2019-02-14 Work Session ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION Ordinance No. FY2019-14 Ordinance No. FY2019-17 OTHER ITEMS Letter of Support for Jim Mullican Lake Orbin Culver Replacement Mayoral Appointment Mayoral Appointment Mayoral Appointment EXECUTIVE SESSION Matters Involving Negotiations Discussion of Borough Clerk's Applicants AGENDA ITEM #2.c. th 7¤£­¤²£ ¸Ǿ &¤¡±´ ±¸ 27 ȟ &¨±²³ $ ¸ ®¥ #®­¥¤±¤­¢¤ ΗȀΏΏ 2¤¦¨²³± ³¨®­ lj .¤³¶®±ª¨­¦ "±¤ ª¥ ²³ ȟ 3¨«¤­³ !´¢³¨®­ ³§±®´¦§®´³ $ ¸ ΐ 8:30 /¯¤­¨­¦  ­£ 7¤«¢®¬¤ ȟ 0±¤²¨£¤­³ 3ª¨­­¤±Ǿ %·¤¢´³¨µ¤ Director '±¨¥¥¨­ 8:35 Welcome 8:45 '®µ¤±­®± Dunleavy (invited) 9:15,¤¦¨²« ³¨µ¤ 5¯£ ³¤  ­£ £¨ «®¦´¤(invitedȩ Senator Gary Stevens Representative Bryce Edgmon Senator Lyman Hoffman Representative Louise Stutes ~~~ Break ~~~ 10:30 $±®­¤²Ȁ 2 ¢¨­¦ ¥®± %£´¢ ³¨®­ Steve Colligan, !« ²ª  $±®­¤ 2 ¢¨­¦ ,¤ ¦´¤ ~~~ Break ~~~ 11:15 0´¡«¨¢ 0±¨µ ³¤ 0 ±³­¤±²§¨¯²  ³ 7®±ª ¨­ &¨²§¤±¨¤² Fish Taxes Impact on Municipal Economies – Mayor Dan O’Hara Fisheries Support Local, State and National Economies, Far Beyond Harvest Communities o Garrett Evridge, %¢®­®¬¨²³  ³ -¢$®¶¤«« '±®´¯ ΐΑȀΏΏ .¤³¶®±ª¨­¦ Lunch "´¥¥¤³Ǿ &¤ ³´±¨­¦ !« ²ª  3¸¬¯§®­¸ ®¥ 3¤ ¥®®£ 7¨­­¨­¦ 0±®£´¢³² Jeremy Woodrow, )­³¤±¨¬ #%/  ³ !« ²ª  3¤ ¥®®£ - ±ª¤³¨­¦ )­²³¨³´³¤ – Lunch Sponsor ΐȀΏΏ Sponsor Appreciation 1:20 Exhibitor’² Announcements 1:30 2¤²®´±¢¤ $¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³ Roundtable ȟ Brent Goodrum, Deputy #®¬¬¨²²¨®­¤± at Dep³ ®¥ . ³´± « 2¤²®´±¢¤² Doug Vincent-Lang, #®¬¬¨²²¨®­¤±  ³ $¤¯³ ®¥ &¨²§  ­£ ' ¬¤ Jason Brune, #®¬¬¨²²¨®­¤±  ³ Dep³ ®¥ %­µ¨±®­¬¤­³ « Conservation ~~~ Break ~~~ 2:45 6¨²´ «¨¹¨­¦ ³§¤ &´³´±¤ ȟ # ²¤ 3³´£¸ ®­ ´²¨­¦ 62 ¥®± %­¤±¦¸ - ­ ¦¤¬¤­³ Rich Webb, 0±¨­¢¨¯ «  ³ $¤²¨¦­®±¨ ,,# ~~~ Break ~~~ 3:15 !£µ ­¢¤£ - ­´¥ ¢³´±¨­¦ ¨­ 3¤ ¥®®£ 0±®¢¤²²¨­¦ st Rebuilding Port Moller for the 21Century o Gary Johnson, 0« ­³ - ­ ¦¤±Ǿ 0¤³¤± 0 ­Ȍ² 0®±³ -®««¤± (tentativeȩ Good News for Manufactures and Workers – the Robots are Coming o Ryan Astor, !£µ ­¢¤£ 2®¡®³¨¢² ¥®± - ­´¥ ¢³´±¨­¦ The Cutting Edge of Fish Processing Technology o Rob Anderson, 3 «¤² - ­ ¦¤± at "  £¤± Tools for any Job Across the Food Landscape o Greg Smith, 3 «¤² - ­ ¦¤±  ³ *"4 Ȩtentativeȩ Collaborative Robots to Foster Innovation in Seafood Handling o Taskin Padir, 2¤²¤ ±¢§ 0±®¥¤²²®±  ³ Northeastern University Designing Fish Processing Plants for the Future o Chuck McKain, 3 «¤² - ­ ¦¤±  ³ # ±²®¤ 5:30 Preside­³Ȍ² 2¤¢¤¯³¨®­ ȟ 1´ ±³¤± $¤¢ª AGENDA ITEM #2.c. th ThursdayǾ &¤¡±´ ±¸ ΑΗ ȟ Second $ ¸ ®¥ #®­¥¤±¤­¢¤ ΗȀΏΏ 2¤¦¨²³± ³¨®­ lj .¤³¶®±ª¨­¦ "±¤ ª¥ ²³ 8:30 /¯¤­¨­¦  ­£ 7¤«¢®¬¤ 8:35 %­¤±¦¸ 2®´­£³ ¡«¤ ȟ )­µ¤²³¨­¦ ¨­ %­¤±¦¸ 3¸²³¤¬² /­¤ #®¬¬´­¨³¸  ³   4¨¬¤ Laura Vaught, SWAMC Bruce Wright, APIA Tyler Kornelis, KANA Givey Kochanowski, DOE Janet Reiser, AEA ~~~ Break ~~~ 9:453®´³§¶¤²³ !« ²ª  #®¬¯±¤§¤­²¨µ¤ %¢®­®¬¨¢ $¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³ 3³± ³¤¦¸ Shirley Kelly, - ­ ¦¤±  ³ !« ²ª  /¥¥¨¢¤ ®¥ %¢®­®¬¨¢ $¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³ !£¬¨­¨²³± ³¨®­ o Importance of CEDS Planning Doug Griffin, %·¤¢´³¨µ¤ $¨±¤¢³®±  ³ 37!-# o Review and Update SWOT Analysis 10:15 3¯®­²®± !¯¯±¤¢¨ ³¨®­ ~~~ Break ~~~ 10:ΓΏ 37!-#Ȍ² ΑΏΐΘ -¤¬¡¤±²§¨¯ -¤¤³¨­¦ 12:00 .¤³¶®±ª¨­¦ LunchǾ "´¥¥¤³ ȟ 3®´³§¶¤²³ !« ²ª  3«¨£¤²§®¶ 1:ΏΏ #®¬¬´­¨³¸ 2¤²¨«¨¤­¢¤ Roundtable ȟ -®£¤± ³¤£ ¡¸ $®´¦ *®§­²®­Ǿ 0'3 $¤¯³ ®¥ (¤ «³§  ­£ 3®¢¨ « 3¤±µ¨¢¤² (tentativeȩ $¤¯³ ®¥ , ¡®±  ­£ 7®±ª¥®±¢¤ $¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³ (tentative) $¤¯³ ®¥ 0´¡«¨¢ 3 ¥¤³¸ Ȩtentative) +®£¨ ª 2´± « ,¤ £¤±²§¨¯ &®±´¬ Ȩtentative) !0)#$! *®¨­³ 6¤­³´±¤² Ȩtentative) ~~~ Break ~~~ 2:15 )­¥± ²³±´¢³´±¤ Roundtable $¤¯³ ®¥ 4± ­²¯®±³ ³¨®­  ­£ 0´¡«¨¢ & ¢¨«¨³¨¤² Ȩtentative) $¤¯³ ®¥ Revenue (tentative) $¤¯³ ®¥ #®¬¬¤±¢¤Ǿ #®¬¬´­¨³¸Ǿ  ­£ %¢®­®¬¨¢ Dev. (tentative) 4§¤ !«¤´³ #®±¯®± ³¨®­ Ȩtentativeȩ ~~~ Break ~~~ 3:30! $¸­ ¬¨¢ /¢¤ ­ ȟ /¯¯®±³´­¨³¨¤²  ­£ 4§±¤ ³² A Hot Time in the North Pacific, and Insights into the Future o Dr. Nick Bond, *®¨­³ )­²³¨³´³¤ ¥®± ³§¤ 3³´£¸ ®¥ ³§¤ !³¬®²¯§¤±¤  ­£ /¢¤ ­ Managing an Ecosystem in Flux o Bob Foy/Stephani Zador/Elizabeth Siddon, !« ²ª  &¨²§¤±¨¤² 3¢¨¤­¢¤ #¤­³¤± (tentativeȩ The Human Effect of Change o Tobias Schwoerer, 2¤²¤ ±¢§ 0±®¥¤²²®± 5­¨µ¤±²¨³¸ ®¥ !« ²ª  ȟ ISER Observations of Size and Age in Salmon Populations o Bert Lewis, 2¤¦¨®­ « 3´¯¤±µ¨²®±  ³ !« ²ª  $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ ®¥ &¨²§  ­£ Game Diversifying for Value-Added Opportunity o Tommy Sheridan, &«¤¤³ - ­¦¤±  ³ 3¨«µ¤± " ¸ 3¤ ¥®®£² ΔȀΏΏ #®­¥¤±¤­¢¤ 7± ¯-up AGENDA ITEM #2.c. Alaska Peninsula Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Aleutian Chain Bristol Bay Kodiak Island 3300 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 203 Anchorage, AK 99503 p: 907.562.7380 www.swamc.org Pribilof Islands MEMBERSHIP RESOLUTION FY19-01 DRAFT A RESOLUTION BY THE SOUTHWEST ALASKA MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE (SWAMC) MEMBERSHIP SUPPORTING THE DIRECTION AND MISSION OF THE ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY REFORM PROJECT TO RECREATE THE FERRY SYSTEM TO PROVIDE VITAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE TO COASTAL ALASKA COMMUNITIES WHEREAS, the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) has been providing essential transportation to Alaska’s coastal communities since 1963; and WHEREAS, the AMHS serves 33 Alaskan communities stretching from Metlakatla to Unalaska, including service to Kodiak Island; and WHEREAS, the AMHS is vital for Southwest Alaskan communities that rely on the ferry to support fishing, fish processing and other maritime related businesses and improve the quality of life for area residents; and WHEREAS, the AMHS has already sustained significant funding reductions that have reduced service throughout the system; and WHEREAS, further reductions in the AMHS will harm tourism, commerce, economic development, and quality of life for nearly 100,000 Alaskans; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Conference entered into a Memorandum of Understanding in 2016 with the State of Alaska to lead an Alaska Marine Highway Reform Project (AMHRP) to maintain or even reduce State of Alaska funding support while continuing vital transportation services to many user groups and industries; and WHEREAS, SWAMC has provided financial and oversight support for the AMHRP; and WHEREAS, the House Transportation Committee introduced HB 414 in 2018 to organize the AMHS as a public corporation, reflecting a preliminary recommendation of the AMHRP, and similar legislation is expected to be introduced in the Legislature this year. NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Membership supports the AMHRP mission to produce recommendations to recreate the AMHS to operate more efficiently and effectively with existing or even reduced levels of State support while maintaining its present level of service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any newly formed governing board for the AMHS include at least one representative from the Southwest Alaska region. %¢®­®¬¨¢ £¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³  ­£  £µ®¢ ¢¸ ¥®± 3®´³§¶¤²³ !« ²ª  Economic Development District (EDD) and Alaska Regional Development Organization (ARDOR) AGENDA ITEM #2.c. Member Resolution FY19-01 Page 2 of 2 th PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Membership this 28 day of February, 2019. IN WITNESS THERETO: _____________________________ _________________________________ Rebecca Skinner, SWAMC President Doug Griffin, SWAMC Executive Director AGENDA ITEM #2.c. Alaska Peninsula Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Aleutian Chain Bristol Bay Kodiak Island 3300 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 203 Anchorage, AK 99503 p: 907.562.7380 www.swamc.org Pribilof Islands MEMBERSHIP RESOLUTION FY19-02 DRAFT A RESOLUTION BY THE SOUTHWEST ALASKA MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE (SWAMC) MEMBERSHIP REQUESTING THE ALASKA LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR DUNLEAVY NOT TO IMPOSE ANY FURTHER CUTS TO THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (ADF&G) BUDGET AND PARTICULARLY TO THE DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES BUDGET AND THAT ANY TAX REVENUE GENERATED FROM NEW OR INCREASED STATE TAXES ON THE COMMERCIAL SEAFOOD INDUSTRY BE USED TO FILL THE FUNDING GAP FOR ADF&G AND PAY FOR CONTINUING EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF ALASKA’S FISHERIES WHEREAS, subsistence, sport and commercial harvests of Alaska’s fish and game resources are vital to the social, cultural and economic health of the State of Alaska; and WHEREAS, the Alaska seafood industry is the second largest contributor to Alaska’s economy; and WHEREAS, the Alaska seafood industry directly provides over 60,000 direct jobs and thousands more indirectly, making it the largest private-sector employer in the State; and WHEREAS, Alaska’s commercial seafood industry directly pays over $250 million annually in taxes and fees which exceeds current State commercial fisheries management spending; and WHEREAS, Alaska’s seafood industry pays business and landing taxes that directly benefit over 65 communities and boroughs in Alaska and reduces community dependence on State funds; and WHEREAS, the seafood industry relies on strong State commercial fishery research and management programs in order to provide that economic benefit; and WHEREAS, the Commercial Fisheries Division budget has been reduced significantly the past four years, which includes offsets from CFEC funding and the unrestricted general fund has been reduced by 30%; and WHEREAS, when the Division of Commercial Fisheries budget is reduced, the seafood industry loses research and resource management programs that are necessary to allow for harvest opportunities; and WHEREAS, reduced harvest opportunities in any fishery result in fewer jobs, less income and decreased tax revenue for the State of Alaska and coastal communities -MORE- %¢®­®¬¨¢ £¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³  ­£  £µ®¢ ¢¸ ¥®± 3®´³§¶¤²³ !« ²ª  Economic Development District (EDD) and Alaska Regional Development Organization (ARDOR) AGENDA ITEM #2.c. Membership Resolution FY19-02 Page 2 of 2 NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Membership strongly requests the Alaska Legislature and Governor Dunleavy to not impose any further cuts to the ADF&G budget and particularly to the Division of Commercial Fisheries budget. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any tax revenue generated from new or increased State taxes on the commercial seafood industry be used to fill the funding gap for ADF&G and pay for continuing effective management of Alaska’s commercial fisheries. th PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference Membership this 28day of February, 2019. IN WITNESS THERETO: ATTEST: ________________________________ _____________________________ Rebecca Skinner, SWAMC President Doug Griffin, SWAMC Executive Director AGENDA ITEM #3.a. Michael Powers February 14, 2019 Issues and Activities Caught up on emails and phone calls received during my vacation. Met with E&F and Architect to discuss Hospital facilities report and strategies to integrate R&R projects with Providence and their Tenant Improvements. Met with Department Heads and staff to receive updates on projects and activities while I was gone. Met with the new Chief Executive Preston Simmons of Providence Health & Services Alaska and Dale Rahn, Facilities Manager regarding Providence services and related topics. Corresponded with the new facilities manager to move our Building Analysis and R&R plan for the hospital forward. Discussed the need to complete the stalled negotiations on the LTC. Met with a property owner regarding property tax late fees. Provided suggestions on how to proceed if they want to see our Municipal Code changed. Worked with the Mayor and staff regarding the Clerk recruitment. Exchanged information with our State Lobbyist Reviewed and prepared for Budget Kickoff with staff. - Meeting with Andy Teuber from KANA to discuss a variety of topics. Addressed several personnel issues. Upcoming th Borough Offices are closed on February 18 I will be attending SWAMC (Leaving Feb 26, returning March 1). KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Meeting Type: �SSfMOl jlA)UYI6ew'JM Date: riease rrciN i your name iegipiy urease VKIN i your name �i�,l V �l I iLe