KMXT 100.1 FM and Cablevision station 12. Citizens' Comments and Public Hearing Numbers: Toll Free (855) 492-9202 and Local 486-3231. Page 1 of 2 3. Contract No. FY2013-29 Installation of Electrical Services for the KHS Addition and Renovation Project. B. Resolutions — None. C. Ordinances for Introduction — None. D. Other Items — None. 14. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) 15. ASSEMBLY MEMBERS' COMMENTS 16. ADJOURNMENT 17. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (No Action Required) A. Minutes of Other Meetings 1. Fire Protection Area No. 1 Board Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing of March 19, 2013. 2. Monashka Bay Road Service Area Board Special Meeting of March 27, 2013. 3. Solid Waste Advisory Board Regular Meeting of March 18, 2013. B. Reports 1. Kodiak Island Borough School District Special Meeting Summary of April 10, 2013. 2. Kodiak Island Borough Manager's Change Orders Report for March 2013. Meeting broadcast live over radio station KMXT 100.1 FM and Cablevision station 12. Citizens' Comments and Public Hearing Numbers: Toll Free (855) 492-9202 and Local 486-3231. Page 2 of 2