KILLARNEY HILLS TR R-2 - ZCPMaster PIan - Process Outline for P&Z Discussion Tract R-2 Killarney Hilis Subdivsion Purpose On January 21, 2015, the P&Z Commission passed a motion to initiate a master planning process for Killarney Hills Subdivision Tract R'2. This motion followed P&Z approval of a preliminary plat for six lots out of a proposed nine lot subdivision for a future Borough land disposal. The main reason for this motion was to develop an overall and long term plan for this acreage rather than continue to react to individual land disposal and subdivision requests. A suggested outline for this work is shown below. Background In 2013, the Borough Assembly authorized disposal of an area for 4 residential lotsabutting Woody Way Loop. These lots were platted via Plat 2013-14. In 2013, the lots were initially considered for disposal at a Borough Lancl Sale No, 18, but were subsequently withdrawn. The primary reasons for removing the lots from the sale were: 1) the Assembly expressed a preference to dispose of individual lots rather than disposal of the 4 Iots as a single block, and 2) questions about extending sewer lines to serve the lots. In September2014, the Assembly authorized disposal of a larger area, which would accommodate up to 9 lots. P&Z reviewed a preliminary plat for 9 lots and reduced the approval to 6 lots, eliminating the lots at the corner of Woody Way Loop and Rezanof Drive. The six lots approved were basically the four previously approvecl disposal lotsreconfigured to slightly smaller sizes, with additiorial land to the east to accommodate 2 more lots. This would more efficiently allocate the costs of required infrastructure (municipal water and sewer) improvements prior to sale. History.ofpuruboue The Borough authorized staff to investigate acquisition of a suitable site in September 1985 (Resolution No. 85-82-R) for the purpose of siting and constructing a new hospital facility as the existing facility was deemed dated and inadequate for the community's needs. Three alternative sites were identified as candidates in the following order of preference; 1) Kadiak Alaska Subdivision First Addition, 2) University ofAlaska Property, and 3) Tract R-1 Killarney Hilis Subdivisian. The Borough authorized acquisition (purchase) of Tract R-1 Killarney Hilis Subdivision «forthe purpose of construction of a new hospital" in July 1986 (Resolution No. as the two more preferred sites were deemed "not available". The negotiated purchase price was $495,000.00. Resolution No. 87-43-R (August, 1987) directed staff to advertise bids for the completion of site work leading towards the construction and completion of a new hospital facility. The resolution acknowledged the State of Alaska contributed $416,900.00 towards preliminary site work and design efforts. The subsequent clearing, fill, and surface finish present today are the results of these expenditures. The record available today is not clear on the financial responsibility of the Borough with respect to the State's dollar contribution. This site was not used for the intended purpose and languished underutilized for many years. By 1995 the site began to be used for recreational purposes and these activities and site improvements have grown over time. The current use of two sports fields was authorized by a 2009 joint use agreement between the Borough, City, and School District. To dateabout $911,900.00 of local tax dollars have been invested — excluding foregone interestor other investment opportunity calculations. Past plans for this site Past development plans for this site included private development of a mobile home park, private development of residential lots, a potential public hospital site, and a potential public school site. One subdivision plan received Planning and Zoning Commission preliminary approval for the development of 87 residential Iots(Case No. 126-E, May 28, 1969). This plan (attached) is riotable because it depicts the proposed development of residential lotto the east and south of the present day Iocation of Woody Way Loop. This subdivision was not finalized and everitualiy orily Iots abutting Woody Way Loop arid Murphy Way were platted. Site characteristics o Size The parcel as currently configured is 16.39 acres. Aliowing for the revised preliminary plat the net area ofthe tract for discussion purposes would be ± 16.26 acres. • Zoning The current zoning is R-2, Two-family residential. The maximum potential density under R2Two-family Residential zoning is 98 Iots(16.26 acres / 7,200 sqft). Assuming 1/3 for roads, etc., and removing ± 3.3 acres of wetlands, up to 52 lots may be possible. w Topography Thesite is relatively flat for Kodiak witthe overall siope from west to east,towards Rezanof DriveThe southeast corner of the site (abutting the church) is higher than the area to theh l site grading would be necessary for most any type of development, when compared to most other sites in arid around Kodiak. Some rockwork may be involved, particularlyfortrenching utility lines. t is our understanding that past site work for the hospital did involve substantial rock removal. • Access The site is bounded by Woody Way Loop and Rezanof Drivewith the Murphy Way ROW ending at the west boundary of the parcel. Utilities Municipal water and sewer mains are accessible at the periphery of the tract, and KEA electrical service is already provided to the tract. * Wetlands Wetlands exist along the wesside of the sitenear Murphy Way. These wetlands have riot been formally delineated. In 1985 one professional reviewer did not believe the wetlands represented a substantive impediment to development (see letter dated January 23, 1985, to the Archdiocese from Leeiames and Associates). Regulations of impacts to wetiands are much more closely regulated today than in 1980s. Impacts to wetlands at this time may involve permits from the USCOE. Existing uses The parcel has interim uses ofsports fiekis and undeveloped areas. The existing fields have been deveioped and improved through the years, The City of Kodiak Parks and Recreation Department maintains the fields. In 2009the Borough, CityancJ Schooi District executed a joint use and operation agreement for a number of Borough, City, and District facilities "for the benefit of Kodiak's youth and citizens." This agreement includes the two fieids at Woody Way (± 2.55 acres). The agreement ended on June 30 2012. It does not appear that zoning compliance was ever issued for the use of the site for recreational bali fields, although the Borough did issue a zoning compliance permit for the completion of "score / gear storogeyhads—xxhichmayindudethecomp|etionofasnuckshock"(ZnningComp|iancePermitNo. CZ96023 issued on 5/16/1996). • Surrounding uses Singie- family detached residences,interspersed with attached townhomesabut the tract on the wes and south sides, with one religious facility occupying a large lot to the south. The Planning and Zoning Commission recently approved platting of 6 residential lots (zoned R2 -Two-family Residential) along Woody Way Loop for disposal at a future land sale. East Rezanof Drive abuts the entire easterly boundary of the tract. Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Designation for this site is Urban Residential. "This designation aliows for a variety of urban level residential uses. It isgenerally applied within incorporated cities and would allow for a mix of single-family and other types of housing including those allowed in the R1, R2, R3 and SRO zones." If this site were to be dedicated for public recreational uses, the more appropriate Future Land Use Designation would be Open Space. "This clesignation 15 intended for park, recreation and open space areas and is implemented at the zoning level by the wildlife and natural use zones." Development of any portion of this tract for non-residential uses would require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Designation, most likely to Commercial. "This designation is intended for commercial uses allowed in the Borough's Retail Business, Business and Urban Neighborhood Commercial Zones, which include a variety of retail and other business uses." If the comprehensive plan amendment was adopted, a subsequent rezone would be required for those portions of the tract so designated. Standards for recreational facilities Standard designs for recreational facilities are presented in a myriad of formats,developed by an unending array of interests. Site development requirements (size of dedicated land area) are typically dependent upon the type of activityIn mostjurisdictions the suggested numbers and types of recreational facilities are expressed as numbers based on population (e.g., 1 neighborhood park 1 acre insize per 1OOOpeople, 1Little League field per S,UOOpeople, etc.). A short synopsis to guide development is presented in the exhibit "Recreation Standards" compiled by the National Recreation and Park Association. Alternative site for recreational facilities or City Staff is currently working on a project to identify and quantify alternative sites suitable for the replacement of recreational amenities, should the Borough ultimately decide to use this tract for other uses. Attached Exhibits Three exhibits are attached to this report: • Aoaerial labeled Template" illustrating possible development opportunities; • Anaerio||abe|ad"Not'|VVet|ands|nven1onynferencinBhistohuaUyidenti8edaneasofpossib|e concern — although it should be noted that almost all such identified areas have already been encroached upon by development; • A copy of a subdivision plat which had previously received preliminary approval from the Commission (Case No. 126-E, 1969) showing the proposed platting of interior residential lotson the tract of interest. Area available for development U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Invento Tract R-2 Killarney Hills Wetlands User Remarks: Latest data update 10/06/14 This map is for general reference only. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is not responsible for the accuracy or currentness of the base data shown on thls map. All wetlands related data should be used in accordance with the layer metadata found on the Wetlands Mapper web site. Mar 6, 2015 Freshwater Emergent. Freshwater Forested/Shrub Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Freshwater Pond Lake Riverine 111 Other MaY TE,ST Halt DATA —LEGEND 55wita tONIG waTeli Likt, ~O. Galt ltatAlt, 4 rtYptt.,...41' O4S'. C,544.10137 irr 1S171410 LIN11:1.c..RY DRAFT °I al LOTS — bIKK 1,?..) 40. T. )... t .... , / ‘._. 1 ..... X ' .1...- \ ,,,,- ,„,. \ i .‘, 3, _1_ I •r. 1_1_1 1_ '1__ 5555.'1515N 4 \ 5-11.011r1;›Ak WO, 5 KILLARNEY fitt15. GUM) ElDti .44.41.111k.a1406,411, 1.+1,41, "4""^,,,,,,.. • -44 r0,t'ilnrarrtrX:'iVrZt'arr,trtaa.iraf.rat.aa4a.Ita' j Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department 710 Mill Bay Rd. Rm 205 Kodiak AK 99615 Ph. (907) 486 - 9362 Fax (907) 486 - 9396 http://www.kodiakak.us Zoning Compliance Permit Print Form Iu IIIOIII Submit by Email 11111111111111111 R1452150010 Permit No. CZ2011-053 Property Owner / Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Other Contact email, etc.: Legal Description: Street Address: The following information is to be supplied by the Applicant: Kodiak Island Borough/Kodiak Football League 710 Mill Bay Rd., Kodiak, AK. 99615 907-486-9360 Tract R-1 A, Killarney Hills Subd 3235 Rezanof Drive East Use & Size of Existing Structures: Football fields/baseball fields/Multi use field Description of Proposed Action: Placement of a trailer to be used for snack shack and warming facility for referees. This is a temporary use from the date of issuance until April 14, 2013 or until the expiration of the Facility Use Agreement, whichever comes first. In the event of permit expiration as mentioned herein, the trailer will be removed from the site within 30 days of permit expiration. Site Plan to include: Lot boundaries and existing easements, existing buildings, proposed location of new construction, access points, and vehicular parking areas. Staff Compliance Review: ZONING: R-2 PACS No. 81452150010 Lot Area: n/a Lot Width: Not Applicable Bld'g Height: 25 feet Front Yard: Not Applicable Rear Yard: Not Applicable Side Yard: Not Applicable Prk'g Plan Rvw? Not Applicable # of Req'd Spaces: Plat / Subdivision Requirements? Does the project involve an EPA defined facility? N/A If YES, do you have an EPA Return Receipt of Notification? "Permit will not be issued until receipt is submitted to KIB" N/A Coastal Policy Other Subd Case No. Driveway Permit? Septic Plan Approval: Fire Marshall: NA Consistent? Yes Attachment? No Plat No. Bld'g Permit No. NA NA Applicant Certification: I hereby certify that l will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that 1 have the authority to certify this as the property owner, or as a representative of the property owner. I agree to have identifiable corner markers in place for verification of building setback (yard) require en s. Attachments? Site Plan Date: Apr 14, 2011 List Other: Richard H. Walker, Kodiak Football League Signature: Rick Gifford, Kodiak d Boroug Manager This permit is only for the proposed project as described by the applicant. If there are any changes to the proposed project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or operation, contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. ** EXPIRATION: A zoning compliance permit will become null and void if the building or use authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance, or if the building construction or use is abandoned at any time, after the work is commenced, for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit must first be obtained. (Sec. 106.4.4 Expiration. 1997 UBC) per KIBC 17.03.060. ** CDD Staff Certification Date: Apr 14, 2011 CDD Staff: Duane Dvorak Payment Verification Zoning Compliance Permit Fee Payable in Cashier's Office Room # 104 Fee Schedule Less than 1.75 acres $30.00 Construction Disposal Deposit Payable in Cashier's Office Room # 104 OWFee Schedule I� •t Applicable $0 PAI . APR 14 201 vr� Kodiak I oIand Borough Finance Dipartment Robert Scholze From: Robert Scholze Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:09 PM To: ' nwa/xer@oenn Cc: Rick Gifford; Bud Cassidy; sclmathers@city.kodiak.ak.usi; Duane Dvorak Subject: KFL snack shacTr. R -1A, Killarney Hills Subd(3235 Rezanof Dr. East) Richard Walker, Vice President Kodiak Football League March 31, 2011 Rich: The manager has asked that 1 respond to the Kodiak Footbali League's requestdated March 14,2O11toallow the snack shack placed on Tract R -1A by a 2 -month temporary permit last fall in support of the interim use of this Borough -owned property for recreational bali fields to remain. After speaking with both departments, it appears that the zoning compliance permit and building permit can be reissued for a longer term use, subject to building code tie -down requirements, and that the snack shack can continue to support the bali field as an accessory use. I would suggest that new permits be for a one or two year period (depending on term of applicable insurance coverage), rather than a 2 -month period, with the understanding that the shack could be required to be removed at any time upon notice by the property owner. A new Facility Use Agreement wouid have to be signed with accompanying insurance requirements in place for that period. When you provide the Manager's office with those permits for signature along with a copy of the current insurance policy, the permits can be issued and a new Agreement signed. KFL's timely response to the notice dated Feb. 25, 2011 and the deadline contained therein is appreciated. If I can be of further assistance, or you have other questions, please let me know. Bob Scholze, Resource Management Officer Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department 710 Mill Bay Rd. Rm 205 Kodiak AK 99615 Ph. (907) 486 - 9362 Fax (907) 486 - 9396 http://www.kodiakak.us Zoning Compliance Permit Print Form 1 1 1 111 111 11 Subm t by Email 11 R1452150010 Permit No. CZ2011-016 11 1 Property Owner / Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Other Contact email, etc.: Legal Description: Street Address: The following information is to be supplied by the Applicant: Kodiak Island Borough 710 Mill Bay Rd., Kodiak, AK. 99615 486-9360 Tract R -1A, Killarney Hills Subd 3235 Rezanof Drive East • Use & Size pf"Existing•Structures: Foothall_fields/baseball•fields/Multi use field Description of Proposed Action: Placement of a trailer to be used for snack shack and warming facilities for referees This is a temporary use for the 2010 football season only. Trailer will be removed from the site by October 25, 2010. Future use of the site for temporary or permanent use will require submittal of a request to the Kodiak Island Borough in a timely manner. Site Plan to include: Lot boundaries and existing easements, existing buildings, proposed location of new construction, access points, and vehicular parking areas. Staff Compliance Review: ZONING: R-2 Prop...JD R1452150010 Lot Area: n/a Lot Width: Not Applicable BId'g Height: 25 Front Yard: Not Applicable Rear Yard: Not Applicable. Side Yard: Not Applicable Prk'g Plan Rvw? Not Applicable # of Req'd Spaces: Plat / Subdivision Requirements? Does the project involve an EPA defined facility? N/A qiu - If YES, do you have an EPA Return Receipt of Notification? "Permit will not be issued until receipt is submitted to KIB" N/A Coastal Policy Other Subd Case No. Driveway Permit? Septic Plan Approval: Fire Marshall: Consistent? Yes Attachment? Yes Plat No. Bldg Permit No. Applicant Certification: 1 hereby certify that I will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as the property owner, or as a representative of the property owner. I agree to have identifiable corner markers in place for verification of building setback (yard) requirements. Attachments? Site Plan List Other: Date: Aug 24, 2010 vP Zodr i 597V24//-/-6' fC/A YV Vim, This permit is only for the proposed project as described by the applicant. If there are any changes to the proposed project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or operation, contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. ** EXPIRATION: A zoning compliance permit will become null and void if the building or use authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance, or if the building construction or use is abandoned at any time, after the work is commenced, for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit must first be obtained. (Sec. 106.4.4 Expiration. 7997 UBC) per KIBC 17.03.060.** CDD Staff Certification Date: Aug 24, 2010 CDD Staff: Bud Cassidy ,S( Payment Verification Zoning Compliance Permit Fee Payable in Cashier's Office Room # 104 Fee Schedule Less than 1.75 a 6 Construction Disposal Deposit Payable in Cashier's Office Room # 104 Fee Schedule AUG Kodiak Is r-inance Depao 1en KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH FACILITY USE AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INDEMNIFY/HOLDHARMLESS AGREEMENT To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Kodiak Football League (KFL), hereinafter referred to as Facility User, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Kodiak Island Borough, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and volunteers against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, lawsuits, or losses, including costs and attorney fees incurred in defense thereof, arising out of or in any way connected or associated with the use of a Snack Shack/Warm-up Trailer (a converted 10 ft. wide x 32 ft. long mobile office unit) to be placed on Tract R -1A, Killarney Hills Subdivision (3235 Rezanof Dr. East) from August 25, 2010 until October 25, 2010 in support of the temporary use of that property as a football field. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Facility User shall not commence with use of the facility on Borough property until the user has obtained the insurance required under this agreement. All coverage shall be with insurance carriers licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Alaska. All coverage shall be with carriers acceptable to the Kodiak Island Borough. 1) General Liability Insurance: The Facility User shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, General Liability Insurance on an "occurrence basis" with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit, personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. 2) Vehicle Liability Insurance: The Facility User shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, including applicable uninsured/underinsured coverages, with limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non -owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles. 3) Workers Compensation Insurance: The Facility User shall procure and maintain during the life of this agreement, WorkersCompensation Insurance, including Employers' Liability Coverage, in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State of Alaska. Additional Insured: General liability insurance and vehicle liability insurance, as described above, shall include an endorsement stating the following shall be Additional Insured: The KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Facility Use Agreement And Insurance Requirements Page 2 Kodiak Island Borough, its elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and board members, including employees and volunteers thereof. 4) Cancellation Notice: General liability insurance and vehicle liability insurance, as described above, shall include an endorsement stating the following: "Thirty (30) days advance written notice of cancellation, non -renewal, reduction and/or material change shall be sent to: Kodiak Island Borough, 710 Mill Bay Rd, Kodiak, AK 99615. 5) Proof of Insurance Coverage: The Facility User shall provide to the Kodiak Island Borough, at the time the agreement is presented to them for execution, applicable Certificates of Insurance and/or policies, acceptable to the Kodiak Island Borough, as listed below: a. Certificate of Insurance for General Liability Insurance b. Certificate of Insurance for Vehicle Liability Insurance c. Certificate of Insurance for Workers Compensation Insurance 7) Waiver of Subrogation: To the extent permitted by law, the Facility User hereby releases the Kodiak Island Borough, it elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers and others working on behalf of the Kodiak Island Borough from any and all liability or responsibility to the Facility User or anyone claiming through or under the Agreement by way of subrogation or otherwise, for any loss or damage to property caused by fire or any other casualty, even if such fire or other casualty shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of the Kodiak Island Borough, its elected or appointed officials, employees or volunteers or others working on behalf of the Kodiak Island Borough. This provision shall be applicable and in full force and effect only with respect to loss or damage occurring during the time of the Facility User's occupancy or use, and the Facility User's policies of insurance shall contain a clause or endorsement to the effect that such release shall not adversely affect or impair such policies or prejudice the right of the Facility User to recover thereunder. The Facility User agrees that its policies will include such a clause or endorsement. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations, including building and zoning permits, applicable requirements of the Alaska Depaitment of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) addressing health and sanitation, and applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pertaining to the use of the facility. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Facility Use Agreement And Insurance Requirements Page 3 I certify to the best of my knowledge that all required and otherwise important information is explained herein and is in accordance with the requirements of the "Facility Use Agreement". SIGNED: TITLE:VP. 16Cif4k &64/0.4/1-jiee (KFL) MANAGER: Lc -t7( cz KODIAK ISLAND BOROU ATTESTED: (Th DATE: X-OL26 -12201 ACORD�,, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D/YYYY) DATE (8MMIDMM1D D THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pol,ey(les) must be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the teens and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Summit America Insurance Services, L.C. 7400 College Blvd., Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 CONTACT NAME: PHONE N . Ext): AX (913)327-0200 (A No (913)327-0201 ADDRESS: CER CUSTOMER ID fl: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 8 INSURED Kodiak Football League P.O. Box 973 Kodiak, AK 99615 A Member of the Sports, Leisure & Entertainment RPG INSURER A: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 23787 INSURER B: 6B -RPG -47970 INSURER C: 12:01 AM 8/19/2011 INSURER D: $ 1,000,000 INSURER E: $ 300,000 INSURER F: CLAIMS -MADE X COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD IND CATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE NSR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MPIOIDDYIYYYY) (MMIDEFF DIYYYY) LIMITS A GENERALUABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY OCCUR 6B -RPG -47970 12:01 AM 8/19/2010 12:01 AM 8/19/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE T{Eaoccurrence) RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 300,000 CLAIMS -MADE X MED EXP (Any ane person) $ 5,000 GEN'L 7POUCY PERSONAL BADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 3,000,000 AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 1,000,000 PROJECT LOC PROFESSIONAL UABIUTY $ 1,000,000 • LEGAL LIABToPAR11CIPANTS $ 1,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE _ — X X LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS Not provided while In Hawaii 6B -RPG -47970 12'01 AM 8/19/2010 12:01 AM 8/19/2011 COMBINED SINGLE UMIT (Ea Acddent) $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) pROPFRTYDAENAGE (Per accident X UMBRELLA I LAB EXCESS LIAB DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' UABUTY ANY PROPRIETORSHIP/PARTNER/ EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? fMandatoryln NH) fes, desa 'e under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS Y/ N NIA WC STATU-OTHER TORY LIMITS EL EACH ACCIDENT below EL DISEASE—EA EMPLOYEE E.L DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT A MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR PARTICIPANTS 6B -RPG -47970 12:01 AM 8/19/2010 12:01 AM 8/19/2011 PRIMARY MEDICAL NC EXCESS MEDICAL $ 25,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS f LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If mo e apace Is required) Sport(s): Tackle Football (Ages 12 & Under) (13-15) (16-19); Umpires The certificate holder is added as an additional Insured, but only with respect to the liability arising out of the operations of the insured named above. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Kodiak Island Borough 9 (Owner/Lessor of Premises) 710 Upper Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE C. Coverage is only extended to U.S. events and activities. "NOTICE TO TEXAS INSUREDS: The Insurer for the purchasing group may not be subject to all the Insurance laws and regulations of the State of Texas. ACORD 25 (2009109) ©1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ��1����. KODIAK FOOTBALL LEAGUE P.O. Box 1547 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 907-539-7472 Bob Scholze Resource Management Officer Kodiak Island Borough 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 RE: Temporary Use Permit for the Kodiak Football League to place a Snack Shack / Warm-up Trailer at the Woody Way Sports Facility. Dear Mr. Scholze The Kodiak Football League would like to place a 32'long x 10'wide mobile office trailer at At Woody Way Sports Facility for the use as a snack shack / warm-up area for our football officials during those cold rainy days during the fall season. This trailer would only be located at the facility for a short term from August 25, 2010 to October 25, 2010. The trailer will be cleaned, fixed up, painted inside and out and all electrical systems checked by a certified journeyman electrician, a stairs and a landing for KFL Officials to enter the trailer and the public to come up to the serving window will also be installed. This trailer will be worked on at the Brechan Equipment Shop located on Mill Bay Road and will be upgraded to meet Kodiak Island Borough building codes. We agree to have the trailer inspected by the borough once we have completed all upgrades too establish if it has met all codes and permit approval. Once the trailer has been approved to be transported to the Woody Way Facility it will be placed at the north west side of the sports field by a KEA Power Pole already installed with a power drop by the Kodiak Little League. The trailer will be cribbed using wood beams, chained and binded down to four pre-existing concrete tie downs then all stairs and landing will be installed and the electrical power hook-up completed by a certified electrician. Again this should be considered as only a temporary permit and no different than a contractor setting up an office trailer on a construction site. We have also attached a floor plan for your review. Thank you, for your consideration in this matter and we look forward to hearing from you soon Sincerely Richard H. Walker Vice -President Kodiak Football League DATE S -- FUND- Kodia�� land Borough EXPENSE ADJUSTMENT Explain:Zor rc3 Com plta►ice PEpr-►r -P-or Ccesso►-y .6(-01cl n.5 Prepared By: G-,W4tc• Gard v►e Approved By Use this form to adjust expenditures only, i.e. charge another department for items, correct errors, etc. When correcting errors, please provide information or source document where the error occurred. FUND DEPT ACCOUNT NUMBER INCREASE DECREASE 220 23(,0 3O - NO 070 — IN) 000 322- I y 6_ c90 - Explain:Zor rc3 Com plta►ice PEpr-►r -P-or Ccesso►-y .6(-01cl n.5 Prepared By: G-,W4tc• Gard v►e Approved By Use this form to adjust expenditures only, i.e. charge another department for items, correct errors, etc. When correcting errors, please provide information or source document where the error occurred. IKUUTAII 13LHINLJ DVKVUUfI LUIIIIIIUI1IIy LJCVeiuiiiieill 710 Mill Bay Road (Rm 205), Kodiak, Alaska 99615-6340 - Phone: (907) 466-9362 ZONING COMPLIANCE 1r `�• . T,',...: PERMIT Permit #: ZC� -- D 3. Property Owner/Applicant: )( /_ 8. Number and sizeizof parking spaces required (onsite identification of parking spaces is required - Yes: No: / / Mailing Address: 710 ii` M+ (' I p sb %/1E)�--� `` LPhone: : Legal Description: -Tr r- IA +r 11„� ! rI is p Off-street loading requ' ement: /-17 G e - -33 p ILi 521 Street Address: 3 ' � �P�fl 1( _ Tax Code #: /� Seo �C� Plat relate requirements (e.g., plat notes, easements, su ivision conditions, etc.): �C' kP_Cm(jL e_s2,SUro�'1' Description of Existing Propertyicurrent zoning: - 2 �1�a W Lac�f Si - Minimum Required Lot Area: 7- ° 5 -Width: 60 Other requirements (e.g., zero lot line, additional setbacks, projections into yards, screening, etc.): qtr �51u. ' l, 7 >',/ . �21� +iidtt : 6 Actual Lot Area: TO - Minimum Required Setbacks: Sides: C(..J „SI CNc Front: 2j Rear: /0 Coastal Management Program Applicable Polices (check appropriate category) - Residential: Business: ” Maximum Building Height: Industrial: Other (list): / o1k I Q Use and size of existing structures on the Int: ''Th 1 l )- - La Is the proposed action consistent with the KIB Coastal Management Program? - Yes: ,." No: If the proposed action conflicts with the Coastal Management Program policies, attach a sheet that notes the policy(ies), describes the conflict(s). and specifies conditions to mitigate the conflict(s). Attachment - Yes: No: 'l/"/ CO Description of proposed action (attach site plan) `a' Z t cx ' r SS ._ , •tia �• S SC of b� -- — - e S at a as _ C�C'��SS tt.► a_ rr Cir' I ..ice z l- 1 $� l e t THIS FORM DOES NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED Expiration: A zoning compliance permit will become null and void if the building or use authorized by such permit is not commenced with 180 days from the date of.issuance, or, if the building construction • or use is abandoned at any time, after the work is commenced, for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so. (Sec. 303 (d) Expiration, 1991 Uniform Building Code) per KIBC 17.03.060 Applicant Certification: I hereby certify that I will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as the property owner. or as a represent, ive of the_I, Op(wner. 1 see have identifiable corner markers in place in the field for enfication of .etbacks. • By: Su orting documents attache ' tchc'e 'K ile plan: Title: As -built survey: Date: 5-1(0- cic' Other (Iisll: Community Development staff for zoning, Title: P/04.4"^- Data: S7/d/9C 7. Fire Chief [City of Kodiak, Fire District #1 (Bayside), Womens Bav Fire District) approval for UFC (Sections 10.207 and 10.301C) by: Date: Driveway Permit (state, City of Kodiak, Borough) issued by: Dale: 9. Septic system PLAN approved by: Date: Distribution- Filo !original ! Building ( tiff, !al / Applicant / A�ce..cng ho lierle '.;.. ,. ./ , i i. // • .., ' 4.? .• . / / .... i ' . ...., / )”i / /• t / ,.... / / / ) ; CV . ..,•., / 'C.-. • ... '... s% _,f4....;.,( \I / : 2-,..\ —Ise-7--.-\ „.12t.51/1—• \ .1 1 • .., \, 4rti ! . 1 ........... % .' / / ',/ .... , • ...". 17, rara7,7102.L..tArdf PT '...--1. \ 0 ,• 2+. i . ./ ' •,' 2 . ) - \ ' I ' / ' ../ 1 ‘ '' 4 , / i• . ‘... .., 1...7•-• ...- . i ... , .....:. _.........,... .? a., I ..'',' §/ I '... / ,... cc 1 . ..."::1. ell.. .•-• I 1. ./ / ' • ....... , . . .... ...*. .4' 0 ..--.... -...'. . . / . . .x. r • .,„ , • ,- „,...' , ,..: ... r „, "/' ' , 4 „ii /.. .;--0..." .-. ' 4# •4;,.. . / < . / .4- , 4/ • / ./ C' ./.. '.. ) jr •• ' d.:..// ,. r , , ..t.7.9% ..., . ., l:-... .;... li ., ' , . .." .• , / - ,,--, .• . ".//./ ..../ ... ,...., • .. ".4-7,./- •••• •• ii$ N 0e." ' 1?•.' . ...-- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - CITY OF KODIAK - KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Telephone: 486-8070 • 486-8072 Fax: 486-8600 710 Mill Bay Road, Room 208 TO FILL IN ALL INFORMATION WITHIN BOLD LINES. PLEASE PRINT. USE A BALLPOINT PEN AND PRESS FIRMLY. (OFFICE USE ONLY) 96 PRINTED IN KODIAK, ALASKA BY C&A PRINTING, INC. CLASS AND SCOPE OF WORK: SPECIFICATIONS: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: DATE OF APPLICATION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT: " / t' BLOCK: NEW DEMOLITION FOUNDATION FOOTINGS STEM WALL PIERS ZONING COMPLIANCE- _ DATE ISSUED: -- C2- �t taz o a5 ALTERATION REPAIR TYPE SUBDIVISION / SURVEY: "-__ ----_- - A,//--,,,-, ,41, //_:•-, ADDITION MOVE DIMENSIONS VALUATION BASIS: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: _ DEPTH IN GRND W NCITY R NAME: USE OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT: REINFORCEMENT VALUATION: PLAN CHECK FEE: BOLT SPACING CRAWL SPACE HEIGHT INCHES OCCUPANCY TOTAL FEE: MAILING ADDRESS: GROUP: CRAWL SPACE VENT SQ. FEET A B E H 1 M R & STATE: SIZE HEIGHT STRUCTURAL SPECIES & GRADE SIZE SPACING SPAN NO. OF ROOMS STORIES RECEIPT NO: TELEPHONE: NO. OF FAMILIES GIRDERS DIV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EACH OF THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES INSPECTION BE REQUESTED & COMPLETED TYPE OF BUSINESS GIRDERS q R C HCITY E G NAME: NO. OF BLDGS NOW ON LOT JOISTS 1ST FLOOR USE OF EXISTING BLDGS JOISTS 1ST FLOOR MAILING ADDRESS: SIZE OF LOT JOISTS 2ND FLOOR WATER: PUBLIC PRIVATE JOISTS 2ND FLOOR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH I II III IV V N 1 HR FR H.T. ANY FURTHER WORK: FOR INSPECTION CALL 486-8070 & STATE: SEWER: PUBLIC PRIVATE CEILING JOISTS INSULATION TYPE & THICKNESS: EXTERIOR WALLS TELEPHONE: FOUNDATION BEARING WALLS EXCAVATION INTERIOR WALLS --- STATE LICENSE: WALLS ROOF RAFTERS UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ROOF / CEILING TRUSSES DRIVEWAY PERMIT: FOUNDATION / SETBACKS SUBMITTED FRAMING 0OZI-CC<UI-0CC NAME: SHEATHING TYPE & SIZE: FURNACE TYPE: FLOOR APPROVED ROUGH ELECTRICAL WOOD HEATER YES NO TYPE ROUGH PLUMBING MAILING ADDRESS: ADEC APPLICATION: FINAL WALLS SUBMITTED DATE C.O. ISSUED: CITY & STATE: ROOF I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THAT IT IS CORRECT AND THAT I ORDINANCES AND LAWS REG LATIp4G.BUILDIN \"` '- APPLICANT: l,� I HAVE AGREE �1v,v READ THIS APPLICATION, TO COM LY WITH ALL CSTRUCTION �e �; 1 C' FINAL APPROVAL ALASKA FIREMARSHAL REVIEW: SUBMITTED: APPROVED: TELEPHONE: FINISH MATERIAL: ROOF APPROVED - BUILDING OFFICIAL: STATE LICENSE: EXTERIOR SIDING INTERIOR WALLS NOTES: ! i SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE WATER $ DATE SEWER $ RECEIPT # TOTAL $ CASHIER 96 PRINTED IN KODIAK, ALASKA BY C&A PRINTING, INC. White copy: File Yellow copy: Building Permit Pink copy: Applicant ZONING COMPLIANCE PERMIT 1. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT K ~ k Island Borough C.. tunity Development Department 710 Mill Bay Road, Room 204 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 • - (907)486-5736 Ext. 255 Zoning Compliance #: !-.o Name:, Address: t c7 fit t l.l� ri�a4v be -n " 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Telephone: 5-73(e Street Address: 3g_s S"-- (= p 'l/E.... '.....4V5T 1 Use and size of existing buildings on the lot: Ai Proposed action consistent with Borough Coastal Management Program — Yes No Lot, block, subdivision: --+ �-� i2, -^1 A- 1 (A... e*5 -t�9 / , I (1 _A 1 rc'-r I' ' rn Survey, other (e.g. township/range): Maximum projection(s) into required yards: /0^ 4 - Maximum building height:,,rrte�� N.A . Tax code#: rZ 1 +5 (94 tj 10 Number and size of parking spaces required: Fog- T614-5 '-c0r•1 OPJ-`'r PTS €pt "r Off-street loading requirement: 3. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING PROPERTY Zoning: g Square footage of lot: t?®5 5 Minimum lot width: Average lot depth: . Average lot width: Lot depth to width ratio: Use and size of existing buildings on the lot: Ai Proposed action consistent with Borough Coastal Management Program — Yes No 4. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION (attach site plan L,AkiD A srr P/1. -PST of-) C Jc r1u . rto JJ Of A 06/-14PrcAL- - F tb.s r 5, ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Type of structure(s): I Proposed action consistent with Borough Coastal Management Program — Yes No Proposed action conflicts with policies (note policy and describe conflict): Minimum Setbacks—Front: Rear: Sides: Additional Setbacks: Maximum projection(s) into required yards: /0^ 4 - Maximum building height:,,rrte�� N.A . Maximum lot coverage: Foie_ T' .S Number and size of parking spaces required: Fog- T614-5 '-c0r•1 OPJ-`'r PTS €pt "r Off-street loading requirement: Plat related requirement(s): Other (e.g. zero lot line): ' CA,\//�Tw_3.)J7 flu_ pek i & uk.a� CQMPLY rat 13� 1003 (S') 4 Cei) c zOE UP( i -c 8 colt EE c i,44�c - z0 AM I cam, vis A F5(4 _ OF- A- t Fol f ~ `� -1: SI -k. . 6. CONSISTENCY WITH COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Applicable policies: T ests t/`-)�.1P'. i1 I Proposed action consistent with Borough Coastal Management Program — Yes No Proposed action conflicts with policies (note policy and describe conflict): Conditions attached to Consistency approval to mitigate conflicts noted above: 7. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I hearby certify that 1 will comply with all provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as owner, or representative of the owner, of th-property(s) involved. Signed Title Date 8. SUPPORT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED Site Plan: Other: 9. BOROUGH STAFF APPROVAL Staff Approval: Signed `/- Title Date Building permit#: