ISLAND LAKE BK 1 LT 12B - Rezone (4)KODIAK ISLAND-BOROUGH RESOLUTION NO.' 84-31-R A RESOLUTION OF THE -KODIPK ISLAND- BOROUGH ASSEMBLY, •SEATED AS A BOARD' OF ADJUSTMENT, AFFIRMING A DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND'ZONING COMMISSION :DENYING A REQUEST TO REZONE LOTS 7 THROUGH 12B, BLOCK.1, U. S. SURVEY, 3219 - LbrnaLee Arndt. WHEREAS, Lorna, Lee Arndt, has. requested. that Lots 7 through 12B, .Block 1, U. S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision be' rezoned. from single ' family residential (R1) to two family residential (R2), and ; WHEREAS:, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the requested .rezoning at its regular Meeting held February,`.22,.1984and- .recommended denial . of the proposed rezoning based on negative written. and, oral testimony, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Arndt "did in a letter dated February 28, 1984 appeal the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission denying the requested rezoning, and WHEREAS, the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly, seated as a board of adjustment at its April 5, -1984 regular meeting conducted an advertised and • noticed public hearing on the appeal request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED _by, the Board- of Adjustment that it affirms the Planning and Zoning Commission's- February 22, 1984 denial of -the • requested rezoning-of Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, U. S: Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision.from single family residential (R1),to two family residential (R2) for the following reasons:. 0 1. A change in the character in the area due.to the rezoning as demon- strated by adverse oral and written testimony; 2. The substandard area requirements of some of,the lots; • 3:. Substantial underdeveloped R2 property existing in -the area; 4. Adverse testimony submitted during the Board of Adjustment public hearing; 5. There is no reason to deny or reverse the Planning and Zoning% Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of April ATTEST: QD BY, N.,.-4,1'694-,Z4, Borough Clerk- KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH , 1984. 4 By Borough Mayor 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14, 1984 TO: Borough Clerk SUBJ: Appeal: Lorna Arndt - Case 84-001' FROM: Community Development Department Planning Secretary As per Chapter 17'68 (Appeals) of the Kodiak Island Borough Code, we forward the verbatim transcript from the February 22, 1984 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting, and a complete copy of the case-related materials. If this department can be of anyJurthor assistance to this appeal, please contact the planning secretary. ]^g Attachment KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT CASE 84-001. Lorna-Lee Arndt Case 84-001. Request to rezone Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision, from Single-family Residential (Rl) to Two-family Residential (R2). Case 84-00I was first scheduled for public hearing at the January 18, 1384 regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. At that time Mrs. Arndt had requested the entire block (Lots 7 through I28) to be rezoned; however, due to a misunderstanding of the application, the case was advertised as a request to rezone Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, The Commission tabled the request until the next regular meeting of February 15, 1984 and instructed staff to re-advertise the case correctly. The February 15, 1984 meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather and threatening road conditions. Case 84-001 was heard at the re-scheduled 0eetjD` g of February 22, 1984, CHAIRMAN GREGG: Public Hearings, Item VI (A). Case 84-001. Request to rezone Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S. Survey 3219, from Single-family Residential (R1) to Two-family Residential (R2) in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes, bordering Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake (Lorna-Lee Arndt). Is there any additional staff report? MS. LINDA FREED: In addition to the public notice that you had returned in your packet tonight, the staff ,has received three Calls from people that are opposed to this rezoning. CHAIRMAN GREGG: How many notices were sent out? COMMISSIONER RENNELL: Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN GREGG: Mr. Rennell. COMMISSIONER RENNELL: T'wOuld like to move that we take this off the table. CHAIRMAN GREGG: I d0 glad you caught that. COMMISSIONER CRONE: I second the motion. CHAIRMAN GREGG: All in favor signify by saying "Yea." ALL COMMISSIONERS: "Yea." CHAIRMAN GREGG: The item has been removed from the table. At this time, I would like to recess the regular meeting and open the public hearing on this case. Anyone wishing to speak "for" Case 84 -001? Please come forward. There is,a sign -in sheet. Please sign your name and state your name for the record. (No one came forward to speak "for" the rezoning at this point. jg) Anyone "against "? STAN THOMPSON: Hi. I am representing Stan and Susan Thompson. I live on Lot 9, Block 1, and I have some questions on the rezoning. I would just like to go on record stating the lots are quite a bit smaller than what I would feel practical for multi - resident dwellings. It is in an area that is basically surrounded by rural residential property, other than one section that is zoned business, and I feel that I would just be opposed to the rezoning. I have a contract, I think it is stated in your brochure with Mr. H.J. Woodworth. He has granted me speaking privileges for himself on this matter. Thank you. MS. SHANNON BACH: My name is Shannon-Bach and we have Lot 2, Block 3, Island Lake Subdivision. I am against changing the zoning to R2 because I think the lots are just not big enough to handle the extra families, and the roads cannot handle the extra traffic, and the residents and neighbors of Island Lake cannot handle the extra people. I also think you should not change the zoning on any small plots of land until we see the over -all plans for the whole Island Lake area. Thank you. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Let's take the public testimony and read those into the record. Anyone else' "for" or. "against "? MRS. LORNA -LEE ARNDT: Yes,.I am Lorna Arndt. When you people were first starting this area over, I know Scott attended your meetings. I see you don't have your big map here that shows that this would be in conformance with.the rest of the zoning behind the land. The whole square block behind these few lots is business; up behind that is all business; and it goes to the next road cause there are seven lots up there that are all zoned business. You automatically cross that road, zoned - where my son is, R2; and right next to him, he adjoins R1. Now, to me, that wasn't keeping in conformance, where my lots down at the lake would have been in conformance when you first started on this project. And, I feel that when I came to the meetings 'and came to the public hearing, you said "Well, I could go to the borough assembly , and they could change it." But I know that the attitude is here that whatever the Planning Case 84 -001. Arndt Verbatim 2 - Feb. 22, 1984 and Zoning goes for, that is exactly what the borough assembly goes for. They don't change nothing. They change absolutely nothing. They say, "Well, you got to go back to Planning and Zoning, again, and show them, and start all over." Well, when you pay monies to start all over, when Scott came to the worksessions and helped on doing this planning, cause I think he is qualified in helping doing these things, too, and you didn't keep in conformance there, cause, I mean, what sense does it make when there is business behind me. Furthermore, these lots are not too small. There is only one that is under there, and that one now is bigger, and actually, my house is under the grandfather clause, because I do have mine all made in the garage, like I told you at the worksession, but it's not finished, and it's been that way for 18 years, but I haven't finished it, and all my plumbing and everything is out there. The neighbor next to me is already with two - family on, so this wouldn't be any different than anywhere else, and in fact, I was trying to keep in conformance with everything. And furthermore, it is going to be two -story houses out there. I want to get rid of all trailers. My son is all for his lot being rezoned. He wants to get rid of his trailer and build a big house on it. We are trying to make nice houses. The road we put in is much wider than any road anywhere else in that area, cause the road behind me is put in 60 feet where all the others are much narrower, and some of the others going up the hill" are only wide enough for one vehicle. Up where the business is, up on.the top of the hill,'where I am at the bottom, and we.have wide roads. I do not see this being any more people or anything, compared to what my son is going to put in behind me. If I am going to have apartments behind me, it is not going to be a good resale value for my houses on the front of him in future years to come. So, I don't think that this is out of any conformance, and like I say, you did rezone it out where people were all against...when you rezoned R3 out by Craig's and Naughton, and you put that through. That automatically went through to R3, and the people were all against it. And, that there was just taking one...two big parcels there and rezoning them. I am trying to keep in conformance with a straight line of rezoning. Actually, it should have been in when you did the change -over from RR1 to R1; that actually should have been done at that time, like you did in Shahafka Acres at that time. Case 84 -001. Arndt Verbatim - 3 Feb. 22, 1984 Like I say, my lots, I have one that is over 11,000 square feet, and that is a big, big lot. I don't see anything wrong with it; and my son Scott doesn't see anything wrong with it, cause he was going to be here tonight. Well, I don't know if he got here or not. Well, he did come. So, I think that you should take this into consideration. And, most of these people that have spoken against, or probably wrote you, which I would like to know who wrote letters, actually a lot of them rent out rooms. Now, the borough is only collecting for one water hook-up. The borough will only be collecting for one sewer hook-up, where if you have R2 you are doing it legally. You are not renting rooms out to make the money. You would be paying for two of each of these facilities, and I think the borough and everybody is getting screwed out of their monies, really, when they do rent rooms out to other people. And, actually, kiddie-corner from my lot is R2 already, too, from Lot 7, that is R2, and right up the way is R2, and those are much smaller lots than what mine are. And, I think you should take thi into consideration. Thank you. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Anyone else wishing to speak either "for" or "against"? SCOTT ARNDT: Good evening. I am Scott Arndt. I got here a little late, so I'm not sure what's been said. So, excuse me if I repeat anything. Basically, I am an adjacent property owner, and I also live in the neighborhood up the road a ways. The...I don't have a problem with the R2 in the area. In the past, oh when the original rezoning was taking place, because of the sewer and water going in, one of the comments was made that some members of the PE didn't feel comfortable with the road situation. I feel that the road situation is more than adequate, as far as Island Lake Road goes, and both Tarmigan and Arctic are acceptable to either zoning. The...I think it is a logical choice with the business being across the street. Eventually, when Lilly Way is completed, many of the residents at the edge of the Island Lake Subdivision will be served off of that road. Theoretically, both Arctic and Tarmigan will tend to become dead-end roads, with the main entrance and exist will be Island Lake Road. Unless, the borough completes the tie-in through the front side of Island Lake. But, at this point, I have no objection to the R2. Thank you. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Is there anyone else wishing to speak "for" or "against"? Seeing none, I will close the public hearing. Or, would you like to read those under "public hearing"? MS. LINDA FREED: Yes, one is from Judy Van Fleet. It says: Case 84-001. Arndt Verbatim - 4 - Feb. 22, 1984 Regarding the proposed rezoning of certain lake front lots on Island Lake from R1 to R2, my husband and I would like to go on record as .being against such an action. We reside on Lot 22, Block 2, U.S. Survey 3219. The property next to us has a duplex trailer, and it is very undesirable. Due to the small lots, visitors must park in the road. The road is narrow enough to begin with, it would be impossible to drive with cars parked along the edge. The area is growing rapidly, and with single-family housing, and we feel the area cannot handle the extra growth duplexes would allow. The other notice is from John Lund, Lots 5 & 6, Block 2, Island Lake Subdivision: I am strongly Opposed to the rezoning of these lots. I don't feel the size of some of these lots would comfortably accommodate two families, and you would be cluttering up what is now nice lake-front property. As we are faced with the prospect of More rentals being developed across the street from these lots, I would like to see the gradual over-crowding of the neighborhood slowed by keeping this area Rl. That was it; just those two. CHAIRMAN GREGG: At this time we will close the public hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. What is the wish of the Commission? COMMISSIONER HILL: It think that if the need was there to rezone to R2, we went_over it several different times to rezone it to R2, and it was actually voted down. Nobody felt the need to have it be rezoned R2 at the time when we went through the rezoning of the Island Lake area. We went through several different criteria under why we did not want to have it rezoned. A few of them were mentioned here for the record. Another one was that we felt, well, the Commission in the past has always had a consensus of two acres being a minimum for rezoning, well, for any rezoning at all. All these lots, even though one, there is two of them under the 7,200 square-foot minimum, that they all together total less than the two acres. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Forty-nine thousand square feet, plus or minus. COMMISSIONER HILL: And, like I say, we did go over it quite a bit. And, if we felt that the need to be rezoned. at the time, the time was to do it during the rezoning of the Island Lake, which was turned down--wasn't accepted. Case 84-001. Arndt Verbatim - 5 Feb. 22, 1984 CHAIRMAN GREGG: Well, my major concern at the time that we did the rezoning of the whole area were the roads. I had an opportunity to drive out there before the snow fell, and basically, I feel roads,.as far, as that area that goes down to the lake, probably are adequate. My major concern.right now is that we have had a lot of public input'at the time we were rezoning that, as far as the character of the area, the rural character. COMMISSIONER CROWE: Well, they also came in...this is Arndt included, when we were considering the borough subdivision, and they all spoke to the fact that they felt that 7,200 square-foot lots in the adjoining area was . impacting their area, because it wasn't big enough lots for R1 to build. I feel like we do have that business property in the middle, which is going...whether it is developed into apartments, as is thought to be the plan, or with business there is going to be quite a bit of traffic in that area. I think the neighbors are rightly concerned about impacting the...well, first of all, the density of that general area by upgrading the zoning. • COMMISSIONER CROWE:- Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN GREGG: Mrs. Crowe. COMMISSIONER CROWE: I move that we recommend the rezoning of Lots 7 • through 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S. Survey 3219 from R1 to R2. COMMISSIONER RENNELL: Second. COMMISSIONER PATTERSON: Question. COMMISSIONER GREGG: Moved and seconded. The question has been called for. Roll call vote, please. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN (Planning Secretary): Mr. Patterson? COMMISSIONER PATTERSON: No, MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mr. James? COMMISSIONER JAMES: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mr. Hill? COMMISSIONER HILL: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mr. Gregg? COMMISSIONER GREGG: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mrs. Crowe? COMMISSIONER CROWE: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mr. Knight? COMMISSIONER KNIGHT: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: Mr. Rennell? Case 84-001. Arndt Verbatim - 6 - Feb. 22, 1984 COMMISSIONER RENNELL: No. MS. JOLINDA GOODWIN: The motion fails unanimously. COMMISSIONER CROWE: Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN GREGG: Mrs. Crowe. COMMISSIONER CROWE: I like to use as our reasons for denial...this, based on the staff's recommendation that has pretty much reiterated our statements and also add the testimony of the surrounding property owners and their desire not to further impact the density of their area and the concerns of the Commission. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Were you making that as a motion of finding of fact? COMMISSIONER CROWE: Yes. COMMISSIONER RENNELL: Second. CHAIRMAN GREGG: It's been moved and seconded. COMMISSIONER JAMES: Question. CHAIRMAN GREGG: Roll call vote, please. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. Rennell? COMMISSIONER RENNELL: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. Knight? COMMISSIONER KNIGHT: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mrs. Crowe? COMMISSIONER CROWE: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. Gregg? CHAIRMAN GREGG: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. Hill? COMMISSIONER HILL: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. James? COMMISSIONER JAMES: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: Mr. Patterson? COMMISSIONER PATTERSON: Yes. MS. GOODWIN: The motion carries unanimously. CHAIRMAN GREGG: You may appeal to the borough assembly within ten (10) days, in writing. END OF VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF CASE 84-001. Case 84-001. Arndt Verbatim - 7 - Feb. 22, 1984 - KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMO TO: Director, Community Development Dept. FROM: Borough Cler SUBJECT: Appeal: Lorna Arndt DATE: February 28, 1984 Attached, please find a copy of the appeal filed by Lorna Arndt, this date. Please prepare the appeal record as per 17.68 of the Borough Code. We will set the appeal date for April 5, 1984. Thank you for your cooperation in this ma e . cc: Borough Manager (61Ak AL6 l&faal /Meadil 2/ Feb. 27, 1984 Box 2069 --':Kodiak, AK. 99615 Kodiak World SOfaugh Kodiak, Alaska Kodiak, Island. Borough c/o Shirley (Mickie) Miller P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK. 99615 Dear Mrs. Miller and Borough Assembly Members: RECEIVED FEB 2 1984 I am APPEALING the decision on Wed. Feb. 22, 1984 of the Planning and Zoning Commission turning down my rezoning of Lots 7-12B U.S. Survey 3219 Island Lake Subdivision. I paid $50.00 to start this all over again as the P&Z would not listen to input when they were reduing the Zoning in this area last year and at the Public Hearing also, and said the Assembly could change it at their public hearing. And the Assembly did not; and said I have to start over from day one. The Commissioners laugh and tell people "whatever we pass or reject the Assembly does the same." The Assembly Members are elected people and the Mayor appoints the P&Z members and not one of them are trained for changing the Comprehensive plan. • I did not like Tim Hills comment on that they decided they will Only rezone 2i acres or more. They would not have hadTUrezone my lots if they would have used their heads last fall when reduing this whole area and. I was in the 2i acre area. You see Lots 7-18 Blk. 2 right behind me is zoned business. Then behind that Lots 9-12_Blk. 3 are business and behind that are Lots 1 & 2 Blk. 1 Miller Point 1st Addition U.S. 3463 are business, so across the road from that they made Lots 1,2,3 & P; R-2 and also Lot 1 Blk.2 U.S. 3463 R-2 and all these have lot lines t that adjoin R-1. The lots I asked to be in Conformance with the area has road all around 3 sides and the lake on the other. They also made Lot 12-B Blk.3 and Lot 13 Blk. 3into R-2 lots automatically. Also my house on Lot 12-B Blk. 1 is under the Grandfather Clause and has all the rooms and heating and plumbing in it for an apart- ment but is not finished as I ran out of funds. The staff says this lot and Lot 8 are too small. Well leave Lot 12-B out of it as it is already there and so is Lot 12-A two family. My lot 8 is bigger since the sewer was put at the lake end and they put a lot of fill in the lake so it is bigger now. I plan on Building houses on all my lots and getting all trailers out of there and want to be able to pay the monthly loan payments with the rent incom. At least I would be paying for 2 water and 2 sewer hook-ups per month and not like the people who wrote against this R-2 as they rent out rooms and pay only 1 water and 1 sewer. My son Kevin plans to build a house on Lot 10 Blk. 1 and wants R-2 zoning also. These pea* who say an impact on the road and neighborhood are all wrong. The road behind my lots is the only road out here that is 40' wide and the best road in this whold area. These people who complain are all on 20' to 25' wide roads. If you would like me to come to a work session I would love to. Please let me know. Thank you .very much. \ � � ` 0 �N ��� ��� ISLAND � � February 27, 1984 Mrs, Lorna-Lee Arndt P. O. Box 2069 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Mrs. Arndt: RE: Case 84-001. A request to rezone Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, U. S. Survey 3219* Island Lake Subdivision, from Single- Family Residential (R-1) to Two-Family Residential (R-2). The Planning and Zoning Commission at its February 23, 1984 meeting denied your request to rezone the above properties due to the following: 1. Change in the character of the erea'due to the rezoning, as demonstrated by adverse oral and written testimony; 2. The substandard area requirements of some of the lots; ]- Substantial underdeveloped R-2 property existing in the area; and 4. Adverse testimony submitted during the Island Lake re- zoning hearing in the fall of 1983, Should you wish to appeal this decision to the Borough Assembly, you have ten (10) days from the February 22 meeting in which to notify the Borough Clerk. Call if / can be of help. Sincerely, dilet Bud Cassidy Assistant Planner/Zoning Officer Community Development Department cmk v6se 84-001 Telephones 486-5736 -486-5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 cc: KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM DATE: February 23, 1984 TO: Phil Shealy, Borough Manager FROM:. Community Development Depar.tme SUBJ: Planning and Zoning Commission action at its February 22, 1984 Regular Meeting Case 84-001. A request to rezone Lots 7 thru 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision from Single-Family Residential District (R1) to Two- Family Residential District (R2) Lorna-Lee Arndt. PLease be advised that the Planning and Zoning COmmission, at its Regular February 22, 1984 Meeting, conducted an advertised and noticed public hearing on the referenced re- zoning. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of the proposed rezoning based on negative written and oral testimony and the staff objections per the memo dated - February 3, 1984. Because of this unfavorable recommendation, Ordinance 84-20-0, currently on the Assembly's March agenda, may be deleted. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RE- SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 22, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER: CHAIRMAN KEN GREGG called the meeting to order at 7 :30 p.m. in the - Borough Assembly Chambers, Kodiak, Alaska. CHAIRMAN GREGG announced that the regular meeting of February 15, 1984 was canceled due to inclement weather and road conditions. II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Ken Gregg, Chairman Steve Rennell Marlin Knight Virginia Crowe Fred Patterson Tim Hill Dan James Also Present: Linda Freed, Director Community Development Department Dave Crowe, Borough Engineer Bud Cassidy, Assistant Planner Jolinda'Goodwin, Planning Secretary' III APPROVAL OF AGENDA: CHAIRMAN GREGG noted that Item VII E, Case S -84 -002, was to be deleted from the agenda. COMMISSIONER HILL MOVED TO APPROVE the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Crowe. The motion CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - January 18, 1984. There were no corrections or additions to the minutes. COMMISSIONER HILL MOVED TO APPROVE the minutes of January 18, 1984, seconded by Commissioner Rennell. The motion CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. V APPEARANCE REQUESTS AND AUDIENCE COMMENTS: - CHAIRMAN GREGG noted a request from Mr. Donnell Rounsaville for formal approval of a parking -site plan, tentatively reviewed and approved at the Commission's February 1, 1984 worksession. This review was now required because there will be more than 10 units in the complex, located on Lot 10 and Lot 11, Block 3, Alderwood Addition. COMMISSIONER HILL MOVED TO APPROVE the site plan, per the plans reviewed at the February 1, 1984 worksession, as attached to the building permit. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rennell and CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. VI PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) CASE 84 -001'. Request to rezone Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S. Survey 3219, from Single - Family Residential (R1) to Two - Family Residential (R2) in accordance with Chapter.17.72, Amendments and Changes, bordering Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake (Lorna -Lee Arridt-). COMMISSIONER RENNELL MOVED TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE TABLE and the motion was seconded. The motion CARRIED by unanimous voice vote., MS. FREED reported receiving three telephone calls from people - opposing this rezoning. CHAIRMAN GREGG then recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the: Public Hearing. - STAN THOMPSON, representing himself and his wife who are tenants on Lot 9, Block 1, Island Lake Subd., was present and voiced objection to the rezoning request. Mr. Thompson, who has a contract to purchase Lot 9 from Mr. H.J. Woodworth, stated the lots were too-small to be practical for multiple-family dwellings. . MS. SHANNON BACH, Lot 2,"Block 3, Island Lake Subd., presented the - ComMissionwith written-testimony from several neighbering-property owners, all in opposition to the rezoning request. MS. Bach felt the lets were too small-and the road system inadequate, and she did not want to have more people in the area. She requested no further "spot" zoning until an over-- all view could be taken of the Island Lake area. MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT was present and Stated her request was in con- formance with the rest of the zoning in the area. Mrs. Arndt spoke favor- ably of the present road System, stating they were wider than any others in the area. Mrs. Arndt did not'feel thatthis rezoning would create any more people in the area than what..the area was presently experiencing. MR. SCOTT ARNDT, adjacent property owner, was present and stated no objection with R2 zoning in the area. Mr. Arndt also felt the present road system was adequate to meet the needs of.the area. MS. FREED read into the record the additional letters of.objection received prior to the meeting from: Mr. John Lund; Ms: Judy Van Fleet; Gene & Sheila Black; and Patricia and Bruce Putnam. As there were no further audience comments, CHAIRMAN'GREGG closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting. COMMISSIONER CROWE MOVED-TO RECOMMEND THE REZONING of Lot 7 through 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S. Survey 3219, from R1 to R2. Commissioner Repnell seconded the_ motion and the question was called. The motion FALLED.by'unanitheus roll call vote.. FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR DENIAL from the Commissioners were: no present need to rezone; a two-acre minimum criteria for rezoning had not been met; the total area of all the lots proposed for rezoning was less than the two-acre"minimum criteria; public testimony indicated a desire for the character of the area to remain rural; and the rezoning would impact - the area traffic and density. MRS. CROWE MOVED TO APPROVE THE FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR DENIAL. The motion was seconded and the question called. The motion CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. CHAIRMAN GREGG informed Mrs. Arndt of her right to appeal within ten days to the Borough Assembly. B) CASE 84-008. Request for an exception from SectiOn 17.24.010, Permitted Uses, to allow Sunday.church service in the Kodiak-Livestock Coop building for a period of two years on Lot 3, Block 4, Tract A, Bells Flats - Alaska Subdivision (Berean Baptist Church). MS. FREED corrected Item #2 of the February 3, 1984 staff report: "Any proceeds derived from church activities held on the property should be used for the operation and/or maintenance of the facility in accordance with the deed dated February 15, 1980." CHAIRMAN GREGG recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. As there were no audience comments, CHAIRMAN GREGG closed the Public Hearing and opened the Regular Meeting. COMMISSIONER CROWE MOVED TO GRANT A REQUEST FOR AN EXCEPTION on Lot 3, Block 4, Tract A, Bells Flats Alaska Subdivision, contingent on the following conditions: 1) That the exception be granted for the requested two-year period and be non-renewable; Re-scheduled Meeting - 2 February 22, 1984 S R 5079A Wasilla, AK 99687 January 13, 1984 Kodiak Island Borough Engineering Dept. P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Sir: Regarding the zoning change proposed for Lot 9, Island Lake Subdivision, I have signed a contract giving Stan and Susan Thompson the right to purchase the property. Therefore, I would like to withdraw my comments and have Stan and Susan Thompson represent Lot 9, Island Lake Subdivision at the hearing onrezoning. Sincerely, mrw Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska RECEIVED JAM 1 6 '1984 p m 0‘411P11:1-1V11-11qillic fie KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O, Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 NOTICE DATE: January 31, 1984 CASE NUMBER: OT10E 84-OO1 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1984 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7 thru 12B, 8lk 1, Island Lake Subd., USS 1701 from Single-Family Residential (Kl) to Two-Family Residential (R2), in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property borders Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 19 84 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the.COnnDission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box I286, Kodiak, 99815. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If have ' ti this matter:, please call us at 48O 573D you �v� any questions on �o er� p �ase oa u � - , extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH C ________ Your Name MMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ----- - -- ------- -------~ Addre5s .15/ Your Property Description COMMENTS: ) 78 7 A /Y1 /1.>1 I I I-r iiwy :> (.A-UCY. II 9 14 ASK 5 TRi 6 0' 3 S - I 2 q U EY CASE 84 -001 Lots 7. through 12B. U.S. Survey 3219 Island Lake Subdivision Radius = 400' from combined lot's edges!' TRACT •I Fr, tefe+ KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 ,ca'a FER 1984 I ITEM VI(A) PU LIC HEARING NQT10E NOTICE DATE: January 31, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1984 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7 thru 12B, Blk.-1, Island Lake Subd., USS 1701 from Single-Family Residential (R1) to Two-Family Residential (R2), in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property borders Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a -public hearing on'this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, • 1984 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the_Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the CommunityDdvelopment Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name a3to.c Address -PO Zoc Your Property Description uss 2P/ COMMENTS: je 4e J LJ d 1/1/161,i GLS , o-5G0, C)0eAC \_ 4', 0 VI n 60v-c.o.-A are-C\_ 9F6/s- 412;1 e awe. /0-4 /___Eciand 1-Qke. Case, Gv 0 qrspckl rt. Vvt, J VC". 14 9 ASK D5 T R, TRACT " LO 6 S - 1 2 A U EY CASE 84-001. Lots 7 through 12B, U.S. Survey 3219 . Island Lake Subdivision Radius = 400' from combined lot's edges. - 05; TRACT •1 Cfn To : Planning and Zoning From: Ed and Judy Van Fleet Date: Feb. 22, 198.4 Regarding the proposed rezoning of certain lake front lots on Island Lake from RI to R2, ifiy husband and. I would like to go on record as being against such an action. We reside on Lot 22 Block 2, U.S. Survey 3219. The .property next to us has a duplex trailer, and it is very undesirable. Due to the small lots, visitors must park in the road.. The road is narrow enough to begin with, it would be impossible to drive with cars parked. along the edge. The area is growing rapidly with single family housing, and we feel the area can not handle the extra growth duplexes would allow. • KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 NOTICE DATE: January 31, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1984 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: The application requests rezoning Lots 7 thru 12B, Blk'1, Island Lake Subd., USS 1701 from Single-Family Residential /R1\ to Two-Family Residential (R2), in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property borders Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 1984 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before th2_COmmiS5iOD to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1240, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this If you have any questions on this matter:, please Call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name Add Your Property DescriptionN. COMMENTS: ��� A I 14 9 4 SK D T R, 2 A. U EY CASE 84 =001. Lots 7 through 12B. U.S. Survey 3219 Island Lake Subdivision Radius = 400' from combined lot's edges. TRACT KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM ITEM VI (A) DATE: February 3, 1984 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department SUBJ: Additional information for the February 15, 1984 Regular Meeting RE: CASE 84-001. Rezoning Lots 7 through 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S. Survey 3219 from R1 to R2. Thirty-three (33) public hearing notices were mailed on January 31, 1984. This memo includes supplemental information that should be considered in making a decision concerning the rezoning of certain properties adjacent and bordering Island Lake. Action on this case was tabled at the Commission's January 18, 1984 meeting because of a staff error in interpreting the applicant's request, and improper notification was sent out. The confusion has been rectified, and the proper notice has been given. Amendments and changes to the prior staff report include: 3. Request: The applicant requests the rezoning of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12A, 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision, from Single- Family Residential (R1) to Two-Family Residential (R2). 7. Location: The seven lots in question include those parcels between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake Court, bordering the lake. Although Kittiwake is a platted access, it does not physically exist as an access road to the lake. 8. Lot Size: Lot Number Lot Size (Square feet) Lot 7 7,879 Lot 8 6,765 Lot 9 7,708. Lot 10 9,493, Lot 11 11,274 Lot 12A 9,770 Lot 12B 6,696 10. Surrounding Land Use: North: Lot 6, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision is zoned R1; Use R1; South: Lot 1A, Tract A, U.S. Survey 3465 is zoned PL; Use, Island Lake Borough Park; East: Lots 7 through 18, Block 2, Island Lake Subdivision is zoned Business; Use, vacant; West: Island Lake RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the case be taken off the table and denied for the following reasons: 1. The introduction of public water and sewer to an area should not be the sole reason for increasing densities. Consideration of impacts on the existing road system, the character of existing development, and-the lifestyles of people who reside in the area should also be weighed. Though many criteria.exist to support R2 development (lot area, open space, proximity to business land, as well as public water and sewer ), a more over-riding criteria of lifestyles, character of the area, and adequacy of the road system outweigh the other issues. Who will benefit from the rezoning? A few individuals, or the area at large? These general feelings were substantiated in the written testimony, as well as voiced at the initial hearings to rezone the area from RR1 to R1 in November, 1983. Adverse written testimony from the public hearing notices was also received last month, before P&Z action was tabled. 2. Not all the lots proposed for rezoning are of ample size to allow R2 development. 3. Substantially-underdeveloped R2 property exists in the general area. Case 84-001. 2 February 3, 1984 Lots thrau_ah 12.6. U.S. Survey_ 3219 island`.Lake Subdivision,_ Radius = :400' from: combined' lot '.s: edges:; KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Telephones 486 -5736 - 486 -5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 February 1, 1984 Mrs. Lorna -Lee Arndt P.O.. Box 2069 Kodiak, AK 99615 Dear Mrs. Arndt: RE: Case 84 -001. Lots 7 through 12B, Island Lake Subdivision U. S. Survey 3219 Please be advised that your application for rezoning has been scheduled for review and action by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their February 15, 1984 Regular Meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Your attendance at this meeting is requested. One week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, February 8, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room, the Commission will hold a worksession to review the packet material related to your application. You are cordially invited to attend this worksession, and to be avail- able to respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding your request. The Community Development Department will be happy to provide you with any additional information. Sincerely, linda J. Goodwin Planning Secretary Community Development Department cc: Case 84 -001. jig --- �`�^ BOROUGH N��` 0�� N�� �n�N � �~^��==����= ISLAND Telephones 486-5736 - 486~5737 --Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 January 25, 1984 Mrs. Lorna-Lee Arndt P.O. Box 2069 Kodlak, AK 99615 Dear Mrs. Arndt: RE: Case 84-001. Lots 7 through 12B, Blbok 1, Island Lake Subdivision, U.S' Survey 3219 Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission, at its January 18, 1984 Regular Meeting, TABLED your rezoning request until the February 15, 1984 meeting. This action was taken to allow proper notification to surrounding property owners, due to a misinterpretation of your initial request. Please call if yoU have any questions. Sincerely, Bud Cassidy .Assistant Planner/Zoning Officer CommunitvDevel/zpmant Department cc: Case 84-001. ^'g . . ,not have anything further to add. MR. GREGG closed the Public Hearing and opened the Regular Meeting. MR. HILL MADE THE SAME MOTION AS ITEM #4 and Mr. R2nDell seconded. . 6. _PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 847001. Request to rezone [OtS 7,8, 11, and. 12B" Block l,.U.S' SUrvey'3219,Jslaod Lake-.SxbdiVisiOn,- from ..Single-family Residential /Rl\ to Two-family Residential (R2) in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes, located at Island Lake Road and Arctic Tern (Lorna:-Lee-Arndt). MS. FREED reported public hearing notices had been sent out incorrectly and the case had been advertised incorrectly due to a misunder- standing with Mrs. Arndt/5 request. Mrs. Arndt had requested the entire block (Lots 7 through 128) to be rezoned. Ms. Freed advised anyone in the audience who wished to testify at the public hearing that their testimony would be taken into consideration and be part of the record. Staff requested that this item be tabled Until the February 15, I984 meeting. MR. GREGG recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the PUblit Hearing. There were no audience comments and Mr. Gregg closed the Public Hearing and opened the Regular Meeting. MR. HILL MOVED TO TABLE CASE 84-001 until the February 15, I984 regular meeting. The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. 7, PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 84-002. Request for an exception from Section 17.17.020, Permitted Uses, to allow temporary storage containers in a grandfathered, warehousing area, and a variance from Section 17.17.050, Yards, (side yard setback requirements), on Lot 26, U.S. Survey 3099, Mission Road (Ken Forster). There was no additional staff report and no discussion among the Commissioners. MR. GREGG recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. MR. KEN FORSTER was present and explained the request to the Commissioners. Mr. Forster wanted the Borough to know that he wanted to bring in One additional van, bringing the total to three sealand vans in the area. With the use of the additional van fpr storage, Mr. Forster will be able to move the van that is presently in violation of borough code. Mr. Forster said it was his intent to remove at least two of the vans off the property after the upgrading of his facility. There was no additional audience comments and MR. GREGG closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular meeting, MRS. CROWE discussed conditions with the Commissioners. MRS. CROWE MOVED TO GRANT A REQUEST FOR AN EXCEPTION from Section 17.17,020 under Permitted Uses to allow temporary storage containers (a total of three vans) in a grandfathered, warehousing area, with the following conditions: 1) this exception will expire on February 1, 1985 (the length of time the vans will remain on the site); 2) that placing the vans on top of one another in the side yard encroachment be denied; 3) the nonconforming structure will not be enlarged; and 4) there be no outside storage allowed; and 5) two vans will removed upon the expiration of the exception. MR. REMNELL seconded the motion and the question was called. The motion CARRIED by unanimous roll call V0te, MS. FREED questioned whether Mr. Forster does still intend to put one of the vans within the side yard requirement, as the Commission had addressed the current road right-of-way encroachment. MR. FORSTER stated January 18, 1984 - 4 Regular Meeting KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 'Kodiak Island UvrOvgh Kodiak, ATCLi� RECEIV �A�A� ^ 1 V-�A/ vn,, - - ','0|P|18\&1|1M-IM 4 ITEM #6 NOTICE DATE: January 4, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed On December 19, 1983 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS: LOKNA-LEE'ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7, 8, 11, and 128, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subd. from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Two- Family Residential (R-2), Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changas. This property is located at Island Lake & Arctic Tern. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18 19 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to Comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99815, A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name A,-71-744/v,-/--Af - 7y'4 .' -.a2„ . - -' Your Property Description Let 7 8,&rc.„0 / :1U 3A/7 COMMENTS: ' {_/� � � ,l �� ��^� .'^e� / 7 2'f y 78 CASE 84 -001. Lots 7, 8, 11, 12B U.S. Survey 3219 Island Lake Subdivision . "Radius = 400' from combined lot's edges. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 NOTICE.DATE: January 4, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1983 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subd. from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Two- Family Residential (R-2), Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property is located at Island Lake & Arctic Tern. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January.18 1984 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner.in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which.will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community,Development Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name 57752/1) 77/p &) Address ‘,42a 469x ifalz)//e/'74-' Your Property Description Aor ? /6'/CO( / (.4,5 sc,Ri/E-v COMMENTS: .2"-h2/71 e9,4479,.5670 7 g- )i5 /57 —o 77/ eona .1\,6 cre679 6F/s- 0GC-47 c,e6600/,1/5 ce- Zf'r- '14 13 < "D TRACT "/ LO VIE REST LA. S - 2 S SUR. ;.CASs. 84 -001 Lots 7, 8, 1_1; ,t2B. U.S. Survey 3219 Island :, Lake Subd i:,v:i s ion TRACT E 1'B 3 _ ? -Rad i.us.= 400', from comb ined, >lb.f.' S. edges. i KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1240 Kodiak, AK 99615 NOTICE DATE: January 4, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1983 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subd. from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Two- Family Residential (R-2), Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property is located at Island Lake & Arctic Tern. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18 10 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the reqU83t. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of th notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1240, KOdia `-^^u"-�r � ` °w0no6I5. A vicinity ~o~ showing the property involved is on the back Of this C 1984 form. . ^ ��y� ��� / I f you have any questions On this matter, please call us at extension 255. /�o' � /�' ,��/1r^/ � KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name WFA/4- Your Property Description 7 COMMENTS: L Address Pa - x- 4 ,- /0~03 e'„. 6 rk - -( (_��� - f�_��� ~/ '; ` �� , � \ � a 7 *? l_, .(7,4-\ /16 \N, i_err � 1,-.7_42w-e___ ' 4 , OcuJ ^, /7 � 7B CASE 84 -001. Lots 7, 8, 11, 12B U.S. Survey 3219 Island. Lake Subdivision Radius = 400' from combined lot's edges KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ITEM #6 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 11, 1984 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Departmen SUBJ: Information for the January 18, 1984, Regular Meeting' RE: Case 84-001, Request to rezone Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219* Island Lake Subdivision, from Single-family Residential (R1) to Two-Family Residential (R2) in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes of the Kodiak Island Borough Code. This property is located at Island Lake Road and Arctic Tern (Lorna-Lee Arndt). ' Thirty-one (31) publ[c hearing notices were mailed on January 4, 1984. 1. Applicant: Lorna Lee Arndt, P.O. Box 2069, Kodiak, AK 99615. 2. Land Owner: Lorna and Don Arndt, P.O. Box 2069, Kodiak, AK 49615' 3, Request: Rezoning of Lots 7, D, 11, and 120, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision, from Single-family Residential (R1) to Two-family Residential (R2) in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes of the Kodiak Island Borough Code, Island Lake Road and Arctic Tarn. 4. Purpose: To allow higher-density development in the Island Lake area. 5. Existing Zoning: R1 Single-family Residential. 6. Zoning History: 1. November 9, 1983 (Case 8]-108); These four lots were part of a broad rezoning that changed rural residential lands (RR1) to R1 and R2 (Single and two-family residential). The primary reason for this action was the introduction of public water and sewer to the area. Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B were classified R1. 2. September 21, 1983 (Case 83-117); A request by Lorna-Lee Arndt for a variance from the Height of Fences Section of the borough code. This variance would allow on eight-foot fence to surround her property instead of the six-foot maximum allowed. Approval was consequently approved, subject to two conditions: 1. Fence Height limited to six feet within forty feet • approaching the lake; and 2. Fence be maintained by Arndt and/or property owner. ` , The Commission's action was appealed to the Assembly on December 1, 1983, where it was upheld. 7. Location: 2985, 2975, 2945, and 2935 Arctic Tern (Lots 7, 8, 11 and 12B, Block 1, Island Lake Subdivision). 8. Lot Size: Lot 7 is 7,829 square feet; Lot 8 is 6,765 square feet; Lot 11 is 11,274 square feet; Lot 12B is 6,696 square feet. 9. Existing Land Use: Vacant and single-family residential. 10. Surrounding Land Use and.Zoning: North - Lot 6, Block 1, island Lake.Subd.,' Zone R1, Use Mobile Home. South - Tract //A//, U.S. Survey 3465, Zone PL, Use Vacant. East - Lots 13 through 18, Block 2, Island Lake Subd., Zone B, Use Vacant. West. - Island Lake. 11. Comprehensive Plan: The 1968.Comprehensive Plan denotes this area as "Residential - Unclassified." 12. Applicable Regulations: Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This chapter set guidelines for rezoning property including a report to the Assembly. COMMENTS: One of the primary reasons for the R1 classification of this property when the rezoning occurred was the comparatively small lot area of the parcels. With the exception of Lot 11, Lots 8 and 12B are less than the minimum area raquirement of 7,200 square feet. The question now becomes, How appropriate is R2 in this location, and what are its impact on roads and services in the area? RECOMMENDATIONS: Tabling action on this case until the February meeting, due to a mis- understanding on staff's part as to the nature of the request and proper notification can be given. Applicant has been notified. STAFF REPORT - 2 - CASE 84-001- I. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH POST OFFICE BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 ( ) Conditional Use Permit ( ) Exception ( ) Variance ,0/Zoning Change: From: CODE SECTION INVOLVED: / mfr- . C.40xd-141.,/ NOTE: The application fee for all items covered by this form is $50. Conditional Use Permits, Exceptions, and Variance Applications also require the submission of a site plan. APPLICANT: ogAtez.- e,e.,A-fi Name Bov. 206 Address k";/ ,4X 76/s" i/S16; -6; VS76 Home Telephone Work Telephone City, State, Zip PROPERTY: 7-- t?-/3 ..ZAcni L Lot Block Subdivision Name United States Survey # Section, Township, Range, S.M. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: /e / 11 VAcc-A-0-i t_L-1 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: cd- 1.173-0.1 I have been advised of the procedures involved fth this request a have Z/Or received a copy of the appropriate regulation a • Au hi d 4 AP -- Date Date Application Accepted: BY: t I Property Owner Date CASH RECEIPT Kodiak Island Borough 700 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD P.O. BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 PHONE (907) 4864736 r 7 t - -RECEIVED FROM. • • . . • • DATE / -/ 2ENTAgi-aTtEcifcimpEmE ow - 000 101 - 10 - oo mr,-37,,q,,,,mwEJTA7-77-5727,,ME: CASH KwATO:,*11,3,7Z-Mt!Ma:cgopz:v 1 i ad :a,V571:.'iTi33,1,'■:' I 1 010 - 000 - 322 - 11 - 00 BUILDING PERMITS I I 010 - .000 - 322 - 90 - 00 ZONING PERMITS 010 - 000 - 341 - 50 - 00 010 - 000 - 341 - 51 - 00 ,. SALE OF COPIES , ,,.„., / ... TAX PROPERTY ?,...,--:.',',1 I I I . ' ..... .,.. . , „-.---- LAND SALE PAYMENT ," I I 1 PER ATTACHED -:;,:—I''', 47,-''Ck`?"', • • . t,-, ' I I I I • ..r., , . .. -,. • , , .- , . I I I I CONDITIONS OF CHECK PAYMENTS - —.. ..... .., e.ucry cr. ',Ai tr.erinmS ME TO TOTAL F.* 1 1 i 1 THE BOROUGH ARE SATISFIED ONLY UPON THE CHECK BEING HONORED. RETURNED CHECKS FOR ANY REASON RESTORES THE OBLIGATION AS UNPAID AND SUBJECTS THE PAYER TO ANY CHARGES, FEES OR OTHER LEGAL LIABILITIES AS MAY BE APPLICABLE. CASHIER OS • • PAYMENT MADET:77. ,FI CHECK NO. 0. CASH LIOTHER • • . '. • FM08-511815 • •• • • • -"-A' L SUR R KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH - Telephones .486-5736 - 486-5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 • January 4, 1984 Mrs. Lorna-Lee Arndt P.O. Box 2069 Kodiak, AK 99615 Dear Mrs. Arndt: RE: Case 84-001. A request to rezone Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subdivision, from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Two-Family Residential (R-2), in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes, of the Kodiak Island Borough Code. Please be advised that your application for rezoning has been scheduled for review and action by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their January 18, 1984, Regular Meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Your attendance at this meeting is requested. One week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, January 11, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room, the Commission will hold a work session to review the packet material related to your appli- cation. You are cordially invited to attend this work session, and to be available to respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding your request. The Community Development Department will be happy to provide you with any additional information. Sincerely, LI& ogt,o-G1 inda J. G odwin Planning Secretary Community Development Department cc: Case 84-001. jig KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 ITEM #6 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE DATE: January 4, 1984 . CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1983 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7, 8, 11, and 12B, Block 1, U.S. Survey 3219, Island Lake Subd. from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to'Two- Family Residential (R-2), Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property is located at Island Lake & Arctic Tern. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18 1984 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom •of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name Address Your Property Description COMMENTS: KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE DATE: January 31, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-001 An application for rezoning was filed on December 19, 1984 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MRS. LORNA-LEE ARNDT The application requests rezoning Lots 7 thru 12B, Blkc1, Island Lake Subd., USS 1701 from Single-Family Residential (R1) to Two-Family Residential (R2), in accordance with Chapter 17.72, Amendments and Changes. This property borders Island Lake on Arctic Tern between Island Lake Road and Kittiwake. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 1984 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name Address Your Property Description COMMENTS: a 2 0 v✓E sr 9 v 14! L. /485' 8 4, /VB9 °09'Gv 6 2, �93s -9- *7 r\ Ri— in 0 0 9. S= � o TQAeT e 6 O 0 cA5T Z9 7. c ' J E4 ST- Z2_9. 68 ' O � c� o FJMI/7 EAs T 253.70' 1 N Of' //4-.7/' , ,'5°C7'/ we. /3.20' O( 0 ∎'1 S� 63 0 0 1A TaziCT 78° 5 <, /C61 6 P. 8 8 4 TI\ 10 1 15L AND LAKE UDD /VSION ,ti\P 8 / / f /4, A// ALLL'hY o 3A 0 0 7' /V9 98 5 klEVA 3 /q 9" .53' At< 64 Z , 6 5 60h-err 0 -zz) a Q /g. 2g"-- ,7/6° 375 r CO' iv m N k -2 a2 - - 5 2opa7' 24a9' 0 2 DAPCEL 1 I :4 4 .1' 0,d CPESTVIEW IS 6 ' N8.9 °53'30 "£ ;04.60'1 -9405' Jos'. 9� PLR- N° 76-26 r /p' Urrur{'EASEMENT 1 IT" 50 ■ 0 /6° w 3 o„vi 31.42' 74.05' 58.9° 53 30° C01 /L- DQ/IE 0 S 89 °53'30? 351.07' 0 /D'UT /L /T}/ EASEMENT 0 1 h I X9, °5330? / 264.60' 0 A VJ OQ � 6A _ _ 4/89 °53 34 "W - _ 2o4Go' czy- 4:4040 S. L■ 72P 2 5--! 0 0 / h d 0 kg 01 /✓89°53'3o" if/ 204.0,0' 1/0.00 449°53'30 "W / /06.98' 8 5-2 TPACT T cc) Ni X27. 00' 8 24.9. 28' 3-4 • t R7425010081 ' .BLACK,GENE. & SHE'ILA M P.O. BOX 340 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010090 WOODWORTH,H J & MONA RAE SR 5079 A WASILLA AK 99687 TH0MPS0N,STAN P.O. BOX 94 KODIAK R7425010091 AK 99615 R7425010100 ARNDT,KEVIN D W00DWORTH,H J MONA RAE P.O. BOX 2338 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010060 ARMETTA,THERESE M' BOX 435 USCG KODIAK AK 99619 R7425010121 COOPER,NEAL E & COLLEEN P.O. BOX 3023 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010122 ARNDT,DONALD & LORNA LEE P.O. 30X 2069 KODIAK AK 99615 SAGER,JOHN P.0. BOX 2246 KODIAK R7425020010 AK 99615 r ARNDT.DONALD "P.O. BOX 10`66 KODIAK R7425010070 AK 9.961,5 SELVOG,SAMUEL 13.0'. BOX 473 " KODIAK l .r R142-5010010 ; AK 99615 R7425030123 FREEMAN,DUANE & NANCY P.O. BOX- 912 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425030124 AUSTRIfVG,ROBERTA G P.O. BOX 335 USCG f KODIAK AK 99619 R7535100100 SELVOG'SAMUEL & AGNES P.O. B0X`473 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010040 BRISCO;JAMES III & CAROL P.O. BOX 1513 KODIAK AK 99615 ,( R7535010031 3ROWN,HAROLD & MARILYN C/0 FRANK PASTOR P.O. BOX 2873 .KODI.AK AK 99615 R7535010032 WISNER,-HUGH & BOWERS,TROY P.O. BOX 2783 KODIAK AK 99615 87425010050 SWEENEY,T M & TRACHSEL,E P.O. BOX 1198 KODIAK AK 99615 C xE_ AT R7425020030 SPENCER,JEFF E. JENNIFER P.O. BOX 3093:- KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020240 - • • WHITE,WILTON T •• BOX 254 KODI AK LUND,JOHN P•O. BOX 2872 KODIAK R7425020040- AK 99615 R7425020050 AK- 99615 .R7425020070 ARNOT,SCOTT S BETH P.O. BOX 489 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020200 FRELS•RONALD E BARBARA •• BOX 3353 - KODIAK • AK 99615 R7425020210 KEEGAN,LAWRENCE P P•O• BOX 1956 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020220 VAN FLEET,EDWIN & JUDITH P•O• BOX 1848 - KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020230 LEE,GEORGE & HELEN P•O• BOX.2117 KODIAK AK 99615 l =- WILLIAMS,BILLY D. P.O." BOX. .2736 KOD I AK, - " AK :-- 996.15 R7425030010 `ZIMMER,ARTHUR R.a" ARLENE P.O.' BOX 1582 KODIAK AK 99615 .R7425030020 BACH,TOBIN & SHANNON P.O. BOX 2789 KODIAK' AK 99615 LAMONT,LYLE K •• BOX. 439 KODIAK M00,GREG P•O• BOX 1491 'SEWARD- R7425030030•∎ AK 99615- R7425030040 '( AK 99664 R7425030050 CHRISTIANSEN,HAROLD & C GENERAL DELIVERY KODIAK AK 99615 0 9BRIEN,JIM P.O. BOX 2842 KODIAK R742503006.0 AK 99615 R7425030080 -•-RETERSON,L DANIEL P.C. •• 8-JX 2187 KODIAK •• AK 99615. se o Lois 7, 8, 11 i /1 8, 810cX / ___ ass 3.A.Lci (1-sla Aleg Lexi(e S _Isiald_d_ Lo -i-s ' e S_LaaeLy 8/0c, / id :1 - A 74_a5-031) 0 1 D A 74 Asl'" :to 0/ o 3 03o Loo4o 05-0 05-0 (Q_ o6c7 060 o lo a 80 iJ 1 6 z - / A o --r-1 (Boi / - 7021 /)\ 8 - &Z/5o3 0 l.„ 3 , _4 o90 Bo (/2)_-_ 9 09/ LI.30 D; /DO I L0 ' eA PDIAtf A la_sgal )57- 13!o c-/' to 11- L61- : 6 - R15-35700 /00 JAIA /A I /61“3 / A,I, nil eA Po ,,i7t A/41 157, 3/c)a / iT,75/AcALEialic (kbd.)__31°_,LA a ! I i Ai 619__AD o / o _c2 3M -7535oioo3J _IIL-5 030 ;_l - 03,V. tLsS 3465-, 7a7 "A " Db7D Loi-.5__/ _LB . 570A0070 c o 4, / 0 etA_o ..3c) 4 40 �,K'� -r, +mss —•z- _ .; • ' R7535100100 SELVOG,SAMUEL & AGNES P.O. BOX 473 KODIAK AK 99615 R742-5010040' BRISCO,JAMES'III & CAROL P.O. BOX 1513 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010050 SWEENEY,T`M & TRACHSEL,E P.O. BOX 1.198 KODIAK AK 99615 ' R7425010060 ARMETTA,THERESE M BOX 435 USCG KODIAK AK 99619 'R7535010032 WISNER,HUGH & BOWERS,TROY P.O. BOX 2783 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010081 BLACK,GENE & SHEILA M P.O. BOX 340 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010090 WOODWORTH,H J & MONA RAE SR 5079 A WASILLA AK 99687- R7425030020: BACH,TOBIN & SHANNON P.O. BOX 2789 . KODIAK LAMONT,LYLE K P.O. BOX' 439 KODIAK M00,GREG P.O. BOX 1491 SEWARD AK 99615 R7425030030;- AK 99615 R7425030040 AK 99664 R7425030050 CHRISTIANSEN,HAROLD & C GENERAL DELIVERY KODIAK AK 99615 O'BRIEN,JIM P.00 BOX 2842 KODIAK R7425030060 AK 99615 R7425030080 PETERSON,L DANIEL P.O. BOX 2187 KODIAK AK 99615 R7535010031 BROWN,HAROLD & MARILYN C/0 FRANK PASTOR P.O. BOX 2873 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425030123_ FREEMAN,DUANE & NANCY P.O. BOX 912 KODIAK AK 99615 c R7425020050 LUND,JOHN P.O. BOX 2872 KODIAK c. AK 99615 R7425020070 ARNDT, SCOTT .0 BETH P.O. BOX 489 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020200 FRELS,RONALD & BARBARA • P.O. BOX 3353 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020210 KEEGAN,LAWRENCE P P.O. BOX 1956 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020220 VAN FLEET, EDWIN & JUDITH P.O. BOX 1848 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425020230 LEE,GEORGE & HELEN P.O. BOX 2117 - KODIAK AK 99615 WILLIAMS,BILLY D P.O. BOX 2736 KODIAK R7425020240 AK 9.9615 R7425030010 ZIMMER,ARTHUR R & ARLENE P.O. BOX 1582 KODIAK AK 99615 THOMPSON, STAN P.O. BOX. 94 KODIAK R7425010091 AK. 99615 R7425010100 ARNDT,KEVIN D (' W00DWORTH,H J MONA RAE P.O. BOX 2338 KODIAK AK 99615 . R7425030124 AUSTRING,ROBERTA G P.O. BOX 335 USCG KODIAK - AK 99619 C R7425010121 COOPERNEAL E & COLLEEN t' P.O. BOX 3023 KODIAK AK 99615 R7425010122 ARNDT:DONALD'C LORNA LEE P.O. BOX, 2069 KODIAK . AK 99615 SAGER, JOHN P.O. BOX 2246 KODI AK R7425020010 AK 99615 . R7425020030 SPENCER, JEFF & JENNIFER �. P.O. BOX 3093 KODIAK AK 99615 WHITE, WILTON T P.O. BOX 254 KODI AK R7425020040, AK 99615 KODIAK DAILY MIRROR—Friday, March 30, 7984 NOTICE OF HEARING THE KODIAK• ISLAND. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY, SEATED AS A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING APPEAL: 1. Subdivision of Lot -7A, Block 1, Bell's Flats -Ak 'Subd.; into eleven (11) Lots (Lots 7A through 7A -11, varying in area from 40,020 to 48,655 sq. ft. in area, Lot 7A-6 to. be 2:8344 acres in area). and an included roadway, "Kalsin `Circle ". (Williams G. Williams) 2, Rezoning Lots 7 through 12 B, Block 1, Island•Lake Subd.. USSS1707 from Single-Family Residential (R1) to Two - Family Residential'(R2) in accordance with Chapter. 17.72. (Mrs. Lorna`- Lee Arndt) THE HEARING . WILL TAKE PLACE DURING THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOROUGH ASSEMBLY AT 6:30 PM, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1984 IN THE BOROUGH ASSEMBLY CHAMBERS LOCATED AT 700 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD. PUBLISH: March 30, 1964056` 1