2016-08-23 Joint Work SessionPage CITY COUNCIL - BOROUGH ASSEMBLY JOINT WORK SESSION AGENDA Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Kodiak Library Multi -Purpose Room 7:30 p.m. (Borough Chairing) Joint work sessions are infomrial meetings of the Borough Assembly and City Council where elected officials discuss issues that affect both Borough and City governments and residents. Although additional items not listed on the joint work session agenda are sometimes discussed when introduced by elected officials, staff, or members of the public, no formal action is taken at joint work sessions and items that require formal action are placed on a regular Borough Assembly and/or City Council meeting agenda. Public comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record. Public comments intended for the "official record" should be made at a regular Borough Assembly or City Council meeting. A. Agenda Public Comments (limited to 3 minutes each) 2-13 2. Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA Building Inspection Program 14-15 3. Consolidation of City and Borough Governments Consolidation Advisory Question 4. Communications Between the City and Borough 5. Update on Governor Walker's October Visit to Kodiak B. FUTURE DISCUSSION ITEMS Invitation to Legislators to Visit Kodiak 2. Lands Committee Update 3. Sharing of Information - City and Borough Strategic Plans 4. Updates From the Borough's Marijuana Task Force and City's Marijuana Advisory Committee Page 1 of 15 AGENDA ITEM #A.2. Office of the 710 Mill Bay Road, Room 113, Kodiak, MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Branson and City Councilmembers From: Aimee Kniaziowski, City Manager Thru: Mike Tvenge, Deputy City Manager Date: August 15, 2016 Subject: Building Inspection Program SUMMARY: During the August 11, 2016, regular Council meeting, the Council postponed the vote to terminate the joint Building Inspection Program MOA. This postponement was intended to allow for discussion between the Borough and the City elected officials at the August 23 joint work session to determine the best path forward. City Administration continues to recommend initiation of the termination procedure as described in Section 9 of the MOA, if mutually agreeable changes do not occur. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: The City Council discussed the Borough's decision to adopt the 1997 Uniform Building Code at its August 9 Council work session and postponed the vote to terminate the program at its August 11 regular meeting. DISCUSSION: The City and Borough conduct building inspections within the Kodiak road system through a 1997 Memorandum of Agreement. The agreement strives to maintain identical regulations that include but are not limited to: Uniform Building Codes, National Electrical Codes, Uniform Plumbing Codes, Driveway Permits and ordinances providing for fire safety review, approval of plans and specifications, and the enforcement of State fire statutes and regulations. An explanation of the Borough's decision to adopt the 1997 UBC centered on affordable housing. The following are examples of financing requirements. • Alaska Housing Finance Corporation has adopted the 2012 International Residential Code. • Building inspections are an AHFC requirement; if the City does not provide inspections, someone licensed, insured, and certified must. This triggers an added requirement for a PUR-102 (Attachment). Without the PUR-102, the home is ineligible for AHFC financing until it is at least five years old and then would only be eligible under the Non -conforming II Program. Non -conforming II means benefits of the rural program would be unavailable to those homeowners/purchasers i.e. lower down payment with no mortgage insurance, rural non -owner occupancy allowance. • United States Department of Agriculture -Rural Development has similar requirements for home loans. USDA has adopted the 2012 IRC also. Telephone (907) 48646401 Fax (907) 488.8800 manager@city.kod1ak.sk.us 1 Page 2 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA AGENDA ITEM #A.2. Building Inspection Memo to Mayor Branson and Councilmembers August 16, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Additional concerns of continuing the MOA at this time: • The City of Kodiak maintains an agreement with the State of Alaska Fire Marshall to maintain and enforce the adopted building and fire codes. 2012 IRC and 2009 IFC are the minimum standards adopted. • If the MOA is terminated, the City is required to inform the State Fire Marshall separating the Fire Marshall's Deferment of the City to inspect outside of the City. This means the State Fire Marshall would then conduct the Borough inspections. • The City maintains general liability insurance as a requirement of the MOA. A concern of the City's insurance broker states "the change in code enforcement is a fundamental increase in exposure and either excludes the activity or increases the insurance premium. I recommend the City prepare a disclaimer and present it to every home owner requesting an inspection. The disclaimer should clearly state the 1997 UBC is not current and the homeowner may encounter problems related to this code inspection." • The City and Borough agree to indemnity and hold harmless each other with respect to uninsured claims or damages associated with implementation of the agreement. (Section 6.c) • The City Building officials have spoken out against the adoption of the 1997 UBC and do not want to inspect different building codes nor feel it necessary. • The Joint Building Code Review Committee addressed the Borough Assembly and spoke against the 1997 UBC ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Council may vote to terminate the agreement as provided in Section 9, which allows termination by either party upon ninety (90) days advance written notice to the other party. 2) Council may increase the notification and terminate the MOA beyond 90 days. 3) Council may negotiate a new agreement with the Borough. Terminating the agreement in 90 days or negotiating a new agreement will limit the risks and concerns identified above. CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS: I recommend the Assembly and Council direct the managers to negotiate a new agreement to be approved by both governing bodies, if legally required. The current MOA is dated 1997, and changes within this agreement need to occur if we are to move forward jointly for the betterment of the Kodiak community. If this is not mutually acceptable, the current MOA would not be acceptable to the City as written. ATTACHMENTS: A) Memorandum of Agreement between KIB and the City B) AHFC PUR-102 Page 3 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA AGENDA ITEM #A. 2. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between the KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH and the CITY OF KODUK BUILDING INSPECTION PROGRAM On April 15, 1980, the Kodiak island Borough and the City of Kodiak established a single program for Ore inspection of buildings within the Jutisdlction of both governments. In the past there has been one bullding inspector/o0icial for each local govamment. This memorandum of agreement (MOA) reestablishes the parameters of the single building inspection program that serves the residents of both Jurisdictions, and replaces the original Building Inspection MOA of 1900. Objectives I, To provide fora single building inspection program for the City of Kodiak and the Kodlak Island Borough. 2. To ensure a cansislentapplication of building regulations in the City of Kodiak and the Kodiak Island Borough. 3. To reduce the total cost orlwilding inspection services In the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak. 4. To provide an economical, efficient, and effective building inspection program for residents of the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak Points of Agreement 1. The Kodiak Island Borough (heremaner "Borough") hereby contracts with the Gty or Kodiak (herelnaner "Gty') for building Inspection services. Personnel aspects of the program are the responsibility of the City, and the building official and assistant building official shall be employees of the City. A This service will Include the following: (1) a full-time building official; (2) a fuli-time assistant building official; 0 uyla-halLOme a lministrnOUe assia{ant (4) all other necessary and typical functions associated wish an operational building Inspection program; (5) administration and enforcement of Borough Code TiOe 15, Buildings and Construction, Including issuing permits, checking plans, performing field inspections, maintaining records of each permit, and maintaining statistical records; Msmamnduma Ag=e N—Mdkgglmre lon Program Km;akhland nomuglXilY or KMIak Page 4 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA AGENDA ITEM #A.2. (6) records will be kept on each building peril and will Include at a minimum, the following applicable information: building permit applications, approved plans and speclncations; the as -built site plan; compaction report on engineered fillet and inspection reports on all inspections performed; and (7) Issuance of a cm Ofrale of occupancy and/or Mal inspection report when construction, for which a permit was issued, is completed. The borough assessor shag be provided with a copy of all certificates of occupancy and/or fast Inspection reports on a monthly basis. B. The Borough will supply the office space for the building inspection program. C. The City will supply the vehicle for the building inspection program. D. The building inspection office will be fled Into both the Borough and the City telephone and remote communication systems, and the BoroughA51400 computer For access to property record files. Building Inspection program staff will implement the NTE Building Permit son. ware application once it has been Installed and training has been provided by the Borough. E Monthly and annual reports of building peril activities will be submitted on forms agreed to by the Borough and the Cily. 2. In all cases, the building official will be responsible for ensuring that all structures are in compliance with adopted codes. The Kodiak island Borough or the City of Kodiak may, on a case-by-case basis, request from the building official approval to use allemaUve personnel for ensuring that public construction projects meet adopted codes. The building official may deny approval for the use of alternative personnel based on the lack or appropriate quallffcagons or the personnel. All code compliance Inspection reports or similar records generated for public construction projects shall become part of the building file maintained in the building Inspection program office. r WgiaHs granted by the building omcral rotthe use crakemafve personnel, a permit fee will W! chair cir Ole portion of the project inspected by the allemafve personriel; however, the vafda of arry' portion ofa.publlccons W ctlon project inspected by alternative personnel will be included in the project owner's, portion of the permit value calculations for building inspection program operations. if building inspection program stair perform code compliance Inspections for a pubic construction project, then the project will be charged the applicable building permit, electrical peril, or plumbing peril fees, a7id Hit-project!of pordpn of the ,prljecbinspecled will not be Included Id;tire permit valde for ealciilaltons bugling inspection .program operatiois. The cost of -the building Inspection program will be split between the City and fhe Borough based on the dollar value of the permits issued InsidO the City (Qty retponsiblfty) and outside the City (Borough responsibility). Payments by the Borough shall be made promptly upon billings submitted by the City. 3. The Community Development Department will work with lhebuilding inspection program office to ensure adherence to this MDA is implemented. This MOA is not intended to replace current day -today communications between stag, which are encouraged to continue. All policy issues, Momonndom of AgrmmaN—fA,Wing awls. Pmgmm Kadlek Wa Wemw vCRyofKmiok Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA pnpo7o14 Page 5 of 15 AGENDA ITEM #A.2. whether City, Borough, orjoinl, will be rererred to the Borough Mayor and Cly Manager for joint resolution. A. The MOA for zoning compliance Is incorporated, in total, in this MCA and Is labeled Appendix A. B., The MOA for the building fire sarely inspection program for the Kodiak road system is incorporated, In total, In this MOA and Is labeled Appendix 9. 4. The Borough and the Cly shall review and revise their respective Building Codes and strive to maintain Identical regulations that include, but are not limited to, the following: A. ICBrIlnifomrBuilding Codes; B. National Electrical Code; C. Uniform Plumbing Code; D. Drivewaypernils; E Ordinances providing for fire safety review and approval of plans and specifications, and the enforcement of stale fire statutes and regulations; and F. Building Valuations and kee Schedules. � 5, The Borough shall adopt an ordinance that shall require the Identification of lot corners in the field prior to commencement of eenslrucdan. 6. Insurance A. The City shall provide liability insurance. Upon request the City shall provide the Borough with evidence of the insurance coverage in force at any time. If the Borough should conclude that the insurance coverage obtained by the City is inadequate to protect Its Interest, the Borough shall give the City written notice of Its concerns and shall request that the Insurance coverage maintained by the City be broadened or increased In certain particulars. If the City falls to agree to the Borough's request and obtain the broadened, Increased coverage within thirty (30) days after receipt or the request, then the Borough may ellherobWn such additional insurance coverage as It has requested and deduct the proven cost thereor from any payments otherwise due to the Cty or terminate this agreement in accordance with Section 9. B. Any liability Insurance policy obtained by either the City or the Borough shall contain a waiver oral] subrogadon claims against the other party. C The Borough agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all uninsured claims or damages arising out or actions or amisslons or the staff of the building inspection Mennnndum of Agn:emonl—euiWiag aupmction Pm$nm Kodwk Island amaiglkCiry or Kodak Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA r.;yo3da Page 6 of 15 AGENDA ITEM #A. 2. program which are associaled primarily vdth Implementation of this agreement with respect to property lying outside of the City and the City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Borough from airy and all uninsured claims or damages arising out oractions or omissions of the stag or the building Inspection program which are assoclaled primarily Wilt implementation of this agreement with respect to property lying within the City. 7. The Borough and the City shall separately assume any legal costs associaled with building Inspection program enforcement within their respective Jurisdictions. 8. It is the responsibility or the building inspection program stag to Initiate Borough and qty building and related code updates. NI Borough and City code revisions that may arfect the building inspection program shall beprovided lathe building official for review and comment. 9. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon ninety (90) days advance written notice to the other party. DATED this Win day of May, 1997. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH %ll Jerome M. Selby,ir54l t ArtesL oo`p� %S6ht:6 p pROGG t •••..• a. .s %qb Momamodum or Apmamva—rlutMing Inupualun Pmpmm Kod:nt Istnnd nomuptyCily or KrxhA Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA CITY OF KODIAK William D. on s, City Manager Atlest: 04?14 -, 6"L7 cl. erg Page 7 of 15 AGENDA ITEM #A. 2. ZONING COMPLIANCE PROGRAM Appendix A of the Building Inspection Program MOA On March 1, 1994, the Kodiak Island Borough(Borough) and the City of Kodiak (City) estabrished a coordinated procedure for the enforcement of zoning regulations within the city limits. This Appendix replaces the original Zoning Compliance MOA of 1994, and protides a procedure for the Inspection of zoning requirements through the building inspection program. Objectives 1. To provide zoning compliance inspections in conjunction with building inspections. 2. To ensure a coordinated and consistent zoning compliance Inspection program. 3. To provide a specific and acceptable process that defines the responsibilities or the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak for Implementing zoning compliance Inspect ons as a function of the building Inspection program. Points of Agreement I. No bullding permitvvill be Issued without written zoning authorization from the Borough, except as may be olherwise provided for In the Borough Code. 2. Written zoning authorization by the Borough will be on a form provided by the Borough and printed In a format mutually agreed to by the City and the Borough. The format shall include at a minimum the following information: A. property comer markers with Idenfificatlon or other acceptable markers must be in place and available for verification of setback distances; and B. applicant acknowledgment that the information provided on the authorization is corec4 and that the applicant agrees to comply vrith all ordinances and laws regulating zoning com- pliance. 3. The written zoning authorisation will be specific in its Identifica6an of regulations that require compliance, Including any approvals or conditions specified by die Borough Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. While conducting site inspections as part of the building permit process, it will be the responsibility of the building inspection program staff to note all violations of the written zoning authorization and to Inform both the applicant and the Borough Community Development Department of any violations Including, but not limited to, the following: a. setback requirements; Appendix A. Mewrunclum of AgreuncM—anading Impedim, Prui mn, U&N can.rhianc Rogram Page 8 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA AGENDA ITEM #A.2. b. height restdcdons; m off-street paridng requirements and development standards; and d. permitted uses. S. In cases of confusion orconMct between the applicant and the building Inspection program staff over elther the wduen zoning authorization or the Imposition or specific zoning regulations, the Issue will be brought to the Community Development Department for resolution. 6. In cases when there are violations of both the zoning and building codes, the Community Development Department and building inspection program staffs shall engage in Joint enforcement action to the greatest extent possible. This includes, but Is not limited to, Joint signatures on violation letters and Jointslte Inspections, Anranduh Mamoron&m or A2..wn1—aaiWlns lmpacaon Pmpmm ZwJngCamMhrice Pmynm Pnpo 2 of 2 Page 9 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA AGENDA ITEM #A.2. BUILDING FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION PROGRAM Appendix B of the Building Inspection Program The Kodiak Island Borough and the Gty of Kodiak wish to establish a coordinated building Bre safety Inspection program throughout each respective jurisdiction. Objective To enfon:e State fire safety laws as established in AS 18.70 and AS 18.72 and all regulations adopted pursuant to these statutes through a local building fire safety program. Points of Agreement 1. It will be the responsibility of the City of Kodiak Fire Department to administer and enforce the requirements of the building fire safety program on the contiguous Kodiak road system. 2. Inspections requested by the Borough will be scheduled In as timely a manner as possible by the City Fire Department. 3. The Borough shall be financially responsible for the building Ore safety Inspection program outside the boundaries of the City. Argeidia n, Main=dum urApm nwn1—nuW4tS lnsr tllan Pmgnin BWIWInR MmsdVIV Impw,.n pmg.,n Pngc arI Page 10 of 15 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA Masdak Housing ,vu FCCAP An i Owner of record: Owner of record is: r Owner -builder Legal description: Site address: AGENDA ITEM #A.2. SUMMARYOF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Site -Built Construction r Licensed residential contractor (Include recording district) This certification Is Issued pursuant to the requirements of AS 18.56.300 and AHFC's regulations 15 AAC 150,030. Use of alternate methods of inspections, such as videos, must have PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. By my signature below, I certify I have the current, applicable certifications of authority. I am not personally or financially related to the builder, seller, buyer, real estate agent, or other Interested party forth Is project, other than as a fee Inspector. 1. PLAN APPROVAL Printed Name Signature License B' Date 2. COMPLETION OF FOOTINGS & FOUNDATION Printed Name Signature License a' Date Footings Foundation 3. COMPLETION OF FRAMING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, & MECHANICAL Printed Name Signature License 8' Date Framing Electrical Plumbing Mechanical Recorder, index by Legal, Owner, and Builder 10 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA Form PUR-102 Page 1 of 2 01/12 Page 11 of 15 AGENDA ITEM 4A.2. Legal description: 4. COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION OF INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER Printed Name Signature License B• Date 5. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Items to be completed: 6. FINALAPPROVAL Printed Name Printed Name To be completed by: Signature License V Date Signature UcenseV Date •License 9 is the inspector's Registration R under AS 08.18 and AAC 22 Under penalty of perjury, by my signature below, I certify that the required Inspections have been completed and the building meets or exceeds standards set forth under AS 18.56.300 and 15 AAC 150.030. 1 also certify that any/all engineered components are currently listed with the International Code Council (ICC) and to my knowledge there has been no action to rescind ICC approval. I further certify that the information below is true and correct Builder's Signature: Builder's Name: Residential Endorsement u: Business Name: Dated: Date: Builder's License #: (Ifappllcabie) City: State: Zip: Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, has executed the foregoing document of his/her own free will. (Notary Signature) My Commission expires: Recorder. Index by Legal, Owner, and Builder 11 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA Form PUR-102 Page 2a or 2 01/12 Page 12 of 15 AGENDA ITEM #A.2. Legal description: 4. COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION OF INSULATION AND VAPOR BARRIER Printed Name Signature License A• Date 5. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Items to be completed: 6. FINALAPPROVAL Printed Name To be completed by: Signature LicenseA- Date Printed Name Signature License A' Date "License # is the inspector's Registration # under AS 08.18 and AAC 22 OWNER -BUILDER'S CERTIFICATION Under penalty of perjury, by my signature below, I certify that the required inspections have been completed and to the best of my knowledge the building meets orexceeds standards set forth under AS 18.56.300 and 15 AAC 150.030. 1 further certify that I qualify as an owner - builder under AS 08.18.161(12) for I have not built a single family building, duplex, triplex, four-plex or commercial building within the prior two years. Owner's Signature: Owner -Builder's Name: Address: City: State: Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, Date: rz has executed the foregoing document of his/her own free will. (Notary Signature) My Commission expires: Recorder. Index by Legal, Owner, and Builder 12 Building Codes/Building Inspection Program MOA Form PUR-102 Page 2b of 2 01/12 Page 13 of 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Introduced by Requested by Drafted by Introduced on Amended Public hearing. Adopted on KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. FY 2017.02 AGENDA ITEM #A.3. Assembly Member crow Assembly Member Crow Borough ClerkrAssembly Member Crow 0 712 112 016 00/04(2016 08/04/2016 08/0412016 A ORDINANCE OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN ADVISORY QUESTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE BOROUGH AT THE OCTOBER 4, 2016 REGULAR BOROUGH ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PUBLIC SUPPORTS THE IDEA OF CONSOLIDATING THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH AND THE CITY OF KODIAK INTO A SINGLE UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, one of the priorities stated in the adopted Strategic Plan Resolution No. FY2016- 32 of the Assembly is to explore the potential impacts of consolidation; and WHEREAS, one of the policies adopted In the January 2008 KIB Comprehensive Plan Update is to consider consolidation of local governmental functions of agencies, Including among the City of Kodiak and Kodiak Island Borough; and WHEREAS, it would be of the best interest of the residents of the community to explore the potential impacts of consolidation; and WHEREAS, consolidating the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak into a single unit of home rule government may result in a more efficient single unit of government; and WHEREAS, the proposed question below is designed to allow the electorate to advise the Assembly as to whether they support the idea of consolidating the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak into a single unit of government; and WHEREAS, the proposed question does not place any requirements on the Assembly, but rather an advisory from the electorate; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH that the Borough Clerk shall submit a non-binding advisory question to the qualified voters at the October 4, 2016, regular Borough Election ADVISORY QUESTION NO. 1 Advisory Vote On The Idea Of Consolidating Governments Should the Kodiak Island Borough pursue the idea of consolidating the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak into a single unit of government? O Yes O No Kodiak Island Borough Ordinance No. FY2017-02 13 Page 1 of 2 Page 14 of 15 Consolidation of City and Borough Governments AGENDA ITEM #A.3. 51 ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 52 THIS FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST, 2016 ATTEST: _*7t 53 Nova M. Javier, C, Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough Consolidation of City and Borough Governments KODIAK ISLAND BOROU H rrol Frie ough Mayor Ordinance No. FY2017-02 14 Page 2 of 2 Page 15 of 15