Tab_224I, JOHANNA KINNEY, Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska (the City), HEREBY CERTIFY that the document attached hereto is an accurate and complete copy of Resolution No, 2016-052 of the City adopted by the City Council at a meeting duly called and held August 22, 2016, and that Resolution No. 2016-052 has not been modified, amended, repealed, or rescinded, and is in full force and effect on the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this certificate this 3rd day of November 2016, J 9 HANA KIt9NEY, CIVIC ty Clerk City of Seward, Alaska Zt 0 j : E1 'S -- 'S City of Seward Harbor improvement Revenue Refunding Bond, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK Regarding Resolution No. 201 6.052 Sponsored by: i-I nor CITY OF SEWARI), ALASKA RESOLUTION 2016-052 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARI), --k LASKA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SFW ARE) TO ISSUE HARBOR IMPROVEMENT REVENUE REFUNDING BONI), 2016 IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED SI300 1 000 TO REFUND CFRTI\ Or'TS1 ANDI\G HARBOR Ii\1PR0\ F\IE\TRE\ F\. F BONDS OF THE CITY. FIXING CERTAIN l)ETAILS OF SUCH BOND, \UI HORI/l\C THE S \I F OF SUCH BONE) -Y\I) PR(\ [DING FOR RELATEL) MATTERS ANTIE,RE A S, the Cio of Seward, Alaska (the 'Cit\ is a home No cifvand under Section 11 of Article N of the Alaska consuwuon nay exercise all legislative power not prohibited by law or the Charter of the City, and it has been determined that the niarter Set 10 11 i n th is resolution are not prohibited by lau or the Charter; and WHEREAS, there is now outstanding the principal amount of 51 265,000 of Harbor improvement Revenue Relundi tie Bond. 2007 oithc Cit' (the '2007 Bond issued under Resolution Nos, 2000094 and 2000120 of the City: and \VH EREAS, the Council finds that it is in the best interest of the Cit\ to provide for the rciundinp, including the pay-merit Of principal of and interest on. those principal installments ottlie 2007 Bond maturing on and after December I , 2017. in the a recate Principal amount ill S I 07 f,000, u hose rellrnd in the Cits Amagn or Coy F irnoice Director determines will produce the debt serv ice sax inos sped lied to this resolution. by the issuance of a harbor imorovemeni revenue rel'undinn bond in the aggregate principal amouni Of riot to exceed 5 1 .301000 the "Bond it and \VHEREAS. Sectior 1 1 ,2(a) of the home rule charter ME City orovides that the Cit' nitty issue refunding bonds without ratification of the voters, and WHEREAS, the Council birds that it is necessary and appropriate to delegate to each ofrhe Ciu Amager and City Finance Director airthoritt to determine the principal installment amounts. interest rules and other deiai Is of the Bond. and to determine other matters pertaining to the Bond that arc not provided Or in this resol utkirr: arid WHEREAS, the Alaska Municipal Bond Barth (the "Bond Bank") will purchase the Bond A& proceccis AS Its cencral oblmeation bonds pursuant to the terms Mn arnendator loan arreenient (the "Arocndattrrt loan Aereenient"jt and NUIE REAS, tL W e nch m Loan a rcenwt ame nd be Lout Agwern e m Cl tt December 1 , 2000, us amended ott Janmiar 1 - 2007, to prorde hr the refunding, of the herein def ned (Ii\ OF S E\\ \Rl). ALA Si<\ Ifl..()Ltl ION 21-05 Refunded Bon d - and related matters. NOV, III EREF'ORI:, BE IT RESOLVED U\ i'IEE CITY COt CI L 01' TUE ('Ii'\ 01: SEWARD, AL.\SKA ti Section I. Definitions. Terms not hert.dn defined shalt have the nicanino set fbrrh in the ii C lined 1 0 kcHu ion I hi folkm ia-i Lu nufl h ii tile InfO i a mt2a nings in 0i' Ra.lniion: \tnendatoy\ I ni \ereetnent means the 1 .oan Aereement hetiveen the tnl the Bono Hank. anwnding the 1 Awn \aieeiuent to fli'O\ We fir the mfundina etihe Refunded HnnJ tl::ull snnice C01 1 11C BOH,f wid te' ted i B) ftm" ineutis the '1 laihor impro\ einerll Revenue Rcluindine, Bond. 2016" nithe Ci iv S f tilL i .osw uwd a n d sWo of "Kh are mR W Ond IiU1t I Bond Bunk' means tie Alaska Municipal Bond Bunk. a public corp ration of the tHe H Di I ond Bank Bonds means the General ()hi Oration RCthnLli ne Bonds;, 2016 Scrics Ilnee ()oveninieiiRd Purpose) of' the Bond Bank thu 'Bond Reeistei niewìs the recistrationbooks inainta; ned he the Reisti'ar. iihieh include the n a.1,11cs and tiddi'esse of the P en kiered Mims of the Bond or their nominees ii I nwans the tit' 01 S mad. a municipal co'po'uton H the State of Alaska. as a nIne 'nle' et\ under HOe H 0 tue Al ~ika Statutes i 'ru finance l)i'ecor team.. the I wunee Director of the (ht\ I Code' nicans the internal Revenue O de of 1980. us 'amended from time ii: ether with all rearituiion up cubic thee I 'tontinuinc Disclosure Certiheate meun a certificate relatine to the 2016 Bond eaeeuted in connection, and dci ered by the f'ilr, e lb remeet to compliance with pat-uraph b H Rule 1 5c2- I 2 01 the Securities and Exehunce Coninii ssion, as such certificate univ he aniended or nppuciicnted from time to tune 1 'Lmcib' mean the Coaiva of the ii' of Ward, as the cenerat Ieeiri,tt\e JH1flt\ of the C' LSerard, us the same AC uc Hi: and ccuiarIvcon,titntcJ toni tine to time N t 1ymQj=qwvP means Ow 1 omi A gmum-,nt the ('its and the 1isJ Bank CITY OF SE\VAI{D, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2016-052 dated as of December 1 2000. as amended on Janua 1. 2007, and as further amended H: the Anienoajojv Loan Agreement, (L) Refunded Bond means the principal installments of the 2007 Bond whose refundine is approved by the Cttv Matiacer or Cdv Finance Director under Section 12, dvi) AWASMA_Owner means the person named as the registered owner cf'a Bond in the Bond Register- (N) means the Cit' Finance Director. ) "Resolution" cans this Resolution 20 1 6-dI the City, iPi '2000 Re means the CitY's Resolution 2000 -04. approved by the Council on September 11. 2000. authorizing the issuance of harbor revenue bonds. (Q) '2000 Resolution means the City's Resolution 200012S, approved he the Council on November 27. 200 authorizing the issuance and sale ofthe 2007 Bond, R 2007 Bond' means the outsi tnding S1.265,000 H arbor I mpi O\ itit itt Rcu %e nue Relundint Bonn 2007 of the (it\ Section 2. Authorization of Bond and Purpose of Issuance. For the purpose ci' eitccting the refundine by exchange of the Refunded Bond in the manner set ibrih hereinafter and in the Aniendatorv loan Aw-cenient, the Cit\ hereby authorizes and detena me's to issue and SCI I the J3Ort We aggregate prIiC'IpII amouni of not to e\ceed S 1 .21)0,010. Section 3. Obligation of Bond, The Pledeed Revenues. as deflncd in the 2000 Resoluton. are heveb\ pledeed to the puvnleni if tne pri nut a) of and merest on the [thud as Jic some hce me due and pa able Section l. Desienaton .Maturities. Interest Rates. and Other Details of the Bond, The Band Shall be designated 'City of Sc ward, Alaska. Harbor Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond. 201 C' The Bond shall he in denominations of S.000 or any integral mult i ple thereof and with such Jesienation as the Rewstrnr deems necessary 101' purposes of identihcation, and m an have endorsed thereon such legends or text as may he ncccssar or appropriate to conform to the rules und regulanons of any governmental :iuihori v or any usage or requ rement of ave \yuh respect dermo. Installments of principal Of the Bond shall he paid annually conniencine an or after ianuan 2017 and LOOtI ionic no later than Ac e nihor 21 2621 M Bo nd ii a i nom it di dmo 01 LO LO a i ti ilL on d atc on or Nor D evo niOnT 2016, t n ii u i Ii LiL Ii b c mgi d oi in ' 0 ThI in ii L iil1, 1 ii - (ITV ()F SEW -\RD, ALASKA RESO LUTION 21)1 6)52 ito Die ratted dato the principal and interesi p,mom dates. the :tgregale principal amount. the principal ainown Much installment. apd the interest rates for each principal installment of the Bond Diali he determined at the tinie of eeeution of the Amendatorv Loan Aereenieni under Section 16. Section 5 , Redemption. The Bond rna\ no: he redeemed prior to martin Section 6. Form of Bond. 1 he Bond shal be in substantial lv the ILl lowinu Ihuti, with such \arialrons. oniissions and insertions as nra\ he required or permitted h\ this kesoluriorn [tNId]f I) Sl;\]ES OF A\IFRIC:\ SlAll OF Al W ks; Q\ cdTV OF SF\\A RD (A is lunicipal Corporation ot the State of Alaskai Nt S JIARBOR IMPROV1AIENI RLVFNLE hUdUNDINLi BOND. 2016 RhO IS] hRLl) OWN BR: lklN(iPAi. A1O NT: The Cliv of Seward (the 'City"), a municipal corporation or the state of Alaska. hereby ackroe iedtes itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to the Regiftered Ov.er identifled ahos c. I resistered assians. die Principal Arm tunt indicated a hove in the ILl nv. inp insml mants on December of each of the lollowi us j cms. and to pay merest on such installments Kni dis date h e r e of. paya ble or J une I do and scmiannua ll y thereaft e r on the Ist da y December and June k )V each vent, at the rate per annum as 011oss I 'rind pal Interest Neat Amount Rate lhts Bond is a special limited oblisation (Mc Lit\ if Seward, 11ayahle solely fr om PiedeJ Rm owes as the sane shall become due 'Ilia LII huti: and credit of the ('dv arc no: niedsed tot the CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA R[SOLUT1O 201 0-052 payment of the principal of and interest on the Bond. For so lone as this Bond is ovned by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank the Bond Bank payment o principal and interest shall he made as provided in the I .oan Aereenteni heiveen the Bond Bank and the City. dated as of December 1 2000. as amended on January 1. 2007 and ivember 2010 (collec tk'olv, the "loan Anreemcni'B, In the event that this Bond is no loneer 0\11 11td hm the Bond Bank. installments of principal and interest on thts Bond shad he paid h cheek or Ow ft mailed by first class mall to the Recistered Owner as of the dose of husi ness on the diteentl day or the month preceding each installment payment date; provided that the Onat installment vu principal and i merest on this Bond shall he pavanie upon presentation and surrender of di is Bond h.,- the Registered Owner at the oflice of the Registrar. interest nviH he computed on the basis ofa 70U- da\ 'ear consisting of twelve 30day months. Bath pet wiped of and interest on this Bond are pavadle i n U \\ui mortem of the United States ofAnhrleet whtch, on the respeCti Oe dates of peOment thereof shall he lecal tender for the payment of public and private debts 1 his Bond the I larhor Improvement Re\enuc Retundiuc Bond 2010 uwhc (nv if Oeoard Li IJWLC tune S - in poncip d Imi; au and cunY tinting tO Bond ILl Il I for the purpose OFTAYinding a certain harbor revenue hrinds issued by the City, and is issued under Resolution 20l0 oldie (liv entitled; A RFSOLLIIION AUlI IDRIZINU TIlE CITY or SEWARD TO ISSUE. HARBOR 1\IP1,M\ \IFN1 Rh\ I NH RI II NOlNo hOd) 20 o IN HIt 0dI\ 1l L AMOUNT OF NOT 10 iiXCifl:D 51000H 10 FIEI'Ut'JD CERTAIN OUlSIANDING 1 IARL3OR IMPROVEMENT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS OF THE (VITY. FIXING H It 0 Di I \iT 1)1 51 (I u 130\D I AN D \l I i1(iPj/l(j 1441- SALE I (ij 0111 HOX'D AMD 0I\U\ 'Di\m tIE RELATED MATTERS the Resolution') P hi Bond is not subject to redeni ion prior to maturit\ This Bond is transfOrable as Provided in I1I0 Resolution. 0) onE upon the bond rCistCL ol nw Him. and ut upon surrender of this Bond tuecuher with a written instrument If translcm du e\ecuted by the registered o\vnct or the duly authorized attornem of the registered oc ncr. am; hi ieo 1 uii 1 nL\\ IL Ii LgIstLtLO ho id or Bond I tilL iggLHtL nrinL'p imount aid a wit shall he issued to the transferee in ezchein"c if erelbr ;m provided in the Resolution and upon tIle payment of charges if any, as therein prescribed The (its nias treat and constder the person ii name this Bond is reeiswred as the aho1 rite o\\ ncr here f [Or the purpose it reed \ I I) \flict T A o on wruLint o lae p in wi lu dcn ; i ii t `L:II in wwo' a a iw u da. tiLw I am! hy an Awl purp wha tso cVc". (JTV OF SE\\ARI ), ALASKA REOLt 11 1O N201 6-052 IS I the L inSti wOon or st a tutes o the State o ;\ laska and the home rule charter 01 the hi n to esist. to Iupene J ol to 1ij\ len pertornied pr cedein uy or in the i u:uice of this Bond LNiSi have appet ied and ha ve been p rfornied, and that this Bond. nether a dli all other indebiednes of ti IL C in, n \iI0 0 evcQ LILDt a nd Lqh v r hndi 1van Acd by Ad co n s titudwst IlUieS or ch a r w r. 1\\\Ji2' FSS \\1IFR id. )l Ti IF (Ii I OF SI \\\ Ph). Al AS 1< A. has caused this Bond to be coed in its name and on its behalf by the rninual or ihesintile sienature of its Maor and its corporate scal (or a (desintile thereod Win impressed or otherwise reproduced hereon and attested A the manual or Idcsinii Ie si Onattire of as Clerk. a! as of the daC of ------ 2 : lacor \iH [Sf Johanna Kinney. C IC. City Clerk I SEA LJ (Form of Assieninent) \SSl( 'fEAT !t )R \\ I LF R [C El\T D. the undersianed sells asiens and uaus 1dm unto P(ease Insert Social Securi te to lax paowr ident ideation number of transferee) (Fl easc tin nI OF n'pewri lv nanie and address. InC udi np zip code of [ranferee the u idiin bond and does heieh' inmocaldy constitute and appoint . H - or its successor. a Pee istrar. to transfer said bond on the hooks kept tA reetstralion thertof a ith full power of subst ilrnien in the premises 1's I L L; CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA RESOIT1OI 2016-052 LI OlL I he signsamc 011 this ssieiii1ictit mon correspond with the annie oOhc recisicred wner in a appears non the face of the v i thin bond in cv particular. \v bout alteration or 0111 ar t,7,erl IC111 or :m\ chaiec whatc\'cir. Signature Guaranteed: Section 7. Execution. The Bond shall be executed in the name of the Cite by the Nias or or herdiis desinee. and its corporate seal shall he impresecI or otherwise reproduced thereon and attested ho the Cito CJrk The execution of Ue Bond on behalf of tile City lm\ persons cvh at the tihieof the decutiOn are duly authorized to hold the proper o fficds shall he valid and sufficient for all purposes. although any such person shall have ceased to hold office at the time of authentication ohhe Bond or shall not have held office on the date of the Bond Section 8, Pav Illaw 41"Inc i pyl mid Interest, I he 156d S011 be pas able ill lawful rnonei of tIle Enited States of A merica wh:ch at the 6 nw 01 pavnicnl is lccal tender tor the payment of public L c debts, As long as tic Bond Bank is IL Re giste red Max o tL Bond.payment 0 principal and interest on the Bond shall he made as provided in the Loan Agreement. If the Bond Batik is no longer the Registered Owner of the Bond. installments of principal and interest on the Bond shall be paid b\ check mailed by fi rst class mail to the Registered Owner as of the lheenth dcv of the month Preceding each installment paynteiit date at the address appearing on the Bend Register. provided that the tnal installment of principal and interest on the Bond shall he payable upon presentation and surrender of the Bond ho the Reg istered Owner at the office of the Registrar- Section 9. RevistratiVUL [he Bond Shall he issued only in rceisterccl form as to both prinepal a nd hlterc st The C it y dcsi~,natcs the C ity Fin i. Educt or as Regivrar Or the Bond 'J 'he Regbvw ,hadl heep, or cause to be kept. the Flood Pcai stet at the princtpai office of the C i l The C I:, Co\ cnnnts that. until the Bond has been surrendered and cancelch. it will matntuin a s"Sit'ill i ol recordine We ownership of each Bond that eonlpi i e., V. on the pro'I itona 0 fseetton 0 of the C. he City and the Reistrar man, treat the person in whose name any Bond shall be reistered as absolute owner of such Bond Or all purposes. whether or not the Bond sh a ll he overdue, and al Oh n wnn of principal ofatici intei'esi on a Bend made to the Recistered Ot ncr thalwof or upon inter shill he cahjd and clICUM to saiist\ and Jhse]aiee the liabilita, 1110 11 SLIClI Pond to the e'Kte it 1 of the soot or mums so paid. and wither the (10 nor the Registrar snaIl he afthetcrh by wv nntce to he cent ran Section 10. 'l'ransfer and Exchanee. The Bond shall lee transferred inlv upon the 0 ions jor L n,---islrzllion and tra n sfer or the Pont W ri at the etie of dv Recv't a 1 101 suumWer t o ~, Iralicier or cochiance of the Bond at such cficJ, n tO a n ritten instt'utncnt ofiratisfer or author.ci LK oxclulge 10 orii and "it guatonn Otte nowravvy 0 we Ra ysaw dw .v exuUmd CItY 01' [\\Ajfl), ALAK\ RLS( ) LIII ( )\ 2010-052 the I tsjrn-ej ncr or the duB at ihorized lNorrivy of the Registered Ocjter. the Cit\ shall ever rite and deliver an equal angrenate principal amount of Bond of the srune muturiry of cue authuriced LItninauctie. senpret to such reasonable reculittions ri the City mae prescribe and upon pacnrient uiheient to retnilaurse it !'or am ION ie' er other e\cr:intcntai CiOtCe rertuirerl to he raid ii Connection vii h such transfer or exchange. The Bond urrendereJ hi' transfer or exchange shall he CancrSLL1 hy the Ti etstrrtr ('ctjun I I. dond. Mutitated. I)e-toa. CL 'toleIi or lost L put surrender to the Reektiarota mud lated Bont. the C hr shall evecute and dci tver a next Bond of I ike naturit\ and punctual aatoanL B Pon ANY iviW the Registrar of' evidence cit isdtetorr to the CA IA that it Bond has been (lestror& or lest and of the ovvncrsltp thereof, rind upon lurnislung the Cut with indemnity satisfactory ir I tiw nua ll r\ecutL u1iU dLhi\ut tv Bond o", Ii! c tna t unti a n d principal alliouny ,ir person rcLj uestine the eNecution and deft i err of a nec Bond under this section shak eonipl\ v:irh such other reasonable regulations as the Qj a-ta; prescribe and pay such expenses as the City mae incur in cotmeatton thei'evi ito section 12. l)esinatton of Refunded Wed Bonds. The City N Iaaac.cr and the Citr Finance Bireetor ertch authorised to desiunate which principal installments of the d(i07 Bond are autnoriyj to ne rethnded in this Resolution shall He refunded, provided that the re -funding of the U0 so C itLLt fill ii ift Lu ILL sw ing s. net I I ut u 0 ltI LO t ii nunheraritine utseount. ott a reicnt value basis Section 13. lanky Bond C ovenants The Bond is a NO) Bond m fenced to in ",e cticul 16 of the 2000 Resolution The City hiet'cbv covenants with the owners of the Bond. so iong as the Bond renirtitis outstandtne: tAt Pursuant to Section 1 Hi Ati I or the 20W Resolution, the City will pay into and maintain in the ResenT Suhaceount the amounts tcuuird by Section 13 of the 2t11 i0 le on to o Pid imp and nownm i n ed i rs uch Subac uount - B l Pursuant to Section I faAh! t the 2000 Resolution, the Ctiv will establish. maintain and collect Passenger Fecu and Net Reven ues in each Fiscal Year Writ will ri .vide Pledged Revenues in an amount equal to the amount of the Annual {)eht Seric C Rcqetirenicnt for sunh year on all oLtistandine Pcritv Bottds, 1 0 hursuanito Section 1 ('i,\ii of the O(I0 Resolution, unless otherwise' exempt. t0" the khuv0v hi to Cin We an A la N ccrd f iviteshowi ng "atincafitteotne available I an ievclluc debt set\ ice' it at least courml to 1 .20 times the' niayimuni Annual AN Scnvicc Requtremeni on all outstanding Pant Bonds. T ) Pursuant to Section 1f); It L the 2 0(h ) Resolution. Issutuice of the Bond does un require greater a.mortnt it be raid out of Pledeed Revenues for pnincival and interet CfIT\ OF SE\V\R1, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2016(}52 L o er the life o U the Bond, and the other applicable, and required. visions ofecnmu 1 Of the 200ff Resolution are complied with. Section 14. Tax Covenants, The City "newts to ci rnpk n i th am and all applicable requirements set form in the Code in effect horn time Lu time to the extent that -111eh compliance shall he eeessorv for the exclusion of the interesT on the Bond from pross HICOrnc in federal income toe Purposes, The Cttv cm cmmts that it n ill make no use of the proceeds of the Bond which n ill cause the Bond or IhC Re thndcd Bonds to be arbitrace bonds suhect to Idderal income taxation he reason Af scm ion. 1 48 of the Code. 'he (A Ly (AL covenants that tc 11 not take or permit an" action that woulu cause the Bond to be private aet\ ttv bonds' as dehued in Section idl of he Code, Section 15. Amenchttorv and St nlenieutui Resolutions (A) The Council front time to time and at anr time may adopt a resolution or resol a tiom supplemental hereto, which resolution or resolutions thereaher shall become a purr of this resolution, for ant one or more u U the lhlIo\vinp puiposen (ij To add to Be eoveiiautr and agreenients of the Cite in this Resolution other cot enauts and aereentents thereafter ft be observed, r to surrender one ti alit or pun et heretu toot con Wood upon Be Cot. In make such provisiom AT the purpose of eurinq our a:nbiuities or 01 curing. correct inc or sunpiementina any dCtCtI\e provision contained in this Resolution or in regard to matters or questions ttrsin under this Resolution as the Council mae deem necessary or desirahic and not i nconsistent n ill tins kesolttitnu and which shall not ad versclv a]fdct the interests of the Renistered Owners of [lie I ond Any such sunplenicntal resolution ma be ttrt pied teithout the consent to the Rei stered ta net (if Be Bond at any time otitsiandina. notwithnauding am A the provisions ofsubsecan B of this sec tion , B With the consent of the Registered Owners of not less than fib percent in aecrera re principal amount 01' the Bond at the time ontstanding the Counei ma adopt a resolution or resol utiors srt pleniental hereto bar the purpose of adding an y prnvtaiotis to or changt tie in our mantiet oi eltuttatine ant of the provision. f tim. Resolution or ninny supplemental restlutiotr. pro" fdcd, however, that no such stipplonteutal resolution shall extend the fISCL natal it. 11 the Bnd or reduce the rate of inetest therein, or emend dwOne of par ntcnta of Interest 1 in their doe dale, or I educe the annum f die principal trereot. ot "0 onc an' premium priniole ire rcucnrpicr tiereot, tt'tthor ac consce 0 keatsrewd Onnerr 01 the i'lotd so aheLed. a (uf'\ (1)1 S[\VAI(i), A1,:SkA RFt()IA'TION 2016-0 -5 2 ft reduce the atoreaid perccnwge of Recistered )wncrs of the Bond 1-t!qUired to appro c any such supplemental resolution Wi tliiiut the consent of to Repistered Owners of die Bond then otllswndinc. It shllE not be necessr\ for mc Lot tent o flhe kei stered Owners of the Bond t uhkr this subsection to appro\ c the particular hrm at any proposed supplemental rcsaiuiion but it shall he iittwieiitit such ctscni L!pplvves the suhtanec thereat. Ifon the adoptton 0 am supple mental wsoltnpan under this section. this Resolution n d wa to it dic and mcndud in i c h i ili. and th c dulks and oblientjois undei this Resolution oldie Uiiv and all Becistercd i)\\ner5 a the ontsundjn IttI shad thereafter he suhiect in all respects to such inodi head on and aniendmen and uli the tCnh1 and Coll"di"Liol-Is of the suppfcnien[al msol titian thai i he deenied to be pan Of 0c terms and conditions of' his Resolution for any and all purposes. U Lah Bond c\ccuted and deli\erecl aher die cecution of nov supnlemertai rcsafutnn ad pted Linden this section may hear a notation as to aile matter provided fOr in such slIpplenlental resolution, and if stch supplenienial reciution shall so provide, a new Bond odiiied s i a: to mi ii in th., OiL i on ot` "hic C ity to a', )11 at this Rt2,m lu tion LOIU aud it supplemental resolution nwy ne prepared ne ttie C ity and delivered \\ tuoul cost to flic Regt stcred Owners of the Bond then outstandine. upon surrender for cancel lanon of such Bond lii equal rctaie p nneipai oniouitc, Section I N 1 )ctaasnnee In the wa n a n-u nm and or non -callable direct ohi ications of, or obkeanons dc tituel povnietn ot principal of and inienet on iiich are uticoidit:oiiallo uarantecd No, tile I il ted States of America ot an aecnm or instrumental ito of the United States of America. natunitnc at such times and boating interest to be earned thereon in amounts sufflcicnt to redeem and retire am or all ot the Bond in accordance 'vi th its tennis are set aside in a special trust account to Oct such redemption or retirement and ouc h inunevs and the pninci 3i cit and interest on stick uhf ealions arc irt-evucablr set aside and pledeed dr such purpose, then no Birtiter navnlents need he made to pm on secure the pm ment of the principal of and interest on such Bond and such Bond. or portion thereof. shall he deemed not to he otitsiundire. Section 10 . L\ehnnne of Bond: Aipendator l oan \ereemcnt the Bonn shall he deli med to the Hotd Batik in cyclanee t the Pefutided I find I he City ha been od\ iced 0 the Bonn Batik that hand market conditions are huetnatine k11A that the most ihvorahlc market conditions tar the sale aIde' Bond hank Bids ma no ce,iir on iho date of: recilar Council meetine The Council ha;; determined that it would he ineom. eaten: 0 troid a special n:eetiitc on short notice to approve the urns Ithe Bond I iterefore. the Counch ereh\ Jetcrnties diat it is in the Nest juiciest olthe Cit t ueieeale the ai:thorii\ to dppno\c the Win - Of the hoad as proviecd kwhy l aeli of the (ti h ON 11MMUO Kamm I 0 n nt IL tfw im,ut Mn one. arinieipai inc:aflnient unlotitits. necs: ;:tes nOds dated date. pt'inctpf and tam tm CITY 01' SEW \R!), ALASKA 10fSOLU'1105 2016-052 payment dates, and redemption terms. if an. Hr the lotiu so that SlI c h icr ins n f the Lund con I': to the teines ol'the cori'espotidiue And Bank Bonds provided that the i nterest rate on each principal installment (lithe Bond shall in t exce e d the interest rate on the corresponding nuumVI of the Bum Bank Bonds. Based upon the Ibrepoinc determivaion. the City \ itin er and the Cite [inane's Door each is authoriyed to lecotiate in id execute an ,\inendator\ loan Acreement. 1 he author ' canted to the Chv y macer and City Finance Director he this section hall cep re (i das te lie stimto e date of IS Resokiki if'th Cit ylanaCer in Cii Ftnanes l)lreeir ha: no axaT wo . Alnc!l 'l a n temenim LmI H lull n II nOt a Anendatorv loan :\areeinenl may not he eNecuted on befall of the GIV s idiot luhci unaarl/aln'n from the Council Section 17. (}ftieiai_ S un cnleuu Ide CK Nisuiaeer and Cit\ lhiuiee l)heetomnc each Lied. authon/eLi to approve the fhrn of the prelihiinar\ and the fInal OCcial Statcmclii aside WE COiL Bonds as each icr liii us to the (1 0 , and the I und, Section IS, duthorit' ofOfflcers I he Mayor, the Eitv ylanacer. the Civ 1:110cc Directo, and the Cite Clerk arc, and each o I' them hereby is, nutnormed and LI irceted to do and pcnhrm ii HAn2s and determine all matters not dterni i ned he this Resluiion, to the end that the C itt tint can' oat It: oblicattons under the Bond and Th i s Lesolutton. Se ction 19 NIkeell a nyms, No reco mV bi ill be had lot the pm nnt of tilL p1mm pm1 0 (w the interest on the itond or lb ant claim bacd thercon or on 1dB Resolution aminst ann momhcr MW Council or orheer of the Citt or any person es:ccutinc the Bind. 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F111,111cc Dnect'r 1 X \LIL1d Iten Reiidjit 2JRY' InHr ken I3cnd I3A(1<GROlND & ,JlT1F1CATION: oI l \a either 2. 2006. the S e\\ it rd (il\ utticil apl)le\cJ kcseluti(Ili J000-1 2 auihlin/inc lie irnaiicc 01 2,hii(i1l1i 0 J:irhi J11JlrcIncnt ieenne retnndine hInd for the niirpee ci FL: I'll td in g I fat Kin hond '\ mcii v crc lrftinaii\ HLteI in tot thc mapce I: vllinCt1nC F i loat and ti CfcIte nn oetia hciid \\ei tad u cclii. inN atiih.iuiicj 1 eoIn:;in tfjiit))L \ a \ietit h ainintri tllc ci. the inJ cLaN A lecent ciaN h RIF( (.apiia \Lirkcii in ociuliHite \Iak \l Li ll 'a N iiJ INik. 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C ito i r !cde of .iarri in )irrinae:It I ci I . er i a i'ltti t,1i1KrItttteitiva \plii\ e 1tO\ ( oiuiicii kaciltit tori 2)) urH Lill tlu,ri,ie Ote of auuard it Nne retundinc :C\Ctttie 1 11i punicipat an Uti' 11 1 \ace! NiOtiht) nolan ictoc iI:c c\catticl cIa fart aCueenlet:t htuueei tie ni if ie'ad and tjh ~ll lak: 0 itt: fin, JO:irt, auff it 'it tie ttli it etch )i a .tti it ri Ic fir 'Ci ilitfaK I, JOHANNA KINNEY, Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska (the 'City") HEREBY CERTIFY that the document attached hereto is an true and correct copy of the minutes of the August 22, 2016 City Council Meeting showing adoption of Resolution No. 2016- 052, and that said meeting was duly called and held with a quorum acting throughout. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this certificate this 3rd day of November 2016. - - JthHANNA KINNEY, CMC - C)ty Clerk - ity of Seward, Alaska City of Seward Harbor Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK Minutes of Meeting 08/22/16 City of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes August 22, 2016 Volume 40, Page 100 H CALL TO ORDER The August 22, 2016 regular meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jean Bardarson. Police Chief Torn Clemons led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Jean Bardarson presiding and Marianna Keil Dave Squires Dale Butts Sue McClure comprising a quorum of the Council; and Jim Hunt, City Manager Brenda Ballou, Acting City Clerk Absent - Altermatt, Casagranda CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING Dana Paperman said she was here for the children, and commended council for their public service. She thought physical fitness and exercise was critical for one's ability to fight the common cold or recover from surgery. She thought the city had historically supported wellness, but Paperman felt small when she saw the closed signs on the. doors at Alaska Vocational Technical Educational Center (AVTEC). She had coached Urbach's youth basketball for the past 18 years, supervised open gym and challenged kids on climbing wall, and encouraged seniors to use this facility for safe walking practices; the AVTEC gym had provided low income families with an improved quality of life. Paperman urged council to direct the City Manager to support the community's access to recreation. Willard Dunham thanked council for the opportunity to speak Tonight he wanted to speak about Seward's history and its future. AVTEC was under attack more now than in all its history. He sat on the statewide board for AVTEC. In the best interest of the city, he urged the city to find a way to work with AVTEC. Dunham said every program relying on state funds was under attack, and the council needed to think about our town and find some common ground to do what was best for all of US. Grace Williams wanted to speak about AVTEC. Williams coached basketball for the past six years and there were no other gyms available in town for young children. There was no substitute City ofSeward, Alaska City Council Minutes Augus(22, 2016 Volume 40, Page 101 for the AVTEC Gym. The rates for using the AVTEC gym had been very reasonable, and if the public had been given the opportunity, they may have been willing to pay more. Kirk DesErmia had lived in Seward for the past 15 years and he supported what everyone else had said about the issue being about the children. DesErmia said no other facility had racquetball, rock climbing, skating, or playtime for tots available to the public. He wondered why there had not been a larger conversation with the public about this issue since the impact was so great around the community. Luke Davis was born and raised in Seward and was concerned that his toddler son would not know AVTEC like he did when he grew up. He thought the community's future was in its youth; it was important for our youth to have healthy activities available for them, especially with the weather conditions in Seward. AVTEC was a perfect place for people to expend a lot of energy, and was a safe place; they could learn a sport as well as life skills. He suggested that people would be willing to pay an additional cost to keep the AVTEC gym open. Hillary Bean said AVTEC was very important for kids and adults. She started taking stats 17 years ago when she arrived in town, and it had enabled her to meet people and get involved with the community. Being able to go to AVTEC provided healthier alternatives, She urged the council to please come to terms with AVTEC. Mary Beth Koster reiterated everything that had been said about the closing of the AVTEC gym to the public. If there was any way to keep this as a resource she hoped it would be done. Koster brought two youth with her to speak this evening. Trey Ingalls said he spent a lot of time in the AVTEC gym and hoped it wouldn't go away. Sam Koster said spending time in the AVTEC gym helped him reinforce his skills. Marybeth Koster also wished there was an opportunity to discuss this further before more decisions were made. Max Ingalls thought of AVTEC as a catalyst for the community. Ingalls had come to know the people who worked at AVTEC who helped manage the schedules. He thought it would be very difficult to replace AVTEC. As a pastor at the Seward Community Church, he had several people from his church who expressed disappointment to the closing of the gym to the public. Terry Carter reiterated everyone's sentiments, and wanted to add that as a teacher, the AVTEC gym allowed the playing fields to be leveled. Not all kids had the opportunity to access everything through the school, and AVTEC was more affordable. Last year the hiZD gh school basketball team on which her son played had not had access to the high school gym for all of their practices, and the team had been bussed to AVTEC for practices. Ryan Pease said there were many different types of activities that took place at the AVTEC gym, including funerals, weddings, and charities. It was difficult to get into the high school gym. AVTEC had so many facilities to use; it would really hurt the community to lose it. Andy Wilder had two young kids, aged 8 and 10. His family used AVTEC often, including the racquetball court for which there was no substitute. He found it hard to believe that the city could not fund this, and he was disappointed that the public had not been involved in discussions on not continuing the use of the gym. He thought it would be very sad to lose the facility, and he thought the people should have a say. City of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes August 22, 20)6 Volume 40, Pare 102 Suzi Towsley had three Sons and when she moved to town her oldest was three years old. At that time she relied on the AVTEC open gym to allow them to play inside. She said her children grew up there. Stephanie Wright had worked for the Parks and Recreation Department. She thought the kids and adults needed the AVTEC facility, and reiterated all the previous comments stated. Wright thought the outrage from the public came from a lack of communication. An employee from Parks and Recreation learned about the closure from a sign posted on the door last November. The Parks and Recreation employees had been told over the winter that there would be budget cuts in the department, but then they were disheartened to hear about monies being spent in other areas. Dan Linkhart used AVTEC a lot during the wintertime. He thought moving the activities out of the center of town and trying to squeeze activities into the high school facilities would not work. The interaction with other members of the community was invaluable and could not he replaced. * Myla Liljemnrk was a teacher and thought that often the people who suffered the most were those who could not vote, the ones who were too young. Some quality products were simply not money makers; recreation may not make money but it created a good product in the way of healthy life styles and healthy citizens. Liljemark challenged the Seward City Council by asking what they would do to ensure a quality product coming from Seward, Our citizens, our children, were the future for our community. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Motion (KeiLfMcClure) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Long added a discussion for relocating the City Council meetings for September, October, and November. McClure removed the Borough Ballot Proposition presentation from the agenda. Bardarson added a discussion to schedule a work session with Governor Walker on the state's fiscal plan. Motion Passed Unanimous The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items: Resolution 2016-053, Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Professional Services Agreement In An Amount Not Exceed $58,903.00 With Harmon Construction, Inc. To Provide Abatement, Demolition, And Removal Services For Derelict City-Owned Structures Located At 408 Madison And 516 - 522 First Avenue, And Appropriating Funds. Approval of the June 27, July 11, July 25, and August 8, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. City of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes Aigvsi 22, 2016 Volume 40, Page 103 SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Chamber of Commerce Report. Cindy Clock met with Steven and Arlene Fischer who was the great-great grand-nephew of William H. Seward. All the winners of the Silver Salmon Derby were posted on the chamber's website; Otto Hansen won the two Alaska Airlines tickets. There had only been about one-third of the historical numbers of fish turned in, but the average per fish weight was up by two pounds. The Kenai Fjords Tour Volunteer Appreciation Cruise to Fox Island would be Friday, September 2, 2016. The Chamber of Commerce was once again planning to host Meet the Candidates Night for the upcoming Municipal Election. Butts thanked the Seward Chamber of Commerce for a great season. McClure added her appreciation that the chamber made volunteering for events really fun. Borough Assembly Report. Brandil llolmdahl was traveling for work and was not available to provide a report. City Manager Report. Jim Hunt stated there had been no purchase orders between $10,000 and $50,000 approved by the City Manager since the last meeting. Hunt met with Amy McElroy from Senator Murkowski's office today and had provided a tour of the Lowell Canyon Tunnel, as well as Seward Marine Industrial Center. The Public Works Department had been planning to work on the Lowell Point Road tomorrow morning, so the road may have intermittent closures; emergency vehicles would have priority to pass. Assistant City Manager Ron Long said the Port and Commerce Advisory Board (PAAB) would start meeting again in September. Long provided an update on the Snow River project there had been a very fast response from the federal government on this project; it would potentially be funded up to 75%. Long credited effective lobbying for the effective response. Regarding the AVTEC gym, Long said the talks with the schools had been happening and administration believed the schools would he a viable alternative. During the last two budget cycles, administration had been directed to cut the Parks and Recreation Department, and now citizens were saying they would pay more money. Long said the schools had assured administration that they could make it work. Administration was developing a Memorandum of Agreement and would bring that forward to council. Keil requested that administration re-evaluate the AVTEC situation; if citizens were willing to spend more then perhaps there could be limited services available at AVTEC. She thought the public was very passionate about this issue. Long stated the top five programs used at AVTEC were the weight room, roller skating, family gym, indoor park, and racquetball. Another important component was the showers, but those were available at the harbor. Kell was concerned with the email regarding AVTEC from DesErmiathatno one on council had received. Long said he had received it. Squires said the email listed was not his correct email address. City of Seward Alaska City Council Minutes Auisi22, 2016 Volume 40 Page 104 In response to Squires. Long said administration was looking at potentially using all three schools. McClure requested a potential timeline for a gym solution. Long said they would have some information at the next meeting. In response to McClure, Long said the Snow River project was not being negatively affected by the heavy rains yet. In response to Butts, Long said the Friends of the Jesse Lee Home still had several years left on their contract, and until or unless administration saw an indication that they were defaulting on their commitment, administration would not take action. Squires requested an update on the Air Force Recreation Camp. Hunt said Joint Base Elmendorf-Fort Richardson (JBER) was issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) for clearing the property. Hunt said he would contact JBER for an update. Bardarson said the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) selected the participants in Transco; Long stated there was no update. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS Resolution 2016-052, Authorizing The City Of Seward To Issue Harbor Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond, 2016 In The Principal Amount Of Not To Exceed S1,300,000 To Refund Certain Outstanding Harbor Improvement Revenue Bonds Of The City, Fixing Certain Details Of Such Bond, Authorizing The Sale Of Such Bond, And Providing For Related Matters, Motion KeilISquires) Approve Resolution 2016-052 Finance Director Kris Erchinger said these bonds had been issued in 2000 for float reconstruction. Currently there would be a Net Present Value savings of 3%, and Erchinger would not want to refinance for anything less than 3%. The bond bank's board would meet on September 6, 2016. On October 17-18, 2016 Erchinger would go out to price the bonds at market. McClure asked why the City Attorney had not been used for this matter. Erchinger said Woolforth and Cartledge had been used for years; Erchinger preferred using Woolforth and Cartledge because they had experience. In response to McClure, Erchinger said this was coming forward tonight to allow sufficient time for the required waiting period of 30 days before going into effective. City ofSeward, Alaska City Council Minutes August 22, 2016 Volume 40, Page 105 Squires said some items were not completed in the back up documentation. Erchinger said the dates were not known until they went to market. The pre-closing would happen in November, 2016 and they would go out to market two weeks prior to the preclosing, in the event the interest rates were unfavorable at market time, Erchinger, would not proceed and would wait until the next time the bond bank met. In response to Squires, Erchinger confirmed she would not proceed for less than 3%. Earnhart suggested this resolution be postponed to the September 12, 2016 meeting. He felt there were some validity issues with this resolution. He was concerned that there was no contract in place with Woolforth and Cartledge. The bond bank schedule should be on September 28, 2016 and he seriously disagreed with administration that they could hire any other counsel. Earnhart discovered two weeks ago that this firm had been hired; Cartledge previously represented the bond bank, not a municipality. Motion To Postpone (McClure/Butts) Postpone Resolution 2016-052 To The September 12, 2016 Meeting. Earnhart said this was not in the spirit of the City Attorney's contract. In response to Keil, Erchinger said the last bond refinancing was done through Woolforth Cartledge & Brooking prior to their dissolution on December 31, 2015. Erchinger said administration had the right to hire any other legal counsel, particularly when a different attorney had specific experience in a certain area. Further she said fees for bond counsel were negotiated specific to a bond refunding occasion. Erchinger had been asked, but was uncomfortable sharing with Eamhart the contract for Woolforth and Cartiedge. Long was not in favor of postponing this resolution and thought it would result in spending more money. He did not believe there was any sort of procurement issue with this contract. McClure withdrew her motion to postpone with no objection from council. Earnhart said this resolution was marked that the City Attorney had reviewed the resolution and he had not. Further, he said the contract with Wool forth and Cartledge was a public document and he did not understand why it was being secreted, Main Motion Passed Unanimous Other New Business items Discussion for relocating the City Council meetings for September, October, and November. Council approved relocating the City Council, and Boards and Commissions meetings from the City Council Chambers to the library for the months of September, October and November2016 to allow for the City Hall carpet replacement project. Schedule a work session with Governor Walker on the state fiscal plan. Council scheduled a Ciqf of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes Aust22, 2016 Volume 40, Page 106 work session on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. in Seward City Council Chambers for the purpose of hearing a state fiscal plan update from Governor Walker. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS June 2016 Financials for the City of Seward and Pro 'idcnce Seward iviedical Center. Memo thanking Seward businesses and Jio,nc stay families for their support ofthe 44 (17 Annual Sister City Student Exchange Program. COUNCIL COMMENTS Butts thanked everyone who came tonight and voiced their opinions. School had started so please be watchful for children on bikes and walking. McClure said tomorrow night was the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting. They would be considering the reduction of the Planning Commission. McClure reiterated the invitation to Founders Day on Sunday, August 28, 2016 from 2.:00-4:00 pan. at the library, and mentioned the new city flag would be unveiled. Cindy Capra was sewing a prototype which would be donated to the museum, and all entries would be on display. Squires thanked everyone who spoke about the AVTEC gym. Regarding contracts, council's input came directly from the public. He thanked the six candidates for putting their names in the hat for council, and said if the public was not happy with thejob he was doing then they should vote him out. Squires also echoed the safety message about school. He wanted to see more enforcement for pedestrians at the cross walks. Bardarson thanked everyone for their support of the Japanese student exchange program. She felt she had gotten a clear message about what the public wanted to see regarding the AVTEC gyim CITIZEN COMMENTS Suzi Towsicy stated her request very clearly: please direct administration to get the AVTEC gym open. She added that she was also concerned about crosswalk safety. Devon Putney wanted council to look directly at the negotiations with AVTEC so that the gym could come back. He thought there was still an opportunity to fix the situation before winter. Andy Wilder didn't think it made sense to have three different locations for families with young children to go to. This wasn't just a dollar conversation, it was practical as well. He wanted to see the gym stay at AVTEC. Michael Mahmood said for the first 10 years he lived in Seward, he lived in a dry cabin L without running water, and the showers at AVTEC were important. He felt the harbor showers were not the safest at night. He wanted to see AVTEC gym remain open. Ciii' ofSeward, Alaska City Council Minutes Augus122, 2016 - - Volume 40, Page 107 Luke Davis said council should reflect on why they joined council, if not to better their community. He was born and raised in Seward and had a lot of history in town. He said AVTEC was an inte gral part of the lives of many Sewardites. This was the very first council meeting he had ever attended, and this was a big, deal to him so he showed up to speak out Willard Dunham reiterated his comments about the need for the city to work cooperatively with AVTEC. He was concerned with what was happening on a statewide level. There had never been a more important time for the city to lend its support to AVTEC. In the last two years AVTEC had suffered terribly from budget cuts, and he feared there was more to come. The city and AVTEC should be joined at the hip right now in order to fare the future together. in 1969, Seward fought 10 other Alaska communities to get AVTEC here; now AVTEC needed solid backing and support from the city. He was delighted to see all of these young people who had been born and raised here came out tonight and support AVTEC. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZEN COMMENTS Keli commented about the state budget, and encouraged people to come to the work session on Friday when the governor would be there. Squires thanked everyone for speaking out again tonight and expressing their wishes so clearly. Be also encouraged people to come out on Friday to speak with Governor Walker. He wanted to see administration work simultaneous negotiations with AVTEC, as well as the three schools. Long said he didn't want to throw AVTEC under the bus,just because they hadn't responded to administration's email from 10 days ago yet. AVTEC was facing serious budget cuts,justas every organization and government entity was. He cautioned about picking holes in the potential school programs before they came about. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Acting City C er (City Seal) Or C JAY o: SEAL % -s-.- 1 / 0 000*uu~, 11 VIN OF pan l3ardarson Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, JOHANNA KINNEY, Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska (the "City") HEREBY CERTIFY that the document attached hereto is an true and correct copy of the Notice of Meeting of the August 22, 2016 City Council Meeting and that said Notice was duly posted in the City on August 17 > 2016 in the City Hall, at the US. Post Office, and at the Harbormaster's Building. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this certificate this 3rd day of November 2016. L1L i'ALLi JOUANNA KINNEY, CIVIC Ci'CIerk Tty of Seward, Alaska City of Seward Harbor Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK Notice of Meeting 08122116 SEWARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Monda, August 22, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 1. Call Jo Order 2. Pledge Of Allegiance 3 Roll Call 4. Citizen Comments On Any Subject Except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing. 5. Approval Of Agenda And Consent Agenda 6. Special Orders, Presentations And Reports - None 7. New Business A. Ordinances For Introduction 1. Ordinance 2016-006. Amending Seward City Code 15.25. Floodplain Management By Adopting The October 20. 2016 Revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) And The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) As Established By Federal lunergency Management Agency (FEMA) B. Resolutions Requiring Public Hearings 1. Resolution 2016-051 Authorizing The City Manager To Enter into A New Lease With Raihow Fiberglass And Boat Repair. LLC For Lot 5, Block 3 Fourth Of July Creek Subdivision. Seward Marine Industrial Center, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Plat No. 97-27 Seward Recording District, Third Judicial District. State Of Alaska 8. Council Comments 9, Citizen Comments 10. Council And Administration Response To Citizen Comments 11. Adjournment SEWARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, August 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL City Calendar 4. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT T HOSE ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT 6. SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS A. Proclamations and Awards 1. Founders Day B. Chamber of Commerce Report C. Borough Assembly Report D. City Manager Report F. Other Reports and Presentations 1. Ballot Propositions Presentation 7, PUBLIC HEARINGS - None S. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolutions I. Resolution 2016-052, Authorizing The City Of Seward To issue Harbor improvement Revenue Refunding Bond. 2016 in The Principal Amount 01 Not To Exceed S1,300.000 To Refund Certain Outstanding Harbor lmpro ement Revenue Bonds Of The City, Fixing Certain Details Of Such Bond, Authorizing The Sale 01 Such Bond, And Providing For Related Matters. *2 Resolution 2016-053, Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Professional Services Agreement In An Amount Not Exceed S5 8.903,00 With [Iarrnon Construction. Inc. To Provide Abatement. Demolition. And Removal Services Fm Derelict City-Owned Structures Located At 408 Madison And 516 51— First A\'enuc, And Appropriating Funds. B. Other New Business Items *I . Approval of the June 27, July IL July 25. and August 8. 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. 10. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (A'o Act/on Required) A. .Jiiic 2016 Financictis/or the ('icr 0/ 5vut,r/ and f'roi'iIe,icc' Jt'it'cucl 4 led/ca! C enier B. :1eino i!uiiilcint' Seward burincsse, ma! home .s1a families j?ii their supp n•i of i/ic 44' Ann ual Sister (iii Riot/cai Evcha n,fyc Pro grum. i& 2016 Seward Phocius Log City of Seward City Calendar 11, COUNCIL COMMENTS 12. CITIZEN COMMENTS 13. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION REGISTER TO VOTE FOR THE' UPCOMING RESPONSE TO CITIZEN COMMENTS MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN OCTOBER 14. ADJOURNMENT SEWARI) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING ACTION AGENDA Wednesday, August 17. 2016 Will hc'puhiiched in next week C/n Calendar HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF VACANCY The Seward City Council is seeking applications from citizens of Seward and the surrounding area. interested in serving on the Historic Preservation Commission (HP), There is one (1) seat available with a term expiring in May, 2019. The Historic Preservation Commission meets at least twice a year in the City Council Chambers. and at such other times as may he requested by the commission Chair or the Administration. Each commissioner serves for a three (3) year term. Applications are available from the City Clerk. Please call the City Clerk's Office at 907-224-4046 if you have questions or need more information PORT AND COMMERCE AI)VISORV BOARD NOTICE OF VACANCY The Cit\ Council is seeking applications from citizens of Seward and the surrounding area interested in serving on the Port and Commerce Advisory Board (PACAB). There is one seat available with term expiring inJuh, 2019. PACAB meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month during the lunch hour from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.. or at other times as needed, if requested by the Chair. Application forms are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Completed applications forms must be filed with the clerk. Please call the City Clerk's Office at 907-224-4046 if you have questions or need more information. - rnvl t, 21716 Si rci Piiu'iux L The deadline for residents to register to vote or update their voter registration is Sunday, September 4, 2016. Please see the state's website for more information at httn:/Av\vw.elections,aIaska.ov oi stop by the City Clerk's Office. (note the Clerk's 0//ice /s not open on SaInrdu), or Sunday, so to regi.rier in lime far the October 4, 2016 Manic/pci! Election u/tim the Cit r Clerk, ron must come In the n/lice by Friday, September 2, 2016). Interested in receiving a copy of this Seward Ch Calendar via e-mail? Contact the City Clerk at clerku/lcijvofseward,net or call 224-4045 Check out your city's websile at ww\v.citvofseward.us. Send any comments or future suggestions about the website to clerk/kcitvofseward.net, ("if; of Seward City Calendar SEWARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING ACTION AGENDA Monday, August 22, 2016 The following ordinance was introduced and will come for public hearing on September 12, 2016: Ordinance 2016-006. Amending Seward City Code 15.25. Floodplain Management By Adopting The October 20, 2016 Revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) And The Flood Insurance Study (FlS) As Established By Federal Emergency Management Agency (FE-MA). The 1ollo ing resolution had a public hearing and was approved: Resolution 2016-051. Authorizing The Cdv Manager To Enter Into A New Lease With Raibow Fiberglass And Boat Repair, LLC For Lot 5. Block 3 Fourth Of July Creek Subdivision. Seward Marine Industrial Center, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Plat No. 07-27 Seward Recording District. Third Judicial District. State Of Alaska. SEWARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ACTION AGENDA Monday, August 22, 2016 The following resolutions were approved: Resolution 2016-052, Authorizing The City Of Seward To Issue Harbor Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond, 2016 In The Principal Amount Of Not To Exceed 51.300,000 To Refund Certain Outstanding Harbor improvement Revenue Bonds Of The City. Fixing Certain Details Of Such Bond. Authorizing The Sale Of Such Bond. And Providing 1-or Related Matters, Resolution 2016-053. Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Professional Services Agreement In An Amount Not Exceed $S8.903.00 With 1-Iarm00 Construction. Inc. To Pros ice \batenient, Demolition. And Removal Services Lor Derelict in -Owned Structures Located At 408 \-ladison And 51 6 -- 522 1 irsi Avenue. And Appropriating Funds. in; 25 2(1 '/ fiws, v / Council approved the June 27, July II. Juk 25. and Aunust 8 , 2016 Regular Ciiy Council Meeting Minutes. SE WA RI) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING ACTION AGENDA Wednesda'., August 1 7. 20 l 6 The following resolution was approved: Resolution 2016-002, A Resolution Of The I listoric Preservation Commission Of The City Of Seward. Alaska. Correcting The Misspelled Road Name From Chamberlain To Chamberlin Road. The Commission voted to bestow 20 16 Seward Historic Preservation Awards upon Heather McClain and \larc Sw dflSOfl. CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC }IEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Seward Cit y Council will meet for the following items of business at a regular meeting on Monday. September 12. 2016: Ordinance 2016-006, Amending Seward City Code 15.25. Floodplain Management By Adopting The October 20, 2016 Revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) And The Flood Insurance Study ('FIS) As Established By Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Essential terms and conditions of leases and all other pertinent copies of' public hearing documents are available for review at the Cltv Clerk's office. The public hearing vill commence at 6:00 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as business permits, in the City Council Chambers. City Itall, 410 Adams Street, Seward. All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion, or, written comment'- ma be sent to the City of Seward. c/o City Clerk, P.O. Box 16 7. Seward, AK 99664, or c-mailed to cicrkci citvofsew'ard,net. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission will meet for the following items of business at a regular meeting on Tuesday. September 6, 2016: Resolution 2016-11 Of The Planning And Zoning Commission Of The City Of Seward, Alaska, Recommending City Council Correct The Misspelled Road Name From Chamberlain To Chamberlin. Resolution 2016I2 Of The Planning And Zoning Commission Of The City Of Seward, Alaska, Recommending City Council Amend Portions Of Seward City Code 15.10.220 Development Requirements - Notes. To Allow The Minimum Lot Size Platting Of 3,000 Square Feet And Clarification Of Lot Size For Duplex Development. Essential lenits and conditions of leases and all other pertinent copies of public hearing documents are available for review at the Community Development office. The public hearing will commence at 7:00 p.m_ or as soon thereafter as business permits. in the City Annex Building. 238 Fifth Avenue, Seward, All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion: or. written comments may he sent to the City of Seward, do Communit y Dee1opment, P.O. Box 167. Seward, AK 99664, or e mailed to c lerk1i.c ityofse\vard.net. IIIST'ORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF VACANCY The Seward City Council is seeking applications front citizens of Seward and the surrounding area. interested in servina on the Historic Preservation Commission (HP). There is one (I ) seat available with a term expiring in May. 2019. The Historic Preservation Commission meets at least tv\ ice a year in the Cit\ Council Chambers, and at such other times as ma\ be requested h) the cornifliSSiOn Cha ir or the Administration. Each commissioner serves for a three (3) year term. Applications are available from the Cit\ Clerk. Please call the City Clerk's Office at 007-2244046 if you hive questions or need more inforniati on. PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD NOTICE OF VACANCY 11::s 22 2(' ;i, x J',1O'T\ I $ The Cit\ Council is seeking applications from citizens Of Seward and the surrounding area interested in serving on the Port and Commerce Advisory Board (PACAB). There is one seat available vvith term expiring in Jul\. 2019. PACAB meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month during the lunch hour from 12:00 to 1:00 pn i,, or at other times as needed, if requested by the Chair. Application forms are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Completed applications forms must he tiled with the clerk. Please call the City Clerks Office at 907-224-4046 if you have questions or need more information. REGISTER TO VOTE FOR THE UPCOMING MUNICIPAL ELECTION The deadline for residents to register to vote or update their voter registralion is Sunday, September 4, 2016. Please see the state's website for more information at p:;www.e l ect ioris.a l ask a .uo or stop by the City Clerk's Office (note - the ('Jerk '.s 0///ce is not open on Sat urdai' or Sunday. so to register in time /br the October 4, 2016 Municipal Elec/lon u/rh the ('itv ('Jerk, you mcvi caine In the of/ice hi Friday, September 2, 2016). UPCOMING MEETINGS Seward City Council Work Session Friday. August 26. 2016 at 2:30 p.m. Cliv Council Chambers TOPIC: Discuss State's Fiscal Plan with Governor Walker FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATION Hosted By Resurrection Ba Historical Socier Sunday, August 28. 2016 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. LIhrar\ Museum COD] m Lill it\ Room Door Prizes - Cake Refreshments —historical Video Se ward Flag Award At 2:00 PM. Come Meet The \k 'inner Of The Contest For The 1NcvN Se\\ ard Flag, Katclvn Correa Visit The .\•iuseunt - Free City of Seivard - City Calendar 4:30 P.M. Guided Historical - Iditarod Trail Walk Alotit The Waterfront - Start Location In Front Of Alaska Sealife Center Happy Birthday Seward - Were 113 Years Old! ALL PUBLIC IS INVITED Interested in receiving a copy of this Seward City Calendar via e-mail? Contact the City Clerk at clerk'citvofseward.net or call 224-4045. Check out your cit\ s ehsite at vww,citvofseward,us, Send any comments or future suggestions about the website to clerk ?Icitvofseward .net. r -1 i cr 25. 2()16 Sz ,ivar L og