ERSKINE ADD BK 8 PTN 76 & 135 - VarianceDATE RECEIVED Y Ic\( -Lk 4DR I9$p 'FETING DATE ININcoi APPLICATION ✓ CASE CHECK LIST LETTER FROM APPLICANT IF NEEDED PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES SENT LETTER TO APPLICANT(TELLING OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE) PLAT IF REQUIRED PLOT PLAN IF REQUIRED DENIED APPROVED LETTER TO APPLICANT TELL WHETHER DENIED OR APPROVED TO BOROUGH ASSEMBLY (IF REQUIRED) ACTION TAKEN BY P & Z COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN BY THE BOROUGH ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION NO. (P & Z) RESOLUTION NO. (BOROUGH ASSEMBLY) ORDINANCE NO. (BOROUGH ASSEMBLY) KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Telephones 486 -5736 - 486-5 73 7 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 May 30, 1980 P1r. Antril Suydam Box 161 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 RE: A request for a variance from section 17.18.040, yard requirements on lots 75 and 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision to permit the construction of a duplex which will encroach approximately four (4) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot front yard and an encroachment of approx- imately twelve (12) feet into a required twenty - five (25) foot rear yard. Dear Mr. Suydam, The Planning and Zoning Commission considered your request for a variance on the above referenced property during their regular meeting held on May 28, 1980. The Commission tabled your request to permit the construction of a duplex pending a work session with the Planning and Zoning Commission to be held on June 11, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference room (Room 221 upstairs). We wish to inform you that this decision of the Commission may be appealed to the Borough Board of Adjustment within ten (10) days of the Commission's action. The Borough Code of Ordinances states in Section 17.66.170 that any variance is good for six months unless construction has been started. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Planning Department at 486 -5736. Sincerely, 4 S Gale H. Lazarus Secretary Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes May 2b, 1980 Page 2 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ZONING 1. Z -80 -013. A request for a variance from section 17.18.040, yard requirements on lots 75 and 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision to permit the construction of a duplex which will encroach approxi- mately four (4) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot front yard and an encroachment of approximately twelve (12) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot rear yard. (Antril Suydam) STAFF REPORT: Mr. Milligan presented the staff report based on a memorandum prepared by the Planning department. No representative for the applicant was present. Mrs. Cecil Blankenburg wanted to know whether fill was to be put in the lot or only excavation. Discussion between Commission and Mrs. Blankenburg. Due to lack of information available from applicant, Mr. Perez moved to table a request for a variance from section 17.18.040, yard requirements on lots 75 and 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision to permit the construction of a duplex which will encroach approxi- mately four (4) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot front yard and an encroachment of approximately twelve (12) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot rear yard. Discussion among Committee and Mr. Milligan. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hill. Mrs. Crowe specified that the Planning department get in touch with Mr. Suydam and invite him to the June 11 work session to be there specifically to discuss his variance and the questions raised and that this request also be placed on the agenda for the June 18 meeting. This was made a part of the motion. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. 2. Z -80 -014. A request for a variance on lot 16, block 7, Leite Addition from the requirements of section 17.42.030 existing lot- - reduction in area or width to permit the construction of a single family dwelling and to vacate and replat lot 16 and reduce the minimum lot width by approximately six (6) feet. (Mr. & tlrs. Fred Nass) STAFF REPORT: Mr. Milligan presented staff report based on a memorandum prepared by the Planning department. Discussion between Mr. Milligan and the Commission. Mr. Nass spoke in favor of the variance. He explained his intentions were to better utilize his land by moving the lot line over to better center the building. Mr. Perez complimented Mr. Nass on the application he submitted. Mr. Perez made a motion that item Z -80 -014, a request for a variance on lot 16, block 7, Leite Addition from the requirements of section 17.42.030 existing lot -- reduction in area or width to permit the construction of a single family dwelling and to vacate and replat lot 16 and reduce the minimum lot width by approximately six (6) feet, be granted. Seconded by `1r. Hill. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. Commission stated reasons for voting as they did. • KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Telephones 486 -5736 - 486 -5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 5, 1980 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROf1: Planning Department SUBJ: Information Report RE: Case Z -80 -013. A request for a variance from section 17.18.040, yard requirements on lots 75 and 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision to permit the construction of a duplex which will encroach approximately four (4) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot front yard and an encroachment of approximately twelve (12) feet into a required twenty -five (25) foot rear yard. (Antril Suydam) REQUEST: This is a request for a variance to permit the construction of a new duplex structure on lots 75 and 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision which will project twelve (12) feet or 48% into a required rear yard and approximately four (4) feet or 16% into a required front yard. SITE: The petitioned property is located on the northeast corner of MillBay Road and Wilson Street. The property slopes steeply from south to north and east to west. The proposed building is to be located entirely on lot 75 with the driveway entering the property across lot 76. The driveway is proposed to enter the property from Mill Bay Road right at its intersection with Wilson Street. HISTORY: This property has remained undeveloped while most of the other lots around it have been built upon. The Erskine Subdivision dates back to 1947 when approved by Plat No. 47 -1 amended in 1950 by plat no 50 -1. This parcel lots 75 and 76 were further amended by the Kodiak City Council on May 11, 1961. Memorandum, pa 2 Case Z -80 -013 • May 5, 1980 ANALYSIS: • In reviewing all applications for a variance staff must first determine wether or not the application complies with the provisions of section 17.66.090 of the Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances before evaluating the merits of the request. 17.66.090 Variance -- Application. An application for a varinance shall be filed in writing and verified by the owner of the property concerned. A. The application shall contain the following data with respect to the property and the applicant: 1. A legal description of the property involved; 2. Plot plans showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings or alterations, elevations of such buildings or alterations, and such other data as may be required; 3. Evidence of the ability and intention of the applicant to proceed in accordance with the plans within six months after the effective date of the variance. B. The application shall contain a statement and adequate evidence showing the following conditions, all four of which must exist before a variance may be granted: 1. That there are exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to its intended use or development which do not apply generally to the other properties in the same land use district; 2. That the strict application of the provisions of this title would result in practical difficulties or unnecessay hard- ship; 3. That the granting of the variance will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare; 4. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff finds the applicant has provided a legal description of the property, a plot plan and lot survey along with a proposed building elevation. 1. That there are exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to its intended use or development which do not apply generally to the other properties in the same land use district. These special conditions are: We are building on the combined area of two lots with the square feet much larger than required but due to the shape of the two lots we can not make the house fit as per set backs on two corners. Staff finds the property shape and topography are limiting in what can be built on the property, lot 75 has a width of approximately 50 feet and a depth of approximately 128 feet which is not unusual as lots go within the City or within this particular neighborhood. It appears the exceptional situation in this case is that the pro- posed building plans do not fit the size. Memorandum, pa41113 May 5, 1980 Case Z -80 -013 2. That the strict application of the provisions of this title would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hard- ship: Without the variance it would restrict the size of the house in may mind to a cracker box and I believe we have enough of them in town. Staff agrees that strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would prevent construction of the structure proposed by the applicant for this property. However, strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will not prevent construction of a duplex structure on the property designed to fit the site. Not every stock plan can be adapted to the average or typical lot. At times it becomes necessary to design plans for a specific site taking into account specific limitations unique to the site. 3. That the granting of the variance will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare: Our major consideration in the design of these plans and placing the house was not to block any views which we gave up alot of height for. I believe this home will be beneficial to the area. Staff disagrees, without further information on the amount of fill or excavation planned for the property we can not evaluate the effect of this proposed construction on neighboring properties. We find the proposed driveway access location entering the property at the intersection could cause conflict with Wilson Street traffic. It is not good practice to allow a driveway to enter a street at an intersection. Normally driveways are kept as far from inter- sections as a particular property will permit. 4. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the following reasons: The house will not be contrary to any of the objectives. We will have a large yard due to the two lots. Most of the house will have much larger set backs than required. We are keeping our duplex in line with the rest of the homes so it will blend in with the area and be a plus to the area. Staff disagrees granting of this request will be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the following reasons: 1. A variance is not required in order to make reasonable use of the property. 2. A variance is only to be granted to over come physical limitations or unique conditions which deny development rights to one property when those same rights are commonly enjoyed by other properties within that same zoning district. 3. It is not the intent of the variance provision to allow the over development of a particular site. 4. In this instance you are not dealing with an existing building which the owner wants to alter but rather a vacant un- developed property upon which the owner wishes to build. 5. In summary we have to agree with the applicant in that "this house will not be constructed to any of the objectives." Memorandum, page 4 • Case 7-80 -013 May 5, 1980 • RECOMMENDATION: Based on our review staff has no recourse in recommending this request for a variance be denied, as it appears the property can be developed in a conforming manner which would not require re- evaluation of any of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. PLICANT 47 —/e /4 J (A Y� Ak? DRESS 40x /6/ _ ,f"01vA,t• ;NE NUMBER /g6 - Y333 • , • KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 262728. m EAR N tIElijyffl) IN THIS(00 ' CE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE DO NOT _,AL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED: T % 76 BLOCK BDIVISION _S /4RDi v s)62,, !'SENT /FUTURE USE OF PROPERTY ®2,4y ,4 4r,0.44-A" =ITE (PLOT) PLAN IS REQUIRED. _S IS A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM CTION /7 /F. Oy Lord fe CA:tiOrnc S THE ZONING ORDINANCE. U • DATE RECEIVED RECEIPT NO. CASE NO. HEARING DATE DISPOSITION APPROVED DENIED CONDITIONS DATE OF APPEAL HEARING DATE APPROVED CONDITIONS (SEE MINUTES) DENIED LETTER SENT (SEE MINUTES) PERMIT ISSUED -7s-4 7‘ THE EXISTING SITUATION IS: jpGrr To Ttir- zs/,ep� of T.SIG Los u.z Ake ,.4,,m&LC 70 reT T,YC D (L..54: )? c77 /N r/Lt' ,e,L C -ck.i e co 5/ T BACC-S 2 Nt C 1 iPwCR DF 7://6- ,eRoA - LPL) w/ 4 4 o v.:•,e 4. :T 134 %ABC a� AY 4//6-, 12.4e CD'fa/ k o, AS /a[- ' v isYJL•eh4Ps TNT S rr 6!e �Y ti C1vL CO Ntle O % LiA,e,4 & JD GRANTING OF THIS PETITION WOULD PERMIT A/- Tn 60,L/ 1Lz /?/LPLz ' ff0A,, T.Sl2 PI.ANS 4 WE' /44n 19 h...s/ &WILLI ,e /oT_ ki/4 Lf2i41 As ',7 TD R/OC,� /(1,t, `l J//Li/v Lt,4 /(1,/ LAt sr• tO Gc S TD A4 , kL -ALP Ggrzo 4L0 S Q EL %.Uf. e', zne 78 Lr,4 /41 U /N 47' G, A- 40.7 /N NtiG�r. EVIDENCE OF THE ABILITY AND INTENTION OF THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE VARIANCE. ,vr /•1,4U,= to e Hiner /°LAais /9NO2 C tADt ALA ,t2 1i A, ,4A,6-frA4 •-,u7s The t3°, /LAO/A/( AS SpGN AS JAY. A' : T t A rkori 4' 1,i/C 6t/ /4L l3vei9t:R OIA R / rER/AL S A,vD 11.4Y d:•- I �(L` //QiASG l3 le.l�_L /,Y 6 it Qk Tbs. • 1 • The application shall contain a statement and adequate evidence showing the following conditions, all four of which must exist before a variance may be granted: The undersigned alleges: 1. That there are exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to its intended use or development which do not apply generally to the other properties in the same land use district. These special conditions are: 0V4" At 13 Gt /L n»V& ow 7/Ve. 6oAA/3Nv J/JleEA oc a L0 TiV ,E T/dK G6 Tiv4' 2 L. C3 i5 S� FT C. }I L. Ale R TN,4N ice-a (A /RC SW- r /At 4' ,'Pk- iT --- - &t/4' C4VA/T /I4 A/c L- PI/ L' A(QGisL" P-17- 45E2' le 511-T /3Aeits n,, .2 [_oRn:C72S , 2. That the strict application of the provisions of this title would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship: vv /TtliglnT TflL' / /.4eiRNGC' %T 14/0.41_10 )?L" 57R lc i 77-Le S /7/ ri F rA2- Poo sL< /,v At 4444,4074V .r„ , A/ L2 Tn A CA'ACKE1e Pax Ax-1D 1 )3L'L/1r ✓L v✓_t ,4'41.c L'tiv G/J OF 3. That the granting of the variance will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in that: - 0 c /0 Ai PLAWS ,%L J L1 Ci.0 & Tl'L- 1Lo 4 SIf w2i5 /1/0i 70 ALOC .0 4)1/ 1/I2•iWs lAv//lGAe Lt/L." (At' L2 P A L07 of 1JL -/ &E T fo k _ I L / L-vrr TJ!)S /4r, • ML' 14:Y1 i 13t- r/C ifiL -, Tkc 4RLA. 4. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehensive plan for the following reasons: /1 /5 ilic(As45- LA.. ILL 6' cv,,TRARy To ,4,1V ciF -rg& 131? -C t /vL J . 14/ iv ILL X4I/,r A J./ 6- .' 5/AR r2 ,ozi To . 2/ , LOTS ,14oST Woos2f rv/Lc M,_,cll scr BAc.ts r,�l,//.v leer _ART k - -I ' w Cr ?L?/ T, Gt PL i > l • i L / 2/L' N T) L- Rts7 w/ LL eF 7"A/- i(CIAtic' so i7-‘1.13z4-A).0 Jzi AgLA ,L22 Ph- A eZ.ci t 70 7711 AAA NOTE: If this variance is granted, it will not permit a use prohibited in the use district in which the above described premises is located. Applicant further alleges that: (Use back of sheet for additional information.) Signature of Authorized Agent Address Address i K.odiak,Alaska April 27,1961 This plat represents a true,physical survey of lot 75,Block 8,of the Erskine Subdivision,and a part of lot 76,of the same Block 8. The subdivision of said lot 76 was previously accomplished by deed and recorded at the Kodiak Recording Precinct,Kodiak,Alaska. This amended plat approved by Kodiak City Council as reflected in the minutes of meeting May 11, 1961 • • Attest: I hereby cettify that Nk all taxes levied on this property have been paid in full. _City er,f reasurer Lill H rAgWY,OJ itov.Sej c\QS 'CA V, 1 : . , -..- . . -'••--H•±_::-.,',:-;;--•.;.',;;;,;;,,,,,,-,t4_,•::.,....-'0.-:-.,..:-,,,;:i.,,-.ii--,,,,•_:,_•::•-„-•,-,t.,*).••:,:.;.•-•;,•-;;,.•„,":„..,.....,;.•••„.....7„:„Li-_-_;.•;:•:,,,:-.,.:::;.::;_z•,...-.7::::,=_-_,, ',.: .. . • T :- • . • . . . • _ . -• • _ • • , _ .. , , . . _ . • .- • . . . • ---T | ' i { | _-__ __--'- ` | i • i | L `_ -1- r -----'~--°-'-------'--� K------------ - ', � ! | �~K�� � �� . ~~� , ^�~�� , ,~~.~.^�~- d1Qs °�� _ L HO KODIAK ISLAND BOROU. Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 • FIRST CLASS MAIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission has received a petition from ANTRIL SUYDAM requesting a variance from section 17.18.040 yard requirements on lots 75, and lot 76, block 8, Erskine Subdivision to build a duplex. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on this matter at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 21, 1980, in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Upper Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are either the property owner of the above - referenced lots, or an owner of property within 300 feet of the above - referenced property. This will be the only Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on this petition, and you are invited to appear and voice your opinion. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion that can be read into the minutes of the Public Hearing. If you would like to comment on the petition proposal, this form may be used for your convenience, and returned to the Planning Department. Further information is available from the Planning Department, telephone 486 -5736. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Department of Planning and Community Development Name Address Legal Description Comments SURVEY 444 G wir gellbsortgat e� 1 4 D L ;IN _mon A i 4 4 .l 1 ,O O� G -- HILLSIDE DRIVE &,iria�Ii'1 NORTH � ��� �� dkair faint licEDAR ILL "7:11431 41811N . ' ����� .►, . 1 :: � C�, � 6A Y ROAD � wilina 74,44:4:4 4 p444 44:4 : „ ' * 44 4 # #! #4�t �+ `1O1T451 :�� ;444 44444 4 !IIIfLitliijS441 RrvE `L MISSION ROAD USS 444 USS2537 B LARCH ;zr MU Nft it ,i IiIP!1iIL sz so , . N.- / /.SS /c( r- • -�• t„ *Aide•. ADDREfiS 100 ERSKINE7AUOITION LOT 110 BLK 9 . BOX 1194 CttY it .tAt' /to (. :10 LAP.9 VALuAtzo•t 1 AS5( S. Chi *ic:. OtE t1UILD SG FT LAND 1Y;' SAUPE.LYNN L GRETHCHEN L t 10 -_ — A - - ERSK I NE—AtibTTION`L 3T`1 1 I LK IP y r. BOX 4 1 7 1 120 A RSKINEDDI ON_LO P.O.../BOX 4 71 130 ERSK[NE ADDITION LOT 113TBLK 9 9 KODIAK WILLIAMS.Wa0N CPHYLLIS MOUNTAIN VIEW (P.OA. 8OX 592 OUNTA AK 99615 10180 CA 10180 CATHEY.MICHAELE. SIDNEY H KODIAK 11330 0 F 94040 A 10180 AK 99615 10180 14111 0 F 0 14111 F 11330 3264 F 140 A.__- ERSK1NE _A-00-fT-ION— LCIT- 1T4--St -K - - -9 CArH1 Y.MICHKEL & SIDNEY H P.O. BOX 592 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 150 _.._ -A ERSKINE ADOIT -10 LOt 115 BLK` -9. LUCAS -44 &...E- . &._BRISKE -J P.U. BOX 1455 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 160 A-- " - -- - ER-SI INE UD-T'T'IDWt0T_.l`15 -f3LK 9__ - -- -- -LUCAS W-E '$RISKE J .0. SOX 1455 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1 7 0 - __.....A_ ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 117 8LK.9 . _._.LUCAS__. .W & E & BRISKE J KODIAK AK 99615 10180 180 A— ER-SKTNE- ADDITION "LOT 118 tiLK -9 LUCAS -7W C. E"& BRISKE J P.O. 3OX 1455 KODIAK P.O. BOX 1455 14214 F 11330 0 F 0 25544 F 25544 F AK 99615 23'-396 Iola() 0 F 190 . - . . A . ___._ERSK-T NE"--ADD I T ION "-LOT `1 1.9 —BLK-__.9._ ..______.._.UN CON—OIL..`CO�_OF- CALIF_ - -___- _...SCARTEEN CORPORATION. -- _ ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 14932 10180 0 F 200 I ERSKT7JE— AournON -LOY 12-a-BLK-10 --KODIAK.CITY OF P.O. SOX 1325 KODIAK AK 99615 •225130 10179 0 F 210 .I ERSKINE"ADDITIDN 'l:OT 1218LK -1-0 K0L 1AK.CITY OP"" P.O. BOX 1325 KODIAK AK 49615 23040 10179 0 F •w iU•fifV:l {.l• +a�.l. 10100 0 f %,.-. A E17'STCINE"'/C-b6I 1T N cO'T OLK 14 ..._._M- 10SCNBE''-itt 7M....J.—E. Ff. I3:t 1 SKE . J . A . Soto mt:: +5 . D t K 6 SOROUS CIRCLE ,- ANCHORAGE AK 99504 13596 10180 0 F A 'ERSKINE-ADDITION LOT.-§9 OLK 9 _ _._LAMPOLTSHAMER.JOHANNA L . BOX 2716 KODIAK AK 99615 10403 10180 1968 F 5 A - ER-SKI Nc_ - ADUTTTUN -0-1 —I Ob LK— LAMPt1LTSHAMER • JUHANNA L KODIAK AK 99615 9991 10180 0 F A ERSK I NE ADDITION LOT 10 1 -HLK y`__..__. -_. --- -ANDERS0N.LAURENCE -l; HAROLr~__.____ KODIAK AK 99615 9476 10180 2.016 F . €30X 2716 . BOX 1013 A ERSKINE- A-DOTT 1UN LU r 102 --BCK 9 . f30X 1013 A �RSKINE ADDITION LOT 103 BLKf9 - --``� 'ILLIAMS.RONALD E PHYLLIS MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040 6386 10180 0 F 3 A —ERSK INE— WOO -ITION LOT 104 13LK 9 W I LL I AMS.RONALD & PHYLLIS 1. I30X 4171 _ MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040 10712 10180 1420 F 5 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 10.5 BLK -9 JACKSON. PETER - -t LOUISE - "- KODIAK AK 99615 14111 t 10180 4289- F S AN13ERSDN.-LADRENCE & HAROL - KODIAK AK 99615 6901 10180 0 F . 3 U X 4 1 7 1 4 4 3 t. BOX 2683 RSKINE ADDITION LOT 1O6 3LK •9 JARVE_LA.GILBERT & BONNIE KODIAK AK 99615 14111 10180 4259 F & FLORENCE KODIAK AK 99615 11330 t. tBgX 537 A A 1. ERSKINE ADDITION-LOT -107 BLK 9 X 127 10180 ERS NE -AODi' t� L T l08 !NFtL'C� •J„ N� KODIAK AK 99615 10180 • ERSKI 9 X 11 T 109 LYNN `Gt- ETHCH L OD I A �'AK 9961 5 10180 0 2392 2850 F 11330 F 11330 r- Q TUS LEGAL DESC )MESS REAL PROPERTY LISTING -ADDRESS OWNER /AGENT. CI TY P: OWNER STATE ZIP CODE LAND VALUATION IMPR. V, ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT LAND TYPE LAND REAL PROPERTY LISTING JO. STATUS LEGAL DESC OWNER/AGENT OwNER ADDRESS ADDRESS ---— -- CITY A5SESS. STATE ZIP CODE LAND VALUATIO:■t- CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT LAND TYPE — _ BRISKE.J&A. SuMNE4S.0 &)Z-------- AK 99504 20095 10180 0 F BRISKE.J&A. SUMMERS.D & K 9950 20291 10180 0 F 960 ERSKINE ADDATION LOT 96 ROSE eMe.J. • BRISKE.JGA. SUmMERS.0 & K BUS CTRCLE ,, A AGE _..../.A.K 99504 1°180 0 2°188 F A ERSKINE ADDITION 616 SORBUS CIRCLE AnTri0 94.2 A - ER 6 6 SO LOT 93 BLK 9 ROSEN6tRG.M..J. G F. ANCHORAGE 94 BLK 9 — ROSE ROSENBER . & BR[S J&A. SuMMERS.D & K K 99504 19573 10180 0 F — . BRISKE.J&A. SUMMERS.D & K 99504 13596 0 F .970 A ERSKINE 2616 QRBUS2fRCLE 2616 SO )990 /A .0. ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 99 BLK 9 LAMPOLTSHAMER.JOHANNA 1.. BOA 2716 --- KODIAK . 10180 AK 99615 1000"--- A .' ----EfitSK 1 NE--XD C517-10 N - C.: cir-ro0---Ack----e)----- p . lair—Euas....-rri 6 s_ . ....- 101 -A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 1013CK-9. ANDERSON.LAURENCE & HAROL BOX 1013 KODAK AK 99615 10180 2016 9476 F 45901 0 F ---- - --EX • --iSt--TXPIC475 99615 9991 10180 0 10403 1968 F 1020 ------ A ERSIC --AM:1777 P.O. 11030 -A- P.O. K 99615 10160 P.O. BOX SXINE T1 6386 10160 0 W1LLIAMS.RONALD & P YLL1S----- A 94s 0 10712 10160 1420 MOUNTA NJ JACKSON. PETER & LOUISE )1050 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT-105 BLK 9 .0. BOA 2683 KODIAK AK 10180 4209 _ . 41 063 Sic Ne.—ArioTrt 06-8L-k JARVELA.GILBERT E.—BONNIE — KODIAK AK 99615 99615 14111 ••■• C7,117 10180 4289 7b1 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT PT -76 HLK 8 - SUYUAM.ANrRIL £ LORRAINE" 101110 0 F 231 SKYLINE DRIVE EOMDNOS 762 A— ET STCTNE ADOI TTON EDT pr-76- 9%X`8 15ARVKINARO -F. GED. E; HELEN P.O. 30X 123 KOOIAK 300 - - -.- . .A.___ -- ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 80 BLK 8 P.O. BOX 1591 u BYLER. JERRY KODIAK ADb1i 1 ON LOT 134 (ILK 8 BYLER. JERRY L & BARBARA P.O. BOX 1591 KODIAK __ERSKINE_.Ab01TI0N LOT- --135 F3LK 8 .... -. PANAMAROFF.GEO. F HELEN P.O. BOX 123 WA 98020 10180 AK 99615 10180 7107 0 F 4326 0 F AK 99615 8446 10180 0 F AK 99615 11330 10180 2576 F KODIAK AK 99615 11330 10180 2163 F 40- A ERSWINE- 7WDOTTTON LOT—Elt BLK 9 ONION OIL CO. OF CALIF SCARTEEN CORPORATION ,TTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 9167 10180 0 20 A _.ERSKINE ADDITION LOT'�82—BLK 9 UNION OIL CO. OF CALIF_ ---- •SCARTEEN CORPORATION ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 23484 10180 0 F 30 A 'ERSKINE—ADDITION—LOT 83 BLK 9 UNION OIL CO. OF CALIF SCARTEEN CORPORATION ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT 80X 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 26368 10180 0 F 40 "- A `.... ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 84 F3LK 9 LUCAS.wINFREJ G t: EDITY BRISKE.JERALD & A. P.O. BOX 1455 BOX 7600 KODIAK AK 99615 24102 10180 7186 F 9 0 A E R S K I NE'- -A D D I T 1 CIW–C OTTh 9 _.O L K_...I_._.__._,- ___._..- .LUCAS - W N F R Er— _ C_ E-D 1 T Y ._.'-_ -_._ -B R 1 S K E. J E R A L D' . l_. A :--- ______.. _ P.O. BOX 1455 BOX 7600 KOOIAK AK 99615 / 24411 F 00 / A ERSK I NE' ADD C T ION .LDr._g0 .6LK...9 - .O. BOX 1455 BOX 7600 LUCAS,WINFRED -G G EDITY KODIAK 10180 BRISKE.JERALD AK 99615 10180 10 91 BLK 9 LUCAS FRED G E: EDITY , KE.JERA P.O�BOX 4� ETOX '9 » UAK AK R '0 A� ERSKINE AQ N_LO.T._92 6 P.O. 91x 1455 7600 5 10180 .LUCAS.' FRED-6 l EO I T,Y - .. -BR 1 — -ALD K 996 10180 0 & A. p� 0 0 24720 F 25132 F 25441 F :i C *;IAVUS L ADDRESS-- ASSESS. C►►riG 01 E 1SU [ L I) SO F I L. to': 40080720 ERSKINE ADDITION LOf 2. BLK 8 • 80X 726 40111(-0-- � A` E 'SK [- NE`AbOTT"ION--- C0T- 7-4— ILLK 8 .O. BOX 707 40080750 A- T ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 75 BLK 8 O)( /62 400&Y761 A E SK[N JD ION L.X c�J i CP - --ERSKINE ADDI rTON LOr -P7 -°T6 BLK - 8 . 30X 123 1,- 4008-0762 40080800 40081340- - P.O. BLANKENBERG.ERIC -C CECILIA KODIAK SUYDAM.ANTRIL £ LORRAINE t SUYDAM.ANTRIL'ft LORRAINE AK 99615 18334 10180 2464 AK 99615 2153 10180 2592 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 80 BLK 8 . BOX 1591 WA 98020 10180 WA 98020 10180 0 17 :)1 710 PANAMAROFF.GEO. 6 HELEN KODIAK AK 99615 432 10180 0 BYLER.JERRY L. b BARBARA KODIAK HELEN AK 99615 10180 2163 AK 99615 844 10180 0 AK 99615 1133 10180 2576 40690131 -'- —A S NE7-AD TIO tOT 81 6LK 9 UNION OIL CC.-OF CALIF SCARTEEN CORPORATION CA 90054 10180 0 140090 820"___. 4 ___".._.ERSK1NE "ADDITIONLOT 82 BLK 9 __..`-_.__._ UNION 01L CO. OF CALIF.-- SCARTEEN CORPORATION ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 10180 0 140 -0-9 830 " "� A ERSKINE-ADDITION LOT 83 BLK 9 UNION OIL CO. OF CALIF l SCARTEEN CORPORAT ION ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES CA 90054 10180 0 "µBRISKE.JERALD & A. AK 99615 ATTENTION TAX DEPARTMENT BOX 7600 LOS ANGELES 140090340 - A . . ERSK I NE ADDITION LOT-84 BLK 9 P.O. BOX 1455 BOX 7600 LUCAS.WINFRED G EDITY KODIAK 10180 7186 140090890 A ERSK INE-Aoo rr IoN LOT 89 8LK 9 LUCAS. W I NFRED G £ ED I TY B I SKE . JERALD 67 A. P.n. ROX 1455 BOX 7600 KODIAK AK 99615 ingot 11.3= 9 1 23(+ 2631 241( 244 P.O. BOX 245 KOU l AK AK 1YUl • a •.. 10180 0 F A ERSKINCADDIrION LOT 58 BLK 7 MANN.JACK E. & JOAN KODIAK P.O. BOX 245 A ERSKINE ADDN LOT 152 BLK 7 P.O. BOX 585 A - ERSKINE ADD-IT ION P.O. BOX 2'0 34 LOT TS3 LK 7 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 59 BLK -8 33803 32ND CT. S.W. AK 99615 11021 10180 CANNON.LLOYD & PATRICIA KODIAK AK 99615 10180 MALLOY.LAWR.`£ FROST.N. KODIAK AK 99615 AYAZ■MUHAMMAD & PARVEEN FEDERAL WAY 0 F 2048 14932 F 18540 10180 2874 F WA 98003 10180 -A RSKINE AbDfTiON LOT 60 BLK 8 BOX . %,,_„,% ra'd `. 0/ ERSK[NE'ADDITION LOT 61 BLK 8-y- FITZGERALD.MIKE .Ol. HOX 447 KODIAK GREGORY.MARC S. & KAY L. KODIAK A RSKTNE ADD I T rt E-0 T__62 BL-K -8 P.0 OX 536 A- ERSKINE- ADDITION LOT-65-BLK 8 P.O. X 132 AK 10180 99615 1341 14214 F 1539 ■ 13390 AK 99615 18334 10180 0 F E- SK I NE- ADDITION LOT 66 8LK 8 P.O OX 693 ri-TIGEAALO . MAR I ANE KODIAK AK 99615 14214 10180 0 F IEACH.JACK A.& LAURA-LEE- _ KODAK AK 99615 18437 10180 1890 F PAYNE.JAMES & DOTTIE KODIAK ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 67 BLK 8 CESSNA.ANDREW & JUANITA P.O. I 1 X 807 KODIAK AK 99515 20600 10180 3360, F ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 68 BLK 8 FIELDS.DEWITT & WANDA P. �X 25 KODIAK AK 99515 5253 10180 0 F AK 99615 16995 10180 3866 F ERSKINE P.O. BO 25 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 71 BLK 8 P.. 00X 234 AK 99615 12154 10180 0 IELDS.DE, T 6 WANDA KODI AK 99615 14214 2704 F F ELLIOTT.JOHN F'.-& DARLENE KODIAK AK 101?:) 10180 '49515 6:30 12`3fJ') F O. STATUS LEGAL DESC A.bbt2 -ESA ADDRESS 60 /[ ER SKrNE ADDITION LOT 56 BLK 7 . 80X 245 70 A _ETLSKT P.O. B 24 80 TION` OWNER /AGENT CITY OWNER STATE ZIP CODS LAND VALUATION I ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT LAND TYPE MANN.JACK E. & JOAN A. KODAK AK 99615 11539 10180 0 F N.JACK E..6 JOAN A. /itODIAK AK 99615 10180 BLK 7 • JACK E.�'8 JOAN _- 1 0D 1 AK -- -_- 11639 0 F AK 99615 11021 10180 0 F ,20 A 'ERSKINE ADDN LOT 152 BLK 7 CANNON.LLOYD & PATRICIA KODIAK AK 99615 14932 10180 2048 F 'P.O. BOX 585 )30 A EiISKINE Al DTTTON L01-4-6-3--BLK 7 MALL5Y.LAWR. b FROST.N. P.O. 80X 2034 KODIAK ;90 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 59 BLK 8 AYAZ.MUHAMMAD i; PARVEEN FEDERAL WAY 33803 32ND CT. S.W. A ERSKINE AbO IT [ ON LOT 60 BLK 8 BOX 610- A - . "ERSK1NE ADDITION -LOT 61 8LK 8 P.O. BOX 447 AK 10180 99615 2874 18540 F WA 98003 14 21 4 10180 1341 F GREGORY.MARC S. 6 KAY L. KODIAK FITZGERALD.M1KE KODIAK 520 K----ERSKINE A6DiTi ON LO1- 52i3L-K -8 - T TIGER ;Li5. MAR [ ANE KODIAK P.O. BOX 536 650.— A ERSKINE—ADD-UT ION-LOT. -65 BLK 8 .0. BOX 132 660 A SK1NE ADOITION.LOT 66 BLK .8 P.O..BOX 693 670 A ERBKINE ADDITION LOT 67 BLK 8 P.O. BOX 807 680 A E.RSR-i NE ADD [ T I ON LOT^- 68 8LK 8 P.O. 30X 25 (:90 A EtSKINE ADDITION LOT 69 BLK 8 P.O. 90X 25 )700 It A EPS'c1NF A')DI T I )v L(!T P.O. 10X ' yip y r * 01.1e �Y AINI'� 11 f y n 70 tlLK 8 AK 99615 10180 1539 13.390 F AK 99615 18334 10180 0 IBACH.JACK A.& LAURA LEE KODAK PAYNE.JAMES 6 DOTTIE KODIAK AK 99615 14214 10180 0 F AK 99615 18437 10180 1880 F CESSNA.ANDRE4 & JUANITA KODIAK FIELDS.DEWITT & WANDA KODIAK FIELDS.DEWITT 6 WANDA KODAK F 1I:LoS.D_ M I T T 6 NANO_ A KODIAK AK 99615 16995 10180 3866 F AK 99615 20600 10180 3350. F AK 19615 10180 AK 10180 AK 10100 1, • 9951`; 0 0 5 ? 5 3 F 12154 F 1.21• 406-60780 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT BOX 245 t;,,TTY Ili• CUU.,. LAN:) 'JA`Ut. 1 ASSESS. CHNG OTE BUILD SO FT L.AN' MANN.JACK EDWARD III KODIAK i0060790' 40060850 .40060860 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 85 E3LK 6 . . i3OX 201 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 86 BLK 6 . BOX 943 WILEY.THEODORE KODAK STEVENS.GARY & RITA KODIAK MACKEY.WM L F. MILDRED E. KODIAK 400608/8 TERSKINE ADDITION LOT 87 BLK 6 411 .40060880 .400764b0 . 00X 1699 400704'70- P. . BOX 355 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 88 BLK 6 . BOX 2021 ERS-KINEADDITION LOT 46 BLK 7 HEITMAN.MARGARET KODIAK MANN.M.DLANE AK 99615 10180 1812 1442( AK 99615 1277, 10180 1062 AK 99615 947r 10180 1201 AK 99615 13181 10180 1576 4K 99615 13181 10180 1158 HALL.DAVID 'AMELIA S BRAD KODIAK AK 99615 13181 10180 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY KODIAK AK 10179 [AK AK '4O 048_ A . ERs THE AVO 48-BLK 7 KRArTTEDNA P 0. BOX 254 KODIAK 10070490 P.O. 10000 '40070510 ERSKI NE-ADD IT ION -LO r -5r BLK 7-` . BOX 1043 :007052 -0 T A - -"_ -ER P.O. 400 70530 FLK 7 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 53 BLK 7 P.O. BOX 121 51iT-1 IO __ s T 54 P.O. B 10179 1028 99615 1300( 99615 1375( 0 AK 99615 14211 10180 0 AK 99615 14211 10180 0 AK 99615 14211 10180 1332 HEGLIN,HAROLO "& SHIRLEY KODIAK' AK 99615 14211 10180 2769 HE 'L[N.HA- KOD SARGENT.NEIL & JUNE KODIAK AK 99515 14211 10180 0 AK 10180 JUNE S. '40070-550- I - -"'- ER SK I NE_"_ADD I TI ON`- L_O T ` 5S�`"HLK"' .O. BOX 887 COMMUNITY - BAPTIST CHURCH KODIAK 99615 14211 1834 AK 99615 938E 10180 AK 99615 1560( on,,, -t I^ n ,0040 A -ERSKISC A001110.4 LOt ♦ OLK 6 P.O. ©O1[ 746 .0050 0060 0070-- ---EASK1NE— ADD[T 5NC T 7`BLK 6 i_...._._ -EASK I NE ADDITION LOT 5 BLK 6 . BOX 415 EFTS`KINE ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 6 BOX 2427 tb fAt..$.L$1►4 t.. 4 414 M4 KODIAK AK 10180 VANBUREN.RAYMONO 6 HILDUR KODIAK LAWHEAD.DONALD & IRENE . BOX 845 OD8U A LRSRTI�'ADDN`COT 8 BL X-6 .0. BOX 287 W 0090 -- A E' . NE ADDI • P.O. BO 01x61 A' RIK - E [NE ADDITION LOT 10 BLK :.6 ✓ /DRAWER 1150 KODAK LESTEFF.t`EbON 6 LILA KODIAK FELTON.HARRY E LORRAINE KODIAK 0110 / A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 11 BLK 6 / Li.0. BOX 324 0120 /A EPSRINE ADDITION LOl[TBLK -6 P.O. 130X 451 SUPERIOR ':9615 AK 99615 10180 AK 99615 10180 22-6 1595 1284 15244 F 12257 F 13905 F AK 99615 14935 10180 2560 F DAYTON.LORRAINE AK 99615 10180 DAYTON.LORRAINE AK 99615 10180 BUILDING SUPPLY KENAI AK 99511 10130 NELSON.STANLEY & JUANITA KODIAK AK 99615 10180 0130 /A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 13 BLK 6 P O. BOX 242 0 1 4 0 A D D I T I O N 6 .O. BOX 2151 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 77 BLK 6 690 MARKET 5T. SUITE 1010 MACK[E.RAY W & FAYE A. KODIAK AK 99615 10180 PRATT.BERTHA THOMSON KODIAK MCMASTER.KAY L. KODIAK MANN.JOCN A. ESOUIRE SAN FRANCISCO 23590 2248 F 11345 0 F 13!5 14729 F 14626 1385 F AK 99615 10180 WASHBURN.DANIEL L AK '79619 10130 ( a 1 01 + ) )41f i 1440 1050 1464 1 3 s 4 14420 F 14008 F 16586 F 14523 F EO REAL PROPERTY LISTING NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC ADORESS _`� ADDRESS OWNER /AGENT CITY OWNER STATE ZIP CODE LAND VALUATION ASSESS. CHNG OTE BUILD SO FT LAND TY .0780 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 78 BLK 6 MANN.JACK EDWARD III MANN.M.D[ANE vrts.Av AV 100:IS NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC -.ADDRESS ADDRESS REAL PROPERTY LISTING OWNER/AGENT CITY 04NER STATE- ZIP CODE LAND VALUATION ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT LAW) TYP 192 - ERSKINE Aboititm LOT 198 BLK 5 CHRISTIE.KNOX N G LORENA . P 0. BOX 801 0101i/ A 02 .0. A P.O ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 1 BLK 6 BOX 2234 KODIAK AK 99615 22866 10180 0 BILLINGS.RAMONA C & GARY KODIAK INC AD9,1-TTON LOT "ILLINGS AMONA C GARY ' ------- . Ks% AK 99615 13302 10180 1562 _. ...._2=__ FANNIN.VERNON & KATHERINE KODIAK AK 99615 12375 10180 1296 F , • AK 99615 14420 10180 0 030 ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 3 BLK 6 . 30X 572 )04-1Y- A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 4 8LK 6 BRYAN.KEITH C. & LEA M. .0. BOX 746 KODIAK AK 99615 15244 10180 2286 F VANBUREN.RAYMOND & HILDUR KODIAK AK 99615 12257 10180 1595 F LAWHEAD.DONALD 6 IRENE KODIAK AK 99615 13905 10180 1284 F )050 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 5 BLK 6 )060 P.O. 30X 415 A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 6 P.O. BOX 2427 07 ERSKINE ADOITIONLOT 7 BLK 6 P.O. BOX 845 LESTER.ELDON G LILA KODIAK AK 99615 14935 10180 2560 Taati A eASKINE-ADDN LOT 8 8LK 6 FELTON.HARRY & LORRAINE DAYTON.LORRAINE KODIAK AK 99615 23590 10180 2248 F 0090 -- ERSKINE ADDITION LOT-9-80<6------ FELION.HARRY & LORRAINE-- DAYTON.LORRAINE 11345 10180 0 F P.O. BOX 287 KODIAK AK 99615 P.O. BOX 287 01-00-- A ERSKINeADDITION LOT 10 BLK 6 -SUPERfoR BUILDING SUPPLY DRAWER 1150 KENAI AK 99611 14729 10150 1335 F 0E10— ----A-----ERS-KINE ADDITION LOT 11 BLK 6 NELSON.STANLEY & JUANITA P.O. BOX 324 KODIAK AK 99615 14526 10180 1385 F A. 0120 A ERSKIHE ADDITION LOT 1-2 BLK 6 MACKIE.RAY W & FAYE KODIAK P.O. BOX 451 r r I -8 CI v la, opATT.1ERTHA THd;ASON AK 99615 14420 10180 1440 L---nrixuaztrzso ----a ERSKTNE-ADOITION Lor 2 LILA< 1 P.O. BOX 1044 P 1 400 20950 • r-40 0-302-60 --R I-140030270 ERSK INE SUBD. LOT 3§ 8LK 2 P.O. BOX 1275 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 SUNSET DEVELOPMENT CO. KODIAK AK 99615 10180 ERSK-INEADDITION LOT 95 BLK 2 KODIAK, CITY OF KODIAK AK 99515 10179 A ERSKINE ADOTTION LOT 26 8LK --w-LtER.JoHN m. P.O. BOX 1327 .0. BOX 1651 P.O. T400-302813- P.O. dOX 447 A ER 5< rNE ADDTT rID K 3 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 T2GER AEI) JUD TH FI rTGERKCIY71 utrgE F. J(J!Y TH KODIAK AK 99615 10180 BF, 7 39136 c I 864 187; AK 99615 10180 c . . .._,......._....„______.. ---RTI41303U290 A ER SK I NE-ADD ITT ON -LO T-29- BOK-3' ----WANDER SEE-04AR T ". H . GC AROL J P.O. BOX 271 KOD I AK AK )9615 10180 I • 14100"30-300 A --ERSKINE ADD TTION7UUT-310-BEK-3-- P.O. BOX 2812 SCHWA A Bre 'AN 3. & JEWN-H. KODIAK AK 99615 10180 106, R1'40030310 -A-- -ERSK INE ADD IT ION LOT-31" BLK 3 - gARD ,FLOYD W ANDA - CARBAPY .PENNY KOD I AK AK 99615 10180 77 LEMONS.LtSTER L. %DA vE KODIAK AK 99615 10 t 80 271 R1140030330 A ER SKI NE AD01-110N-L01-33PT BLK 3 ---- LEI0NS.LESTR L.CSHIRL.%OAVEC8ATFIELD --- KODIAK AK 99615 10180 A EP S I - ADO rT FON-Car 1-5-a7R-S- AOE N A I MOTHY f", PA m P.O. BOX 1517 -RIT4-0030320 —EFISRINE- ADVITIFON-1:01-32-13LK P.O. BOX 2858 F-011 -40050150 '---R414-0-650160- ---RTT6IT03-0170 R1140050180 P.O. BOX 2858 .0. BOX 1457 KODIAK ERSK INE-ADDII ION- LOT 16 BLK 5 W I LE Y ,ED I TH • . BOX 446 K OD I AK P. x A K I NE AllTk A - ERS P.O. OX 4146 KODIAK K • I TH AK 9961•D 10180 AK 99615 10180 AK 99615 10180 AK 99615 10180 22 :1120570060 A tA5T A ON ill ' is RC.it 57 P.O.©UX 247 FTi°Z0'ST60T8 i"'7' , BLK 57 P.O. BOX 1095 44, 1)961% 154 101110 1225 1. f" 1. Cl t1 E i1C I: K UO 1 AK AK 10180 99615 I5 1225 t1ENL!~Y_, DAV 6-I SHIRLEY KODIAK_'. !11205700B-0 A E=AS i' —A60N Lrr T 8 P.O. BOX 1333 11205700 0 - - - - A EAST A 15 O tV 'L CI r-9 - L K 57 P.O. BOX 2639 1 F205701-00 _._._ 4- _ EASt- AOON LOT 10 BLK 57 -- - P.O. BOX 1064 CHAPMAN.JAMES E. DOROTHY KODIAK 10180 1439 AK 99515 10180 PO+YELL.HAROLD E IRENE E. - -- -- - -- --- KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1 1 59 1152 --COLLINS.JEFF. 6 LOUISE KODIAK AK 99615 10180 3560 114- nobo01 A E% SKINE AOOhtION PORTION OF BLK 7 1140020230 25 OEWOLFE ST. HEIRS TO THE ERSKINE EST. ANDQEWS.KENNETH R. CAMBRIDGE MA 2138 10180 15 15 9 A RSK P.O. BOX 33 PARCEL NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC ADDRESS 11 140020240 t 1-14-0112 50 11140020 50 ADDRESS �- A ERSKINE ADDITION LOT 24 BLK 2 .O. BOX 335 - .ERSK"ENE—ADD-I'T I UrN Lo T "25 "BLK :O. BOX 1044 ERSKINE SUBD. LOT 39 BLK 2 PLO. BOX 1275 11 i40IT20950 - __Y.. - ER5KI NEv AD0 I T I ON LOT-95 BLK 2 P.Q. BOX 1327 OWNER /AGENT - CITY 0 NER STATE ZIP CODE LAND VALL ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT L RAMAGLIA.PETER 6 SARAH KODIAK AK 99615 11 10180 1225 i,ILSON.PtiILLIP "S-BETTY" AK 9961 5 KODIAK 11 10180 867 SUNSET DEVELOPMENT CO. KODIAK AK 99615 1 10180 39136 KODIAK. CITY OF KODIAK AK 99615 10179 PARCEL NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC ----ADDRESS w 1 UL U T30T9a • ADDRESS _A -A LE U TI-ATf S'(7�i�: OT- gi 8 L K 13 P.O. BOx 2811 1040-130200- A .- ALEUTIAN'-- SUBD:- -"LOT 20 BLK- 1 3 _..__ OWNER /AGENT OWNER C I TY STATE ZIP C9DE -. LAND - VALUI ASSESS. CHNG OTE BUILD SO FT L. wE3ER.w1L.L.1AM R.;.6 RIKAA KODIAK, AK 99615 10. 10180 GILB`=RT.ERNEST OR NANCY P.O. BOX 1744 KODIAK AK 99615 12. 10180 768 10401302.10 A ALE-UTIAN SURD. LOT 21 BLK 13 TANNER.ROY D. P.O. 30X 2824 KODIAK AK 99615 12. 10180 768 10430220 A_ ALEUTIAN SU8D LOT 22 BLK 13 GRABER.SAMUEL.SONYA.MARK P.O. BOX 706 1040130230 A — AtEU TKN -3UBD. LOT 23 BLK 13 P.O. 80X 706 040130240 P.O. 80X 116 KODIAK AK 99615 13- 10180 768 6PABER.SAMUEL PROPERTIES KODIAK AK 99515 l2_ 10130 7b8 A__..__ ALEUTIAN SUED. LOT-24-BLK 13----- BARHAM.MARK & MARY ANN KODIAK 0401-30250 A ALEUTIAN ,SUED. LOT 25 BLK 13 HORN.DAV ID L. & JUNE E. AK 99615 92 10190 768 CHIGNIK LAGOON AK ')9565 122 10180 1096 040130260.. A ALEUTIAN SURD. LOT-26 BLK 1 3 -_ ` GRABER, SAMUEL . . BOX 705 KODIAK AK 99615 102 10180 0 0 4 0 1 30 270 - I ALEUTIAN SUc3D :"LOT 27 BLK F3 KOD. IS. PROP. CEMETERY .0. BOX 705 KODIAK AK 99615 500 0400280 10179 0 _.... _ .. -T -- 1----ALEUTIAN- SU3D._ LOT-28-BLK-f3 ----ORTHODOX CHURCH `OF__.AMER:. -- _ _- BOX 55 KODIAK AK 99615 120 10179 0 060-1-30200-77- A LO) 29 BLK 13 EIDERMILLER.JACK P.O. BOX 2777 KODIAK AK 99615 103 040130300 - A - ALEUTIAN SURD..-LOT 30 -13LK l3___ MAJOR.JAMES c. £ SHARON+__ 10180 2240 KODIAK AK 99615 103 10180 1056 0404303-1-0 A A [-EU I T A T 7 - S 0J B D . L0T 3 f LK 13 KODIAK ISLAND PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 706 KODAK AK 99615 103 0401-30320-- A.-._ _ ALEUTIAN �_.SUBD. LOT 32 BLK 13 - _._. OiLAREY,JOHN F, KAREN 10180 768 P.D. BOX 865 P.O. BOX 532 040130330 KODIAK A ALEUTIAN) SURD. LOT 33 BLK ...13.. GOOSSEN.NICK .L`. '11.)x 14P.1 K')f`•1:1K AK 99615 103 10180 2080 03/13/80 :PARCEL NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC ADDRESS ADDRESS 121040130020 A P.O. BO A-f040 c31030---_- P.O. BOX ALEUT •N 8 1 - LOUT -IAN x 171 . LOT •..••• . • OWNER /AGENT CITY WILL •MS.RO UNTAIN V LOT 3 BLK 1M[ LL 5. ALEUTIAN SUED. LOT 4 BLK 13 BOX 2817 O'ANER STATE ZIP CODE LAND VAS ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT HYLLI C 10180 A L O E MOUN VIEW �`� CA 10180 U 130050 / A ALEUTIAN SUBO. LOT 5 BLK 13 /PP 1 BOX 1 30 - R- TO- 48T3O060If A ALEUTTAN SU01 . CDT-f 13LK 13 .O. BOX 2809 R I 0 41 T3 0 0 7 0 - -- R1040130080-- V R1-0401-30091- RT04` -0-301 1 U • 121040130120 PAZ.9ENJAMIN A. KODIAK STERLING INVESTMENTS CENTREVILLE AK 10180 1056 GRABER.ADEL[NE MI 49032 10180 864 94040 99615 0 IELONZA.ROMUALDO & NORMA KODIAK ISLAND PROPERTIE' AK 99615 10180 1056 KODAK -A-_- `_._.ALEUTIAN - SURD.` -L0T 7 BLK._1.3.__ -__ . _._.__MOUPE.GEO. J. CAROL [ NE J . _ KODIAK .0. BOX 226 AK 99615 10180 912 — A" --ALE-11 TT A N `SUBU : Cif T 8 BLK -1 -3 1 I L CEP s KARE -N S. GOSHEN 2728 BRIARWOOD BLVD A BERT. AMUE DI AK 99615 10180 1368 R1040T30T30" A -- ALEUTTAN-`SUBD.-- LOT" -12 "-BLK .O. BOX 134 IN 46526 10180 768 EL [AK AK 99615 10130 1056 1.3 __.SHE PARD:R"[CHAR-D -` -1ELE KOOIAK AK 99615 10180 1152 ----ZLOD EC f C-R. Gi3R f1N C/I '-S(ULLY'P- 0 rIEE KODAK AK 99615 10180 864 A 'A LEU TT AN'S UA D- co-r- 1 �3 3D< -` 13. . BOX 2307 -RTO 0130 -40" _- -.__A_- -- .ALEUT I AN`SUBD -._ LO 1"__14_. - -6Lk 1 3 - PIRAK.JOHN KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1152 -R-1040130150 - P.O. BOX 2413 A _ ALEUT - A N` SU?3D . r0-r- S -BLTC 13' !KOPUfd- ."3BTEPH I A P.O. 30X 73 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1152 =2. 6 _`R 1-04ZfI- J01Ti0_A-�- ALEUT IAN`�SUBd LOT- 16 BLK I 3 H+EBLR.�d1LLIAr4 R1KA V AK 99615 P.O. BOX 2811 KODIAK 10180 - R104O 3OT70 A A--CE-OTIAN' 1333W T r cr BLK 13 6RA8ER.SAMUEL KODIAK 1248 AK 99615 I • I • t..1 -PARCEL NO. STATUS LEGAL DESC OWNER/AGENT •_ OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY -- STATE ZIPTCODE—CANDv ASSESS. CHNG DTE BUILD SO FT --q104008012J A ALEUTIAN SUBD. LOT 12 BLK 8 KOROUS.CHARLES F & STEVAN P.O. BOX 1621 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1056 qt040080130 -- --A -ALEuTIAN SUBD. LOT 13 BLK 8 GEDDES. LANI MAE CARLSON.DAVID C P.O. BOx 1655 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1056 R1040080140 A ALEUTIAN SUBD. LOT 14 BLK 8 WILLIAMS. ROGER & NIDA H P.O. BOX 2694 KODIAK AK 99615 _ 10180 1056 lirooa0i5o A ALEUTIAN SUBD. LOT 15 BLK 8 GANETA.FELIX C.GNELDA K. P.O. BOX 168 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 768 R104001101-60 A ACeUTIAN SUBD. LOT 16 BLK 8 mILLER.JuLLIANA P.O. BOX 582 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 -141-040080f70 - A ALEUTIAN sua0.LoTT7LK 8 OINEIL.DANIEL O. P.O. BOX 844 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1056 R104(10-80180 A NUEUTTAN SOSO. LOT ila-BER-8 PETSERSON.HANS 768 CHIGNOOK LAGOON.AK P.O. BOX 2513 KODIAK AK 99615 10180 1056 P1040080190 A ALEUT I AN SUBD LOT-19 BLiC-8--------ThWING,RANDY & KATHALYNN 99615 P.O. BOx 147 AK KODIAK 10180 0 410-411080200 -ALEUTTAWSUaO. COT-20 BLK-I3 -IBWING.PANDY-L P.O. BOX 147 40080210 A ALEuT1AN-SUBDLOT-21-BLK-8 55 w NORTHERN LIGHTS BLV SUITE 202 R1040060220 7 A ALEUTIAN-SUM). LOT-22 6Lik-8 555 w NORTHERN LIGHTS BLV SUITE 202 -R1040G-80230- A ALEUTIAN-SUBD.-1701-23 8 K 8 5-Sskjey"-fivREFL -111040060240— -I ,/aLEuT1ASITSDao.-LOT-24—BLK a A104ocia-0260 1-------ALEUT I OT -25B AL SUB LOr- LK KODIAK AK 99615 10180 964 GRABER;-5A4uEL----------- -FIRST HABITAT LTD.-- ANCHORAGE GRABER. SAMUEL GRABER. ANCHORAGE SAMUEL AK 99503 10180 0 FIRST HABITAT LTD. AK 99503 10180 0 FIRST HABITAT LTD. 10180 0 UNI-IED STATES POSTAL SERV KODIAK AK 99615 10179 UNITE-IONTATE,S---POSTAL SERV KODIAK AK 99615 10179 0 POS 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT — CITY / BOROUGH OF KODIAK Applicant to fill in between heavy lines. BUILDING ADDRESS / S / ! I f t5Ay "44 LOCALITY CLASS OF WORK NEW ALTERATION NEAREST CROSS ST. Z 0 �.f ADDITION USE OF BUILDING DEMOLISH REPAIR MOVE NA ME %44111 FO 1.44 // MAIL ADDRESS 9 5 'j SIZE OF BUILDING ✓L'f ■ HEIGHpYe NO. OF ROOMS 1 D ;,r iotlC ,1I: 4Yy� CONTRACTOR -J 1 DESCRIPTION NAME "7 ADDRESS CITY STATE LICENSE NO. ? 8 0 0 L NAME ;Irv- ADDRESS CITY STATE LICENSE NO./ tit SUBDIVISION NO. OF FLOORS 3 NO. OF BUILDINGS NO. OF BUILDINGS NOW ON LO-Fr NO. OF FAMILIES SIZE OF LOT USE OF BLDG. NOW ON LOT SPECIFICATIONS FOUNDATION MATERIAL EXTERIOR PIERS APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE ISSUED BUILDING PERMIT NO. VALUATION BUILDING / JO 87 BLDG. FEE PLAN CHK. FEE TOTAL PLUMBING t �, �..f ELECTRIC WIDTH OF TOP WIDTH OF BOTTOM DEPTH IN GROUND R.W. PLATE (SILL) SIZE SPA SPAN GIRDERS JOIST lst. FL. JOIST 2nd. FL. FOUNDATION FRAME PLASTER FLUES FINAL LOT NO. BLK. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 0. Type of Construction I, 11, 111, IV, V, VI 2. Occupancy Group A, B, E, H, I, M, R Div. 1, 2, 3, 4 3. Fire Zone 1 2 3 4 JOIST CEILING EXTERIOR STUDS INTERIOR STUDS ROOF RAFT RRS�S BEARING4MALI35 COVERING EXTEVOR WALLS ROOF INTERIM WALLS REROOFING FLUES FIREPLACE FL. FURNACE KITCHEN WATER HEATER FURNACE GAS OIL I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building construction. Applicant ROUGH SEPTIC TANK SEWER ROUGH FINISH FIXTURES GAS MOTORS FINISH Approved: CHIEF BUILDING OFFICAL By: FINAL 3N11 A1l13dO2Jd PLOT PLAN r SETBACK 3N11 Ala3dO2id STREET PLANNING & ZONING INFO. ZONING DISTRICT TYPE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER OF STORIES TOTAL HT. AREA OF LOT FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM PROP. LINE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM PROP. LINE REAR YARD Approved: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR By L. % �..