04/18/1989 Regular MeetingOil Spill Management Council April 18, 1989 @ 5:00 p.m. Kodiak, Alaska PAGE: C130 went out but visibility was no good. Did not encounter any oil. The interesting news is the Russian skimmer is due tonight. It is to be attached to Nuka Island. Mr. Clean III, 180' vessel, is due here in Kodiak tomorrow to take on supplies. We are hoping that those two vessels will eliminate any threat to Kodiak. A hydra -vac in Seward is being used very effectively. SELBY: Any report on how much they have been able to skim with smaller skimmers? PAGE: Today was the most productive day of skimming --2,500 barrels. They are using seines to take booms and pull the oil together instead of breaking it up, since they have something that is effective in recovering. Weather looks like it will be fairly benign and will facilitate mechanical recovery. Does look better. FISH & GAME: Our helicopter hasn't reported back. Hear the crew sent in tar balls from beach at Panamaroff. They cleaned the beach and after awhile, tar balls were back. Larry Nicholson is coming with chain of custody sample. FISH & WILDLIFE: North side of Shuyak found two dead oiled birds, and the vessel Ruff 'n Ready has one live oiled bird. We are starting to pick up a few birds that have been affected. We are having radio problems so our communication has been poor. Ki0 t RON On Bruce Erickson's sample, they have started the testing and will be faxing me the results. The professional judgement is that it is 40-50% water with all aromatics gone. WADE: I talked with Dr. Mackie from Valdez. He told me there are samples of water being taken from a boat out of Homer working its way past Kodiak. Test results will be forwarded to me as they are completed. I spoke to him about pre -impact sampling and his remarks were that he had not received a written study plan from ADEC or any other organization's need. Water samples were showing one part billion hydrocarbon content. He feels there is not enough to justify pre -sampling. He did not say he was opposed; he said that Oil Spill Management Council 1 4/18/89 @ 5:00 p.m. based on the knowledge he had now, he couldn't justify it. Another concern of his was the contractor you are using is also under contract with Exxon. DISCUSSION ON CONTRACTOR. CONSENSUS IS THAT THERE IS NO PROBLEM. (4 ci `,. WADE to RELIN. Do results from Shuyak indicate a need for further testing? K. Lct)- RHEIN: What was related to me is the volatile components are out. Shellfish subsistence people are concerned that their food supply is wholesome. WADE: Do you know about another area where the same tests are done and the results? Kw^- IGEI-fM-- The only crude sample results were provided over the telephone. I have not seen any reports of samples taken any where else. I would strongly recommend that Exxon assign a scientist to this office to work with you do coordinate a direct connection. Would help resolve the problems. Someone who could provide direct actions. WADE: No, I don't have objections but Dr. Mackie would have objection of going on record of Exxon paying for it. SELBY: As I understand it, with our memorandum of agreement with Exxon, we can do it that way. We will do it under that auspice and get it done. BRODIE: Also, it would be helpful to expedite results. SELBY: We need to discuss bird and critter pickup and cleaning. WADE: Will get together after this meeting at 6 o'clock to discuss that. SELBY: Another concern is how we are going to approach beach cleanup. (LL i; J KELIN I have asked our regional office to fax the Valdez operation so ours will be consistent. MADDEN: Guidelines to the Coast Guard rep that went to Shuyak was a passive one. M121 : Disposal of cleanup materials needs to be discussed. DISCUSSION ON CLEANUP IN PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. BRODIE: The hiring is going now? WADE: They are still at Westmark. That operation is totally a VECO operation. They said they will take it over today. Their representative will be here shortly and you can raise your questions with them. NATIONAL PARKS: Concerns and questions on follow-up on Sequoi Bay oil. Oil Spill Management Council 2 4/18/89 @ 5:00 p.m. 0300 Will boat over there be deployed to do an assessment? MADDEN: There is a Fish & Game rep on that boat, and his assessment should be accurate. FISH & GAME: There is no standard procedure for typing of area or deciding what is there. We also need to work on assessment procedures by anyone that is in the field. A standard report is needed. I will bring a form, and we can work it up. CORDELL RAY: We want to know extent of oil before a cleanup is started. MADDEN: We will talk about it, but we staged boats out there with snares and absorbant pads. Is there going to be a park service representative on each boat? RAY: We have to follow Prince William Sound's example. MADDEN: Make this a priority tomorrow morning, so we can get to next step of cleanup. WADE introduced: Rocky Ortega of Exxon Alice Berkner and Mimi Wood of International Bird Rescue Research Center and are contracted by Exxon for bird rehabilitation. Ken Turnage of VECO Don Kane of United States Fish & Wildlife Service SELBY: We are transferring the list of Audubon over from VECO and have it remain separate as to what has been compiled for laborers. Birds and cleanup are different. Other question is, do they get paid? BERKNER: Normally that is in my policy. I start off working with volunteers. There are reasons. You can't take 50 people off the street and have them clean ducks. It is a genetic knack. It takes a long period of time to identify them for kind of job. Rinsing and cleaning has to have right techniques used. There are a lot of people who want to help and not be paid. Volunteers seem more determined and committed. To hire people immediately would be a disservice to wildlife. SELBY: I appreciate what you are saying, but the list put together by the local Audubon was screened. If they are getting paid zero, there will be animosity. BERKNER: Leave it up to the people involved if they rather clean rocks. CHRIS PROVOST: Initially it was volunteers. Then was brought to our attention that there needed to be workman's comp. Then, Alice said it is directly volunteers. We heard VECO is taking applications for animal clean up. We want to clarify your decision. Oil Spill Management Council 3 4/18/89 @ 5:00 p.m. 03901 BERKNER: I was unaware of an announcement. KEN TURNAGE (VECO): I have not made an advertisement for any people at this time. PROVOST: It was read at the 10 o'clock meeting that VECO was taking applications for bird and animal cleanup. TURNAGE: I am not soliciting any one at this time. We do intend to hire people but have not advertised. BERKNER: I will set policy as to how birds are cleaned and right on down the line. Somewhere along the line, decisions are being made for me without consulting me. I thought we had a good understanding with the Audubon on what happens. PROVOST: We are not just helping collect names, identify key people, and setting up the areas. The money thing has crept in. DISCUSSION ON WHAT VECO HAS SAID OR NOT SAID. GOULD: If Fish & Wildlife happy with stand and Exxon paying, I don't have a problem. BRODIE: Would it be less confusing if that was aspect VECO doesn't have? WADE: Yes. BERKNER: The volunteers would stay under us and coordinate with the Audubon. PROVOST: Statements were made that everyone working on spill would be paid. GOULD: That actually came from me. DON KANE (Fish & Wildlife): Operationally the Fish and Wildlife has jurisdiction over birds and animals. Exxon, as a responsible party, has contracted with Alice Berkner. Our roll is to make sure a structure is in place to make sure Alice meets Fish & Wildlife roll in taking care of animals and birds. BERKNER: In this case, your main person will be Mimi Wood. TURNAGE: We aren't advertising because we don't see a specific need. So, we would like to get into a facility that meets our needs. We have some needs but light. Hopefully we will have a place of abode for purchasing, administration, etc. in the near future. Not much available in town. We are structured to deal with needs of today; I am glad they are not major needs. SELBY: You have taken over boom building operation at Hangar 3. TURNAGE: I don't know where that is. Oil Spill Management Council 4 4/18/89 @ 5:00 p.m. 03902 SELBY: Let me know so we can make an orderly transfer. BRODIE: In regard to list, because no initial organization, the Borough established a procedure. TURNAGE: It is my understanding that Cindy has taken that over. We don't intend to re -invent wheels. Any previous structure, we have full intention of utilizing. BRODIE: Are Yvonne Zharoff, Cindy Rohrer, and Chickie Wegdahl VECO people? TURNAGE: Yes. Yvonne Zharoff is presently dealing with personnel; Chickie Wegdahl assists. Cindy is paralegal that deals with contracts, etc. SELBY: If you can assure people that VECO will be using the Borough list, that will cut traffic down by 90% right there. TURNAGE: If they are signed up, we will work from that list. We are here to support Exxon as much as possible. We want to leave Kodiak with a good taste in mouth. The area manager is Ron Reynolds from Kodiak, who can also answer questions. We want to be fair and equitable with every employee, vendor, boat owner, etc. We are cutting checks on a weekly basis. We are trying to purchase locally as much as possible. .There will be people concerned with when they get paid. We are paying weekly, and if you get your documentation in, you'll be paid. We have PO purchasing system. There are no blanket POs issued. There will be purchase personnel available or you will need a Exxon rep to sign for it. My people will not be able to buy without a P0. If a duly authorized Exxon official says to buy it, fine. But VECO better have a PO number. Oil Spill Management Council P 4/18/89 @ 5:00 p.m. 0390.3