05/26/1989 Regular MeetingKodiak Emergency Services Council May 26, 1989 @ 5:00 p.m. Kodiak, Alaska EXXON VALDEZ OIL SPILL COMMANDER RICHARD FORD (USCG): Computers weren't up today, so wasn't. able to put out a status report. BOB BRODIE (CITY OF KODIAK MAYOR): Have you requested Exxon to initiate the hire? FORD: Yes. DISCUSSION ON PROCEDURES --EXXON OR COAST GUARD. GIL BLINN (PARKS): Weather pretty much shut us down. Did one exchange of crew. The Stress Council is under contract with Parks Service. I understood they could also provide service to state and local and on that basis, set up for Tuesday. Linda Freed said she had been in contact with the provider, and they could only serve parks. I checked, and she is correct. They will only come out to work with Parks or Fish & Wildlife. So, it has been scrubbed. However, MaryAnn (KIB Mayor's Office) said it is available through Human Services in Anchorage, but she felt the local mental health could serve the need. I am very sorry about that misinformation. BRODIE: I am sure the Emergency Services Council could evaluate the need. HERMAN BUEKER (CITY OF KODIAK): Let it ride for right now unless one of the agencies feel they need it. BRODIE: All agencies think about it. JAY BELLINGER (KODIAK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE): We are getting a team just for eagles. Exxon has agreed to foot the bill. There will be two teams --one at Seward and one at Kodiak. Their mission will be to follow up on oiled eagle reports. We have developed a list from boats and locals where oiled eagles have been seen. (Introduced Gary Burke as his assistant.) GARY BURKE (KODIAK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE): I worked up here on Alaska Lands Bill about ten years ago but never made it to Kodiak. I was very pleased when Kodiak Emergency Services Council - May 16, 1989 Page 1 01 03822 they gave me a call to come to Kodiak. MATT ROBUS (FISH & GAME): Shoreline Committee added Sturgeon Lagoon to priority list. LT. TOM CALLAHAN (NOAA): We have a list of a number of high priorities and a second list that can be worked on if the weather or something means they can't work on high priority list. We also listed some sites for the SCAT team to assess. We need to develop it more before the team gets back on Sunday. BRODIE: Have we given cleanup crews enough direction, if the assigned beach is such that they can't go there, for them to go to another beach to do work? CALLAHAN: That is a good recommendation. BRODIE: If it would be possible, get that information to the boats. If they can't get to the assigned beach, go to a beach you can. DISCUSSION LED BY ROBUS ON MAPS TO USE TO DEVELOP PRIORITY LIST. FISHING HAS WEIGHED HEAVY IN WHERE TO PRIORITIZE CLEANUP. LARRY NICHOLSON (FISH & GAME): I called a list in to Jim Wade addressing the need for fisheries aircraft and small items to help get a salmon surveillance going as soon as possible. He called me back and said there were seven vessels already hired and assured us a they would solely be contracted for salmon to conduct test fisheries. Second, he said again he somewhat promising for helicopters. I would encourage this group to keep pressuring for these two things. They will be very critical. We also went out to check out purse seines Exxon has acquired. Only two were usable; the others were somebodies dumped nets. Jim Wade is going to look for more. Crews and agencies will determine openings. Are hiring at least 14 or 15 more people. All test vessels will have a State employee on board. All will comply with the chain of custody requirements. I will be gone until the middle of next week. Pete Probasco will be filling in until I return. He will be directing the executive session tonight. BRODIE: "Executive Session" seems to be a word that upsets people. Maybe you should find a euphemism. FORD: Suggest "Steering Committee". BRODIE: In regard to the helicopters, I think we should continue to hammer them if they send people across the Straits in single engines. If they can't do it with just two twin engines, we should continue to ask for the third. We have tentatively heard Yost will be here Wednesday and Murkowski Friday. That is the time to bring it to their attention. I would like to have some good information. Who coordinates air travel? FORD: Exxon --Bill Thomas. If means are beyond him, we would then come to us. BLINN: We aren't using Exxon at all. We aren't depending on them. Kodiak Emergency Services Council - May 16, 1989 Page 2 03823 BRODIE: We should get our heads together at the Tuesday five o'clock for what we want to approach Yost with. Kodiak Emergency Services Council - May 16, 1989 Page 3 03824