Tab_97GENERAL CERTIFICATE I, LAURIE J. SICA, Clerk of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska (the "City and Borough") a municipal corporation of the State of Alaska, HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. The current members of the Municipal Assembly of the City and Borough (the "Assembly") of Juneau and the date of beginning and the date of expiration of their terms were and now are, as follows: Name of Assembly Member Ken Koelsch (Mayor) Mary Becker Maria Gladziszewski Norton Gregory Loren Jones Jesse Kiehl Jerry Nankervis Beth Weldon Debbie White Commencement of Term 03/16 10/10 10/14 10/16 10/12 10/11 10/12 10/16 10/14 Expiration of Term 10/18 10/19 10/17 10/19 10/18 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/17 2. Each of the foregoing members of the Municipal Assembly was duly elected or appointed and qualified and held office as a member of the Municipal Assembly as stated in the foregoing paragraph. 3. During the period from March 29, 2016, to the date hereof, Ken Koelsch was and now is the duly elected, qualified and acting Mayor of the City and Borough of Juneau. 4. 1 was duly appointed Clerk of the City and Borough on February 2, 2000, and ever since then have been the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk. 5. The City and Borough was duly created after a charter election held on February 17, 1970, as a unified home rule municipality encompassing the area and succeeding to the functions of the City of Juneau, the City of Douglas and the Greater Juneau Borough. 6. Regular meetings of the Assembly for 2016 have been set by motion for every third Monday, unless that day falls on a holiday, as shown on the calendars attached hereto. 7. Robert N. Bartholomew, Finance Director for the City and Borough, was appointed to the position of the Director of the City and Borough, effective June 1, 2012, and that he is now and at all times since that date has been, the duly acting Finance Director for the City and Borough. 8. Rorie Watt, City Manager for the City and Borough, was appointed to the position of the City Manager of the City and Borough, effective April 18, 2016, and that he is now and at all times since that date has been, the duly acting City Manager for the City and Borough. 500034321 vi 9. Attached hereto is full, true and correct copy of the Home Rule Charter of the City and Borough, as approved by the voters of said City and Borough at an election held on February 7, 1970, and most recently amended. DATED as of this 3rd day of November, 2016. CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU, ALASKA / By Laurie J. Si Municipal Clerk 500034321 vi • Editors Note: Printed herein Is the Home Rule Chvier oflhe Cfty and Boouh of Juneau, Alaska, is adopted by referendum' on February 17, 1970, ad effective on My I, 1970, Amendmenis to the Cbasce ire Indicated by paretthcifu1 tthtoiy notes following amended prOviSOflL The absence Of a history note Indicates that the provision remiins unchanged from the odginal Chatev. Obvious mhspeliings have been conceted without notatIon. for stylistic purpos, e uniform system of uestmem otnumben1 capitalitfon, headings, catchilnes and citations to state statutes has been ucd. Additloni made for clarity ire Indicated by brackets. 5toe Law References: Vni6c4lion o(municipolitio, AS 29.06.200 ci seq.; home rule muntelpaifties, AS 29. 10.010 ci seq. •iiiii RULE i CH AR. TER OF (sill i'1:NI.1IIsTh OF Arlith I, t4ns end Beusdrs Ste, 5,1, Nome of munleipsllty, Sr,,1.Z. ouadirin. 4rtI0 it. rrs Su. 1.5. T,wcre. Sec. 2.2, Ciastr'ctl, See. U. Interevernmernei 5sIIune. Adkte W. Apseffibty Set, 3.1, Powers and duUe See. 3.2. Composition. Sir, M. LflIbIlUy. See. 3.4.EIeettcn end terms of oft.. 5, 3,5 Ortanizalica, See. 3.6. Vacancies, See. 3,7. For f0 w ri ororn Sec. 3,9. Msyor, Sec. 3.9, Ds'puiy mayor, Sec, 3,10, Ctipltin', 5cc, 3,5%, Restrictions.' Set, 3, It. MeisInie. Sic, 3,55, Aliarary. Sct, .1.14, Pereuneet eysIem. Set. 3.55. HOiphel bird Sec. 3.16. Other bvde, See. 3.57, Ordlnente 5ons, See, 3.19. Ombvdemen, Set. 3.59. Ree5rktlen on useenbly luihorily. Ste. 3.29. Ski arcs board. Ste. 3,21. Deck ant borbure based. 5cr, 3.22, Atrpri boa rd, ArItfr IV. £weutl Ste. 6.). Manag er, Sit, 4.2. Qur,1. See. 4.3. Sipenton or renouL Stt. 4.4. At11e5 $t$0og, Set, 4,3. Poweet and diIti Sit. 4.6. Auervbly mte,Ings. - ,,r1It1a V. Lqkiesloo See, 5.1 Ordinances. See, 3.2. AdIODS by 4rdlnèoct, $ç, 3.3, Ordtnanee peceedure. See, M. mereety ordtneecgi. Sit. 3.5, Cod" of Irc)nkoI ft$v)IIo4i, See, 3.6. S)gnsore. Stt, $,7Cod)flcotI6, See, 3.1. Otfle)I tGp7. Article VI, Cloillo w Ste, LI. Reg u lar ilitiloit. See, 6.1, Speelot itscflno. See, 6.3. Quolifleedon o(votua. Ste. 6.4. Nom11no1*øs, Sit, 63 Election peocedun. Set, 6,6. Determination of elettiost rtesifls. Set. 47, £Ietcicn districts. Au kit VIE .)nh$ifl)vt and It tlertnogM Set. 7.1. aetet*tIoo of powiro. See. 7,2, Co,nestumesti of proeetdins. Set, 7.3. P0111.0, Set, 9.4. Yisti of peittlat. See. 7,5. Arndovi; of çfrtolelor, See, 7,6. Examloalloo. for ,omelen7. $e. 7,7. pplemsot.I itest, See, 7.8. New pOitlon. $a, 7,5. With dra wal ofsInøttrn, Set. y,iO. Action 04 p11043 See, 111. Ki,ult* of ftttiLost, See. 1,12. Suipest,lust of rtfiryed mtoftures. Sn, 7,13, t(Ieti of etettion. Article S'II$, ReeiU Set, LI, e.U. cs Sit, ,2,Geo.std& See, LI. Commencement otpr.eetdlngi. Ste. 8.4, Peiftico. Sec. 3.3. form.Ipetld.o. Ste, 8.4. Amd.n teIutouoe. Ste. V. 8.*srnh.ttoá for amitn, Sic, LI Soppmen%d rfttst, Sec. 19. New pHiltost. Set, MO. WithdN*ot of re. Set. LI I. Election.' Sic. 6.12. Form of ettefl ballots. See, 8.13. Majority fvq ulrr4, Set, 8.14, Subaeque,t rorefl, Set, W. Fini ng otveeene7. Article tX. Fiaan clii Proccdura Set, 9.1, VIl yr. Sri. 9,2, Subm'1111911 91 budgti, pho* Improve mats program so d Su. V.3. Sop o(badgL Su. 9,4. Scope or1Ipiit Improvements prrm. St..94. $,rope of msssp. S. 9.0, "coring on budget *ad es plist jmpr9tmnt$ prurm. S. 94, AstemblY action on b u dget, Ste, 9,0 Al 4mbly actloo on NV Il a t lffipi'$'MtnU prtim. $. 9.9. CcMilltsilom and public vord Sir, 9.10. Spp1t19014I a n d Imcg1rary approp,ria llo w6 Ste. 9.11 • RWutlloq and pu(tr ol approprl$Ion. S. 9.12, La ps; of npp,vprM*on1 W lurphltu. See. 9.13. dtZlb4t)99ofbgdl!, St, 9.14. Cvmp'110 b(4d102, Sa. p4flpmenlL Sv. 9,10, £nt,rprlw funO. Su. 9,17. Salts and IlK tfl. Ste. 9,18. AudKt, .r1Iek s . MoKelpif 0rowin S, 19.1. Typcl of ob iuIini erbov(etd. Ste. 10.2. Term s ofobliettene. Ste, 10,3, General otlip1lons ormiielpt1Ify. Sec. 10,4, General obligations of 14rwlf f .inI. Sec. 10.5. Notice of bond ttllon, Sec. 10.6, Meeev9f.tte, Su, 10,7. Sale prim" Ste. 10.9. $cIt to 111to"Clol to nIUllenU, See, 10.9, Lapse or Sec. *0,10, Vu of Piet" di Of Vol e. See, 10.11. At1III cbclIuig1g 1* validity o(Llgeeoc. See. 19.12, Geo,,I Obflpilttti got retiIrk'ø reil4etllbn. See, $0.13, lRutr'td1 Article 91, Sereke Aree See. I I,t,PvrpeK. Sec. 11,2. Establishment, See. 11,3. Ce4;grle. Sec. *1,4. FuitlYit, See, *1.5. Seerds. Aiilcttll, Local Improvement DLlrielI Set. 12.1. Purpose. See, 12.2, Lecel 10 emInt pmetivre, Set. *2.3. Aee4esmvt In propocilee t. b..dIi. -See. 12,4. ?r9IIU, See, U.S. LIeIlellee uncelloM. See. 12.6. Uco. Ste. *2.7. ?rupedy Usbte. See. 12,0, ggp,ndfturts prior 10 lmproemcal. S,t. 13.9, Itettiptc Set, *3.10. CcrreellOO of teetlid opecial ttKllmtfttI. *riklt XIII, Public Seboote See, I)1. Peb$Ii school ly2ttn, See. 13.2, Dosed of ado ettlon. See. 13.2, Vocenehe. See, 53.4. Po*efl. See. 13.5. LublIr m1e11nL See. U.6. Sudgel, Ste. 12.1, ,t.dmlnkro%lOfl ofbudg.*. See , 13.5, Cp(ta) Improvements, Ste: 33.9, Sch ool lTIiflItMflI, Sn, 13.10. J oi nt c(tnon, See. 14.1. Chance ame ndment, A rticle XIS'. tbrrmtmtøt Sit, 34.2. Fropst by The uumbly. Sec, 14J.*Propaxal by Vbtvt% $41, $4.4, Popoi*l by Da rter tommlnlon, ArtklgXV,,Cttnl Sn. $5.1, Peti.1 ans3 Inlrst. Provisions $n. 35.2, Ptbtbtfts,, sec. $5.3, Sinety bodt Set. 15,1, Oath of Dfflro, Set 35,3. CDDIIJMd ofllce. $n, 13.6, MMnItIpl proceedings, Sec, $5.1. fl.nrd o be -public, Sn. 33.8. Adverse pouisiI, Set, 33.9. M'4l* bIt rPI,t, See. 35.30. Cl,$lra for Inju ries. Set. IS.l 1. Obsotinlon. Sec, $3.12. SopnbUhy. See. $..t). Chtpltr sod Me llon bd3ng, Set. 13,14. 0Cft1dL Aflltk XY, TAnttnel ?s Sec. 34.3. Logl succession, Set. 16.1. r tunt nnd IlüillIId. 8*t, 14..3. Slo tt tubwntinvd. Sec. 34.4. £,e.0311t4$Ioi ttet tad ast 141. Sec. 14.5. £ttctloa u(sutmbI, See. 344 First election. Sn. 30.7, $t1,y, Sec. 16.8. EfTn11'e d.n, Ste. $4,, Pernanel. See, $4.10. Functions to Set, $6.33, ardi na ntgt ond rrwludoat. Sn. 34.9. adt. See. 36,33. 0ofutoIItn Sn, 34.34, Con3Iuenee of actions, See. $4.33. Set, 16.36. Post Set. 36.31. ?l$lu. iTtJ • We, the people of the greater Juneau-Douglas area, e*erc$sttg the powers of home rule granted by the Constitution of the State of Al ask a, in order to provide for local government responsve to the will of the people órtd to the conlinalng needs of the community, do hereby ratify and establish this Charter of the City and Borough otjunesu, Alaska, fii$3VföI [.IiXja section 1.1, Name of-municipality, The municipality sha ll be a municipal corporation known us t7 CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU, ALASKA,", State Law R amen: Chascr musi COIfløifl nwne or mu, AS 29.06370(3). Section 1,2, BeandarIa On July t 1970, the boundaries of the municipality shall be cocxtensivcwlth the boundaries of the Greater Juneau Borough existing on June 3D 970, State Low Re ferences: 9*undtks, AS 29,06,040, 29.06.090. State Law Rarareneesi Home ruin powers, AS 79.10.200; 11 MItIllon on power,, AS 29,10.200, Section U, Powers, The municipality may exercise all powers not prohibited to horn; rule cities or boroughs by law or by this Charter. Section 2.2. ConstructIon. The powers of the municipality shall be liberally construed. The specific enumeration ofs particular power in this Charter shall not be co nstrued as limiting the powers of the municipality. Seclion 2,3. I ntergovernmental relations. The municipality may exercIse any of its powers orperfórm any of its lunctions and aytay participate in the financing thcrcof, Jointly, or in cooperation, by agreement with any one or more local governments, the State, or the United States, or any agency or instrumen tality of these governments. ARTICLE Ill, TII $ - State Uw auneas; Assembly compoiltion and sppn*tman, AS 29.20.060, 29,20,070, Section 3,1, Pow,rs.ad duties, The governing body of the municipality shall be the assembly. The assembly shall exercise the legislative and pälicy.maklng powers of the municipality rd shall provide for the performance of lt duties and obligations Imposed upon the municipality by this Charter. Siate Law References: Powers, AS 29.06.400, Section 3.2, Composition, The assembly shall be composed of nine essemblymembers, one of whom shall be the mayor, (Serial No. 90-30, § 28.3.1990/102-I99.0) Section 3.3. Eligibility. (a) Only a qualified volcr oflhe municipality, who has been a resident of the municipality for at least one year immediately preceding election or appointment to office, shall be qualified for the office of mayor or assemblymember, in addition, an assemblymember shall be it resident of the district from which elected or appointed all the time of the assemb)ymcmbcr's cicctlou or appointment, No person who has been elected to the Office of mayor or assemblymembcr for thre consecutive terms shell again be elIgible to hold the office which he or she held for the three consecutive terms unii one full year has intervened. Appointment or election to serve the unexpired portion Of's term shalt not be considered a tern's for purposet of the limitation provided In this section. The limitation on lermt of office provided for In this section shalt apply only to terms that begin on or after the certification of the regular election to be held on October 6, 1992. (b) The assembly-shall be th)udge of the clectionand qualifications of its rhembers and of the grounds of forfeiture of their office. For such purposes the assembly shall have power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, rake jcstfmøny, and require the production of evidence, Te assembly may enforce these powers by resort to any court of competent jurisdiction. (c) No assemblymember may hold any other compensated municipal office at employment or elected partisan political office while serving on the assembly. (Serial No, 77-25, § 4, 1977/104-1977; Serial No, 90.30, 12, 1990/10-2.1990; Serial No, 92-29, § 2, 1992110- 6.1992) Stale Law References: atigibnh>, AS 29,20.040. Section 3,4, Election apd terms of oMcc. (a) The mayor sht1 be elected from she municipality at large. (b) Each other assemblymember shall be elected at large by the qualified voters of the municipality and shall be a resident of the district to which the seat they seek Is assigcd. (c) The term or office of the mayor and other snemblymc mbers shall be threc years and shall begin Immediately following certification of the election at which they were elceted, (d) No, assemblymember, other than an incumbent mayor, may be a candidate for mayor unless the assemblymember first resigns from the assembly or unless 1hc ascmblyfficmber'a term ends eoncun'ently. v1th that of an Incumbent mayor. A candidate for the office of mayor may not be a candidate for another assembly position in the same election. (Serial No, 54-49, 11, I984/10-2-194; Serial No. 90-30, j2, 1990/10-2-1.990) State Law R,tertac.s: Termt otofltee, AS 29.20.550. The assembly shall meet immediately following certification of the ckctiwi. N such meeting, or within SCVfl days thereafter, the assembly shall elect from its membership a deputy mayor and dosuch other acts as may be required for Its organization and for t he conduct of its business, The assembly shell provide by ordinance fot the interim order Ofuc$lon of its members to the office of deputy mayor. Section 3.6. Vacancies. (a) The office of an assemblyrncrnber shall become vacant upon the assemblymember's death, rcsignatlon remo val from office in any manner authorized by l aw or by this Charter, by forfeiture of office, or upon a, determination In a manner as provided by ordinance that the assemblymember is medically Incapacitated. (b) The assembly by ordinance shall provide for the filling of vaancics on the assembly. Notwithstanding Section 3,12(e) and Section J. 12(0(1) of this Charter, If at anytime the membership of the assembly is r e duced to fewer than five members, the remaining members may by majority action appoint additjni members to raise the membership to five, (c) The assembly shall, by qrdnnce,provjdo procedures for the declaration of a temporary vacancy in the office of assemblyrnember for medical incapacity and provide for the filling of such a vacancy on a temporary basis, (Serial No, 77-32, f 4, 1977/10-4.1977; Serial No, 90-30, 131 1990/10-2.'1990) Sct Ion 3,7. Forfiturs of (fleC. (a) The assembly shell declare by resolution of forfeiture upon which the subject thereof shalt not vote that the mayor or an assemblymcmber has forfeited oIllce if the mayor or the nsscmblymember: () Lis any quaflflceticn for the office prescribed by this Charter: (2) Knowingly and willfully violates any express prohibition of this Charter;, (3) is convicted ore felony Invol v ing moral turpitude and the assembly dctcnninrs that the crime or the circumstances of its commission are f ufflcleni' magnitude forth; mayor or the asscmblyrncmber to have been shown to be unfit to hold ornee; or (4) Felts to attend three conwullve regular meetings of the assembly without being excused by the assembly, • (b) A resolution of forfeiture shal$ not be passed or be effective unl ess at least fotricen days prior to assembly conslderatin of the resolution, the assemblymember against whom the resolution Is directed 'shall have receivcd or have had delivered to his or her last known address, written notice of the specific gtounds for the resolution and or-the time and place when the resolution will be considered by the assembly. The asscmbtymemer may demand a public hearing by the assmb(y on the resolution prior to Its adoption, and notice of the time and pla ce of the hearing shaLt be published at the ex pense of the municipality at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipallty. The date of publication shall beat least seven days prior to the hearing. (c) A recording, capable of transcriptior, shall be kept of hearings on a resolution of forfeituc. The record shall be composed of the pleadings and the evidence, including testimony and exhibits presented during the proceedings. The assembly by ordinance shall provide rules Sovominj the conduct of hearings on resolutions of forfcure. The rules shaH provide for.thc admission of t estimony and evidence; the right to calls confront, a n d crosstxaminc witnesses; the power of subpoena and subpoena duces tecum he amount of witness tbes and expenses; and the form, extent, and requirements for service and tiling of pleadings a n d exhibits, The rules shalt ensure due process of law to all persons Involved in, the hearing, (d) Judicial review may be had byflllng a complaint within fourteen days of the date of passage of the resolution of forfeiture. The appeal shall be heard by the court sitting without ajuty, The court may augment the hearing record in whole or In part or hold a hearing de novo, The court may exercise Its Independent judgment on the evidence and issues presented by the appeal. (c) All or so much of the record as is designated by the appellant shall be prepared by the municipal clerk, who will file the original with the court and furnish a copy to the appellant and là the assembly. The court shalt not hear the appeal until the costs of preparing the record have been paid to the municipal clerk by the appellant. in determining the appeal the court, If it finds for the appellant, may order that reasonable costs or appeal, including an attorney's tee, be reimbursed to the appellant by the m%inicpalisy, if the court sustains the resolution of forfeiture, it may order that the appellant pay to the municipality reasonable Costs of the appeal, Including an attorney's fee. (Serial No. 9030, § 4, 1990/IO2'1990) 0 Cross Referentesi Administrative appeal Puxedutc, CaJ Code * 01.$0.010 el seq. Section 3.8. Mayor, The mayor shalt perform all duties required by thIs Charter or by the assembly. The mayor shall be head of the municipality for ceremonial purposes and be recognized by the Governor for purposes of martial law. The mayor shall not have the veto power. The duties of the mayor shall include but not be imlted 19 the following: (a) Preside a t Meetings of the assembly; (b) Be a member ofthe assembly with all the powers and duties of that office; (c) In emergencies, have the powers conferred by law upon peace officers and exerci se such powers to prevent disorder, preserve the public peace and health, and to provide for the safety otpersons and property. (Serial No. 9040, 6 51 1990110-2-1990) Sta te Law Retsrcnetst Executive pow;, AS 29,20,220. The dcputymayor shall succeed to the office of mayor when a vacancy occurs In. that ornee. The deputy mayor shalt perform the duties and exercise-the powers of she mayor when she mayor (a absent or unable, as determined by the assembly, to perform the duties ot!he office. (Serial No. 903o, * 5, 1990/10.2.1990) SectIon 3,10, Compensation, The assembly by ordinance shall provide for compensation of the mayor and other assemblymembers, An increase in compensation shalt nottake cifeci until the assembly meeting following the regular election after the ordinance has been adopted, (Serial No. 90.30, § 5, 19901)04.1990) Sectiow 3.11. Riictions. The assembly shall not recommend or direct the appointment or removal of any Officer or employee of the municipal administration except as otherwise provided by this Charier, Except for the purpOse of inquiry, neither the assembly nor an individual assemblymember, may give either publicly or privately, orders on administrative matters ba subordinate to the manager. (Serial No, 90-30, §5, 1990/10-2-1990) Section 3.12. Meedrtgs. (a) The Assembly shall hold at least one regular meeting every month at such tune and at such , place as it may prescribe. (b) The mayor or any, three essemblymembers may call special meetings. At least rwcnty.four hours before the meeting personal notice shall be given each assemblymember designating the time, place, and purpos.of a Special meeting or written notice hailbe left at each asscmbiymembcr's usual place of residence. Al Ices; twenty-four hours before the meeting copies of the notice shall also be Øcltvercd to the newspapers or general circulation in the municiptity and to the commercial radio and television stations operating in the murtic)paliry. No business may be Iranssted at any special meeting except as stated In the notice of the meeting. (a) A special meeting at which a state of emergency Is declared and identifled by the assembly shall be a legal meeting although proper notice may not have been given of the meeting. (d) MI meetings of the assembly shall be public and the public shall have reasonable opportunity to be heard. The assembly may recess a m e eting or proceeding for the purpose 9rdiscussinS In a closed or executive session any matter the Immediate knowledge of which would adversely -affect the finan ces of the municipality or would de1mc or prejudice the character or reputation of any person, provided that lhc general subject matter for consldration Is expressed in the motion calling for such session, and that action thereon shall not be taken by the assembly in exec utive session, The mere discussion of persons or finances shall not be cause for an eceutive session. An assemblymember who calls for an executive session in vo1atIon of the provisions of this section shall be deemed to ha ve acted in violøtldn of this Charter, (e) Five members of the assembly shalt be a quorum for the transaction of business, In the absence of a quorum, any number less than a quorum may adjourn a meeting to a laser date, (I) (I) The prevälflng votc of at least five members shall be required for official action by the asscmbiyunkss otherwise provided by this Charter except that the prevailing vote of at ICAM fur members shall be sufficient when two or more memrs who are present are prohibited by this Charter from votInB or have been excused from voting under (0(3) or this section, (2) The vote upon all matters considered by the assembly shall be taken by "Yes" or "Non votes which shall be entered upon the record except, where the vote is uhenimous, ii shall be necessary only to so state, (3). Unless otherwise prohibited by this Charter, each assemblymcmber present shall vote on each question befo re the assembly for determination, unless excused by the.afflrmative vote of all remaining- members able to vote-on the Question, (g) The assembly shalt determine Its own rules. governing the order of busInes and conduct of its members and sha ll keep ajoumal of all its proceedings. The journal of each meeting of the assembly shall be signed by the clerk and countersigned by the mayor. (Serial No, 773, § 4, 1971/1 041977;Serial No. 9030, 16, 1990/10-2-1990) Stale LaW Sate as: Pvbtie rntinp,.As 29,20.020. Section 3,13, Attorney. The assembly shall appoint the municipal attorney. Section 3.14. Personnel system. The assembly shall appoint members ore personnel board, and by July 1 1 1971, the assembly by ordinance shall provide a comprehensive personnel System, including but not limited to regulating all appointments, promotIoiS, demotions, suspensions, And removals of municipal officers and emptoecs on she basisof merit, Section 3,13. Hospital board, The assembly shall appoint members of a board of directors for municipally operated hospitals, Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.16 of this Charter, the board shall derive its authority and power from the assembly byordinunce. Section 3,16. Other boards, (a) The assembly by ordinance may create other quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial, or advisory boards and the assembly may appoint, the board members or prescribe the method of appointment or removal, (b) The aiseinbiy may grant to boards thepower to conduct hearings and make recommendations or decisions. All recommendations or decisions shall be promptly filed with the clerk as a matt er Of public record. Board decisions shall become final unless notice of an appeal to the assembly Is flied with the clerk within twenty days of the date on which the board decision was flied. Board decisions may be appealed to the assembly by any party alTecicd by the proceedings, by a member of the assembly, or by a municipal officer or employee. . (c) All questions presented to the assembly concerning any subject which has ,been delegated To a board shall be submitted first to. the board for considçration unless the assethbly, shall ochórwiso determine. (d) Boards shall not be authorized to employ or remove or direct the employment or removal of any municipa' ofjiccror employee, except that the personnc board may determine all questions As required by,thc personnel regulations adopted by the assembly, (a) The prevailing vote of a majority of the members .uf a board shall be required fur official actfón except that the prevailing vote may be reduced by one vote for every two members or the board who are present but who do not vote because they have a conflict of interest or have been excused florn voting by P vote or all the remaining members who may vote on the question, except that the prevailing vote required may not be reduced to a number less than onethird the membcrship on the board, A quorum øfø board shall consist of a majority of the full membership. (I) Board meetingA shall be conducted as provided for the assembly In Section 3,12(d) of this Charter, (Serial No. 77)I, § 4, 1977/104..1977) Section 3.17. Ordlusece vloltlous, (a) The assembly may prescribe such penalties or combination of penalties as it determines are appropriate for the vilatin of ordinances and the Chatter, (b) Assembly legislation relating to alcoholism andpublic drunkenness shall emphasize Ireatmcnr 'and prevention rather ihan Imprisonment or levy of fines. To help formulate policy for this purpose, the. assembly shall establish a community advisory board on prevention and treatment of alcoholism, (Serial No. 8447, § 3, 1984110.2.1984) Section 3. 1 8i Ombudsman. The assembly by ordinance may establish the office of ombudsman as a part orthe legislative-branch of the municipality. ' Section 3.19, RestrictIon on assembly authority, • The assembly may not sponsor, pctitin, propose. recommend, refer or otherwise act in any way to provide fore change of the Pacific Time Zone 'applying to the area of the municipality. An ordinance, resolution, motion, orderer other, lglslativc authority in cffcci on the efTective date of this section and inconsistent with this section, Including but no: limited to Resolution $69 of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, Is of no eftec;. Promptly upon thccfl'ective date orthis section, the assembly shall give notice to the United States Ocpartmedl of Transportation orthc adoption of this section and shall, pvltton the department for reconsideration oV'any decision which alters the Pacific Time Zone applying to the area of the municipality. (Adopted by the voters on March 28, 1980, special election). The assembly shell appoint members of a board of directors for the municfpa1Tyoperatcd sl area. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3,l6øfthis Charter, the board shall derive Its- authority and power from the assembly by ordinance. (Adopted by the voters on October 6, 1981, regular election). section 3.21. Docks and harbors board. The assembly may estabi(sh a board of directors for the murtictpally-owned or operated docks and harbors and appoint members to the board. Notwithstanding Lh,provis1cns of Section 3,16 of this Chatier, the board shall derive its authority and power fl'om the assembly by ordinance, (Adopted by the voters,on October 2, 1984, regular election), Section 3.22. Airport board. The assembly may establish aboard of directors for the municipal airport and appoint members toThc board, Notwithstanding the provisions or Section 3,16 of this Charter, the board shall derive its authority and power from the assembly by ordinahc, (Adopted by the voters on October 1 • 1996, regular election). I." Section 4.1. Manager. There shall be a manager of the municipality. The assembly ihaIl appoint the manager. The assembly my enter into a term coffiract with a manager, (Serial No, 9030, § 7, 1990I102.I990) Section 4.2. QuaUflcatious. The manager shall.be appointed solely on the basis oteecuthc and administrative qualifications, Mlh particular reference to education, Irainki, and experience as a professional municipal administrator. The assembly by ordinance may set forth spccUic quail ftcaiions, No member of the assembly may be appointed manager unless at least two years have intervened since the expiration of the uacmblymember's last term on the. assembly and the date of appointment. (Serial No, 9040, § 7, 1990/1021990) Section 0, Suspension or removal. The assembly may suspend oremovehc manager at any time. Section 4.4, Aethtg manager. Ifthe manager is absent from the municipality or Is unable to perform the manager's duties, Lithe assembly suspends the manager, or If there is a vacancy in th e offlce.ofmariager. the assembly may appoint an acting manager to serve until the manager returns, uni) the manageé's disability or suspcnon ceases, or until another manageris appoired, The assemblysha!l replace the acting manager with a permanent manager wlthin a reasonable timc, and In no cse may an acting manager serve as 'such for morc'than one year. An assemblyrnember may serve as acting manager but first must resign from the assembly, (Serial No. 9040, 17, 19901104.1990) S Section 4.5.'FQwcr3 and duties. The manager shall be chief administrative orneer of the municipality and shall be responsible to-ft assembly. The manager shall eccutv the provisions of this Charter, all ordinances of the municipality, and all applicable laws. Without limiting the forcgoIg or ecludIng otheror broader powers consistent therewith, the manager shall: (a) Appoint or remove all heads of administrative departments and, subject to such personnel regulations as the assembly may adopt, other municipal employees, The manager may authorize any administrative officer to appoint or remove subordinates In the officer's' departnlent, subject to such personnel regulations as the assembly 'rndy adopt; (b) Direct the care and custody of all municipal property (c) Direct and spetvise the construction, maintenance, and operation otmunicipel public works; (d) Prepare and submit the annual budget and capital improvements program to the assembly', (c) Keep the assembly ibily advised on the flnanclal condition and fees or the municipality; (1) At the beginning of each flcal year, subnift to the assembly a report on the Ananclal and administrative activities of the munlciplity for the preceding fiscal year; within three months Afterthe end of each fiscal year, prepare and make available to the public, at such reasotabIe price as the assembly may direct, an annual report on municipal aflalts during the preceding fiscal year, (Serial No. 90.30, § 7, 1990/10.2)990) Section 4.6Assembly meetings. The manager shall have the right to take part In the discussion of all matters coming before the assembly. WThI1iUili Each proposed ordinance shall be Introduced In writing and In the form required by the assembly, The subject of each Ordinance shall be expressed in its, title. Each ordinance shalt be confined to one subject unIes it Is an ordinance eslabll$hing a budget or one codifying, revising .or rearranging ex isting ordinances. Ordinances establishing budgets shall be confined to such subject. $t, Low References: Cadiflatton. AS 29.23.050. Section 5.2. Actioasby ordinance. I n addition to other actions required by this Charter, those actions of the assembly shalt be by ordinance which: (a) Establish, alter or abolish any municipal department; (b) Provide for. a fine or other penalty, or establish a rule or rcguladon for violation Q( Which a fine or other penally Is prescribed; (c) Grant, renew, or extend a franchise; (d) Regulate the rate charged for its services by any public utility; (e) Establish procedures for acquisition and disposal of lands or rights In lands, Including but not limited to requirements for public notice and competitive bidding; (I) Adopt or modify the omcfal map, planing or subdivision controls or regulations, or zoning controls; (5) Propose a sates or use tea; (h) Add an areawide service. Section 5,3 Ordinance procedure. (a) An ordinance may be presented for consideration only by a member or commifteeot' th e assembly or by the manager 51 any regular Or special meeting of the assembly. Upon presen tation of an ordinance, doples shall be furnished to each assemblymembcr and. to the manager. Upon presentation, an ordinance shall be rejected, deferred, referred to committee, or accepted as being introduced, Promptly alter Introduction she assembly shall publish the ordinance and a notice setting out the time and place for a putk' hearing on the ordinance. The public hearing on an ordinance, shalt follow publication by at least seven days it may be held at a regular or special assembly meeting and may be adjourned from time to time At the public hearing copies of the ordinance shalt be distributed to all persons present who request them or, in the alternative, the ordinance shall be read In fli, All persons shall have an opportunity to be heard. li the ordinance is amended after The hearing as to any matter Of major substance, she ordinance shailbe treated as a newly-introduced ordinance, (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Chattel, every adopted àrdinancc shell bcome effective at the expiration of 30 days after adoption or at any later date specified In the Ordinance, provided, however, ordinances establishing budgets, fixing mill levies or appropriating funds shall become cffectivc upon adoption unless a later date is specified in the ordinance, (c) As used in this section, the term publish means that: (1) As a minimum, a summary of the ordinaree and the notice of hearing shall be published In newspaper of general cheulatlon in the municipality; (2),'Copies of the ordinance and notice of hearing shall be delivered to the newspepers of general circulatlon in the municipality and to the commercial radio and television stations operating in the municipality; (3) Copies of the ordinance shall be made available at the clerk's oIlicc for public inspection and for distribution at such reasonable price as the assembly may direct, (Serial No 77.33, § 4, 1977/10.4-1971) Section 5.4, Emergency ordinances, (a) To meet a public emergeny, the assembly may adopt emergency ordinances: but emergency ordinances shall not be used to levy texs; to grant, renew, or extend a franchise;to acquire or dispose of property; or to rvgut1e the rate charged by any public utility for its services, (b) Every emergency ordinance shall be designated as such and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declaration stating that an emergency exists and describing the emergency in specific terms. An emergency ordinance may be adopted with or without amendment or rejected at the meeting at which it is presented. The amirnailve votes oral least six assemblymember shall be required for adoption of an emergency ordinance. Aflet adoption of an emergency ordinance the assembly shall have it printed and published u prescribed for other adopted ordinances. An emergency ordinon;; shall become trre ctlyr, upon adoption or as otherwise provided in the ordinance. An emergency ordinance shall expire ninety days after adoption, unless a different date not to exceed one hundred and eighty days after adoption Is fied by the assembly in the ordinance. Section S.S. Codes of technical regutafloaa, The assembly may adopt by reference any standard published code of technical regulations, or portion thereof, in a single ordinance. Upon Introduction orthe ordinance, the assembly shallpromptly cause &copy of the standard published codó to be provided to each member of the assembly, at least five copies to be made available for public inspection at the office of the clerk, and sufficient additional copies of the code to;be made avilabta to the publid at such reasonable price as the assembly may direct, The requirements provldc'd in Section .3 of this Charter shall apply, except that the code ottechnical. regulatipns need not be published,' ieluded with copies of the ordinance required at the public hearing, or read at the public hearing. Section 54. signature. Each ordinance shalt be signed by the mayor or presiding officer at Its adoption and attested by the clerk. Section 5.7. Codification, (a) After adoption each ordinance and rcsoiuflon promptly shall be given's serial number, The seri al number, date of adoption and designation of adopting authority shall appear on the-adopted ordinance or resolution, which shall be entered by the clerk of the assembly in a properly Inde x ed book kept for that purpose. (b) A general codification of all ordinances and resolutions of general etTbct shalt be adopted and shall be kept current through Integration of ordinances and resolutions as adopted.. (c) Tte assembly promptly sta1i have each adopted Ordinance and resolution printed and a notice of each adopted ordinance and resolution published, The printed ordinances and resolutions shall be made available to the publib at such reasonable price as the assembly may direct, State Law References: CdIfeatlo, AS 29.23.050, Section 5,8. 0 metal copy. The record of any ofTicial proceeding of the municipality orof any ordinanôe, resolution or code provision may be placed in evidence in any court or tribunal by Introduction of a copy thereotccrtificd by the clerk under the seal of the municipality as a true copy of the original, - Stare Law Ref,rencw Notice of rIclions, AS 29.26.030; 'ottt. qUAIMC811602. AS 29.76.050, Section 6.1. Rcgular elestloos. A regular election shall be held annually on the first Tuesday In October, or such other dare u thá assembly may provide by oidinence. The date of holding regular elections shall not be changed by the atscmby within one year prior to the date of the first regular election affected. Al lea st thirty days published notice shall be given ore regular election. The notice shall state the purposes of the election. State Law Aderenctst Notice of cicvtlon AS 29.26.030. Section 6,2. Special elections. The assembly shall provide by ordinance for special elections. At least thirty days published notice shall be given of a special election. The noticeshnil state the purpOss of the election. Se$tqn 6.3. Qualification, of voters. (a) To be'eliglblc to vOte at any municipal election, at the time of the election a person shall be: (1) Qualified to vote in State elections; (2) A residni of the municipality tot at least thirty days immediately preceding 11.a election; ( Rcgisiered to vote in state elections at a residence ddrcss within the municipality ht least thirty days before the municipal election at whicb' the peron seeks to vote; Ind (4) Not disqualifled under Article V of the Alasta Constitution, (b) The assembly shall provide by ordinance for absentee votltg, (Serial No. 9224 2, 199V10+1992) Sett Law gtr vote r j, AS 9,26,059. Section 6,4, Nominations, Candidates for elective ofilce shall be nominated by a petition signed by at least twenty-flvc qua1'ifld voters of the municipality. No narnineting petit ion may be accepted unless accompanied by a signed acceptance of the nominatIon. Cross t irrarts; Cdce nomination, CO) Cc j 29.07.050, Section 6,5 Election pröeedurc (a) All elections shall be no npartisan, The assembly by ordinance shall provide for election procedures. (Serial No. 92-25, §2, 1992/10-619921 Section 6.6. Determination of election results, • The candidate for each scat who receives the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected, In case ore lie, the election shell be determined by lot from anions the candidates tying at a meet ing of the assembly and under its direction. Section 6.7. Election districts, There shall be one !1-large election district comprised of the entire municipality. In addition there shall be two or more Individual election districts within the municipality which shall be established to provide clarity of boundaries, compactness of area and substantially equI population to each not assigned to the district. no assembly shall assign the number of seats to the areawide district and the individual districts as it delertflinCS appropriate; provided, not more than three seg(j. may be assigned to the areawide district. (Serial No. 84.49, § 5, 1984/10-2.1984) jp1bJ 'SteK Law Rcftrtern Charirr must contain prevision for Initiative and refr:cndum, AS 29.04,330; initiative and referendum, AS 29,10,00; prohibRed subjects. AK. Cans.*, art, X1, t 7, Section 7, 1, Reseratiun of powers. The powers of the Inkl'a*lve and referendum arc reserved to the people of the municipality with ieference to all legislative authority which the assembly may exercise except that the powers of inftlative and reterndum shall not apply to ordinances establishing budgets, fixing mill levies, or to ordinances or other meaiurcs appropriating funds, provided, however, that this limitation on the powers of Initiative and referendum shall not be construed to limit the power of the people to approve pursuant to Sectlàn 9.7 of this Chancre millage rate In excess of that otherwise imposed thereby. (Adopted by the voters on October 1, 1995, regular election.) Section 7,2, Commeacemeet of proceedings. (a) Any Ave qualified municipal voters may commence initiative or referendum proceedings by filing with the clerk an affidavit stating they will constitute the petitioners committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form. The affidavit thall Include' the names and addresses of the members of the petitioners committee and shall speci fy the address to which all notices to the committee shall be sent. The amdat shall set out In full the proposed Initiative ordinance, resolution, or other measure; or cite the ordinance, resolution, or other measure to be referred, (b) Promptly after the filing of proper affidavit, the clerk shall issue the sppropriatc petition pages to the petitioners comntiftce. ' Section 7,3. Petition. A petition for Initiative or referendum shall be filed in proper form yith the clerk Within thirty days after the date of issuance ofpetitlon pages. The petition shall ke signed by a number or qualified municipal voters equal to at least twcrity.flvc ftrcent of the votes cast In the municipality at the preceding regular municipal election. If the subject matter of the petition relates only to a service area, the petition shatl'bc signed by a number of qualified viers residing within the service area equal to at least twentyfive percent of the votes cast in the service area at the preceding regular municipal election. A petition shall be limited to one ordinance, resolution, or other measures. Section 7.4. Form at pclftlor. (a) Alt pages ore petition shall be uniform in sizo and style, They shall be assembled as one Instrument for filing. Each signature shalt be executed in ink, and shall be followed by the resldenceadress of the person signing. (b) Petitions shall contain or have attached to them throughout their circulation the full text of the proposed Initiative or referred measure. Section 7,5. Affidavit otclreulator, When filed each page of a petition shail hove attached to It an affidavit executed by.thecircuiaior áf the petition. TKc affidavit shell state the number of signatures on the page, that the circulator personally circulated the page, that all the sIgnatures were affixed In the circulator's presence, that the circulator believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, that each signer had an opportunity before signing to read the full text of the proposed initiative or referred measure, and that the circulator believes each signer to be a qualified min1elpat'votcr. (Serial No. 9030, 8, 1990/1'0.2.1990) SectIon 7,6, Liamlnalton for sufficiency. Within ten days following the date on which the petition is filed In proper form, the clerk shall certify the petition if tbe&s the requited number of signatures. T1c clerk shall send a copy of the certification to the petitioners committee by certified mail, return receipt requested. (Serial No, 9030; 1 8, 1990) Section 7.7. SuppLemental petition. If the petition is determined to be Insufficient, the clerk shall send notice of lnuflicincy to the petitioners committee by certified malt, ictum receipt rcuc;ad, The petition may be supplemented by additional signatures within ten, days following the date of receipt of the notice. Within tendays following the date of supplementary filing In proper form, ;hcelerk shalt certify the petition if it is surneicas, Otherwise, *h petition shall by rejected and flied as a public record. Section 7.8. New petition. Failure to sceure.surncient signawres shall not preclude the fihina of a new Initiative or referendum petition, except that a new petition shall not be Piled sooner than six months after a petition which was diligently pursued is rejected or the some or subsiantiaUy the same matter, Section 7.9. Withdrawal of sIgnature. A person who has signed an Initiative or referendum petition may withdraw the signature at any time prior to the dale of filing of the petition or the required supplementary petition by filing with the clerk a signed statement requesting withdrawal. (Serial No. 9030, § 8, 19) Section 7,10. Actlmoc petitions. (a) When an Initiative or referendum petition has been determined sufficient, the clerk Immediately shall submit it to the assembly. If the assembly fails to adopt a.proposedthltiathe measure without any change In stbstancc within fortyflve days or falls to repeal the referred measure within thirty days after the date the petition was determined sufficient, It shall submit the proposed initiative or reibried measure to the 'electorate of the muticipality. If the subject matter of the proposed initiative or referred measure relates only to it service' area, the measure shalt be submitted only to the electorate of the service area, (b) The election on 6 proposed Initiative or referred measure shall be held at the nest regular election, or, if already sthedulcd, a special election occurring not sooner than 90 days from the last day on which the assembly action may be completed on the proposed initiative or referred measure, If no regular election Is scheduled to occur within 75 days a liar the certification of a petition and the Assembly determines it is in thcbcst Interest of the municipality, ;v Assembly may, by ordinance,'or'der a' special electioP 10 be held on the matter before the next scheduled election, The notice of e1cc611 shall contain at least u summary of the proposed initiative or referred measure. • (c) Copies of the proposed Initiative or referred measure shall be available for distribution to the pubflc at the office of the clerk withiA a rca.sonaIe time before the initiative o referendum election and shall be available for distribu tion to the voters at the polls. (Serial No. 200518(ath), § 3 200/1042005) Section 7.11. Resu lts of elecflón, Ira majority of the qualifld Wets voting on a proposed initiative measure vote In Its (avOr, it shall be • Adopted upon certification of the election nd shall be treated in all respcss in the same manner as If adopted by she ssscmbIy. 1 t1 majority of the qualified voters voting on a referred measure vote for repeal, It shall be considered repealed upon certification of the electlon. If conflicting measures are approved at the same election, the, one receiving the greatest number orarnrmative votes shell preyl). Section 7,12. Suspension of referred measures, (a) When a referred measure has not taken clTeet,,it shall be suspended upon the taking out of petition by the petitioners committee, The suspension shall serminate'when there is a final determination of Insufficiency of the petition., no ptltion is flied within thirty days after the issuance of petition papers,ora majority vote against repeal ON referred measure has been certified. (b) The provisions or(a) of this Section do not apply to emergency irea$ures enacted to mccc a public emergency. Sec tion 7.13. Efkct of election, • (a) The assembly shall not e within one year of cetif1catlon otthe election, ml in any way to modify or negate the efTt of an initiative or referred measure. • (b) An el ection on an initiative or referred measure shall.peelude the filing of a new Initiative or retcredum petition on the same or Substantially the same matter sooner than one year after voter approval or disapproval of the Initiative or referendum, ARTICLE VHf. RCALLa • - State La w ttencs: Mail, AS 29,26.250...29.26:360. Sec tion 8.1. Recall: An elected ofliclal of the municipality may be recalled by the voters. Section 8.2. Grounds, Grounds for recall are malfeasance, nisfeasanc.e, nonfeasance, or incompetence In offlee, or vio lation of the provisions of this Charter, Slate Law Rereraes Orounds for recall, AS 29.26.250., Section 83, Commencement of proceedings, (a) Any fi4e qualified municipal voters may commence recall proceedings by filing with the clerk an affidavit staling they Will -constitute the petitioners committet and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it In proper form, The affidavit shall Include the names and addresses ofthe members of the petitioners committcc.and shall specify the address to which all notices to the committee shall be sent, The aMdavit shall set out the name of the official to be recalled and shell state the grounds of recall with paflieubrIly, ('b) Promptly after the filing of a proper affidavit, the clerk slali Issue the appropriate petition pages to the petitioners committee, Stoic Law Rqrtroa ctit Prohibition on acting othcrwia, AS 29,103026) appliplifon to recall ptWon, AS 29,26,260; recall, AK Comm. an. Xl, Ill . SectIon 8,4, Petition. A petition seeking recall shall be filed in proper form with the clerk within thirty days after the issuance Qfpthion pages, The petition shall be signôd by.a number otqualil'ied municipal voters equal to at least twenTy-five percent of the voles cast in the municipality a; the preceding regular municipal election, Stela Law References: Recall peiWon. AS 29.26,240. Section 8,5, Form of pe*ltIot, (a) All pages of a petition shall be uniform In slac and style. Thcy shall be assembled as one ,lnstrurent for filing. Each signature shall be executed in ink and shall be followed by the residence address of the person signing, (b) The name of the official to be recalled and grounds of recall shall appear at the head of each page ore petition circulated. State Law Rarercecesm Rvquiremcnu of rcolt pcmielon. AS 29.26.260, AS 29.26270, Section 8,6, Amdavitercirculator., ' When flld each page of a petition shall have attached to It an aflidavft executed by the circulator of the petition. The alfldavjl shall state the number of signatures on the page, that the circulator personally circulated the page, that all signatures were affixed In thecirculator's presence, that the clr;ulatr believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose nemsa they purport to be, that each signer had an opportunity before signing to reed the heading of the petition, and that the 'circulator believes each sigmer to be a qualified municipal voter. ., (Serial No. 90.30, § 9, 1990110-2-1 990) stats. Law Reft rt ntrst Recall petition. AS 2936.270, Section 8.7. zanlnaiion for suflicleacy. Within ten days following the date on which the peltlon is filed In proper form, the clerk shalt certify the petition If it bears the required number of Signatures, The clerk shall send a copy of the certification to the Petitioners committee by certified mail, return receipt requested, -, (Serial No, 9030, § 9, 1990/10.2.1990) State Law Ref t rr o mi Sumetency orpcthi, AS 29.26,29O Section 8.8. Supplemental pUt1on. If the petition is determined to be lnsu11ficIen the clerk shall sent fsend]notice of insumclency to the pet tl*nvrs committee by certHiéd malt, return rece ipt requested. The pcUIon may be supplemented by addition[al] signatures within ten days following the date of' reetipi of the notice. Within ten days following th e dató of supplementary filing in proper form, the clerk shall certify the petition if it Is sufficient. Othcrw(sc the petition shall be rejected and flied as a public record. State Law eterrncea; Supplcmcntcd Signatures, AS 29.25.290, Section 8.9. New petition, Failure to secure sufflcicnt Signatures shell not preclude the fling of a new recall pct1ion affecting the same official, except that a new petition on the same particular grounds shall not be flied sooner ihaniix months alter a petition which was diligently -pursued is rejected. Slate Law Ret*rsees: Nçw petitlen ap1113on, AS 29.26,300, Section 8.10. Withdrawal ofsjgnature. A person who has staned a recall petition may wlthdr' thesignature at any time prior to the date of filing of the petition, ore required supplementary petition, by filing with the clerk a' signed statement requesting withdrawal. (Serial No. 90.0, § 9, 1990/10.2.1990) Still Law Ref n'tca: Withdmwl of sii tvtv, AS 29.26.ZaO(d) Section 8.1!. Election. (a) There shall be an election on a recall petition within forty days of certificatIon of'thc petition. (b) Its vacancy OCCurS In the office alter a recall petition Is filed the petition shall not be submitt ed to the voters, S$at,Law Reftreneni Recall elccticn, AS 29.26.320, SectIon 8.12. Form of recall ballots. A recall ballot shall Include.: (a) Thegrounds as stated in the recall petition; (b) A statement of two hundred words or less by the omclil to be recalled, If the ste%cment has been filed with the clerk fof publication and public inspection at least twenty days before the election; (c) The following question:'Shall (name of person) be recalled from the office of(offlcc)? OYcs 0 No" Sta te tw Rekrencw Pcnn or-4hc ballot,AS 29.26.330, Section 8,13. MaJorir) required, The vote ore majority of the quallfled voters volingon the question shell be required to recall an officer, Stale Law Rfaraatas7 Recall vote, AS 29.26,34e). Section 8.14, Subsequent recall. Iran official Is not recalled at the recall election, a petition to recall the same official shall not be flied Sooner ihn one year after the recall election, units grounds for recall occur subsequent to tht date of the tiling of the le; recall petition. State Law Rcfertacnj Subsequent recall pechian, AS 29.2630(4 Section 8.15. FillIng of veeancy If ihó voters recall an official, the assembly shall (111 the vacant office in the some manner and with the same ciTect as prescribed in Section 3.6 of this Charter for other vacancies. Sta te Law R,rrancs: Succe.uor,, AS 29.20,330, LriWL. *01 NI 17 Section 9. 1. Fiscal year, The tiscal year of the municipality shall begin on the first day ofJui' and end on the last day of June. Section 9,2. Submission or budget, capital Irnprovcmeats program, and message. (a) y April 5, the manager shall submit to the assrnbly a budget for the following fiscal year, a capital improvements program, and an accompanying explanatory message of both, (b) Upon submission, the budget, the capital imp ovemenhiprogram, and tli'e message shell be a public record available for public inspection and for distribution at such reasonable price as the assembly may direct, (Serial No. 93'22am, § 2, 1993/10.5.1993) section 9J, Scope otbudgel, (a) The budget shalt be a complete financial pian tor all ;he.operations of the municipality, Including the education function, showing all reserves, all estimated revenues from all sources, and all proposed expenditures for all purposes. (b) The budget shall include a comparatIve statement of actual expe nditures and actual revenues for the preceding fiscal year and es1imated'expeiditurcs and estimated revenues rot the current fiscal year. (d) The assembly by ordinance shaH provide fbr the form of all budgets, Section 9.4. Scope otc4pfta% Improvement, program, (a). The capital improvements program shalt be a plan for capital Improvements proposed for the foliwing six fiscal years, together with th estimated eosl of each improvement and IN proposed method of financing it: It shall contain at least the following: (I) .A siumbiaty of current capital Improvements which are un fi n ish ed. (2) A simple, clear summary of (he detailed contents of the program; (3) Capital improvements pending or proposed to be undertaken withl thácnsulng fiscal year, together with the estimated cost of each Improvement and the proposed method of financing it. (b) Capital improvements to bi financed in the following fiscal year shall be Included in the budget as well as in the capital improvements program. (C) The assembly by ordinance shalt provide for the form of all capital ImprovmcnIs programs. Section 9,5. Scope of message. The' manager's message, shall contain en explanation of the budget both In fiscal terms and In tcn'iis of work to be done, a description otthe important features of the budget, an outline of the proposed financial policy of the municipality for the following fiscal year, and an explanation of each capital improvement to be undertaken within the following six fiscal years, Section 9.6. Hearing on budget and capital improvements program. By May I a public hearing shall be held on the budget and capitol improvements' program. All person Interested shall- have an opport%mityo be heard. At kast two weeks prior to the hearing the assembly shah: (a) Publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality a summary of the budget 'and capita) improvements program and d notice setting ptit the time and place for a public hearing; (b) Deliver copies of the notice and summary of the budget and capital improvements program and the message to newspapers of general circulation in the municipality and to-the commercial radio and television stations operating in the municipality; Section 9.7. Assembly action on budget. (a) The assembly by ordinance, shall adopt a budget by June IS, If It falls to do so the budget submitted by the maiager shall be deemed adopted by the assembly as the budget for the following year. (b) The assembly by ordinance oied befrc June 15 shall provide for the tax levies required in the budge;. ll'it fails to do so, the tax levies required in the budget shall be deemed adopted by the assembly. (e) Except as provided In this Section, the assembly shall not levy on real or personal property any tax exceeding the total of 12 mills plus that additional rnfllage required to service general obligation indebtedness. The assembly may levy a tax exceeding this total only after seeking and securing voter approval by a majority of those voting on the question a; agenvmal or special election. (Adopted by the voters on October 3, 1995, rgvlar electi on; Serial No. 9322am, § 3, 19931I05'1993) Section 9.9. Assembly action an capital Improvements program. The assembly by resolution shall adept a capital improvemnti program by June 15, ifitfafls to do so, the capital Improvements program submitted by the manager shall be deemed adopted by the assembly. (Serial No, 93'224m, 4, 1993/10"$1993) Section 9,9. CerlUicatloa and public records, (a) The budget and capital improvements promm as adopted shall be certified by the manager and the clerk, and shall be a public record, (b) Copies otthebudgei and capital improvements program as so dcrtlflcd shall be made available at the clerk's office for distribution to the public a t such reasonable price as the assembly may direct. Section 9.10. Supplemental and emergency appropriations, (a) If during any fiscal year there are available revenues received from sources no; sn1iipatcd in the budget for that year or revenues received In excess of budget estimates, the assembly by ordinance may make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the amours; of the additional revenues, (b) ,Upon declaration by the assembly that a public emergency exists and describing the emergency in clear and specific terms, the assembly may make emCrgcncy appropriations. Such apprdprlations may be made by resolution and shall be approved by all assemblynjembers present or by seven of its membership, whichever is the lesser number, if there are no available funds to meet such appropriations, -the assembly by resolution may authorize the issuanceof emergency notes. These notes shall be paid no; later then -the last day of the fiscal year following that in which the emergency appropriation was made. Secflou 9. W. Reduction and transfer of appropriations. (a) If during the fiscal year It appears that revenues available will be Insufficient to meet the amount appropriated, the manager shall report to the assembly without delay. The assembly by resolution may reduce arty appropria tion, except for debt service or for cash deficit; no appropriation may be reduced by more than the amount of the unencumbered balance, (b) The manager my transfer part or all of any unencumbered balance beiwccncIasslflcu;lon of expenditures Within a dcpartmcnt,offlce of agency, excluding the education Jnctfon. The assembly by ordinance may transfer part or nil of any unencumbered balance from one department, ollice, or agency to, another. No transfer may be made from appropriations for debt siic or for cash deflcit. Section 912, Lapse of approprathans and suiuses, Every unencumbered strplu$ of the general fund or a service area shall lapse at the close of the fiscal year so the gcaeral fund or ser vice area, respectively. An appropriation for a capital improvement shall not ldpsc until its purpose has been accomplished or abandoned. Section Administration of budget. (a) No payment maybe made and no obligation incurred against the municipality except In' accordance with appropriations duly made. No paymern may be made and no obligation incurred against any appropriation unless the manager ascertains that there i's a sufflckrn unencumbered balance in the appropriation • and that sumelent funds are or will be availablà to cover the obligation.' (b) Every obligation Incurred and every authorization of payment in violation or this Charter shall.-be void, Every payment made in violation of the provisions of this Charter shall be illegal. All officers or employees of the municipality who knowingly authorize or make such payment shall be Jointly and severally liable 10 the municipality for the full amount so paid. The manager shall proceed forthwith to collect the indebtedness unless otherwise directed by the assembly, • (c) Notwithstanding Section 9.13(a) of this Charie, the assembly by ordinance may require payment of funds from appropriations of a later fiscal year or of more than one year for any contract, lease or noé or bond obligation, or fdcral or state grant, or any other federal or state program that the municipality may not otherwise participatc in. (d) Except as otherwise Provided by the assembly by ordinance, the assembly shall provide that 'all funds of the municipality from whatever source, including the education function, shall be deposited in a central treasury. (c) Except as otherwise provided by the assembly by ordinance, the assembly shall provide for centralized accounting of all accounting functions of the municipality. (1) Except as therwise provided by the assembly by ordinance, the assembly shall provide for centralized purchasing of supplies, material, and equipment for the municipality and Its departments, offiCes, and agencies. ' (Serial No, 74-32, 14, I974/101-1974; Serial No. 74-33,14, 1974110.1.1974; SerIal No. 74.34, § 4, 1974110- 1.1974) Section 9.14. Competftiva bidding; (a) The assembly by ordinance shall provide for eómpciltive bidding and procedures for competitive bidding. ' - (b) Contracts for public improvements and, whenever practicable, other purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, and services, shalt be by competitive bid and awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. This subsection (b) shall not apply to purchases of (I) Professional services, Scr"Victs of 6Mccrs and employees ofthe municipality. acting within the scope orthelf office or (3) Seicej of offlcers and employees of the State of Alaska or the federal government if such services areprovided pursuant to a written agreement with the employer, (4) ServIces of studclits and members of the faculty of an accredited high school, college, or university If such services era provided pursuant to a written agreement with the school, or (5) Services of members and employees of a nonprofit crporal ion registered as such with the State of Alaska, If: (A) The Ieriices are provided pursuant to a written agreement with the corporation, and (B) The total amount paid by the municipality divided by the number of hours of service provided by the members and employees of the corporation does not exceed double the minimum hourly wage established by the Alaska Wage and Hour Ac (6) Public improvements which, upon a written finding by the Manager that U would be In the best lfltereLS of the City and Borough based on cost, liming, and Other relevant criteria may be procured by supplemental agreements amending existing capital Improvement contracts. The maximum dollar amount, the criteria utilized, and th methodology shall be act by ordinance. (c) MI contracts andptirchases exceeding an amount to be established by ordinance shall require prior assembly approval. (Serial No. .9828, § 2, 1998/1041998; Serial No, 2005.19(b), 12',2005/1 04-2005) All real property to be taxed shall be assessed for tax purposes at ftitI and true market value. StaK Law References., Aueumcnhs, AS 29.43.1 10. Section 9,16. Ent erprise funds. -. Revenues from an enterprise, whether established before or a fter July 1, 1970, shall be first used for debt retirement, construction, acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, and capital improvement of the enterprise. Section 9.17, Soles and use ha. Any sales or use tax Or change In rate thereof shall be by ordinance ratified by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the questions in the affected areas. State Law Refer acne Salts and itse tat, AS 29.4$.60(c).'(f). Section 9.18. Audits. The assembly shall provide annually for an indcpndent audit or the accounts of the rn'uniclpailry, The audit shall be made bys.certilied public accountant designated by thcasscmbly. Staid Law Retereae: Post audit tequired, AS 29.35.120.. ri!:i[sJ.!j; MUNICIPAL BORROWING aStifittaw References: Local (161, A K, Cont, an. IX,ç P-1 1; security to; bonds, AS 29.47,200(b). Section IOi. Types of obligations authorized, CKC.epl as prohibited by law and this Charter, the municipality may bOtTQW money and Issue such evidence thereof (herein called "obligations") as she assembly may determine, Including but not limited to the following: (a) General Obligation Bonds (b) Special Assessment Bonds (c) Service Area Bonds (d) Revenue Bonds (e) Refunding Bonds (1 * Pond Anticipation Notes (g) Revenue Anticipation Notes Section 10.2. Terms of obligations. (a) The assembly shall by ordinance prescribe the purposes. form, terms, Conditions, contents, denominations, maturities, manner of execution, cOvenants, security, options ofredemptiort. and such other matters relating to the issuance and sate ol'obligadons as arc deemed necessary and advisable, by the assembly. (b) The assCmbly shalt by resolution prescribe the date, rate or rates otinserest, and place or places of payment as related to the issuance and sate of obligations. (Serial No, 7446, 14, 1974/10-1-1974) Section 10j, General obligations of mwilelpatlsy. No general obllgattän indebtedness of the municipality may be Incurred unless authorized for capital Improvements by the assembly and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question; provided howaYer, that the assembly by ordinance may issue notes In anticipation of the issuance of general obligation bndi without a vote when such bonds have been so ratified. State Law Rehrentesi Cenerel obltgailm bonds for revenue generating emcrprfses AS 29,47.2O(b). Section 10.4. General obligations of service areas. No obligation secured by a pledge of taxes to be levte,d in a service area may be issued unless autorlzed for capital improvements by the assembly and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters in the service area voting on the quctlon; provided however, that the üsambiy by ordinance may issue notes in anticipation *(the issuance of bonds so secured without a vole when such bonds, have been ratified by the vorerr. In it service area where there arc no qualified votçrs to vote on the question, voter ratification shall not be required. Obligations secured by a plcdg of taxes to be levied in a service area may be additionally secured by a pledge of the' Ml faith and credit of the municipality when so provided by the assembly and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question.' Section 10.5. Notice of bond election. (a) Before holding any election required by this article the assembly shell cause a nptke of election ive to be published once aweek for three consecut weeks in a newspaper of general circulation In the munieipaIftyThc flrt ptblication shall be at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of election. For elections rutifYing the Issuance or general obligation bonds of the municipality or service area obligations additionally secured by a pledge of the full faith and credit of the munictality the notice shalt contain the following information (1) The amount of the bonds, purposes of issuance, length of time within which the bonds shall mature and the maximum interest rate the bonds shall bear; (2) The amount of the estimated annual debt service on the proposed bonds; (3) The amount of the current total general obligation Indebtedness of the municipality Including authorized but unsold general obligation bonds; (4) The amount of the current year's debt service on the outstanding general obligation bonds of the municipality; (5) The currenttotal assessed valuation within the municipality; (b) ' For bonds secured by a pledge of taxes to be levied in a service .arc.a the not icc shall also contain the information required in (3), (4), and (5) relative to hâ service area. (c) Errors contained In information required in (2), (3), (4), and (5) with regard to she municipality or a service area shall not invalidate any election unless such errors are substantial, Actions chaflenging the sufficiency of any noticc of election must be brought within the time provided In Section 10.11 of this Charmer, Section 50.6. Manner of ata. All obligatio ns maybe oldln the manner direct ed or authorized by the assembly; (Adopted by thevoters bn Otobcr 4 1983, regular election). lII1Ii All obligations other than revenue bonds shell be sold at a price of not less than par plus 'accrued interest 10 the date of delivery. Revenue bonds shaH be sold at a pr(cà of not less than $96.00 per $100.00 par aIuc Section 10.8. Sale t.o financial consultants. No person who is retained by the municipality to perform services relating to financial programming or marketing assistance In connection with the issuance and sale or obligations may negotiate with the municipality directly or indirectly for the purchase and sale of such obligations at private sale, in the event any such person violat es this provision the contract for such services shall be null and void and -tha person shall not be entitled to any compensation for services rendered and in addition the person shell be liable for any damages sustained by the municipality in connection with such purchase and sale, Violation of the provisions of this section shall not invalidate the obligations. (Serial No. 9030, 110, 1,9901 10-2-1 990) Section 10,9, Lapse of authorization.' Every obligation shall be $old within the ten years next following the adoption of the ordinance authorizing its issuance or the ratification ofsuçh Issuance by the qualified voters of the municipality, whichever Is later, except when such sale has been delayed by an.aeton to determine the validity of the proceedings authorizing the Issuance of such obligation, in which case the period of such delay may be added to said ten years. Authorization for obligations not sold within the time limits provided shall lapse. Each obligation shall contain on Its (ace a general statement of the purpose for which It Is issued. No ofTicer of the municipality may use the proceeds thereof for any other purpose, except that whenever the proceeds of any obligation or part thereof remain uhexpended and unencumbered for the purpose for which the indebtedness was incurredo the assembly shall authorize the use'of such unexpended and unencumbered funds only In accordance with the following order.otprlority unless the partIculmy obligations have been fully ret i red or provision is made for payment thereof and a different otder of priority is approved at a municipal election: (a) For retirement or such gbflgallons. (b) If s u c h obligations have been MIyietired or provision has been made f,r the retirement thereof, then tar the retirement otothcr obligations of the nunicipality. (c) For iny other public improvement purpose or purposes of a like nature to the purpose for whch the obligations were Issued. (d), Af such procectis cannot be used as provided In paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, then in any other manner determined by the assembly. No action chalknlng the validity of any obligation may bcmJniained unless Instituted within thirty days from the date of ceriiflcaiion of the results of.the election ratifying the Issuance of such obligalion or thirty days from the effective date of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of such obligation when r*tiflcatron Is tot required. Section 10,12,.General obligations not requiring ratificailon, The assembly may authorize the following general obligation bonds or notes without requiring raliflestion of the qualified voters: (a) Disaster bonds or notes to be issued In case of c.atam ity wh i ch has caused greet loss for the Preservation, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of municipal capital improvements; (b). Notes for loans from accumulated reserves of the municipality on a definite plan for the rapayrnern thereof and o(interes; thereon as provided by ordinance. Sctlon $0.13, lReserved.l dllQrs Not,; Serial No, 200.5.21, adopted July 31,2006, aid ssilfled Oetober ID, 2006, rrpcAlcd I 10.13, whleh pertained to Interest and pm nu from lnvcstmcnts.See also the Chner Comparstive Table, IVI.4 44 SERVICE AREA 0' '$taleUw References; Serviec areas, AK. Const, art. X. f 5; requlre4 In Charter, AS 29.06,320, Section 1!,I, PUtpj. Service areas may be established to provide services not provided on an arcawide basis or to provide a higher level of service than that p!Qvided on an areawide basis. Section 11,2. Establishment, (a) The assembly by ordinance may establish, alter, consolidate, or abolish service areas. The assembly by ordinance may add of eliminate services to a service area. The ordinance shall contain the following: (I) Boundaries and area to be included; (2) Service to be provided or be climnsted; and (3) Other provisions the assembly Includes, (b) if a petition -of protest is filed with the asseitibly before the effective date of the ordinance adopted under this section, the ordinance shall be submitted to the qualified voters residing In the,servicc area or proposed service area and if ratified shall take effect upon certification of the election The petition shall conta i n signatures of at least ten percent or I OU of the qualified voters residing In the service area or proposed service area, whi chever is she lesser. Each new service or each service to be eliminated shall be placed separately on the ballot and shall require ratification by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question. There shall be no election under this subsection to eliminate a service to be prO'ided on an sreawide basis. Section 11,3. Criteria. S (a) A new swvice area shall be established only after assembly determination thatsuch services cannot be provided reasonably by an existing service órea or by alteration of an existing service arca (b) Service areas shall becatablished according to criteria of need and economic operating efliciency and shall comprise the area to which the services shall be provided. Section 11.4, Financing. ThC assembly may levy taw, assessments or other charges within a service area to finance the services, and funds thereby raised shall not be used for any purpose outside of the service area, provided, however, revenues from non-property taxes end charges which are in excess of those required to finance the services piovlded by the se rvice area may be used toot'fct a part of the areaw)de property tax levy within the service area, S (Serial No. 77.26 §4, 1977/104.1977) Srcta 11.5. Boards, The assembly may appoint boards from each serie area to make recommendations concerning services In that service area. ARTICLE X111. L'XfUIIl Sectlo 12,1. Purpose. Local improvement districts may be established for special assbssments upon real property in h limited and determinable. arcs for special benefits conferred upon the property by any municipal improvement and to provide for the payment of all or any pars of the-costs of the ImproveMent out of the proceeds of special assesssnenis. Section 12.2. Loeat improvement procedure. The assembly by ordinance shall prescribe procedures for establishment of local improveme'nl districts and for agreements for flmIshing capital improvements and the extension thereof n I I cu,or asseuments: Section 1 2.3, Assessment in proportion to benett. The assembly by ordinance shall cstab'lish she method of apportioning and assessing the cost of tniproveynents upon bcnefltied real properly. Costs shall be assessed against real property specially benefitted In propr1on to the btriefits, Sctlon 32.4, Protests, If protests as to the necessity for any local Improvement are made byowners of benefitted real properly which will bear 50 percent or more of that portion of the estimated cost of the improvement which will be borne by owners of benefitted real property, the improvement shall not proceed until the protests have been reduced so that the real property of those stilt protesting shall not bear 50 percent of the said estimated coal of the improvement; provided however, that the assembly by ordinance may authorize the improyement by an nfTs'mutiv; v91c of eight members. Section 12.5, Limitations on actions, No special assessment procedure may be contested by an action at law or in equity unless commenced within sixty days alter the confirmation of the speeislassessment roll. Section 12,6, U,n, The municipality shall h\'e a lien after sexes upon all real property against which special assessments are assessed, for the special assessments pnd collcsion charges, penalties, and interest which accumulate. The lien is paramount and superior to any other lien created before or after the assessment except a lien for a prior assessment and for taxes, Assessments shall become due and payable at such time or times in one Or more installments and bear such interest and such penalty for delinquency as sheassembly by ordinance shall prescribe, The assessment lien shall be enforceable in the same manner as a lien for municipal taxes. SectIon 12.7. Property liable All real property, including property exempt from taxation a's providca by lw, shall be liable for the cost of local Improvements unless specifically exempted by ordinance. Section 12.8, £pandituru prior to Improvement. No expenditure, except for administrative, planning, engineering, and legal work for any loca l improvement, the cost of which it to be borne by special sssusrvi,nts on the real property bcnfltted, may be made unless funds have been authorized to finance the expendItures. All expenditures under this section shall be repaid to the source thereof from Improvement funds which become, available. Section 12.9. Receipts. Accounts for local lmprovernrtt distilcts shall be kept separate from other municipal accounts, evenues from special assessments shall be used solely to pay the cost of the principal of or tntees% on indebtcdoess and improvements to which they apply. f a special assessment procedure is irmu,tar or invalid for any reason, the assembly may correci 1; within ninety days after the Confirmation of the special assessment roll or after flnal determination of any litigation thereon, if payments ha ve been made under -an Irregular or Invalid procedure such payments shall be credited to payments required under the corrected procedure, or in the alternate the assembly by ordinance shall provide for tefuds, —' [stM 44J '$irljw Rfrr-en : Public )choI$, AS 14.03010 at seq.; quatflcatlens of sobmi beard, AS 14.12,050. Section 13.3. Public school system, The system of public schools for the municipality shall be operated by a board of education, pursuant to law, except as otherwise provided by the Charter. Section I3.2. Board of édueattou. (s) The board of education shall bc composed of seven members orsucti number required or-home rule municipalities by Jaw, (b) ' Board members shall be elected at large by the qualified voters of the municipal ity.at regular municipal elections, (c) The term ofofflcc of board members shall begin immediately following.certification of the election. SectIon 13.3. Vacancies, The office of a board member shall become vacant upon the member's death, resignation, removal hi m office tot cause by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the board, or upon forfeiture of office. (a) Cause" means: (1) lncompetcncy which is the unintentional or Intentional failure to perform the duties of a board member; or. (2) conviction of a felony Involving moral turpitude, and the board determines that the crime or circumstances of its commission are of sufficient magnitude for the board member to have been hwrtto be unfit to hold office. (b) 'A board member shall forfeit office if the board member; ) Lacks any qualiflcalion prescribed by law; or (2) Falls to att end three consecutive regular meetings of the board vithøut being excused by, the board, (c) The board shall conduct MoOngs and appeals under this section In the same manner as provided for the assembly in Sections 3.7(b) through (c) of this Charter. (Serial No. 9030, § 11, 1990/i 02..99Q) Section 1,4, Powers, The board shall have all powers and duties provided by Title XI\, Alaska Statutes, consistent with this Charter, including but not limited to the following-. (a) S,vt the broad, general policy for the operation or public school; In the rnunieipalty; (b) EstabliA the educational policy including but not limited to approval ofcuncuIum studyguides, curriculum materials and textbooks; (c) 'Serve as a board of appeals for certificated education personnel appea ling decisions of the superintendent; (d) Be responsible (or the.appotntmcnt, promotion, demotion, suspension, removal, compensation, and control of all school employees and administrators and hear and determine grievances relatedth'ereto, For these purposes, the board strait be controlled by and derive its powers, duties and guidelines from the following sources, which are listed in direct order of priorities should any IneositencIcs arise in the provisions thereof., (I) The provisions of this Charter. (2) 7I1leXlV, Alaska Statutes, (3) ' The provisions of the municipality's comprehensive personnel system plan, enacted pursuant to Section 3.14 of this Charter. (e) Meet at least once a month with meetings open to the public. Section 13,5, Public meetings. All meetings sha ll be conducted as provided for the assembly in Section 3.12(d) of this Charter. St, Law Rrsrcai Public meaIhg, AS 29.20.020. Section 13.6, Budget. (a) Upon submission to the board by the superin;endini, the school budget shall be a public rccord available for public Inspection and foi' distribution at such reasonable price as the board may direct, The board shall hold a public hearing on the school board budget before approval aad.submisslon to the assembly for final action. (b) The board shell submit the annual budget far the following school year to the assembly by April 5 of the turrent year for approval of the total amount. Within 304ays after receipt of the budgct the assembly shall determine the amount to be made available from local sources for school purposes, and shall furnish the board with a statement of the sum to be made available, if the assembly does not, within 30 days, furnish the. board with a stalemnt oflhe sum to be made available, the amount requested in the budget Is automatically approved, By May 31, the assembly shall appropriate the amount to be made available from local aotnccg front money avilable for the purpose. (SeriatNo 93'22em, 15, 1993/10.1993) Seeslon 13.7. Admloisiration of budget. No payment may be made and no obligation incurred except In accordance with appropriations duly made. No payment may be made and no obligation incurred against any appropriation unless the superintendent ascertains that there Is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation and that sufficient runs ae or will be available to cover the obligation. After adoption of the school budget by the assembly, the board shall not exceed the total budget without assembly approval. Section 13.8. Caltal improvements. (a) The board shall make recommendations to the assembly corccmlng the necessity for school construction and other capttal.icnprovcmcnts, site selection, employment of architects, and building plans. The board shall submit preliminary plans to the assembly for suggestions before recommending final plans. (b) Decisions by the assembly shall be final in all matters concerning school construction and other capital Improvements, site scictOn, employment of architects, and 'building plans. (c) The assembly shall appoint.a four-man committee from its membership which shall deliberate with the board in (rmutating all plans to be recommended tinder Section 13.8(a) of this Charter. Section 13.9. School malotcoanee. Theboard, unless specifically transferring such responsibilities to the assembly, shall provide custodial services and routine maintenance for school buildings and shall provide.employees for these purposes. The assembly shell provide major maintenance and all rehabilitation, repair and construction of school buildings. Section 13.10. Joint tonfereoce. The assembly and board shall meet jointly at least twice a year at public mee;ings to dcllbeete upon matters of mutual Interest. Minutes of the board shalt reflect the business carried on at such meetings. LDi State Law ROOTSVIC01 Vhailet amsndmcnt AK. Consi. at X. 1,9; Charti amcndments1 AS N.10,100. Section 14.5, Chart er amendment, Charter amcndrcnts may be proposed and adopted only in the manner set forth in this Article and as 'provided in Section 6.8 (repealed) of this Charter, Ehôn ?4I, Svctlon 6,8 wu'repeaed by SerLal 14o, 84.49, Section 14.2. Proposal by the assembly. The assembly may propose Charter amendments by ordinance containing the full tct of the proposed amendment and adopted by a; Icall six'vo%eS of the assembly. Section 14,, Fró1fosal by voters. The voters may propose Charter amendments bypetitton governed by the same procedures as prescribed' for Initiative peItions in Sections 7.2 through 7.9 of this Charter. No petition for proposed amendments may contaW more than one stbJec;. Section 14,4, Proposal by Charter commissIon. '(a) Every ten years subsequent to 1970 the clerk shall place on the ballot for the next regular election the question: "Shell therç ben Charter Commission to review or amend the Charter?' If a majority of the qualifled voters voting on -the question Vote "no," the question shall not be placed on the ballot until the end of the next ten year period. If a majority of the qualified voters'voting on the question vote "yes," nine qualified' voters to serve as the Charter Commission shall be chsen a; the next regular election or at a special election. The càmmisslon members shall be elected on the same basis of representation as assemblymembers. A vacancy shall be filled by the 'commission with a qualified voter reresentlng the some area as the vacating member. (b) Costs, fees, and other expenses of the Charter Commission shall be poid by the municipality. Tbe assembly shall proyido compensation for commission nembers. (c) The CharierCommisslon by majority vote of Its full membership shall adopt rules governing its organization and procedures. All meetings shall be open to the public, (d) The Charter Commission shall have plenary power to ievlw the Charter and may, by a vote of a; least five of Its membership, propose amendments to the Charter. (Serial No, 9030, J 12, 1990/10-2-1990) Section 14,5. Election, (a) Proposed amendments shalt be submitted jo the qualified voters of the municipality at an election nrtouncd by a nattea ccnt1ning thà MI teat of each proposed amendment' and ptblish;d n a newspaper of general circulation In the municipality at least thirty days before the date otthe c1tlon. Al least thirty days before the date or the election copies of the notice shall be deUverd to newspapers of general circulation in the tttnicfpalfty and to commercial radio and television stat1ns operating In the municpaifty, (b) The election shall be held not less than alMy days and not more than one hundred and twenty days after the amendment has been proposed. if no regular election is to be held within that period, the assembly shall provide for a special election on the proposed emendmnt, The ballot shall provide voters a choice to vote"Pot the Amendment or"Against the Amendment. (c) If majority of the qualified voters voting-on a proposed amendment vote for It, the amendment shall bccomceffcctIvy at the time flxd In the amendment or., If no time is fixed, thirty days-after ccrliflcatlon of the election. ARTIC LE IAM(.1TiXfI Section 15.1. Personal financial interest. (a) No assemblymember may vote on any question on which the assemb1yembcr has a substantial financial interest, Any municipal oflicer1 employee, or assemblymember who has a substantial financial interest In' any contract with the municipality or in the sate of an>' land, material, supplies, or services to the municipality or to a contractor supplying the municipality shall make known that.irtterest and shall refrain from participating in his or her capacity as a municipal officer, employee, or asscmblymember in the making or such, sale or In the making or performance of such contract. (b) Any municipal omc.cr, employee, or assetnblymember who conceals such financial Interest or willfully violates the requirements of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in omceand shall forfeit office or employment. Violation of this section with the knowledge express or implied of the person contracting with or making a sale to the municipality shall render the contract or sale voidable by the manager or the assembly. (c) The assembly by ordinance shall prescribe additional rules and penalties to prevern conflicts of interest. (Serial No. 90.3, § 13, 1990/10-21990) State Law Reternrnt Conflict otlntercst, AS 29,20010. Section 13.2, prohibitions. (a) No person may be discriminated against in any municipal appointment, employment, or promotion bcause of race, sex, color, political or religious affiliation, or national origin, (b) No person may willfully falsify any tesi, cenifleallon, or appointment under the personnel regulations, or in any manner commit or attempt to commit any fraud tb preventthe Impartial execution of such regulations. (c) No person may offer, give, or receive any money, service, or other valuable thing to influence municipal appointment, employment, or promotion. (d) No assemblymember, municipal oflicr, or administrative employee may directly or Indirectly solteitacontribution for any political party or purpose from any person holding a compensated municipal (Serial No. 90w30, § 14, 1990/102.1990) State Uw er vitea; Di criminutien prohibited, AS 29,20.630. Seftost 15.3. Surety bonds. The manager and other municipal officers or employees as the assembly shall require by oidInanc hatl give reasonable bond In the amount and with the surety prescribed by the assembly. Premiums shall be paid by the municipality, State Law Rckmcal. Similar provisions, AS29.20.610. Section 15.4. Oath or orrice; Before taking office, every elected and appointed nninlclpal officer shall take and subscribe an oath or arnrmation of office as the -assembly may require. Stale Law Raterenets; Oaths oromea, AS 79.20.600. Section 15,5. Continued efTica. Every ofTicer who Is elected or appointed for a tern ending at a definite time shall cominue to serve, until use ffic;r's.succsor qualifies and takes office, except in cases of death,' resignation, or.iermlnation by law or this Chaner. (ScrialNo, 90-30, . IS, 19901104.1990) Section 15.6 Municipal proceedings. The Assembly by ordinance shall establish procedures governing administrative proceedings In which Iega rights, duties, privileges orpcnallics of persons are to be determined; Insure fair and equal treatment of all persons Involved in such proceedings; and provide for the conduct of such proceedings in an orderly and uniform vsaincr, Crms Rfernets C8J Code epi 01 .O, 01.33. Section 15.7. ecovds to be public, • All records offt municipality shall be public except iig otherwise provided by law, Records shall be available at municipal offices for public Inspection and for distribution at such reasonable price as the assembly may direct, Copies certified by the clerk shill be prima facie evidence of their contents, State L.aw jeTennern Public records, AS 99.23100 91 5011, Section, 15,8. Adverse penension. The municipality may not be divested of title to real property by adverse possession. State Law fercacesi Advma poehan Of municpal propmy nat parmirted, AS 29,1,1.010. Section 15.9, Actionable claims. 2xce0t as provided in Section 15.10 or this Charter, provisions of taw governing claims against municipal corporations apply to claims actionable against the municipa lity.. State u Claims atnsi munlclpamks, AS 09.65.070, Section 15,10, Claims tor injuries, (a) The municLpalit' shall not be liable In damages for Injury to person or property by reason of negligence or gross negligence unless, withim four months after the Injury occurs the person damaged or the person's representative Serves written notice to an offleer upon whom process may be served. The notice shall state that the person intends to hold the municipality liable for damages and shall set forth with clarity, the time, and place of the injury, the minner in which it occurred, the nature of the act or dcfct complained of the ctcnt of the Injuryso far as known and the flames and addresses of witnesses known to the claimant, (b) No person may bring an action against the rnuicipaiity for damages to person or property by reason of negligence or gross negligence unless The action is brought within the period prescribád by law and the person has first presented to the manager a claim In writing under oath setting forth specIfically the nature and extent of the Injury and the amount öt damages, claimed. The manager shall promptly present the claim to the assembly for action. (c) Failure to give notice of injury or to present a claim wlthtn the time and in the manner provided shall bar any actio n upon the clam. (d) This t ectiondoes not waive any defense of Immunity which the municipality may have from claims fo; damages to persons or property. (Serial No. 90-30, § 1 6,1990/10-2-1990) State Law R,rereaest Tort actions, AS 09,10.070; commeneemant creations, Civil flutes of Procedure. Pule 3, Section 15.11. Djssottio, The municipality may be dissolved 5 provided by law and with the effect prescribed by law for dissolution of flrst class cities, Sow Law Kerersasas: Dissolution of flm class attics, AS 29,06.430 at seq. Secti on 15.12. Separability, If any provision of this Charter Is held invalid, ctherprovisions shall not be affected. If the application or this Charter or any of its provisions to any person or clrcumstanceis held I n valid, the application otthis Charter or any of its provisions to other persons or, circumstances shalt not be affected. Section 15.13. Chapter and section headings. Chapter and section headings shall not be considetod a part of the Charter. Section 55.14. DefInitions, Words used In this Charter shall have their ordinary dictionary meanings, except as otherwise specifically Indicated by the context or defined herein, (a) All words indicating the present tense are not Umiied to the time of udoptlon'ot this Charter, but may extend to and Include the time an event or requirement occurs to which any provision is applied. (b) The singular includes the pirai and the plural includes the singular. (c) "Codc" means the general codification or all ordinances and resolutions of general effect, including all amendments and additions, (d) "Disaster" meansa sudden unforeseen•misfurtunc Alch has rcsuUed.,ln calamitous destruction of life or property. () "Ernrgcncy" means a sudden, unibrescen occurrence or condition w.hich,resuUs in a nelitivety permanent insufficiency of service or ftciIinies substantial enough to create social disturbance or distress or to endanger the public, Emergency does not mean mere expediency, convenience, or best interest. (1) "Law" denotes applicable federal law, the Constitution, and state statutes, (g) "MUlage rate required to service general obligation 1Pdbtedness means the millaga rate required to provide revenue in an amount sufficient to service all general obligation debt in the fiscal year for which the tax Is levied, less any funds received or no be rcccivc in (hat year from fed e ral, state or local sources which finds are designated as payment for or reimbursement of debt service costs, (h) "Municipality" means the unified municipality named In Section I.) of this Charter. (i) "Person" extends and applies to bodies politic and corporate, and to'part'ncr5htps and associations and other legal entities as well as to individuals, (J) ".Publish" or "published" includes the setting forth of any matter for public notice in the manner provided by law, or where there is no applicable law publishing an least onet in one or more newspapers of general circulation In the municipality and qualified by la w for the publication of legal notices. (k) "Stsic means the State of Alaska, (Adopted by the voters on October 3, 1995, regular election; Serial No. 90-30, § 17, 1990/10-2-1990) State Law Referencest Definition; AS 01-10,0200 se. AR T ICLE a 1E-'V Section 16.1. tgatsueceason, On July 1, 1970, the municipality shall be the legal entity and municipal corporation suce.ccding ill local governments within the area unified. Section 16.2. Fr,unlflcation assets and tiabtftdea. (a) The municipality shall succeed to all assets and liabilities of the local government Unified, Liabilities incurred prior to unification shall remain the tax obligation of the area which contracted the 'debt, Assets owned by a local goVernment prior to unification shalt continue to be utilized for the benefit of the area of the local government which owned the asset, except those assets of a local government which were used (or the benefit of a larger area prior to unification shall continue to be so used. (b) The tax obligation of an area for bonded indebtedness or other liability Incurred prior to unification may be spread over a larger area byordinance ifthc asset, for which the bonded Indebtedness or other liability was incurred, was used for the benefit of the larger area prior to unification. (c) ()) The va lue ofasseis, owned by a Local government prior to unification which were used for the benefit of a larger area prior to unification, may by ordinance, approved by at least six mctibcrs, be credited to the area of the local government on a pra.rata basis over not more than five years for personal property and 20 years for real property. Value for purposes of tax credit shall be the lesser of the local contribution in the asset or Its present value, (2) The üsembty, by ordinance approved by at least six members, may deteernine which assets Owned by a local government prior to unification and used solely for the benefit of lhc.tocal government prior to unification shall b&uscd for the benefit of a larger area. The valve of such a ssets ihall be credited to the area o(thc toat government on a pro-rata basis over not more than five years for personal property and twenty years for real property. Value (or purposes of tax credit shall be the lesser of the local contribution in the asset or Its present value. Ile tax. obligation for bonded indebtedness or other liability associated with such an asset slbil become the tx obligation of the larger area. (d) Pre-unification bonded debt for sewage coilectich systems, storm drain systems, water distribution systems, and streets shall remain the tax obligation of the area which incurred the debt unless spread over a larger area by ordinance ratified by the qualified voters voting on the question in the area over which the debt Is to be spread. (c) All revenues derived from the sate of undeveloped municipal land located within the cities of Juneau and Douglas shalt b.c utilized by their respective successors upon adoptio n of this Charter. This special allocation of revenues shall terminate June 30, 1990, or upon complete payment of their respective pre unification bonded indebtedness, whichever occurs first, (0 All revenues derived from the leasing of municipal real property, located within the cities of Juneau and Douglas shall bcutilied by their respective SuccessorS UOfl adoption of this Charter. .ThIs special allocation of revenues shall terminate June 30, 1990, or upon complete payment of their respective prep unification bonded Indebtedness, whichever occurs first. (g) As used in this section, "succéssoirmcans service aieas untilsuch time as the service areas M54 to eisl, whereupon "successors" shall mean the successor entity to the service area, (ii) Budgetary surpluses und/gr, reserve accounts from whatever source of a local government or service area elsiIng,on June 30, 1970, shall be credited to the area of the former local government or service area. Section 16,3 State subventions, State subvention; including but not limited to business license taxi fish processors tax, liquor license tax, electric and telephone cooperative tax, amusement and gaming device tax, aviation fuel tax, and sttc shared revenues, shalt be allocated within the municipality as follows: (a) Subventions made to a clrjur borough or both and provided rot by law enacted subsequent to December 31, 1969, not specifically carmarcd for use shall be deposited In the munIcipality's general fund, unlessspecifically earmarked for use by the assembly by ordinance, (b) Avlatlon fuel tax subventions shell be used for airport purposes in accordance with Section 9,16 of this Charter, (C) Subvcntions authorized by law prior to December 31, 1969 shall be allocated for use in the former cities of Juneau andDouglas and In the Greater Junuu Borough in the some manner as provided by law prior to December 31, 1969. (d) This section $talI expIre June 30, 1975, and the assembly shall then determine by ordinance the method by which state subventions shall be allocated or earmarked for use. Section 16.4, PreuaIrotation sales and use tax. All revctues from sales and use tax, a, long as such tax is continued, shall be allocated for use In the former cities of'Juneau and Douglas and in service areas, as provided by the respective ordinances in effect prior to unification; provided, the assembly may change prç.vniflcation dedications by ordinance. (Serial No, 75.05, § 4, 197511071915) Section 16,5, Election of usembIy, An election for assemblymembers shall be held six weeks following the election for radflcaton of this Charter. The assembly shall meet and organize within ten days of certification of the election, (Serial No. 90'30,. is, 190/10.2.1990) Section 16,6, First election, (a) At the first election held under this Charter: (1) A mayor shall be elected to serve until October, 19131, (2) One assemblymembct from District No, I and one assemblymcmbcr from Oslr1cl No, 3 shall be elected to Serve until October, 1973; (3) One assemblymember from District No. 1, the assemblymember from District No, '2 and one asscmblymcmbcr from District No.3 shalt be elected to serve until October, 1972; (4) Two assemblymembers from District No, I and one assemblymember from District No .1 shalt be elected to serve until October, 1971, (b) At the first meeting of the assembty, assemblymembers other than the mayor and the assemblyrnembers from District No.2 shall determine by drawing of tots who shall serve Initial one; two, and three year terms respectively, (Serial No, 9030, § 18, 1990/102.1990) Section 16.7. Salary. Assemblymembers shall receive at,t initial monthly salary of Two Hundrd and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), except that the mayor shall receive an initial monthly salary of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), ($crialN, 9030, j 18, 1990/10.2.1990) Section 16,8. Effective date. (a) At the first meeting of the assembly, the provisions of this Chartcr shall be in effect Insofar as they are applicable to the appointment of a manager, preparation and adoption of the Initial budget, and general. organization of the municipality. Costs threby incurred shall be paid from aruwldc funds of the Orcatr Juneau Borough upon proper verification. The chief administrators of local governments to be dissolved shalt submit a budget for their jurisdictions to the assembly within thirty days after its first meeting. (b) This Charter shall take effect on itIy 1, 1970. The City of Juneau, City of Dougtas and the Greater Juneau Borough shall be dissolved on that date, The terms of members of the former governing bodies shalt expire on that date. (c) Upon certification of the election, all officers, employees1 departments, ornces, committees, and Wards of local &ovemmcnts to be dissolved shall coopera1 with and assist the assembly to facilitate unification in the most orderly fashion. All records, files, and other data in possession of local governments to be dissolved shall be available for Inspection by the municipality. (d) Within two months of the date of passage of this Charter, the pesert1 City Councils of Juneau and Douglas shall each submit to the assembly a list or names from which the new assembly shall select two f1vcmcmber advisors' boards, each to serve for a period of two years. Vacancies shall be filled by the assembly from names submitted by the remaining members of the respective board. These boards shall be appointed prior to June 30, 1970, and shall commence their responsibilities as advisory boards upon appointment. Section 16,9. Personoel. On July 1,, 1970, alt loaI govemmenal omeers and employees, except for elected officia ls and the manager of the City of Juneau, shall continue In empioymen I I until the assembly adopts a personnel elassiflcatlon and organization plan, subject to SciIon 4 of this Charter. Personnel shallrccciyç salaries and benefits enjoyed under their former employment until the assembly adopts a uniform salary and benefit schedule which shall take cfIct no later than July 1, 1971. The provision of Article IV Section 44 of the Juneau City Charterwill apply to employees of the municipality until the assembly adopts a personnel plan under Section 3,14 of this Charter, Section 16.10. Puacsins to continue. * Subject to Ariléle XI of this Charter, service areas In exiscne on June 30, 1970, shall continue to exist. The area of the former cities of Douglas and Juneau shall each comprise a service area The functions of local governments and servIce area being exercised immediately prior to' July 1, 1910, may continue Insofar as consistent with this Charter; etteepi that the assembly may alter, consolidate, or abolish service areas and may add or eliminate services as provided by This Charter. Sçctlon 16.11. Ordinances and resolutions, To the extent not inconsistent with this Charter, ordinances, resolutions, and orders of local governments to be dissolved shall continue In full force and effect In their respective jurisdictions until no later than July 1, 1972, when they shall expire, unless, ofier substantive review by the assembly, each ordinance, resolution, Or order has,bccn.cxprqsly reaffIrmed, revised, or repealed. ?rlbr to March 1, 19124 the municipal attorney shall prepare a eomprehçnsive substantive study of existing ordinances and resolutions to aid the assembly In adopting an Integrated code, Section 16.12. Boards. -. AfIer July 1, 1970; all appointed committees, commissions, and boardsof local governments to be dissolved shall be abolished except those having arcawfdcjurisdlciion and those established under the City of Juneau Model City program, the City of Douglas S. 0, R. Sandy Beach recreation project, and other federal programs. Thcse shall function until December 31, 1971, unless reaffirmed, reorganized, or abolished by the assembly. I Members of the Greater Juneau Dorovgh Boad of Education in ofricc on June 30.'1970, shall be entitled to serve on the board of education of the municipality untit'the expiration of their term. Section 16.34, Cottauanee of actions. (a) The adoption of this 'Charcr shall not abate or otherwise affect any action, cavic of action, claim, or proceeding, civil or criminal, by or against a locl government to be dissolved, and which had accrued by June 30, 1970, * (b) All applications, petitions, bearings, and other proceedings pending on June 30, 1970, before a local 'government to be dissolved shall be continued before the, municipality. Scv%en 16, 5. Rcords. On July 1, 1970, all records, roles, 4nd other date or local governments lo be dissoly"4d shall become ihe propery or and be in tht copirol of the municipality. Sec t ion 16.16. Poü audit. Audits of the fiscal year ndn iünc 30 1 970, shall be according touniform standards. Costs shall be paid from assets of the former local governments. Stttlon 36.17. Pebatties, By July 1, 1971, the assembly by ordinance shall prescribe penalties for violations of this Charter if no PCnaity is prescribed in this Chimer. Final Adoz,id Lw Assenthlv 12116/2013 January S MT WT F S 2 3 4 5 Ji 8 9 1011 12(13)14 ffj 16 17 18 19 21 2224 25 260 28 29 3031 1/1 - New Year's Holiday 1/20—MLK Jr. Holiday 1/23— Legis. Reception May. S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4(T.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 186j2o 21 22 23 24 25 279 29 30 31 5/26—Memorial Day Holiday September S MT WI F S 2 3 4 5 6 79 ffq 11 1213 14 15 16—I 181N2k 21(2Z23 24 25 26 27 28 @ 30 9/1—Labor Day Holiday 9/16-18 or 9/17-19 Southeast Conference in Wrangell February S MT WT F S 1 2345678 9 (f)-11ff 13 14 15 16 Ej4cu1420 21 22 23 ® 25 26 27 28 2117-20 AML—Juneau 2/17— President's Day Holiday June S MT WT F S 1()3f5 6 7 8 ( 10 12 13 14 15(1)17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29( 6/9—Last reg. mtng to adopt budget First reg. mtng to adopt Charter amendment for 1017 ballot October S MT WT F S 1 2 3 4 S 8 9 10 11 12 13A15 16 ffj 18 19® 21 q2 23 24 25 26(7 28 29 30 31 1 0/7-CBJ Election Day 1 0/14—CBJ Election Certified 10/17— Alaska Day Holiday 10/20—Swearing In Assembly March S MT WT F S I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (11 15 166318 H 20 21 22 23' 25 26 27 28 29 30 3/12-14 SE Coni. Juneau 3/31— Seward's Day Holiday July S T T F S 1 2 3 J 5 6 Cy- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 zo3 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 - 29 30 31 7/4—Independence Day 7121—last reg. mtng to adopt Charter amendment for 10/7 ballot November S MT WT F S I 2345678 13 14 15 16 1j..*8i ' 122 23(4)-25 26F2-72-8] 29 30 111/4—State General Elect.] 11/11-Veteran's Day 11/17-21—AML Conference 11/27-28 Thanksgiving Holiday April S MT WI F S 12345 6 e 8 9 10 11 12 13(-1:41s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 4/28—Last reg. mtng for Charter required Public Hearing on Budget prior to 5/1. August S M T W T F S 12 3456789 10312 13 14 15 16 17(19 20 21 22 23 24 ®26 27 28 29 30 31 8/8-8/18 Candidate hung period 8/11—Last reg. mtng to adopt December S MT WT F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1) 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 1j 18 19 20 21 @ 23 24 5 26 27 28(2) 30 31 12125-Christmas Day Holiday City & Borough of Juneau Assembl y 2014 Calendar LI Holidays OAssembly & HRC (.) PWFC, Lands, & COW Mtngs. [} Finance Committee ASpec. Event REGULAR ASSEMBLY MEETINGS 7pm in Assembly Chambers • January • January 27 • February 24 • March 17 • April 7 + April 28 • May 19 . June 9 • June30 • July 21 • August 11 • August 25 • September 8 • September 29 • October 20 • November 10 • December 1 + December 22 • REGULAR MEETING TIMES (unless otherwise advertised) Noon: Public Works & Facilities Committee (PWFC) C> 5pm: Lands Committee C) 5:30pm: Finance Committee [1 6pm: Human Resources Committee (HRC) Q 6pm: Assembly Committee of the Whole (COW) () January S MT WI F S 23 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ' 16 17 18 9 20 23 24 25c 27 28 29 30 31 1/1 New Year Holiday 1/19 MLK Jr. Holiday 1422 Legislative Reception May S M I W T F .S 12 3 (4)5 6 7 8 9 10 1213141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26fl28 29 30 31 5125 Memorial Day Holiday September S MT WI F S 12345 6 R7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i.i"v. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 () 29 30 9/7 Labor Day Holiday 9/15-17 SE Conf. in Prince Rupert February S I WT F S 1234567 8 ( 10 II 12 13 14 15 f 19 20 21 2 22 24 25 26 27 28 2116 residents' Day Holiday 2/16-2118 AML Legislative Mtng. (Juneau) June S MT WT F S c; 2 1T14 7 () 9 Tii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (22) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Las eg. Mtng to adopt budget 6/8 or need Special Assembly Mtng to adopt by 6115115 deadline. October S M T .W T F S A 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 J(L!J 22 23 24 25 (2) 27 28 29 30 31 10/6 CBJ Election Day 10/13 CBJ Election Certification 10/19 Alaska Day Holiday 10/20 No HRC Mtng, only Assembly Mtng —Swearing In March S MT WI F S 1 (ID 3 4 5 & 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15J1't7.JiJ19 20 21 22 (2) 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 3/16-17 SE Conf. Mid Session Summit (Juneau) 3/30 Seward's Day Holiday July S MT WT F S I 2j 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12C)14 15 16 17 18 19 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7/3 CBJ Offices Closed for Independence Day Holiday November S MT WT F S I ,.2.. 3 5 6 7 s()io 4.., 121314 15 1 18 0 21 22( 24 25 126 271 28 29 30 11/1 Veterans' Day Holiday 11/16-20 AML Mtngs in Anch 11126-11/27 Thanksgiving Holiday April S MT WT F S Ff12 3 4 5() 7 8. 9 10 11 12(1) 14 15 16 17 18 19 & 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 28 29 30 4/27 ast reg. Assem Mtng to hold Pub. Hearing on Budget, CIP Res., & Adopt School Budget Motion before 5/1 August S MT WI F S 9011iI4415 16 il 18 19 20 21 22 23 (24) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 817- 7 Candidate Filing Period 8/12-8/14 AML Summer Legislative Mtngs in Ketchikan December S I WT F S 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15F-6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 H 26 27 29 29 30 31 12/15 Christmas Day Holiday Assem bly City & Borough of Juneau Calendar 2015 Year at a Glance Q Assembly & HRC (flY PWFC, Lands, & COW LI Finance Committee L\ Special Event OHolidays REGULAR ASSEMBLY MTNGS 7pm in Assembly Chambers • January 12 • February 2 • February 23 • March 16 • April • April 27 • May 18 • June + June29 • July 20 (last mtng to intro ballot ordinance) • August 10 (last mtng to adopt ballot ordinance) • August 31 • September 21 + Tuesday—October 20 (Outgoing Assembly Recognition! Swearing In New Assemblymembers) + November 9 ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TIMES - (All meetings held in the Assembly Chambers unless otherwise advertised) Noon: Public Works & Facilities Committee (PWFC) [usually held the same Monday as Lands & COW] () 5pm: Lands Committee [usually held the same Monday as PWFC & COW] (D 6pm: Assembly Committee of the Whole (COW) [At the call-of the chair; usually held the same Monday as Lands & COW] LI 5:30pm: Finance Committee [Every Wed. April 1-June 3, except 5/20 and at the call of the Chair. June 15 is the Last Day to Adopt the Budget.] 6pm: Human Resources Committee (HRC) [Usually held the same night as Regular Assembly Meetings except none in October.] This calendar is provided as a tool in scheduling, however all meeting dates are subject to change with all meeting changes reflected in the online calendar at http:Ilwww.juneau.org/calendar/index.php + November 30 • December 21 Updated 2/1812015 bjm July SMTWTFS 12 3C4)5 6 7 8 9 10jJ1213141516 17181920212223 2402627282930 31 August SMTWTF S 12J23 456 7 8 9 i1111213 14@Lf7i7Il 8J 920 212324252627 281293031 [Aug. 17-19, AML Summer Mtgs Wasilla] September October November December SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 123 1 12345 123 4 (5)6 08 9 10 2 3A\56 7 8 6 1j 81 12 : 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11j1314151617 /\• 9 QT1112131415 13)4JijtJ.8j9 : 11O13J3151617 18@2L2LW 2324 •. 160 19202122 • - • 20022234226 18 -12021222324 2527282930 • 23242526272829 27J2930 254?2728293031 [Sept. 20-22, SE Conf. 30J [Nov. 18-18, AML & Annual Mtg, Petersburg] CBJ Election Day 10/4 Affiliate Group Mtngs,] Assembly Transitionl0/17 ADOPTED 11/9/2015 bjm 2U16 CBJAssembl Meeting Calendar Regular Assembly Meetings • January 11 • February 8 • February 29 • March 21 • April 11 • May 2 • May 23 • June 13 • July 11 • August 1 (last reg. meeting to intro a ballot ordinance) • August 22 (last reg. meeting to adopt a ballot ordinance) o September 12 • September 26 o October 17 (Installation of New Assemblymembers) • November 7 o November 28 • December 19 LII Reg. Assembly Mtngs/HRC Mtngs O PWFC, Lands & Assembly COW o Finance Committee Holidays /\ SPECIAL EVENTS & CONFERENCES Jan. 20 Legislative Reception Feb. 15-17 AML Mid-Session Summit March 15-16 SE Conf. Mid-Session Summit Aug. 17-19 AML Summer Mtng., Wasilla Sept. 20-22 SE Conf. Annual Mtg., Petersburg Oct. 4 CBJ Election Day Oct. 11 CBJ Election Certified Nov. 13-18 AML & Affiliate Group Mtngs. January February .SMTWTFS SMTWTFS I2 I 23456 3 5 6 7 8 97 M 9 " j1 11213 1011213 141516 14I 57 çj5181920 1711921 2223 2102324252627 24252627282930 28 1 31 [Jan.20—Legislative [Feb. 15-17, AML Mid Welcome Reception] Session Summit] • May .SMTWTFS 1 EJ 3 ®5 6 7 8 9 10ç7)121314 15@17 18192021 2202425262728 290)31 June SMTWTFS @ 2 3 4 708 1011 121j1415161718 19202122232425 260282930 March April SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1345 12 6789101112 3@5@789 131/51J171819 1012j141516 20J2223242526 : 171819212223 27'2293031 24@26j282930 March 15-16, SE Conf. Mid Session Summit] SIGNATURE IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE WE, LAURIE J. SICA and ROBERT N. BARTHOLOMEW, the duly chosen and qualified Clerk and Finance Director, respectively, of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska (the "City and Borough"), DO HEREBY CERTIFY that our facsimile signatures appearing on the following-described general obligation school refunding bond of said City and Borough are true and genuine facsimiles of our signatures. The City and Borough's General Obligation School Refunding Bond, 2016 is in the principal amount of $17,575,000, is dated November 3, 2016, is in fully registered form, and is payable, both principal and interest, in lawful money of the United States of America to the registered owner thereof, in the principal installment amounts and at the rates of interest set forth below: Principal Principal Installment Year Installment Interest (December 1) Amount Rate 2017 $3,235,000 2.00% 2018 3,355,000 4.00 2019 3,480,000 4.00 2020 3,555,000 4.00 2021 3,950,000 4.00 DATED as of this 3rd day of November, 2016. Signatures Titles // V z.. Municipal Clerk - Finance Director 500034321 vi STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) On this i day of _______, 2016, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared LAURIE J. SICA, to me known to be the Municipal Clerk of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. I hereby identify her signatures on this certificate and on the above-described bond as being in all respects true and genuine. Dated / - otary INibliL I LtedName ly appointment expires - (SEAL) / STATE OF ALASKA ) FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) On this I day of - , 2016, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of \ tJii4 duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ROBERT N. BARTHOLOMEW, 6-ie known to be the Finance Director of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. I hereby identify his signature on this certificate and on the above-described bond as being in all respects true and genuine. Dated - - - I - Notary Public in aci4jr the State of' ahiigtoiresiding at LEftabeth O ALASKA Print Name OFFICIAL SEAL ',Q, (S E A L) J McEwen My commission expires NOTARY PUBLIC ission Expires -- - 500034321 vi