07/24/2018 Regular Meeting1 LL KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SEP 7 2018 PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES July 24, 2018 Regular Meeting 6 p.m. — Conferenoi4 CALL TO ORDER COMMITTEE MEMBER MILLSTEIN called to order the July 24, 2018 Parks and Recreation Committee Regular Meeting at 6:13 p.m. ROLL CALL Committee members present were Ben Millstein, Steve Paulson, Bobby Bassham. Absent members were Patrick Saltonstall, Helm Johnson, Paige Simeonoff, and Shane Thompson. A quorum was not established. Community Development Department staff present was Daniel Mckenna-Foster. ADJOURNMENT Due to a lack of quorum, COMMITTEE MEMBER MILLSTEIN adjourned meeting at 6:14 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CHAIR SALTONSTALL called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. This meeting was already called to order, roll call taken, and adjourned due to a lack of quorum. Calling to order and holding this 2nd meeting constitutes an illegal meeting. CHAIR SALTONSTALL adjourned the illegal meeting at 8:17 p.m. _ r\(\ IIn ATTEST: By: Sheila Smith, Secretary Community Development Department APPROVED: August 28, 2018 Patrick Saltonstall, Mckenna-Foster said this was supposed to be for the May meeting. A plank was broken on the bridge (inaudible, papers rustling). The Engineering & Facilities Department has about $120,000 they use, mostly to take care of recreational equipment. They just send Elliot out there to fix them. It's also something to think about long term, we have a lot of facilities that were built with money and now the money is gone so sometimes there is no money to maintain or fix them. In the future, we can invite them to a meeting to say "Hey, what do you guys have, what are you planning on doing if there is something that (inaudible). They just got a new director so we will make sure to get him involved. Discussion COMMUNICATIONS A) P&Z Agenda for July 18, 2018 RM Mckenna-Foster said there's nothing Parks and Rec related on the P&Z agenda. REPORTS A) Meeting Schedule: • July 24, 2018 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting —6 p.m. — KIB Conference Room • August 28, 2018 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting —6 p.m. — KIB Conference Room AUDIENCE COMMENTS None COMMITTEE MEMBERS' COMMENTS Corey Gronn wanted to know if we want to add a nomination form for CIP, he can share what he has. Maybe we can use it more formal so we can formalize what we are doing. Whenever the new Engineering & Facilities Director is, he would like to have them come to a meeting since they are doing work. Frankly, talk about CIP, those who have bought playground equipment, it's expensive so how are replacements of those not going through this group is quite, he doesn't know if it has or hasn't gone through this group so maybe they can come so we have the opportunity to build new relationships. Patrick Saltonstall said it takes forever to move forward in this process but it does. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON MOVED to adjourn. Patrick Saltonstall adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. ATTEST: By: c Sheila Smith, ecretary Community Development Department APPROVED: August 28, 2018