ERSKINE ADD BK 9 LT 93 - Rezone (2)KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH CASE PLANNING &ZONING REQUEST APPLICATION DATE LA.APJ:244, 4144- Final Disposition: Remarks: 4111111110.011■■•■•■•■•••■•••■•••••••••■••••• Type of Request: V 40J\A AD/ k 2.,w6 Cescription of Land: Lot: Q 44_ Biock: 9 Addn: , Survey # Person Submitting Application:Olcua,L4 ,;6_atfhAA eaCta,NNA J1..40-41_1. .1.0-4A-4 -1:424 Mailing Address \--4.-4. -1?,S-oc-i_ o-kt adidg-4.-L4 COvering letter submitted: Plat Submitted: Referred from: Person or Representativ Present Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Reason for Requegrc- Unusual Circumstances: ..........•••■•■••■•■•■•■•••■•••■••■••01 Npproved: Remarks: Not Approved: Remarks: Borough Assembly Approval: Remarks: PLANNING ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 1, 1964 The meeting was called to order by Commissioner L. Johnson at 7:40 p.m in,the Court Room. Commissioners present: Kraft, Sutliff, Johnson, Felton, Smith and Lamme Others present: ''iRoy Madsen, Gerd Jensen, Jim Barr, Rev. Targonsky, R. Hubbard and Chuck LaPage. The minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1964 were considered and unanimouslyaTproved as read by a voice vote by the Commissioners. Mr. Charles Stanton of Trans-Alaska Telephone Company submitted a request to rezone Lots 93 & 94, Block 9 of Erskine Subdivision from.residential to commercisl. They propose to build a-modern fireproof, one story concrete block building and would like to commence construction as soon as possible. Mr Jensen of the Kodiak Telephone Company said it would be possible to rebuild on thei present property but they would have the expense of removing the present building and there has been no guaranty of the resale from Urban Renewal of the land. They have received no response from the State Highway Department as to the grade of the road in front of the present building. CommisSionder Johnson read a letter from Ronald Slaymaker requestingvariances of Block 1, Lots 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, Block 5," L ts 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Block 7, lots 48 49, 50, 53, 54; 56, 57, 58, Block 9, Lots 81; 82, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 115, 116, 117, 118 and 119 of the Erskine Subdivision. Attorney Madsen read the existing Ordinance No 240, Section 20 C(1)(B) page 55. Commissioner Felton ,made the motinn to dam both Mr. Stanton & Mr. Slaymaker's request for variances as they do not comply With -Ordinance No 240,_Section.20C(1)(b)_._ Commissioner Smith'seconded the-Metion and-it was unanimously caried by a voice vote Reverend.Targonsky asked that since Urban Renewal classified U.S.S. 444.Tractiji, a commercial zone would it be posSible to build a rectory, orphanage, caretaker's home or a parking lot in the same area Mr. Jim Barr said there was no intent to move the rectory away from the Church by Urban Renewal. Commissioner Sutliff recommended the City Council and Urban Renewal be notified of Rev. Targonsky7s request and that sufficient land be made available in.the immediate vicinity of the'church to be used for their purposes alone. Seconded by Commissioner Kraft and unanimously carried by a voice vote. Rev. Targonsky also asked how wide Mission Road would be Commissioner Johnson replied 501: Harold Alexander submitted a Building Permit and House Plans for approval. After a brief discussion commissioner Sutliff made the motinn to approve Mr. Alexander's Building. Permit. Seconded by Commissioner Kraft and unanimously, carried by a voice vote. Commissioner Johnson stated he would not be able to attend the meeting of August 5, 1964. • There was a general discussion on Urban Renewal's tardiness in buying and reselling land to present property owners who want to rebuild. Mr. LaPage of A.H.A. said the earliest possible date Urban Renewal could.start purchasing land would be July-15; 1964 but he could see no reason why anAndividual could not go - ahead and build before this took place. H. 0. OlsenOUbmitted for approval resubdivision of U.S.S. 3098, Lot 27. There was insufficientinformatipn and a'revised plat will be resubmitted at the next meeting. Commissioner Sutliff made the recommendation that a.set of Urban Renewal Plans be purchased for the Planning zoning Commission by-the Assembly. Seconded)py Commissioner Kraft and unanimously. carried by:a voice tote. " • Mr. Barr presented an architectural plan as proposed for the Urban Renewal Area. A discussion followed with comments from the Planning 'Zoning committee arid members of the public in attendance. Commissioner Sutliff moved that the Planning & Zoning Commission request .a meeting with the State Division of Lands for reviewing the reledse of lands N. E. of Kodiak. Seconded by Commissioner Felton and unanimously carried5 by a voice vote. ; — It.wassuggested_andcondurred upon, that the Planning Zonini--Commission should begin immediately on. planning land use of the above mentioned property, Mr. Barr will bring a Proposed Borough Zoning Map to the next meeting. Rev. Targonsky asked about a cemetery addition on Lots 68, 69 and 70 Erskine Subdit sion. This request was tabled pending formal aolelication. The meeting was adjourned at 100.2 p.m. Respectfully submitted TRANS -ALASK, Tf ELEFH NINE C0MPk G E N E R A L O F F I C E S . A N C H O R A G E , ALASKA T E L E P H O N E B R 2 - 2 3 2 1 June 24 1964 Kodiak Island Borough Zoning and Planing Commission Kodiak, Alaska Gentlemen: It is our purpose to restore telephone service on a permenant basis to Kodiak as soon as possible. In order to avoid delay in starting building construction we have decided to rebuild outside the area covered by the tidal wave. We have purchased lots 93 and 94, block # 9, Erskin Subdivision; these are across from the city hall just above the city market. It is our understanding that the area is presently classified as a residential area but is contigous to areas classified as business. We purchased the property contingent upon it being reclassified as a business area. We propose to construct a modern fireproof, one story, concrete block building meeting the construction requirements of the Rural Electrification Administration and of course any existing_requirements of the borough or city. This is to request that the property referred to above be classified for business purposes and that the Kodiak-Telephone Company be permitted to commence construction as soon as possibl The architectural details of the building will be submitted as soon as they are prepared. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Very truly yours arses C. Stanton President CC to City of Kodiak P. O. BOX 6509. AIRPORT ANNEX. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 - AREA CODE 907 BR 2' -2321