07/20/1989 Regular MeetingKodiak Emergency Services Council July 20, 1989 @ 5:00 p.m. Kodiak, Alaska EXXON VALDEZ OIL SPILL JAY BELLINGER (KODIAK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE): We are picking up a few live stressed birds. We've been having trouble contacting wildlife folks. We are busy with the cleanup. Saw some beaches that looked pretty good. Three people coming in this weekend and will probably ship them out on cleanup monitoring. DICK HENSEL (ADF&G): Still cranking out beach surveys in Alitak area and Aliulik. Three Saints Bay to Uyak today. Will be doing this until.position is taken by the Department on if there will be a fishery. JEROME SELBY (KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MAYOR): Do you know when they will do that? HENSEL: We were told this morning that the Department of Fish & Game wanted to make the announcement tomorrow but is expecting a delay. Maybe Monday. Looking at the demobilization and tomorrow one man going to Tugidik to assist with SCAT. I will be rotating out and Ken Middleton will be here. Did Roger Smith give a report on Tuesday? SELBY: Yes, he gave us a report on Tuesday but didn't have much on lab results. It would be good to get him back the second he gets some lab results back. BOB BRODIE (CITY OF KODIAK MAYOR): He couldn't say if the deer were safe to eat. SELBY: It would be good to get it cleared up before August 1. HENSEL: I will certainly reenforce it. JOHN HOPKINS (DEC): Conference about concerns with oiled driftwood. What we are hearing and seeing, DEC is not interested in it being burned. The whole situation is that it is still pretty much in the air. We think what we are seeing is something on a local basis. May be some consideration for local requests. Still looking at where oil is and trying to keep mapping up tainted as soon as possible. We are getting into some interesting things on west side --original event vs new moussing and oiling --and what is showing up during high tide. It has dropped off in the west side. Still catching bits and pieces hitting the west side of the Island at Uyak and Uganik and still coming up. We aren't seeing it on the mainland. We may be getting some more. Some is moving out of Prince William Sound. Hopefully we will see some response activity to get skimmers out working on it. Kodiak Emergency Services Council - 7/20/89 Page 1 04012 Arnie (Shryock) will possibly be back tomorrow. Saw fifty plus bears on mainland. Are finding young bears walking in it. No indication of physical problems. (PARKS): I will be signing SHPO dots on documents. GENERAL COMMENT: Shoreline meeting did not talk about seiners going ashore during weather they aren't able to pick up oil from a boat. SELBY: If they can't get it off the water, they could pick it up off the beach. My understanding is a beach crew will be in the same bay, and we could just attach them to the beach crew for the day or two. Then they could go back to the water. Four groups of seiners--two in Ishuit, one in Uganik, and 1 in Vikoda/Terror. COMMANDER ARCHIE SMITH (USCG): I heard their utilization is not for shore cleanup. WAYNE COLEMAN (CITY OF KODIAK LIAISON): It is a shame to lose that resource. SMITH: It is a logistics thing that could be worked out and right now. SELBY: If there is a SHPO not there, how do we get one there. Should be solvable if there is not a beach crew there. I can't understand why not is there is one there. Let's kick it around. SMITH: I don't know what the seiner's association has to say. BRODIE: The plan is on line to allow for certain activity without SHPO present. Is the plan going to be amended? SELBY: They are only talking about them walking around and putting mousse in a bag --light version of Type A cleanup. HENSEL: We do have of the priority beaches that the SCAT team has been through. I think if people want weathered in and it's on a priority beach, we have possibly solved this on a day to day type basis. SELBY: That is what I am thinking. Let's be reasonable. Let's get these guys out to pick up more oil. HENSEL: I think it's a good position. BELLINGER: At one time, we approved the bounty bag so let's get this stuff off the beaches. We will discuss this. SACK RICKNER (EXXON): We will take it under advisement, but we will look at alternatives. If we can supervise it, it's a possibility. We will take a look at it do see what we can do. SELBY: Hopefully it would be a small percentage of time. Even if two days out Kodiak Emergency Services Council - 7/20/89 Page 2 04013 of 21, seems a waste of time. HENSEL: Needs to be done as situation presents this. DISCUSSION ON SAFETY OF GETTING SEINER CREWS TO BEACHES. RICKNER: We are working on twenty seiner boat groups and should have them on contract today or tomorrow. I understand Fred Byars will have a meeting with them tomorrow afternoon. Working on proposed plan of outlining how to conduct the rest of the cleanup by incorporating beach cleaning crews that are working. Question I have is why have we moved warm water cleaning team to Shuyak when we haven't received response back from ISCC on permit. They have set around and are not able to work. HENSEL: I asked if it was going to be approved and the answer is yes. Needed to still talk to Goodwin, and I talked to him and he did approve it so I think you will get an answer soon. SELBY to RICKNER: What is the time frame on three additional beach crews? RICKNER: I didn't give one, and I am not sure what it is. I was told right away. As soon as I can get the people COLEMAN: We have heard that a lot of beaches still have oil. DISCUSSION ON NUMBER OF BEACH CLEANING TEAMS. SELBY: You committed to seventeen and now there are twelve. Three more would be fifteen. We feel we need seventeen crews. RICKNER: I don't think there is any intention to stop at less than seventeen. In looking at seventeen teams, four seiners and the setnetters program are valuable programs that have continued to clean up. Lot more going on than just seventeen beach cleanup teams. SELBY: We never said it wasn't, and we appreciate that level of effort. The beach on Puoa Bay is the only one where there is stuff off surface. RICKNER: A piece in Hallo has. A lot of oil has been removed from beaches. SELBY: There's an awful lot that haven't had anybody on it. RICKNER: I think you would be surprised at how many miles have been. SELBY: Two problems: people haven't looked at them and re -oiling. RICKNER: Re -oiling has been mild. SELBY: If we keep getting re -oiling, we want all our effort we are gaining not ruined. BRODIE: We just seem to think therd's more work out there for available teams. If we get done September 1st instead of 30th, we won't complain Kodiak Emergency Services Council - 7/20/89 Page 3 04014 HENSEL to RICKNER: We did receive a report from Seward DEC that they have sighted a rather large slick slipping out with observable brown material. SELBY: Is there a skimmer that can go get that? Maybe you can alert them. SELBY to RICKNER: Could you make a check on boom that is to go back to the City dock and to the oil docks? RICKNER: I thought that had happened. SELBY: We did too but it hasn't. SMITH: We signed off on six miles in Puoa Bay and Hallo Bay of Type A treatment. We are attempting to accelerate pace. On Boat washing station in Mosier Bay, Fish & Game have recommended we move it to Lazy Bay to protect fisheries in Mosier Bay. RICKNER: I heard there was a mariculture program in Lazy Bay, and that's why folks didn't want it there. HENSEL: It would be between Rodman Beach and Tannerhead Island. Would be a good place. DISCUSSION ON AREA. KELLY LAW (KMXT RADIO STATION GENERAL MANAGER) talked about radio signals. LAW to RICKNER: I have two questions for Exxon. What kind of circuits through ALASCOM, and what is the possibility of you giving us one? RICKER suggested to talked to Frank at the Communication Center. LAW: If it does go through, do you have regular flights and would we be able to piggyback with you. RICKNER: Our flights are regular. Yes, if we are running and there is space available. SELBY suggested LAW get together with the Governor's Office representative. The representative said he had already talked with her office. Kodiak Emergency Services Council - 7/20/89 Page 4 04015