HOLLAND AC BK 2 LT 2 - Exception>DIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Telephones 486 -5736 - 486 =5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA, 99615 April 25, 1977 Kodiak Christian School Art Zimmer P. 0. Box 1582 Kodiak Ak 99615 Dear Mr Zimmer: This is to advise you that on April 20, 1977, meeting of the P & Z Commission the request for._an_:Exception- to conduct a school on Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block 2, Holland Acres Subdivision approval-was given. This exception was granted without holding a public hearing. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincrely, 2Lez,a Lutena Mulitalo, Zoning Administrator LM:rc - • • PLANN1NG& ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - April 20., 1977 . . •. Page road and approved by the Borough Engineer. Mr. Pugh seconded. Motion passed with Mr. Anderson abstaining. B Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Tract B USS 1678 (William J. Glynn). Mr. Pugh moved to approve the subdivision of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Tract 13 USS 1678 with the 4- stiPulation the road conform with the Borough Engineer's recommendation Mr. Erwin seconded. Motion carried with unanimous roll call vote. VIII ZONING ITEMS • A. Request for Lot Size Variance of Lot 6, Block 1, Leite Mr. Anderson moved to grant the lot size variance of Lot 6, Block 1,:-Leite Addition. Mr. Pugh seconded. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. B. Request for Lot Size Variance of Lot 23, Bllock 2, Island Lake:1Subdivision Kodiak AK USS 3219 (Michael C. Brechan). Mr. Ball moved to grant lot size variance of Lot 23, Block 2, Island Lake Subdivision Kodiak AK USS 321;9.; Mr. Anderson seconded. Motion passed with unanimous roll call vote. Request for Lot Size Variance of Lot 6, Block 1,n.Aleutian,.:HOM;Ubdiv- • ision (James C: Todd). 'Mr. 'Pugh moved to grant lot size variance of Lot 6, Block 1, Aleutian Homes Subdivision. Mr. Busch seconded. • Motion passed with unanimous roll call vote. •'D. Request for Setback Variance Lot 3B, Elock 35, East Addition (Richard A. Rohrer). Mr. Busch moved to grant setback-variance of-Lot 38, Brock 35; East Addition. call vote. Mr. Anderson seconded. Motion ,passed with uanimous roll . : EJ. Request for an Exception to Conduct a School on Lots 1, 2, & , Block 2, Holland Acres Subdivision (Kodiak:Christian..School, Art Zimmer). Chairman Williams read a letter from Mr. Zimmer into the minutes.. Mr. Busch moved to grant the exception without holding a public hearing for Lots 1, 2, •& 3, Block 2 • ' 'Holland Acres Sbdiiion. Mr.*Logan seconded Motion passed with unanimousj roll call vote. • F . ::.:Request for Setback Variance, Lot 13 A, USS 3100 (Fred A. Odgen,,Sr:). ChairMan WiIIiarns read a letter from Mr. Ogden into the minutes. Mr. Ball moved to grant setback variance of Lot 13A, USS, 3100. Mr. Busch seconded. Motion passed with unanimous roll call vote. G. Request for Vacation of .Portion of 8th Street (City of Kodiak-Saupe & Ahderson) Mr ugh moved to re-introduce the request for vacation of ,portion - • Of 8th Street: Mr. Busch seconded. • Motion passed with unanimous roll call 'Vdte. Chairman Williams stated that the vacation must be in accordance with standard zoning procedures: Mr. Ball moved to arant re uest-feir vacation of a portion of 8th Street, requested by the City of Kodiak Saupe &,'AriderSon. W.''Pugh 'seConded. Motion passed with unanimous roll call vote. • H Request for an Exception on Lot 2, Biock 7, Miller Point Subdivision -(Arnold T Hansen) :' Chairmani Williams read, a letter :from Mr: HanSen-C:: Mr Ball moved to grant the exception for one (1) year on- recommendation of Zoning Administrator, Mr, Mulitalo. •Seconded by Mr. Anderson.. • Mr.- Mulitalo explained that it was not`Possible..to. grant the lanel,use permit; the Borough 'Attorney's opinion is that neither an exception nor special uSeperMit,MaV:be granted without rezoning the area or arriending the code to include-this,particular usage. Motion failed with Mr.. Logan casting one YES vOte. I. Rezone from R-1 to Business Portions of Block 8, 12, & 13, Aleutian Homes Subdivision (Kavanaugh, .Pederson, S. & L. Graber),.., Mr. ,Busch moved to ,hold a ublic hearin on the re.uest to rezone ortions of.:13Iocks 8,:.12 Aleutian Homes Subdivision from R-1 to Business:. • • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH . April 20, 1977 CALL TO ORDER Planning 6 Zoning Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Williams at 7:38 P.M. in the Borough Meeting Room. ROLL CALL Present PhH Anderson Ron;13all Dan' Busch Gene Erwin ‘TbriiL6gan John Pugh Bill Williams Absent Chairman Williams introduced Phil Anderson and Tom Logan, as new members P & Z Commission, to the audience of approximately 57 people. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mr. Ball moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Busch. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. IV MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A. Assembly - Regular - April 7, 1977. No comment. V COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE A. Letter,- dated April 4, 1977, from Pat Holmes; regarding P & 'Z Review of 'Title 17, was noted and read into the minutes by Chairman Williams. B. Letter, dated March 8, 1977, from Louis G. Schneider, regarding Arnold T. Hansen Sawmill, was noted and read into the minutes by Chairman Williams. VI -SUBDIVISIONS, PRELIMINARY A. Subdivision of Lot 2, )Block 3, Bells Flats AK Subdivision (Fred A. Greer). Mr. Anderson made the rnotion to grant a preliminary approval for subdivision '• '; of Lot 2, Block 3, Bells Flats' AK Subdivision. Mr. Ball seconded. Mr. Erwin ' moved to amend the ori nal motion to include Items 1 throu h 5 as set out b the.Borough Engineer: (1) Vicinity map not provided - Section 16.16.010, (2)If.Lot lines are not at right angles to straight street lines nor radial to ''-'curved street lines - Section 16.20.050 B, (3) no official monuments - Section 16.16.020 B, (4) no monuments set - Section 16.16.020 E, and (5) lot are subject to State Sanitarian review - Section 16.20.050 E. Seconded by Mr.' 'Pugh. Motion carried by unanimous'roll call vote. The amended original motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. B. Subdivision of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, Tract B, USS 1678 (William J. Glynn). Mr. Pugh moved to approve the subdivision of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, Tract B USS 1678 with the stipulation that the road be put in. Motion seconded by Mr. ' Erwin. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VII SUBDIVISION, FINAL A. Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 1, Bells Fiats AK Subdivision (Ashford & Anderson). Mr. Busch made the 'motion to approve the subdivision of Lot 3, j Block 1, Bells Flats AK Subdivision with the stipulation of completion of-the KODIAK ISLAND WW"' no, & ZON rcalLsz Arlucnigii / - 7 Application Fee Paid Uype of Request Final :,11.:?pos1tion Remarks ■• Description of Land: A -umoy NO, Lot* Person Submittil Address Covering Letter Submitted SublIdtted Person or Representative to Attend Heetin€ Present Zoning Proposed Zoning Beason for ReqUest Approved Ilemarks Not Approved Remarks trough Assembly Approval Remarks KODIAK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Box 1582, Kodiak, Alaska 99615 March 29, 1977 The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Sirs, We of the Kodiak Christian School have been arranging matters to operate a private day school, beginning the fall of 1977. Our plan is to utilize the facilities of the Kodikk Bible Chapel basement at present. While the Bible Chapel at present uses its facilities for both church services and also for other Christian education purposes, we wish to know if it is necessary to have auuse exception" from you for it to be used for the day school. If this is necessary, would you be so kind as to give this matter your consideration, and issue the appropriate permission? If not, could you please inform us accordingly? Thankyou very much for your assistance in this matter. ' rt, Zim arz Chairman of Board • island Borough rormAK, ALASKA RECEIVED MAK ;5 1 1977 A% Pk I$iOgilken I 0.)i ::PasAlibo$