2019-01-31 Work Session NEW BUSINESS Contract No. FY2019-19 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION Ordinance No. FY2018-07 Ordinance No. FY2019-03 Ordinance No. FY2019-16 OTHER ITEMS Assembly Appointment Assembly Appointmen AGENDA ITEM #2.a. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH STAFF REPORT JANUARY 31, 2019 ASSEMBLY WORK SESSION SUBJECT: ORIGINATOR: RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: five nine ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: OTHER INFORMATION: AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. From:noreply@civicplus.com To:Clerks Subject:Online Form Submittal: Board Application Form Date:Tuesday, December 11, 2018 9:42:17 AM AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.a. November 13, 2018 Ms. Nova Javier Kodiak Island Borough Clerk 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615 Dear Ms. Javier, Re: Letter of Support for the application of Tyler Kornelis to the Borough’s Consolidation Committee TheKodiakArchipelagoRuralRegionalLeadershipForum(Forum)isaconsortiumoftribal, municipal,AlaskaNativeCorporationandothercommunityleadersfromthecoastal communitiesofAkhiok,LarsenBay,OldHarbor,OuzinkieandPortLions.Weappreciatethat theKodiakIslandBoroughMayor,membersoftheAssemblyandstaffcontinuetotakethetime toparticipateintheForumasawaytodevelopstrong,positiveworkingrelationshipsbetween theBoroughandtheregion’svillages. AttheAprilandSeptember2018Forums,informationwassharedbytheStateofAlaskaandthe Boroughregardingtheprocessandpotentialimpactsofconsolidatingthegovernmentsofthe CityofKodiakwiththeBorough.Consolidation of the two government entities couldhave significant impactson our village communities in areas such as economic development, zoning, sales tax implications, capital improvement plan priorities, and supporting adequate community public safety.The leadership attending the Forum agreed that it is critical that the smaller, off- road system communities somehow be included in the process. The Borough is currentlyseeking applicants to serve on the Borough’sConsolidation Committee. The Committee is charged with implementing the ConsolidationWork Plan that will gatherinformationon how other regions have addressed consolidation, may proposea plan for consolidating the two local governments (City of Kodiak and Kodiak Island Borough) and may prepare apetitionfor review by the Local Boundary Commission. We understand that the Consolidation Committee will require a major commitmentof timethat includes regular meetings held primarily in the City of Kodiak over an extended period of time. TheBorough has nd established a regular and alternate seat on the committee for representation from the region’s 2 class cities. However, at the SeptemberForum, rural leadership expressed a strong desire to see individuals who live on the Kodiak road system and who have a strong working relationship with the off-road system communities appointed to the committee. This is for two reasons. First, travel to Kodiak is not always possible to attend committee meetings. And second,our villages currently face real issues in participating in meetings via teleconferencing or Internetbased AGENDA ITEM #2.a. Page2of 2 webinar tools. For example, this past OctoberLarsen Bay was withouttelephone service for over sevendays and Port Lions residents frequently cannot access GCI long distance, particularly toll-free numbers.Internet speeds are very slow and oftendo not support downloading of documents. The realities of living in the Boroughare suchthat if you are not living on the road systemthe ability to participate in any meetings based in Kodiak is severely hampered by weather and available technology. Tyler Kornelis indicated to the Forum that he is submitting an application for the Consolidation Committee.Tyler is responsible for the Kodiak Rural RegionalComprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) under funding through the US Economic Development Administration or EDA. In addition to the CEDS planning, he currentlysupports regional energy planning for our off-road system communities under a grant received by SWAMC through the US Department of Energy. He has been a regular participant and presenter at the Forum for the past four years. The leadership participating at the Forums sees Tyler as an individual wholivesand works in Kodiak yet understands the issues facing our rural communities.Given this, the Forum strongly supports Tyler’s application to be part of the Consolidation Committeeand feels that he would assist in ensuring that the rural regional voice is at the table. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, RobertaJ.TownsendVennel ForumFacilitator AGENDA ITEM #2.a. From:noreply@civicplus.com To:Clerks Subject:Online Form Submittal: Board Application Form Date:Thursday, December 27, 2018 4:34:11 PM AGENDA ITEM #2.a. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH STAFF REPORT JANUARY 31, 2019 ASSEMBLY WORK SESSION SUBJECT: ORIGINATOR: RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: OTHER INFORMATION: AGENDA ITEM #2.b. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH OFFICE of the MANAGER EBUF;Kbovbsz!42-!312: UP;Ns/!Ebo!Spisfs-!Nbzps Nfncfst!pg!uif!Bttfncmz GSPN;Lpejbl!Jtmboe!Cpspvhi!Mboet!Dpnnjuuff WJB;Nbhhjf!Tmjgf-!Sftpvsdf!Nbobhfs TVCKFDU;Efwfmpqnfou!pg!Dijojbl!Cvso!Bsfb!Qbsdfm Tjodf!uif!dpnqmfujpo!pg!mphhjoh!boe!sftupsbujpo!pqfsbujpot!po!uif!Dijojbl!Ujncfs!Usbdu jo!Kvmz!pg!3128-!uif!Lpejbl!Jtmboe!Cpspvhi!Mboet!Dpnnjuuff!ibt!cffo!dpotjefsjoh! ejggfsfou!bmufsobujwft!gps!efwfmpqnfou!pg!uif!qbsdfm/!Uif!dpnnjuuff!ibt!ejtdvttfe!b wbsjfuz!pg!pqujpot!gps!qbsujbm!sftjefoujbm!efwfmpqnfou-!mbshf!usbdut-!bddftt!qpjout-!boe! sfdsfbujpobm!pqqpsuvojujftuibu!uif!Dijojbl!UjncfsQbsdfm!dpvme!tvqqpsu/!Bu!uijt!qpjou-!uif! dpnnjuuff!xpvme!mjlf!up!hfu!Bttfncmz!dpodvssfodf!cfgpsf!qspdffejoh!xjui!gvsuifs! ejtdvttjpo!pgmboe.vtf!bmufsobujwft/ Uif!Dijojbl!Ujncfs!Usbdu!jt!b!spvhimz!911!bdsfqbsdfmpg!voefwfmpqfe!mboe!jo!uif! 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Uif!dpnnjuuff!btlt!uibu!uif!Lpejbl!Jtmboe!Cpspvhi!Bttfncmz!dpotjefs!uif!nboz! qfsnvubujpot!pg!qpttjcmf!efwfmpqnfou!pqujpot!po!uif!Dijojbl!Ujncfs!Usbdu!boe!hjwf! hvjebodf!up!uif!dpnnjuuff!xjui!sfhbse!up!ipx!uif!bttfncmz!xpvme!mjlf!up!qspdffe!xjui! efwfmpqnfou/!Uif!dpnnjuuff!xpvme!mjlf!ejsfdujpo!po!uif!gpmmpxjoh!efdjtjpot; Jg!uif!bttfncmz!epft!opu!tff!efnboe!gps!cpspvhi!mboe!up!cf!sfmfbtfe!bu! Dijojbl!boe!xpvme!qsfgfs!up!efgfs!bmm!efdjtjpot!sfhbsejoh!efwfmpqjoh!uijt! mboe/ Jg!!uif!bttfncmz!jt!joufsftufe!jo!sfmfbtjoh!sftjefoujbm!mputjo!Dijojbl!bu!uijt! ujnf/! Jg!uif!bttfncmz!jt!joufsftufe!jo!qvstvjoh!sfdsfbujpobm!efwfmpqnfou!bu! Dijojbl-!boe!xibu!ljoet.dbnqjoh-!BUW-!Cjljoh-!tvctjtufodf!fud/ Jg!uif!bttfncmz!ibt!puifs!gpsnt!pg!efwfmpqnfou!uifz!bsf!joufsftufe!jo! qvstvjoh!xjui!uif!Dijojbl!Ujncfs!Qbsdfm/ Uif!mboet!dpnnjuuff!ibt!sfdfjwfe!9!mfuufst!pg!pqqptjujpo!up!efwfmpqnfou!gspn!dpodfsofe! djuj{fot!jo!uif!Dijojbl!bsfb/!Qvcmjd!dpnnfou!mfuufst!bsf!buubdife!gps!sfgfsfodf/! Buubdinfout;!efwfmpqnfou!bsfb!nbq!)qspqptfe* Mfuufst!gspn!Dijojbl!Sftjefout Qbslt!boe!Sfd!Dpnnjuuff!Mfuufs Gjoejoht!gspn!Qbslt!boe!Sfd!Tvnnju AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. o o o AGENDA ITEM #2.b. January 23, 2019 To the Members of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly, This letter addresses a discussion about the KIB land in Chiniak. I have lived in Chiniak since the mid 1970’s and have seen a lot of changes over the years, beginning with the Tracking Station closing down and properties sold as a result. I believe people should have the opportunity to buy land or buy houses and live as they like. They pay property taxes. Children can attend the local school. We all contribute to the betterment of our communities. More families means more children in the school. It is very difficult for families as we saw in Chiniak in the past, and other villages, when the school closes because of low enrollment. Roads would need to be upgraded. Certainly that would be an expensive proposition, but necessary if the land was to be developed. I don’t believe there would be a big influx of people wanting to live 40+ miles out the road. It might be attractive to some in having a weekend house as many present houses in Chiniak are that case or build permanent year round houses like some of us have done. There is plenty of land that is available for Kodiak residents to recreate. Even though Leisnoi has blocked access to some areas, it has only blocked motorized access. People are still able to walk and hike all over Leisnoi land. Some people are used to riding 4 wheelers and trucks all over Cape Chiniak. Because of destruction of that land, motorized vehicles are now prohibited. That’s their decision, it’s their land. I commend Leisnoi in that decision. Granted, there are a few houses and a few parcels of land for sale now. This has always been the case all the years I have lived there. I would not say the market is flooded. People need affordable land and I hope you offer the same financing as others have gotten in a previous KIB land sales. What’s fair for some should be fair for all. I am supportive of the KIB exploring ways to open more land for sale. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth Odell P.O. Box 5589 Kodiak, AK 99615 AGENDA ITEM #2.b. QspqptfeEfwfmpqnfou N AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.b. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH STAFF REPORT JANUARY 31, 2019 ASSEMBLY WORK SESSION SUBJECT: ORIGINATOR: RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: OTHER INFORMATION: AGENDA ITEM #2.c. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1)Communications Infrastructure AGENDA ITEM #2.c. o o o o o o o o o o o 2)Residential Small Lot (RSL) Single-Family District o o o o o o AGENDA ITEM #2.c. 3)Residential Agricultural Activities o o o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 Qspqfsujft!xjuijo!uif!Djuz!pg!Lpejbl!dpsqpsbuf!cpvoebsjft!bsf!bmtp!hpwfsofe!cz!Lpejbl!Djuz!Dpef/ AGENDA ITEM #2.c. 4)Accessory Dwelling Units o o o o o o o o AGENDA ITEM #2.c. 5)Marijuana Business Regulations AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. AGENDA ITEM #2.c. In September We had an informal meeting at the Chiniak school with Julie Kavanaugh and Matt VanDaele, 23 Chiniak residents attended (this is a very large turnout for our small community) and everyone opposed developing the land at this time, here were some of the reasons that were discussed at the meeting: With the public accesses being blocked off there needs to be open land available for all residents, firewood, camping, ATV use, hunting... (the meeting went to the frustration of more leisnoi blockages/deep ditch dig ups at: Chiniak Creek, Gillnet Beach, Bunker Hill, Twin Creeks Beach and Roslyn and other places) The cost of developing the land would be Extremely high, with the slash clean up, roads up to grade and running power... • The land is devastated, barren and swampy and steep, will there be interest in purchasing? • If the KIB opens large parcels there, then we lose the public access to that acreage, as well as all Kodiak residents and visitors that use this land This would flood the market, at this time there are several houses and acreages for sale in Chiniak at this time there are land parcels at Cliff Point currently for sale Marie Rice has had several acres for sale for many years near Roslyn Beach as well o Jerroll Friend just purchased the old winery/world training peace center at Roslyn and intends to develop that area. with all this land open and being opened, why would the KIB do a high cost development in opening this land (that is much needed for recreation) ESPECIALLY with our populace on Kodiak decreasing. It seems it would be a waste of time, money and effort to try and sell parcels in this burnt clear cut. The amount of work and money needed to clear the land and make it residential, is tremendous. The entire acreage is completely covered with slash and stumps. The creeks and drainages are clogged from stash, and debris. It is undesireable for developing to say the least! • The size of the lots, when and if developed, need to be large plots, 5+ acres minimum, so much of this property is hilly and swampy, there needs to be room for wells and septic. • Residents suggested that the KIB not finance the future land sale in the 10-10-10 (10% down, 10 years to pay off..) manner they have done in the past to ensure the buyers have means to be successful out here, this is not an easy or convenient area to successfully make a living (don't want a Jackson's trailer court development) • Access between Sara Fish and Alana T's property up King Crab Way if developed is opposed, everyone at the meeting agreed that the access should be the access already there right at the corner of Silver Beach, and not through the residential area We have endured being logged out, burned out, ditched out, and now we are trying to defend a track of land that we have used for recreational and Subsistence for many years. We need to take this time to heal and move slowly. As a 57 year Kodiak resident and a 34 year Chiniak property owner I would like to request that the Burned KIB land NOT be developed at this time. Thank you for hearing my/our concerns, I urge you to keep this tract of land open for public use at this time. Maggie Slife From: sara fish <yellowcling@hotmail.com> Sent Wednesday, September 19, 2018 2:27 PM To: Nova Javier Subject Hi Nova, can you please distribute this letter to everyone involved? Thanks! September 19, 2018 Dear Kodiak Island Borough Mayor, Assembly Members, and Lands Committee, Hello, my name Is Sara Fish, I am writing this letter because I believe it is in the best interest of the Kodiak Island Borough to designate the Chiniak "Timber" Parcel for public use. I ask that you all please take the following comments Into consideration when deciding whether or not to move forward with development. It seems it would be a waste of time, money and effort to try and sell parcels of a burnt clear cut. The amount of work required to clear the land enough for use is tremendous. The entire acreage Is completely covered with slash. The slash consists of everything from twigs to limbs to 300 year old culled logs. Not to mention 100 plus stumps per acre. Natural creeks and drainages are clogged from debris and logging equipment. It is hardly traversable and undesirable. There are already numerous lots for sale from Cliff Point to Chiniak. They range In size from 3,5,10,and 20 acres. Some are developed, some are undeveloped. Landowners are having a hard time selling the land already on the market. However, one thing KIB and residents are lacking is public use land. With firewood readily available and deer still roaming around there is constant use of this access by all sorts of people. Including discouraged tourists who were promised scenic vistas and bunkers in Chiniak only to realize these accesses have all been trenches and barricaded by Leisnoi. Lelsnol has been ado mentally policing and slowly blocking off more and more access. Some of the accesses blocked include historic state easements and BLM easements. (How can they do that?I) we owe it to ourselves and the future to keep some land for public use. I encourage everyone involved in any decision making process to come see for yourself, try and walk off the road for a bit. And think if you would buy this. Please consider setting this aside for public use and using money from the lands fund to cleanup some of the aftermath of the logging possibly making camp spots and cleaning up viewpoints. This could make the Chiniak Timber Parcel a genuine asset to Kodiak Island Borough, our land values, our tourism Industry and our wildlife. Thank you. Sincerely, Sara Fish 43163 King Crab Way yellowcling@ hotma ii.com Maggie Slife From: Susan Baker <shaker.99615@gmaiLcom> Sent Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:12 PM To: Nova Javier Subject Land Development in Chiniak Please forward this letter to the Borough Assembly and the Lands Committee To the Borough Assembly and the lands Committee, I stand with the 23 people who attended the Informal meeting In Chlnlak last month In regards to opposition of the development of the Borough land In Chiniak. 1) Lelsnoi owns Lands all around the Chiniak community and is limiting our access to our nearby beaches. Until Lesnol comes to the table and honors our rights of way and our comprehensive plan that the community of Chinlak and the Borough worked so hard on twice since 1985 can we consider any development. 2) Since we are limited In recreational land In Chlnlak we need to conserve this land for that purpose. 2)There are several residences already for sale and future land development already in place In Chlnlak and Cliff Point. 3)We have been logged out, burned out, and now there Is the possibility of having to defend a track of land that we as residents of Chiniak have used for recreational and Subsistence for many years. Can't you let us heal, breathe, something? I am slck of standing up to encroachment on my community. I'm not convinced that this will be responsible development at this time. Susan Baker Follow your dreamsl Clay Creek Pottery Box 5575 Chiniak. AK 99615 907-486-2895 907-942-0542 Follow your dreams[ Clay Creek Pottery Box 5575 Chiniak, AK 99615 907-486-2895 907-942-0542 Kodiak Island Borough Phone (907) 486-9363 Fax (907) 486-9396 Community Development Department ` 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 a, www.kodiakak.us Memorandum Date: February28, 2018 To: KIB Resource Manager From: KIB Parks & Recreation Committee RE: Chiniak Burn Area Recreation Site At the January 23, 2018 and February 27, 2018 Parks & Recreation Committee meetings, the committee discussed the Borough -owned parcels with legal descriptions of Portion of T29S R18W, and Portion of T30S, R18W, Section 5 & 6, of the Chiniak Subdivision (commonly known as the "Chiniak Bum Area"). The Committed proposes that this area be dedicated to recreation for all Borough residents and visitors. Due to its topography and existing logging roads, this site could provide unique opportunities for non -motorized and motorized recreation, hiking, and camping. The Parks & Recreation Committee would like to work with the Resource Manager and any other relevant departments, committees, or commissions, to explore the possibilities for maintaining this site for recreation. /- Patrick Saltonstall, Chair Robert & Meesha Murphy 408 Lilly Drive Kodiak, Alaska 99615 907-486-8707 September 19, 2018 Mayor Dan Rohrer Kodiak Island Borough 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Mayor Rohrer, RE: Development of Chiniak Burn Area Parcel Over 15 years ago, we took advantage of a Borough land sale out in Chiniak because we enjoyed the trees and community but more importantly at that time, it was difficult to obtain Chiniak property. Nowadays large stash piles are as tab as the trees that once stood and many for We signs are visible along the road. We are opposed to the development of the Chiniak Burn Area Parcel for the following reasons. • There is enough open land and property for sale. Yes, there was a time when it was difficult to acquire property out in Chiniak. Currently, that is not the case. Many homes are for sale, and we just heard that Jerald Friend purchased the old winery and intends on developing that property. In addition, land parcels at Cliff Point are currently for sale. Why would the Borough compete with the private sector? The cleanup and development of the Chinink Burn Area Parcel, which can be steep or swampy, is going to be expensive and lots might be hard to sell. Adding an unnecessary line item to the Borough budget is not fiscally responsible. especially when government budgets are decreasing during these tough fiscal times. • We do not know a Chiniak residem/property owner who is in favor of this development. We are one of them. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Robert Murphy Meesha Murphy Cc: Members of KIB Assembly; KiB lands Committee Maggie Slife From: John Butler <johnandmoe@gci.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 7:55 PM To: Nova Javier Subject: Chiniak land (I am using Moe Butlers computer to send this in because I do not have internet) Nova can you please make sure that all members of the KIB Lands Committee and KIB Assembly get this email. Thank you, My name is Claude Travis. My wife's name is Nellie. We are both long time Chiniak residents. We both have many concerns regarding the possible upcoming land development, pertaining to the Twin Creeks burn parcel. Our main concern is access to the land behind the Chiniak School and Library. There is already a road granting access at the end of Silver Beach. We would like to see It stay there and not punch In a new road off of King Crab Way. Thank you, Claude and Nellie Travis Maggie Slife From: Thomas Dinnocenzo <salterytd@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:11 AM To: Nova Javier Subject reply to KIB lands committe Nova, Please send this to all members of the Lands Committee and Borough Assembly. Good morning. The KIB's plans for selling property for development In Chiniak is a Bad Idea. I am a life long Kodiak resident and a resident of the Chiniak area for decades, and the continued loss to the lifestyle I moved out here for is only going to Increase with more property owners In the area. There Is not enough public access to rivers beaches and upland areas as It Is, due to Lesnoi blocking easements, etc. Many folks have already left and put their property up for sale for these reasons. Property values have fallen and it has become very difficult to sell due to the logging and access problems. I believe most residents of Chiniak have similar concerns. I will predict that If this trend continues My place will be up for sale also (if I don't have to give it away) and I will be off the island for good. Sincerely. Thomas Dinnocenzo Maggie Slife From: marybrown888 <marybrown888@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 12:37 PM To: Nova Javier Subject Chiniak burnt land. Please let us leave this land open for the whole community of Kodiak Island. We don't have much land left to us. Thankyou Mary C, Brown P.O. Box 5574 Chiniak Alaska, 99615 Sent from my Samsung Galaxy, an AT&T LTE smartphone Maggie Slife From: Nova Javier Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 8:27 AM To: Maggie Slife Cc: John Butler Subject: RE: Chiniak land development HI Maggie, Please see email below from Ms. Butler. Would it be possible for you to add it in the Other Information section of the next Lands Committee meeting agenda? Thank you, Nova Ms. Nova M. Javier, MMC Borough Clerk Office of the Borough Clerk 710 MITI Bay Road, Room 234 Kodiak, AK 99615 (907)486-9310 PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This e-mail and responses to this email are subject to provisions of the Alaska Statutes and may be made available to the public upon request. From: John Butler <johnandmoe@gci.net> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018 12:12 PM To: Nova Javier <njavier@kodlakak.us> Subject: Chiniak land development HI Nova, I would like to ensure that this email is submitted to each member of the KIB Lands Committee as well as each member of the KIB Assembly. Thank you, Maureen Butler As a 34 year Chiniak property owner I would like to request that the Burned KIB land NOT be developed at this time. Just two weeks ago we had a very well attended community meeting at the Chinlak School to discuss this, it was unanimous, out of the 23 Chiniak residents in attendance (which Is a record for our community meetings[) all wanted to keep this land open for public use. Here are some of the reasons: • With the public accesses being blocked off there needs to be open land available for all residents, firewood, camping, ATV use, hunting... (the meeting went to the frustration of more leisnoi blockages/dig ups at: Chiniak Creek, Gillnet Beach, Bunker Hill, Twin Creeks Beach and Roslyn) • The cost of developing the land would be Extremely high, with the slash clean up, roads up to grade and running power... • The land is devastated, barren and swampy and steep, will there be Interest In purchasing? • If the KIB opens large parcels there, then we lose the public access to that acreage, as well as the people that don't live in Chiniak that use this land • This would flood the market, at this time there are o several houses and acreages for sale in Chlniak at this time o there are land parcels at Cliff Point currently for sale o Jerald Friend just purchased the old winery/world training peace center at Roslyn and intends to develop that area with all this land open and being opened, why would the KIB do a high cost, losing proposition In opening this land (that is much needed for recreation) • The size of the lots, when and if developed, needs to be large plots, 5+ acres minimum • Residents suggested that the KIB not finance the future land sale in the 10-10-10 (10% down, 10 years to pay off..) manner they have done In the past to ensure the buyers have means to be successful out here, this is not an easy or convenient area to successfully make a living (don't want a Jackson's trailer court development) • Access between Sara Fish and Alana T's property up King Crab Way if developed is opposed, everyone at the meeting agreed that the access should be the access already there right at the corner of Silver Beach, and not through the residential area Thank you for hearing my/our concerns, I urge you to keep this tract of land open for public use at this time. I am available to discuss this further with you, please feel free to contact me: Maureen "Moe" Butler 907-539-2104 Maggie Slife From: Nova Javier Sent Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:32 AM To: Maggie Slife Subject FW: Chiniak land HI Maggie, Please see below for distribution to the Lands Committee. Thank you, Nova Ms. Nova M. Javier, MMC Borough Clerk Office of the Borough Clerk 710 MITI Bay Road, Room 234 Kodiak, AK 99615 (907)486-9310 PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This e-mail and responses to this email are subject to provisions of the Alaska Statutes and may be made available to the public upon request. --Original Message --- From: Jane Wheeler <kodisle@gmall.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20187:17 AM To: Nova Javier <njavier@kodiakak.us> Subject: Chiniak land HI Nova, hope you are doing well. Would you please make sure everyone on the lands committee and Borough assembly gets a copy of this email? Thank you.—Jane I see as always you do as you want with no regards to the locals opinions or concerns. Why do you even ask?? How much tax payers money do you use every time you come out here? It's not a good idea to use King Crab way as a through -fair. The congestion and the steep hill in winter is dangerous. The best way in to the land you want to develop is the entrance by Silver Beach. You can always put in a back entrance to the Tsunami / library. There has never been enough parking there anyway. I am opposed to developing the land at this time[ ^'Jane Williams — Wheeler P.O. Box 5601 Chinlak, AK 486.4453 Sent from my iPhone KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Meeting Type: � ` 4� �i I �/ WdYk Secsi (nA Date: 0 1 1 Please PRINT your name legibly Please PRINT your name legibly Gvrro� y ,�Urvi �G�