08ertificate The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A the undersigned Fanny Chen Vice President of The Bank of New YorkMellon Trust Company N.A national banking association with its office at 400 South Hope Street Suite 500 Los Angeles CA 90071 DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Deborah Young is duly appointed and qualified Officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A and FURTHER CERTIFY that Deborah Young has been granted Limited Signing Powerswhich authorize him/her to sign certain docurnents on behalf of TheBank of New YorkMellon Trust Company N.A in discharging or performing his duties within the Trust Division in accordance withArticle Section 5.3 of the By-Laws of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A and that his/her genuinesignature is set aboye his/her name below Name Titie Signature Deborah Young Vice President _________________________ IN WITNESS HEREOF have hereunto set my handand affixed the seal of The Bank of New YorkMellon Trust Company N.A on this 22 day of November 2016 The Bank of York Mellon Trust Company N.A By________________________ Name anny Chen Title Vice President BANK OF 4EW YWK MELLON TRUST COMANY NAToNAL ASSOCIAT tite undersígned Susan Maroni Assistant Secretary of lite Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company National As dation natkmal hankiugassedation organized nnder Che taws of tite LFnited States tite Assodatíon and located in theStateof CaJífornia DO HEREBY CERTWY tiltat tite foliowing indívidunis are duly appointed aoci qualified Offkers of tite Associatíon aoci that tite sigitature appearing ncxt to cadi offícer usted is trae copy of tite signature of sueh officer Officer Name aoci Tille SiníngAuthorít Signature Lo Angeles CaMfornia 400 Srnitlt Hope Street Fanny Citen \Tj Presicient Mark Golder Více President Lisa Infusino Vtce President Daniel Marroquín VicePresídent Gloria Ramírez VieePresident AJ Gonzalo Urey Vice President Deborah D.Young Vice Fresident Seattle Washington 601 LJnion Street Carol Nelson c2c further certífy that as of Chis date they havebeen authorized te sigo oit behalf of tite Association in discharging or performing their cutíes iii accordance with thesenior and Iimited signing powersprovided under Article Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of tite By-laws of theAssociation and tite paragraphs indicated aboye of the signing authority resolution of the Board ofDirectors ofthe Association Attached hereto are true aoci correct copies of excerpts of tite By-laws of tite Association and the signing authority resolution which have not been amended or revised since Óctober 15 2009 aoci are jo full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF have hereunto set my handand affixedthe seal ofTite Bank of New York MellenTrust Company National Associationthís l4 cay of june 2016 Susan Maroni Assistant Secretary Extrcts frorn By-Laws of TheBank of New York Meo Trust Company Nationa Assoeiation As Amended through October 152009 ARTICLE SIONING AUTHORITIES Sectbn SA Real propetty owned by the Associaton in ts OWn rght shall nottbedeededconveyedmortgagedassgnedortransferredexceptwhendulyauthonzedhyesokttjon of the Board The Board may from tírne4o-trnrie authonze officers to deed cwtvey mortgage assgnortransferreaproperyowíaedbytheAssocatiionitaownrightwithsuchmaxirnumvaluesasth.eBoardmayfixitaaathorizingresoligion Section jjrSt mg Powers Subject to the excepton provLded rn Secton the Presdent and any Executive Vire Presdent iis authorized to acrept endorseexecute or sigo anydocumentmsttumentnrpaperinthenameofnrnobehalfoftheAssociationiiiaHtransacttons arising out of nr ni connection with the normal course of the Associations busmess or ni any fiduciary representative nr agericycapacity and when required to affix the seal of the Association thereto la such instances as ni the judgment of the Presiderit nr any ExecutiveVice Presiderit may be proper and desirabíe ariy one of said officers may authonze in writmg from time to-time any other officer to have the powers set forth iri this section applicable onlyto the performance nr discharge of the duties of such officer withm his nr her particular division or funetiori Any officer of the Association authorized ca nr pursuant toSection to have any of the powers set forth therein other than the officersigning pursuant to this Section 52 is authorized attest to theseal of the Association on any documents requiring such seal Section pijçISgmngPowers Subjet to the exception provided ni Section ca such instances as ni the judgment of the Fresident nr any ExecutiveVice President may be proper and desirable any one of said officers may authorize in writing from time-to-time any other officer employee orindividual have the limited signing powers orlimited power to affix the seal of the Association to specifíed classes of documents set forth in resolution of the Board apphcable only to the performance nr discharge of the duties of such officer employee orindividual within his orher divisionor function Section 5.4 Powers of Attory powers of attorney on behalf of the Assoeiation shall be executed by any officer of the Assoctation jointly with the President any ExecutiveVice President or any Managing Director provided that the execution by such Managing Director of said Power of Attorney shall be apphcable only to the performance or diseharge of the duties of said officerwithin his or her particular division nr function Any such power of attorney may however be executed by any officer nr officers or person or persons who may be specifically authorized to execute the same by the Board of Directors Section 5.5 Auditor The Auditor or any officer designated by the Auditor is authorized to certify in the name of or on behalf of the Association in ita own right or in fiduciary or representative capacíty as to the accuracy and completeness of anyaccount schedule of assets or other document instrument nr paper requiring such certification SIGN1G AUTHORITY RESOLUTION Puruant to Artide Section 53 of the By-Lav Atiopted October 152009 RESOLVED that piirsnant to Section 5.3 of the y-Laws of the Assochtion authority be and hereby is granted to the President or any Executive Vice President in such stances as in the judgrnent of ariy nne of said officers may be proper amI desiraWe to authorize la writing from timeto time any ather officer employee or individual to have the limfted sigaing authority set fórth la any one or more of the foilawing paragraphs appl enly to the performance nr disch.arge of the duties of such officer employce nr individualwithin bis or ber division or fimction AH signiag authority set forth in paragraphs through beiow except Levelwhlchmustbespeciticaitydesignated 131 ndividuals authorizedto acceptendorse execute nr siga any hill receivable certtfication contiact document orother lnstrument evidencng embodymg commitment with respect to or reflecting the termç or condttions of loan oi an extension of credit by the AssocLatjonnoteamIdocumentmstrumentnrpaperofanytypenncludmgstockandbondpowersreqwredforpurchasingsellingtransferrtngexchangmgorotherwisedispostngofordealmginforeigncunencyderivativesoranyformofsecumiesmeludingoptionsandfuturesthereonineaohcaserntraasactwns arising out of or ja connection with the normal course of the Associatkynshusmeas B2 Indviduals authorizedto endorseexecute or siga any certification disclosure notice required by law document instrument oF paper of anytype required for judicial regulatory oradminístratíveproceedingsorfíiingsandlegalopinians CI Authority to acceptendorseexecute nr siga or effect theissuance of any cashierscertifiedorotherofficialcheckdraftorderforpaymentofmoneycheckcertificationreceiptcertificateofdepositrnoneytransferwireandinternatransfersresultinginchangeofberieficaJ ownership la each case ja excess of $500000000 with singleauthorization for ah transactions C2 Authority to accept endorseexecute or sign 0v effect theissuance of any cashierscertifiedorotherofficialcheckdraftorderforpaymentofmoneycheckcertificationreceiptcertificateofdeposiemoneytransferwireandinternatransfersresultinglachangeofbeneficial ownership in each case ja excess of $500000000 C3 Authority to acceptendorse execute or signoreffect theissuance óf any cashierscertifiedorotherofficialebeckdraftorderforpaymentofmoneycheckcertificationreceiptcertificateofdepositmoneytransferwireandinternatransfersresultinginchangeofbeneficial owriership in each case in an amount up to $500000000 C4 Authority to acceptendorseexecute or siga oreffect the issuance of any cashierscertifiedorotherofficialcheckdraftorderforpaymentofrnoneycheckcertificationreceiptcertificateofdepositmoneytransferwireandinternatransfersresultinginchangeofbeneficial ownership in each case in an amount ja excess of 100000000 but notto exceed $500000000 C5 Aiathwity accept eadorse execote or siga or effect Che issuance of any cashiers certitied or other official check drafi terder f3r payment of m.eaey check certification receiptcertikateofdepositrnoneyfransrwireandternatransfersresoltingchangeofbeneticia ownership in each case in an amount op Co $OO0OlL C6 Authority te accept endorse execute or sigii or effect tite issoance of any cashiers certified or ather offidal check draft order fer payrnerrt of rnoney check certification receiipt ceEtificate of deposit nioney transfer wire and intenta traosfers reu tg irt change of beneficial ownership in çach case ín an amount op te IOOOOOO Authorty te acceptendorse execute or siga or effect the issuance of any cashiers certified or other official cheek draft order for payment of money check certification reeeiptcertificateofdepositrnoneytransferwireandintenialtransfersresultinginchangeofbeneficial ownership in each case in an amount opto $5OGO000 C8 Authority Co acceptendorse execute or siga oreffect the issuance of any cashiers certified or other officia check draft order for payrnent of money check certification receipt certificate of deposit rnoney transfer wire and interna transfers restdting ja change of beneficial ownership ja each case in no amo unt op te 000000 C9 Authority te accept endorse execute or siga or effect Che issuance of anycashiers certified or other official check draft order for payment of money check certificatiort receipt certificate of deposit nioney tranfer wire and internaltransfers resulting in change of beneficial ownership ja each case in an amount op Co $250000 ClO Authority Co acceptendorseexecute or sigo or effect theissuance of any cashiers certified or ether officia check draft order for payrnent of rnoney check certification receipt certificate of deposit money transfer wire and interna transfers resulting in change of beneficial owrrership in each case in an amount op to $50000 Cli Authority tó acceptendorse execute or sigo or effect the issuance of any cashiers certified or other officia check draft order for payrnent of money check certification receipt certificate of deposit nioney transfer wire and interna transfers resulting la change of beneficial ownership in each case in an amount op to $5000 Dual authorization is required by any combination of senior officer and/or Sector Head approved designee for non-exernpt transactions Single authorization required for exempt transactions Dl Authority to accept endorseexecute or siga any contract obligating the Association for the payment of money or the provision of services loan arnount up to $l000000 D2 Authority to acceptendorse execute or sigo any contract obligating the Association for the payment of money or the provision of services in an amount op to $250000 D3 Authority to acceptendorse execute or sign any contract obligating the Association for the payrnent of nioney or the provision of services in an amount up to $50000 D4 Authority to acceptendorse execute or sign any contract obigating the Association for the payment of money or the provision of services jo an amount op to $5000 Aothority to acceptendorseexecote nr sigo anyguaantee of signatre to assiginmentsofstocksbondsnrotherinstrnmentscertilcationoqukedfórtransfrsaocideliveriesofstocksboncls or other ls neats sod doeurnent bstruntent nr paper of anytype equred in connection with ariyIndividualRetirementAccowttnrKeoghPiannrsimilarplan 17 Authority to acceptendcrseexecute nr sigo any certifica.te of authentication as bond wiit iovestment trust nr dehenture trustee aoci ca bebalf of the Associatinn as registrar aoci transfer agent Authority to accept endoTse execute nr sigo any bankers acceptance of creditandhillof Authority to accept endorseexecute nr sigo anydocurnent instrumerit nr paper of any type required in connectiowith the ownership management nr transfr of real or personal propertyheidbytheAssociationintrustnrinconnectionwithanytransactionwithrespecttowhichthe Association is acting lo any fiduciary representative nr agencycapacity ineluding the acceptance of such fiduciary representative nr agency account Authority toeffect the externa movernent of free delivery of securities aoci interna transfers resulting in changes of beneficial ownership 12 Authority toeffect the niovement of securities versus payment atrnarket nr contract value Authority to either sigo on behaf of the Associatíon or to affix the sea of tbe Association to any of the following classes of documents Trust Indentures Escrow Agreements Pooling and Servicing Agreements Collateral Agency Agreements Custody Agreements Trustees Deeds Executors Deeds Personal Representatives Deeds OtherReal Estate Deeds for property notownedbytheAssociationinitsownrightCorporateResolutionsMortgageSatisfaetionsMortgageAssignmentsTrustAgreernentsLoanAgreernentsTrustandEstateAcco.untings Probate Petitions responsive pleadings in litigated matters and Petitions in Probate Courtwith respect to Accouraings Contracts for providing customers with Association products or services Iridividuals authorized to accept endorse exeeute or sigo internal transactions onlyLegeneralledgerticketsdoesnotincludetheauthoritytoauthorizeexternamoneymovements interna money movements orinterna free deliveriesthatresult in changes of beneficial ownership Pl Authority to approve the payment of valid expenses as incurred to meet the obligationsoftheAssociationexcludingsalaryandotherernployeedirectedbenefitpaymentsineachcasein excess of 10000000 P2 Authority to approve the payment of valid expenses as incurredto meet the obligationsoftheAssociationexcludingsaaryandotheremployeedirectedberiefitpaymentsjoeachcaseinanamountupto10000000 P3 Authority to approve the payment of valid expenses as incurredto meet the obligationsoftheAssociationexcludingsalaryandotherempoyeedirectedbenefitpaymentsineachcaseinan amount up to $5000000 P4 Arnhory to approve che payrnent of vatk expenses as incurred torneet the ohigatonsoftheAssocjatjmiexckidngsaandotherernp1oyeedrectedbnefpayeraseachcasean arnountap to OOO PS Authority to appmve the payment of vaEjd expenses as ncnrred torneet tbe obligatonsoftheAssocjatjonexchtdngsabryandotheremptoyeedjrectedbenefkpaymentsjoeackcaseinan arnount up to 25OOO P6 Authorky to approve the payment of vakd expenses as inconrrcd to meet the obgatjons o4 the Assccatton exdndrng saary and other ernptoyee direeted íbenefit payments rn eah case in an arnountup to $OOOoO P7 Authoi-ity to approve the payment of valid expenses as jncurredto tneet the obgatonsoftheAssociatjortexckrdjngsaltaryandotheremploycedjrectedbenefitpaymentsjaeachceiian amouat to $5OOOO PS Authorty to approve the payrnent of vatd expenses as incurred torneet the obgatonsoftheAssocjatjonexcktdingsalaryandotherernpioyeedirectedbenefitpaymentsjoeachcasean amount np to $2500 P9 Authority to approve the payment of valid expenses as incurré4 torneet the obligationsoftheAssociationexcludingsalaryaudotherempoyeedjrectedbenetitpaymentseachcaseinan amount np to $1 0000 P10 Authorty to approve the payment of vaUd expenses as incurred tonieet the obtigatonsoftheAssociationexcudingsalaryandetherempbyeedirectedbenefitpaymentsjacadicaseinan amount up to $5000 P11 Authority to approve the payment of valid expenses as incurred to meet the obligationsoftheAssoeiationexcludingsalaryandotheremploycedirectedbenefitpayrnentsjaeachcaseinan amount np to $3000 RESOLVED that any signing authority granted pursuant to this resolution may be rescinded hy thePresident or any ExecutiveVice President andsuch signing authority shall terrninatewithout the necessity of any further action when the personhaving such authority leavesthe eniploy of the Association