Tab_166aInstallments of principal of this 2016A Bond due on and after December 1, 2028 shaH be subject-to ' prepayment on and after December 1, 2026, at the option of the City, (subject to any.' applicable provisions of the Loan' Agreement), in such principal amounts. and from such maturities as the City 'may determine, and by lOt within a maturity, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount to be prepaid, plus accrued interest to the date of prepayment. This 2016A Bond is transferable as provided in the Series Resolution (hereinafter defined), (i) ottly upon the bond' register of the City, ahd (ii) upon' surrender of this 201 6A Bond together with a written instrunterit of transfer duly execrited by' the Registered Owner. or the duly authorized 'attorney of the Registered Owner, andthereupbn.a new fully 'registered' 2016A Bond 'or Bonds, in the same aggregate principal amount and maturity shall be issued to: the transferee in. exchange therefor as provided in the Series Resolution and upon the payment of charges, if any, 'as therein prescribed.. The City may treat and consider the person. in whose name this 201 6A Bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal or redemption price, if any, hereof and interest due hereon and for all other purposes whatsoever, This 201'6A Bond is a special obligation of the City and is one of a duly authorized issue of Bonds of the City designated "City of Kodiak, Alaska, Boat Lift Special Facility Revenue Bonds" :(the "Bonds"); issued and to be Jssued in various series under Resolution ,Nutuber 0732. (the "Master Resolution" ), adopted October 25, 2007, and a Series Resolution authorizing each such series As provided in the Master Resolution, the Bonds may be issued from time to time pursuant to Senes Resolutions in one or more series, in, various pnncipal amounts, may, mature at different times, may bear interest at different rates and, subject to the provisions thereof, may 'otherwiseVary. The aggregate principal amount'ofBônds which may be issued i.nder, the Master Resolution is not limited, and all Bonds issued and to be issued under said Master Resolution are and will be equally , 'and rátablysecured by the pledges and covenants made therein, except as otherwise expressly provided or permitted in the Master Resolution.. This 201 6A Bond is one of a series of Bonds issued in the aggregate principal amount of $3,485,000 under the Master 'Resolution aitd Resolution Number '20163l(SUB)' (the "Series ResolutiOn"), adopted September 22, 20 16 fbr the. purpose of refunding certain boat lift special facility 'revenue.,bonds issued by the City This 2016A Bond shall be an' obligation' only of the, 201 6A Bond Fund. and shall be payable and secured as provided in the Master Resolution and the Series Resolution Neither the faith and credit nor the: taxing power of the City is pledged for the payment of the 2016A Bonds. The City has pledged to pay into the 2016A, Bond 'Fund from Net Revenue Or money in ,the Boat Lift Special Facility Revenue Fund, on or prior to., the respective dates on which the same become due, such amounts as are required to pay the interest, and principal to become due on this 2016A Bond. Said amounts so pledged are 'hereby declared, to be alien and charge upon Gross .Revenue superior to. all other charges of, any, kind or nature whatsoever, except for Operating Expenses and except that the amounts so pledged are of equal lien to any lien and charge thereon which' may .hereafter be made to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any Parity Bonds. ' IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIEDand declared that this 2016A Bod is issued pursuant to and