12/06/2007 Regular Meeting wws KODIAK ISLAND EMERGENCY SERVICES& LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COM TT QUARTERLY MEETING DECEMBER 6, 20 7 MINUTES M�A 015 I. CALL TO ORDER BOROUGH CLEWS OFFPCE Boni a s KA The regular meeting of the LEPC was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Duan vor on December 6, 2007 in the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Chambers. II. ROLL CALL Members Present Others Present Bob Himes Bud Cassidy (staff support) Darsha SpaIenger Rick Gifford Jeff Halcomb Rome Kamai Ruth-Anne O'Gorman Jerome Selby Dr. Steve Smith Terry Stone Tom Trosvig Lon White Ernie Cadabes Bill Quaccia Sheila Smith, Secretary Marjorie DeGreef Marjgie Draskovich Anne Ellingson Deborah Darminio Duane Dvorak III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Dvorak stated he amended the agenda to move Informational Item B down to Presentation-Item A. Rome Kamai will be giving a PowerPoint Presentation today. He would also like to replace Informational Items B with LEPC Membership, and have Bud Cassidy give a short report under Communications-Item B on the recent LEPCISERC Meeting he attended this past September in Juneau. Jerome Selby MOVED TO APPROVE the amended agenda. It was SECONDED by Terry Stone, and it CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. IV. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Ruth-Anne O'Gorman said she was present at the last meeting, but is not Iisted as present. Bob Himes MOVED TO APPROVE the amended minutes of September 6, 2007. The motion was SECONDED by Terry Stone, and it CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. V. INTRODUCTIONS Bill Quaccia-Kodiak College stated he is an earthquake fan. He used to work downtown in a basement that was below sea level and started tracking earthquakes and volcanoes. He is now Pagel working at the Kodiak College where he is helping them put together their Earthquake and Disaster Plan. He is representing the Kodiak College. Ernie Cadabes-Human Resources/Safety Manager for Trident Seafoods. He helped Rome Kamai with drill and presentation. Lt. Deborah Darminio-Environmental Fire Protection Branch Chief& Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the Coast Guard. She is born and raised in Kodiak and returning after 10 years. Dvorak announced Rome Kamai is the new Fire Chief for the City of Kodiak. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS a) Pre-Hazard Mitigation PIan Process Dvorak stated this project was initiated by the Borough a couple of years ago. To be eligible to apply for certain FEMA funds for hazard mitigation upgrades for school facilities we had to have a plan in place. In 2001 the laws changed requiring a Hazard Mitigation Plan be in place in order to be eligible for Hazard Mitigation funding. About the same time we started working on the bonded study of the school facilities to see what our risk factors were, we also started on the Hazard Mitigation planning process. Because of the accelerated time line that we needed in order to be eligible for these grants we broke them down into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a Borough wide approach to hazard mitigation planning that addressed the Borough very generally and was adopted by the Borough as a regional government. The grant we received required us to do a multi jurisdictional plan that would have an annex for each of the incorporated communities within the Borough including the City of Kodiak and all of the incorporated villages. We've been working on Phase 2 for the past couple of years; it's been on hiatus off and on based on our consultant having other obligations, and staff turnover. We're looking at closure probably in early 2008. We have a couple of makeup meetings to do, one being in Ouzinkie on December 13`h with the Ouzinkie City Council and another in January we will be going to Karluk for an informational meeting to educate people on Hazard Mitigation and we'll be looking around at the infrastructures to see what their critical infrastructures are and what infrastructure facilities qualify for future grant funding. Each community will be asked to adopt their annex. Once adopted they will be eligible to create their own grant applications for their own infrastructural needs. Cassidy stated the value in this is we've been able to get a substantial amount of money to address the seismic vulnerabilities in our schools. We are hoping to expand this to other public facilities. The plan is important not only to other communities but to the City of Kodiak. The City of Kodiak has buildings that are suspect. We have been fortunate to get about$1 million through the FEMA process. You will be hearing about Phase 2 in the middle school in the early months of 2007 addressing the seismic vulnerabilities in that half of the building. b) LEPC Membership Dvorak stated the LEPC Grant that we receive from the State supports these quarterly meetings, seasonal advertising, Emergency Planning pamphlets, and other planning projects. The Pandemic Influenza will eventually be integrated into our Emergency Operations Plan, and it is already a part of our local health agencies planning processes. We are still developing language to put into our plans and brochures, and this grant is usually$17,000 -$20,000 a year that supports these activities. The Emergency Services Organization is a group of interested people from the community whether they are from an agency or just individuals interested in emergency preparedness. These are public meetings and everyone is welcome to attend. The LEPC is based on Federal legislation but is defined as an organization made up of people filling certain ....... Page 2 ..... ......... positions. Over time people who have filled these positions is supposed to participate on the LEPC. In our community, LEPC's took hold after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. We have positions that are perennially represented by the Coast Guard and when staff changes occur at the Coast Guard Base they automatically change on our list, so all we have to do is document the names and send them in to the State. Other people have retired or moved on, so periodically we need to refill these positions. There are about 40% of these positions that we haven't seen people occupy for a while so we will be doing some advertising to fill these positions. We will be contacting people to see who is still on board with us because if we don't have participation it could affect our grant. c) PKIMC Exercise Report for October l lth and 12th_ simulated relocation of the hospital to alternate location. (Marjorie Degreef) Marjorie Degreef stated they had a drill to test the alternate hospital site. The Borough had designated Main Elementary as their alternate site in the event that the hospital had to be evacuated. It had never been tested so the drill was put together internally and started as a code red which would be a fire and resulted in an evacuation. EMS, the fire dept, and KATS were included in the drill. They also have an MOA with World Wide Movers that came in to help move patients. The drill went very well. They had some difficulty when they arrived at Main Elementary because they went in the lower level and couldn't get all the patients in. Most patients were wheelchairs or gurneys. One simulated patient is a rather large individual that they couldn't get through the doors without taking out the breakaway panel. The move went smoothly but they did find the beds won't fit through the inside doors, so they have a committee looking at what their options are. Once she receives a report from the committee she will bring it forward to the LEPC. They also participated in the Department of Transportation's mass casualty drill at the airport. They did a receiving of mass casualties in that event. It was good to work together as a group and they learned a lot. d) Pandemic Flu Planning Update—Review of proposed language for preparedness brochure. Discussion of translations to Tagalog and Spanish, Reprinting. (Duane Dvorak) Dvorak stated you have an attachment that Linda Freed asked to be circulated. This is language they received from the State that is suitable for inclusion in our Emergency Planning brochure. It's just a summary of advice and educational items for public consumption, and is related to our Emergency Preparedness brochure we are planning on reprinting this fiscal year. The end of last year we used some end of the year funds to have that brochure translated into Tagalog and Spanish, but unfortunately it's lost its formatting, and will need work to put it back into brochure format like it was before. In addition, we will have this information translated also,but Freed would like this group to review this information first. We would like to receive any comments within a month, and then if we don't hear anything we will go ahead with the translating and formatting into brochure format. We hope to have this done early 2008 so we can distribute new brochures later in the fiscal year. The State is now helping us with our Draft Pandemic Flu Annex on the Emergency Preparedness Plan. Linda Freed has been working on that, and the State(Dept. of Health) offered to assist with it. It will be coming forward soon. e) Amendments to the Kodiak Subarea Contingency Plan (Duane Dvorak) Dvorak stated DEC and the Coast Guard has been in contact with us about making changes to our Subarea Contingency Plan. These are the plans that regulated vessel owner are required to maintain. They have a plan if they lose product under various scenarios it identifies the resources and strategies they would use to collect that product and try to protect the environment. We also have some elements of our Subarea Contingency Plan that provide for local input and provide general strategies of how the community would choose to protect itself. We are one of the first .... .. ............. .. mm.....,,,,,, .. Page 3 communities to have Geographic Response Strategies. GRS's explain step by step what is expected in order to protect these areas. We were kind of the test case the first Geographical Response Strategies, and now there is a much better understanding of oil spill trajectories based on shipping routes and the vessels used. There are 3 parts to the plan: the GSR's, the potential places of refuge, and the Marine Fire Fighting Plan that was done in concert with the Coast Guard, DEC, the local Harbor Master's Office. These are the 3 elements are being brought forward as amendments to our Subarea Contingency Plan. Lon White stated part of that topic is what if there is a cruise ship or passenger vessel in the area that gets into trouble and they need to do a mass evacuation. A couple of cruise ships that came in last year had almost 3,000 passengers aboard. That adds a whole new dimension to the evacuation plan already in place. The residents can always find a place to stay with friends or family,but where are we going to put 3,000 people being evacuated off a ship to Kodiak. It is a good topic for discussion and Table Top Drill. f) Report on Immunization Drive-through Clinic (Ruth Ann O'Gorman) O'Gorman stated on October 27`h we had our Drive-through FIu Clinic Exercise. She believes everyone feels it was a success. There were about 50 community volunteers and support people, about 900 people came through line for flu shots, and there were over 350 cars. They had to shut the line down at 2:00 and finish with those in the line. They couldn't have done it without the community support. We learned that if we had to immunize the whole community for Pandemic Flu we can do it. We practiced social distancing by keeping people in their cars which was part of the exercise. Dvorak stated a couple of years ago you did an indoor immunization clinic, is this like a new model or strictly for Pandemic response. O'Gorman stated it was to see if they could do it in a drive-through capacity. We could utilize this for any type of immunization that we need to provide. We did it for flu because if it was for Pandemic we didn't want people together. In a true exercise the vaccinators would be dressed in protective garb. We are the first in the state to do this kind of exercise. g) City/Borough RFP to review the condition of emergency warning sirens throughout the borough. (Bud Cassidy) Cassidy stated every Wednesday we test our emergency warning sirens. We have sirens in the six villages around the island and in Chiniak. Unfortunately, they haven't been looked at in a comprehensive manner so we are putting out an RFP with the City of Kodiak to do a Condition Survey. The mayors of the villages met yesterday, and we found out as in the case of Ouzinkie, their siren is in such bad condition that it doesn't even work anymore. We have an investment in these facilities, and it's important to look at the operation maintenance side of these things. We are going to do a Condition Survey of all the sirens around the island but we're going to evaluate the location of the sirens. Due to technology changing so much are these sirens the most efficient. We put the RFP to see what is out there, and the Borough received a$100,000 grant for the sirens. He also stated he used to think the worst time to have a tsunami was in the winter with snow up to the wheel wells,but the worst time would be on a beautiful day where the population is spread out all over the beaches. He was told by a gentleman who lives right next to a siren that when the wind blows in one direction he can't hear the siren. We will take all these factors into account to see if we can come up with a better system. h) Pasagshak communication(cellular)tower project and emergency warning siren. (Bud Cassidy/Duane Dvorak) Page 4 Cassidy stated we are working with the community of Pasagshak, who doesn't have good communication and doesn't have an emergency warning siren. The Planning& Zoning Commission reviewed a request by Cellular One/Dobson to locate a cellular tower in Pasagshak, and we are working on an agreement to place a tsunami siren on the tower. It looks like it is a roundabout way to get a signal out there. The signal comes from Anchorage and travels down the fiber optic Iine to the Launch Complex to bounce off the microwave. Dvorak stated the fiber optic cable that comes to Kodiak via Mill Bay, and it loops around to the Kodiak Launch Complex on Narrow Cape because they have broadband communication needs. It brings the communication signal closer to Pasagshak. This will give the Pasagshak community the opportunity to have phone service, of a sort, but also the public to have the ability to make cell phone calls and the ability to call 911 if needed to do so. The reason it went to the Planning and Zoning Commission is because the tower was proposed to be in the borough right of way, which is pretty much standard for utility development. Generally, Borough right of ways are available not only for road development but also for utility development. The tower will be about 80 feet high. Because of the potential impacts, administration and the Assembly wanted to give the public an opportunity to weigh in on this. PRESENTATION a) Report on Joint Hazardous Materials Functional Drill - September Rome Kamai gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Joint Hazardous Materials Functional Drill. In cooperation with Trident Seafoods, the 103'd Civil Support Team came to participate in the Joint Drill with the City of Kodiak Fire Department. What they are trying to do is expand beyond the standard emergency response things that Fire departments do nationwide, which is ammonia spills and other kinds of hazardous materials associated with communities. We agreed to do an exercise on a response to ammonia. If a spill were to happen today the Fire Departments would respond and meet up with the engineering staff of the cannery to try to mitigate the spill. The objectives of the drill were to try to incorporate Trident Seafoods, the 103 and the Fire Department into a cohesive resource to effectively manage the incident scenario. The incident scenario was a spill that was larger than the Trident engineering crew could handle. We also wanted to practice implementing their incident command system with regard to responding to a hazardous material situation. It is different for a hazmat than it is a structure fire. They also wanted to provide for some hazmat technician level competencies that the Kodiak Fire Department folks at that level need to keep up with, and the Trident Seafoods Engineering folks that are able to go into Level A suits keep them current with getting into the suits. We also wanted to practice providing for decontamination level competencies. We practiced decontaminating someone who was exposed to ammonia. His presentation showed the routing of the ammonia system. Once the people were decontaminated and their clothes removed they were transferred to an ambulance company, and then taken to the hospital, in simulation. The crew also had to be washed down as well. They continued to bring more resources in and made more plans on how to deal with the situation. Part of the drill was to implement Trident Seafoods people in on our intro level of entry team. We support Trident with trying to mitigate the problem. We suited up 3 people in Level A with the intent of going in to figure out what the problem is and mitigate it if we can. The Level A team made entry where the ammonia room is and when they came out they were decontaminated, which we chose an air decontamination for this entry. If the concentrations were heavy they would set up a full wet decon where they would be rinsed down with water, and contain the water. They basically, did the drill twice. When the 103`a finally showed up they switched roles. It was good training and good to train with the 103'd. We all learned a lot. . . „, . .... page 5 .. . . . ..m COMMUNICATIONS a} Next LEPCA/SERC Meetings in Juneau - LEPCA, Wednesday January 16, 2008, 8 a.m to noon; SERC, Thursday January 17, 2008, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dvorak stated the LEPCA on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 is the association of all the LEPC's around the state. It's one of the requirements of the grant that we meet 3 times a year. In addition to having communication within our community we have a dialog within the State on emergency planning issues. The State Emergency Response Commission makes the decisions on the grant funds received every year. We have standards for base line funding but we're not always able to meet that. When we come up short on a statewide basis they are the ones that figure out how the LEPC's will fare and where the money will be made available for special projects and things like that. Cassidy attended the last one. Linda Freed is involved in those grant funding decisions. Cassidy stated it was his first opportunity to be involved in this process and found it fascinating. If you don't think we live in a dynamic environment in Alaska then you need to move because they may be having problems in Florida,but nothing compares to the kinds of things that could happen here in Kodiak and the State of Alaska. He locked in more on the Seismic Commission, and he feels their aim is to raise the level of concern, especially at the legislative level. This is a committee formed through State government. One thing they have identified is where the Borough has taken the lead in some sense, and that is there are a number of public school structures that are in vulnerable condition. We live in a really dynamic environment and it was brought home to all folks on the LEPC and SERC. It is a fairly formal process with representatives from all over the state. Mike Patterson spoke about a portable emergency operation center they took out to Haines that is all self-contained with an HVAC system and a water system that was purchased for his community. We need to keep an eye out for these kinds of things because it could be useful in Kodiak. Cassidy stated he is looking forward to attending another one. Dvorak stated some of our local representatives are Linda Freed and Gary Carver who are members of the Seismic Commission. Carver is very involved in geological and seismic issues and travels a lot in that profession. Kodiak is well represented on the State Seismic Commission. Cassidy stated Laura Kelly, a Coast Guard employee, sits on the Seismic Commission as well. Dvorak stated the next ESO/LEPC meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2008. ADJOURNMENT Bob Himes MOVED TO ADJOURN.The motion was SECONDED by Terry Stone, and it CARRIED by unanimous voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE By m " ..Fr d, Chair DATE APPROVED: March 6, 2008 Page 6