HOSPITAL BK 1 LT 2A-1 - Variance (2)KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development roe (Flom 204), Kodiak, Alaska 941915-634.0 - Puma (907) 486-5736aziendon 255 cr 2f4 ____ _ ZONING_COMP IANCE PERMIT --- . - - --Permit-#:6=- -R z- 9- . 2. 3. ., . Property Owner/Applicant: 'Ifeattf9/f t.LP - - . . smthid( omits identification al psriting sous is reccisi - Yes: : ,-*---7 Maim Maw: -7(0 Di / Li- act-ti R P —Phone: - S-- - '7 _3 L /110 /90/ Pevo itz--- 4' Pi(i-r-r-7- Po (2 (70 . Legal Description: kir- 3 i_e(ic t /405/77-Z— 5-ti el) , Off-strest loading requiems= A)//97. / . Sheet Ackkass: /9'/5 ter97t)of loRn/F_-qaicoeerRiii3(ou0o.30 Plat Mated remiernsnts (e.g., Oat naps, easements, sublivisian Ppm:lib:ins, etc): Description of Existing Propertyrcurrentacing: - ' fi._ Ninth= Raw 'red Let kw ,r_2_ 07_7 Width: . -- -k) Other recsairemente (e.g, zero lot line, additkmal setbacks, projections into yards, screening, etc.): /1)//4 . Ictual Lot kw 1 gef2tg- Wiclac Agitiv'ry . Whim Required Sedmcksz Stier 2 4- i 6( /0°/o 461- W . Front 2 . / Rear 23- 1 &' .2-510 Coastal Management Nog= Applicable Polices (checkappropriate category) - Residential: Business: . / Mairnurn Building Height Industriat Other (150: PE- Use and sin ai misting structures on the lot *25 p ) 7)L_____ Is the proposed retain consistent with the KE Csiestal Managtimerd Program? - Yew ‘•••"'....--- No: ____ , ff the propoesd action conflicts with the Coastal Management Program poikies, attach ashes:stied (mes the policy(ies), describes the cortflim(s), and specifies conciikins b mites) the anftict(s). Attachment - Vex No: 4. Description of proposed action (aItich SIN : , ' ' . , C ..- RCA . rk) s ........ 0 --G, '" r e4, , i. . m / • •.• - fiNe A . :". Applicant Certification: !hereby certify that 1 will amply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Cade and that I have the authority to certify this as the property arm, or as a represemative of the property weer. I agree tr:11 Iderleble comer =dam in peace in the field for verification of setbacia. B y : e,'''.-0,Ael..4_,4 D • /i,3/go Tide: -CL___ ,7 1.1-, (3-4.!_A■L - . Supporting documents (check): She plan: As-buih surrey: Other (fist): 6. - - Community Development suit for zoning, by: ti7 rirLir . .. . D : 7. Fire Chief [aty or Kodiak, Fin Okuda *1 (13syside), Menses Bay Am District! approval for UFC (SectIons 10.207 and 10.301C) ty: • . , ! 8. ' , Driveway Permit (State, City of Kcsllak, Bcsough) issued by: 1 • . . , . 9. Septic system PLAN ow 0...1 by Dale: Disedmion: File / Buhding Official / Applicant THIS FORM DOES NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED July 1990 ' Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Camardella, Engineering and Facilities Director FROM: Patricia Miley, Community Development Secretary DATE: May 17, 1990 RE: Case 90 -029. Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback on a lot in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Island Borough) The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on May 16, 1990, granted the variance request cited above. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT ALLOW ANY CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN. Zoning compliance and/or a building permit must first be obtained. Please contact this office for further details. An appeal of this decision may be initiated by any person or party aggrieved by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of the Commission's decision. The notice of appeal must state the specific grounds for the appeal and the relief sought by the applicant. Therefore, the Commission's decision will not be final and effective until ten (10) days following the decision. Failure to utilize this variance within twelve (12) months after its effective date shall cause its cancellation. Please bring this letter when you come to our office to obtain zoning compliance for any construction on the lot. The Commission adopted the following findings of fact in support of their decision: Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development is the fact that while the front lot line by Code definition is located on the Simeonoff Street side of the lot, the front of the lot for Case 90 -029 Page 1 of 3 May 17, 1990 Memorandum to Ray Camardella Engineering and Facilities Director May 17, 1990 Page Two all practical purposes is along Rezanof Drive. In practice, the proposed location for the CT scan building more closely approximates a rear or side lot line in terms of site use. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would not permit the location of the CT scan building in the proposed location. This would result in practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship for the hospital. Other areas of the lot are constrained by existing development and heavily used parking areas close to the main entries. As noted in the above finding, it would be more appropriate to evaluate the proposed location as a side or rear lot location due to the actual pattern of use on the property. While the CT scan building will eliminate four (4) off-street parking spaces, a recent count by Borough Engineering and Facilities Department staff indicates that there are currently sixty-five (65) off-street parking spaces to serve a Code requirement of forty-five (45) spaces. 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare. The proposed location will provide an adequate separation [ten (10) feet] from the adjacent residential lot. In addition, the provision of the CT scan itself will provide a benefit to the entire community. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area for Public and Open Space. Case 90-029 Page 2 of 3 May 17, 1990 Memorandum to Ray Camardella Engineering and Facilities Director May 17, 1990 Page Three 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, the applicant has not caused special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by variance. The variance will be determined prior to construction of the CT scan building. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Hospital and related uses area permitted in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District. If you have any questions about the action of the Commission, please contact the Community Development Department. cc: Jerome M. Selby, Mayor Case 90 -029 Page 3 of 3 May 17, 1990 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare. If the variance is granted, the addition to the existing structure will be consistent with the development on adjacent lots. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which do not generally address such issues as setbacks. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, the actions of the applicant have not caused special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by variance. The variance will be decided prior to construction. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. The granting of this variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the R1-- Single - family Residential Zoning District. If the associated exception request is not .granted, the applicant will have to limit the development to an addition to the existing single - family dwelling. Additions-to single- family dwellings are permitted in the R1-- Single- family Residential Zoning District. ' The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. COMMISSIONER HENDEL RETURNED THE GAVEL TO CHAIRMAN HEINRICHS. H) Case 90 -028. Request for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Section 18.20.030A (Review by the, Planning Commission - Assembly Approval) and Section 18.50.010' (Permits Generally) of the Borough Code of a disposal of Borough land' by permit (for $250.00 a year or the fair rental value, whichever is greater) for the construction and maintenance of a driveway access to Lot 2, Block 1, Shahafka Acres Subdivision. 490 Shahafka Circle; (Kodiak Island Borough; Donald M. Swanson) 1 DUANE DVORAK indicated 23 public hearing notices were mailed for this case and none were returned. This item was deleted from the agenda. 1) Case. 90 -029. 'Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback on a P & Z Minutes: May 16, 1990 Page 19 of 27 ) /-\ �� lot |n the PL-Pub|iu Use Lands ZomogDistrict. Lot 3, Block 1.Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Jsiand Borough) DUANE DVORAK indicated 47 public hearing notices were mailed for this case and none were returned. Staff recommended approva of this request. Regular Session Closed. Public Hearing Opened: JOHN SALNESS, Kodiak Island Hospital Director, appeared before tho Commission and expressed support for this request. Public Hearing Closed. Regular Session Opened. COMMISSIONER HENDEL MOVED TO GRANT a variance from Section 17.33.050 of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty- six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback in the PL--PubIic Use Lands Zoning District on Lot 3, Biock 1, Hospital Subdivision; and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report dated May 8, 1990 as "Findings of Fact" for this case. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the oroperty or intencled use of devetopment, which Qenerally do not apply to other proDerties in the same land use district. The exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development is the fact that while the front lot line by Code definition is located on the Simeonoff Street side of the lot, the front of the lot for all practical purposes is along Rezanof Drive. In Practice, the proposed | location for the CT scan building more closely approximates a rear or side lot line in terms of site use. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in ! practical difficulties or unnecessary hardshiDs. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would not permit the location of the CT scan building in the proposed location. This would result in practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship for the hospital. Other areas of the lot are constrained by existing development and heavily used parking areas close to the main entries. As noted in the above findinQ, it would be mom/ appropriate to evaluate the proposed location as a side or rear lot Iocation due to the actual patternof use onthe property. While the CT scan building will eliminate four (4) off-stnwet| parking spaces, a recent count by Borough Engineering and Facilities Department staff indicates that there are currently sixty- five (65) off-street parking spaces to serve a Code requirement, of forty-five (45)spaces. 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare. The proposed location will provide an adequate separation [ten (10) feet] from the adjacent residential lot. In addition, the provision of the CT scan itself will provide a benefit to the entire community. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the obiectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area for Public and Open Space. • 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, the applicant has not caused special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by variance. The variance will be determined prior to construction of the CT scan building. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Hospital and related uses area permitted in the PL--Public Use Lands Zoning District. The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. J) Case S-90-021. Request for preliminary approval of the subdivision of I Lot 6, Block 1, Miller Point Alaska Subdivision First Addition and replat to Lots 6A, 6B, and 6C, Block 1, Miller Point Alaska Subdivision First I Addition. 3383 Balika Lane (Michael W. Anderson) DUANE DVORAK noted that a "supplemental staff report" was distributed prior to the meeting due to a request from Kodiak Electric Association for an easement along all the road frontages. Mr. Dvorak also noted comments received from the Alaska Department of ; Transportation and Public Facilities stating that "local erosion control measures should be identified to minimize impact of slope changes." DUANE DVORAK indicated 37 public hearing notices were mailed and none were returned. Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to conditions. Regular Session Closed. Public Hearing Opened: MIKE ANDERSON, applicant, appeared before the Commission to, answer any questions the Commission might have. The Commission and Mr. Anderson discussed the proposed driveway; profile as delineated on the bluelines submitted with the application for preliminary approval. P & Z Minutes: May 16, 1990 Page 21 of 27 Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Camardella, Engineering and Facilities Director FROM: Patricia Miley, Community Development Secretary ro- DATE: May 14, 1990 RE: Case 90-029. Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty-six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen,(15) feet into the front yard setback on a lot in the PL--Public Use Lands Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Island Borough) Enclosed please find a copy of the materials, concerning the above referenced item, reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their regularly scheduled packet review worksession held Wednesday, May 9, 1990. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Community Development Department. enclosures CC: Jerome M. Selby, Mayor (with enclosures) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RE: ITEM VI -I Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM May 8, 1990 Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Department Information for the May 16, 1990 Regular Meeting Case 90 -029. Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback on a lot in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Island Borough) Forty -seven (47) public hearing notices were distributed on May 4, 1990. Date of site visit: 1. Applicant: 2. Land Owner: 3. Existing Zoning: 4. Zoning History: 5. Location: Physical: Legal: 6. Lot Size: 7. Existing Land Use: Case 90 -029 May 4, 1990 Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak Island Borough PL-- Public Use Lands The 1968 Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Service Recreation. Ordinance 83 -30 -0 rezoned Lots 1 - 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision to PL-- Public Use Land. 1915 Rezanof Drive Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision 3.4 acres Hospital Page 1 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North: Lot 2, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision Use: Vacant Zoning: PL--Public Use Lands South: Lot 1, Block 1, U.S. Survey 1682 Unsubdivided Portion of U.S. Survey 1682 Use: Church, single-family residence Zoning: RR1--Rural Residential One East: Lot 2, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision Use: Vacant Zoning: PL--Public Use Lands West: Lots 1 and 10, Block 56, East Addition Lots 1 and 10, Block 57, East Addition Use: Single-family residences and apartment Zoning: R1--Single-family Residential 9. Comprehensive Plan: 10. Applicable Regulations: 17.33.050 Yards. ITEM V1-1 The 1968 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area as Public and Open Space. The following sections of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Borough Code and the Kodiak Island Borough Coastal Management Program are applicable to this request: A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard required is twenty-five feet. B. Side Yards. The minimum yard required on each side of a principal building is ten percent of the lot's width but need not exceed twenty-five feet. The minimum required side yard on the street side of a corner lot is twenty-five feet. C. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard required is twenty-five percent of the lot's depth but need not exceed twenty-five feet. Case 90-029 Page 2 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 ITEM VI-I COASTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICABLE POLICIES Business Development 1. Natural Features Dredge and fill, excavation, shoreline alteration and disturbance of anadromous streams, tideflats and wetlands shall be minimized when constructing and operating port, harbor, dock, business and energy facilities - if permitted under applicable regulations. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve construction or operation of a port, dock, industrial or energy facility. 2. Natural Setting, Views and Access Development shall be conducted In a manner that mitigates adverse impacts upon the Kodiak Archipelago; developers shall provide opportunities for public access to the shoreline and scenic views, to the extent feasible and prudent. Consistent: Not applicable. This property is not located along the shoreline. 3. Dredge and Excavation Material Dredging and filling shall be consistent with ACMP Standards 6 AAC 80.040 (Coastal Development) and 6 AAC 80.110 (Mineral and Mining Processing). Dredge spoil may be utilized in shoreside landfills if permitted under applicable regulations for the purpose of creating usable waterfront land. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve any dredging or filling along the shoreline. 4. Facility Design Developments in or over the water, such as piers, docks and protective structures shall be located, designed and maintained in a manner that Case 90-029 Page 3 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 ITEM VI-I prevents adverse impacts upon water quality, fish, wildlife and vegetative resources and minimizes interruption of water circulation patterns, coastal processes and navigation. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve development in or over the water. 5. Buffer Zones Buffer zones shall be established to the extent feasible and prudent, between business areas and major public transportation routes and between business development and adjacent, non-business properties in order to minimize conflicts between land uses. Consistent: Not applicable. This property is located in a long established public use area. 6. Accessory Development Accessory development that does not require a shoreline location in order to carry out its support functions shall be sited away from the shoreline whenever there is a feasible and prudent inland alternative. this category includes parking, warehousing, open air storage,-waste storage, treatment or storm runoff control facilities or utilities. Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve accessory development. 7. Wetlands Case 90-029 Filling and drainage of water bodies, floodways, backshores or natural wetlands shall be consistent with ACMP Standards 6 AAC 80.070 (Energy Facilities) and 6 AAC 80.130 (Habitats). Consistent: Not applicable. This action does not involve filling or draining of water bodies, floodways, backshores or natural wetlands. Page 4 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 ITEM VI-I COMMENTS The purpose of this request is to permit a fourteen by thirty-six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the required twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback. In order to grant a variance, the Commission must find that the proposed development meets all of the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development is the fact that while the front lot line by Code definition is located on the Simeonoff Street side of the lot, the front of the lot for all practical purposes is along Rezanof Drive. In practice, the proposed location for the CT scan building more closely approximates a rear or side lot line in terms of site use. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would not permit the location of the CT scan building in the proposed location. This would result in practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship for the hospital. Other areas of the lot are constrained by existing development and heavily used parking areas close to the main entries. As noted in the above finding, it would be more appropriate to evaluate the proposed location as a side or rear lot location due to the actual pattern of use on the property. While the CT scan building will eliminate four (4) off-street parking spaces, a recent count by Borough Engineering and Facilities Department staff indicates that there are currently sixty-five (65) off-street parking spaces to serve a Code requirement of forty-five (45) spaces. Case 90-029 Page 5 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 r ITEM VI-I The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare. The proposed location will provide an adequate separation [ten (10) feet] from the adjacent residential lot. In addition, the provision of the CT scan itself will provide a benefit to the entire community. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which identifies this area for Public and Open Space. 5, That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this case, the applicant has not caused special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by variance. The variance will be determined prior to construction of the CT scan building. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Hospital and related uses area permitted in the PL--Public Use Lands Zoning District. RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that this request does meet all the conditions necessary for a variance to be granted under Chapter 17.66 (Variance) of the Borough Code. Case 90-029 Page 6 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 ITEM VI -I. APPROPRIATE MOTION Should the Commission agree with the staff recommendation, the appropriate motion is: Case 90 -029 Move to grant a variance from Section 17.33.050 of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District on Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report dated May 8, 1990 as "Findings of Fact" for this case. Page 7 of 7 P & Z: May 16, 1990 _o, 3, Bloc/. 1, ospi al SJIDd. ininn rri of 350 fee. rorn exterior o, ines -.(rort ••••' cdpri 0 cAr0 15 1u:4W) trio r r; f.;, rAk,o= cr.-.74‘;:,1-1.0,TAUFT-31( 11:5 i 1117 1 1- • . • E XI 5 f SEWE.R. MAIN (-1/twic-vz4x../1". rim RE-(.0 !•-••de.-t_ -01,1 • ;I FE: A 'F • `2,7-1- ..4 • re' t /1/4,-; 1. s 7 -!:,1„t; t , I . . . i 89. Frij LJEJI 4, To it.x1' ?0,41,J. _ t . . • t 4_,Fxi p"./ C, • • 14T. 'ff . igtENGE,t4 I Nk.ai • • : NEw `FX/ :."•/-7/,1/4/C d'Ard if '44 Lyz' fSi■IF-1* ) Mi<lt•)& SrAcrS Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Camardella, Engineering and Facilities Director FROM: Patricia Miley, Community Development Secretary DATE: May 3, 1990 RE: Case 90 -029. Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback on a lot in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Island Borough) Please be advised that the request referenced above has been scheduled for review and action by the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission at their May 16, 1990 regular meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Attendance at this meeting is recommended. The week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, May 9, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room ( #121), the Commission will hold a worksession to review the packet material for the regular meeting. You are invited to attend this worksession in order to respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding this request. If you have any questions, please call the Community Development Department at 486- 5736, extension 255. cc: Jerome M. Selby, Mayor Kodiak Island Borough 710 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340 -tity,, mr,, ,....-.._,..„ ... -,4:7-. "`",*:',„ Iff:zy 4 6',16, . Ok 41d • '.; , , Xr f.,0 44114- • , , • k. WOM AMER &AP TI ST P.0* BOX 785 KODIAK R1 43 MISSI ON AK 9961 5 MAY -4'90 ti S I,USIAGL #4, " u 2 5 ;01.14E1 ER 44 67nmn 0401114Y 11*-117, 1990 4 _.pitiztrz, Kodiak Island Borough 710 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340 */ kik), 'w`.',-,- ... ' .- - 11,, - i .,,,, ... t/ . ". ''''' ''I'''41*';':•,...j.'s .7 ':.,:' ." '''''' FRONTIER :8'1AP TI ST P.O. BOX 392 KODIAK R143501q10 CHURCH AK 99 61 5 ,.\t„.■„„,1 scfr.,:hr MAY -490 P.1a.METLA 6700127 0 .2 5 .7.: K(.u)IAK ISLAND BOROU i I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -I PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 1990. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to hear comments, if any, on the following request: Case 90 -029. Request for a variance from Section 17.33.050 (Yards) of the Borough Code to permit a fourteen by thirty -six (14 x 36) foot CT scan building to project fifteen (15) feet into the front yard setback on a lot in the PL-- Public Use Lands Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Hospital Subdivision; 1915 Rezanof Drive East. (Kodiak Island Borough) If you do not wish to testify verbally, to the Community Development Department This notice is being sent to you because our records any questions about the request, please Your Name: you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter prior to the meeting. indicate you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have feel free to call us at 486 -5736, extension 255. Mailing Address: Your property description: Comments: Ccse 90 -029 _ot 3, Ioc 1, ospita Subd. Public \otice Area Minimum of 350 feet from ex,erior lo: lines R1120540010 NELSON,SELDON E TINA BOX 302 KODIAK AK 99615 KODIAK,CITY OF P.O. BOX 1397 KODIAK (Th 811205300.10 AK 99615 SARGENT, STAN P.D. BOX 574 KODIAK R1120540140 AK 99615 R1120540150 WESTERN ALASKA FISHERIES P.O. BOX 2367 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120550010 WITHROW /JUERGENS /ETAL BRINGGOLD 1818 EAST REZANOF.DR KODIAK AK 99615 R1120550030 NUTTALL,MICHAEL E MARY P.O. B0X 2032 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120550050 EGGEMEYER , JAME S/ MARL YS S P.O. BOX 965 KODIAK AK 99615 n 1 1 -)ni Enni.n POWELL,RICHARD £ KANDI P.O. BOX 2074 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120560010 MAJOR,JAMES £ SHARON P.O. BOX 532 KODIAK AK 99 615 SOULS, MAR I ON P.O. BOX 352 KODIAK R1120560020 AK 99615 R1120560030 JOHNSON,DONALD /PENELOPE P.O. BOX 3753 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120560040 JOHNSON,CHARLES E CONNIE P.O. BOX 813 KODIAK AK 99615 ENGEL,CARSON P.O. BOX 352 KODIAK VINBERG,DONALD P.O. BOX 1813 KODIAK R1120560050 AK 99615 R1120560060 AK 99615 R1120560070 LLAVE,ANGELITO /ADELAIOA P.O. BOX 786 USCG vnnTAv AV Qg Al Q R1120560080 BLACKBURN,JAMES C CHRIS P.Q. BOX 2298 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120560090 BABB1 TT, SARAH AKA SARAH ROUNSAVILLE 1816. SIMEONOFF KODIAK AK 99615 R1120560100 MCFARLAND,WALT & MARY P.Q. 80X 2774 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120570010 MEADE,ROBERT E RITA 1819 SIMEONOFF KODIAK AK 99615 R1 12 05 70 02 0 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS C SUCCESSORS 235 E 8TH AVENUE ANCHORAGE AK 99501 81120570030 KELLEY,PATRICIA t JOSEPH P.Q. BOX 2866 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120570040 REID,DANA C SUSAN 1813 SIMEONOFF ST KODIAK AK 99615 R11205701. ANICIETE,RAYMUNDO /FELISA 1811 SIMEONOFF ST KODIAK AK 99615 R1120570060 CRATTY,ALFRED E FLORENCE 1810 CHICHENOFF KODIAK AK 99615 GOTT,DONALD HCR 73 BOX 2528 DOG PATCH R1120570070 AR 72648 R1120570080 CHAPMAN,JAMES E DOROTHY 1814 CHICHENOFF KODIAK AK 99615 R1120570090 STILL, MICHAEL /GEMEVI EV E P.O. BOX 2908 KODIAK AK 99615 R1120570100 LOEWEN,WALTER /CATHER 1NE P.O. BOX 4204 KODIAK AK 99615 R1020040010 DAMM,KENNETH E ELAINE P.C. BOX 69 KODIAK AK 99615 91n- )nrl.nn -)n 11M.KtNNt H L tLA1Nt P 0. BOX K AK '9615 R1020040030 DAMM.KENNETH & ELAINE P.O. BOX 1666 KODIAK AK 99615 R1420040002 POWELL +CHARLES C FRANCES P.O. BOX 605 KODIAK AK 99615 R1 42 00 50 00 1 KALIM COMPANY/ THE C/0 KONIAG INC 4300 °B• ST STE 407 ANCHORAGE AK 99503 K P KO DIA CITY 0. BO 13 7 R142 00 50 002 K K 99615 MULLER/MILDRED P.O. BOX 313 KODIAK R1 42 00 50 00 3 AK 99615 R14200 50 00 5 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF AK P.C. BOX 441 FAIRBANKS AK 99707 R14350100 FRONTIER BAPTIST CHURCH P•0. BOX 392 vnnrAw A1{ OQ 1 r, KO,IA CITY P.11 13 KOD R1436010010 K 99615 R1436010020 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH KIB 11 710 MILL BAY RD KODIAK AK 99615 KODIAK 0'L 5 71 M KO R1436010030 SLAM) BOROUGH AK ..615 R1436010040 WOM AMER BAPTIST MISSION P.O. BOX 785 KODIAK AK 99615 R1448000130 PEREZ,ANTHONY & MADELYN P.O. BOX 6 KODIAK AK 99615 R1448000140 COLWELL,DAVID 1914 MILL BAY RD KODIAK AK 99615 R1448000141 ROHRER,RICHARD & SUSAN P.O. BOX 2219 KODIAK AK 99615 R1448000151 TERRY,CAROLYN E THOMAS 1751 SW TURNER RD WEST LINN OR 97068 R1448000161 HANCOCK,EDWARD E MYRNA R.O. BOX 1730 KODIAK AK 99615 R1448000162 R C C E B ENTERPRISES 3012 WESTW00D DR. POST FALLS ID 83854 TRAVERSIE,PATSY P.O. BOX 2954 KODIAK R1448000163 AK 99615 R1448000164 BEEHLER ETAL /ASA DOROTHY /NEVIN /SHIRLEY P.O. BOX 2645 KODIAK AK 99615 R7315060010 BARDOT,WILLIAM E CAROLE COVES TRAILER PARK 30 HUAALANI DRIVE HILO HI 96720 R7315020030 BEACHCOMBERS RENTALS INC P.Q. BOX 947 KODIAK AK 99615 711 5n4nn?n 4//ali o - 0 6.13-Pr A-th9 /770A..) &Lk. S-3 o1 14'0404 _170 (1.J 8244 &614-s-r- /4-04-.J1 -r7 r%) £i S- / A-o-e-rno p-) S- Zor- 41., 7- A UG _ 7- for /6 ■e- 1)241,4,14 lifu4 r I 3 0513 -0 I 0 -de //2, DS-yo Ds- o eD2-o ■•■•••01. a, 2- s- 0 /5I " &s- ,s-D �o 11 2_ 6 5-6o io 0e iiz. Sc /00 ie ,00 0/ 0 00frio V55 /3 f 772-A-cr //'/ ot, 5147 00 z 055 /3n- 7/144-6'r e"-- V5.5 /ea / M7SP/77:44-. at US' Boig 6,7 13 3-0 L7-/5 / liSS 3S- 1 I 697 - 055 2, 0 40 41, /4173 132-g 3 V Zor.26 00S-0 o© ,/93 So/' o de J'/3 hoio q4 o/ R iztiv crono /30 iVY F000 /V/ / IlieY4 F000 s-1 ?Doe, 474 _ R-731 $3o 0/0 4731 so yo 6 V55 6'3'i3 13-14 Lor / E 7-31 c060 Ccse 90 -029 of 3, Bloc/. 1. ospital Subd": Pub ic Novice Area Minimum of 35D feet frorn exterior lot lines 7 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 MILL BAY ROAD, ROOM 204, KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340, (907) 486-5736 The application fee for all Items covered by this form Is fifty dollars ($50.00), except as otherwise noted. Conditional Use Permits, Exceptions, and Variance applications also require the submission of a site pion. Applicant Information Property owner's name: t3.-r4.., - , Z F c.4~. 4a 4 Property owner's mailing address: 7 (C) firiz.4-. City: i.T%..rA• r..... State: zq Zip: 7' r6 r-r Home phone: Work phone: 406 -..s- 736 4.--- If applicable, Agent's name: Agent's mailing address: --1L-1T7 '*-1 (24-Z-TO 2 City: State: Zip: Home phone: Work phone: Property Information Legal Description: tpL-S---Scrrrv-e:---3C–/--L— 6,T 3 h-t-ie / 140 ir-ii-c. Present use of property: /11,D..ces4,.. iC4c/4-/ Proposed use of property: -1--,--s-7-4 CT ....- o Cie_ / 'ley C_ e>1. fr ,a42065 7 V Act (A'A-cE ? 2J s 6-rt c4 ( R•1444,717 ,00.5tC ?)i4-- Applicant Certification 1, the applicant/authorized agent, have been advised of the procedures involved with this request and have recleved a co . y of the appropriate regulations. I - 2 itzA, Authorized Agent's Signature Date Property Owner's Signe uv- 1 Date STAFF USE ONLY Code Section(s) involved: .1-, 33 - 050 Conditional Use Permit Exception Variance Title 18 Review Other (e.g., appearance requests, etc.) non-fee Items Zonin ch nge from (' to Application accepted: 1 AA-- V 1„.0 A41— 2) MO ‘ADI2 Staff signature accepted Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM TO: Karl Short, Accountant FR: Donna Smith, Engineering/Facilities Secretary DT: April 27, 1990 RE: P & Z Variance Fee Please charge $50.00 against Acct. 11047-189-584-87-61 for the variance on the CT Scan for the Kodiak Island Hospital. Thank you. cc: Community Development Department APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANY - CITY OF KODIAK - KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Telephone: 486 -3224 700 Mill Bay Road FORMATION WITHIN BOLD LINES. PLEASE PRINT. USE A BALLPOINT PEN AND PRESS FIRMLY.) (OFFICE USE ONLY) STREET ADDRESS: CLASS AND SCOPE OF WORK: SPECIFICATIONS: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: DATE OF APPLICATION: c LOT : BLOCK : NEW DEMOLITION FOUNDATION FOOTINGS STEM WALL PIERS ZONING COMPLIANCE : DATE ISSUED: ALTERATION REPAIR TYPE SUBDIVISION /SURVEY: ADDITION MOVE DIMENSIONS VALUATION BASIS: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: DEPTH IN GRND 0 E R NAME: -- j� --1 r' USE OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT: REINFORCEMENT VALUATION: UATTION PLAN CHECK FEE: BOLT SPACING CRAWL SPACE HEIGHT INCHES OCCUPANCY GROUP: TOTAL FEE: MAILING ADDRESS: A B E H I M R DIV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CRAWL SPACE VENT SQ. FEET RECEIPT NO.: CITY & STATE: SIZE HEIGHT STRUCTURAL SPECIES & GRADE SIZE SPACING SPAN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES INSPECTION BE REQUESTED & COMPLETED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK: FOR INSPECTION CALL 486 -3224 NO. OF ROOMS STORIES TELEPHONE NO. OF FAMILIES GIRDERS TYPE OF BUSINESS GIRDERS A R C H / E N G NAME: NO. OF BLDGS NOW ON LOT JOISTS 1ST FLOOR USE OF EXISTING BLDGS JOISTS 1ST FLOOR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V N 1 -HR FR H.T. SIZE OF LOT JOISTS 2ND FLOOR WATER: PUBLIC PRIVATE JOISTS 2ND FLOOR CITY & STATE: SEWER: PUBLIC PRIVATE CEILING JOISTS INSULATION TYPE & THICKNESS: EXTERIOR WALLS EXCAVATION FOUNDATION BEARING WALLS TELEPHONE : UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INTERIOR WALLS DRIVEWAY PERMIT: FOUNDATION /SETBACKS SUBMITTED FRAMING STATE LICENSE : WALLS ROOF RAFTERS ROOF / CEILING TRUSSES APPROVED ROUGH ELECTRICAL C T R A C T R NAME: SHEATHING TYPE & SIZE: FURNACE TYPE: , ROUGH PLUMBING ADEC APPLICATION: FINAL FLOOR SUBMITTED DATE C.O. ISSUED: WOOD HEATER YES NO MAILING ADDRESS: FINAL APPROVAL WALLS ALASKA FIREMARSHALL REVIEW: SJBMITTED: APPROVED: CITY & STATE: ROOF TYPE I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION, THAT IT IS CORRECT AND THAT I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL ORDINANCES AND LAWS REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION APPLICANT: TELEPHONE : FINISH MATERIAL: ROOF APPROVED- BUILDING OFFICAL: p • ;y' F ? -` ,� 7 STATE LICENSE ti f �. -.` ° EXTERIOR SIDING INTERIOR WALLS • NOTES: v■Il)(11c AC V:617 le• r- r ' ' % rico I-0 L_O 6.1641 0 +1( S (4) GT-5 CAeN 5 vtuD1p(3v ,Ne IN 7 fic3 , H 4 :.; _kV ITth Ic2 4;51/4F AZ PAC',10./c?- , EXI5 TM* SEWI%S: MAIN ("1/6c-1" ZOCATI6A1 by Fil-(D) 1 ;ALE: iVii. „ L.. ".• ••••• 4444.'4” 4••,' \ 1 - FUEL. OM. 5r0RAE.: 74\1K Jo D - QL19 eir Z•4: 15. X1AA‘ • Rv U 45 Fr (/ER/C0 n-L't 6;71-4. t.,•••• rr/ c't r/O/Y - t - - 13:',11/ trX.:4TICA.1),1E- Pr (VERIFY), , r - • - 5Fr (viRiFY) ‘NJ .17-) rz-41-41 o _ E./177,W4 4"CW 5f-E Si4C:‹ EJ/12/1:',C.i /V_P.?IFY 96eyr "tATISitlels.1 Le 445 ecsriti:s - ---7x/5rini 6 E-X/:3 17/yG Is..1.5kk" 4 sr; .-: " e•el 1 - •, • PRoP&Wry /dive - I •4. "T / - • - ' I. 111.15 —C.041ELT 1 . 4 t o " g \ k , 1 p E t . KV) VE- '7.1/ Rj 1*. •