01/26/2016 Regular Meeting FRECEIVE-5-V C w kIA 2 5 2016 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE - - ., u . MINUTES KOUT January 26, 2016 Regular Meeting 7 p.m. —KIB Conference Room CALL TO ORDER CHAIR SALTONSTALL called to order the January 26, 2016 Parks and Recreation Regular Meeting at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL Requested excusal was Ben Millstein due to being out of town and Dale Stratton due to just having surgery. Committee members present were Patrick Saltonstall, Helm Johnson, Sharon Wolkoff, and Marnie Leist. Excused were Ben Millstein and Dale Stratton. Ex-officio members present were Alan Schmitt and Corey Gronn (left 7:27 p.m.). Absent ex-officio members were Frank Peterson and Ron Bryant. A quorum was established. COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to excuse Ben Millstein and Dale Stratton. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Community Development Department staff present was Tom Quass, Jack Maker, Sara Mason, and Sheila Smith. APPROVAL OF AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to approve the agenda. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 12, 2015 and December 22, 2015. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS Maker introduced Sara Mason, the new Associate Planner and Tom Quass, the new Code Enforcement Officer in Community Development Department. Quass will be taking over the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings. OLD BUSINESS A) Trail Summit Planning CHAIR SALTONSTALL stated we approved the last TMO's and then we were going to think of a meeting to present them at to take input on our new area. On page 3 of 4 of the November 12, 2015 minutes it talks about what we were planning. 1/26/2016 Page 1 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes CHAIR SALTONSTALL said we will present the TMO's to the public, get final input, and then take input on doing the Saltery-Miam-Pasagshak-Portage area. After the meeting is over we were going to take final input and wrap up what we want to say about the Pillar Mountain to Bells Flats via Burma Road trail that we did to come up with a general assessment to see if we can pick out any things that need to be fixed that we could put on the CIP List. Smith reminded the committee that they usually approve TMO's after the Trails Summit because of public input received the committee might wish to make changes or additions. If need be the committee can amend something previously adopted and she will provide details before the Trails Summit. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON agreed that TMO's were not approved by the committee previously to taking it to the Trails Summit because of all the input and things that were missed by the committee. During discussion, there was committee consensus to hold the next Trails Summit the ls' week of April in the Assembly Chambers, hang maps and large copies of the TMO's for people to mark and put comments on. Maker stated he would work with Quass on getting the advertising out for the date that you would like. First, we have to pick a venue and think about what kind of crowd we may have from the advertising especially if we advertise what trails you will be looking at. He will also work with Paul Van Dyke to utilize our electronics that they have installed so we can put them up on the TV screen and people can see them along with what we provide them. Van Dyke will provide any maps that you would require. Hopefully we will get a lot of input on things that we missed. CHAIR SALTONSTALL stated we should have some maps that show the whole area and what belongs to who, all the landowner's, what the zoning is, and all the 17b easements. Maker said he would research to see if there are any leases out there. Maker said you intend to seek final input on those TMO's. CHAIR SALTONSTALL said we will present what we have with all the comments, we have a lot of comments on different parts of the trail and then once we get comments to wrap it all up we'll come up with a one paragraph summary statement about what we have done. Ex-officio Corey Gronn excused himself at 7:27 p.m. B) Monashka Bandit Range CHAIR SALTONSTALL stated he brought up the bandit range at an Island Trails Network meeting. Everyone was reluctant to do anything unless the borough is serious about doing something. Maker stated he does not see any funding for making it a park given our budget situation. The Resource Management Officer is having some signage to be put up and the Code Enforcement Officer can monitor it. We drove out there the other day, he was impressed with how clean everything was, and there wasn't anyone at the bandit range. 1/26/2016 Page 2 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes CHAIR SALTONSTALL said you need to drive a little farther down the road, ,about %. mile. Tom Quass, Code Enforcement Officer stated he has driven out there several times and it does not look bad. Smith stated someone had requested trail maps for the welcome aboard packets and she made trifold printouts for safe shooting to be included. Maker stated that if the committee is willing to do the research and come up with some grants that we might qualify for we could bring them forward at a meeting. There was consensus to keep this item as a placeholder through the summer to see what happens. C) Termination Point(Placeholder) No new information. D) Saltery Trail Improvements (Placeholder) Maker stated he included in the packet the project narrative attachment from the contract along with the Saltery Trail Improvements Phase I information, which was completed. E) Island Lake Trail Improvements (Placeholder) Quass stated there is money that we are using for maintenance to clean things up. Maker stated that the grant monies were actually for stairways at Mill Bay Beach. We have until June 30th to use those funds. Schroeder has provided some priorities. We are meeting with Andy Schroeder tomorrow to solidify things. F) Killarney Hills (Placeholder) No new information. The Director has assigned that project to Sara Mason. EX-OFFICIO MEMBER SCHMITT said he is on the Lands Committee and there are several members of it that are very interested in that for residential development. The wetlands survey was done and there are some wetlands identified where you would expect back around the creek area. The six lots that were approved but nothing has been done because it would cost between $250,000 - $300,000 to put in the sewer and water for just those lots. The ballfields could be moved to behind Safeway but that will also cost several hundred thousand dollars as well. NEW BUSINESS A) Anton Larsen Road Project -# 2 on CIP List CHAIR SALTONSTALL said people were calling him about this and he doesn't know anything. Maker said it's pretty much explained as far as information the borough has on it right there. It is not a borough project; the funding was requested for the State because it is an extension of the State Highway. It's to get to ice-free waters so all those communities can access the road system. It is in the resolution towards the end of your packet, page 2 of 4. Ouzinkie Native Corporation received a $450,000 grant for planning and design 1/26/2016 Page 3 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes and that has been done. The State has already started the project and the Shoonaq' Tribe has also come up with some other grant funding that is helping with the project. Brief discussion. 13) Elections — Chair & Vice-chair CHAIR SALTONSTALL opened up nominations for Chair. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON nominated Patrick Saltonstall. There were no more nominations. COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to close nominations. VOICE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY FOR PATRICK SALTONSTALL AS CHAIR CHAIR SALTONSTALL opened nominations for Vice-chair. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON nominated Marnie Leist. There were no more nominations. COMMITTEE MEMBER WOLKOFF MOVED to close nominations. VOICE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY FOR MARNIE LEIST FOR VICE- CHAIR COMMUNICATIONS A) February Planning and Zoning Public Hearing Items Maker stated he forgot to get the ADU case item on the agenda. He explained what ADU's are. He also explained the other cases for public hearings. CHAIR SALTONSTALL said the one thing that came up to him has to do with borough land sales or State land sales. He asked if the borough has anything to do with State land sales. Maker stated not with State, only with borough properties involved in the disposal or acquisition process for borough lands but the borough can provide input to the State if they see fit. COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to accept communications. VOICE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY REPORTS Meeting Schedule: • February 23, 2016 Parks & Recreation Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the KIB Conference Room COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to accept reports. 1/26/2016 Page 4 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUDIENCE COMMENTS None COMMITTEE MEMBER'S COMMENTS Sharon Wolkoff said regarding the Mill Bay Beach Access Upgrade, she thought that would be a good area to put a handicap walk for the Wounded Warriors that visit Kodiak every year. Patrick Saltonstall said he went hiking up Russian Ridge where we did all the TMO's for and he was actually pleasantly surprised how nice it was and how the four wheeling is not as bad as it used to be. He saw four-wheelers while up there but they were sticking to the trails. It seems a lot of good is going on up there. He also seen the signs that ITN made. His wife was happy to see the signs and that it made her feel that she is allowed up there. It also brought up the Dark Lake project; he thinks it is important because of the access up there that is still being degraded because no one can get across the creek there at the head of Dark Lake. Even though we weren't funded, we should continue with that. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER LEIST MOVED to adjourn. CHAIR SALTONSTALL adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. ODIAI ISL ROI JIGH PARS N RECRI ATIOI COO' MII E� ,.4 Patrick Saltonsta C' r ATTEST: By: Sheila Smith, Secretary Community Development Department APPROVED: March 22, 2016 1/26/2026 Page 5 of S Parks and Recreation Minutes