USS 2537B & USS 562 TR A-1 - Variance (2)KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CASE FILE CHECKLIST Case File No. Assigned 611-0Y5". Date Date Application Received 5;604). . Type of Application aAJJA 1CJL Date Site Plan Received 5-46)/g`., Date Fee Paid 51lo /$a' Amount ao - 00 Use Z for Zoning, Variances and Exceptions CUP for Conditional Use Permit LL for Land Leases V for Violations 0 for all Other cases Receipt Number —431.00S Person Accepting Appl. W(.L.. tA ki-i Name of Applicant 1/45U - iuo..tk l�d,uki-D p,ti'rnei,L± Mailing Address 43cry /c'75-- Name of Legal Owner Mailing Address Phone V&.,- 3m S Phone Legal description of Property: ke-ttr acl- J Block (ASS ?557' c1 L15S 512a Subdivision Square Footage or Acreage of Property is P & Z Public Hearing Date".Srv►Le., 1Zvl icaa --- Public Notices Mailed on ow Many? �se Applicant Notified .of P & Z Action on �o /��y Date Date Action Summary A.sroved Denied P & Z Assembly Ordinance No. 6 0- Date Date Tabled 1st Reading Date 2nd Reading Ordinance Effective Date 6.81 Wet Al- U7-cm N1,44- �E KODI AK ISLAND BOROUGH June 18, 1982 Mr, LOU IaDi Sunset Development Company Box 1275 Kodiak, Alaska 996I5 Dear Lou, Telephones 486-5736 - 486-5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission, at its June 16, 1982 meeting, approved variances from Sections 17.21.040 and 17.57.010 of Borough Code to permit the construct- ion of a two bedroom resident manager's apartment within the Senior Citizen Center, with no increase in required off-street parking, on Tract A, USS 2537B and USS 562, City of Kodiak, with the condition that future parking, if needed, will come from the garden area. Please Ca]] if you have any questions. Sincerely, William A. Walton Community Development Department Director CC: Morris Lee, City Building Official Case 82-045,~ KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING(, ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES June 16, 1982, Regular meeting',;" Page 1 (Verbatim tape recording available upon request from the Community Development Dept. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL COMt1ISSIONER'S PRESENT Virgina Crowe Ron Ball Tini Hill JoAnn Strickert Jim Ramaglia Pat Briggs Quorum was established. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. COMMIS SIONER EXCUSED Jerry Gudeanu ALSO PRESENT • Will Walton, Planning Director Joanne Jones, Planning Secretary Dave Crowe, Borough Engineer Linda Freed, CZM Coordinator 1. MINUTES - May 19, 1982 - Mrs. Crowe I have a correction on page 1 of the minutes under item #2 my statement should read as follows: "Mrs. Crowe work sessions were held for Mr. Sargent and he never appeared and that is basically all we can do." Mr. Ramaglia moved to approve the minutes with the correction stated by Mrs. Crowe. Seconded by Mrs. Strickert. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. 2. APPEARANCE REQUESTS WITH PRIOR NOTICE AND AUDIENCE COMMENTS. 3 PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 82 -045. A request for a variance from Section 17.12:040 Lot Area and Section 17.57.010 Parking Requirements to allow the construction of a 2- bedroom apartment in the basement of the Senior Citizen Complex on Tract A, USS 2537B and a portion of USS 562. (Sunset Development Company) Mrs. Crowe any further staff report? Mr. Walton no further staff report. 1 non - objection letter received. Mrs. Strickert can we add amendments or conditions to this variance request? Mr. Walton yes. Mrs. Crowe closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments the public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reopened. 'Mr. Ball moved to approve a request for a variance from Section 17.12.040 Lot Area and Section 17.57.010 Parking Requirements to allow the construction of a 2 bedroom resident manager's apartment in the basement of the Senior Citizen Complex on Tract A, USS 2537B and USS 562 with the condition that if additional parking is required it will be taken from the garden area. Seconded by Mrs. Strickert. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. 4. -PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 82 -046. A request to rezone the West ; of USS 5701 from Conservation to Rural Residential. (Omar Stratman) Mrs. Crowe is there any further staff report? Mr. Walton no further information except for the 1 public hearing notice we received in objection to the rezoning which has be included in your packet. Mrs. Crowe read the notice received by 'Vincent and Deborah Walser. Mrs. Crowe closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Greg Jackson Box 607 -USCG. In favor of the rezonig as am interested in purchasing one of the lots. Dave Odell Box 2062, opposed to the rezoning. Would like to see the area stay with larger lot sizes. Mr. Ramaglia what is the average lot sizes out in that area now? Mr. Odell from 1 to 5 acres. Mr. Ramaglia explained the difference between Rural Residential and Conservation - zoning and their permitted uses. KODIAK ISLAND BORO1 Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska IECEIVED �t�'l5 it Y�'���� JUN 15 �u. `) T �& 1 1.pir MAIL 0 i to gift 1 I, 11A�11112i1121 3jf cD .A \ 9T "l. I n�- roi 0, o u 6 \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission has received an application from SUNSET DEVELOPMENT requesting a variance from Sections 17.21.040 Lot Area and 17.57.010 Parking requirements to allow the construction of a 2- bedroom apartment• in the basement of.the Senior Citizen Complex.on Tract A, USS 2537B and a portion of USS 562. The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on this matter at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 16, 1982 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Upper Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are either the property owner of the above - referenced lots, or an owner of property within 400 feet of the above - referenced property. This will be the only Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Comm iss_ion on this request, and you are invited to appear and voice your opinion. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion that can be read into the minutes of the Public Hearing. If you would like to comment on the proposal, this form may be used for your con- venience, and return to the Community Development Department. Further information is available from the Planning Department, telephone 486 -5736. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q �/,,,� �/ Q� Name Frgd I Z hcx, T Address Po. ox Z/OSje_04 �{' ' 11 �—/ n/S Legal Description � "'� ;tP Q k I Lo-f a I A a4 8 Comments 1 ' /, `Le L_ ARC! L.O.T 2 LOT 6 etition rea, Tract LOT .:r URVEY , USS 2538B and` LOT 3� 1 1. TAGURA ROA )IAK N 2? A NEAR ISLAND KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM •, ITEM #3 DATE: June 8, 1982 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department 0;16010'i-it) SUBJ: Case 82-045.' Request for a variance from Sections 17.21.040 and 17.57.010 to allow the construction of a two bedroom apartment in the Senior Citizen Complex. (Sunset Development Company) 68 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES MAILED. HISTORY Previous case files dealing with the subject property measure 10 inches in'height. To make a long story as short as possible, the following actions have been accomplished: 1. Ordinance 74-5 rezoned property from R-3 to Business on April 7, 1974; 2. Ordinance 76-17 rezoned Lot 39 from R-3 to Business on July 1, 1976; 3. Variance to side yard requirements and height require- ments approved on August 10, 1976; 4. Vacation and replat approved on September 1, 1977; and 5. Variances for density, yards and off street parking approved October 19, 1978. The jist of all this is that a 55 unit Senior Citizen Complex was constructed with 26 off street parking spaces and variance for yard and unit square footage requirements. REQUEST The applicant is requesting two variances. One to Section 17.21.040 in order that the density of the complex can be increased from 55 units to 56 units and one to Section 17.57.010 to leave the off street parking requirement at 26. The requested variances are needed in order for the applicant to construct a two bedroom apartment for the resident manager. The construction will occur entirely within the present facility. Case .82-045 Page 2 DISCUSSION The housing shortage in Kodiak is well known. The chance exists, through this request, to provide an additional apartment unit for Senior Citizens while not undertaking any major exterior changes to the complex. Past legal actions involving the Senior Citizen Center are just that, past, and should .not taint anyone's think- ing on the question at hand. Do we want one more Senior Citizen apartment with the same amount of parking spaces? RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of variances to Sections 17.21.040 and 17.57.010 of Borough Code to permit the construction of a two bedroom apartment within the Senior Citizen Center, with no increase in required off street parking, on Tract A, USS 2537B and USS 562, Kodiak, Alaska, for the following reasons: 1. There are exceptional conditions applicable to the property and its intended development which require the grant- ing of variances; 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties; 3. The granting of the variances will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties nor be detrimental to the public's health, welfare or safety; and 4. The granting of the variances will compliment the Comprehensive Plans objectives of encouraging the provisions of adequate housing for all members of the community. SUNSET DEVELOPMENT CO. OF KODIAK P. 0. BOX 1275 KODIAK, ALA.SKA. 99615 (907 ) 486-3215 May 4, 1982 Mr. Will Walton Planning Director Kodiak Island Borough P.O. Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska RECEIVED RE: REQUEST FOR VARIANCES TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT AT THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMPLEX Dear Mr. Walton: Enclosed is a completed application for variances, Kodiak Island Borough, Community Development Department. Other enclosures are pertinent information in this request. I want to apologize for my tardiness in this matter and thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, SUNSET DEVELOP T COMPANY OF KODIAK 3-10as P. Iani- Manager LPI:SJ Enclosures • APPLICANT ADDRESS Revised 5/81 11110 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE SUNSET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE P.O. BOX 1275 PHONE NUMBER (907) 486-3215 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED: U.S.S. 2537B; Tract A. And USS 562 LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION PRESENT/FUTURE USE OF PROPERTY Rental Bayview Terrace Senior Citizens Housing A SITE PLAN IS REQUIRED. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR A VARINANCE FROM SECTION Section 1721040 .Density Parking Section 1757101 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCES.- A. ,THE EXISTING SITUATION IS: DATE RECEIVED RECEIPT NO. CASE N0. HEARING DATE jukrILg..... 1p I Ca APPROVED DISPOSITION DENIED CONDITIONS DATE 'OF APPEAL HEARING DATE. APPROVED (SEE MINUTES) DENIED CONDITIONS LETTER SENT ' (SEE MINUTES) PERMIT ISSUED 55-Unit Elderly Hosing B. GRANTING OF THIS REQUEST WOULD PERMIT: The Construction of a 2-Bedroom Apartment within the confines of the physical plant so as to allow the now managers apartment to be available'fpr senior citizens use. C. EVIDENCE OF THE ABILITY AND INTENTION OF THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS/HER PLANS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE VARIANCE: Will construct within six months jiikised 5/81 The application must contain a statement showing the following conditions, all four of which must exist before a variance may be granted: The undersigned states: 1. That there are exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable to the property, or to its intended use or development, which do not apply generally to the other properties in the same land use district. These special conditions are: The project is developed to a maximum, and there is a need for additional housing for Senior Citizens. 2. That the strict application of the zoning ordinances would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship: By not permitting further use of the Senior Citizens Complex within the confines of the_building. That the granting of the variance will not result in material damage or prejudice to other properties in the vicinity nor be detrimental to the public's health, safety, or welfare because: The additional building would be totally within the now structure. 4. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the comprehens-We plan, for the following reasons: All modification to the existing building would be totally within and additional need for parking would be limited to one vehicle, of which there is space available. The question of granting these__ variances will not be contrary to the objective of the comprehensive plan, and should bc askcd to thc Borough Planner. NOTE: If this variance is granted, it will not permit a prohibited land use on the property involved. Applicant further states that: (Use back of sheet for additional information). Signature of Authorized Agent Date _-Signature oLand Owner Date RECEIVED FROM • CASH Rill Kodiak Island Borough 700 UPPER MILL BAY ROAD P.O. BOX 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 PHONE (907) 486-5736 - GZa�lA.'f C"G% DATE / 27S- PL.'` 74711ND,CITE..:... >rr -.. .m..,... 010 - 000 - 101 -10 00 k.....,.. _...._...,__..:ITEM— CASH BUILDING PERMITS _. -. .- DEBIT ' 1 ,1z,)1,6) 1 I CREDIT ' ar a �L+ ::.-.A...) I I 010 - 000 - 322 — 11 — 00 010 — 000 — 322 — 90 - 00 ZONING PERMITS - I 1 1 1 010 - 000 -341 —50 -00 SALE OF MAPS - I t 1 010 - 000 — 341 — 51 — 00 SALE OF COPIES I I 1 I PROPERTY TAX I i 1 I LAND SALE PAYMENT 1 t 1 I ATTACHED I I I I //.., /y /Amay� �%"�% �/(�/ /� }' -/`,{ ���/'n+Va.V �YY I'�.� lf! L.C�- /�[ /"�PPER ! �� ,. /y "V/j��f.- {l•VG.lif 1 1 /��/ /� // /. 1 •GS'i, 1 1 1 I I 1 # I 1 I 1 I I 1 I CONDITIONS OF CHECK PAYMENTS TOTAL b' PAYMENTS TENDERED BY CHECK FOR OBLIGATIONS DUE TO /� 1 t. CAC 1 0/4 4-"�' THE BOROUGH ARE SATISFIED ONLY UPON THE CHECK BEING HONORED. RETURNED CHECKS FOR ANY REASON RESTORES THE OBLIGATION AS UNPAID AND SUBJECTS THE PAYER TO ANY CHARGES, FEES OR OTHER LEGAL LIABILITIES AS MAY BE APPLICABLE. PAYMENT MADE BY: ZHECK NO. c::::Q/ ❑ CASH CASHIER ❑ OTHER ©s FM08- 511815 17.21.040 Lot area. Buildings hereafter erected ariA used wholly or partly for dwelling purposes shall comply with the lot area requirements of the district, except that for multiple dwellings, the minimum lot area per dwelling' unit may be reduced to one thousand two hundred square feet for a multiple dwelling with less than seven dwelling units and to one thousand square feet for a multiple dwelling with seven-or more units. (Prior code Ch. 5 subch. 2 §6D). ***********************************************************************************************- 17.57.010 Off-street parking required--In jeneral. In all use districts, from the time a principal building is erected, constructed, established, altered or enliarged, there shall be off-street parking conforming to this chapter to serve that building. This parking shall be available free of charge for the use of the occupants of the building and their employees and patrons. The owners and occupants of a principal building shall be jointly and severally responsible for providing and maintaining the off-street parking serving that building. The off-street parking re- quired by this chapter for a principal building shall be maintained in accordance with this chapter continuously dur- ing the life of the building. !(Ord. 80-18-0 §1(Part), 1980). t!). KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH March 19, 1982 Mr. Lou Iani Managing Partner Sunset Development Company Box 1275 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Dear Lou, a tin Telephones 486 -5736 - 486 -5737 — Box 1246 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission agreed to hear your request for variances to permit the construction of a two bedroom apartment at the Senior Citizen's complex at its April 21, 1982 meeting. Because variances require a public hearing we will need a com- pleted variance request form from you as soon as possible. We cannot legally schedule the hearing in the absence of your request. Inasmuch as the "official" deadline for April's meeting was the 17th of March we need you to take care of the required paperwork as soon as possible. Sincerely, William A. Walton Community Development Department Director WAW/jmj '.` — — KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNNlNG AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES March 17, 1982^ regular meeting Page z (Verbatim tape recording available upon request from the Community Development Dept.) CALL TO ORDERAND ROLL CALL - The COMMISSIONER'S PRESENT Virginia Crowe Ron Ball Jim Ramaglia Jerry Gudenau JoAnn Strickert Tim Hill meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. COMMISSIONER UNEXCUSED Pat Briggs ALSO PRESENT Will Walton, Community Development Directc Joanne Jones, Planning Secretary Bill Hudgins, Zoning Officer Quorum was established. 1. MINUTES - February 17, 1982 - Mr. Ball moved to approve the minutes as prepared. Seconded by Mr. Romagna. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. 2. APPEARANCE REQUESTS a. Lou [ani. Sunset Development Company Mrs. Crowe explained that Mr. luni is requesting a variance to build a two bedroom apartment in the basement of the Senior Citizen Complex. It would be used by the resident manager. The variances needed would be for parking and density changes. . . - -- The Commission scheduled this for the April 21, 1982 Planning and Zoning Commissio regular meeting as a public hearing. b. Sherman Rickard Mrs. Crowe Mr. Rickard is asking us to reconsider our decision of February 17, 198 which denied his variance. Mr. Ball he should appeal. Mr. Walton he already has. Mr. Hill moved not to reconsider this case and that Mr. Rickard should continue with his appeal to the City Council. Seconded by Mrs. Strickert. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll call vote. c. Paul Harder submitted a preliminary subdivision plat in October of 1981, would like to get final approval. All conditions have been met. The house is complete. Mrs. Crowe read a memorandum from Mr. Crowe, which stated all conditions have been met. Mr. Ball moved to reconsider this subdivision case. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion PASSED by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Ball moved to grunt final approval on Case S-81'024, subdivision of lot 1, block 8, Monashka Bay Alaska Subdivision to lots 1A, 1B and 1C, block 8, Monashka Day Alaska Subdivision with the three conditions we setforth and also a copy of the Borough Engineer's recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Ramaglia. Motion PASSED by unanimous roll cull vote. Mrs. Strickert mentioned that we should follow our cutoff date or every meeting is going to be like this with lots of appearance requests and reconsiderations. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 82-022. A request for a variance from Section 17.12.040(2) front yard setback - to allow the construction of a garage on lot 1A, block 2. Bells Flats Alaska Subdivision. (Elmer Jesser) STAFF REPORT: Mr. Walton presented the staff report based on a memorandum prepare by the Community Development Department which recommended approval. Discussion on the setback of the garage if Ugak Drive was to go all the way through. Mrs. Crowe closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. • KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES March 17, 1982, regular meeting Page 2 Mrs. Jesser creek runs 5 feet from the property line. In favor of the request as it would be costly to put the garage on any other location on the lot. Mrs. Crowe can you put the garage on any other spot on the lot? Mrs. Jesser it would be too costly, as we would have to do alot of digging and alot of fill would have to be brought in. Discussion between Mr. Hill and Mrs. Jesser on the topography of the lot. Mr. Ball you want to build between the house and the road? Mrs. Jesser that is correct. Mr. Ramaglia how big is the creek? Mrs. Jesser it is quite large. Mr. Ramaglia does it run all year? Mrs. Jesser yes, except last month it was frozen. Mr. Ramaglia does this creek run across lot 7A? Mrs. Jesser no, it runs along the road. Mrs. Crowe closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting. Discussion on the creek hindering the construction of the road. Mrs. Crowe my problem with this is that a garage would be built five (5) feet from the road in a new area. We would be setting a precident. Mr. Ramaglia if we do this we may end up passing another grandfathering clause. Mr. Ball read Section 17.12.040 - Yards. Mr. Ramaglia this might be contrary to the Womens Bay Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hill moved to grant a request for a variance from Section 17.12.040(2) front yard setback - to allow the construction of a garage on lot 1A, block 2, Bells Flats Alaska Subdivision. Seconded by Mr. Ball. Motion FAILED by unanimous roll call vote. REASONS FOR DENIAL: 1. There are no exceptional physical circumstances or conditions applicable' to th property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same district; 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinances will not result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; and 3. The granting of the variance may be contrary to the objectives of the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON CASE 82 -024. A request to rezone the unsubdi0ided portion of USS 1682 from Conservation to R -2, Two Family Residential. (Len Grothe) STAFF REPORT: Mr. Walton presented the staff report based on a memorandum prepare by the Community Development Department which recommended approval. Mrs. Crowe went through the history that was provided by the Community Development Department to make sure everything that has gone on with this land was clearly understood. Mr. Walton explained the map drawn in 1977 which showed the subdivision line. Mr. Ball explained why the buffer zone was proposed. Mrs. 'Crowe closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Mrs. Crowe read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Steve Olsen who were against the rezoning. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MEMORANDUM - - em 2-1 DATE: March 12, 1982 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department OW4vkaied SUBJ: Information for March 17, 1982 meeting RE: Inquiry from,LOu Iani, Sunset Development Company Lou Iani, Managing Partner, Sunset Development Company, has asked the Commission for its opinion on the construction of an additional two bedroom apartment at the Senior Citizens complex for the use of the resident manager. The suggested addition of the, apartment would require a density variance and an off-street parking requirement variance. The Commission is obligated to consider all properly submitted applications for variances inaccordance with Section 17.66.100 of Borough Code. There is no problem in this instance with a variance request being a "variance on a variance". If Mr. Iani submits a variance application it will be treated as a sperate issue even though the previous case is undoubtedly involved. There is no limit to the number of variances which can be applied to a particular property save the number of requirements present in Title 17 of the Code which are applicable. Au'v, c\c) cLIN March 10,1982 SUNSET DEVELOPMENT CO. OF KOMAR 1'. O. BOX 1275 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 (907 ) 486-3215 Planning & Zoning_ComMission. Subject; Additional apartment(two bedroom for resident manager) Needed: Variance for lot area density additional, Variance:for parking additional, Land area: 42,348 Sq Ft Density s/13 1000 Sq Ft per uint Now 55 units 769.69 per unit Now 60 people 705.50 per person Additional unit; 56 units 756.21 per unit Additional unit: 62 people 683.03 per unit Parking: Now: total permanent' -vehicles 12 (including resident manager) Now: three times as much parking as for residents than used BAYVIEW TERRACE APARTMENTS. P.O. Box 968 Kodiak, Ak. 99615 March 8, 1982 Mr. Louis Tani Sunset Development Co. of Kodiak Kodiak, Ak. 99615 Dear Mr, Tani; In response to your request this is the current status here at Bayview Terra-Ce. Units; 55--1 Bedroom Apartments Units occupied; 55 Total occupants of building 60 Total permanent vehicles 12 :Sincerely, T. c-, M.E. Davies, Project Manager SUNSET DEVELOPMENT CO. OF KODIAK P. O. BOX 1275 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 (907 ) 486 -3215 March 5, 1982 Mr. Will Walton Planning Director Kodiak - Island Borough , Box 1246 Kodiak, Ak 99615 Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska RECEIVED MAR 8 1982 Re: Two Bedroom Apartment in Senior Citizens Complex; DBA Bayview Terrace • Dear Mr. Walton: A As per our conversation in your office on this date., 1 would like the. - opportunity to discuss with the Planning and Zoning Commission at one of their planning sessions the possibility of an additional 2 bedroom apartment at the Senior Citizens complex. The additional apartment would be for the. use of the resident. manager of the building thus freeing another apartment for Senior Citizens Section 8 Housing. The additional apartment would be totally within the coifin.s of..the now structure. The whole length of the building on Rezanof has a full basement not being used. This area is where we propose to locate the new apartment. I would be available at any time to discuss this matter with the Commission. Awaiting . your reply. Sincerely yours, -i SUNSET DEV JOPMEN CO. OF KODIAK P ani Managir�c�Partner KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH / Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 CASF 82-045 FIRST CLASS MAIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission has received an application from SUNSET:DEVELOPMENT requesting a variance from Sections 17.21.040 Lot Area and 17.57.010 Parking requirements to allow the construction of a 2-bedroom apartment in the basement of the Senior Citizen Complex,on Tract A, USS 2537B and a portion of USS 562. • The Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on this matter at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 16, 1982 in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 700 Upper Mill Bay Road, Kodiak. You are being notified because you are either the property owner of the above-referenced lots, or an owner of property within 400 'feet of the above-referenced property. This will be the only Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on this request, and you are invited to appear and voice your opinion. If you cannot attend, you may submit a written opinion that can be read into the minutes of the Public Hearing. If you would like to comment on the proposal, this form may be used for your con- venience, and return to the Community Development Department. Further information is available from the Planning Department, telephone 486-5736. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Name Address Legal Description Comments 1111111111111/ cx./Q.L. eR- Lig- U5s 375_6_ R3000c 3? Do / (20i_o g L of 20,a1) /0-1-- /F4 )56 c.?() c7a co • OD /I (Dc3D S'400/ 007L/0 121 o ( va.30 c9Ap f/34.14:;1;aioazpo i213yooio3o 21341oDio o3) Ri3(loolv3ocii p3L/ocv03,s c,)-kAL (3,1 up. 0.1)01 u e. k 34 00.__D,DOLD 3 (b-34,00aDok L\ 3(4 co aoa 0 5 (2_,1 1,0 121,1Doaootoo t.tc)cpapo_j-c? • • • 3.16L4-ko. `). 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ILA- 6- I IP .r--/ P-4003-0 /C20 1°1 c.A., -1 g.//t,ioo 6o79c7, 11 :)/t/o05-0/ 70 ,1 e/1O5,0 l'S? 19,5 Rjrc/Oo., epVcx-k-jp \o\ ./1</c)ocooa..3oi 5- g_71Yooe0o4o--0 P/5'006.0,66,0 ern/00(0(2070 53 )1_4400530 34 iV /L-/ ob 706 YO Li vo 7 o 2/ Ail 00 7as- co CD -7 eily00 703-7 k// VD07 05 ,R0 RI/ 4/06-7/3---,:vcj 4/0,074-30 ALASKA.STATE OF -GRIFFIN -MEMORIAL P.O. 30X 1187 KODIAK R1340020010 HOSPITAL AK 99615` ' R1340020020 QUEEN FISHERIES INC. P.O. 80X 1(137 KODIAK KODIAK.CITY OF P.O. 80X,1397 KODIAK . AK 99615 R1340020031 'AK 99615 • R1340020032 l 1 OJEEN- FISHERIES.INC. .P.O. 80X 1637 KODIAK 'AK 99615. - RI140056192 CHRISTIE.KNOX• N & LORENA .r P.O. 'BOX 801 411 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060030 FANNIN.VERNON & KATHERINE P.O. BOX 572 416 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060050- VANBUREN,RAYMOND & HILDUR P.O. BOX 415 419 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060060 LAWHEAD.DONALD G IREtNE P.O. BOX 2427 417 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 y�i��.._.-nxr -': rn�m:ie..�. m,.kr— R1140080720 .�D MADSEN.ROY A. P.O. BOX 726 421 MILL BAY 'ROAD )) KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080740 BLANKENBERG,ERIC &CECILIA P.O. BOX 707 417 MILL-BAY ROAD KODIAK AK-99615 I 1 ALASKA.STATE OF +°"r"' s.�- ,r,.',''i+�s.•? .:'j`�'~;. -v- w.c�s> . - ..,�w�ar.a- -v.�'AS-i-.?r s R1340020060 i SIuY�Rcw., Pc \cam 5`1F11 )! R1340010070 WHITNEY FIDALGO SEAFOODS 2360 WEST COMMODORE WAY SEATTLE WA 98199 • ) ., R1340080053 )") RO8INSON.GLEN A.ESTATE ROBINSON.R.K.PERSONAL REP 6314 LARIt.IER ROAD j+ EVERETT 4'A 95204 R1340090070 WHITE.WILTON & i)AGMAR P.O. BOX 254 KODIAK AK 99615 81340170010 OEVILLE.HUEY 4202 SOUTH GRAND ST. MONROE, LA 71201 R1340170021 SUTLIFF.NORMAN & SONS,INC P.O. BOX 1157 KODIAK AK 99615 R1140070550 COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 087 317 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 R1140071520 CANNON:.LLOYD & PATRICIA P.O. SOX 585 311 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 MCFARLAND•VERNA P.O. BOX 213 KODIAK R1340170030 AK 99615 R1140071530 MALLOY.LAWR. 6 FROST.N. P.O. BOX 2034 315 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 ) ) )) )i )) 81140050070 LESTER•ELDON & LILA P.O. BOX 845 415 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 ARDINGER.CECILE P.O. (30X 1(0 KODIAK P1140020250 T. AK 99615 81140020240 RAMAGLIA,PETER & SARAH P.O. BOX 335 218 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 R1140030260 WALLER.JOHN M. P.O. BOX 1656 223 MILL BAY ROAD KDDIAK AK 99615 81140030270 FITZGERALD ..JUDITH B. P.O. BOX 447 KODIAK AK 99615 WILEY,EDITH P.O. BOX 446 410 ERSKINE KODIAK R1140050160 AK 99615 R1140030290 WANDERSEE,MART.H.&CAROL J P.O. BOX 271 213 REZANOFF KODIAK AK 99615 R1140050150 ABENA.TI'MOTHY & PAM P.O. 60X 2287 412 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 • 81340010230 HARTMAN.CECIL & JUSTINE P.O. 30X 1123 KODIAK AK 99615 R13400102+0 EAST POINT SEAFOODS P.O. 8OX 1637 KODIAK AK 99615 81340010250 CHYA.JOHN & MARY KODIAK AK 99615 HARTMAN.WILLIAM P.O. BOX 733 KODIAK R1340010260 AK 99615 R1340010301 CHRISTOFFERSON.EMIL P.O. BOX 196 KODIAK AK 99615 ALASCOM,INC. POUCH 6 -607 ANCHORAGE Rl YYJVV V tIUV AK 99502 R1340010303 CARVALHO.STEVEN R. P.O. BOX 2552 KODIAK AK 99615 R1340010304 MAHLE.OTTO & REBECCA P.O. BOX 2016 KODIAK AK 99615 ( CHEVRON USA.INC. P.O. BOX 7611 SAN FRANCISCO 81380010020 CA 94120 R1340010181 FCRUIS.PHILIP E. &EDNA J. P.O. SOX 331 KODIAK AK 99615 SUNSET DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BOX 1275 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 MR. DENNIS'MURRAY BOX 2029 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 KODIAK WILDLIFE REFUGE ALASKA GAME COMMISSION RESERVE -BOX 825 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 R1380010010 RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH P.O. BOX 55 KODIAK AK 99615 R1340010212 ZHAROFF.FREO F. &YVONNE F P.O. BOX 405 KODIAK ; AK 99615 81340010220 ROGERS.JOHN & KATHERINE P.O. BOX 252 KODIAK AK 99615 } R1340030030 COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. E3OX 887 KODIAK AK 99615 NIPS.MABEL P.O. BOX 1305 KODIAK ARG4RIN.ROSITA P.O. BOX 2312 KODIAK BEAN. DAVE P.O. SOY 2161 KODIAK BEAN.DAVID PETERSON ESTATE P.O. BOX 2161 KODIAK R1340030082 AK 99615 81340030090 AK 99615 l R1340030101 AK 99615 R1340030102 AK 99615 R1340030111 BISHOP.ERNEST K. 7401 E. 36TH AVE. ANCHORAGE AK 99504 R1340080061 FIELDS,DUNCAN & EDNA P.O. BOX 2012 KODIAK AK 99615 R1140080762 PANAMAROFF.GEO. & HELEN P.O. BOX 123 411 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 .4•s *1 a - .•n• s ) )l FELTON.HARRY & LORRAINE R11 DAYTON.LORRAINE 400 P.O. F3OX 287 600 411 ERSKINE 80 KODIAK AK 99615 81140080800 BYLER.Jf=RRY L. & BARBARA P.O. BOX 1591 302 WILSON • KODIAK AK. 99615 R1140060100 SUPERIOR BUILDING SUPPLY DRAWER 1150 321 ERSKINE KEN.AI AK 99611 R1140060110 NELSON,STANLEY & JUANITA P.O. BOX 324 319 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060120 MACKIE.RAY W & FAYE A. P.O. BOX 451 317 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 R1140060130 PRATT.BERTHA THOMSON P.O. BOX 242 315 ERSKINE KODIAK AK 99615 MCMASTER,KAY L. WASHBURN.DANIEL L P.O. BOX 2151 311 ERSKINE KODIAK RI1 400 601 40 AK 99619 R1140060850 STEVENS.GARY 0 RITA P.O. 9OX 201 310 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 ry C.�.�Li ^V: �- )�{!��'= ..'.a.Y -.tee. F' .S <• .•^a "F'<.1 �i�'o —. RL140060860 MACKEY 7 _ E MILDRED E. P.O. BI; a3 312 MIL. -.SAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 RI140060870 HF_ ITMAN, MARGARET P.O. 60X 356 314 MILL BAY-ROAD KODIAK AK. 99615 R1140060880 THISSEN.MARK li THOMAS P•O. BOX 826 316 MILL BAY ROAD • KODIAK AK 99615 81140060770 MANN. JOAN A. ESQUIRE 220 SANSOME ST.14TH FLOOR 410 MILL BAY ROAD SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 MANN.JACK EDWARD III R11 MANN.M.DIANE 400 P.O. BOX .245 60.7 412 MILL BAY ROAD 80 KODIAK AK 99615, R1140060790 WILEY.THE000RE P.O. 80X 244 414 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615 *R1140070530 SARGENT.NEIL L JUNE S. P.O. BOX 121 301 WILSON 'KODIAK a AK 99615 R1140080750 SUYDAM,ANTRIL 6, LORRAINE P.O. BOX 161 415 MILL BAY ROAD KODIAK AK 99615