04/16/1989 Regular Meeting Part 2Oil Spill Management Council April 16, 1989 @ 12:30 p.m. Kodiak, Alaska BRODIE: Make a note to call the places with POs to charge city tax and state fuel tax. DISCUSSION ON BOAT DEPLOYMENT LIST. GOULD: Four boats are going to Shuyak with the Ruff n' Ready as a tender. PAGE: Have you talked to Mark Kandianis on determining areas? DAN JONES: Yes, he is making sure they are boats that already have . equipment on. SELBY: That's to go across to Katmai? JONES: Yes, two are going to Katmai. BRODIE: So there are two boats going to Katmai Park area --Cape Douglas? JONES: Yes, they are being pulled off list. BRODIE: The two are going to cover area? PAGE: It's five areas. SELBY: Are we getting boom out on those vessels that are moving around? WADE: Boom will be on Katmai vessels. PAGE: We are working on getting 10,000' out so it won't set in hangar. GOULD: You have quote to move with skiffs? WADE: VECO is going to contact Fish & Game people. That is the immediate need to pick up birds. I talked to Don King, and he only asked for one. GOULD: Sounds like we need to get with Fish & Wildlife because Ouzinkie found one bird, and they want to patrol around. Oil Spill Management Council 1 4/15/89 @ 12:30 p.m. 03908 SELBY: That should be conducted with Fish & Game. WADE: We have asked VECO to look at other places to see how it's being done there. BRODIE: We have called Valdez, and they quoted us certain rates over phone. (Gave Valdez list to Wade). DISCUSSION ON SETTING FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR SKIFFS. SELBY to WADE: There is a survival training outfit in town, and they suggest if you are going to have people out on beaches, you may want a short seminar on survival. DISCUSSION ON SURVIVAL TRAINING. DISCUSSION ON COMMANDER KEISTER'S REPORT AT LAST EVENING'S MEETING. BRODIE: Is Exxon planning on sending people to villages to talk to the peogle there? JONES: I know that they are in Prince William Sound. I know of no plans to do that in your villages. We are trying to get out to Chignik. I am hoping some of the information we got to Dolly Reft will help. We got a sense of where the fears are coming from and will act accordingly. If anyone else says we are needed, we will go. BRODIE: You aren't going to try and head this off at the pass? If you were behind Dolly, it would ease their concerns. JONES: We can't fly on any planes that haven't been approved and certified by Exxon in Houston. BRODIE: How do we have our airplanes apply to be able to do that? JONES: That is one of our problems in getting to Chignik. We have to get a plane out of Valdez. GOULD: You said Penn Air is certified, and we have a Penn Air here. BRODIE: Who do we contact to get this resolved? JONES: I wonder if it will be practical to get it done because it takes so long. SELBY: We would like to pursue it because we know the stuff is going to wash up for a long time. Doesn't make sense to have a plane come from Valdez to fly you to Old Harbor. BRODIE: Put it on list to be re -certified. Oil Spill Management Council 2 4/15/89 @ 12:30 p.m. 03909 JONES: We have to see if there is a real need to do that. GOULD: How do you define need? JONES: We don't. In the past, we have had an association to check those needs out with villagers. BRODIE: The villagers are seeing wrong information on news programs, and it needs to be diffused. JONES: I did have a long talk with Dolly Reft today and relayed information to her. Yes, we will go if need is demonstrated. We are committed to do that thing. Oil Spill Management Council 3 4/15/89 @ 12:30 p.m. 03910