09INC UMBENCY CERTIFICATE AUTHORIZEDCALLBACKS Nova JavierTheunderslgned_____________ neme person belng he Borough Clerk Üe Kodiak Island Borough the Company does hereby certlfy tbatIheIndlvldualsusted below are qualufled and actln offlcersofihe Company the slgnature appearlng opposlte the narne of each such offlcerisatrue speclmen of the genulne slgnature of such offlcer andsuch lndlvlduals have the authorityto provlde wrltten dlrectlon/confirnsatlon and recelve catbacks atthe phone numbers notedbelow and executedocuments tobe deilvered to or upon the request of TheBank of New YorkMetan and/or TheBank of New YorkMellan Trust Cornpany N.A collectlvely 8NY MellonJ BNY Mellan may relyconcluslvely upan thecertiflcatlonof authority oftheofflcers named la thlsCertlflcate la connection wlth ah corporate trusttransactionato whkh the Company isa party wlth BNY Mellon until such time as the Company expressly revokes thlsCertlflcate In wrltlngar II provides revlsedCertlflcate la arder tobe effectlveelther must be dellveredto BNY Mellon atthe addresses provided la dic related govemlag dowaients Neme DoraCross IiQ Finance Director Slanature crs Phone Number for Callbpçk 907.486.9325 IN WJTNESS WHEREOP Ihe undersigned has duly executedand delrveredthlscertlllcate November 2016 tha1eofIheoers neme of personttitle Note listed aboye V20713