2019-06-27 Work SessionKodiak Island Borough Assembly Work Session Thursday, June 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m. School District Conference Room Work Sessions are informal meetings of the Assembly where Assembly members review the upcoming regular meeting agenda packet and seek or receive information from staff. Although additional items not listed on the work session agenda are discussed when introduced by the Mayor, Assembly, or staff, no formal action is taken at work sessions and items that require formal Assembly action are placed on regular Assembly meeting agenda. Citizen's comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record. Citizen's comments intended for the "official record" should be made at a regular Assembly meeting. 1. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) 2. AGENDA ITEMS a. Tasking of the Solid Waste Advisory Board b. Employee Classification and Compensation System 3. MANAGER COMMENTS 4. CLERK'S COMMENTS 5. PACKET REVIEW Items may be added during the work session for inclusion on the Regular Meeting agenda. The item title needs to be provided/developed at the work session in enough detail to give assembly and public reasonable notice. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS State Assessors Audit for 2019 - Presented by Acting Assessor, Debra Rippey PUBLIC HEARING NEW BUSINESS CONTRACTS RESOLUTIONS Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association (AMLJIA) Loss Incentive Participation Visit our website at www.facebook.com/Kodiakislandborough� @KodiakBorough www.kodiakak.us 91 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION OTHER ITEMS Declaring A Seat Vacant On The Planning And Zoning Commission (Mr. Dvorak) Appointment To the Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center Community Advisory Board (Mrs. Mete) Community Trail -Boy Scout Lake to Coast Guard Gate Application EXECUTIVE SESSION 6. ASSEMBLY MEMBERS COMMENTS MAYOR'S COMMENTS Visit our website at www.facebook.com/Kodiakislandborough© @KodiakBorough www.kodiakak.us 91 s �e i �/O /� . S 'G� �'. For Immediate Reloaso DPS PRN 19.018 Fireworks Use and Sales Suspended Over Much of the State Decrsion Lased on hot, dry weather and -hgh to very hogh Are danger June 27, 2019 (ANCHORAGE) — The Naska State Fire Marshals Officein cooperation with the Alaska Department of flatural Resources I DMsson of Forestry. Is unplementng an mmdiate suspension on the sale and use of fireworks across much of Alaska blade n accordance with Alaska Adn9nistralsve Code 50.025 Fie Code. the suspension will remain in effect until further r ice and includes the following areas • Fairbanks Hoifh Star Borough • Kenai Pe"sue Borough • Malanuska•Suvtna Baough • Kodak Borough • Copper Rinmr Volley. induding Gtenrlalen scuth to Valdez • Westem Aaska, Including McGralh and points west • Tanana Valley north orlhe Alaska Range • Northern Panhandle. including Haines n the north. Skagway and Juneau to the south In is request to the State Fire Marshal for the suspenslon, the Sale Forester s Office cited 'high to eeryhire fire danger across most of the st ate. expected dry and hu weather. 90• degree highs possible wiln a shortage of fre5ghing resources in the stale - Accorcing to the Dotson of Forestry, 102 uncontained fires are Corning in Alaska e+th a total of 273.551 acres burned Two nctably targe fres under management of Alaska Type 2 Incident Management teams include the Sean Lake foe on the Kenai Peninsula. slaffed with 511 personnel. and the Shovel Cieek fire oulvde of Fa-rbanks currently slatted at 245. The Alaska Vdldtand Fre Coordinating &cup IA'NFCGI is the inleragency management entity that allocates statewide resources as fire ectrfty anal resource shortages occur Fife adrfty is at a Planning Level TV and the AWFCG has stood up a MuN.Agency Coordinating Group In preparation fa a significant naease in fro activity sleteorde For wildfire updates and fire safety infornnaton. visit • hfo i^eyel. 'jr-., i:: ... ', .r x..11—�...�..r;t rW V(Ki ➢i?I • /il:: r"-v.i.".n r.-. `,.r....�_.11... i r'.rn Vnr ri,linlr.\:I`.'..1^..r:f:. N' -ylr For mare infdme4lon conlact Public Information Officer Ken Marsh at ken mar :hF`a'.asNa r;7: a phone I937r 269-5654 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Meeting Type: i�f D•� /<�-Pis�J-� Date: )- 7 Please PRINT your name legibly Please PRINT your name legibly