KILLARNEY HILLS BK 1 LT 3 - VarianceErin K. Gerrin 119 Murphy Way Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Kodiak Island Borough 710 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340 PHONE (907) 486-5736 April 21, 1987 RE: CASE 87-017. Request for a variance from Section (Nonconforming Uses of Land) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. Dear Ms. Gerrin: The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on April 15, 1987, denied your request for the variance cited above and adopted the following findings of fact in support of their decision: 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of development is the fact that business activities involving animals have occurred at this location for at least eight (8) years and several of the structures on the property (e.g., the barn, feed storage) are designed principally for use by animals or to support activities involving animals. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would not allow any expansion of the existing business use. This is an unnecessary hardship because the natural growth and expansion of a valid nonconforming business activity is totally curtailed. It is also a practical difficulty because the kenneling of animals can, in some cases, be construed to be a natural outgrowth and expansion of a pet and feed store. This is particularly relevant in this case because the use has grown over time from the sale of livestock and birds to include feed, supplies, fish, pet supplies, and other animals and animal accessories. • Erin K. Gerrin April 21, 1987 Page Two Kodiak Island Borough The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance would result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the area and be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Although the kenneling activity will utilize an existing structure and fenced area that is separated visually and physically from any nearby residences, this separation may not be sufficient to address any potential noise or odor concerns that are associated with kennels. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area as Shopping Center. The proposed use - a business activity - is consistent with this comprehensive plan designation. 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, actions of the applicant have not caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. The business was established on the property prior to 1980 and is therefore a valid nonconforming use. The applicant only purchased the lots in 1986.and the variance will be decided prior to the establishment of the kenneling activity. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Businesses are not a permitted land use in the R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Strict application of this section of the zoning ordinance would not justify a variance for expansion of the existing business. Moreover, Title 29, Alaska Statutes, also specifies that variances shall not be granted for a land use that is prohibited in the zoning district. Therefore, based on a literal interpretation of this condition, the variance request should properly be denied. It is the intent of the zoning ordinance that nonconforming land uses are not permitted to expand. The Borough Code requires that if any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the variance request must be denied. Erin K. Gerrin April 21, 1987 Page Three Kodiak Island Borough An appeal of this decision may be initiated by any person or party aggrieved by filing a written notica of appeal with the City Clerk within ten days of the date of the Commission's decision. The notice of appeal must state the specific grounds for the appeal. Therefore, the Commission's decision will not be final and effective until ten days following the decision. If you have any questions about the action of the Commission, please contact me. Gordon Gould, Assistant Planner Community Development Department 4. Provide a copy of the required State of Alaska "Permit for the Sale of Salable Fireworks." 5. Agree to place "No Smoking within 250 feet" and No Fireworks to be Discharged within 250 feet" signs on the premises. 6. Agree to provide a trash receptacle on the premises for the use of patrons. 7. The conditional use permit shall be valid only until July 6, 1987. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the conditional use will preserve the value, spirit, character and integrity of the surrounding area. The proposed use will preserve the value, spirit, character and integrity of the surrounding area because the lots are physically separated from other property by road rights-of-way, distance and wooded areas. Two of the four surrounding lots are vacant. Further, adequate off-street parking is available and previous fireworks sales at this location have not generated any complaints from surrounding property owners that we are aware of. 2. That the conditional use fulfills all other requirements of this chapter pertaining to the conditional use in question. The proposed fireworks stand will fulfill all other requirements of the RR1--Rural Residential One Zoning District such as setbacks and the applicant will obtain a permit to sell fireworks from the office of the State Fire Marshall. That granting the conditional use permit will not be harmful to the public health, safety, convenience and comfort. It appears that the proposed use will not endanger the public's health, safety, convenience or comfort. Fireworks sales have previously occurred in this area and departmental files do not indicate that these sales have posed any danger to the public health, safety or welfare. Lastly, the applicant agrees to comply with the conditions attached to all fireworks stands, as follows: A. The sale of- fireworks shall be discontinued at this location by July 5, 1987. B. The use and structure shall be removed from the lot by Monday, July 6, 1987. C. Provide a copy of the required State of Alaska "Permit for the Sale of Salable Fireworks." D. Agree to place "No Smoking within 250 feet" and No Fireworks to be Discharged within 250 feet" signs'on the premises. E. Agree to provide a trash receptacle on the premises for the use of patrons. F. The exception shall be valid only until July 6, 1987. 4. That sufficient setbacks, lot area, buffers or other safeguards are being provided to meet the conditions listed in subsections A through C of this section. Because the location of the fireworks stand is adequately separated from nearby property and two of the four surrounding lots are vacant provision of additional buffers or other safeguards are not necessary in this instance. The sale of fireworks is also a temporary use with no lasting impacts that would require additional safeguards. H) CASE 87-017. Request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) -`(Nonconforming Uses of Land) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be P & Z MINUTES 14 APRIL 15, 1987 expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) GORDON GOULD indicated 27 public hearing notices were mailed for this case and 6 were returned, opposing this request. Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to five conditions. Regular Session Closed. Public Hearing Opened: CHARLIE MAGNUSEN appeared before the Commission and expressed opposition to this request due to the noise and odor that could be 'generated by such a facility. ERIN GERRIN appeared before the Commission, explained the request in detail and expressed support for this request. A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners and Ms. Gerrin regarding the abatement of possible noise disturbances. PETE PROBASCO appeared before the Commission and expressed opposition to this request. A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners and Mr. Probasco concerning the possible impacts of the kennel upon the residential neighborhood. Public Hearing Closed. Regular Session Opened. COMMISSIONER HEINRICHS MOVED TO GRANT A request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and a feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report dated April 6, 1987, and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report as "Findings of Fact" for this case. The motion was seconded. A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners concerning the history of the Pet Palace. The Commissioners requested staff to locate the previous case file that was before the Commission. CHAIRMAN RENNELL recessed the meeting for ten minutes. CHAIRMAN RENNELL reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. GORDON GOULD quoted the minutes of the January 18, 1984 Planning and Zoning Commission: "Mrs. Crowe moved to interpret Mr. Curley's sale of additional pets and pet supplies as a home occupation. Mr. Patterson seconded the motion. The motion failed by unanimous voice vote. Mrs. Crowe further moved to interpret that Mr. Curley's expanded portion of his nonconforming use was allowed within Title 17.36.060. Mr. James seconded the motion and the question was called. The motion carried unanimously with Mr. Hill voting 'no.'" A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners and Community Development Department staff concerning the intent of the Borough Code regarding nonconforming uses of land. The question was called and the motion FAILED by majority roll call vote. Commissioners Thompson, Knudsen, Heinrichs and Rennell voted "no." The Commission deferred the "Findings of Fact" until the end of the meeting. P & Z MINUTES 15 APRIL 15, 1987 H) Letter from Neil Shuckerow, Vice International Seafoods of Alaska, Inc Robert H. Pederson, re: Lot 15, Block I) Copy of a postcard from Gordon Lewis April 6, 1987. J) President/General Manager, ., dated April 13, 1987, to 2, Lakeside Subdivision. to Linda Freed, postmarked Copy of the third draft of the Chiniak April 1987. There were no other communications. X. REPORTS Comprehensive Plan dated COMMISSIONER ANDERSON MOVED TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR CASE 87-017: 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of development is the fact that business activities involving animals have occurred at this location for at least eight (8) years and several of the structures on the property (e.g., the barn, feed storage) are designed principally for use by animals or to support activities involving animals. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would not allow any expansion of the existing business use. This is an unnecessary hardship because the natural growth and expansion of a valid nonconforming business activity is totally curtailed. It is also a practical difficulty because the kenneling of animals can, in some cases, be construed to be a natural outgrowth and expansion of a pet and feed store. This is particularly relevant in this case because the use has grown over time from the sale of livestock and birds to include feed, supplies, fish, pet supplies, and other animals and animal accessories. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance would result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the area and be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Although the kenneling activity will utilize an existing structure and fenced area that is separated visually and physically from any nearby residences, this separation may not be sufficient to address any potential noise or odor concerns that are associated with kennels. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area as Shopping Center. The proposed use - a business activity - is consistent with this comprehensive plan designation. 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, actions of the applicant have not caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. The business was established on the property prior to 1980 and is therefore a valid nonconforming use. The applicant only purchased P & Z MINUTES 21 APRIL 15, 1987 the lots in 1986 and the variance will be decided prior to the establishment of the kenneling activity. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Businesses are not a permitted land use in the R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Strict application of this section of the zoning ordinance would not justify a variance for expansion of the existing business. Moreover, Title 29, Alaska Statutes, also specifies that variances shall not be granted for a land use that is prohibited in the zoning district. Therefore, based on a literal interpretation of this condition, the variance request should properly be denied. It is the intent of the zoning ordinance that nonconforming land uses are not permitted to expand. The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. COMMISSIONER KNUDSEN MOVED TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT of items A and B under reports. The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. A) Status Report from the Community Development Department. B) Engineering Department Approved Abbreviated Plats Report. XI. AUDIENCE COMMENTS AL BOUDREAU appeared before the Commission and expressed a desire to keep the lands surrounding the Terror Lake hydroelectric project in local control by either keeping the land under Borough management or by transferring the land to KEA. There were no further audience comments. XII. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS COMMISSIONER THOMPSON noted that he had received a letter from William H. Bulen, dated April 6, 1987, urging the Planning and Zoning Commission to change the zoning on all of Mill Bay Road (not Upper Mill Bay Road) to a classification more compatible to its usage (i.e., commercial or business). A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners and Community Development Department staff. The Commission requested that more information on this subject be presented by staff at a future worksession. A discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners as a result of Case 87-019 (Kodiak Island Borough/Alaska Power Authority). The Commission expressed the need to review land issues without the time pressures of making a decision within one week. Chairman Rennell indicated that he would discuss this matter with the Resource Management Officer and request that land disposal issues first be presented•at a worksession (prior to packet review) so that the Commission is able to review these land matters in a more thorough manner. Chairman Rennell also indicated that he would talk with the Borough Mayor in order to arrange a joint worksession with the Assembly to discuss Title 18 requirements for Planning and Zoning Commission review of land matters. CHAIRMAN RENNELL noted that there would not be a worksession on April 22, 1987, but that the worksession would be held April 23, 1987 at the Chiniak Library. Commissioners wishing to participate in a car-pool P & Z MINUTES 22 APRIL 15, 1987 Kodiak Islarid Bourough Planning and Zoning Commission 710 Mill Bay Rd. Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Pet Palace Erin Gerrin 119 Furphy Way Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Sirs, Dm taking this opportunity to thank you ,for your support of my request for a variance to open a boarding kennel at the Pet Palace, Public meeting April 15, 1987. Although my request was denied, I feel that the reasons were legitimate, and I could understand my neighbors concern. Gordon and Bob should be commended for there help and pro- fessional manner. All of your time and concern was greatiy appreciated. Thank You Erin Gerrin 9-1-u3 24-d L.g/g )lh 6-1A-11 v pm„i w a 11 C Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM DATE: April 6, 1987 TO: ,Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Information for the April 15, 1987 Regular Meeting RE: CASE 87-017. Request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) (Nonconforming Uses of Land) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) VI -H Twenty-seven (27) public hearing notices were mailed on March 27, 1987. Date of site visit: March 24, 1987 1. Applicant: Erin Gerrin 2. Land Owner: Same. 3. Request: For a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) (Nonconforming Uses of Land) of the. Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. 4. Purpose: To permit the expansion of the existing nonconforming use to include the boarding of animals (a kennel). 5. Existing Zoning: R3 --Multifamily Residential 6. Zoning History: The 1968 Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Residential -Unclassified. Rezoned to R2 by Ordinance 67-17-0.- Rezoned to R3 by Ordinance 71-12-0. In 1984 the Commission determined that the existing business did not qualify as a home occupation but that it was a legal nonconforming land use. 7. Location: Physical: 119 through 121 Murphy Way Legal: Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills 8. Lot Size: 43,198 square feet 9. Existing Land Use: Single-family residence and business (pet and feed store) CASE 87-017 1 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z [ VI -H 10. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North: Lot 1, Block 1, Killarney Hills Use: Multifamily residence Zoning: R3 --Multifamily Residential South: Lot 4, Block 1, Killarney Hills Use: Vacant Zoning: R3 --Multifamily Residential East: Lot 1, Block 3, Killarney Hills Use: Single-family residence Zoning: R2--Two-Family Residential West: Unit 1, Kadiak Alaska Subdivision Use: Kodiak Community College Zoning: PL --Public Use Lands 11. Comprehensive Plan: The 1968 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for Shopping Center. 12. Applicable Regulations: The following sections of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Borough Code are applicable to this request: 17.36.060 Nonconforming uses of land. Where, at the effective date of adoption or amendment of the ordinances codified herein, lawful use of land exists that is made no longer permissible under the terms of the ordinances codified in this title, as enacted or amended, such use may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions: A. No such nonconforming use shall be enlarged, increased, or extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of the ordinances codified in this title. COASTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICABLE POLICIES Commercial Development 1. Natural Features Dredge and fill, excavation, shoreline alteration and disturbance of anadromous streams, tideflats and wetlands shall be minimized when constructing and operating port, harbor, dock, commercial and energy facilities - if permitted under applicable regulations. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve the disruption of the noted natural features. 2. Natural Setting, Views and Access Development shall be conducted in a manner that mitigates adverse impacts upon the Kodiak Archipelago; developers shall provide opportunities for public access to the shoreline and scenic views, to the extent feasible and prudent. Consistent: Not applicable. This property is not located along the shoreline or in a scenic area. CASE 87-017 2 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z [ VI -H 3. Dredge and Excavation Material Dredging and filling shall be consistent with ACMP Standards 6 AAC 80.040 (Coastal Development) and 6 AAC 80.110 (Mineral and Mining Processing). Dredge spoil may be utilized in shoreside landfills if permitted under applicable regulations for the purpose of creating usable waterfront land. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve any dredge or fill activities. 4. Facility Design Developments in or over the water, such as piers, docks and protective structures shall be located, designed and maintained in a manner that prevents adverse impacts upon water quality, fish, wildlife and vegetative resources and minimizes interruption of water circulation patterns, coastal processes and navigation. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve development in or over the water. 5. Buffer Zones Buffer zones shall be established to the extent feasible and prudent, between commercial areas and major public transportation routes and between commercial development and adjacent, noncommercial properties in order to minimize conflicts between land uses. Consistent: Yes. Buffers exist between the proposed use and noncommercial properties, due to the size of the lot and the conditions proposed. 6. Accessory Development Accessory development that does not require a shoreline location in order to carry out its support functions shall be sited away from the shoreline whenever there is a feasible and prudent inland alternative. This category includes parking, warehousing, open air storage, waste storage, treatment or storm runoff control facilities or utilities. Consistent: Yes. This development is not located along or require a shoreline location. 7. Wetlands Filling and drainage of water bodies, floodways, backshores or natural wetlands shall be consistent with ACMP Standards 6 AAC 80.070 (Energy Facilities) and 6 AAC 80.130 (Habitats). Consistent: Yes. This action does not involve the filling or drainage of water bodies. CASE 87-017 3 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z [ VI -H COMMENTS: The purpose of this request is to permit the addition of kennel facilities for the boarding of dogs. The existing business use of the property is a nonconforming use of land and any expansion of the facility requires a variance. In order for the Commission to grant a variance, all of the following conditions must be satisfied: 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of development is the fact that business activities involving animals have occurred at this location for at least eight (8) years and several of the structures on the property (e.g., the barn, feed storage) are designed principally for use by animals or to support activities involving animals. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would not allow any expansion of the existing business use. This is an unnecessary hardship because the natural growth and expansion of a valid nonconforming business activity is totally curtailed. It is also a practical difficulty because the kenneling of animals can, in some cases, be construed to be a natural outgrowth and expansion of a pet and feed store. This is particularly relevant in this case because the use has grown over time from the sale of livestock and birds to include feed, supplies, fish, pet supplies, and other animals and animal accessories. 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare.A Granting of the variance should not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the area or be detrimental to the public's health, safety or welfare if certain conditions are adhered to. This is based on the fact that the existing use has not generated any complaints that staff is aware of and that the zoning of the property (R3) permits a density of residential development that could result in far more animals being in the area than are proposed by the applicant (six pens with outdoor areas). Additionally, the kenneling activity will utilize an existing structure and fenced area that is separated visually and physically from any nearby residences. This property is higher than the nearby residential neighborhood and the lot retains many trees. The immediately adjoining residential lot (Lot 4, Block 1) is vacant and the site abuts the community college tract in the rear. This separation should be sufficient to address any potential noise or odor concerns. The Commission may wish to consider a requirement of solid fencing along property boundaries if it is felt to be necessary to address noise concerns. CASE 87-017 4 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z LJ VI -H Lastly is the issue of sanitation. In order to keep the facility clean and to avoid the spread of disease, the entire kennel area should have a concrete slab floor with a central drain connected to the public sewer system. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area as Shopping Center. The proposed use - a business activity - is consistent with this comprehensive plan designation. 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, actions of the applicant have not caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. The business was established on the property prior to 1980 and is therefore a valid nonconforming use. The applicant only purchased the lots in 1986 and the variance will be decided prior to the establishment of the kenneling activity. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Businesses are not a permitted land use in the R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Strict application of this section of the zoning ordinance would not justify a variance for expansion of the existing business. Moreover, Title 29, Alaska Statutes, also specifies that variances shall not be granted for a land use that is prohibited in the zoning district. Therefore, based on a literal interpretation of this condition, the variance request should properly be denied. However, given the fact that the existing business is a legal nonconforming use, it is reasonable to envision that some nonconforming business uses will need or desire to expand. Moreover, there are a large number of nonconforming uses in Kodiak, a number of such uses have expanded over time and the Commission has granted variances in the past for expansion of nonconforming land uses. Based on the above, the Commission could make the following finding in support of condition number 6: "It is the intent of the zoning ordinance that nonconforming land uses are permitted to continue so long as they remain otherwise lawful." RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds that this request does meet all the conditions necessary for a variance to be granted under Chapter 17.66 (Variance) of the Borough Code. CASE 87-017 5 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z VI -H APPROPRIATE MOTION: Should the Commission agree with the staff recommendation, the appropriate motion is: Move to grant a request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and a feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report dated April 6, 1987, and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report as "Findings of Fact" for this case. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The kennel activity shall be confined to the area shown on the site plan. 2. No more than six (6) kennels with outdoor runs shall be permitted. 3. The entire kennel area (indoors and outdoors) shall have a concrete floor with a central drain connected to the City of Kodiak sewer system. 4. No new structures for the kennel activity shall be allowed. 5. Straw and other bedding materials from the kennels shall be changed daily, bagged and disposed of at the sanitary landfill site. CASE 87-017 6 APRIL 15, 1987 P&Z Pet Palace 119 Murphy Way Kodiak, Alaska 99615 March 26, 1987 Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Dept. Kodiak, Alaska RE: Request for Variance. Dear Sirs: As the owner/operator of Pet Palace, the local pet and supply store, I have received numerous requests to board animals. These requests originate from pet owner who during their absence desire a controlled environment and and qualified handling for their pets. This is a service I feel competent to provide and know the community needs. Minimum alterations to an exsisting structure on my property would provide the required room, shelter and sanitation needed to accommodate a boarding facility. Please see attached plans for kennels and dog runs. Due to the location of the builings to my home and business the animals are monitored at all times. The proposed boarding facility would be included under this practice as well. Please see attached footprints and sample contract. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 486-4575. Sincerely, Erin Gerrin Enclosures EG/fac Phi PALACE BOARDING CONTRACT This contract is between and The Pet Palace shall provide the following care as follows: Animals will have access to the outdoor pens between 10 am and 5pm. They will be maintained indoors at all other times to eliminate noise and disturbance to neighbors. Kennels will be cleaned twice daily and will be sterilized and disinfected weekly. Animals will be examined and visually checked periodically throughout the day. It is manditory that all animals must have proof of appropriate vaccinations for parvo virus, distemper, rabies, and cats must also be vaccinated for feline leukemia. Animals will be dipped for fleas, before entering kennels or the service will be provided by the contractor at an additional fee. It is required to notify the contractor of bitches in heat cycle so proper measures can be taken. Pet Name Owner Name Telephone Address Dates of Vacation Address and Telephone Number While on Vacation Vet Name Emergency Person to Notify Phone Vaccine Record: Date Tve Vet Name Animals will be fed x daily and watered x daily. Special Conditions to be aware of: Animals Habits: PLI PALACE -2- Services will be paid for in advance unless other arrangements have been made with the contractor. There is a $25 charge for NSF checks. Animals left longer than 5 days after contract expires may be sold or disposed of at contractors discretion unless certified contact is made by owner to notify contractor of delay. Owner is responsible for additional boarding costs. I agree to all terms outlined in this contract. Owner Date Pet Palace Date Witness, Date WAIVER FOR TRANQUILIZER It is agreed that if the contractor finds it necessary to administer tranquilizers to my animals, they have my permission. Owners Signature Date. ITEM VI -H (Transcript) Public Hearing Notice from John R. Berger 1414 M Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Lot 4-- Next to: "I would not like to live next to a boarding kennel - we are not rural. I sold a lot next to mine. He is my friend, I am sure he would not like to hear dogs all night. The whole thing with you people, you don't understand that previous commitments were for a purpose. John R. 'Berger Margaret J. Berger That you would even consider this is not to my liking at all - JRB" KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARIriL,NT 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -H PUB IC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to hear comments,if. any, on the following request: CASE 87-017. Request for,a:variance :_fxom:Secti0m,13.36A60 Uses of Land) of the Boroughc.C7o4e.,to permit,::antexIstinvnonconfo (a pet shop and,feed storetoiehe"-expandari to include -the boarding o (akannel)_in a R37 -Multifamily Residential.Zoning District. Lots Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Gerrin) n ma s and 3, y. (Erin ttlECEIVED APR 9 19b/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. Your N e: 61A( g, 73.-/-6.73,Z Mailing Address: /9 Your property description: h A e;!t Comments: ATI (1 11 TT .4 dt. • • • • . i •• • • • • ••w •'.'.••'..•r..:• -•"•-••••• r •'•'•'•". • • •• ••'• •'•'•'.�4 .. •'•".•.'•'.',..•• .•'.' •1(0 '••::':'•:••• :-.'.'.'.: 1 .- -� i-• 1\ \/I\J\ \. 1\ /I \-" / ,:\� i'�\� /1\'• / I \J / \/i !\,....\,-,.., \/� \ \- /i\ ..\��\/i '1 \�\�\/I --\,-\ _ ilk\n.—\/1 \ i' \\ �/ I� 41 \.... \\r_.\/ I \-\ \ 4/��- /i\'"�'"\/„-lei\i\/ti\.- "\/...-•/1\,,„ �.. 7 O� i\▪ \\l /1\--\j•'\\ \ \\\%� +'�\"�\\,\/I\-\J A-.`I'• \/+\/1\�\�\;I\jI�\' \rte,,\\±\/•"'". .- \''''I -tom%;, ..k. � -.I\- I\/• I�\� 1\/~`\\r\/ \`\''\� , \- - \;.\�I. wt:Z /I— I \\—..\ --/. \/ 1 /I\(j1'\t-\(I\rr1/—\'1'l"t t :ACC :':. N. /1- J r \ \ , i 7• .. AI CP 4. K"" " Ikk h\ '` \i 11\ Q`t ��r� rrr=i'*TRACT: 1-\-ii\,‘,.....\,1\,‘„,,_ \ \ 1. . \!3/ �1 \J t'�t0 '1:::0..5:::::: l'�`•+-\\iv-i,,\`' og \/I\'i`\;I\mak\---\1\ �'1 J1-.it..�`' t '' \\� / I \ i r \/._ \. • _ - / i \J\.. \`._ .....r.,•:,‘4,100.. C•t t7 I 1 \/I\rl\`\'\/1\iii\1\t�I- `I i , ..0`t.:: t, 1 r t \.\ - / 110.17 \ ,,A-\ ; i ` 1?.; V.14. / ,..�t„,.- /i\ii�l\it.\i+'p� F i\\\ -\••i\ �'\j .40.4.••••••••••••••....•••• . �. 4•. •r•9i4-+-4 • • 4"171t.. r • • • • .• •.• .. ,: CAS=17 0, ZONING KE ,RESIDENTIAL SDENTIAL 1 RESIDENTIAL F RURAL RFISIDEN' BUSING INDUSTRIAL CONSERVATION PUBLIC USE LAND WATERSHED • LOT, 2+3 ELK 119-121 Murphy1 KIyLAI (Erin GerriY Way s . ,lid �:':7.:::::'.: t �\ • t I _ ot% V ,d ITEM VI -H aachalocese of anchomGe 225 Conbova Stueet, Buil inc, a • anchoRac,e, Alaska 99501 • 907/258-7898 April 10, 1987 Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615 Dear Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission: EIVE! APR 111 198/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT - The Corporation of the Archdiocese of Anchorage owns substantial property adjacent to and in close proximity of Lots '2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision, which are subject to case 87-017 being heard before the Commission on April 15, 1987. We strongly object to and oppose any consideration of granting a variance from Sec. 17.36.060(A) which would permit the expansion of uses of the above described property to include the boarding of animals (a kennel). In our opinion this type of use is contrary to the intents of the R3--Multi-family Residential Zoning District, and further the permitting of such uses would pose hardships, present nuisance factors, and depreciate adjacent property values. Please consider' this. letter as our objection to the granting of a variance in case 87-017. Sincerely, Michael J. Meehan Director of Planning and Development KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARIL-LEJT 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -H PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The meeting will begin at 70 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to he'ascomments, if any, on the following request: CASE287-017.':Requesttv a variance from Section 17236.060(A) (NonconformfW Uses, of Land) of the Borough Codeto permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals _-(a kenncl) in-a—in--Multifamily Residential -Zoning -District. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) HHECEIVIED APR 13 i9bi COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please cakl us at 486-5736, extension 255. Your Name: Mrs. Henry Meunier Mailing Address:P.O. Box '2732:Kodiak Your property description: Lot 3, Blk 3 Killary Hills Comments: 1 do not want a Boarding Kennel in my neighboiTiood. I do not like the traffic and the noise of the Pet 'shop andI certainly do not wish to add to it. The Pet shoo has A Te,kock whoe crying is most distressing. Tt qm-Inriq q if a chlld is lost and crying in the woods surrounding Killary Hills. , There is always a lot of traffic going and comming frM the pet shop and of course there are Sea Land vans and trucks. The Pet shop has, an alful lot coif gargage, boxes and trash which over flow the dumpster on the corner and make quite a mess,: as they never flatten boxes or cartons when they get a new shippment. This creates a Very unsightly mess and distracts from the neighboThbod. 4 \ i 4tk,4 . 4 iR,1Llpe.44tpce :► 421.-,740141111:4:44P,41110.4,, 11+11•,1+11+•1..410,4110.4111110:44410.1 it 40.: IP'a!'+ r+rfr i411t.....-rili • « \ \ \\ \r\\ l\ / / / / r / 1\--/\---,/\"-.:\--, \--./\ /�.f\\/,- /_- /_ /\1 / L- ,.a. -.�\ may. , r.- `Y l,f\\/.\\/ / .� r .. \ / •-• • •.. ....••••••••• •f •••.••.••.••.••,••••.••••.••.••.•/.6 ••••••••••.• • •'•'••::.'.•.•.'.' .'..'.'.'.'.•.••.•••'• * .4 - 41.•••••••••••••••.0.1..0.... : .{ .*• •...* • . • •r .•.•.•.•.*.•••.•.*:*.•.*.•.•' •.,• • . • 2. C : sten °d 39 VIEWCq LA ��a'+E 1/g L ZONING KE rig TSA l�r�.179x: . p • • • • :2. •�. �' r4ci '� •. El RESIDENTIAL 1 4:aJ . RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL * AID / / iNsJ. -.7 1 I \-- t \ ! O% - /t\ yf�\ '1\-\i 1\• \ r t .tif•' 1 i,\iv�i`�%\\ \ r\'/IA-- \'-ii\/amif\./1\.`''\....1..,‘„......-,/1\%"1�.- /\ t�'\.\/t\\rr1/ t\'1•'t\— \/4 —\; t \ .`: y\ --/i ,\\�\\\\-',1'('\O/t\�\ fi\ `frtr-''\`:+\.\\\-�I� h /{\f.i,\ y\_y%_\rt \..,,\ t y'\„./ -1/!r„.\__\"• . \\\-\{\�-1\;iry\... ,�/ „:„ ....1:,\;,,‘ .‘..._.,........ ...-‘,._,.,...._,...,, ..,‘,,,. / 1 c yr\�+\ii���. ft\\\ -1,,-/ �-'cif"t\�\' \ /t\" •14. 1:‘ \-/1•\.:..‘......%/il.." /i\,. r\:_\ I \\ ff\.-..\ \'"2,,4 -j1.y\ f i/i\ �\�-\/i ..'•`r `_\/ -f i\ /1‘. r.... \\ —\� 1 \ ; \.' ,✓)?� MFt \f�\ ��,li"\/ 13\_41,0,141107RAfi . /+ !.\.. .:A.5:::::: \ \ -t om y \� I -''4 -� / 1 \..ice \ ` � ‘..1.,..‘,.."..... '4 Si, \ .. \ \” '4r y . .. . 1,....‘‘,....- -\(1if..�at�-\�1�V\-t\ft\'\�Xd/.\�i��.,.-\/i\"\,-* it\ -/ 1 \r,.)f \_ /\ \\\.y`/I \/.`i�_\�7;y : I .\ f C071r‘„,..-/I\T'1_fl\rri\r'\.rlrt' '1\.r\\\•.411/1\`;\/1\1\,./i\^i�,i -. / RURAL ADEN .h . �, . I BU,SIN • 414`V.`1. '.®. INDUSTRIAL 4:::..:•• • •..•. CONSERVATION • 44 44 ♦ . • •• • • . 0 00'. J\: CA"- E 87`017 -�.... LOTS 3 $LK 119-121 1 KII (Erin GenuWay rin) R'-'500* --- .,... PU&IC USE LAND WATERSHED r ry 0001 C t py / %—/ --,% i / TEM VI -H (Continued) When my late husband Henry and Ideceided to build a house in Kodiak, we looked long and hard for a lot in a residental area. We had lived in other areas.thathad homes and business. We wanted part of that kind of a Jiving situation when we built our own how, therefdr::: we bought in an R-2 area. I do not want a boarding kennel and I didnot want the Pet Store, Feed Store. Let them move outside the city limits. Sincerely yours, Sarah L. Meunier KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VLH PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to hear comments,'If any, on the following request: CASE 87-017. Request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) (Nonconformi4 Uses of Land) of the Borough Code.;to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be- expanded to include the boarding of animals - (a kennel) -in-a D1 ?it Loig-2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) APR 14987 commuoary DEVELOPMENT DEPT. If you do not wish to testify verbally; you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. Your Name: LaQuita Yatsik Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 13, Kodiak, Ak. 99615 Your property description: Block 3 Lot 1 Killarney Hills Subdivision;210 Murphy Way Comments: The request for a boarding kennel in the R3 District of Killarney Hills is not in the best interest of the area. A kennel would be a source of noise, bad smell and add more traffic to the area. I oppose the idea. I had thought only one lot was grandfathered -in for commercial , Curle had bouht the other lot later. Sincerely yours, LaQuita Yatsik W Ic °C e Y J CD t+ Q Q O y Q N '� r, 8- Z 44 A: 14 o 4gt in 41 h a 3 El 0 • •(V •• • • . . • • � • •.' 14 • • • • • •. • 4 • • • O • • • • • . F • ,t4: 1111 11144 *• ♦• iVk 7�ii. _.� .. ••.t• •• • W!••IV"• • 4 • •• • • QNtt1$1 • • • • • •.ter •, ••••••••••••.•:••'•••• •••• ••••••••••••••••.'.'.'•'''••� • ••••••••••••••• •r•'•• •••••••••• •''•• •.•• •.i •••• •••••4.•••. .''•'•' •'•'•r• ' .• •11.•• ••• •• •• •• •• ••' 14'•i\ •.••... .•.•••.••••• ••'•'•'• '. 4•.' •• ••••,•,•••11.14•, ..•.,. ••'• .•; .• .•.......•••••••.'.•••11••• .11• ••.•.• . • . .• • • . • • ►14• -I \+ \- / — I \ / i 1 \ /\r\ \1/\ .� r \/ ..\\�/R" \r /—i\.r _ p \ _J \f%\ /1 /'\ i \-1 .•\\•:-�I \ / r \ /\ •s•v ...,.1111 \\/ /k -I /.. 1‘,.....,\\ \ / . \ 1 \ \ \ f — 1 \ / \i'rr•... •••••.�•/\.�1 \,1111.,,\;,/,..._-Tri::: c c„••••.... \� \-f1 // \_`�! \ 11.• \_/1111\\/\�.I\i..\/e ••' ..1:1/\-1 ''-1\/.\ 1\/\/-i •\/\tel\�\�\\/...1‘,/,,, — \/\/a. .\\/—i\/..\.rj\ j'—i \/.\\/—.t\/. i /—i\/..\\/— w A Y -1\!�/\-1 -.1 \.. .� 1 \ r\i \.\ , \ / \ \ / — I \ r .. . \ I/'... 1 \ ,. ... \� 1/\. i\.�.-\\r —1i/1 \ I \ r \ / �t \\\\1/\ r\ _/ • •j \/--) \N\/t—I\r\r.\\Ips I\rl\/\— ti\ —1‘..-.....1\/-1\3r....‘—I \.i .-.*\/ \/_i /\./ 1�'''\\/ •/i \/\�\.\1\. \...i\/\;;fT\I/\_I\-\, "i\/\.0"f \%.\\I\ \\/^1\ I\ / i\\f �i\'`'\\/-`i_�ry-\1�t! \i/%\/ 1 \�1\'SSS\,\/ik%\.r\\i. \/-I \.1.. \/\..I"i\.:\—i. / \— \\/ —I \ r\ \_ \/ —I% \/\-1\/ \1\y l\/.�� /\r\\j\/ .\/—IMgi.\ /./—1 , \/\/\ 1\/.\\�'//-i\i. i\/.\\/_i\,, 1‘,,\\,.,,\.,.\,\-1-‘\/-1 /\'/\\ `—t'L..,i..r \/i\\j\-I'\,\\i/\.•i t /\r\\% / /\ .1.01,447,1/\_ _ i,-."1 /. •. -.\,.\ / .....1 \ / \ r\\/ vr \ •.\ .i r r .\�/f/\1 /\ \/ . /a♦-...\ir ~ �r •rio -- - i x.7" TJN C PENG i 7/ AND New FENCES 07'El - OUTS/be cove RETE PR EHCh Pell/ %S flppRox. y Fr. x /bA-r. 93 oT5 - INSI1 e PONS ArPRox. 4F -r. /OFT, NOTE' 3 STACKABLE PENS efich 4ppRox. p F7 )( FT. 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" ZONING::KEY • RESIDEN7',AL:- ' REStDEtV - 4 ' R - `Rv At RLs►d1 NtiA 6USINESS. .4yOUSTRlAL? CONSERVATIO . S, I \r �.•,/\\ /.1`.. .....:::: 1I9-I2'�' M LLARI\EY (Erin�,Gerrin hY Way KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTriziar 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -H PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning —Commission, to hear comments,:.11 any, on the following request: CASE 87-017 Request for a varianci:Srom Section 17.36,A60(A) (INOnconform4g L,Uses of Land) of the Borough Code.0 permit an existing nonconforming land,* .-Aa pet shop and feed store) to- be expanded to include the boarding of animal's ___Ja•___kennel)in_a___13Multifamily Residential -Zoning DistrIct:--Lbts- Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) etECEiViiiD MAR 3 i curvwumi DEVELOPMENT DEPT. HECEIVhD MAR 311987 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. Your Name: Mailing Address: Rope- te.ralic Your property description: //a- oft(cikpfrel Comments: . . • . ..... I ••• 1.• /\\*".•••••.,_ ••••)••• I*- ••• •••••• • \\•••• ./‘10- /\‘•••• / •••• ,••• I \••• ,‘ I- ‚— / \ \\.•• — /\\•••••"•*1.- 1.—/ ••\1"-,\‘'',1‘ /\ *'‘,I ‘...°.%1.-./\‘..."..\1.'•/ v.*/ \ 1•••- / \\/,.. \i... /\\.•••• ,..,\ I 1—/ \\•••••••••*\1.—/\\// \ I— /\\.**/ .„..\ 1.--/\‘........\ 1 /\... -- /\\•••-•••" / —/\ ./\1-- •••••••••\1'7/\*". /\\ I-'*/ \ \ / /‘ ., \ 1 ,,‘ i •.„, — / \‘'','"\I""/\ ••'••'‘I.-- •••NI—,/\\fX\ I / \ ‘....... \ I— I / ‘ 1 •••- / \ \ •••• / \ 1••••• \ \ / / ‘ I • \ ..••• / \ 1 ... / • 1 „,.. .o.. \ 1 / \ \ .... ‘ \ ..- / -- .- ,- \ — 1 —. • „ ,,,„.. \ 1 _ — / \ -.. - \--V -'---"''--" I—/\\••*/ \ I—/\ I — 1 •'' \ I — / \ar- / ‘ I — /... / \ I — \ \ .- / \ I -0- ./ \ \ •-• / / \N"''''•‘ I • / \\,•/4--/\A —/\NoN/NI/•'- 1,..-/,1--/\\--"‘I \ ••••• •••••• / \‘.....„.•‘1..../•0„,...,,i, / fr‘1\ ic./\\••-•.`"1 — / \ -- ....\ /4\ I—, \ \... „„..\ 3 /•--ig--‘/•,,,\ \ 3—, •., \ •_‘ 1 .... 1 • ‘ \--...01—/•‘,....\ —/•\---- \I— /•\--..-‘ ‘ 3— 4\\ *‘3"-/\‘ ‘.„ , \ —/\\----‘ I— _,•\, „\1_,,•\..„ „„‘1_,,,,,\_ /• \-- ..- \i—/•,,,..„\ •/-„, \-•••••\ I—, \\.•••• N I — 1 \ ,••• --• -- ._\ i — f • \ •••- ,\ 1 • \ / / \ i .... / \ \ I... / \ ‘ e' \ 1- -,/....1—. 1.V» ‘..- \ \ 1--\ //‘11 --/\\***/*‘1.—/\ // -•••t ••••'/.. ••••• / •'" A — \\ ;4\1/ /\ . /\ \ /\ .... /\\/ ......... 3 ?\r--\;,\--.:;\ .. .................. .......... ........ .. .. .. .. . • 0 • • • * .... ::0 •10 .... ..... ....... ........ .. . : : •, , ..... ... , .. ..... • ....... .to: .11. 0 •.0.10* • . • • .100 4 I it 0 0 • • •41.0.0. • • • • ...I...v.i. 0... • • • 0041•101141ft fi•••••• it • AV • • • • •„.„ •••••••• */••••••••••••• •••••••*•••-• • • • • • • Al • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.• • • • • • • • 7.y.*•`:*.*•• •••••114:.•.*. 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Request for a variance from Section 17.36.060(A) (Nonconforming Uses of Land) of the Borough Code to permit an existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) to be expanded to include the boarding of animals (a kennel) in a R3 --Multifamily Residential Zoning District. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. Dear Ms. Gerrin: Please be advised that the above -referenced request has been scheduled for review and action by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their April 15, 1987 regular meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Your attendance at this meeting is recommended. The week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, April 8, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough conference room, the Commission will hold a worksession to review the packet. material for the regular meeting. You are invited to attend this worksession in order to respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding this request. If you have any questions, please call the Community Development Department at 486-5736, extension 255. Sincerely, Patricia Miley, Se ry Community Development •epartment KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -H PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the ,Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning , - Commission, to hear comments4t,-any on the following xequftt: x-1 r„ • -t —0 - CASE 87-017. Request-forra variance rom Seddon 17:,0OW, - 60lw (Noconforgps.---1: .Uses of Land) of the Bor7c4hCbdelb permitan existing nonconforming land use (a pet shop and feed store) 63* expanded to includet4heboarding'of animals (a kennel) in a R3--MultifamilyResidentialLots 2 and 3? Block 1, Killarney Hills Subdivision; 119 through 121 Murphy Way. (Erin Gerrin) If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. Your Name: Mailing Address: Your property description: Comments: \`�\ eF r\ \ .- I� \/1 .. •v \1-/\\_.\I /\\. D \I-/\\ �\ -\ \\-- -�`�F ........\ 1 - / \ \ .- - _\ ,.-‘1,-/, 1 \ (�- / __-, Iii\\�I� \_\C - I-/\\�i\,- I-/\ ly, i\I-/\\. ..- - /l/Ii/\' ‘i• -/\\--,‘,-/\\--- ....\.,\‘-,-‘1 L\ �.-\Ij.�1-/\\-�\I\\I/\.l-/�\!�'I�j\\`1-. I\�/\\\1\\\/Xi/�\\‘ \\i\\�/1-\\1% 'I. \ I,\i\;�1. \/I\ �%I \/\ 1 -\i\ \ \ I \/I\ \ '< \ I••• / \\.,...I \I -%\\••••••••\"7-•-/\\\ t-/ \i\\ i\DO/\\moi /\\..-....\ —/\ /\\�Ii\ 1\•,/\\,,,.�1 /\\\I� "\i-/\\---- I-/\ i\ 1— / \\r �\ 1•-•‘/ \ _\- "till-MI —\i \ \--/\\--'' _ '‘1.— \ 1-\. `' \1- /1.\.. \\/...0.‘ "*/ i \/I._\/ \; i 1' \/1,-;/ \I_./\\__ i \ 1 —\/ \\•••.I— " \ _ — \ / \ .1,VM \/\ ."" 1 - _/ \--•• •i\ 1— /\\•••• -\ 1—/a...\--••••-•\1—/•‘,„....... 1— moi\ \ I—/\\.•- • \/1— /\\ i/I, \/ \ \ < \/ \I /\\il/\I-\/\\�I/\ \-K...••••\ 1— /\�\ \''\1—/\ i \ '' \j /\ 1— /\\-- \1-/\\ \ —./ \\ \11 • f. • 1 • • •(yyr.0,.,• ft. •• s • • ••••••••• _••••••••••••••••••••••.`i • r••• .•••.•••••.••••.•••••••••••. ••••�•••••••. .. ...•.........•. •D •+•• :.•..r.... .. 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BOX 3149 45KODIAK AK 99615 46 .17 48 . , 49 50 R1180010081 2H0EDELIOOUGLAS & RHODA "P.00 BOX 2932 . "KODIAK AK 99615 • . . 55 56 7 , 58 59 60 R1180010090 ' . NAGAN,JAMES A 40 P.O. BOX 2828 AK920..5 6 2 s 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Is 6 w R1180020010 KNOWLES,ADRIAN & COLLEEN P.D. BOX 3343 KODIAK AJ 99_015 _. R1180020020 HEAN,JR JULIAN & MARYL'S P.D. BOX 2813 K O QU X96,15 R1180030010 YATSIK,JAMES C LAQUITA P.D. BOX 13 KODIAK AK 99615 81180030020 ZIMMER,ARTHUR & ARLENE P.D. BOX 1582 KODIAK AK 99615 R1180030030 MEUNIER,HENRY C SARAH P.D. BOX 2732 KODIAK AK 99615 81180030040 RICHARDSON,FRANCIS & CARO P.D. BOX 2637 KODIAK AK 99615 81180030050 O'KRAFT & SON, INC P.D. BOX 1217 ILDIAX AK 99615 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 rWISCHERITHOMAS k KATHLEEN !p00. BOX 202 KDD-1AK A)996i$,-- _ . - all -20030020 'WISCHERt H .S 4 KATHLEEN 1P.0. Ba4 0 2.K,CMI ' A&_99 615 _ s 4 5 6 , R1180030080 - , . 'IDEAL CONSTRUCTION INC °P.0. BOX 1904 1KODIAKAK 99615 . 2 4 . 5 6 7 R1180030090 . 8TAYLOR2LARRY P.0. BOX BOK 4148 'KODIAK . AK 99615 . . . 2 3 6 . , 'R1180 40010 . 7BEARDSLEY2ALAN & SHARON 8P.004 BOX 29 :K0 AK 99615 . 1., . . . . , 4 R1180040011 6BEARDSLEY ALAN & HA:11N. 'P.O. BOX 361 'KODIAK- AK 99615. 9 9 0 1 • 2 • ' . , ' 4 R1180040020 „ . ,,, sLARSEN,DANE C E ALAYNE A 61117 SELIEF LANE, APT. 01 'KODIAK AK 99615 8 R1200010110 USS 3a 18 1 -1174,04,1 -5 - A -I 2435 5-oco til A'D, 12.458 Soo0 13/ _ .7 m (.o -r I P+ 2 R►�s 000 Dloo 0o1 tfS ad D D 007- 5-u4. 07- R'1l- oc>00 ool R. I I4 000o o02- �.iw�t O-; u.5 Lvr k‘ oo `o ,o10 Do \\/\„\l\`/r l.� / ,\-/\-/\-/\;-./ . /,. /r /r /r /'.—• \--/\ ./A'-`7-\'.'7 / r /r`l r i r` /r ` \ B �. ......... •.i.......... . •' 1 \� r\\;`/1 ....{.... \ ........... : :: ;\\\i` `I \„,.. -.`_ \/ I; -\/1\r\o\j1 \-•1 r\,` /1 \r",.\\—\/ p D O4 • .4....1:441, ••• •• • • • • • • •••• iyar c. to • .4 a t0 - ••••••• i•••••i•• �ii •.,•••4. 4464•+x♦ P9►q ® •. O 1.- 0,D • '\Q 000 - Ir / I \ /r\ —\/ 1 \r\� \/— :9: CASE 87- _.x;.� of � •:\••• :• RESIDENTIAL, R-3 RURAL RRSIDENTIA= BUSINESS .. 1` INDUSTRIAL, CONSERVATION PUBLIC USE LANDS 0 WATERSHED LOTS 2+3 !... � LOTS 1 KIDNEY 121 Murphy Wa •_rin Gerrie y R=S00� . • \- ....................................... \ r\ / I \'»..ter \ ' ! ............................... /I\A1/4'014.11('N' \.� /I\. �'/I r�r `-\/Ii \ RAC?r�:. i\r�,is jN'\'—\mit\ r\/� \ \\r\. it::••.... .. •... r/� /I \''\/\•�— / I.\r'r-'•l!t �`r1\rl/I\, l\—\/I\�\!\/�('I'\.i\/� \ter `�\'O •1•• ......... \ \\ / I r i\- /I \r r\ - 1 \s0 t!, rl\ r\\ \l\�\�\/ \rte\\\,r\ �: r' \♦ r �r / 1 \'\'\�-\/! \ \•` til \t ry OOflYiCr !........ \/i\rir\��\/I\,Ir\1j ��� /�\/ I�OF1it�.�- / 1 k\r/j* VO A R r.UQ i, i' ISLAND BOROUGH POST OFFICE SOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 il) ) Conditional Use Permit Exception Variance ( ) Zoning Change: From: (-1, .7)(0 To: CODE ' SECTION INVOLVED: • `3 to , NOTE: The application fee for all Stems covered by this form is $50. Conditional Use Permits, Exceptions, and Variance Applications also require the submission of a site plan. APPLICANT: PROPERTY: ll Name Mowed k.) Address ' City, State, Zip Lot ( Home Telephone Work Telephone S,lok Block Subdivision Name United States Survey 4 Section, Township, Range,.S.M. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: &Jo-1. \0� %tv..4,,, c C-` v q__s-1--0-(c._ 4 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: C3 -d r 43. ,0, ,p,s ` I have been advised of the procedur.2s irY:ci -ed with this request and have received a copy of the appropriate recu:at:ens, Authcrized Agent Daze e Appi icat on Accepted,: -3 -Zfl -I1 3Y: Al AL Prpperty Owner Date It RECEIVED FROM CASH RECEIPT Kodiak Island Borough 710 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340 PHONE (907) 486-5736 DATE e) 10462 19 -000- i0i - 10-00 CASH ``r''"1" 1 I 010 - 000 - 105 - 01 - 00 PROPERTY TAX, REAL " ,r1 -�Ai, 010 - 000 - 105 - 06 - 00 PROPERTY TAX, PERSONAL ` ,t5�e"01/44 } t 010 -000 - 111 - 61 - 00 PROPERTY TAX, LIENS .,'' �; . 1 I 010 - 000 - 107 - - 00 PERSONAL TAX, LIENSRw JISFii ,vi 1 1 040 - 000 - 371 - 11 - 00 LAND SALE, PRINCIPAL } i'E'^' `c• , T N 1 1 040 - 000 - 371 - 12 - 00 LAND SALE, INTEREST Mf:.1'?',5yfi I+ 1)' 1"',4'4 1 1 051 - 000 - 115 - 00 - 00 WATER 052 - 000 - 115 - 00 - 00 SEWER .1f1•i' �J 010 - 000 - 319 - 10 - 00 PENALTIES, INTEREST I I PER ATTACHED S. w K�Frt, a 1 ^, ) AL r_,cc'-- .� 2--14 -CC fin• L..`.'o k tk.t 1., ti_c. t '4, ,,>lsr z . . 1 f : : ;., I 1 CONDITIONS OF CHECK PAYMENTS PAYMENTS TENDERED BY CHECK FOR TOTAL OBLIGATIONS DUE TO 1 1 F"�T^` 1 `-- J c THE BOROUGH ARE SATISFIED ONLY UPON THE CHECK BEING HONORED. RETURNED CHECKS FOR ANY REASON RESTORES THE OBLIGATION AS UNPAID AND SUBJECTS THE PAYER TO ANY CHARGES, FEES OR OTHER LEGAL LIABILITIES AS MAY BE APPLICABLE. CASHIER ©s PAYOR PAYMENT MADE BY: Q CHECK NO. r. CASH i` OTHER FMO8-511815