ERSKINE ADD BK 7 LT 50 - VarianceKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH CASE PLANNING & ZONING REQUEST APPLICATION DATE .4pe of Request: QL 1 Final Disp�.ition: Remarks: Fahe )escription of Land: Lot: Block: Addn : 'erson Submitting Application:!�, Q , 1 , (?'crvt r �S- Iailing Address 1 6-g 22-- 04. c _ Survey # —, ".gvering letter submitted: Referred from: Plat Submitted: A..)•0 C) 'erson or Representative to attend meeting: 'resent Zoning: i'roposed Zoning• reason for Request: ) sue; -.I� (Name Nnusual Circumstances: .►pproved : Remarks: Rot Approved: Remarks: q- lorough Assembly Approval: remarks: • DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ERSKINE SUBDIVISION Block 1: Lots 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45. Block 5: Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Block 7: Lots 48, 49, 50, 53 54, 56, 57 and 58. Block 9: Lots 81, 82, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 115, 116, 117, 118, and 119. PLANNING Ee 'ZONING COMMISSION - REGULAR MEETING JULY 1,-1964 The meeting was called to order by Commissioner L. Johnson at 7:40 p.m in the Court-Room. Commissioners present: Kraft, Sutliff, Johnson, Felton, Smith and. Lamme Others present: 'Roy Madsen, Gerd Jensen, Jim Barr, Rev. Targonsky, R. Hubbard and Chuck LaPage. The minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1964 were considered and unanimously approved as read by a voice vote by the Commissioners. Mr. Charles Stanton of Trans-Alaska Telephone Company submitted a request to rezone Lots 93 Ee 94, Block 9 of Erskine Subdivision from residential to commercial. They' propose to build a modern fireproof, one story concrete block building' and Would like to commence construction as soon as possible. Mr, Jensen of the Kodiak Telephone Company said it would be possible to rebuild on their present property but they would have the expense of removing the present building and there has been no guaranty of the resale from Urban Renewal of the land. They have received no response from the State Highway Department as to the grade of the road, in front of the present building. bommisSionder Johnson read a letter from Ronald Slaymaker requesting variances of Block 1, Lots 40,41, 42, 43, 45, Block 5, L ts 18, 19,.20, 21, 22, Block 7, Lots 48 49,-50, 53, 54; 56, 57, 58, Block 9, Lots 81; 82, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 115, 116, 117, 118 and 119 of the Erskine SUbdivision. Attorney Madsen read the existing Ordinance No. 240, Section 20 C(1)(B) p4ge 55. Commissioner Felton made the motion to deny both Mr. Stanton & Mr. Slaymaker's request for variances as they do not comply with Ordinance No. 240, Section,20 C(1)(1?). Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously caned by a voice vote.' Reverend Targonsky asked that since Urban Renewal classified U.S.S. 444 Tract B a commercial zone would it be possible to build a rectory, orphanage, caretalFer's home or a parking lot in the same area. Mr. Jim Barr said there was no intent to move the rectory away from the Church by Urban Renewal. Commissioner Sutliff recommended the City Council and Urban Renewal be notified of Rev. Targonsky7s request and that sufficient land be Made available in. the immediate vicinity of the-church to be used for their purposes alone. Seconded by Commissioner Kraft and unanimously carried by a voice vote. Rev. Targonsky also asked how wide Mission Road would be. Commissioner Johnson replied 507.: Harold Alexander submitted a Building Permit and House Plans for approval. After a brief discussion commissioner Sutliff made the motion to approve Mr. Alexander's Building Permit. Seconded by Commissioner Kraft and unanimously, carried by a voice vote. Commissioner Johnson stated he would not be able to attend the meeting of August 5, 1964. There was a general discussion on Urban Renewal's tardiness in buying and reselling land to present propeqy owners who want to rebuild.. Mr. LaPage of A.H.A. said the earliest possible date Urban Renewal could. start purchasing land would be July 15, 1964 but he could see no reason why an: individual could not go ahead and build before this took place. H. O. Olsen submitted for.approva3 resubdivision of U.S.S. 3098, Lot 270 There was insufficientinformation and a revised plat will be resubmitted:at the next meeting. Commissioner Sutliff made the recommendation that a set of Urban Renewal Plans be purchased for the Planning & zoning Commission by the Assembly. Seconded by Commissioner Kraft and unanimously carried by .a voice vote. Mr. Barr presented an.architectural plan.as proposed for the Urban Renewal Area. A discussion followed with comments from the Planning & Zoning commitee and members of the public in attendance. Commissioner Sutliff moved that the Planning & Zoning Commission request a meeting with the State Division of Lands for reviewing the release of lands N. E. of Kodiak. Seconded by Commissioner Felton and unanimously carried, by a voice vote. It was suggested and condurred upon, that the Planning & Zoning Commission should begin immediately on planning land use of the above mentioned property. Mr. Barr will bring a Proposed Borough Zoning Map to the next meeting. Rev. Targonsky.asked about a cemetery addition on Lots 68, 69 and 70 Erskine SubdiVision. ThSreqUest was tabled pending formal application. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, p. : \ CITY OF KODIAK BOX 685, KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 Office Of The CITY MANAGER June 22, 1964 Mr. Leon Johnson Acting Chairman Borough Planning and Zoning Commission Box 1096 Kodiak, Alaska Dear Mr. Johnson: We are forwarding for your consideration the enclosed application for variances on the zoning ordinances. • RSJ/njh Encl: / Very truly yours, 0Th' OF KODIAK 124z4, Ralph ones City Manager Box 5522 Anchorage, Alaska- Mr. Jones, City Manager City of Kodiak Kodiak, Alaska Dear Mr. Jones:. Please find enclosed Application for a Variance of Zoning. Ordinance on properties within the Erskine Subdivision. I request that this application be placed on the agenda for the next platting board meeting. Very. truly yours,. KARLUK COMPANY, ■ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF KODIAK ZONING ORDINANCE Gentlemen: Pursuant to law, application is hereby made for a variance from the regulations of the City of Kodiak Zoning Ordinance to: to change from residential to commercial (state purpose) which is a variance from the requirements of Section of the Code of Ordinances of the. City of Anchorage. Premises affected are described as: (SEE ATTACHED) Paragraph The present owner acquired legal title to the premises on the 21st day of May , 196 4 Following are the names and addresses of all persons having a direct interest in the premises. Applicant: Karluk Company . Owner Karluk Company Lessee: Mailing AddressBox 5522, Anchorage Mailing Address Box 5522, Anchorage Mailing Address Other parties in Interest: NONE Mailing Address Description of Case (State the particular hardship, if any, and the unusual circumstances, if any, which are the grounds for the variance requested. State also the principal circumstances of the structure or premises affected along with .a description of the proposed work or plan.) Applicant hereby alleges that: - (See attached) Subscribed and sworn before me this day o KARL PANY By ACTION OF THE BOARD Nota,y Public in apd for thp State of Alaska _ My,_Commiqsion expires Description of Case 1) That local interest has generated in establishing commercial use of this land. 2) A larger tax base-for the City, of Kodiak would be generated by additional taxes from the business establishments that would be constructed on this land. 3) That logical growth of this area, which is located North of the existing business district, is evidenced by the paving of the highway known as Rezanoff Drive. 4) That more business and commercial land would be available to the growth of the community of Kodiak, which would eventually be needed, based on the economic feasibility studies of various federal and state organizations. INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE lzrShow to whom and Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered ❑ address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) t, No.5448.89 -' 'o RECEIPT 3 } Received the numbered article described below. 1 REGISTERED NO, SIGNATURE NAM OF SEE ( ust always befilkd in) 1 i CERTIFIED I a S `t' Li- g 7 2 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGE' , IF ANY 1 �� 1 INSURED NO. 0> 75 z J are I DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHER• �' IVERED(onlyifrequested) -FEB 1419 ,-- .I 2; m0 �e - a� tea.: I 055 71548-8 GPO till f 30 a< F0 m c I i v r o z 0 z- 02 I N 91 ZI 0> XZ ci p0 0 (aprs JaY ;o aas No.544891 -4 0 Cr 7' VIAI 03IJI1H33 a0J 1d133311' 0 0 vm N rn rn -o • 2 0 NSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING. EMPLOYEE Show to whom and n Show to whom, when, and ❑ Deliver ONLY when delivered. I I address where delivered to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always beflujed in) CERTIFIED NO, s tit r9 INSURED NO. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, ANY DATE DELIVERED ° FFR 1419 • ,:9",--C--1/ SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c55- 16- 71548 -8 GPO. INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE I Show to whom and Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY • when delivered ❑ address where delivered I, to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT - Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, - SIGNATUREt flR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always;befrlledin) CERTIFIED NO, INSURED NO. No.544892... o-a NATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY I FEFFEL RED C �l ._l_ } SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) No.544893 055 =]6= 71648 -8 " GPO - y, 0 0 TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE how to-whom and r Show to whom, -when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered I address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below: SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED FEB 14 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY HOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if equeste .c05 -16- 7X648-8 GPO INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and r Show to whom, when, and r Deliver ONLY - when delivered L., address where delivered I . to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) Received RECEIPT he numbered article described below. SIGNATURE 0 NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Mast always be filled in) REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED C INSURED NO. No.544885 FtB -i. 41�� 0 m w,3, z 0 0z ,1 70 Z Zm -fin 0 m a 00 Z D 30 ae (aprs Jetno eas No.544886 1IVW 031.1111133 HOl 1d133311' z 0 Oz .e 03, Zr,' Me, I� Zr,' 0e` Zr,' a9 r-� 30 a5 F (apis laW0 aaS) .1Z ONY :31V9 :A110 ON ONY 13381S m 0 INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE RS how to whom and — Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered address where delivered to addressee (Additional charges required for these services), RECEIPT - Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED NO. 5-4 SL INSURED N0. • DATE DELIVERED J G?IATU'E OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF A SHOW WHERE DELIVER„ n ly if requested) FEB 1519 o55 =15- 71548 -8 GPO - - " I INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEi ,Shaw to whom and` i I Show to whom, when,.and I Deliver ONLY when delivered I I address where delivered I to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT — Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDR (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED 140,_,..7 INSURED NO, j DATE DELIVERED ) F!! SIGNATURE OF AGENT, IF ANY OW WHERE D IVERED iyij.requested) 0 z OZ C m 0 I, z Zr" m4 en 7_, — 0 m 30 F g. I - CD CD 0 0 CD C. CD c5-13-71613-5 GPO No.54488E3 tel ,c4.trac R! ; : " 9 ° 0 2_ „ o g g rti teI__ 1=1 7I 0 0.4 a tqarl CD c.e n . > 0 0 0 PC en z P. to • z --3 0 xi rn m -co —1 -n rn 73 7:1 .71 321. Cry Zr,' Fo rn 0 CD CD 0 CD Co C. No.544887 N n 0. 0 17 INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to-whom and 1— Show to whom, when, and -Deliver ONLY when delivered ; L_ address where delivered I I to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) ' RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO, DATE DELIVERED SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DE Li (only if requested) FEB 14198 c55-16-71548-8 GPO ' 7 D E?O VE D INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and °"`— Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered address where delivered I to, addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. -SIGNATURE on NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always beflhled in) CERTIFIED O. .5—/ Y'S7-_,F INSURED NO. SIG NATURE- oF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, F ANY 67 WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) o55 -16- 71848 =8 GPO- ins w � 0 .11 e o. _ Z Zr,' n 230 i< a'^ x. em Zr,' a9 r� .3 0 ; F0 rn 0 lay ;o aas) No.544896 CD C C, `rn m '0 iN O2. Z Ztn n m0 Zm aXI �a OCI Zr,' a9 r� 30 Fo 0 m CD o co ti N CI No.544898 NSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE to whom and Show to whom, when, and II Deliver ONLY hen delivered - I. address where delivered Lto addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. s SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED ND. INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED FEB 1 4195 ATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY ' c55- 18- 7154B -8 - -GPO L INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and r-- Show to whom, when, and 1— Deliver ONLY when delivered address where delivered I to addressee (Additional charges required for these srvkes) Received RECEIPT - • he numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. - CERTIFIED NO. g-LE INSURED NO. ft DATE DELIVERED lists SIGNATU OR NAME • F ADDRESSEE (Muss always be filled id, SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S t; ci No.5-44895 • SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only requested) 055-11:1-4 GPO ))) ) ft! 1 No.544894. .c z n Z ° Z 0 0 Zr" r (wars saypo aa') g.3 ci c ° ci N 0 ci z- ci . ' (lb rn INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE -11 Show to whom and ii Show to whom, when, and r---1 Deliver ONLY when delivered 1 I address-where, delivered L_I to addressee (Additionarcharges required for these services) - RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF A DRESSEE (Must always CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. e filled in) r SIGNATURE.OF AD RESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHER IVERED (only i f requested) DATE DELIVERED 4.19&6 c55-16--71648-8 GPO- INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE IVShow to whom and (— Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered I address where delivered I to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below,:: , REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE9R NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Muslalways.be, CERTIFIED NO. 1 INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED FEB 1- ,- - 1 SIGNATURE-OF ADDRESSEE'S AGE NV,1 FANY SHOW :WHERE'DELIVERED (only //requested) .c50-16- 71548 -8 GPO No.544.9-01 i a z 0 Z U, ZZ Z Zr" -I n roc, Zr" 0 Zr" r9 30 Fo co co 0 23 m C, FYI ' C, m INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and r Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered address where delivered - I to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. , SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (MUst always befitted in) SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY INSURED NO.' r - CERTIFIED NO. DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE IVERED (only if requested) s c55 -16- 71548 -8 _. GPO INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and r— Show to whom, when, and F7 Deliver ONLY when delivered , I address where delivered I I to. addressee .- (Additional charges required for these services ) • ' ' RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR N OF AD SEE (Mus always be,filkd in) r CERTIFIED NO. )11 3-7 / t/L qd INSURED NO. i) ! 141 90 DATE DELIVERED OW WHERE IVERED (only if requesied) SI NATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY — " - &05-10-71548-8 GPO No.544900 z 0 Z5-g, 0 Z- 02 0> ZIZ -0 Zr,' me 2,1 ›x, 00 Zr" > = 3 0 > F No.544883 Fri Fri CI 0 E LI; )0 0 0. 0 0 n 'I g" 0. 43 0o. hi t; Fri 0 •S, 'ON ONV z — oz -10 .qo 0 zrn e, ° Zr,' > >, o Zr,' P13 (aprs 1: INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and r— Show to whom, when, and r-- Deliver ONLY when delivered L_ address where delivered I to addressee (Additional charges required for thee services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (1Ifust always be filkd CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY - DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only:7 eque FEB141966 a55— 71 4B-8 GPO INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and 1— Show to whom, when, and 1-- Deliver ONLY when delivered I address where delivered I to addressee (Additional charges required for these,.services) RECEIPT — Received the numbered article descri REGISTERED NO. RE OR NAME OF ADD CERTIFIED NO. .5-0- INSURED NO. 1) DATE DELIVERED.* Et 1. A 1915 elow. ys be SSEE (Mus led in) SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY .SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) [Z5-16-71648-8 GPO 0 OZ ZZ – n Z pi ▪ 0 n< - - - -1;,4 00 z rn Z.13 r 3 0 F-- No.544882 0 m m rt-7 17 -70 0 gg 0 z— vi p z RI -1 n rn 0 < Z P m 00 Z X. r 3 ° < (1) 0 co .1 No.544884 - a - • 0 0 cn , .. INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and F-1 Show to whoM, when, and -Deliver ONLY when delivered : - LI address where delivered to addressee (Additional charges required for these seivices) 11 :.. RECEIPT • . • ) - Received:the numbered article described beloiv: REGISTERED NO. ., : :::: ..- SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (M t alwayibe.filled:itt): ■1 11 CERTIFIED NO. '.-7-* - Jo SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE•S AGENT, IF ANY'.' ;f11; '''' .11 o INSURED NO. 4.'': :. - :CO )) rn DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c55-18:-71548-8 GPO RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -20¢ kei SENT TO STREET AND`N0. CITY, STATE; AND ZIP CODE If o want a return receipt, check which. 100 shows 35t shows to whom,. to whom when,'and address and when where delivered delivered ' 4'' FEES ADDITIONAL TO 204 FEE POSTMARK OR DATE If you want delivery only to addressee, check' here 50tfee - POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) July 1963 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL' --20¢ SENT TO4.Le 4 POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO.. :tb 9f C y ",�1.» , CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE ' . I you want •a return receipt ; check which Ot shows 350 shows to whom, to whom when, and address and when where delivered ' delivered FEES ADDITIONAL TO 204 FEE If you want delivery only to addressee,',` check here 50t'fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) July 1963 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL RECEIPT. FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -20¢, Ifyoy,want a return receipt, check which If you, want lot shows., a 35t shows to whom, , delivery only - to whom when, and address w' to' addressee, and when where delivered ' "check here delivered FEES ADDITIONAL TO 204 FEE D 504 fee, . , - PO© Form 3800 NO•INSURANCE COVERAGE'PROVIDED— (See other side) July 1963 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL eat.. t_ • ! w