ERWIN EST LT 1B - ZCPLON !LIN UIVIYL1AN YERIVII'l. Permit4-- Z- Og-007 $25.00 Kodiak Island Borough, Community Development Department, 710 Mill Bay Road (Rm. 205), Kodiak, AK 99615 PH:(907)486-9362 Fax(907)486-9396 http://www.kib.co.kodiak.ak.us Property Owner/Applicant: ai y- //€C, Mailing Address: Address: p.0. &y, ,_3/39 /-6)0,44/ ??‘/5"-- Phone: 907 -,tift‘-dasci 2. Legal Description: Street Address: it)./441 Z0-74 /3 r_t,•:)("n U5 54rucy /C 8,2 e.v00.110( 7,jv R._ Tix Code: R-0 3. Description of Existing Property/Current Zoning: Minimum Required Lot Area: 4/0/ Co o .52,, t Width: >/026 -e-{, Actual Lot Area: /17) (9/7 .5f. -re. Width: 7 /020 -rt Minimum Required Setbacks: Front: rg 5' Side: IS P Rear: c:90 ---F-A Ma um Building Height: 35' Use and size of existing structures on the lot: V .51&44Cze- 3‘ 'X 7�' Co/Icier-7' coin a CC. Number & size of parking spaces required per parking/site plan dated: ,3 Off-street loading requirements: it). 4. Plat/subdivision related requirements (e.:g; plat notes, easements, subdivision conditions, drainage plan review, , 411.. etc.) Pr (Vali_ ,8" Other Requirements (e.g. zero lot line, additional setbacks, projections into yards, screening, etc) /Ur 4 • Coastal Management Program Applicable Policies (check appropriate category) Residential V Business Industrial Other Is the proposed action consistent with the KIB Coastal Management Program: Yes 17- No Attachment: Yes 7 No Description of proposed action (attach site plan): 0 C , / 7Lc 04 / mu -1- 7, A i is_h --7e0 ex /5 71/A: C04.574714( C no' /1 _ \\dove\Departments\CD\TemplatestComDev \Zoning Compliance Permit.doc „, Zoning Comm e Permit Fee rtato Payag d 6shiers Rice 01/WM,434 1$0.40094 ,10,4 67&66 DI P A 25.00 *** Paid in Full *** Kodiak island Boroug Kodiak AK 99615 (907) 466-9324 THI __P ORM DOES NOT AUTH.� _ <,IZE CONSTRUCTION WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED * *EXPIRATION: A zoning compliance permit will become null and void if the building or use authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance, or if the building construction or use is abandoned at anytime, after the work is commenced, for aperiod of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit must first be obtained. (Sec. 106.4.4 Expiration, 1997 UBC) per KIBC 17.03.060. 4. Other: Subd. Case #: S63 - o a 7 Plat #: Bldg Permit #: 5. Driveway Permit (State, Borough, City) by /date: AL 4 6. Applicant Certification: I hereby certify that I will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as the property owner; or as a representative of the property owner. T agree to have identifiable corner markers in place in the field for verification of setbacks. By: e;21., A /` c Z Title: 0 ...9-72e_— Date: ?J - d . ete Supporting documents attached (check one): Site Plan I/ As -Built Survey: . Other (List): 8. Com nity D ° • O s ment staff for zoning, /� � By:. d� Title: /� �. - Date: /�7 / `f G 9. Fire Marshal (UFC) by /date: 10.. Septic System Plan Approved by /date: This permit is ONLY for the proposed project as described by the applicant. If there are any changes to the proposed project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or operation, _contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. . \\ dove\ Departments \CD \Templates \ComDev\Zoning Compliance Permit.doc Solid Waste Fee (Per MB Resolution 2003-20) Kodiak Island Borough, Engineering & Facilities Department, 710 Milli* Road (Rm. 223), Kodiak, AK 99615 PH:(907)486-9348 Fax(907)486-9394 http://www.kib.co.kodiak.ak.us THIS FORM DOES NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT OR ZONING COMPLIANCE PERMIT IS REQUIRED 1. Property Owner/Applicant: c-ck Kri-e Mailing Address: Bo 3rrl 1403:)ii4k 44 War-phone: e/A-26 2. Legal Description: z) fro (:c.r Street Address: big (Orx2361,07) )./e roe., Tax Code: R 3. Description of proposed action (attach site plan): CoU1 C. 4. Applicant Certification: I hereby certify that I will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as the property owner, or as a representat. of the property owner. iz:3 By: Date: 4L4 z Title: Supporting documents attached (check one): Site Plan As-Built Survey: Other (List): 8. Solid Waste Disposal Fee: (check one) 250 square feet or less: $250.00 Deposit (See attached form for details) 'Ae5,14 06/-00 N:\CD\Templates\ComDev\F-Solid Waste Fee.doc 500 square feet or less: $500.00 Deposit square feet: $1,000.00 Deposit Solid Waste Disposal Fee 0406)&atii , 12 _44/() FIKk FICAS , 010072266 Const Dump P I D 19000.00 *** Paid in Full *** Kodiak Island Boroug Kodiak AK 99615 (907) 486-9324 ;1? Si±eP1aN L+IB o,, Case S 03- Oa 7 -4- 17" N°9 -Z3) 2 0 \x NOTE - PORT/0A/ FDRMEr? RAC T A - Z, PLAT i✓UMBER 76 - /O, /r-D /AA' REC 0f24)/NG 0/S774 /C T A5 SN0 VAi AxJD /DEA/T /F /ED 8Y METE$ MAO 80UN05 0E56R /PT /OA/` OIL/ PL A r /l/uiv10 ER .9 5 - 2 3 ; KOD /A/f REC24 D /A,./!; D /5TR /C7,. 1.H4 5 3EEi/ 5E7 4o /DE- FOR ?7/E RECREA-7 /ONA L 4/5E OF rNE RES /DENT5 of U.S. SURVEY /682 • /JO STRCJGTURE5 ARE M /(TED OA/ 5A /0 TRACT. r r , • ♦ i ``,r , te 1,..♦ . 4 'r'\ r i%. / r` A' tcN .S k •`4 o 411 x nt j-L- 3 r Y 6. C. 21 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development 7 710 Mill Bay Road (Rm 205), Kodiak, Alaska 99615 -6340 - Phone: (907) 486 -9362 Z . ' FEE: $20.00 I A N C E PERMIT Permit #: Z- 1 3. ti / Property Owner/Applicant: r a �p ( Number and size of parking spaces required (onsite identification of parking spaces is required - Yes: No: ) pp�1' ,/ Mailing Address: " ? 7l 3=611-02,0.A /22/7 Phone: f 0 21 Za +- 3 Coo ' Legal Description: tAI too A (T.N ci g\ Q. 1 st LT ? A. Off -street loading requirement: Street Address: 3 e-5' 1 ILI m ca J_ 1 aot D v- , Tax Code #: Plat related requirements (e.g., plat notes, easements, subdivision conditions, etc.): Description of Existing Propertyicurrent zoning: R-e._ s r Minimum Required Lot Area: / - C ■r- . Width: Other requirements (e.g., zero lot line, additional setbacks, projections into yards, screening, etc.): Actual Lot Area: Co + P c N,2 1 Width: Minimum Required Setbacks: Sides: , Front: Rear: Coastal Management Program Applicable Polices (check appropriate category) - Residential: Business: Maximum Building Height: Industrial: Other (list): Use and size of existing structures on the lot: m $. 70 Is the proposed action consistent with the KIB Coastal Management Program? - Yes: No: If the proposed action conflicts with the Coastal Management Program policies, attach a sheet that notes the policy(ies), describes the conflict(s), and specifies conditions to mitigate the conflict(s). Attachment - Yes: No: Description of proposed action (attach site plan): i "kk`e u . s�ei NJ 1 - Bk. 1 b2 ttl t v • re Ktc_k e v> ,1 x THIS FORM DOES NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED Expiration: A zoning compliance permit will become null and void if the building or use authorized'by such permit is not commenced with 180 days from the date of issuance, or, if the building construction or use is abandoned at any time, after the work is commenced, for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so. (Sec. 303 (d) Expiration, 1991 Uniform Building Code) per KIBC 17.03.060 \9. Applicant Certification: t hereby certify that I will comply with the provisions of the Kodiak Island Borough Code and that I have the authority to certify this as the property owner, or as a representative of the property owner. I agree to have identifiable corner markers in place in the field for verification of setbacks. By: Title: Dale: Supporting documents attached (check): Site plan: As -built survey: Other (list): 6. Community Development staff for zoning, by: Title: Date: 7. Fire Chief [City of Kodiak, Fire District #1 (Bayside), Womens Bay Fire District] approval for UFC (Sections 10.207 and 10.301C) by: Date: • Driveway Permit (State, City of Kodiak, Borough) issued by: Date: 9. Septic system PLAN approved by: Date: lily 1 1994 1 Bill Roberts, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. Ed Mahoney, Anton Larsen Resident: Spoke regarding the withdrawn conditional use permit application in Anton Larsen. Jack Doyle, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. Margaret Short, Anton Larsen Resident: Spoke regarding the withdrawn conditional use permit application in Anton Larsen. Shari Doyle, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. Tess Dietrich, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. Karen Yashin, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. Casey Janz, Womens Bay Resident: Spoke regarding the appeals code revision. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Case S03-003. Request for the vacation and replat of Woodland Acres, Lots A1A, A1B, Al C and Erwin Estates, Lot 1, creating Erwin Estates, USS 1682, Lots 1A, 4, 5, 6, 7 including the vacation of a five (5) foot portion of a fifteen (15) foot pedestrian access easement over a portion of Lot 1, Erwin Estates and the amendment of a plat note, per plats 99-23, 98-21 and 95-23 to eliminate a prohibition on structural development, and creating a forty (40) foot private drive access road. (Postponed from the March regular meeting). STAFF reported that two hundred nine public (209) public hearing notices were sent with distribution including all property owners within US Survey 1682. Seven (7) new responses were received prior to the meeting objecting to the request and one (1) was received stating no objection. With the previous month's notices twenty-four (24) responses were returned objecting to the request and one (1) response was returned indicating no objection. Staff recommended that this plat be returned to the applicant for correction as outlined in the supplemental report dated April 9, 2003, as permitted by KIBC 16.40.060.E and AS 29.40.110. COMMISSIONER BOEHLAND MOVED TO return the plat to the subdivider for correction, as permitted by KB3C 16.40.060.E and AS 29.40.110, and to • postpone Case S03-003, until the next regular scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 21, 2003 so long as the revised plat is re- submitted by the agenda deadline on April 18, 2003, otherwise, it will fall on the next meeting agenda for which it is timely submitted. P & Z Minutes: April 16, 2003 Page 2 of 9 1 1 The motion was SECONDED by COMMISSIONER FRIEND. Regular session closed. Public hearing opened: Maria Painter, Applicant: Spoke in support of her request and reviewed her submission to the commission submitted that evening. Jim Crane, Woodland Acres resident: Spoke against this request. Mel Stevens, Applicant's Attorney: Spoke in support of this request. Hearing and seeing none. Public hearing closed. Regular session opened: COMMISSIONER FRIEND MOVED TO AMEND the main motion to reference conditions of approval, as contained in the April 9, 2003 staff report, numbers 2, 3 (per KIBC 16.040.2), 6, 8, and 9 to be addressed by the petitioner. The amendment was SECONDED by COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS. The question was called, and the motion CARRIED, six yeas to one nay. Commissioner Oswalt was the nay. The question was called on the amended main motion and CARRIED, four yeas to three nays. Commissioners Ketscher, McMurry, and Oswalt were the nays. 15 minute recess. B) Case 03-007. Request for a rezone in accordance with KIBC (Manner of initiation), of Lot 17A and a portion of Lot 17, Block 3, Leite Addition (proposed Lot 17A-1, Block 3, Leite Addition, per Case S03-001) from R1-Single Family Residential to PL-Public Use Land. Staff reported that sevety-four (74) public hearing notices were sent out with no responses being received prior to the meeting. Staff recommended that this request be forwarded to the Assembly with a recommendation for approval. COMMISSIONER KETSCHER MOVED TO recommend that the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly approve the rezoning of Lot 17A-1, Block 3, Leite Addition from R1-Single-family Residential to PL-Public Use Land, subject to an effective clause, and to adopt the "Findings of Fact" in the staff report dated April 9, 2003 in support of this recommendation. P & Z Minutes: April 16, 2003 Page 3 of 9 1 1 Upon returned from recess, it was reported that there was a failure in the cable system, and the meeting was not being broadcast on radio or television. A) Case S03-003. Request for the vacation and replat of Woodland Acres, Lots A1A, AIB, AlC and Erwin Estates, Lot 1, creating Erwin Estates, USS 1682, Lots 1A, 4, 5, 6, 7 including the vacation of a five (5) foot portion of a fifteen (15) foot pedestrian access easement over a portion of Lot 1, Erwin Estates and the amendment of a plat note, per plats 99-23, 98-21 and 95-23 to eliminate a prohibition on structural development, and creating a forty (40) foot private drive access road. STAFF indicated two hundred and nine (209) public hearing notices were distributed for this case with a total of thirty-six (36) being returned: one (1) from the previous month stating no objection, one (1) from the previous month supporting the request, three (3) from this month objecting to the request and thirty-one (31) from the previous month objecting to the request. Staff recommended approval of this request subject to nine (9) conditions of approval. COMMISSIONER BOEHLAND MOVED TO grant preliminary approval of a request for the vacation and replat of Woodland Acres, Lots A1A, A1B, Al C and Erwin Estates, Lot 1, creating Erwin Estates, USS 1682, Lots 1A, 4, 5, 6, 7 including the vacation of a five (5) foot portion of a fifteen (15) foot pedestrian access easement over a portion of Lot 1, Erwin Estates and the amendment of a plat note, per plats 99-23, 98-21 and 95-23 to eliminate a prohibition on structural development, and creating a forty (40) foot private drive access road, subject to the conditions of approval contained in the staff report dated April 9, 2003 and to adopt the fmdings contained in that report as findings-of-fact for this case. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Place a note on the final plat, in lieu of the existing plat note language prohibiting structural development, as follows: a. Proposed development on Lots 4 and 5, Erwin Estates, shall be reviewed by an engineer, registered in the State of Alaska, who will certify by a stamped written determination that the development will not be located in an area that is vulnerable to geophysical hazards as described in the MB Coastal Management Program. In the alternative, if the proposed development is located in an area determined to be subject to geophysical hazard, the engineer will certify that the development has been designed to withstand a typical geophysical hazard event without substantial risk to life or property. • 2. The existing plat note on plats 95-23, 98-21 and 99-23, referencing the use of former Tract A-2 for recreational purposes by the residents of U.S. Survey 1682 shall be carried over onto the final plat for this case. P & Z Minutes: May 28, 2003 Page 4 of 9 1 1 1 3. Redesign the layout of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to provide a net lot area of 40,000 square feet per lot after the area devoted to private road easements is deducted. 4. Obtain a subdivision waiver from the KIB Engineering and Facilities Director to allow the reduction of a private road easement width from 50 feet to 40 feet. 5. Obtain written approval of the private road design and construction from the State Fire Marshal. 6. Approval of the Private Drive Easement "Written Agreement and Covenant", as required by KIBC 16.40.080, does not constitute agreement, or a statement of opinion by the Planning and Zoning Commission, on the validity of the language referencing the recreational access by the residents of U.S. Survey 1682 to former Tract A-2, U.S. Survey 1682. If portions of the covenant are later found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the affected property owners shall petition to formally amend the covenants through a plat amendment process in the manner used to create the private road agreements at the time such request may be necessary. 7. Amend or delete language on page 6 of 6 of the Private Drive Easement "Written Agreement and Covenant" in order to eliminate an implied responsibility of the Borough to perform appraisal services to the subdivision that are not required by Borough ordinance or state statute. 8. Definitions and references to private drive, private road, right-of-way easement, and other similar references throughout the Private Drive Easement "Written Agreement and Covenant" shall be considered to be consistent with the relevant portions of KIBC Title 16, which shall govern. 9. Prior to final plat approval, obtain written approval of engineered plans for the design, routing and installation of water and sewer utilities to serve proposed Lots 4 and 5 of Erwin Estates subdivision. Said plans must meet the criteria contained in City Code, Chapter 13.18, as referenced in the letter from City Public Works dated May 9, 2003. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Subject to conditions of approval, this plat can meet the minimum standards of survey accuracy and proper preparation of plats required in Title 16 of the Borough Code.. 2. It is not the intent of the KIB Planning and Zoning Commission to express an opinion, or take any position on the merits of the plat note contained in prior Plats 95-23, 98-21, and 99-23 or any other related documents relating to the recreational use of former Tract A-2 by the residents of U.S. Survey 1682. Because this issue is not requested to be addressed in the subdivision request, P & Z Minutes: May 28, 2003 Page 5 of 9 1 1 the existing plat note will be carried over to the final plat for this case. Only the portion of the plat note relating to the prohibition on structural development is being reviewed and/or amended by this platting process. 3. The Kodiak Island Borough considers the plat note referencing the recreational use of former Tract A-2 to be a matter unique to this area which must be determined between the owners of land within U.S. Survey 1682. The inclusion of this note on the plat of record does not make the Kodiak Island Borough a party to this matter, which has its origins outside the Borough platting process, which first reflected the note on Plat 95-23 when former Tract A-2 was subdivided and incorporated as a portion of Lot 1-A, Erwin Estates. 4. Subject to conditions of approval, this plat can meet all the requirements of Title 17 of the Borough Code. 5. This plat provides a subdivision of land that is consistent with 1968 Kodiak Island Borough Comprehensive Plan. The motion was SECONDED by COMMISSIONER OSWALT. Regular session closed. Public hearing opened: Mel Stevens, Applicant's Attorney: Spoke in support of this request. Addressed the conditions of approval. Ken Hansen, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Deb Hansen, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Jim Crane, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request.. Ron Painter, applicant: Spoke in favor of this request. Maria Painter, applicant: Spoke in favor of this request. Marilyn Kreta, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Cary Bradbury, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Christy Kinter, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Barry Still, USS 1682 resident: Had questions for the Commission regarding this request. Had concerns over this request. P & Z Minutes: May 28, 2003 Page 6 of 9 1 1 Michael Horton, USS 1682 resident: Spoke against this request. Hearing and seeing none. Public hearing closed. Regular session opened: COMMISSIONER KETSCHER MOVED TO AMEND the main motion to remove condition of approval number three (3). COMMISSIONER MCMURRY SECONDED the amendment. The question was called, and the amendment FAILED, three yeas to two nays by roll call vote. Commissioners Williams and Boehland were the nays COMMISSIONER 'WILLIAMS MOVED TO AMEND the main motion to insert, in condition of approval one (1), the word "geotechnical" in front of the word engineer. COMMISSIONER BOEHLAND SECONDED the amendment. The question was called, and the amendment FAILED, three nays to two yeas by roll call vote. Commissioners Williams and Boehland were the yeas. 10 minute recess COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS MOVED TO AMEND the main motion to add a condition of approval, numbered ten (10), to read, "Per KIBC 16.40.060.f the Planning and Zoning Commission to review the final plat prior to approval as an old business item." COMMISSIONER KETSCHER SECONDED the amendment. The question was called, and the amendment CARRIED, four yeas to one nay by roll call vote. Commissioner Ketscher was the nay. The question was called on the amended main motion and CARRIED, four yeas to one nay by roll call vote. COMMISSIONER MCMURRY was the nay. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A) Planning & Zoning Commission Bylaws. P & Z Minutes: May 28, 2003 Page 7 of 9 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - CITY OF KODIAK - KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Telephone: 486 -8070 • 486-8072 Fax: 486 -8071 710 Mill Bay Road, Room 208 (APPLICANT TO FILL IN ALL INFORMATION WITHIN BOLD LINES. PLEASE PRINT. USE A BALLPOINT PEN AND PRESS FIRMLY.) (OFFICE USE ONLY) STREET ADDRESS: / // i.. / l,-6",c, G'F,� 1 CLASS AND SCOPE OF WORK: SPECIFICATIONS: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: DATE OF APPLICATION: LOT: BLOCK: Pewne7rEO.. -/ NEW DEMOLITION FOUNDATION FOOTINGS STEM WALL 1714ERS SYL...„„k /' ZONING COMPLIANCE: DATE ISSUED: TYPE Cc..,e °. F r: s. ee,..! A f^ /4 '-''LL t:` /3 '? —0 9' ` Cr J P/ ALTERATION '� REPAIR SUBDIVI4I0°N / SURVEY: Loi ,//3 £i4' !!t SfG�t 3 ADDITION MOVE DIMENSIONS "X 4/'r F; 2' r v'F/',, C' VALUATION BASIS: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: DEPTH IN GRND 2 2 ° 9 °2 S/ ? 7 'c' O W R NAME: y� l J�Ldat'!�3 G!/7iJc/° USE OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED BY TH S PERMIT: ; r(e �tj G 7 {6�` �� �' �" • ..5f/3 REINFORCEMENT A/ ---1 VALUATION: PLAN CHECK FEE: BOLT SPACING { f2 %# /l/, % <T. A( ! C �� ! �J S MAILING ADDRESS: Po. /2 X 3 /39 CRAWL SPACE HEIGHT a „ i , -,- _e ,:, / INCHES r OCCUPANCYGROUP: TOTAL FEE: CRAWL SPACE VENT it!��J SQ. FEET 3 .? f - CITY & STATE: j00/J ( 4X 72 SIZE 7(°)1 3 6Y •HEIGHT c STRUCTURAL SPECIES & GRADE SIZE SPACING SPAN NO. OF ROOMS /{STORIES Z '1 RECEIPT NO: TELEPHONE': ,* 5Q7 - t'x-4 - .U...79 NO. OF FAMILIES / GIRDERS C� /= 2-3Y/2 /.2. ' /7 ° TYPE OF BUSINESS ,f/,4 GIRDERS /2/_ ;.'vie, 1 J ' /11 EACH OF THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES INSPECTION BE REQUESTED & COMPLETED \ ANPRIOR`�T}O PROCEEDING WITH Y I RTHER WORK: FOR INSPECTION CALL 486 -8070 A R C M E N G NAME: NO. OF BLDGS NOW ON LOT / OJ`ST,S'/LSTTFLOOR lc /2,42 /2 ' /: ' USE OF EXISTING BLDGS // 4 JOISTS 1ST FLOOR i) / t j' 5 X— '2_Y'2 /4rCc /2 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAILING ADDRESS: SIZE OF LOT /1,' 2 /`% t.,q ' JOISTS 2ND FLOOR I/ %L' WATER: PUBLIC' }� I PRIVATE I JOISTS 2ND FLOOR CITY & STATE: SEWER: PUBLIC ` PRIVATE CEILING JOISTS /j %" y ( ? / ' / ' INSULATION TYPE & THICKNESS: EXTERIOR WALLS /7,, =- 2 y f; /C r ` /6' TELEPHONE: FOUNDATION BEARING WALLS 7 , ,r .( /p, INTERIOR WALLS ,,r EXCAVATION STATE LICENSE: WALLS d' 2._/ ROOF RAFTERS 2?' ?- i £'e /2 ' UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ROOF / CEILING TRUSSES DRIVEWAY PERMIT: FOUNDATION / SETBACKS C nu R A T T O R NAME: d.BJ/��� SHEATHING TYPE & SIZE: FURNACE TYPE: SUBMITTED FyI/ /t; c, FRAMING FLOOR 4? fix( Tr �--- ii APPROVED " ROUGH ELECTRICAL MAILING ADDRESS: WOOD HEATER YES NO TYPE ROUGH PLUMBING WALLS ] ! iJ ADEC APPLICATION: FINAL DATE C.O. ISSUED: CITY & STATE: ROOF /3.j >f SUBMIiTTED /LA I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION, THAT IT IS CORRECT AND THAT I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL ORDINANCES AND LAWS REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION APPLICANT: FINAL•APPROVAL � t.,_ ' It t4.a TELEPHONE: FINISH MATERIAL: LOCAL FIREMARSHAL REVIEW: ,ice /� it :' /o.,. �,�.,;_ _, ;-- 's:.',- SUBMITTED: f 7 AF;PROMED: .•::; 1 ‘: ::: ROOF /4-i.': t l STATE LICENSE: EXTERIOR SIDING (hone i° ` •'ti '' _""'- - --_ , ,` t T-_ AP/PROVE•D� =] 'BUILDING OFFICIAL: •, INTERIOR WALLS .5 4 et. I`- tGs../�, ,� / / .J J fJ NOTES: � ,r),., / /) 1 {c' C C�}sa �Cv 5„., / oc;a-:/n 2 S fc. s..x LZ .�4 Gte a�, , ce 1 Lt• „,,,.,. Frc,,,s._ / c 2 jf7;.- f '1 °fit'.: f'G-1, 4 -,-,T .,i5f /r, ^� Pe id :lit strii nwG- /i / if Gr. ' !i / 4.6 c Cj ', c A. is is .•I: ls±3nt :l +i ?iifE )/ /7(.,/ ! ' f ( , t a "':' S:; = 4,i / nq c i` l °'t • SS J : - ? c c t, '' ! 'I Rev. 1 -97 PRINTED IN KODIAK, ALASKA BY PRINT MASTERS OF KODIAK