ERSKINE ADD BK 9 LT 96 - Rezone,diODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING & ZONING REQUEST APPLICATION Case No. 238-A Date 2/22/71 Final Disposition Application Fee Paid Remarks 20.00 Paid 2/19/71 Type of Request Rezoning ..•■•••■••••■■•■•■••10.1•1111111* zaCl• 7/-4 Description of Land: Addition Erskine Survey No. #562 Block Lots 93,94, 96, 97 and 98 Person Submitting Application Jahn Burnham Mailing Address Kodiak Outboard - P. 0. Box 2426 - kodak, aska Covering Letter Submitted YES Plat Submitted NO Person or Representative to Attend Meeting Present Zoning Proposed Zoning Residential R-2 John Burnham Business - Commercial Reason for Request Mr. Burnham wishes td expand his business and maintain a retail sales and service business from this location. Approved Remarks Not Approved Remarks Borough Assembly Approval Remarks 14Proper Petition . and maps REZONING ROUTE S 2 Filing Fee 6a2 3. Approved for publi6 hearing P&Z . 4. Public bearing held r P&Zf/D,zaer7/ . (Approved/Net=Approved) 5. Request for Ordinance NO7A7aild ice Public Hearing . 6. Ordinance No747 1st Reading 41-J- •/,/ Date Date - ot Approved) 7. Ordinance No and Notice of Public Hear' '17/ W4,11/7e1•t4 4.744_ • .... • ' • Date 9. Public Hearing held on Ordinance No. 'birdinance No. 8. Ordinance No, KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NI.JBER:71-7-0 AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS NINETY-TFREE (93), NINETY-FOUR (94) , NINETY-IX (96) , NINETY-SEVEN (9.7) AND NINETY-EIGHT (98), BLOCK NINE (9), ERSKINE SUBDIVISION, U. S. SURVEY NO. 562 FROM R-2 TO BUSINESS WHEREAS, AS 07.15.340,empowers the'BorOugh to enact zoning ordinances and providefor their adMinistration, enforcement and amendment, and WHEREAS, the Kodiak Island Borough has pursuant thereto adopted' Chapter 5 of its Code of Ordinances and Resolutions, which provides for planning and zoning provisions and procedures, and WHEREAS, according to the comprehensive planning and zoning map adopted by the Kodiak Island Borough, Lots Nine-three (93), Ninety-four (94);, Ninety-six (96), Ninev-sev n (97) and Ninety-eight (98), Block Nine (9), Erskine Subdivision of U. S. Survey No. 562, has been classified as R-2, and WHEREAS a Petition has been received from JOHN BURNHAM stating that he is purchasing the above-described property for the expansion of the retail sales and service business of Kodiak Outboard,.and . -WHEREAS, adjacent properties thereto are business including .the CityMarket and said'property is ;in 'the vicinity' of the City Hall .on Mill Bay Road and the City Library and this area would be better utilized and served if 'the same were classified as business property, and WHEREAS, the Petition was considered and, approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 29th day of March, 1971 after a'public hearing was held thereon and said body has recommended the reclastification of taid'ptOperty to business and there as only ,One 'objectiOnsvoicedat the ., Page One, 0 CE NO, 71-7-0 public hearing held by the Planning and Zoning COMmission; and it having .been--'determined:',that the publi&'rieeessity, -, , . • .... " , . convenience and good iOningA.iraaticerequire..suCh:reclassification, . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . , : .. . . - ' ,.,.• , i■mw,., THEREFORE ,,:,:BE: IT ',ORDAINED, by.'the, ',Borough • '• „- Assembly of the Kodial'c,.; Island Borough that the property •-known; ',.' ...'. and described as: Ninety-three:„,(23), 'Ninety-four (94) r Ninety-Six (96), Ninety-seVen,(07)' and Ninety-eight (98) of neck Nine' (9)', Erskine :SubdiArision :of' U. S. Survey Be and the saute is hereby reclassified as business And that notice of this Ordinance be given by publication in the Kodiak Mirror. seven ,(7) clays pror to the.•secOnd :reading' ' and th'at, a' public hearing.: be held: thereon on the date of the - • „ „ 3. ti, ' . second reading and that 'thiSH'Ordinanee'be0Ome effective at .the _ expiration of thirty (30) days after its adoption. FIRST READING AND APPROVAL DATE, -APRIL 1, 1971. SECOND READING, PUBLIC HEARING 'AND 'PASSAGE DATE, ATT .; • •• ODIAK.:ISLAND• BOROUGH- WILTOT.1 ,'T.: WHITE ' ,,'" , • Borough • • Chaa.rrnan --• • • o ou -Cie • • . „ • ORDINANCE 119„,,-71-;.7:r. Page- Two • .„ • • • KIB ASSEMBLY VERTMG - NAY 6, 1971 Page 2 B. Approval of Application of Retail Liquor Store and Duplicate Beverage Dispensary License - Solly's Beachcombers. During the discussion it was pointed out that fact that a church was located very near the Beachcombers might be in conflict with the laws concerning issuance of this license. Further noted that a report from the • State troopers has not been received and the Assembly was not certain if this report was necesary prior to approval. Mt. Sims moved that the Borough voice no objections to the AEC Board on the issuance of the licenses subject tO the concurrence of the State Troopers, seconded by Mt. Arndt. There being no objections the Presiding Officer so ordered. C. Letter from Division of Lands re Time Extension Request - Douglas McGrath, Block 1, Lot 9, Miller Point 2nd Addition, read in full by the ,Borough Chairman with the recommendation that the extension be granted. Mt. Arndt moved for approval of the time extension request, seconded by Mr. Sims, no objections were voiced and the motion passed, so ordered by the Presiding Officer. D. Letter from Division of:Jlands re Time Extension Requests - Selvog, Block 7, Lot 1, First Addn., Miller Point and Block 10, Lot 6, First Addn., Miller Point read in full by the Borough Chairman with the recommendation that the request be approved. Mt. Sims moved for approval of the time extension requests, seconded by Mt. Arndt; so ordered by the Presiding Officer. E. Request from Clayton B. Parker, for Tax Exemption under Senior Citizen Tax Exemption Ordinance No 70-4-0, request read by the Chairman noting that Mr. Parker is 68 years of age and has been in Alaska for twenty-three and one-half years and the application is in order. Mt. Sims moved for approval of Senior Citizen Tax Exemption for Mr. Clayton B. Parker, seconded by Mr. Arndt, no objections voiced it was so ordered by the Presiding Officer. F. Request from Jake Blanc for Tax Exemption for 1971 under Senior Citizen Tax exemption Ordinance No. 70-4-0, request read by the Chairman and noted that the application is in order and Mr. Blanc does meet the necessary requirements. Mr. Sims moved for approval of Tax Exemption under Senior Citizen Tax Exemption Ordinance for Mt. Jake Blanc, seconded by Mr. Arndt, no objections were voiced the Presiding Officer so ordered. VI PUBLIC HEARING AL. :2nd Reading and Public Hearing Ordinance No. 71-7-0 Rezoning Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 and 98, Block 9, Erskine Subdivision from R-2 to Business,.John_BurPb4M_ ,(Case-238-A),-read in full by the.Borough:Chaitman. Mt.: Arndt moved for approval. .of Ordinance NO. 71-7-0 in the second reading, seconded by ',Ir. Sims. The regular- teeting.waS-closed and public hearing on the ordinance opened. There were no comments from members of the audience and noted that no letters of objections had been received in the office, other than the one objection brought forth at the Planning & Zoning Commission public hearing. The public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reconvened. The question was called for and the roll call vote as follows: Mr. Arndt - YES; Mr. Sutliff - YES; Mr. Sims - abstaining. Motion passed:- ; • VII PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS - NONE VIII OLD BUSINESS A. Resolution No, 71-7-R. Authorizing Sale of Surplus Land to Floyd and Wanda Ward/ Lot 14, Block 1, Leite Addn., read in full by the Borough Chairman. Mr. Sims moved for approval of Resolution No. 71-7-R, seconded by Mr. Arndt. The question was called for and motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. IX NEW BUSINESS A. Request for Authorization to Negotiate for Sale of Lot 6, Block 7,; Lot 17A Block 3, Leite Addition, formerly on foreclosure list. A verbal request has been received in the Borough Office by Mt. Henry Breckberg to purchase Lot 6, Block 7, Leite addition as he is the owner of three under-sized lots at present and wishes - to purchase this lot and sub-divide the four lots into two standard size lots to conforrn with the Borough Code of Ordinances. The map of the area was studied and location of the lots determined. For the AsseMbly's information the Chairman noted that Mt, Bentley, owner of Lot 5A in that same block, had also made a request this date for purchase of Lot 6 also Noted further that Mt. Bentley recently purchased this lot and was unaware of the request from Ht. Breckberg until this Mr. John, Burnham P. O. Box 2426 Kodiak, Alaska ''Dear Mr. Burnham: As noted in the attached -portion' of the Borough. Ass1y Minutes of May_ 6th, concerning the above - referenced rezoning the Assembly granted approval for ' such rezoning. ' May 1Otii, 1971 - Rezoning, Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98, Block 9, Erskine Subd.. At the Nay 6th meeting a public hearing was held on axiance No. 71-7-0 after which'public hearing, the Borough Assembly voted by majority vote to pass the Orthnance thus approving the rezoning. Russell i. Walker Borough Clerk areasurer enclosure MOM FROM: BOROUGH OFFICE TO: BOROUGH ATTORNEY SUBJECT: PR E ARATIal OF ORDINANCE NO. 71 -7 -0 Please preparti?t+he above - referenced Ordinance rezoning Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 • & 98, Block 9, Erskine Subdivision, from R -2 to Business. The Commission . held a public, hearing on the request, one letter was received in objection.- The bui:lder•has agreed to placement of a twenty -foot landscaped strip on Dot .98 which will serve as a green-belt/buffer area between the resident on lot 99 and the business. The Commission felt that although there is additional business area available in the downtown area it is priced too high to allow for developmen and that this rezoning does - follow the guidelines of the comprehensive plan in allowing btiness to extend to Lot 98. iutc Y N°#0 11311p31 OIVEk TUT k P0340 HEM #11 Bt UELD NIX WI, 4471, IN ¶1L coUaTnuov uP THE STATE ow= ntong" 1O11C, 30 P114 itlt/P4f. 07r*ANGE DF IGNATED AL: . , . KODIAK. ISLAND POROUGH ORDINANCE NO 71414G REZONIktLOTS 93; 94; 96; 91; 98; BLOCK 9 IN] W3DIVISION RO 1142 TO BUSINESS; IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEE klortpuun. CODE OF oabg4pE$ tILL GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAN FOR OR AdAt,0$1' TpA 0usT.4 .,!=-''1 4 . PART “1„IES AS VOTED IN TI BOROUGH CODE up up,D.144q9E,,s , IN �SI OF A P49F-,T iMT A CHAVGE N ZONIFG DIvT4ICT CLPSSIFICATION SIGNED ET THE 0UN2A 01? ;C PERCENT pa !ORE, EITHER PF THE AREA OF THE LOTS INCLUDED IN SUCH PROPOSED CHANGE OR OF TEE AREA OF TIM LOTS IZ,LEDIATELY ABUTTING THE AR* INCLUDED I SUCH PROPOSED P4gp:E QR 474,T Ti pp,x BY AN ALLEY 03 STREET, SUCH amini9mt SFALL NOT DEC%4 ErrgqTIVE W-PUT BY THE FAVORABLE VOTE OF ALL FIVE l'aIDER$ OF IHB S.ORPUGH ASENBW. • INEUP UTAW 4 1PANTT A§§14q4; t:AV PaOTQW 90' Wliqs,t NOD J WD D9g911 TO ALL PROFARTY WNW *UM TIP QP0ED 444; rotxt.E rsoRtalcii PuasiiNd & ZONINd boilassipv ILZh CALL TO Gam; The meeting was celled to order by Chairman John Welch, at 1:40 P.E. in the Courtroom Of the Et4te Office 3nii4nti r.Odiak, flaska: II ROLL CALL Preterit J�hi 1e1Ch, Chairman Charles Edris E. E. Erwin Jerry Holt Jim Wheeler Coleman Constance (late IIIQ MINUTES QV PREVIOUS MEETING arrival) Abt efrit A. Planning & Zoning regular neeting iarch 29th, 1971 .7. there being no comments the minutes were approved as presented. IV MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A.. ImpagliAugg:oly ..regulajpoptim April 1, 1971 1, No comments were made. V COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE NONE VI PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE VII ZONING ITFMS' A. laassi9n.:tgolst portion of Ertkine Avenue - 3lock 28, Lots 4C, 41, 11, 43 44 45 -Bred Brechan- and Louis P. Tani (Case 241-A). The rFelnest was read by I.r. `1111Ol-1- weilier, Borough Clerk and the **PP of the street noted. It was moved by Pr. Wheeler, secom4e412411.4211124stapublic hearing on the request for Nay th and prior to that time to find Out from Mr, Jones the status of the land to be vacated. Motion passed by unaramml voice vote. VIII WaTvT4IONS, PRELRINARY REvIgti A. Prelim - Su 'vision •of portion Tom ke1tomicase224-4 The plat determine *fieldeatiOn of the 4*6*; noted this is a fprcy-acre subdivision. A motion was made' by Mr,Edris, seconded by Mr. Holt to apProve the preliminery Plat. Motion as ed b u o roll vo a PlIBDTVIsTOM FINAL - NONE PIANNINO & zoNING TTES - NoNg 4T AUDIENCE COWENZ5: INVAIWP,;49MIAPA 9f k9t!t #1-40 440#9,#r: 12PY! for -44 lots and since the buyer wishes to put up a 41444 Nr. 41;r144R1 asked opmcrcv,opg that area, pre$0107 zoned 11-1. The O9m440on'rvkilp#0,4 that 1.1r Durnham submit a rtquwt for such Tgz,.:PrOmg as rqq4#0; by the B9P911411 Code 0:0401.440 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGII ASSEJ7EiLY APRIL 1, 1971 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Deputy Presiding Officer Norm Sutliff at 7:35 P.M. in the Courtroom of the State Office Building, Kodiak, Alaska. ROT CALL Present Absent 'Tilton T. Uhite, Borough Chairman Norm Sutliff Dick Sims T. T. Jackson Don Arndt Ed Naughton Also present: Russell M. alker, Borough Clerk; Dr. Marshall Lind and members of the School Mniinistration; Emil Norton and the members of thelSthool Board; and other members of the community; approximately 25 persons in the audience. III HD:TOTES OF PREVIOUS LIFTING A. Assembly - regular meeting - March 4, 1971. Mt. Sims moved for approval of the minutes and asked for unanimous consent, there being no objections the minutes were so approved. Mr. Sims moved to suspend the regular order of business and move to Item D under VII, Planning & Zoning Items, seconded by kir. Jackson. No objections were voi and the agenda so changed. VII PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS / 1st Reading Ordinance No. 71-7-0 Approving Rezoning of Lots 93, 94, 96, 9' / 98, Block 9, Erskine Subdivision From R-2 to Business (Burnham 7 Case 238-A) The Borough Chairman gave a short .resume of the background on this particular case noting the location of the lots and reading the minutes from the last Planning & Zoning Meeting of March 29th. Mr. Burnham's letters requesting the zoning and listing the development planned and reasons for the need of additional business area Were read in full. The Ordinance was read in full by the Borough Chairman at the first reading as there were many people in the audience to hear this particular item. The Borough Clerk noted that these lots will be zoned business under the comprehensive plan for the year 1980.. Mt. Arndt moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 71-7-0 in the first reading, seconded by Mr. Jackson. Mr. Unger was in the audience and voiced his objection to such a change in zoning. His home is located on lots 99 and 100 of Block 9 and he felt that,any more business in that particular area would be detrimental to his property. Mr. Unger pointed out that there is still business property available in the do•n-tam area and a continued practice of rezoning other areas would still leave vacant business areas downtown. There were no other comments from the audience. The question was called for and roll call vote as follows: Mr. Arndt - YES; Tit. Jackson - Nt) ; Mt. Sims noted that he was involved in the sale or the property, voted YES; Mr. Sutliff - YES. The Ordinance was passed in the first reading by three to one vote. The regular order of business was resumed at this time. IV Pa NITTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A. Planning & Zoning - regular meeting - March 29th, 1971. B. School Board - regular meetings - March 8th and March 22th, 1971 - there were no comments concerning the minutes of these meetings. V CORRESPONDENCE AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS A. Dr. Marshall Lind and Mt. Emil Norton, presentation of the 1971-72 School Bt4c4( Dr. Lind passed out copies of the School's proposed budget and gave a short explanation of the formulation of the budget. Dr. Lind noted that the format was set a little different this year in order that it would be easier to read and that several areas were set out separately such as each project or building and noted that the expenditure for each project or building were listed separately, Seven new teachers have been hiraf, for next year; 3 ,f6r junion'high,- 2 for senior KODIAK ISLAND BOROJJH MARCH 31, 1971 MEMORANDUM FROM: PLANNING & ZONING BOROUGH CHAIRMAN BOROUGH ASSEMBLY RE: REZONING REQUEST FOR LOTS 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98, Block 9, Erskine Subdivision, Fran R-2 to Business The above-referenced request was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and a public hearingwwas held on March 29th, 1971. One letter of objection was received and read into the record. The Planning & Zoning passed and approved the rezoning request by a vote of Two (2)) FOR and one (1) abstaining. Following are the reasons for the granting of such rezoning. 1. Although there are areas within the downtown area so zoned; the prices are prohibitive for an indidivudal wishing to establish a business.' 2. The area is in need of more business 3. The rezoning of these lots does conform with the Comprehensive Plan in that the Business Area is designated to extend to this limit within the next several years. KODIAK OUTBOARD INC. BOX 2426 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 Phone: 486-5523 FIRST IN OUTBOARD Planning and Zoning Commission Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska Gent lenient; FIRST IN FUN... FIRST IN SPEED...131.05 MPHI March 29, 1971 Per advise forwarded by your legal counsel I am submitting a supplement to my request of February 17, 1971 for rezoning of previously listed lotse I am not buying any property within the Urban renewal section because of the ridiculously high assessed value, and because of the unreasonable regulations imposed upon the person who would desire to build and occupy for commercial purposese KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH & ZONING CO•iaSSION - MARCH 29th, 1971 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Uelch at 7;35 P..N. in the Courtroom of the State Office. 1Aiilding, Kodiak, Alaska, II ROLL CALL Present Absent John tZelch, Chairman Charles Edris Coleman Constance E. E. Erwin Also present: Recently appointed members James Yheeler and J. L. Holt; Mt. John Burnham, George Cornelius and Gene Brasie. III MINUTES OF PREVIOUS METTING A. Planning & Zoning - regular meeting - March 1, 1971. There being no objections the minutes were approved as presented. MINUTES OF OTHERMN,aINGS A, Assembly - regular meeting - March 4, 1971 - There were no comments . V COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A. Letter from Gene Brasie re Plan for 55-Year Lease in Bells Flats, read in full. The area requested was noted on the subdivision map. Mr. Brasie is asking for a 55-year lease with option to purchase Tract "H" and Tract "I" of the Russian Creek Subdivision. The land will be used for placement of a home, cocktail lounge, steak house and motel. Tract "I" will be used for development of a water supply. Mr. Constance moved to have the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of such use and that Mr. Brasie be allowed to apply for a fifty-five year lease in the area, seconded by Mt. Edris. During the discussion Ar. Brasie pointed out that there is a very suitable area for a camper-park and that much of the fill removed from Tract "H" and could be used to level the area just off the main road, which property is under the Borough's name. The question was called for and the roll call vote ' as follows: Mr. Constance - YES; Mr. Edris - YES; Mt. Welch -YES; Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Holt abstained from voting as their appointment to the Commission has not yet been ratified by the Borough AsseMbly. VI PUBLIC HEARINGS / A. Rezoning Request - Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98, Block 9, Erskine (Case 238-A) From R-2 to Business, John Burnham. The letter requesting the rezoning was read in full and also the statement received from the Borough Attorney which • indicated that there is a requirement for a petition to set forth reasons and justifications for proposing such changes, Mr. Burnham presented a supplement to his request stating that the high cost of property in the Urban renewal area prevented him from buying in that area. Further that the unreasonable regulations imposed upon the person desiring to build and occupy for commercial purposes were prohibitive to private enterprise. Mt. Constance moved to apprOve- the request of John Burnham to rezone lots 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98, Block 9, Erskine, from R-2 to Business, seconded by jnr. Fdris. The regular meeting wag closed and public hearing opened. Mt. Cornelius was in the anclience and stated that this rezoning would be helpful in establishing business areas; further re-emphasized the fact that property in the downtown area is priced far beyonati the means of a small business man. Mr. Burnham was also in the audience and stated again the nature of his business. A letter was read into the record from William Unger protesting the rezoning as he owns a home in the area and the house was purchasea because of the V72 zoning. There being no further comments from the audience the public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reconvened. During the discussion the Commission asked several questions of Mt. Burnham, particularly concerning the noise of the proposed buisness, the type of building and parking facilities. Mt. Burnham indicated that the testing of the motors would be done inside a building; the building would be of a type that would conform to the building code and there would be ample parking space. He further noted that there is a restriction placed on Lot 98 which prohibits building and that this would be used as a parking area only. When asked if he would be willing to establish a green belt/buffer zone on Lot 98 Mr. Burnham indicated that he would have no objections to this. KIB PLANNING & ZONING COLHISSION - kfiARCH 29th, 1971 Page 2 During the discussion it was pointed out that the Borough and City should be working on a solution to lower the cost of the property within the urban renewal area in order that the Business District would be amore compact Unit. Further felt that the business as suggested in this particular area would be an improve-- ment over the vacant lot as it now stands. In order to provide fOr a green belt, Mr. Constance amended his motion, with the approval of the second, to add: "Provisions will be made to have a 25-foot landscape area to serve as a buffer zone between lot 99 and the business." '.(this will be placed on Lot 98) The question was called for and the roll call vote as follows: Mr. Constance - XES: Mr. Edris - YES; Mk. Nelch - Abstained due to personal interest in the area Mr. 'Iheeler and Mr. Holt also abstained for reason as stated previously. Motion passedr:, VII ZCkNLAG ITEMS A. Rezoning Request - Sam Graber - Lots along Benson Avenue owned by Kodiak Island Properties in Elock 12, Block 8, and Block 13, to Business ( Case 240-A) The letter requesting the rezoning was read in full and the area map studied. The Borough Attorney's opinion was also read stating that. the reasons and justifications were not given for such changes. A letter frame the City Council was read into the record objecting to the rezoning of this area. Several points were brought out in the discussion such as, lack of adequate parking area; such zoning would tend to draw away from the Business District and no plan had been submitted setting forth the reason this would be a good zoning practice. Mr. Edris moved to deny the rezoning request for those lots along Benson Avenue, seconded by Mr. Constance. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. VIII SUBDIVISIONS, PRELIM:LARY REVIEN - NONE IX SUBDIVISIONS, FINAL A. Approval of Final Plat - Vacation Lot 3, Block 1, Miller Point, Smith (Case 2357A This vacation and replat will subdivide Lot 3 into two lots, Lot 3A and 38, which subdivision does meet with the Code and the area is sufficient as required by the zoning for that area The plat was studied and noted that it has been approved by the Borough Engineer, Mr. Constance moved for approval of Final Plat of Lot 3A and 3B, Block 1, Miller Point Alaska Subdivision, seconded by lit. Edris. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. X PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS A. Proposed Zoning Ordinance - A work session date was established for April 5, 1971, in the Borough Offices at which time the Commission will review the Ordinance and make suggestions for necessary changes. B. Recommendation Concerning Solution to high cost of property in the Urban Renewal Area. The Planning & Zoning Commission directed that a letter be written to the Borough Chairman and Borough Assembly recommending that the City and Borough combine forces to seek a solution whereby the price of land in the downtown area could be lowered. The Community is in need of business establishments and in order to maintain a compact business area it will be necessary for the price to, be low enough to allow for such expansion. XI AUDIENCE COMMENTS - NONE XII ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. SUBMI APPROVED: Norma L. Holt, Borough Secretary John Welch, Chairman UNITED STATES OF AMERICA State of Alaska r---- ----- -Notices:- held by the Planning and, Zoning Commission on the following: • Rezoning request stib- mitted by Mr. John. Burnham to rezone Lots', ' 93, 94, 96, 97, and 98, Block 9, Erskine Addi- tion, from R-2 to BuSiness. All persons interested shall ; have an opportunity to be 'heard and after the pub- lic hearing the panning and 1, Zoning Commiasion m. a y recommend rezoning lor deny the crequest. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ' /sr Russel M. Walker Borough Cierk-Treasurer Publish: March 17th, 1971, . Publishers Affidavit SS: Notices NOTICE Or- - , -PUBLIC HEARING —REZONING REQUEST All oitizens and voters 'of the Kodiak Island Borough, Third Judicial Distridt, State of Alaska, are hereby noti- fied that on the 24th of NOTICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN Ithat the Kbditak Island Borough Planning and Zon- ing lbonssion will hold' 'ita regular meeting on Wed- nesday, March 24, 1971, sit 7:,0 p.m. in the courtroom of the State Office Building, Kodiak, Alaska. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH /s/ Russell M. Walker March, 1971, at Seven-thirty . o'clock in the courtroom of Borough the State Of lice Building Clerk-Treasurer • a public hearing will . he Publish:. March .17th, 1971 I I I, S. Wayne Kotula, being first duly sworn, depose and Stay: I am editor and publisher of the Kodiak MIRROR, a daily newspaper published at Kodiak, Third judicial Divi- sion, State of Alaska, and that the annexed printed notice was published in said news- paper in issues of the following dates: S. Wayne Kotula SUBSCRIBED and SWORN. to before me th y of . NOTARY PtLIC in and for the State of Alaska. My Commission expires 7/. (7ir (7 ---1A25/ (1,-e-f'1'i;y7 77J77 -7-77/ 5-(7 47.4. 0- 0 z Z7 ( W7 76/x77 1/7 (v- e/c) 6.7 FROM TO goy KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH P. O. BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 -1- SUBJECT. FOLD f Review of Rezoning Request DATE- 3/2/71 Please review the request submitted by Mr. John Burhham for rezoning of Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98 of Erskine Addition; requesting zoning to be changed from R-2 to Business in order to expand his OUtBoard Motor RetAils and Service. The P&Z Commission has, established public hearing on this matter for March 24th, 1971 PLEASE REPLY TO » SIGN ED Norma C../ RETURN THIS COPY TO ENDER •,..= KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING & ZONING MUTING MARCh 1, 1971 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Welch at 7:35 P.I. in the Jury- room of the State Office Building, 1:cdiak, Alaska. ROT CALL Present Absent John Welch, Chairman E. E. Erwin Coleman Constance Charles Edris Also present: Mr. Russell il. Walker, Borough Clerk; Mr. John Lucas, Borough Assessor and four people in the audience. 111 Jam:Ls OF PREVIOUS NETTING A. P&Z - regular meeting - January 27th, 1971. Mr. Constance moved for approval of the minutes of January 27th, 1971, as presented, seconded by Mt. Erwin. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. IV ME-U2ES OF OTIMR MTTTINGS A. Assembly - regular meeting - February 18th, 1971. There were no comments concerning the minutes of the February 18th meeting. V COMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE - NONE VI PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezoning Request - Millie Markham, Lots 1 through 8, Allman Addn., Block 1 (Case 236-A). Since the applicant had indicated that she might be late it was decided to continue with the rest of the agenda in order to give her time to appear. There were no objections frcm the members of the Commission. B. Exception Request, Lot 31, Block 19, Townsite (Case 237-A) - Bill Lamm. The letter of application was read by Mt. Walker, Clerk-Treasurer, in which Mr. Lamme stated that an exception to the Zoning Ordinance be granted to allow for home occupation in this R-2 Zone. The house will be leased to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ziegler and one room of the four-room residence will be used for making candles. This will be owntr-operated with no other employees. Formerly the residence had houaNaRadar Electric. Mr. Constance moved to grant the exception request for the residence on Lot 31, Block 19, Townsite, seconded by Mr. Erwin. The regular meeting was closed by the Chairman and Public Hearing on the exception request opened. LIr. & Mrs. Ziegler were present and Mr. Ziegler noted that this home occupation would not crealeproblems with noise and when asked about smell, he noted that he would not be doing any rendering of the oil but would be using refined oil for the candles. There being no other individuals present for comments the public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reconvened. The question was called for and the motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. VII ZONING ITEMS A. Preliminary Review Rezoning Request, Lots 93, 94, 96, 97 & 98, Block 9, Erskine (Case 238-A) Mr. John Burnham. The letter of application was read by the Clerk, Mr. Walker, stating that the request was being made inix)ilder to establish a retail sales and service business. The location was pinpointed for the members of the Commission and the present land use map as well as the proposed land use map, as shown in the Comprehensive Plan, were reviewed by the commission members. According to the Comprehensive Plan this area has been designated for future business use. Mr. Constance moved for approval of a public hearing to be held at the nexL ineeLing on 'larch 24, seconded by Mr. Erwin. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Mt. Burnham indicated that his tine was limited and that his contract allowed him sixty days ,in Whieh to have the area rezoned. This deadline had been set as 15th of April; he was advised to wait until after the public hearing to determine whether or not it would be necessary for him to request an extension on the sixty day period or to request that the Borough Assembly hold a special meeting for the reading of the ordinance should the request be granted. KODIAK OUTBOARD ICI. BOX 2426 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 FIRST IN OUTBOARDS Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Kodiak Island Borough Dear Sir: Phone: 486 -5523 STARELITE IV FIRST IN FUN...FIRST IN SPEED...131.05 MPH! February 19, 1971 I wish to appeal to the commision for rezoning of property as described below. Lots 93,9L,96,97,and 98 of block 9, Survey # 562 Erskine subdivision. I ask for rezoning to commercial zoning with a retail sales and service busness, namely Kodiak Outboard. I am buying this property and all final legal documents will be completed on approval of rezoning. Sincerely Christian Science Soc. P: O. Edna Kraft P. O. Box 254 1697 Kodiak City 1 Heglin, Harold & Shirley P. 0..Bac 1043 City Neil & June Sargent • Commilnity Baptist cii. Jack & Anita Mann P. O. Box 121 ' P. O. Box 887 ' P. O. Box 245 City City City Lloyd & Patricia Cannon Robert Dawson P. O. Box 585 P. O. Box 885 City City Glen & Elaine Banks Kodiak Aiwa P. O. Box 364 P. O. Box 2457 City City, Lard & Forrestine Ze k ,i re City of Kodiak P. O. Box 613 P. O. Box 685' City City S: Scarteen Corp c/0 Union Oil. Box 7600 Los Angeles, Calif. William & Ann Unger .P..0. Box 214 .City Stanley B. Thorsheim Kodiak Co.,' Inc. 2307 N. 122 nd P. O.Box 2257.. City City. Kodiak Island Property P. O. Box 706 Kodiak, Alaska Kodiak Improvement Corp P. ©..BOx 222 City Kodiak, Alaska ilr.nMishaehEathey lo W. Kodiak, 41aska Christian Science Society P. O. Box 1697 City Neil Sargent Box 121 Cty Lloyd & Patricia Cannon P. O. Box 585 City City Gene Banks P. O. Box 364 City Howard Forrestine P. O. Box 613 Kodiak Kodiak, Alaska 411 Kodiak Develop Co. Wm. & Barbara Nelson -Wright c/o Wm. Coffin - .777 106th N.E. Suite 820' .! Bellview. Washington 98004 . _ Cocoa, Florida 32922 • . • Saarteen Corp, c/o Union Oil Co. Tax Div - Box 7600 Los Angeles, Calif 90054 Edna Kraft ;Harold Heglin P. O. Box 254 ! :P. O. Box1043 Cty Community Baptist Church Jack & Anita Mann P. O. Box 887 Box 245 City City Robert Dawson P. O. Box 885 City LeMaire 1 1 L • Stanley B. Thorsheim VY 2307 N. 122nd Seattle, Washington . •. Kodiak Airways Profit sharing plan Box 2457 City City of Kodiak Box 685 Kodiak , Kodiak.Co., Inc. P. O. Box 2257 Kodiak, Alaska Scarteen Corp c/o Union 01 Tax Div. Box 7600 Los Angeles, Calif 90054 William ET. Ann P. Unger P. O. Box 214 City Graber & Mynsberg Box LUZ 706 Kodiak Kodiak Improvement P. O. Box 706 Kodiak, Alaska Corp it ' i • _ . 37 _ _ ' d 16 5----24,E,a , ' l '' J �,l%� -s! -- - 2-7 .,/ g/ //° /t vr,5774/ / //— _ _' -- '1_ ' 0:c_4 - '1 cr p9r.- //2- // /----r Aa 11C C --- ‘., J c-5- 31r — / S / cr /. . j ,A _ (,/ v.%i °� ,5-0 QQom. r 7. —,2,..t,-- . . , -Cc-6.15 / /41 ..^^^ 7/ 7 // GI i, Ste// L // r ,/,, �- / 5/ //7 � � e_4 j . �! 1 --e--/72// _ . _ ---- e .1- �C 76 a — 9a al- 4._ ■ • 4/ 0 0 - I 7 „ /....! ,,./ • , -siff. r, ,ro ,.(--- e ; ,6-1 g d _ _air... - R - /....! ,,./ • 4#40 " _I ' . . 0(1-4-74 , ri , 586- 0- ,L,3-0 a / I R - ,45111-di ,? / f . 0-4, YJ,4/ . , , • d241A_._. 0 a — Za.54 / 1 7 7 ,6-4 ' elZ --,s- 7 4( 41 #6 _ . .„, /‚ _ .. ,6-g2-...2... 9.3 'L., . / / 4 a /7' / • 4 , . -7 1 . / • , j----s-7 A-7) _ ? / - 9-6 .9-7 /1 . Jed 32 • ' 4 ,..Z. PZ- 2. . - --- Ad - tr21L1 / /1 / • . _ . 4 f, -41, % ti-da // 5:06 7-Z2 -2- „t---a---o 0 () 4, // / - ____17---/iL,., /a /7 ., / - 2.3a 11 LO A-44 . , // / / &e.K1d UNITED swims OF AMERICA SS: , State o Alaska NOTICTI, OF . PUBLIC HEARING • ON ORDINANCE All Citizens and voters of - the KODIAK ISLAND BOR- OUGH, Third judicial Dis- ; trict, State .of Alaska, are '- heweby notified that on the 6th of May, 1971, at seven- • thirty o'clock' P.M. in the Courtroom of the State Of- fice Building, a public hear- ing Will be held on a pro- posed Ca1clinance to provide - for the rezoning of the fol- lowing property: Rezoning from R-2 tit) Business, Lots 93, 94, 96, 97, and 98 of. Block 9, !f Erskine Subdivision, U.S. Survey 562. Proposed Or- dinance No. 71-7-0-. All persons interested shall . • have an opportunity to be heard and after the hearing-,: the Borough Assembly Will consider the ordinance and • may adopt it with or withoirt ; amendment or reject. , KODIAK ISLAND. BOROUGH • Russell M. Walker • Borough Clerk-, Treasurer Publish: April 29, 1971 ' PUBLIC NEARING The Special Borough As-: 1 sembly meeting and Public Hearing of the 1971-72 School Budget scheduled for April • 27th is postponed. until 30 April 1971. The -meeting be -held in the Courtroom of " the State office Building t ' 7:30 P.M. The meeting was postponed due to a lack of, a quorum. KODIAK ISLAND .,.• BOROUGH RUSSELL M. WALKER: 54:1111. CLERK- { s, { I, S. Wayne Kotula, being first duly sworn, depose and say: I am editor and publisher of the Kodiak MIRROR, a daily newspaper published at Kodiak, Third Judicial Divi- sion, State of Alaska, and that the annexed printed notice was published in said news- paper in issues of the following dates: NOTICE. OF ()ROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING . Notice is hereby given that the Kodiak Island Borough ' Assembly will *hold its reg- ular . meeting on .May 6th, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. in She Courtroom of the 'State Of- SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me fine Building; Kodiak, Alas- • . KODIAK ISLAND his day of BOROUGH RUSSELL M. WALKER BOROUGH CLERK- ' • TREASURER - iblish: April 29, 1971 April 291 1971 S. Wayne Kotula NOTARY PUB 1' of Alaska. • IC in and for the State My Commission expires6