KADIAK AK 1ST BK 1 LT 3B-2 - VarianceLinda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership Alwert Fisheries 517 Bonaparte Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Kodiak Island Borough 710 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615-6340 PHONE (907) 486-5736 March 22, 1990 Re: Case 90-010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height-- Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain link fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) Dear Ms. Wilson: The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on March 21, 1990, granted the request for the variance cited above, subject to the following conditions: 1. The fence is constructed at the applicant's sole expense. 2. The applicant assumes any liability associated with said fence on State-owned property. If at a future date the State determines that the fence must be removed from the State-owned right-of-way, the applicant or any subsequent owner of Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition, agrees to remove same without cost to the State. 4. Since the land is publicly owned, no prescriptive right accrues to the user. 5. Construction of the fence shall be in such a manner as not to reduce any required off-street parking. Kodiak Island Borough Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership Alwert Fisheries March 22, 1990 Page Two THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT ALLOW ANY CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN. Zoning compliance and/or a building permit must first be obtained. Please contact this office for further details. An appeal of this decision may be initiated by any person or party aggrieved by filing a written notice of appeal with the Borough Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of the Commission's decision. The notice of appeal must state the specific grounds for the appeal and the relief sought by the applicant. Therefore, the Commission's decision will not be final and effective until ten (10) days following the decision. Failure to utilize this variance within twelve (12) months after its effective date shall cause its cancellation. Please bring this letter when you come to our office to obtain zoning compliance for any construction on the lot. The Commission adopted the following findings of fact in support of their decision: 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of the property is largely a perceptual one. Typically, residential property owners assume that all the land out to the sidewalk or roadway edge is their "yard ", and that they should be able to erect a fence of reasonable height around that yard. In addition, if the fence was built along the property lines, strips of State property would remain outside the fence between the property and the roadway. This property would not be maintained by the adjacent property owner. Kodiak Island Borough Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership Alwert Fisheries March 22, 1990 Page Three 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would only allow the fence to the front property line. This is an unnecessary hardship when many other fences in the community have been permitted to encroach in the public right-of-way without first receiving a variance. The Commission has also granted numerous variances in the past for fences to project into the road rights-of-way. 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare because a chain link fence will not pose a line of sight problem along the Rezanof Drive right-of-way. Also, the conditions of approval will insure that any future removal of the fence will not result in a cost to the public. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehensive plan which identifies this area for Mobile Home Court development.' As indicated by the findings of fact for Case 88-036, which was in support of the rezone of this property to B--Business, use of this property for business purposes is only generally consistent with the comprehensive plan. It was also noted that while the mobile home designation was out-of-date for the property, mobile home court development is a very intensive development classification which is generally similar in characteristics to commercial land uses, Kodiak Island Borough Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership Alwert Fisheries March 22, 1990 Page Four 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this instance, actions of the applicant have caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. This is due to the fact that half of the lot is already fenced along the front where the fence is located in the right-of-way. However, staff believes that the variance would have been requested prior to construction if the applicant had understood that it was necessary. 6. That the wanting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Fences are permitted in all land use districts. If you have any questions about the action of the Commission, please contact the Community Development Department. Sincerely, Patricia Miley, Secreta Community Developmen partment cc: Alwert Fisheries plant in the area is located 900 to 1000 feet away and is unlikely to be expanded to an extent that would affect this lot. 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. Actions of the applicant have not caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by this variance. This variance will be decided prior to any development of the site by the property owner, 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Single-family dwellings are a permitted use in the R2--Two-family Residential Zoning District. In addition, the Borough Code permits the development of a reasonable single-family dwelling on any nonconforming lot in any residential zoning district (subject to the granting of any variance that may be required). The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. D) Case 90-010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Hight--Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain link fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District, Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) DUANE DVORAK indicated 11 public hearing notices were mailed and 2 were retumed, stating non-objection to this request. Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to conditions. Regular Session Closed. Public Hearing Opened: BILL ALWERT appeared before the Commission and expressed support for this request. Public Hearing Closed. Regular Session.Opened. COMMISSIONER COLEMAN MOVED TO GRANT a variance from Section 17.54.010C of the Borough Code to permit a chain link fence to project twenty-eight (28) feet into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District on Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; subject to the conditions of approval contained in the staff report dated March 7, 1990; and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report dated March 7, 1990 as "Findings of Fact" for this case. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The fence is constructed at the applicant's sole expense. Page 7 at 22 P & 2 Minutes: March 21, 1990 2. The applicant assumes any liability associated with said fence on State-owned property. 3. If at a future date the State determines that the fence must be removed from the State-owned right-of-way, the applicant or any subsequent owner of Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition, agrees to remove same without cost to the State. 4. Since the land is publicly owned, no prescriptive right accrues to the user. 5. Construction of the fence shall be in such a manner as not to reduce any required off-street parking. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of the property is largely a perceptual one. Typically, residential property owners assume that all the land out to the sidewalk or roadway edge is their "yard", and that they should be able to erect a fence of reasonable height around that yard. In addition, if the fence was built along the property lines, strips of State property would remain outside the fence between the property and the roadway. This property would not be maintained by the adjacent property owner. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would only allow the fence to the front property line. This is an unnecessary hardship when many other fences in the community have been permitted to encroach in the public right-of-way without first receiving a variance. The Commission has also granted numerous variances in the past for fences to project into the road rights-of- way. 3. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health. safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare because a chain link fence will not pose a line of sight problem along the Rezanof Drive right-of-way. Also, the conditions of approval will insure that any future removal of the fence will not result in a cost to the public. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehensive plan which identifies this area for Mobile Home Court development. As indicated by the findings of fact Page 8 of 22 P & Z Minutes: March 21, 1990 for Case 88-036, which was in support of the rezone of this property to B--Business, use of this property for business purposes is only generally consistent with the comprehensive plan. It was also noted that while the mobile home designation was out-of-date for the property, mobile home court development is a very intensive development classification which is generally similar in characteristics to commercial land uses. 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardshio from which relief is being sought bv the variance. In this instance, actions of the applicant have caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. This is due to the fact that half of the lot is already fenced along the front where the fence is located in the right-of-way. However, staff believes that the variance would have been requested prior to construction if the applicant had understood that it was necessary. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a 'prohibited land use in the district involved. Fences are permitted in all land use districts. The motion was seconded and CARRIED by unanimous roll call vote. E) Case 90-011. Request for a variance from Section 17.57.020A.2.0 (Parking--Number of Spaces Required) of the Borough Code to permit the construction of additional miniwarehouse units without the required one (1) parking space per unit on a lot in the B--Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 3, Miller Point First Addition; 3751 Rezanof Drive. (Tooth and Nail Enterprises; Art Bors) CHAIRPERSON HEINRICHS passed the gavel to COMMISSIONER HENDEL for a determination of conflict of interest. CHAIRPERSON HENDEL asked Commissioner Heinrichs if he would be paid regardless of the decision made on this case. Commissioner Heinrichs responded "yes." CHAIRPERSON HENDEL determined there was no conflict of interest and passed the gavel back to CHAIRPERSON HEINRICHS. DUANE DVORAK indicated 39 public hearing notices were mailed for this case and 3 were returned, 1 opposing and 2 stating non-objection to this request. Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to conditions. Regular Session Closed. Public Hearing Opened: ART BORS appeared before the Commission and expressed support for this request. Public Hearing Closed. Regular Session Opened. COMMISSIONER HARTT MOVED TO GRANT a variance from Section 17.57.020A.2.0 of the Borough Code to permit the construction of Page 9 of 22 P Z Minutes: March 21, 1990 SIME nin,SEF,/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES CENTRAL REGION - DIVISION OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF WAY BRANCH Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership 517 Bonaparte Circle Kodiak, AK. 99615 Dear Ms. Wilson: STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR 4111 AVIATION AVENUE PO. BOX 196900 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6900 (FAX 248-9456) (907) 266-1621 March 7, 1990 RE: Project No. QS-0389(4) Kodiak-Mill Bay Road (Rezanoff Drive) Request to Place Fence in Right of Way ASP-389-4-002-1 We are in receipt of your. letter request dated March 1, 1990 concerning the above referenced subject. Currently, the department is researching your request. Since Federal Highway .Administration concurrence is also required, departmental approval cannot be granted until then. At that time, a full response will be forth coming. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Thurman at 266-1631. Sincerely, Daniel W. Beardsley, SR/WA Chief Right of Way Agent Central Region NT:lm DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RE: -Th ITEM VI-D Kodiak Island Borough MEMORANDUM March 7, 1990 Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Department Information for the March 21, 1990 Regular Meeting Case 90-010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height-- Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain link fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) Eleven (11) public hearing notices were distributed on March 2, 1990. Date of site visit: 1. Applicant: 2. Land Owner: Existing Zoning: 4. Zoning History: March 7, 1990 Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries B--Business The 1968 Comprehensive Plan identifies this lot as Residential-R3. This lot was considered for rezoning by the Commission in 1987 as part of an areawide rezoning investigation (Case 87-036). No zoning change was recommended at that time. This lot was rezoned from R3-- Mutilfamily Residential to B--Business by Ordinance 88-20- 0. Additional zoning history includes the following: A request for an exception to allow fishing gear storage on the lot was denied (Case 81-026). Case 90-010 Page 1 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 ITEM VI -D A subsequent exception request to allow fishing gear storage was approved with conditions (Case 82 -002). In April of 1986, the Commission removed the conditions placed on the property by Case 82 -002. A request for an exception to allow a second fishing gear storage building on the lot was approved in 1988 (Case 88- 023). 5. Location: Physical: 3310 Rezanof Drive Legal: Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska Subdivision First Addition 6. Lot Size: 1.07 acres 7. Existing Land Use: Fishing gear storage and two warehouses 8. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North: Lot 4, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska Subdivision First Addition Use: Vacant Zoning: B-- Business South: Lot 2, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska Subdivision First Addition Use: Vacant Zoning: R3-- Multifamily Residential East: Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Kadiak Alaska Subdivision First Addition Use: Vacant Zoning: R3-- Multifamily. Residential West: Tracts R1 -A and R -2, U.S. Survey 3218 Use: Tract R1 -A: Vacant (site work for hospital complete) Tract R -2: Vacant Zoning: R2 -- Two - family Residential 9. Comprehensive Plan: The 1968 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for Mobile Home Courts. Case 90 -010 Page 2 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 ITEM VI-D 10. Applicable Regulations: The following sections of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Borough Code and the Kodiak Island Borough Coastal Management Program are applicable to this request: 17.54.010 Height--Extension onto public property. Fences and walls not exceeding six feet in height may occupy any portion of a side or rear yard in any R district, provided that where such fence or wall projects beyond the front yard line or setback line toward the front property line, the following further restrictions shall apply: C. No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected or maintained on the public property beyond the front property line of any lot or parcel of land, except masonry or concrete retaining walls, and then only to a height not to exceed six inches above the grade of the earth such wall is constructed to retain. A permit shall first be secured from the building official approving the necessity for and type of such retaining wall. COASTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICABLE POLICIES The KIBCMP does not address minor structural developments such as fences. COMMENTS This request is intended to permit a chain link fence to project twenty-eight (28) feet into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way. In order for the Commission to grant a variance, all of the following conditions must be satisfied. FINDINGS OF FACT Exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or intended use of development, which generally do not apply to other properties in the same land use district. The exceptional condition applicable to the intended use of the property is largely a perceptual one. Typically, residential property owners assume that all the land Case 90-010 Page 3 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 ITEM VI-D out to the sidewalk or roadway edge is their "yard", and that they should be able to erect a fence of reasonable height around that yard. In addition, if the fence was built along the property lines, strips of State property would remain outside the fence between the property and the roadway. This property would not be maintained by the adjacent property owner. 2. Strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. Strict application of the zoning ordinance would only allow the fence to the front property line. This is an unnecessary hardship when many other fences in the community have been permitted to encroach in the public right-of-way without first receiving a variance. The Commission has also granted numerous variances in the past for fences to project into the road rights-of-way. The granting of the variance will not result in material damages or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety and welfare. Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare because a chain link fence will not pose a line of sight problem along the Rezanof Drive right-of-way. Also, the conditions of approval will insure that any future removal of the fence will not result in a cost to the public. 4. The granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehensive plan which identifies this area for Mobile Home Court development. As indicated by the findings of fact for Case 88-036, which was in support of the rezone of this property to B--Business, use of this property for business purposes is only generally consistent with the comprehensive plan. It was also noted that while the mobile home designation was out-of-date for the property, mobile home court development is a very intensive development classification which is generally similar in characteristics to commercial land uses. Case 90-010 Page 4 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 ITEM VI -D 5. That actions of the applicant did not cause special conditions or financial hardship from which relief is being sought by the variance. In this instance, actions of the applicant have caused the conditions from which relief is being sought by a variance. This is due to the fact that half of the lot is already fenced along the front where the fence is located in the right -of -way. However, staff believes that the variance would have been requested prior to construction if the applicant had understood that it was necessary. 6. That the granting of the variance will not permit a prohibited land use in the district involved. Fences are permitted in all land use districts. RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that this request does meet all the conditions necessary for a variance to be granted under Chapter 17.66 (Variance) of the Borough Code. Case 90 -010 Page 5 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 ITEM VI-D APPROPRIATE MOTION Should the Commission agree with the staff recommendation, the appropriate motion is: Move to grant a variance from Section 17.54.010C of the Borough Code to permit a chain link fence to project twenty- eight (28) feet into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District on Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; subject to the conditions of approval contained in the staff report dated March 7, 1990; and to adopt the findings contained in the staff report dated March 7, 1990 as "Findings of Fact" for this case. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The fence is constructed at the applicant's sole expense. 2. The applicant assumes any liability associated with said fence on State-owned property. If at a future date the State determines that the fence must be removed from the State-owned right-of-way, the applicant or any subsequent owner of Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition, agrees to remove same without cost to the State. 4. Since the land is publicly owned, no prescriptive right accrues to the user. 5. Construction of the fence shall be in such a manner as not to reduce any required off-street parking. Case 90-010 Page 6 of 6 P & Z: March 21, 1990 E TR C 3 TR R-1C-1 TR R-2 s 1689 USS 3512 3, Bloc iax 1st Aoo ac Notice Area ininun of 500 feet 'ron er,erior to tines US 3216 USS 69 TR C--IA K(IfIAK ISLAND BOROUurl COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -D PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1990. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to hear comments, if any, on the following request: Case 90 -010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height -- Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain Zink fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right -of -way adjacent to a lot in the B-- Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; ,Alwert Fisheries) If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments to the Community Development Department odor to the meeting. in the space below, or in a letter in the area of the request. If you have -5736, extension 255. ?� X 1510 This notice is being sent to you because our records indicate you are a property owner any questions � aboutjthe - request, please feel free to call us at 486 Your Name: 11' 4l� Nciiiii1 iv Mailing Address: Your property description: - 04- 4 Block._ I Comments: T (w VLo 6193 ec.kc,v -465 YeCti tie ST, RECFIVF MAR 6 - 1990 _ ,,,,o,,...�..... nrityriT nom DEPT KUOAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615 PUBLIC HEARING NOTI A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1990. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission, to hear comments, if any, on the following request: Case 90 -010. Request for-.a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height -- Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain Zink fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right -of -way adjacent to a lot in the B -- Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) If you do'not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in.a letter to the Community Development Department prior, to the meeting. This notice is being sent to you because our records indicate you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have any questions about the request, please feel free to call us at 486 -5736, extension 255. Your Name: /6/ / side,/ Mailing Address: ■tea' L 2-7 J ` Your property description: ,e--- ! �1- Comments: RECFI%IEI MAR 7- IMO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Linda Wilson Alaska Trojan Partnership Alwert Fisheries 517 Bonaparte Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Kodiak Island Borough 710 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA. 99615-6340 PHONE (907) 486-5736 March 2, 1990 Re: Case 90-010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height--Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain link fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right-of-way adjacent to a lot in the B--Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) Dear Ms. Wilson: Please be advised that the request referenced above has been scheduled for review and action by the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission at their March 21, 1990 regular meeting. This meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska. Attendance at this meeting is recommended. The week prior to the regular meeting, on Wednesday, March 14, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room (#121),- the Commission will hold a worksession to review the packet material for the regular meeting. You are invited to attend this worksession in order to respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding this request. If you have any questions, please call the Community Development Department at 486-5736, extension 255. Sincerely, Patricia Miley, Secr: ry Community Development Department KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ITEM VI -D PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1990. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska, before the Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning. Commission, to hear comments, if any, on the following request: Case 90 -010. Request for a variance from Section 17.54.010C (Height -- Extension onto Public Property) of the Borough Code to permit chain Zink fence to project into the Rezanof Drive right -of -way adjacent to a lot in the B-- Business Zoning District. Lot 3, Block 1, Kadiak Alaska First Addition; 3310 Rezanof Drive. (Alaska Trojan Partnership; Alwert Fisheries) If you do not wish to testify verbally, you may provide your comments in the space below, or in a letter to the Community Development Department prior to the meeting. This notice is being sent to you because our records indicate you are a property owner in the area of the request. If you have _ any questions about the request, please feel free to call us at 486 -5736, extension 255. Your Name: Mailing Address Your property description: Comments: USS 1687 USS 3512 Case 90 -010 B1oc 1, <ao;o 1st AoWon Public Notice Area N of a feet fron exterior lot lines U 3216 USS 69 TR C -1 V55 VS s 3a:f 0 S Jo - -3 A /4 4. / c / I4v 5 duo 77l 4-er 6"- l fc L''NiT 771.44-e...7" D/A R l� aoso 0o i214/5- a/Sb Dip RIVS- 3 66/0 goo ✓ i /S/ Soio ©o/ SD/0 Oro ©/o 5°oa0 oS© ✓ 0000 OK) -1B1 FR C -1 11SS 1 682 USS 3512 TR R -2 US 321E USS 469 TR C -1A A -5 TR B n L 0 z N W CC 12c(E) 90 -01: Lot 3) BoL 1) <GOi 1st AooWon Puolic Notice Area vinimun of 5:: feet from exterior lot lines KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 710 MILL BAY ROAD, ROOM 204, KODIAK ALASKA 996154340, (907) 486 -5736 The application fee for all Items covered by th /a form is fifty dollars ($50.00), except as otherwise noted Conditional We Permits, Erceptone, and Variance applications ohm require the submission of a site plan. Property owner's name: Property owners mailing address: City: (� 1'f C1I C1�I11 L State: Home phone: gtRe — 4/84-16 If applicable, Agent's name: Li:Oda Agent's mailing address: Applicant Information 1. sa r nn rr ersh/ /4/uer1- ��heries 517 ennparfe. k /, JWork phone: Zip: Q 9Le l 5 City: State: Zip: Home phone: SA-A Work phone: Legal Description: La 4 3, Property Information 6/0,t, 4 j !f F 4.47 Present use of property: %'- eu..F- 0 Proposed use of property: Va,��� 0 4/5 e Lt. Applicant Certification 1, the sppllcent/authortzed agent, haw been advised of the procedures Involved with this request and have ',relayed a copy of the appropriate regulations. Authorized Agent's Signature Date aria 04,7 � a-90 Property Owner's Signature Date Code Section(sj invo STAFF USE ONLY (.54-f_O(C� C Conditional Use Permit Variance Other (e.g., appearance requests, etc.) non -fee Items Zoning ch Application accepted: // from AFL Staff signature Exception Title 18 Review to a 73/50 ate ccepted 90 Yie D/D RECEIVED FROM CASH RECEIPT Kodiak Island Borouu.. 710 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 -6340 PHONE (907) 486 -5736 Lilo /C 0. ti fie) 1r1 - 000 - 101 -10 -00 010 -000- 105 -01 -00 010 -000- 105 -06 -00 010 -000- 111 -61 -00 010 -000 -107- -00 040 - 000. -371 - 11 -00 040 - 000 - 371 -12 -00 010 -000- 368 -51 -00 010 -000- 322 - 11 -00 010 -000 -319- 10 -00 010- 000 - 199 -99 -00 C603DDRo bC CONDITIONS OF CHECK PAYMENTS TOTAL P PAYMENTS TENDERED BY CHECK FOR OBLIGATIONS DUE TO CASH PROPERTY TAX, REAL PROPERTY TAX, PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX, LIENS PERSONAL TAX, LIENS LAND SALE, PRINCIPAL LAND SALE, INTEREST SALE OF COPIES BUILDING PERMIT. PENALTIES, INTEREST CLEARING PER ATTACHED 16605 THE BOROUGH ARE SATISFIED ONLY UPON THE CHECK BEING HONORED. RETURNED CHECKS FOR ANY REASON RESTORES THE OBLIGATION AS UNPAID AND SUBJECTS THE PAYER TO ANY CHARGES, FEES OR OTHER LEGAL LIABILITIES AS MAY B APPLICABLE. CASHIER 0 PAYOR PAYMENT MADE �BY: ICHECK NO l (�` ❑ CASH ❑ OTHER FM0B -511 B1 5 A' NOT, SCOTT P 0 6K X '9 1 AK A 99615 6 020010 7 P ; REZ , A` ONY J P £ O•X 1 12 13 14 15 16 i7 19 20 21 22 } 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 } 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ) 41 42 43 ) 44 45 PER R7515020020 `rIO Y'..i /MAOELY`N :A AK 99615 R- OTHE.LENHART P.O. BOX 1504 A K 9 15 502034 R P. a ; X .,1 0 020Q340 3615 . R7515020050 46 47 4P 9, 50 �ry w 51 815.10000040 52 ST P401 L:UTF4ERAN CHURCH 53 P.0* BOX 102 PERE 6 1 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 8145_, 101112 BRECHAN ENTERPRISES INC P.O. BOX 1275 KOQZAK AK 99615 87235010300 ANr)ERSON ETAL,MICHAEL LE>NHAR:T 'GROTHE P40.4 BOX 2310 t KODIA1( AK 99615 7 !9 15_ 2 ti 004 X 48 9 KODI AK:'' AK. 99:6:15 2.1 2 2 2i 2: 3 34 35 36 37 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 45 4 47 48 49 50 '566 1<f) K OKI.:;180 7`10 ISL'ANt BOROU'G'H BAY RD• . 0.75A 5011002 0 BE NT, DOROTHY AKA DOROTHY MORRISON 341 EGAUIK DRIVE ANCHORAGE AK, 99503 R75 0030 A1.iroER - FIS 1ER1 -ES ETA ALASKA TROJAN FISHERIES P. 0. ''BOX 17 1 ii Au-vo5 KOD.I AK 255 536 5457 6 5760 58 AK 99615 R145215001>1 CATHODIC E,ARCHB!SHOP' CORP • POD BQX 1Q =Z2,39 ANCHORAGE._ AK 995'