ERSKINE ADD BK 8 LT 67 - ExceptionKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH - Telephones 486 -5736 - 486 -5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 February 27, 1984 Mr. Edward F. Randolph Pouch 110 Kodiak, Alaska. 99615 Dear Mr. Randolph: RE: Case 84 -010. 'A request for an exception from Section 17.19.020, Permitted Uses, to allow the construction of two additional apartments in a Two - Family (R2) District. Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision. The Planning and Zoning Commission at_its February 22, 1984 meeting _d-enied your _,. request- -for -an- exception, at the above property. Should you wish to appeal this decision to the City Council, a written notice of appeal is to be filed with the City Clerk within ten days of the February 22, 1984 meeting. Please call if I can be of help. Sincerely, Bud Cassidy Assistant Planner /Zoning Officer Community Development Department cmk cc: /Case 84 -010 Marcella Dalke, City Clerk 2) Any-proceeds derived from church activities held on the property should be used for-the operation and/or, maintenance of the facility in accordance with the deed.dated February 15, 1980. For purposes of clarification, Mrs. Crowe interpreted any proceeds" in Item #2 of the conditions to mean "the rent paid to the Kodiak Livestock Cooperative, Inc. for the use of this premises." COMMISSIONER RENNELL SECONDED the motion and the question was called. The motion CARRIED.by unanimous roll call vote. C) CASE 84-009. Request for a, variance from Section 17.18.050, Yards, to allow the.construction of a single-family residence in a Single-Family Residential District (R1) that encroaches into the required front yard setbacks on Lot 4A, Block 2, Leite Subdivision, 1516 Ismailov Street (Allan Grauel). • As there.was no additional staff report, CHAIRMAN.GREGG recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. There were no audience comments and CHAIRMAN GREGG closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the 'Regular Meeting. COMMISSIONER KNIGHT MOVED TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE on Lot 4A, Block 2, Leite Subdivision and the'motion was seconded. The question was called and the motion CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. COMMISSIONER CROWE MOVED TO APPROVE AS FINDING OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL: 1. That the platted sewer easement presents an exceptional physical circumstance or condition applicable to the property or to its intended use or development which does not apply generally to other properties in the same land use district; 2. That the strict.application of the provisions of this title would - result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; 3. That the granting of the variance will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or general welfare; 4. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehensive plan; 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions of financial hardship or inconvenience from which relief is being sought by a variance; and 6. That granting the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved.. COMMISSIONER RENNELL seconded the motion and the question was called. The motion CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. D) :CASE 84410:. Request for an exception from Section 17.19.020, Permitted Uses, to allo0 the construction of two additional apartments onto an existing duplex with-an office in the garage in a Two-Family Residential District (R2), located on Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision, 424 Carolyn Avenue (..d"War0_.F. Randolph) MS. FREED noted that a parking plan had been submitted by Mr. Randolph and-that staff had had the opportunity to review the plan. CHAIRMAN GREGG recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. EDWARD F. RANDOLPH was present and spoke favorably for granting the request for an exception,, stating that currently there were three other . lots being used on Carolyn Avenue in an R3-fashion. Mr. Randolph felt that the use of these lots, although "grandfathered" into the current zoning status in 1981, was significant to the request. Mr. Randolph submitted a petition signed by 20-owners/tenants within a 400' radius of 424 Carolyn who felt there would be-no adverse conditions created by granting the request. THE COMMISSION questioned Mr. Randolph and discussed his intended use of the property. Ms. Freed noted Item #3 of the February 15, 1984 staff report: "The adjacent lot where additional land is to be purchased or Re-scheduled .Meeting -- 3 - February 22, 1984 i- eased, Lot 9A, Block 13,- Al=eutian Hones Subd., is a substandard lot with, an `area . of 5:;252-" square_.feet. Any 1 and " 1 eased or purchased _ wou.l,d 'further _reduce the. s i ze' of—the Tot:"' Mr. :Randol* noted a verbal agreement-did :exist with Mr -, amueT Graber for additional: off - street. parking Iodations: MS.- SHIRLEY"THEGLIN, property owner° of Lots .51 and 52, Block 7, Erskine. Addition, .was present and :voiced opposition to the proposed exception. MS. Heglin :mentioned considerable public opposition to- allowing the original :multi- family dwellings in;the area.;, but -since these had: now been grandfathered they. were accepted. However,' Ms. Hegl.in.stressed the'current- - parking. situation in 'the area., stating residents -were unaba:e.to use the • sidewalks that-had recently been built because the sidewalks.were used for parking vehicles. MS.- Heglin felt the - entire R2 area would be. in jeopardy by allowing this type of - "spot zoning "; and she'ur.ged the Commission not to : grant'the request_. MS. GRETCHEN SAUPE, property owner of Lots 109 and_110; Block 9, Erskine Subdivision voiced her objection to:the proposed rezoning Her desire was- to'keep the -area R2. Ms. Saupe stated. she would -like to see this sort of "spot" zoning stopped, and that only an entire area should be . considered for rezoning.' As there were no additional audience comments,CHAIRMAN-GREGG-closed.- the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular.Meeting:. Discussion followed among the Commissioners voicing concern for: a 4 -pl ex in an . R2 area; the .,feel i ng. that this .was . "spot" zoning -; staff .comments involving practical layout problems in the proposed parking plan; and parking problems in the general area-due to existing; grandfathered. home occupations.. COMMISSIONER -HILL =MOV"ED :TO .:APPROV_E_ :THf-_REQU.EST: _EOR""."EXCEPTION_:_from Section_17.19.020, Permitted Uses, to allow the construction of-two additional apartments'onto.an existing duplex with an-office in the"garage in a' Two - Family Residential District (R2) , located <Efs_ki ne- Subdi-v-i -si on,_ 424 "Carolyn-_Av_enue: (_Edw.ar_d, F- Randol-ph),. The motion was seconded and the question was called. The motion - "FAILED unanimously "by roll call. vote. CHAIRMAN GREGG informed Mr. Randolph of his right to appeal within ten days in writing to the City Clerk. COMMISSIONtER RENNELL MOVED TO APPROVE FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR DENIAL per the February 3 and 15, 1984 Community Development Department staff memorandum: 1.- The character of the area is basically duplex" in nature,.with.most of the neighborhood composed of two- family structures; any.increase in density is incompatible with this character; 2. Off- street parking standards, as required in Chapter 17.57, Off - Street Parking-and Loading, are not presently met for the residential and office uses; the requirement -of four additional spaces would intensify the parking problem. 3. On each side of the parking lot, spaces are arranged to create double parking (Numbers.] and 2, and 7 and 8).; though ten feet wide, they do: not provide adequate" turni ng space; ' - 4. A power pole exists near the property line; though a utility easement does not exist on•.the plat, it would have to be relocated to create space Number 7; and- 5. The adjacent lot-where additional and is to be purchased or leased, Lot 9A, Block 13,. Aleutian Homes Subdivision, i-s a substandard lot with an area of 5,252 square - feet; any land. leased or purchased would further reduce the size of the lot.' FURTHER, COhMISSIONER RENNELL (MOVED to include i n the motion the cony- erns of the Commi s sibn recardi ng : 1. A proposed 4 -plex in an R2 area; 2. "Spot zoning"; 3. Staff comments involving practical layout problems of the proposed parking.pian; and - Re- scheduled Meeting - - February 22, 1984 _ 4 Exis _tang :-parking problems due to grandfathered, home occupations inthea:rea. T -he motion.was seconded and the question was called. The motion RRIED .by:unanimous voice vote. CHAIRMAN GREGG CALLED A TWO- MINUTE RECESS AT 8:20 p.m. and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:22 p.m. E) CASE 84 -011. Request for an exception from Section 17.20.020, Permitted Uses, and Section 17.57.020, Off- Street Parking -- Number of Spaces Required, and a variance from Section 17.20.040(B), Side Yards, to allow the construction of a physical fitness center that straddles Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, Alderwood Subdivision 1319 and 1321 Selief Lane (R. E. Cook and D. Rounsaville). MS. FREED reported two telephone calls. received from local residents in opposition to the request and two public hearing notices in favor of granting the request. In addition, MS. FREED noted a letter from Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) regarding electrical hookups to the proposed, combined unit. CHAIRMAN GREGG then recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the PubTic Hearing. GARY HURLBURT, property owner of Lot 8,1Block 1 -A, Alderwood Subd., stated that with the trees along both sides of the road gone and more homes -in the area, dust is a real problem. Mr. Hurlburt is.concerned with any kind of commercial venture that will increase traffic in the area. UNKNOWN AUDIENCE, living in Alderwood #6 at top of hill, spoke in opposition to grantingthe request. His primary concern was the lack of off - street parking, and the present congestion in the area. RON BROCKMAN, concerned parent of children living in the Aleutian Homes area, spoke in opposition to granting the request. His main feeling was that any increase in business that has access to the Aleutian Homes would pose .a serious threat to children living in the area -, because of the "speedway" that has developed throughout these access roads. DON ROUNSAVILLE was present and agreed parking and traffic problems on Selief Lane did exist, but felt it had no bearing on his request. He felt confident that these problems could be taken care of. Mr. Rounsaville acknowledged the letter from KEA and felt the electrical concern would not create any problems. COMMISSIONER HILL read a letter from Ron Brockman opposing any change . in the zoning or any variances granted for change in the zoning involving the residential area on Selief Lane, or any other residential area, to business or any semblance of business zoning. COMMISSIONER HILL also read a letter from-Penny Miner vo;i.cing= objection to the fitness center. Ms. Miner's concerns were for retaining the beauty of the area and the welfare of children in the area, due to the compounded danger of increased vehicular traffic. CHAIRMAN GREGG closed the Public Hearing-and reconvened the Regular Meeting. Chairman Gregg asked for. the w.i s•.hesw:,_of the; Commission. COMMISSIONER RENNELL considered the center to be a business -like facility and, therefore, inappropriate in a residential area. COMMISSIONER RENNELL voiced his concern with the parking problems and increased traffic which would be generated from the operation of the center. COMMISSIONER RENNELL spoke for the record in regards to comments in Ms. Miner's letter: __People who ride three - wheelers are also responsible not to ride on the roads. I don't think we should protect their right to ride on the roads, because they are not supposed to be there in the first place. The parents need to be more responsible for their children who ride three - wheelers on a publicright -of -way, which.-is aga=in:st,the•:law. Re- scheduled.Meeting - 5 - February 22, 1984 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM ITEM VI DATE: February 15, 1984 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Departmenfmq SUBJ: Information for the February 15, 1984 Regular Meeting RE: CASE 84-010. Request for an exception from Section 17.19.020, Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision (Edward Randolp) Attached is the proposed parking plan submitted by Mr. Randolph. It would expand his current parking capacity from four spaces to eight spaces. Problems with this design center around three areas: 1. On each side of the parking lot, spaces are arranged to create double parking (Numbers 1 and 2, and 7 and 8). Though ten feet wide, they do not provide adequate turning space; 2. A power pole exists near the property line. Though a utility easement does not exist on the plat, it would have to be relocated: to create space Number 7; and 3. The adjacent lot where additional land is to be pur- chased or leased, Lot 9A, Block 13, Aleutian Homes Subd., is a substandard lot with an area of 5,252 square feet. Any land leased or purchased would further reduce the size of the lot. 61. 31 k tWANY, a Or .r,....07Wea I . jri - .11,1=3■=1.. AstivlaVO'd (i - s ....nracs101=111, W31I WoraeRPIT.M.PP ...10XLMMNOIM{S ...■•■•••••=1,071. -4•••■■•...■ad , "AV kral -1/4 , Cot lett February 14, 1984 We are owners & tenants that are within a four hundred foo [ackus of 424 Carolyn Si. owned by Mr. & Mrs. Edward F Randolph. The Randolp `s---'-proposed addition and parking facilities have been explained to us. We feel that since Carolyn St. is basically a mul-l-family residential street with other businesses located on it there would be no adverse conditions created by allowing the Randolph's to build their addition of two one bedroom apart- ments above their garage and office. 'A ME r1auftt04- . TIAni90 WIRP?ieR Iv c_ (iz Aeier 6-X041_ SIGNATURE ADDRESS 523ea,.4-7i -P4/2 ary, YO 60K57( Z /=/ go4 DOA) 01°18/141910 GifgET72/W6 "J/3A'/ ae,g, (./ I e 4/2_ 7i/Lt e,i g/ o yp Poi( o 6-02 ei/z 3/6' ivAt_A7//4 aig 1-125 h6)) fr-)y r.)EL owNle-R- GAER-QA) .0A2cpulKt - 0/920 /714 _go x S'Y 1-#42-f C-ar-6 Gox ttc17( ovui&e-elz- 1/7/ 73ox 2_0 1) )1 ;ItISURANCE 7-- 57.030-17.57.040 17.57.030 Off-street parking-=Location. All parking spaces required under Section 17.57.020 shall be on the same lot as, or a lot adjacent to, the principal building that they serve; provided, that if the planning commission finds that it is impractical to locate the spaces on such a lot, it may permit them to be located on any lot within six hun- dred.feet of the principal building. All parking spaces re- quired under Section 17.57.020 shall be located in a use district permitting the use which they serve.: (Ord. 80-18-0 art) , 1980). .57.040 Parking area development standards. A. Any 4parkit area, including any area on a lot that is used for t icitar circulation, .storage, parking spaces, aisles, turn- .(% ani" maneuvering areas, driveways, and ingress and egress ea shall be developed in accordance with this section. 431• Surfacing and Drainage. 1. Publicly owned parking areas that are open to the 01,60p.6"lic shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic compound. 2. Parking areas not governed by subdivision 1 of this subsection shall be surfaced and drained so that they are free of mud and standing water, and generate a minimum amount of dust. 3. All parking spaces not serving a one-family or two-family dwelling shall have appropriate bumper guards or wheel stops. C. A parking area serving acommerciai industrial/ or institutional use that adjoins the side of a residentially zoned lot shall be separated from the side of the. residen- tially zoned lot by a fence on hedge not less than four nor more than six feet in height. The fence or hedge shall ex- tend along the entire boundary of the parking area adjoining the side of the residentially zoned lot, except that it shall not extend along any part of that boundary adjoining the front yard of the residentially zoned lot. D. No light illuminating a parking area shall shine directly onto any property beyond the boundaries of the lot on which the parking area is located. E. Points of ingress from, and egress to, public streets shall be designed and located to minimize traffic congestion and.hazards to pedestrians. Such points of ingress and egress 1. shall be no more than thirty-two feet wide. All parking areas,,l- except those serving one-family and two-family dwellings, shall be designed to allow ingress and egress without back- ing over a sidewalk area or onto a street designated as a collector or arterial on the official streets and highways, plan. F. A required parking space serving a residential use shall be no less than eight feet wide and twenty feet long. 123 (Kodiak Island Borough 4/81) P ,t1.% KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM ITEM VI (D) DATE: February 3, 1984 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department SUBJ: Information for the February 15, 1984 Regular Meeting RE: CASE 84-010. Request for an exception from Section 17.19.020 Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision Sixty-seven (67) public hearing notices were mailed on January 31, 1984. 1. Applicant: Edward F. Randolph, Pouch 110, Kodiak, AK. 2. Land Owner: Same. 3. Request: An exception from Section 17.19.020, Permitted Uses. 4. Purpose: To allow construction of two additional apartments onto an existing duplex, with an office in the garage, in an R2 District. 5. Existing Zoning: Two-Family Residential District (R2). 6. Zoning History: The 1968 Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as R2 zoning. In 1968 a request to rezone certain lots from R2 to R3, in Block 7 and 8, Erskine Subdivision, was denied due to the fact that lot areas involved were smaller than the area requirements of R3 land, as well as the unfavorable public testimony received (Case 1-L). In 1969 a request for a variance was granted to allow this structure to encroach ten feet into the required front yard setback, due to the steep nature of the rear portion of the lot yard. Granting this variance allowed the dwelling an ocean view. 7. Location: Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision; 424 Carolyn Avenue. 8. Lot Size: 8,801 square feet. 9. Existing Land Use: Duplex, with small office in the garage. 10. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North: Lot 5, Block 13, Aleutian Homes Subd. is zoned R2; Use, R1; South: Lot 72, Block 8, Erskine Subd. is zoned R2; Use R1; East: Lot 69, Block 8, Erskine Subd. is zoned R2; Use, vacant; West: Lot 66, Block 8, Erskine Subd. is zoned R2; Use, R2. ITEM VI(D) 11. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this lot as medium-density residential. 12. Applicable Regulations: Chapter 17.19, Two-Family Residential District (R2), Section 17.19.020, Permitted Uses. COMMENTS: Mr. Randolph's proposal is to build second-floor apartments above his single-story garage, which also serves as an office for his insurance business. RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends denial of this request based on the following conclusions: 1. The character of the area is basically duplex in nature, with most of the neighborhood composed of two-family structures. Any increase in density is incompatible with this character; 2. Off-street parking standards, as required in Chapter 17.57, Off-Street Parking and Loading, are not presently met for the residential and office uses. The requirement of four additional spaces would intensify the parking problem. Case 84-010. - 2 February 3, 1984 .r �� N ��& �n� ND � � � Telephones 486-5736 - 486-5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 February 1, 1984 Mr. Edward F. Randolph Pouch 110 Kodiak, AK 99615. Dear Mr. Randolph: RE: Case 84-010, Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subdivision Please be advised that your application for an exception has been scheduled for review and action by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their February 15, 1984 Regular Meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Your attendance at this meeting is requested. One week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, February 8, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room, the Commission will hold a worksession to review the packet material related to your application. You are cordially invited to attend this worksession, and to be avail- able to respond to any questrons the Commission may have regarding your request. The Community Development Department will be happy to provide you with any additional information. .5incaraly^ blinda J. Goodwin Planning Secretary Community Development Department cc: Case 84-010 ,.g KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Office P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, AK 99615 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE DATE: January 31, 1984 CASE NUMBER: 84-010 An application for an exception was filed on January 18, 1984 with the Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Office by: MR. EDWARD F. RANDOLPH The application requests an exception from Section 17.19.020, Permitted Uses to allow the construction of two additional apartments onto an existing' duplex and office structure in an R2 District, Lot 67, Block 8, Erskine Subd., 424 Carolyn Ave. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this request at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15 19 84 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are a property owner in the area of the request. This is the only scheduled public hearing on the request, at this time, and you - are invited to appear before the Commission to express your opinion on the request. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion which will be read into the minutes of the public hearing if it is received prior to the time and date indicated above. Should you wish to comment on the request, please use the bottom of this notice and return it to the Community Development Office at Box 1246, Kodiak, 99615. A vicinity map showing the property involved is on the back of this form. If you have any questions on this matter, please call us at 486-5736, extension 255. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Your Name Address Your Property Description COMMENTS: R1140091010 C ANDER - SON /LAURENCE & HAROL P.O. BOX 1013 416 BENSON KODIAK AK 99615 R1140091000 F� "LAMPOLTSHAMERsJOHANNA L P•0: BOX 2716 414 BENSON KODIAK AK 99615 R1140090970 ROSENBERG /M J E F BRISKE,JEA /SUMMERS ,D & K 3401 DENALI ST SUITE 103 ANCHORAGE AK 99503 rTy \*i` ark rlafii F�+•' f" R1140091030 WILLIAMS /RONALD & PHYLLIS P.O. BOX 4171 .423 CAROLYN MOUNTAIN'. VIEW CA 94040 GRABER,SAMUEL P.O. BOX 706 KODIAK R1.04.0130110 AK 99615 R1040130120 SHEPARD,RICH.ARD & HELEN - P.O. BOX 1344 KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130130 CLODFELTER,GORDON C/0 NORMAN.L. CLODFELTER 1280 MADRONA AVE. SAN JOSE CA 95125 c .R1140091050 J'.A-CKSON4PETER .S LOUISE P.O. B0X 2683 419 CAROLYN KODIAK AK 99615 R1140091060 .STILL,BARRY & KAREN P.O. BOX 11 417 CAROLYN KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080762: PANAMAROFF,GEO & HELEN P.O. BOX 123 411 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 9961.5 ( R1040130140 R1140091080 ( GUDENAU,KIRK C WELCH/JOHN & FLORENCE P.O. BOX 2184 ( P.O. BOX 127 KODIAK AK 99615 413 CAROLYN KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130150 R1140091090 SALMINE,RICHARD & LORNA SAUPE,LYNN & GRETCHEN L P.O. BOX 2747 ( P.O. BOX 1194 KODIAK AK 99615 411 CAROLYN KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130160 WEBER,WILLIAM & RIKA P.O. BOX/811 KODIAK AK 99515 R1040130270 KOD IS PROP CEMETERY P.O. BOX 706 KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080670 RANDOLPH,EDWARD & MARY J P.O. BOX 69 KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080660 PAYNE,JAMES & DOTTIE P.O. BOX 693 420 CAROLYN, KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080650 IBACH,JACK A E LAURA LEE P.O. BOX 1-32 418 CAROLYN: KODIAK AK 99615 ..,7•11‘ • ,-;i•4•:::r • • • R1040080290 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV. KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130030 WILLIAMS/RONALD & PHYLLIS P.O. BOX 4171 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040 R1040130040 EATON/BARBARA A 19412 40TH WEST g306 C. C/0 GUITAR° LYNNWOOD WA 98036 R1040130050 PETERSON/GARY C & STACIE P.O.BOX 1221 KODIAK AK 99615 C. R1040130060 VELONZA,ROMUALDO & NORMA KODIAK ISLAND PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 2809 KODIAK AK99615 R1040130070 MOORE/GEO J &CAROLINE J PO 0 BOX 226 KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130080 SEVERSON/MYRON & PHYLLI P.O. BOX 1941 KODIAK AK 99615 R1040130091 (- GRABER/SAMUEL P.O. BOX 706 kig KODIAK AK 99615 R104008011.0 CARLSON/AXEL E ALVA P.O. BOX 2118 KODIAK AK 99615 R1040080100 WALKER/EDWARD & SHARRON C/O LOWENBERG,SANDRA LEE P.O.BOX 2364 KODIAK AK 99615 BLACKETT,ROGER F P.O. BOX 593 KODIAK GRABER/SAMUEL P.O. BOX 706 KODIAK SEVIER/JOHN R P.0.BOX 1933 KODIAK THWING,RANDY L P.O. BOX 147 KODIAK R1040080090 AK 99615 1( R1040080080 AK 99615 R1040080180 AK 99615 ( R1040080200 AK 99615 ; C GRABER,SAMUEL RIO FIRST HABITAT LTD. 400 2702 GAMBELL ST 802 SUITE 200 10 ANCHORAGE AK 99503 R1040120350 SHERIDAN/WILLIAM W P.O. BOX 2276 KODIAK AK 99615 1( ^'-_ �� /~~ _ ~7/. R1140060800 Rl040120340 HANEY°STEVEN C PATRICIA 00000 PwO° BOX 2267 KODIAK ' AN 99615 R1I48050150 A8ENApTIM C. PAMELA P°O° BOX 2287 412 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 C xr (� ' (� R1040088170 ^ GAABERvLAWRENCE D 121 W. 22ND ST° ANCHORAGE AK 99503 `x R1040080150 ~ C4NETE*FELIX NELDA P.O. BOX 168 /y KODIAK AK 99615 ^ HILLERvJULLIANA P°O° BOX 582 KODIAK � R1040080160 `� AK 99615 R1040080140 OOBMAN°CH4RLE3 & JOANNE P.O. BOX 3288 KODIAK AK 99615 � ~ R1040080130 ( CARLSEN=DAVID C LANI M P.O. BOX 2937 KODIAK AK 99615 Rl04008012C KORDU5vCHARLES F & STEVAN 3457 WEST GOTH STREET ANCHORAGE AK 99502 R1140060100 SUPERIOR BUILDING SUPPLY DRAWER 1150 ,321 ERSKINE KENAI AK 99611 R1140060110 . NELSON/STANLEY & JUANITA P.O. BOX' 324 319 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060120 EGGEMEYER+JAMES MARLYSS � ^ ' • ��- P.O. BOX 965 KODIAK AK 99615 A1140060770 - MANN/JOAN A ESQUIRE ONE MARITIME PLA2EvSTE95O � SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 '~, ( MANN/JACK EDWARD III R1I MANN/M°DIANE 400 P.O. BOX 245 607 412 MI LL BAY ROAD 80 KODIAK AK 99615 Rl140060790 WILEYpTHEOOOAE P.O. BOX 244 414 'MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 RlI40060880 THlSSEN°MARK'S THOMAS P.O. BOX 826 ' 316 MILL BAY ROAD � KODIAK AK 99615 • R1140060010 BRYAN,KEITH C C LEA M . -P.O. BOX 233 423 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060020 ATKINSON,ARTHUR & SHIRLEY "P.O. BOX 2973 • 418 MILL BAY.ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 - R1140060030 FANNIN,VERNON & KATHERINE P.O. BOX 572 416 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080680 FIELDS,DEWITT & WANDA P.O. BOX 25 i . 429 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK - AK 99615 R1140060050 VANBUREN,RAYMOND & HILDUR P.O. BOX 415 419 ERSKINE KODIAK - AK 99615 R1140060060 LAWHEAD,DONALD & IRENE P.O. BOX 2427 417 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060070 LESTER,ELDON' E- LILA P.O. BOX 845 - KODIAK AK 99615 FELTON,HARRY & LORRAINE R11 DAYTON,LORRAINE 400 P.O. BOX 287 600 411 ERSKINE . 80 KODIAK .AK 99615 R1140080740 BLANKENBURG,ERIC & C P.O.. BOX 707 417 MILLBAY ROAD' KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080610 FITZGERALD,MARIANE.R . P.O. BOX. 536 414 CAROLYN KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080600 GREGORYMARC & KAY 'L . P.O.BOX 2214 412 CAROLYN - KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080590 !� AYAZ,MUHAMMAD & PARVEEN US REP /JECOR 410 CAROLYN APO NEW YORK NY. 09038 MADSEN,ROY H & Pe0. BOX 726 KODIAK R1140080720-1 LINDA L AK 99615.. R1140081340 BYL.ER,JERRY & BARBARA I P.O. BOX 1591 304 WILSON KODIAK AK 99615 •R11400807.10 ELLIOTT,JOHN F & DARLENE P.O. BOX 234 423 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615- R1140080761 SUYDAM,ANTRIL & LORRAINE P.0..BOX 161 411 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK - AK 99615' t ease • • //2___ 1/ - 01 0 . 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A_1_1140 as 3 0 0 0 dopms s&), j+: 34 - R /olio /2,0_ L-/_-_o igl _08.10 Riolio go Igo alo! °Zoo A_1- AloiloogoA10 0 1 6 2 . j = A s o , . • .1 . . V _027 i 11/&al:* /tomes s GIA /3 ' Los : i Alogo130p3o 1., 05-0 6li- A o &Lc _ 71,1 010 CAO / 01N - /AG' /.$ -A/ GIL/ciao /3 / /I/0 /5-- 15--() 160 r ifto - /tr) oi3o_a_70 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH POST OFFICE BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 ( ) Conditional Use Permit Exception If51.--egmiL C>2!-C) Variance ( ) Zoning Change: From: To: CODE SECTION INVOLVED: /7/T- dJO 472/77/0( NOTE: The application fee for all items covered by this form is $50. Conditional Use Permits, Exceptions, and Variance Applications also require the submission of a site plan. APPLICANT: r cloirk 2-15-6-3347 • Name Home Telephone 46—b/7? Address Work Telephone ir)a5k_a- q9&1__< City, State, Zip 727/ e aro f PROPERTY: v--7 Lot Block Subdivision Name United States Survey # Section, Township, Range, S.M. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: q I have been advised of the procedures involved with this request and have received a copy of the appropriate regulations. Authorized Agent Date Application Accepted: Date Kodiak Island Borough 700 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD P.O. BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 PHONE (907) 486-5736 tiz.=,,,,2z4arioly.p_o„Lwiat 010 000 lo] 10 -.00 =JMNI,,,,,a4„aurfEwq-eif:MIZ.ti- CASH a;,:a45:1,01Eltti,,,,,,,,4 ,S.* 0 0 MIN 1111111111 1MM MIIIIIII MIN IIIIIIIIII A.;,lic14-thif , ,;.*`:". -i•=1.€`2".:4 . .;niin.S...,-■ 010 - 000 - 322 - 11 - 00 BUILDING PERMITS • 010 - 000 - 322 - 90 - 00 ZONING PERMITS 010 - 000 - 341 - 50 00 SALE OF AAAPS---- , ,, . SALE OF COPIES 010 - 000 - 341 - 51 - 00 PROPERTY TAX : .. LAND SALE PAYMENT . - PER ATTACHED ' SO 0 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINII 1111111111111111111111111111111 TOTAL 0 0 0 DUB TO TVE e.11re-v r. e....-. CONDITIONS OF CHECK PAYMENTS PAYMENTS TENDERED BY CHECK FOR OBLIGATIONS THE BOROUGH ARE SATISFMT, r. v 1 torv., 0 HONORED. RETURNED CHECKS FOR ANY REASON RESTORES THE OBLIGATION AS UNPAID AND SUBJECTS THE PAYER TO ANY CHARGES, FEES OR OTHER LEGAL LIABILITIES AS MAY BE APPLICABLE.