02/23/2016 Regular Meeting RECEIVED KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH �' M,4 11 2 5 2016 PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES i,Ai J_EPIKS OFFICE KOUT , February 23, 2016 Regular Meeting 7 p.m.—KI on erence oom AS CALL TO ORDER CHAIR SALTONSTALL called to order the February 23, 2016 regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee at 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Requested excusal was Mamie Leist and Dale Stratton. Committee members present were Patrick Saltonstall, Helm Johnson, Sharon Wolkoff, and Ben Millstein. Excused were Marnie Leist and Dale Stratton. Absent ex-officio members were Frank Peterson, Ron Bryant, Alan Schmitt, and Corey Gronn. A quorum was established. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON MOVED to excuse Mamie Leist and Dale Stratton. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Community Development Department staff present was Tom Quass, Sara Mason, and Jack Maker. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Staff requested moving New Business Item A up to after Audience Comments. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON MOVED to approve the agenda as amended. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS None AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS None NEW BUSINESS (Moved Up) A) Anton Larsen Road Project-#2 on CIP List Sara Mason stated the project has been around for a couple of decades. In the 2013 Capital Budget, the State allocated $450,000 in General Funds to SIDCO, which is the Spruce Island Development Corporation who is associated with the Ouzinkie Native Corporation. They were granted that $450,000 and started working on the project, which was specifically for pre- construction activities-design, and engineering. When there was about $400,000 left they entered into an agreement with the State DOT so DOT could start working as a consultant to do the design and engineering for them. The original amount in the MOA was $375,000 and there is $325,000 left now so overall the project has not moved along as fast as SIDCO had hoped. It is currently being managed as a State project because its State funded so the environmental process is different with State money versus Federal money. They do not have to follow the NEVA process. There's a State approved State Environmental checklist and that is the process they are using now. The issue is the State is having some financial issues as of late and it's projected to continue. There is probably not going to be State money to fund construction but what you cannot do is do the design and pre-construction activities to State standards and then fund it with Federal money. Right now DOT is still going on the path of the State process; they 2/23/2016 Page 1 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes had someone out last year to do some cultural resource Kind of work. This year they are planning to have their hydrology studies done, geotech work done, and some survey work done of the alignment. All of which would be needed for the Federal process. The analysis would just need to be more in depth for that process. They are continuing on the road they are on now. They have started the environmental process. It was in the newspaper. Last month they were soliciting public comment to kick off the brunt of the environmental process. That public comment period closed on February 12"'. She included in the packet the letter that the borough sent to Jill Taylor, the environmental person working on the project from DOT. The borough asked that given the State's fiscal climate that the State and SIDCO reconsider the environmental process to bring it up to NEVA standards because Shoonaq' Tribe are very interested in seeing the project completed and they have BIA money that they would like to use. They get their Tribal Transportation Program money from the Federal Government annually. They have about $400,000 that they are willing to spend on the project to cover some of the additional increased costs of doing the Federal process versus doing the State project because it is much more expensive to do the Federal process and it usually takes a couple years longer. She thinks that Duncan f=ields, who is representing SIDCO, had been talking to the DOT Manager, Chuck Tripp who used to work here in Kodiak. She thinks they are considering amending the agreement but if they finish the environmental process and design process with State funding there probably is not a good timeline for when construction funding will come because it excludes all Federal money. If they go the Federal route, it will probably take another three years to finish the environmental process but the project will be eligible for DOT's annual formula funds that they get every year. It will be eligible for BIA Tribal Transportation funds, eligible for TIGER Grant funding. There are definitely more Federal options. Shoonaq's Tribes submitted a TIGER Grant application this last round probably back in the fall or late summer. They were not successful in getting the grant secured because of the environmental process is not done. That is one of the boxes most projects need to check to get the TIGER Grant money for construction but they met with the TIGER Grant folks and the TIGER Grant folks in DC said it was a great project and that was the kind of project that they would fund if the project were in the right stage. That is where the project is on the administrative end of things. It is 2.7 miles, it would be extended where the geogrid trail is that Island Trails Network did some work on not too long ago and it would follow that for a little while and then veer off. CHAIR SALTONSTALL said he thinks it goes to that big bridge and a little bit past there it goes to the right and then behind all those houses there then to the right of the pond and then comes out at the next cove there. Mason said she could not really tell if there is an existing trail there on DOT's map. COMMITTEE MEMBER MILLSTEIN said it would have been easier for understanding what the proposal is. Mason stated she has not talked to anyone with DOT to find out what kind of response they got and she does not know when they plan on doing a public meeting. She does have the contact information for the Project Manager and the Environmental Analyst. The exact wording that was in the announcement did not actually say there was a hard deadline of February 12th, it said suggested by February 12`x. If there were many people contacting you with questions, she would encourage written correspondence to the Project Manager requesting a meeting. There are additional opportunities for public comment. Discussion of the recreational opportunities in the area. Maker stated the Borough Manager's recent comment on February 9, 2016 is included in the packet behind the maps. Mason stated that currently the borough does not have a financial stake in this project but it is and has been high on the CIP List for some time and it also shows up on the City's CIP List and on Tribal CIP Lists. It is not very often that one project shows up on different agency's CIP Lists like that. That is probably why they were successful in getting $450,000 because there is clearly 2/2312016 Page 2 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes a show of support. Mason said if the committee wants her to give them some contact information so it can be passed along for the project and she can also send a link to sign up for DOT's Gov Delivery so they will send emails when things like public comment period opens or they start a certain point of the environmental process. CHAIR SALTONSTALL said he would like that so he can pass it along to the people who have been contacting him. OLD BUSINESS A) Trail Summit Planning COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON asked if we want to move Old Business Item F — Killarney Hills since we have the person here that just mentioned Killarney Hills. F) Killarney Hills (Placeholder) Mason stated we have an outline to start a master planning process with a proposal to do a stand-alone master plan that digs a little deeper than what has been done in the past. It will look at other borough owned land options for residential or recreational uses that will take things into consideration like the capacity of the utilities in the area; those could probably drive the level of density on that given tract. We have come up with a couple different scenarios of what that could look like. It could be high density with the ballfield, maybe medium density residential and the ballfield is somewhere else, and maybe it just stays the ballfield but high-density development on another borough owned lot. The idea would be to follow the process that they used for Federal project development and do some investigation about what's there now, do an analysis, get the public involved, get all the agencies involved, do some joint work sessions, and things like that. Then develop some scenarios to come up with at least rough numbers for how many lots the given type we can fit in there, where access points would be. We have your information and that would be a good starting point. Hopefully, as part of the master planning process, we will also be able to come up with a decent implementation plan so there can be some sort of timeline or agreement of whose money is going where in the future. She does not know if we would adopt it as part of the Comp Plan or a stand-alone plan but that outline is out there and there is a project schedule that Director Pederson is reviewing now. Hopefully, he will have it done within the next 1 %years. During discussion, CHAIR SALTONSTALL stated that the committee has talked about the need for a Comprehensive Parks Plan. Never being enough fields and the city doing all the maintenance for all parks including the borough parks as well, wetlands delineation, sewer and water. Consensus to keep this item as a placeholder on the agenda. Mason stated it was Director Pederson's plan to mention this at tomorrow's Lands Committee meeting as an introduction and it will probably be given to P&Z to chew on at their next meeting. Discussion A) Trail Summit Planning Discussion of the Draft Trails Summit agenda. They liked the draft agenda. Make sure to talk to GIS people to have the right maps and everything. Maker stated that CHAIR SALTONSTALL can coordinate getting all of the maps and everything with Tom Quass and Paul Van Dyke. B) Monashka Bandit Range CHAIR SALTONSTALL said he does not anticipate anything being needed on this right now. Quass stated COMMITTEE MEMBER WOLKOFF had sent him some links to possibly getting grants for clean up but at the next meeting we can talk about how we want to apply because 2/23/2016 Page 3 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes one grant is a ways off. Quass will start looking at that and put some info together to bring to the committee. We need to talk about who's going to do the work, how extensive do we want to go, or do we want to use money just to have some type of analysis done like people coming in to see what the lead content is. Committee discussion of the Monashka bandit range and cleaning it up. Quass said he will look at it and at the next meeting we can talk about what do we actually want to do about it,just clean it up or do more with it. C) Termination Point(Placeholder) D) Saltery Trail Improvements (Placeholder) Quass said we are starting to see some work on it, design stuff to build up for the project. E) Island Lake Trail Improvements (Placeholder) Quass said it is the same for Island Lake Trail. NEW BUSINESS A) Anton Larsen Road Project-#2 on CIP List(Placeholder) Discussed earlier in the meeting. B) Trails Within the Watershed Area— Pillar Creek Bench trail (#47) Quass said you have it in your packet. After the committee said they do not have what Quass has, Quass said he has the one they need. Quass said here is Monashka Bay Road driving out; here is the hatchery and the Pillar Creek bench. What came about is the map that KFRC gives away. Someone came in to say that there is a sign there that says no trespassing. Quass went out to take pictures of it and then talked to Pederson who said he thinks he remembers signs being put in but he was not sure. Quass then had a conversation with Mark Kozak, City Public Works, about the watershed. Kozak told him about halfway down is where there is a lot of damage from ATV's. We have it listed at a 3A and 3B on the map. Discussion of that trail. Maker said there are errors on the trails map. Quass said from there down in the watershed has been torn up. This water supply is a backup- backup for the Monashka water system. If they had to, they would pump water from here up to Pillar or whatever or into there to fill it up. That whole area is actually State property. The rest talks about the city ordinance and the land regulations that says they need to regulate the watershed areas, then there is Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, which is Alaska State Statute that says basically the municipality can exercise power necessary to facilitate service etcetera for waste disposal, utility services and things like that even if it's not their property. It is similar to eminent domain. Even though this is State property, the borough has designated it as Conservation which if you read Conservation means there is a whole plethora of things you can do. The permitted principle uses are all the principle uses of the Natural Use District, which is to protect trails on public lands, protect waterways and their banks, and so forth. The principle uses are also fish, wildlife, hunting, trapping, plant gathering, passive recreation activities, pedestrian trail and trail system but it's marked as Conservation which includes all the things that Natural Use District that also includes agricultural activities and related structures, commercial fishing, commercial guiding, in or outdoor activities, parks/recreation activities, and single-family dwellings. The bottom line is Mark Kozak would like the borough or this group to close that trail down, let it grow over, and no one use it. 2/23/2016 Page 4 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes Discussion of the area being watershed, signs, four-wheeler use in the past, and taking it off the map so people do not go there. Quass said he would talk to Mark Kozak again. COMMUNICATIONS A) March Planning and Zoning Public Hearing Items Maker talked about the upcoming P&Z cases. COMMITTEE MEMBER MILLSTEIN MOVED to accept Communications. VOICE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY REPORTS Meeting Schedule: • March 22, 2016 Parks & Recreation Committee Regular Meeting - 7 p.m. - KIB Conference Room • April 5, 2016 Parks & Recreation Committee Trails Summit - 7 p.m. — KIB Assembly Chambers • April 26, 2016 Parks & Recreation Committee Regular Meeting - 7 p.m. - KIB Conference Room CHAIR SALTONSTALL requested the Near Island Update on the next agenda. COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON MOVED to accept Reports. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUDIENCE COMMENTS None COMMITTEE MEMBER'S COMMENTS Sharon Wolkoff asked if we want to add the Pillar Mountain discussion to Planning and Zoning. Ben Millstein said this was his first meeting and he thinks it went well. He appreciates the member's unhurried willingness to speak. CHAIR SALTONSTALL said he could not wait until the Trails Summit. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON MOVED to adjourn. VOICE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CHAIR SALTONSTALL adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. KODIAK I LAND OR6G PARS NI REC ION C MMITTEE By. � tric �ltonstall,`�ha �� ` ATTEST: • By: Sheila Smith, Secre ary Community Development Department APPROVED: March 22, 2016 2J23/2016 Page 5 of 5 Parks and Recreation Minutes